What is a node in a nursery. What is a node in preschool education

Educators must organize lifelong learning activities (CLC) in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for DO - in the form of a joint partnership between an adult and children. However, the teacher often remains the only central figure in the course of educational activities. This is also indicated by the fact that the level of speech activity of children remains low even in classes for the development of speech. The reason for this is largely due to the fact that educators traditionally use detailed GCD notes, where the picture of the lesson is built in great detail, down to the children's possible answers. Sometimes the teacher does not allow the children to speak out, because they are afraid that they will not have time to complete what they have planned. But after all, the goal of the NOD is to develop children, and not to fulfill a conceived scenario.

We propose to use the plan-model GCD in the work. It gives an idea of ​​the idea and logic of educational activities, reflects the sequence of actions and dialogue with children, but does not limit the educator and children in improvisation, ideas, free choice and communication.

The plan-model of continuous educational activity in terms of volume takes from 2/3 to 1 page. It does not contain educational material, poems, riddles, games. Their teacher takes from file cabinets and books, if necessary. Such a plan is easier for the educator to keep in mind than a detailed summary or script. Writing such a plan takes less time on paperwork, which allows you to quickly prepare for educational activities.

The model plan is universal - it can be used by another educator: take an idea and develop it at your own discretion.

What is the structure of the plan

The plan-model is of a framework nature, therefore it describes only the main elements of the GCD:

  • GCD stages, including goal setting;
  • key questions;
  • the situation of choice is an element of partner interaction.

Goal setting. Here we mean the goal that the educator sets for himself, that is, this is the goal of educational activity. The model plan also includes a goal setting step for children.

GCD goal setting example

The purpose of the GCD must be relevant. For example, a teacher organizes research activities in order to expand children's ideas about an object or phenomenon. But preschoolers cannot work together: they are in conflict, they cannot agree. What conclusion can be drawn? At this stage, it is more relevant in this particular group to form the skills of conflict-free communication. That is, the goal of the GCD is to organize a situation in which children develop the skills of conflict-free communication.

The modern educational process in a preschool educational institution should be variable and flexible. The teacher can build it taking into account the characteristics of the group and specific children.

The goal must be specific. It is desirable that the goal is one. A common mistake of educators is the desire to embrace the immensity. They set themselves so many goals that it is impossible to achieve them in the period of time allotted for educational activities. After all, it is necessary not only to realize the goal, but also to monitor how successfully this can be done. This does not mean that in the process of GCD pupils develop only in one direction. Integration has deeply penetrated the educational process, and children develop in different directions. But pedagogical activity during GCD will become more effective if the educator focuses on one specific goal.

The goal must be measurable. The educator will not be able to "measure" the achievement of 4-5 goals when conducting pedagogical observation. For example, how many children have made progress in mastering a skill? What level of independence do children show when performing practical tasks? How many children in the group follow the rules? And to determine whether one goal has been achieved is within his power.

The goal should be achievable and correlated with a certain period. When an educator plans educational activities, there is no need to set strategic goals. For example, it is impossible to develop a cognitive interest in children in 20 minutes, but you can create conditions for this, organize an educational situation for the development of cognitive interest. In a subsequent review, the educator will be able to list these conditions and confirm that the goal of GCD has been achieved.

The goal of the GCD must be related to the goal of a higher order. The main principle of the planning system is to follow from strategic goals (targets) to tactical ones, from annual goals to goals for the month, week, specific goals and objectives of each educational activity. Goals and objectives should be interconnected.

The objectives of the GCD should reflect the steps that the teacher plans to take in order to achieve the goal. Often, teachers' tasks are the same goals, sometimes even wider than the goal itself, which is illogical. It is also wrong to change goals and objectives for program content. Pedagogical activity cannot be aimless.

If the goals and objectives are set out correctly, they can give a general idea of ​​the planned GCD.

Motivation. The organization of the motivational stage also causes difficulties for educators. This can be judged by how monotonous the techniques they use in the notes.

Teachers who work with children preschool age, should study the methodological literature, the experience of colleagues, apply a creative approach to the process in order to arouse a lively response, genuine interest in the pupils, to captivate them with various activities. It is difficult to come up with a spectacular, motivating and mobilizing start every time, but you need to strive for this. Arbitrary attention at preschool age is only being formed, and the educator needs to try to ensure that the motive for the participation of children in GCD is their direct interest, and not the instructions of an adult.

