Graphical dialogue systems engineering graphics. EGA, VGA and SVGA graphics cards

The tutorial covers: the basic rules for the implementation of any drawings (ESKD) and electrical circuits, methods for displaying geometric shapes, geometric space and surfaces, the use of geometric models in telecommunication theory. The main provisions of software circuitry, graphic packages of computer-aided design systems (AutoCAD, OrCAD, WorkBench) for performing two-dimensional and three-dimensional graphic work are considered.

Information and construction techniques, conditioned by the need for flat images of spatial forms, have been accumulating gradually since ancient times.

The first drawings made using rectangular projections are found on the walls of ancient temples and palaces in Egypt and Assyria. In the days of ancient Greece and Rome, rectangular and central projections on one plane were also used to build images.
In Russia, the plans of Pskov (XVI century), Moscow (XVII century) indicate that even then there was an idea of ​​axonometry.

Starting from the time of Peter 1, technical drawings relating to shipbuilding, hydraulic engineering, and architecture were made in rectangular projections.
The designs of the buildings of V. Rastrelli, the palace bridges of I.B. Kulibin, steam engines I.I. Polzunov.

1 Brief historical outline of the development of the discipline
2 Basic drawing rules
2.1 Unified system for design documentation (ESKD)
2.2 Drawing formats and design of drawing sheets. GOST 2.301-68
2.3 Scale. GOST 2.302-68
2.4 Lines. GOST 2.304-68
2.5 Drawing fonts. GOST 2.303-81
3 Rules for the implementation of schemes. GOST 2.701-84. 2.702-75, 2.710-81
3.1 Types and types of electrical circuits
3.2 Requirements for the implementation and design of schemes
3.3 Rules for the execution of electrical block diagrams
3.4 Rules for the implementation of electrical functional diagrams
3.5 Rules for the implementation of electrical circuit diagrams. GOST 2.721-74 ... 2.756-76. GOST 2.702-75. Schema content
1 Geometric shapes. geometric space. Display...
2 Basic projection methods
2.1 Center projection
2.2 Parallel projection
2.3 Oblique parallel projection
3 Monge method. Point in V, H, W system
3.1 Orthographic projection
3.2 Point in V, H, W system
4 Orthographic projections and the Cartesian coordinate system
1 Rectangular projections of basic geometric shapes
2 Projection of a straight line segment
3 Special positions (private) of a straight line relative to projection planes
4 Point on a line
5 Traces straight
6 Mutual position of two straight lines
1 plane. Setting methods
2 Plane traces
3 Line and point in the plane. Direct Special Provision
4 Straight lines of special position in the plane
5 Position of the plane relative to the projection planes
1 Mutual position of two planes, a straight line and a plane
2 Intersection of a straight line with a plane perpendicular to one of the projection planes
3 Intersection of a straight line with a plane in general position
4 Construction of a line of intersection of two planes in general position
5 Rotation of a point, line segment, plane around an axis perpendicular to the projection plane
6 Determination of natural values ​​(N.V.) of geometric elements by the rotation method
1 Surfaces. Setting and displaying the main geometric surfaces
2 Curved surfaces. Ways to set them. Surface qualifier.
Signs of classification of curved surfaces
1 The concept of coding. N-dimensional space in signal theory and coding theory
2 Representation of code sets and communication networks using graphs
1 Features of AutoCAD. Fundamentals and principles of work in AutoCAD
1.1 AutoCAD main window
1.2 Features of objects built using AutoCAD
1.3 Ensuring the accuracy of building drawings in AutoCAD
1.4 Relative coordinates
1.5 Setting the working parameters of the drawing (drawing)
1 OrCAD circuit software package
1.1 Purpose and capabilities of the OrCAD system
1.2 Basic working methods in the OrCAD package environment
2 Schematic software package WorkBench

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State educational institution of higher professional education

"Ivanovo State University of Chemical Technology"

Faculty of Chemical Engineering and Cybernetics

Department of Descriptive Geometry. Mechanical engineering drawing.

Approved by: Vice-Rector for SD

2. The place of the discipline in the structure of the BEP of the bachelor's degree

The discipline "Engineering and computer graphics" is a discipline of the basic part of the cycle of general professional disciplines (B3). The discipline "Engineering and computer graphics" is based on the principles of geometry and computer science, on the theoretical principles of the course of descriptive geometry, regulatory documents and state standards of the ESKD and the project documentation system for construction (SPDS).

The discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" is the initial basis for the end-to-end graphic training of students, continuing with the study of general professional disciplines (B3) - metrology, standardization and technical measurements, with course and diploma design, contributes to a deeper assimilation of the above disciplines and an increase in the technical literacy of future specialists.

3. Competences of the student, formed as a result of mastering the discipline.

The graduate must have the following competencies:

owns a culture of thinking, is capable of generalizing, analyzing, perceiving information, setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it (OK-1);

owns elements of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, is able to use modern software tools for performing and editing images and drawings and preparing design and technological documentation (PC-7);

is able to develop design and technical documentation, draw up completed design work (PC -11).

As a result of mastering the discipline, the student must:

Know: elements of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics, basics of geometric modeling, engineering computer graphics software;

Be able to : apply the acquired knowledge in solving spatial problems in the drawings, in determining the shape and dimensions of the product according to the drawings, read and execute drawings of connections (detachable and one-piece), read and analyze drawings of parts, assembly units and process flow diagrams, use computer graphics tools for manufacturing and drawing editing

Own skills in working with design documentation, reading and completing drawings of parts, assembly drawings, working with standards and reference materials, methods and techniques for depicting objects on a plane; modern software tools for geometric modeling and preparation of design documentation

4. Structure of discipline Engineering and computer graphics.

The total labor intensity of the discipline is 4 credit units, 144 hours.

Type of study work

Total hours


Classroom activities (total)


Practical exercises (PZ)

Seminars (C)

Laboratory work (LR)

Independent work (total)


Course project (work)

Settlement and graphic works

Other types of independent work

It is advisable to build practical exercises as follows:

1. Introductory teacher (goals of the lesson, the main issues that should be considered).

2. Quick survey.

3. Explanation of new material and solving typical problems at the blackboard.

4. Independent performance of work.

5. Analysis of typical mistakes in solving (at the end of the current lesson or at the beginning of the next).

The explanation of new material and the solution of typical problems in this discipline is carried out using multimedia presentations. The presentation allows the teacher to clearly structure the material, save time spent on drawing diagrams, images on the board, writing formulas and other complex objects, which makes it possible to increase the amount of material presented. In addition, the presentation allows you to illustrate the lecture very well not only with diagrams and drawings that are in the textbook, but also with full-color photographs, drawings, portraits of scientists, etc. An electronic presentation allows you to display the process of solving problems in dynamics, which improves the perception of the material. Students are given the opportunity to copy presentations for self-study and preparation for the test.

Since lectures are read for one group of students (20-25 people), the assimilation of the material by the bulk of students is controlled directly in the classroom by testing for individual modules of the discipline.

As part of the lectures, you can hear and discuss essays prepared by students.

To conduct classes, it is necessary to have a large bank of tasks and tasks for independent solution, and these tasks can be differentiated according to the degree of complexity. Depending on the discipline or its section, two ways can be used:

1. Give a certain number of tasks for independent solution, equal in difficulty, and set an assessment for the number of tasks solved in a certain time.

2. Issue tasks with tasks of varying difficulty and set an assessment for the difficulty of the solved task.

Based on the results of independent work, an assessment should be given for each work. An assessment of the student's preliminary preparation for a practical lesson can be done by express testing (closed-form test tasks) for 5, maximum - 10 minutes. Thus, with intensive work, it is possible to give each student at least two marks in each lesson.

Based on the materials of the module or section, it is advisable to give the student homework and, at the last practical lesson for the section or module, sum up the results of his study (for example, conduct a test as a whole for the module), discuss the marks of each student, issue additional assignments to those students who want to increase their marks for current work.

When organizing extracurricular independent work In this discipline, the teacher is recommended to use the following forms:

preparation and writing of abstracts, reports, essays and other written works on given topics.

Doing various homework assignments. This is problem solving; selection and study of literary sources; selection of illustrative and descriptive material for individual sections of the course on the Internet.

performance of individual tasks aimed at developing students' independence and initiative. An individual task can be received by both each student and a part of the students of the group;

10. Evaluation tools for monitoring progress, intermediate
certification based on the results of mastering the discipline and educational and methodological support
independent work of students

In total, a student can score 100 points in the current work, including:

Practical exercises - 26 points;

Examinations for each module - a total of 24 points;

Homework - 50 points.

The credit is given automatically if the student scored at least 52 points in the current work. The minimum number of points for each type of current work is half of the maximum.

3D Solid Modeling System KOMPAS-3, AutoCAD system, etc.

12. Logistics of the discipline (module)

For the material and technical support of the discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" are used: drawing rooms of the Department of Descriptive Geometry and Engineering Drawing, a computer class, lecture halls, an electronic library and a library subscription.

The program was drawn up in accordance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the Higher Professional Education, taking into account the recommendations and the ProOP of the Higher Professional Education in the direction and profile of training ____________.

Head of Department ___________________ ()

Reviewer(s)______________ ______________ (signature, full name)

The program was approved at the meeting

(Name of the authorized body of the university (EMC, NMS, Academic Council)
dated _______, protocol

All educational institutions "LPK" Lysva Polytechnic College ******* Not known AAK (Apastovsky Agrarian College) AAEP A.S. Pushkin AGAU AGIMS AGKNT AGNI, KSEU, KHTI AGTU ASU ASU im. Zhubanov AISI Academy of Budget and Treasury Academy of State Fire Service EMERCOM of Russia ACADEMY OF LABOR AND SOCIAL RELATIONS Alapayevsk Industrial College Almaty University of Energy and Communications ALTAI ACADEMY OF ECONOMICS AND LAW Altai State Academy of Education named after V.M. Shukshina ALTAI STATE PEDAGOGICAL ACADEMY Altai State Agrarian University ALTAI STATE COLLEGE Altai State Technical University. I.I. Polzunova ALTAI STATE UNIVERSITY Altai State Technical University named after I.I. Polzunova Altai Institute of Financial Management Altai Medical Institute Altai Pedagogical University ANO VO Automotive Transport Institute APT Achinsk Artemovsky College of Precision Instrumentation (AKTP) Arkhangelsk State. Technical University Arkhangelsk College of Telecommunications ASK GU VPO BRU Astrakhan State Technical University Baltic State. Technical University named after D.F.Ustinov BarSU Barnaul cooperative technical school of the Altai Krai consumer union V.R. Filippov BSTU BSTU im. V.G. Shukhov BSU BGUIR (Institute of Informatics and Radioelectronics) BGEU BelGUT BITTiU BNTU BPT BRSU Brest (BrGTU) BRU BTI BYU VGASU VGAU named after Peter I VGIPU VGMHA VGSKhA VGTA VGTU VGUIT VSUES VZFEI VZFEI Barnual VI SRGTU (NPI) Vitebsk state. Technological University Vinnytsia College NUHT, Ukraine EKSTU. Serikbaeva Vladimir State University VNAU VNTU VNU named after Dal Voronezh State University Voronezh State Technical University ON. Sukhoi GIEI GTU named after Bauman GUAP Gusev Polytechnic College GPT GUU Far Eastern State Agrarian University Far Eastern State Technical University (FEPI named after V.V. Kuibyshev) Far Eastern State University of Communications (FGUPS) Far Eastern State University of Communications FGTU FGUPS FEFU DSMA DSTU "Zaporizky National University" DITUD DMEA DNGU DNIPROPETROVSK NATIONAL UNIVERSITY im. Olesya Gonchara DNU TO SIBGUTI TO SUBGUTI DonGTU Donetsk National University DonNASA DonNTU DonNTU(DPI) Yekaterinburg College of Economics and Technology EMT Gumilyov ENU Izhevsk State Technical University INiG INSTITUTE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGIES AND COMMUNICATIONS Institute of Oil and Gas SibFU Krasnoyarsk INEKA IPEK Ivanteevsky College of Industry and Economics IRKUTSK STATE TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY (IGTU) technical university them. A.N. Tupolev KAZAN INNOVATIVE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V.G. TIMIRYAMOV (IEUP) KAZAN INNOVATIVE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER V.G. TIMIRYAMOVA (IEUP) KazATK Kazakh National Technical University. K.I. Satpayev Kazakhstan Innovation University KAZGASA KazGAU KazNTU KAI KamSU named after. V. Bering KampI Kama Engineering and Technical College Kamchatka GTU Karaganda state. Industrial University Karaganda GTU KATT KGASA KSUAE KGAU KGAU KGSHA KGIU KSPU KGSHA KGTA KSTU KSTU Krasnoyarsk KSTU im. Tupolev KSU KSU (Kurgan) KSU im. A. Baitursynova KSFEI KGEU KemGPPC KemTIPP KZhT UrGUPS Kiev Technical School of Electronic Appliances KIMGO KInEU KIPU, Ukraine KKHT NMetAU KMT KNAGTU KNEU KNITU-KAI KNTU KNU KNU im. M. Ostrogradsky (Ukraine) KNUBA College of Informatics GOU VPO SibGUTI KPI KrasGAU KTU KTU Ukraine Kuban State. Polytechnic University KUBAN STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER I.T. TRUBILINA KubGAU KubGTU KuzGTU KURGAN STATE UNIVERSITY KurskGTU KF MSTU im. N.E. Bauman KF OSU KFU LGTU Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University. A.S. Pushkin Leningrad State University named after A.S. Pushkin Lipetsk State Technical University LMSK LNAU Magnitogorsk State Technical University MADI (GTU) MADI (STU) Volga branch of MADI Bronnitsky branch of MAI MAMI MSTU "STANKIN" MSTU (Murmansk) MSTU GA MSTU im. Bauman MSTU im. G.I. Nosov MGTUGA Moscow State University N. Ogareva MGUIE MGUL MGUP MGUPI MGUPS MGUS MGUTU Razumovsky Tver Melitopol Industrial and Economic College MIVLGU MIIT MIC MICT MICHIS MIL Minsk State Automotive College Minsk State Higher Aviation College (HEI) MIREA MISiS MEPhI Maritime State Academy named after Ushakov Moscow State Law Academy Moscow School of Business Moscow State. University of Engineering Ecology Moscow State Industrial University MOSCOW STATE REGIONAL UNIVERSITY INSTITUTE OF ECONOMY MANAGEMENT AND LAW Moscow State Construction University Moscow State Technical University. N.E. Bauman Moscow State University Moscow State University of Design and Technology Moscow State University of Geodesyia and Cartography Moscow State University of Natural Communication Moscow State University of Railways (Miit) Moscow Humanitarian University of Moscow Moskovsky Institute of Energy Safety and Energy Saving Moscow Institute of Psychoanalysis Moscow Construction Technical School Moskovsky Institute of Moscow University of Moscow . S.Yu. Witte Moscow Financial and Industrial University "Synergy" Moscow Energy Institute (Technical University) MOSU MOSU MIA RF MPSI MPU MPET MIT MTI MFPU "Synergy" MFYuA MPEI MESI NAU National Research Tomsk Polytechnic University National Transport University, Kyiv National Pedagogical University named after M. P Drahomanov National University "Kyiv-Mohyla Academy" Kozma Minin NSPU them. Kozma Minina (Minin University) Alekseev NSU (Novosibirsk State University) NSU named after P.F. Lesgaft NGUEM Nevsky Engineering College Neftekamsk Oil College NIEV Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University. R.E. Alekseeva Nizhny Novgorod State Technical University Pavlovsk branch of NINKh NCI named after Admiral Makarov NKTI NMetAU NNGASU UNN named after Lobachevsky Novgorod State Institution Novopolotsk PSU NOVOSIBIRSK AVIATION TECHNICAL COLLEGE Novosibirsk Motor Transport College Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University Novosibirsk State Technical University NOVOSIBIRSK STATE UNIVERSITY - AND ECONOMIC UNIVERSITY "NINH" Novosibirsk Industrial and Energy College Novocherkassk Polytechnic Institute NPI NTK named after. AI Pokryshkin NTU KhPI NTUU "KPI", Ukraine, Kyiv NTUU KPI NUBIP Ukraine NUVGP NUVGP - Exactly NUVGP (Rivne) NUK im. Admiral Makarov NUFT, Kyiv NUHT NFI KemGU NKhTI OGASA, Ukraine OGPU OGPU OGTI OGTU OSU Odessa National Maritime University Oi MGUA named after Kutafin OmSAU OmSTU OmGUPS OMSK STATE AGRARIAN UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER P.A. STOLYPIN Omsk State Institute of Railways Omsk State Technical University ONPU OrelGTU Orenburg State Pedagogical University Orenburg State University Oryol State Technical University Orsha State College OTI MEPhI OU VO "SOUTH URAL INSTITUTE OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS" OHMC Pavlodar State University. S. Toraigyrova PGC PGPI PGSKHA PGTA PGTU PGTU Perm PSU PGUAS PGUPS PSUTI Penza State University Perm State Agricultural Academy Perm State Technical University Perm Institute of Economics and Finance Perm branch of the Russian State Technical University St. University