To do this, you need to constantly replenish the piggy bank of motivational techniques. For each technique, you can come up with a conditional short name so that it is not described in detail in the plan.

Key questions. Key questions give the general logic of GCD. These are several related questions that encourage children to have a productive dialogue. Their number is 4-5, sometimes more. They make you think, reason, act and eventually lead to a result.

Questions can be motivating (inciting to action), guiding, problematic, evaluative-reflexive.

Most often, most of the questions that the teacher asks the children are of a reproductive nature, that is, the child is required to remember something, to reproduce what he was taught. These questions are also needed. But at each GCD there must be open-ended questions - those that imply detailed answers and their different options. This is especially important for older preschoolers. The more the teacher asks open questions, the more interesting the dialogue will be with the children.

Key questions should be short, clear and understandable. In the course of GCD, if the children did not immediately catch the essence of the question, it is better to repeat it several times, referring directly to individual pupils, and not to reformulate the question each time, confusing the children. You just need to give them time to think.

During the dialogue there will be more questions and answers, opinions, statements and reasoning from the educator and children. But it is impossible and unnecessary to plan and prescribe all of them if the educator seeks free communication.

Collaboration. At this stage, as well as at the next, the educator provides for the situation of choosing materials, type of activity, partner in activities and communication. Even if he gives the child not a wide choice, but only two options, this will allow the preschooler to make his own decision.

Independent work of children. This stage can not be reflected in the plan if the teacher does not involve independent work. It depends on the purpose of the NOD. But if he plans it, he must indicate his role at this stage. The teacher can:

  • conduct individual work with children who need help;
  • continue the dialogue with all pupils on the topic of GCD;
  • give additional information;
  • make notes, so that they can then be entered into individual observation maps.

Reflection is the last and obligatory stage of GCD. To form reflective skills as indicators of the personal growth of children is an important task of the educator. At the end of the educational activity, you can and should discuss:

  • the result - does it meet the goals, expectations at the beginning of the GCD (it can be collective (Did we succeed?) and individual (Did we succeed?);
  • moments that require correction (What would you like to correct?);
  • content (What did you learn? What will you tell at home?);
  • methods, sequence of activities (How did you achieve the result?)
  • interaction in the course of activities: attention to the interests of others, mutual assistance;
  • attitude to what is happening, emotional background (what mood did you work with?);
  • activity perspectives (What else can be done? What else would you like to do? Find out? Which way would you choose next time?).

GCD Model Plan Template


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Electronic presentation of the plan-model GCD

To make it more convenient for you to acquaint educators with the GCD model plan, use

for conducting an open review of the OOD or for attestation

(writing a summary of the GCD (OOD) for everyday organized educational activities is carried out by writing the topic, goals, tasks, equipment and materials, the progress of the GCD (OOD). In the calendar plan, only the name of the GCD (or OOD) topic is written. The abstract is attached in expanded form on electronic media or in paper printout (on sheets A-4, in a book or magazine version.

Compiled by: educator of the GUTO "SRTSN No. 1"

Bavshina Lyudmila Ivanovna


Title page:

Compiled by: full name, position

2nd page of abstract

Educational area:

    cognitive development;

    speech development;

    artistic and aesthetic development;

    physical development;

    social and communicative development (as part of the OOD)

transfer: socio-communicative, cognitive, speech, artistic and aesthetic, physical)

Classification (Type) OOD: __________________( write down or underline)

- according to the didactic task:

    learning new knowledge and skills

    consolidation of previously acquired knowledge

    creative application of knowledge and skills

    combined (combining didactic tasks for learning, repetition and consolidation of knowledge).

    single-theme (classical according to the sections of education)

    complex (several didactic tasks are solved at the same time (systematization of knowledge, skills and development of creative abilities, etc.). In a complex GCD, tasks of two or more types of activity are solved.

    Integrated (on the principle of combining several types of children's activities and various means of speech development). Integration can be thematically.

- according to the form of organization

    traditional OOD or GCD;

    non-traditional (excursion, competition, theatrical, consultation, role-playing game, travel, quiz, concert, intellectual game - "Connoisseurs are investigating", "Field of Miracles", "What? Where? When?", KVN, etc. )

Forms of GCD or OOD: joint activities of an adult and children

Form of organization of NOD or OOD: (Underline whatever applicable):

Individual (with one child).

Subgroup (individual-collective).

Frontal (general group)

(cognitive development, speech development, drawing, modeling, appliqué, music, physical education) - underline as necessary

Goal: the end result, what we are striving for (noun - development, creation of conditions, formation, education, strengthening, etc.).

Tasks: 1. Educational.


3. Educational. (See sample writing tasks...)

Tasks to prescribe with a verb in an indefinite form: create, strengthen, educate, implement, etc..

Tasks: Educational tasks (it is written what children will be taught in this lesson). In tasks, do not write the verb "learn"! It is more literate to write - “to promote”, “to form a skill”, “to create conditions”, “to develop”, etc.
2. Educational tasks (it is written that we will consolidate, clarify, not forgetting the development of mental functions and various properties).
3. Educational tasks (what mental, aesthetic, moral and volitional qualities will be formed).
It should be remembered that each new task is written from a new line.

Approximate formulations of the educational tasks of the GCD for the communication of new knowledge:

“Create conditions for children to get knowledge about…”

“Motivate children to self-study…”

“Enabling children, with the help of an adult, to learn about ...”

“To formulate in children the need to correctly use possessive pronouns in their own speech”

Approximate formulations of the educational tasks of the GCD of a training and final nature:

"Updating children's knowledge about ..."

"To expand the knowledge of children0 ... through the organization of independent experimental activities"

“To give an opportunity to put into practice the acquired knowledge about…”

“To consolidate the ability in independent activity ...”

    Developmental tasks are usually aimed at the development of higher mental functions (thinking, memory, imagination, attention), general, fine, articulatory motor skills, prosodic components of speech (voice, rhythm, tempo, intonation), speech breathing.

    The formulation of developmental tasks should correspond to program tasks and must begin with a verb.

    Depending on the extent to which the function that you want to work on is formed in children, the choice of the verb will be made:

    If the function is not formed, then the task will begin with the words "form ...", "start work on development ...", etc.

If the function is not sufficiently formed, or it is necessary to consolidate some skill, then the choice will be the following “continue to form ...”, “continue to develop ...”, “improve ...”, etc.

    Educational tasks are aimed, as a rule, at the development of the child's personal qualities, his emotional-volitional sphere.

    The formulation of educational tasks should correspond to program tasks and must begin with a verb.

    Depending on the extent to which the quality (property) that you want to work on is formed in children, the choice of the verb will be made:

If the quality (property) is not formed, then the task will begin with the words "form ...", "educate ...", etc.

If the quality (property) is not sufficiently formed, or it is necessary to consolidate it, then the choice of the verb will be the following: “continue to form ...”, “continue to educate ...”, “improve ...”, etc.

P preliminary work: (if carried out)with children, the entire volume of frontal and individual work with children (Conversations with children, observation, reading fiction, where they went on an excursion, what they learned, etc.)

Dictionary of new words: (if any) - for speech therapy, defectological, typhlopedagogical OOD, it is mandatory

Educational technologies:______________ (write or underline)

    ICT technologies;

    health-saving technologies;

    design technology

    research technology

    information and communication technologies;

    personality-oriented technologies;

    technology portfolio of preschooler and educator

    gaming technology

    TRIZ technology

    technologies of the subject-developing environment

    problem learning technologies

Teaching methods: ___________________________ (write or underline)


    an experience

    an exercise





    demonstration of visual aids


    teacher's story


    reading fiction


    didactic game

    imaginary situation in expanded form

    s/r game

Types of children's activities: (Underline whatever applicable)

Age category (1 year - 3 years)

Objective activities and games with composite and dynamic toys;

Experimenting with materials and substances (sand, water, dough, etc.,

Communication with an adult and joint games with peers under the guidance of an adult,

Self-service and actions with household items-tools (spoon, scoop, spatula, etc.,

Perception of the meaning of music, fairy tales, poetry, looking at pictures, physical activity;

for preschool children

Age category (3 years - 8 years)

Game activities, including role-playing, playing with rules and other types of games,

Communicative (communication and interaction with adults and peers,

Cognitive research (research of objects of the surrounding world and experimentation with them,

Perception of fiction and folklore, self-service and elementary household work (indoors and outdoors,

Construction from different materials, including constructors, modules, paper, natural and other materials (constructive-model),

Fine (drawing, modeling, application, applied art),

Musical (perception and understanding of the meaning of musical works, singing, musical and rhythmic movements, playing children's musical instruments)

Motor (mastery of basic movements) form of activity of the child.