PRIDNESTROVAN STATE UNIVERSITY NAMED AFTER T.G. SHEVCHENKO Primorsky Institute of Railway Transport RANHGS. Altai branch of the RAP RGATA them. P.A. Solovyov RSATU RGEEU RGKR RGOTUPS RGPPU RGRTU RSU RSU RGU of Oil and Gas (NRU) named after I.M. Gubkin RGUN RGUTIS RGEU RMAT RHA RHA RMNU Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Administration under the President of the Russian Federation Russian Academy of National Economy and Public Service under the President of the Russian Federation Russian State University of Justice RFEI RFET RKhTU Plekhanov Ryazan State Radio Engineering Academy St.Petersburg Polytechnic University Samara State University Samara State Technical University SamGUPS St. Petersburg Institute of Mechanical Engineering St. Petersburg State Technical University St. Petersburg Law Academy St. Petersburg State University of Economics St. Petersburg State Architectural and Civil Engineering University St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University St. Petersburg State Electrote Technical University LETI ST. PETERSBURG UNIVERSITY OF MANAGEMENT AND ECONOMICS St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation. SATT NArFU SGA SGASU SGAU SGPA SGSKhA SGTU SSU SGUGIT SGUPS SevKavGTU SevNTU SZGZTU SibAGS (Siberian Academy of Public Administration) SibADI SibGAU SibGIU SibGTU SibGUTI SibINDO Siberian Academy of Law of Economics and Management Siberian State Geodetic Academy of Business Siberian State University Institute of Telecommunications and Informatics Siberian State University of Telecommunications and Business Information Technologies SIBERIAN UNIVERSITY OF CONSUMER COOPERATION Siberian Federal University SIBIT SibUPK SIK SING NKSU SLI Modern Humanitarian Academy SPB GAU SPb GUMRF SPbGASU SPbGIEU SPbGLTA Kirov SPBGMU SPbGPU SPBGU "LETI" SPBGUTURP SPBSU ITMO SPBGUVK SPBGUNIPT SPBGUSE SPBGUT SPBGEU "LETI" SPBTI (TU) SPGGI SPGPU SPT SPT SPY STI MISS STK STKMIK STCHT NUKHT SMYSU SHSKIY COLLY KHARCHOVA PROMISSOVOSTY NUHT SFA SFA IASS SFFA INFI SYKTERSKIY Forest Institute Tadami State Technical University of TarSU named after M.Kh. TTT TTI SFU TTU TUIT TulGU Tula State University TUSUR THTK TEGU TyumenGASU Tyumen State Oil and Gas University Tyumen State Oil and Gas University TYUMEN STATE UNIVERSITY Tyumen Industrial University UAVIAK UGATU UGATU UG GU UGLTU UGNTU UGSHA UGTU UGTU-UPI UGKhTU UGEU UDGU UlGTU UlGU Ulyanovsk State Agricultural Academy Ulyanovsk State Technical University UO BGSHA UPI Ural State Technical University Ural State University named after A.M. Gorky Ural Institute of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations Ural College of Construction, Architecture and Entrepreneurship Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin "UrGSA UrGUPS UrGEU UrTISI (SibGUTI) URTK UUIPC Ufa State Academy of Economics and Service UFOGU FBGOU VPO "MGSU" FGBOU "VGTU" FGBOUVO "VGTU" FGOU SPO PGK FEDERAL COMMUNICATION AGENCY KHABAROVSK INSTITUTE INFOCOMMULA ) FEDERAL STATE BUDGETARY EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTION OF HIGHER EDUCATION "SIBERIAN STATE UNIVERSITY" Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution "Kabardino-Balkarian Institute for Humanitarian Research" Academy under the Government of the Russian Federation Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation KhAI Khakass State University. N.F. Katanov Kharkiv Polytechnic Institute KhGAEP KhSU KhIIK GOU VPO SibGUTI KHNADU KhNTU KhNU KhTI ChGAU ChGMA ChGPU ChGSHA ChGTU ChGU ChDTU Chelyabinsk State University Chelyabinsk Vocational Pedagogical College Chit State University Chita Forestry College ChMK CMT CPI MGOU CPT CTI IzhGTU EPI MISiS YUGU South Kazakhstan State University South Ural State University South Ural Institute of Management and Economics SUSU Kursk UI IGU SURGTU SURGTU (NPI) SURGTK SUSU YAGTU