Equipment and materials:

Demo material:



Structure of NOD (OOD):

    Introduction- 3 minutes.

    II. Main part- 15 minutes.

    c) physical education;

    III. Final part- 2 minutes.
    a) generalization of the educator;

    Progress of NOD (OOD):

Abstract writing structure

Title page:

Name of the institution (in full, according to the charter)

Summary of direct educational activities (organized educational activities)

Compiled by: full name, position

Date of event: day, month, year

2nd page of abstract

Level of general education: preschool education

Topic GCD (OOD):_________________________________

The date of the: ____________________

Time spending: ______________________

Age of students: _______________

Educational area: ____________________________ (main direction of development)

Integration of educational areas: _______________________________________________

Classification (Type) GCD or OOD: __________________________________________

NOD or OOD forms: ______________________________________________________________

Form of organization of NOD or OOD: ____________________________________________

Organized educational activities in accordance with the basic type of activity ______________________________________________________

Target: ________________________________________________________________.

Tasks: 1. Educational.


3. Educational.

Ppreliminary work: ____________________________________________

Dictionary of new words: ____________________________________________________________

Educational technologies: ______________________________________

Teaching methods: _________________________________________________

Types of children's activities: ___________________________________________

Equipment and materials:

Demo material:

Handout: Duration: Structure of GCD (OOD):

I . Introduction- 3 minutes.
a) reading the poem "Autumn" by A.S. Pushkin;
b) watching the autumn sky from the window;
c) verbal didactic game "Think up a word" (selection of adjectives for the words sky, autumn, foliage).
II. Main part- 15 minutes.
a) a conversation about weather phenomena in autumn;
b) looking at weather calendars;
c) physical education;
d) compiling stories about autumn weather;
e) naming autumn signs and sayings about autumn by children;
f) didactic game "From what tree leaf" ... etc.
III. Final part- 2 minutes.
a) generalization of the educator;
b) analysis of the GCD (about what knowledge the children showed).
And finally, the description of the course of the GCD begins.
Progress of NOD (OOD):

The course of the GCD is written in direct speech. Be sure to write all the words that the teacher will say, the expected answers of the children, the generalizations of the teacher. If during the lesson the teacher needs to perform some actions, this is indicated in the summary.

Svetlana Shirokova
Consultation for teachers. The difference between a complex lesson and GCD.

Organized and organized material: teacher of the first qualification category Shirokova Svetlana Alexandrovna

The difference between a comprehensive lesson and GCD.

(to help the teacher)

COMPLEX LESSON– implementation of tasks by means of different types of activities with associative links between them. At the same time, one type of activity dominates, and the second complements it, creates an emotional mood.

GCD (integrated)- combines knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other. At the same time, on lesson the educator has the opportunity to solve several problems of development.

The concept of INTEGRATION

Integration - a state of connectedness (mergers) separate differentiated parts into a single whole, as well as the pedagogical process leading to this state.

Integration in the directly educational area - combines knowledge from different educational areas on an equal basis, complementing each other.

The following are presented to the structure of the GCD: requirements:

1. Clarity, compactness, conciseness of educational material;

2. Reasonableness and logical interconnection of the studied material of the sections of the program on each lesson;

3. Interdependence, interconnectedness of the material of integrable objects at each stage lessons;

4. Large informative capacity of educational material used on lesson;

5. Systematic and accessible presentation of the material;

6. The need to respect the time frame lessons

GCD structure

1. Introduction. A problematic situation is created that stimulates the activity of children to search for its solution.

2. The main part. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visibility. In parallel, work is underway to enrich and activate the vocabulary, teaching coherent speech.

3. Final part. Children are offered any practical work (didactic game, drawing, etc.) to consolidate the information received or update previously learned, or the two parts are combined in the course of the GCD.

Patterns of GCD

GCD is a single whole, GCD stages are fragments of the whole;

stages and Components GCD are in logical and structural dependence;

the didactic material selected for GCD corresponds to the plan;

the chain of information is organized as "given" and "new" and reflects not only structural, but also semantic connectedness.

Writing example abstract

1. Abstract direct educational activities in the preparatory group

2. Designed according to the theme week "which?"

3. Theme: (specify subject lessons)

4. Purpose: (indicate the purpose of this lessons)

5. Tasks of GCD (tasks for the main educational area are indicated):

6. Tasks of integrable educational areas (enumerated, the task can go through several areas)

7. Estimated result:

8. Activities: (list those that will be used on lesson: productive, communicative, etc.)

9. Forms of organization of joint activities.

10. (the forms that correspond to the specified types of activities are prescribed and are used in the GCD)

11. Preliminary Work: (if it is needed)

12. Material for GCD: (transfer)

13. Participation of parents in the conduct GCD: (if needed)

Training is conducted in sections of the program. Children are given elementary knowledge that is accessible to their understanding. By mastering these sections of education, children are prepared for the assimilation of school subjects. In kindergarten, 2 - 3 GCDs are held per day, lasting from 10 to 30 minutes, depending on the age characteristics of the child, usually in the morning.

GCD structure
- Organizing time;
- the beginning of the GCD (installations to the course of the GCD);
- GCD progress;
evaluation of children's activities, summing up (the end of the GCD). Visual and game methods in combination with verbal ones predominate in the preschool educational institution. E.I. Tikheeva believed that the process of teaching children in kindergarten should be built based on visibility in teaching. She argued that, at the same time, the special organization of the environment contributes to the expansion and deepening of children's ideas.

When organizing the education of children in a preschool educational institution and conducting GCD, teachers must take into account the following requirements:
You should not mix the learning process with the game, because. in the game, the child to a greater extent masters the ways of communication, masters human relations.
GCD should be of a developing nature, ensure maximum activity and independence of the process of cognition.
Widely use didactic games for teaching purposes (board-printing, games with objects (plot-didactic and dramatization games), verbal) and game techniques, didactic material.
GCD in preschool educational institutions should not be carried out according to school technologies.
GCD should be carried out in a certain system, connected with the daily life of children (knowledge gained in the classroom is used in free activities).
In the organization of the learning process, the integration of content is useful, which allows you to make the learning process meaningful, interesting for children and contributes to the effectiveness of development. To this end, integrated and comprehensive GCD are carried out. Structure directly educational activities
The beginning of the NOD involves the organization of children:
Switching the attention of children to the upcoming activity, stimulating interest in it, creating an emotional mood, precise and clear settings for the upcoming activity (sequence of the task, expected results)

Progress (process) GCD.

Independent mental and practical activities of children, the fulfillment of all educational tasks.
In the process of this part of the GCD, individualization of training is carried out (minimal help, advice, reminders, leading questions, demonstration, additional explanation). The teacher creates conditions for each child to achieve a result.
The end of the GCD is dedicated to summing up and evaluating the results of educational activities. In the younger group, the teacher praises for diligence, the desire to do work, activates positive emotions. In the middle group, he has a differentiated approach to evaluating the results of children's activities. In the senior and preparatory groups for school, children are involved in the assessment and self-assessment of results.
Depending on the section of training, on the goals of the GCD, the methodology for conducting each part of the GCD may be different. After conducting the GCD, the teacher analyzes its effectiveness, the development of program tasks by children, conducts a reflection of the activity and outlines the perspective of the activity.

The triune goal of direct educational activity (GCD)
Educational: increase the level of development of the child
Educational: to form the moral qualities of the individual, attitudes and beliefs.
Developing: when teaching, to develop in pupils cognitive interest, creativity, will, emotions, cognitive abilities - speech, memory, attention, imagination, perception. GCD will take place correctly, fully, with the benefit of children, if before it is carried out the teacher correctly draws up an action plan, prepares and organizes everything.

In order to properly organize GCD, you need to understand some issues well and identify the difference between “occupation” and “GCD” ...