Topic 1. The subject is engineering and computer graphics. Goals and objectives, the meaning of discipline.

Engineering graphics. Theoretical foundations for obtaining images in the drawing. projection method. Central and parallel projection. Orthogonal (rectangular) projection. Dot. Projection onto two and three mutually perpendicular projection planes. Complex drawing of a point. Projection onto an additional projection plane.

Topic 2 Axonometric projections. General information. Rectangular axonometric projections. Distortion coefficients and angles between axes. Construction of a rectangular axonometric projection of a circle.

Topic 3. Curved lines. General information. Straight. Projections of a straight line segment. Special (private) positions of a straight line relative to projection planes (level lines and projecting lines). Positional problems (mutual position of a point and a straight line, two straight lines). Construction on the drawing of a full-scale segment of a straight line of general position and angles of inclination to the projection planes.

Topic 4. Plane. Various ways to define a plane in a drawing. The position of the plane relative to the planes of projections (planes of general position, projecting and level planes).

Positional problems (mutual position of a point, line and plane, mutual position of two planes).

Metric tasks (determination of the natural size of the plane by projection onto an additional projection plane).

Topic 5. Surfaces. Surface classification. Polyhedra. Complex drawings of faceted surfaces. Point, line on the surface.

General information about curved surfaces. Surfaces of revolution: cylindrical, conical, spherical. Point, line on the surface.

The system for arranging images on technical drawings.

Topic 6. Intersection of a surface by a plane. Construction of the line of intersection of the surface with a plane and determination of the natural size of the section by projecting onto an additional projection plane.

The intersection of a surface with a straight line.

Topic 7.Surface developments. Deployment of faceted, cylindrical, conical surfaces. Conditional expansion of a spherical surface.

Topic 8. A general way to draw a line of intersection of two surfaces. Construction of a line of intersection of surfaces by the method of auxiliary cutting planes. Some special cases of intersection of surfaces.

Topic 9. Unified system for design documentation (ESKD). Types of products. Types of design documents. The procedure for setting up the production of a new product, design stages and completeness of design documentation.

Topic 10. Basic rules for the execution of drawings. Images of objects: types, cuts, sections. Inscriptions and designations.

Elements of the geometry of parts and their graphical display in the drawings. Conditional graphic image and designation of threads.

Topic 11. Requirements and rules for the implementation of certain types of graphic design documents (part drawing, general view drawing, assembly drawing, diagrams) and text design documents (specification, list of elements).

Topic 12. Types of connection of parts: detachable (fixed and movable) and one-piece. Connections by carving, soldering, gluing, welding, other types of connection of parts. Graphic image and symbol in the drawing.

Topic 13. Computer graphics. Types of computer graphics: raster, fractal, vector. Areas of application of computer graphics.

The use of geometric modeling methods in computer graphics algorithms. Models in computer graphics.

Topic 14. Automation of development and execution of design documentation. Technical and software tools. Graphic editor AutoCAD as a means of an interactive method of automating drawing and design work. Graphic primitives.

Topic 15. GOST 2. 105-95 General requirements for text documents. Rules for the design of text documents (laboratory work, abstracts, term papers, theses.) using computer technology.


Educational edition

KOCHETOV Viktor Ivanovich, LAZAREV Sergey Ivanovich, VYAZOVOV Sergey Alexandrovich, KOVALEV Sergey Vladimirovich



Editor I. V. Kalistratova Computer prototyping engineer M. A. Filatova

Signed for publication on 31.03.2010.

Format 60 × 84 / 16. 4.65 arb. oven l. Circulation 100 copies. Order No. 195.

Publishing and Printing Center of Tambov State Technical University

392000, Tambov, Sovetskaya, 106, building 14

Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation

SEI VPO "Tambov State Technical University"



Approved by the Academic Council of the University as a teaching aid

for students of 1, 2 courses of specialties

210201 200503, 200402, 220501, 230104, 240802

Tambov TSTU publishing house

R e e n s e n t s:

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of TSU named after G.R. Derzhavin

A.A. Arzamastsev

Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor of TSTU

V.M. Dmitriev

Kochetov, V.I.

K937 Engineering and computer graphics: textbook / V.I. Kochetov, S.I. Lazarev, S.A. Vyazovov, S.V.

Kovalev. - Tambov: Tambov Publishing House. state tech. un-ta, 2010. - 80 p. - 100 copies. – ISBN 978-5-8265-0907-4.

The general theoretical foundations for the construction of a drawing and the rules for the implementation of technical drawings of products are given. The rules for the design of drawings and diagrams of REA products are outlined.

Contains brief information about the use of personal computers for solving graphic problems. The materials are presented on the basis of the requirements and rules of the Unified System for Design Documentation (ESKD).

Designed for 1st and 2nd year students of specialties 210201, 200503, 200402, 220501, 230104, 240802, studying the disciplines "Engineering and computer graphics", "Descriptive geometry".

UDC 678.023.001.2 (075) LBC s 973-018.4ya73

ISBN 978-5-8265-0907-4 © Tambov State Technical University (TSTU), 2010


Drawings and diagrams as graphic design documents accompany the engineer in the course of his work. He needs them when studying the design of a product, when putting new equipment into operation, in the process of maintaining, operating and repairing equipment, when preparing applications for an alleged invention, when completing course and diploma projects.

The peculiarity and complexity of the drawings lies in the need to comprehensively take into account the requirements of the Unified Design Documentation System (ESKD) for the content and rules for the implementation of these graphic documents.

The purpose of this tutorial is to summarize in a concise form the general theoretical foundations for constructing a drawing, the rules for the implementation of technical drawings and product diagrams, the necessary information and requirements for drawings and diagrams contained in various standards and manuals, to highlight the changes that have appeared in the standards of the latest editions to the rules for the implementation of drawings .

The discipline "Engineering and Computer Graphics" prepares students to perform and read drawings in the same way that knowledge of the alphabet and grammar allows a person to read and write. The discipline "Engineering and computer graphics" consists of three structurally and methodically coordinated sections: "Descriptive geometry", "Engineering graphics" and "Computer graphics". This discipline is fundamental in the preparation of bachelors and general engineers. This is one of the main disciplines of the general engineering cycle.

This publication contains the sections "Fundamentals of the theory of drawing construction" and "Technical drawings of products", which provide the basics of descriptive geometry and engineering graphics.

The manual can also be used in the performance of term papers and theses.


1. Projection planes:


- P1 (pi)






- P4; P5, ...


2. Coordinate axes, projection axes in

space and drawing


3. New projection axes when replacing

projection planes

x1 , x2

4. Points in space - capital

letters of the Latin alphabet,

as well as numbers

A, B, C, ...; 12, …

5. Lines in space - by points,

defining a line, or lowercase

letters of the Latin alphabet

l ,m ,n , …

6. Angles in space - lowercase

a , b , …

Greek alphabet letters

7. Planes - lowercase letters

a , b , …

Greek alphabet

8. Basic operations:

sign =

a) equality, coincidence

b) parallelism


c) perpendicularity

sign ^

d) belonging

sign О

e) crossing

sign Ç

1. Fundamentals of the theory of drawing construction

1.1. Projection types

AT The construction of all images presented in descriptive geometry is based on two methods of projection: central and parallel.

If all the rays, called projecting lines, are drawn from one point S (the center of projection), then

the image of an object obtained on the projection plane P0 is called its central projection.

For example, the central projection of an object (parallelepiped) is obtained in this way: from the point of vanishing rays S (Fig. 1.1, a), called the center of projections, a number of rays are drawn through the most characteristic points of the object until they intersect with the projection plane P0.

AT As a result, we obtain an image of an object, called its central projection. This image is enlarged because the dimensions of the image do not correspond to the actual dimensions of the subject. Therefore, central projections in engineering drawings are almost never used.

If the vanishing point of the rays (projection center S) is mentally transferred to infinity, then we get an axonometric projection of the object (Fig. 1.1, b). When constructing an axonometric projection of an object, the latter is also placed in front of the projection plane P0, but the projecting rays are carried out parallel to each other.

Axonometric objects give a visual, but distorted image of the object: right angles are converted into sharp or obtuse, circles into ellipses. In technology, axonometric projections are used only in cases where a visual representation of an object is required.

In engineering drawings, rectangular (orthogonal) projections are the most common, which are a special case of parallel projection. Projecting parallel rays make a right angle with the projection plane (hence the name "rectangular projections").

The object (Fig. 1.1, c) is placed in front of the projection plane so that most of its lines and flat surfaces (for example, edges and faces of a parallelepiped) are parallel to this plane. Then these lines and surfaces will be displayed on the projection plane in a real form. In the future, we will study the rectangular projection of an object.


1. Each point and line in space are projected respectively into a point and onto a line (Fig. 1.2).

2. A straight line segment parallel to the plane of projections (Fig. 1.2) is projected onto this plane in full size ( MN ||M 1 N 1 ).

3. The projection of a segment cannot be greater than the segment itself ( C 1 D 1 ≤ CD ).

4. If a point belongs to a line, then the projection of the point belongs to this line (Fig. 1.3).

5. If the lines are parallel, then their projections are parallel to each other (Fig. 1.3).

6. The ratio of the line segments is equal to the ratio of the projection of these segments (Fig. 1.3), (Falles' theorem).

7. The projection of a geometric figure in size and shape will not change with a parallel movement of the projection plane (Fig. 1.4).

Projection images used in the execution of drawings must meet the following basic requirements:

be reversible, i.e. such that they can be used to make the depicted object;

be visual, i.e. such that they can represent the subject;

have a relative simplicity of graphic construction.

1.3. Point projections on two projection planes

Orthogonal projections are a system of rectangular projections on mutually perpendicular planes.