Distinctive features of directly educational activity, primarily in
* forms of organization,
* in changing the position of the teacher in relation to children,
* in updating the GCD structure.
Let's go in order...
What do the Federal State Educational Standards offer us? The educational block is excluded from the educational process, but not the learning process is excluded, but the form of classes is changing. In the joint activity of children and adults, a new form appears - directly educational activity, filled with new content. If earlier there was a position - educational activity and play, then today - play and other types of children's activities. Now we are offered to solve the set goals and objectives in the joint activities of an adult and children (GCD and regime moments) and independent activities of children. We are offered to abandon the educational model in kindergarten, i.e. from classes. And this requires teachers to turn to new forms of work with children that would allow them, figuratively speaking, to teach preschoolers in such a way that they do not know about it.
To do this, we are recommended to use: game techniques, frequent changes in activities, a variety of game tasks that allow you to create a positive emotional background, an atmosphere of ease, and achieve your goals. And it is for this that the emphasis is placed on the integration of educational areas.
If earlier in the lesson the main goal was the development of knowledge, skills, skills (ZUN), now the main goal is the genuine activity (activity) of children, and the development of knowledge, skills and skills is a side effect of this activity. The main activity is realized through children's activities.
According to the GEF, they have changed a little and you need to learn them again: (8)
- game,
- communicative,
- perception of fiction and folklore,
- construction from different materials,
- pictorial,
- motor,
- self-service and elementary household work.
The choice of activities is carried out by teachers independently, depending on the contingent of children, the level of development of the general educational program of preschool education and the solution of specific educational problems.
Examples of forms of educational activities and types of activities in Appendix 1. The next distinguishing feature is the style of behavior of an adult (teacher) changes : from administrative-regulatory to relaxed-confiding, partnership. It is necessary to remember the main theses of the organization of partner activities of an adult with children, which are pointed out by N.A. Korotkova:
- the involvement of the educator in the activities on an equal basis with the children (not “above”, not “nearby”, but “together”);
- voluntary involvement of preschoolers in activities (without mental and disciplinary coercion), and in order to achieve this, it is necessary to interest children as much as possible (motivation);
- free communication and movement of children during activities (subject to the organization of the working space);
- open time end of activities (everyone works at their own pace).
The partner position of the teacher contributes to the development of activity in the child, independence, the ability to make a decision, to try to do something without fear that it will turn out wrong, causes a desire to achieve the goal, favors emotional comfort. In the classroom, the main model of organizing the educational process is educational. The teacher voices the topic of the lesson and gives ready-made knowledge (“the teacher speaks - the child listens and remembers”). The main forms of work with children in the organization of GCD are examination, observation, experimentation, research, collecting, project implementation, workshop, etc. Here, the process of assimilation of new knowledge by children is more effective, because it is based on the personal experience of the child and his zone of interests. You can not oblige the child to understand something, he needs to be interested. Therefore, the task of the teacher is to build the GCD in such a way as to keep the child's attention, his interest, and enthusiasm for educational activities as much as possible.
Here we come to the third distinguishing feature - structure. And initially it is necessary to think over the motivation with which educational activity begins directly. Motivation can be different: practical, playful, cognitive. It should contain something that will arouse interest, surprise, amazement, delight of children, in a word, something after which children will want to do “this” thing. Before moving on to the structure of the GCD, I would like to focus on this.
One of the main features of the NOD is system-activity approach to her organization. Or simply an "activity approach" - the organization and management of the child's activities by the teacher in solving specially organized educational tasks of varying complexity and problems (L.G. Peterson). Under the conditions of the activity approach, the child-personality acts as an active creative principle, his self-development and self-actualization of his personality take place. And it is precisely from the position of the technology of the activity approach that it is necessary to observe the principles of construction, or the structure of the GCD. Here I give a simplified GCD structure, later we will analyze it, split it up and specify each part of it (full analysis in Appendix 2).
Introductory part.
1. Creation of a game situation (problem situation, target setting, any motivation), stimulating the activity of children to find its solution. There can also be any exercise for organizing children.
Main part.
2. Designing solutions to a problem situation. Taking action. Children are given new knowledge necessary to solve a problematic issue based on the content of different sections of the program based on visibility, or children themselves acquire knowledge through research, search, discoveries ...
Final part.
3. Analysis of performance results, reflection. Summing up. So, let's analyze each of the three parts ... Introductory part of the GCD, features of work on creating game motivation at different age stages.
Younger age: you inform the children that something has happened to some game characters, you turn to the children with a question whether they agree to provide the required assistance, gradually offer the children your options for getting out of this situation ...
Middle group: you can bring a character because. at this age, children have already mastered roles, or children take on a role and act in it. To do this, the teacher invites children to play. Then, together with the children acting in the role, a game task is first set (it is necessary to do something), and then a training task (we will learn how to do it).
Senior group: the main thing is not characters, but plots, plot construction (there is no character himself, but there is a letter). Plots can be long (travel in a time machine). In the course of directly educational activities, small paraphernalia, established roles, changing roles can be used.
In the preparatory group, the need to create game motivation remains, but problem situations can already be added here. A problem situation is a planned, specially conceived by the teacher means aimed at awakening children's interest in the topic under discussion. In other words, a problem situation is a situation in which the child wants to solve problems that are difficult for him, but he does not have enough data, and he must look for them himself. A correctly created problem situation contributes to the fact that the child: he formulates the problem (task), he finds its solution, solves and self-controls the correctness of this solution.
Also, games with rules can be used as motivation, children follow the rules. A competition game is used with a win setting (chips are used). Give each child the opportunity to experience win and lose situations.
In the absence of motivation, there is no development of logic.
Rules for building motivation:
taking into account age (at an older age, cognitive interest displaces game motivation);
motivation should be economical (2-3 minutes), it should not dominate, otherwise cognitive interest is lost;
completeness of the situation, the character should manifest itself during the directly educational activity.
The main part of NOD.
Having outlined a task for joint implementation (children choose a goal or several goals for themselves, goal setting), an adult, as an equal participant, offers all kinds of ways to implement it. In the very process of activity, he gradually “sets” the developing content (new tasks, methods of activity, etc.); offers his idea or his result for children's criticism; shows interest in the results of others; is included in the mutual assessment and interpretation of the actions of the participants; enhances the child's interest in the work of a peer, encourages meaningful communication, provokes mutual assessments, discussion of emerging problems. Do not evaluate the answers of children, accept any. In the process of activity, the teacher always asks the children “Why, why are you doing this?” So that the child comprehends each step. If a child does something wrong, give him the opportunity to understand for himself: “what exactly is wrong”, you can send a smarter child to help.
The final part of the NOD.
Results and reflection.
First of all, this part is characterized by an “open end”: each child works at his own pace and decides for himself whether or not he has completed the study or work. An adult's assessment of children's actions can only be given indirectly, as a comparison of the result with the child's goal: what he wanted to do - what happened.
Do not ask the children: did you like it or not? You need to ask: “Why did you do all this?” To understand whether the child realized the goal ... Or “What did you need this for?”, “Could you ever come in handy?” ...
Find someone to praise for something, not only for the result, but also for activities in the process of work. When organizing directly educational activities, the professional position of the teacher consists in a knowingly respectful attitude to any statement of the child on the content of the topic under discussion. You need to think in advance how to discuss children's "versions": not in a rigidly evaluative form (right or wrong), but in an equal dialogue. Only in this case, children will strive to be "heard" by adults. At the same time, during the entire GCD, the child finds himself in a situation in which he needs to argue, object, make a request and assessment, engage in other types of communication, i.e. talk. This is the system-activity technology.
And some more nuances in the organization of the NOD.
1. The teacher should be emotional, artistic, use maximum visibility, elements of a fairy tale, surprise, a lot of game moments.
2. Children should not sit at tables, only when working in notebooks or with handouts. They must move in the group space (the teacher uses for this dynamic, relaxation pauses, finger games, logorhythmics, game training, physical minutes, round dance games connected by a common theme).
3. And, of course, the integration of GCD, which involves changing the types of children's activities (dramatization of a fairy tale with construction from building material, making attributes for any game with theatricalization; listening to a musical work with reading poetry, examining works of fine art and drawing, etc. .d.).
You know how often the mood and interests of children change ... from this lies the advantages of GCD, change, interpenetration in various areas. The advantages of integrated GCD also lie in increasing the motivation of learning, during which a phenomenon is considered from several sides, forming a cognitive interest.
Pushing pupils to mental activity, the integrated GCD in kindergarten teaches children to receive information, thinking outside the box, compare and generalize it, and draw conclusions. You know very well that switching to a variety of activities helps to keep the attention of children, which increases the efficiency of GCD, relieves fatigue and overstrain. Children are engaged with great interest. And now, having identified the cardinal differences between the old-fashioned activity and the GCD activity, you can conclude that occupation-gcd this is an entertaining activity that is based on one of the specific children's activities (or several - integration) carried out jointly with an adult, and is aimed at mastering one or more educational areas by children (integration of the content of educational areas).
GCD should ensure the activity of children, business interaction and communication, the accumulation by children of certain information about the world around them, search and experimentation. And although the lesson changes form, the learning process remains. Teachers continue to "engage" with children. But he teaches children in such a way, I repeat, that they do not know about it. This is the main postulate of the new transformations. Attachment 1. Forms of educational activity (Examples of forms of work)Motor children's activity
- Mobile games with rules
- Mobile didactic games
- Game exercises, game situations
- Competitions, leisure
- Rhythm, aerobics, children's fitness
- Sports games and exercises.
- Attractions
- Sports holidays
- Gymnastics (morning and awakening)
- Organization of sailing
Play children's activity
- Story games, games with rules
- Creation of a game situation (by regime moments using the works of writers)
- Games with speech accompaniment
- Finger games
- Theatrical games
Productive children's activities
- Workshop for the production of products of children's creativity
- Implementation of projects
- Children's design
- Experimental activities
- Exhibitions, mini museums
Reading children's fiction
- Reading, discussion
- memorization, storytelling
- Conversation
- Theatrical activities
- Independent artistic speech activity
- Quiz, KVN
- Questions and answers
- Book presentations
- Exhibitions in the book corner
- Literary holidays, leisure.
Cognitive - research activities
- Observation, excursion
- Solving problem situations
- Experimentation, research
- Collecting
- Simulation
- Project implementation
- Intellectual games (puzzles, quizzes, joke tasks, rebuses, crossword puzzles, charades)
- Design
- Hobbies
Communicative children's activities
- Conversation, situational conversation
- Speech situation
- Making and guessing riddles
- Games and game situations (plot, with rules, theatrical)
- Etudes and performances
- Logarithmics
Labor children's activity
- Duty, assignments, assignments
- Self-service
- Collaboration Appendix 2
Full analysis of NOD.
GCD is built taking into account the activity approach, and a single technology for building classes is a problematic dialogue.
1. Introduction to the game situation (or organizational moment).
2. Motivation.