An orthogonal spatial model is constructed as follows: two mutually perpendicular planes P1 (horizontal projection plane) and P2 (frontal projection plane) are distinguished in space, which are taken as the main projection planes. The line of intersection of these projection planes is called the projection axis and is denoted by the letter x (Fig. 1.5).

The construction of the projection of point A in the system of planes P1 and P2 is carried out as follows: drawing perpendiculars from point A to P1 and P2, we obtain the projections of the point - frontal A 2 and horizontal A 1.

P 1A 1

Let's combine the plane P1 with the plane P2, rotating around the line of intersection X . As a result, we obtain a complex drawing (Monge diagrams) of point A (Fig. 1.5, b). To simplify the complex drawing, the boundaries of the planes P1 and P2 do not indicate

(Fig. 1.5, b).

Lines A 1 A x and A 2 A x - are called communication lines of the projection of the point A.

│A 1 A x │=│AA 2 │; │A 2 A x │=│AA 1 │.

Turning to the complex drawing, we have lost the spatial picture, but as we will see further, such a drawing ensures the accuracy and readability of images with a significant simplicity of construction.

1.4. Point projection on three projection planes

AT practice of drawing up drawings and in solving some problems, it becomes necessary to introduce a third

projection plane perpendicular to the two available. This new projection plane is designated P3 and is called the profile projection plane (Fig. 1.6, a). Three projection planes divide the space into eight octants, which are numbered in the order shown in Fig. 1.6a. In the course of engineering graphics, when performing images, the subject is placed in the I-th octant.

To form a complex drawing, P1 and P3 are combined with the plane P2. The result is a three-projection complex drawing, for example, points A with axes X, Y and Z (Fig. 1.6, b).

The segments of the projecting lines from point A to the projection planes are called point coordinates and are denoted:

X A - abscissa; Y A - ordinate; Z A - applicate (Fig. 1.6).

If the coordinates of point A are given (for example, X A \u003d 20 mm, Y A \u003d 22 mm, Z A \u003d 25 mm), then three projections of this point can be built (Fig. 1.6, b).

1.5. Projection of a straight line and its various positions relative to the projection planes

A line is the set of all successive positions of a moving point.

A straight line is a kind of line, the moving point of which does not change the direction of its movement. To build a projection of a straight line on a two-projection complex drawing, consider a spatial model (Fig. 1.7, but).

We construct a rectangular projection of the segment AB as follows: we lower the perpendiculars from points A and B on the plane P1 and P2, we obtain the corresponding horizontal projections A 1 and B 1 and frontal projections A 2 and B 2 of these points. Connecting the projections with straight lines, we obtain the desired horizontal and frontal projections of the segment AB. The complex drawing is shown in fig. 1.7b.

In addition to the general position, a straight line can occupy the following particular positions relative to the projection planes:

a) straight line AB (h), parallel to the horizontal plane of the projection P1 - horizontal. Frontal horizontal projection A 2 B 2 || axisОХ, and the horizontal projection of the horizontal is projected to the actual size of the segment A 1 B 1 \u003d

AB (Fig. 1.8, but);

b) the straight line CD (f), parallel to the frontal plane of the projections P2, is called the frontal. Here C 1 D 1 –

frontal E 2 F 2 projections are located on one perpendicular to the axisОХ, and the profile projection is equal to the natural value of the segment: E 3 F 3 \u003d EF (Fig. 1.8, c).

Projecting lines

Depending on which projection plane they are perpendicular to, the projecting lines are:

a) horizontally projecting - WUA 1 (A2 B2 x, Fig. 1.9, a); b) front-projecting - CDP 2 (C1 D1 x, Fig. 1.9, b);

c) profile-projecting - EFP 3 (E2 F2 z, E1 F1 y, Fig. 1.9, c).

a) b) in)

1.6. Point on a line

Let a complex drawing of a direct general position of the line AB (Fig. 1.10) and a frontal projection of a point K (K 2 ) belonging to this line be given. Then the horizontal projection of this point belongs to the line AB. This follows from property 4 (p. 7) of parallel projections.

1.7. Right Angle Projection

When solving graphic problems, one of the main geometric operations is to draw mutually perpendicular straight lines, a straight line and a plane, planes on a complex drawing.

We formulate without proof the following theorem on the projection of a right angle onto the projection plane: if one side of the right angle is parallel to the projection plane, and the second is not perpendicular to it, then the right angle is projected onto this plane without distortion (Fig. 1.11).

AB P1 ;

AB P1 ;

A1 B1 C1 =90°.