Formation of ideas about upcoming activities. (The game situation should be directly related to the topic of the lesson: what children need to be taught). The main task at this stage is the formation of interest among pupils in the content of the GCD, the direction of the attention of children, the disclosure of the educational task. Formation of skills to listen and be guided by the instructions of an adult.
3. Statement of the problem.
Difficulty in a game situation. This stage allows the teacher to introduce children to the features and objectives of the upcoming activity, or to create a problem situation that needs to be resolved.
Finding a way out of a difficult situation.
Main part
4. Updating knowledge
The tasks of this stage: actualization of existing knowledge, ideas. Creating a situation in which there is a need to obtain new ideas and skills. The activity of the teacher: with the help of leading, problematic questions, storytelling, explanation, organization of search activities, lead the children to reproduce the information necessary to successfully resolve the problem situation, or to learn something new.
5. "Discovery" by children of new knowledge, a way of action.
At this stage, the educator, using the lead-in dialogue, organizes the construction of new knowledge, which is clearly fixed by him together with the children in speech.
5. Independent application of the new in practice. Or actualization of already existing knowledge, ideas, (performance of work).
The task of this stage: mastering the methods of action, applying the acquired (already existing) skills, ideas. The activity of the teacher is to organize practical activities, provide the necessary assistance, organize interaction in achieving results.
Inclusion of new knowledge in the child's knowledge system and repetition. At this stage, the educator offers games in which new knowledge is used in conjunction with previously learned ones. It is also possible to include additional tasks for training mental operations and activity abilities, as well as tasks of a developmental type aimed at preparing children ahead of time for subsequent classes.
Final part
6. The result of the lesson. Systematization of knowledge.
Summing up the GCD from different points of view: the quality of learning new knowledge, the quality of the work performed, the generalization of the experience gained by the child. In conclusion, the teacher, together with the children, fixes new knowledge in oral speech and organizes the comprehension of their activities in the classroom using the questions: “Where were you?”, “What did you do?”, “What did you learn?”, “Who did you help?”. The educator notes: "We were able to help because we learned ..., learned ...".
7. Reflection. Formation of elementary skills of self-control, self-assessment (for a younger age - a reflection of mood and emotional state, for an older one - a reflection of activity, or the content of educational material).