How to understand that a person is lying and expose a liar? Foreign press about Russia and beyond.

Perhaps, knowledge that will decipher and tell us how to understand that a person is lying is useful to everyone today. It's easy if learn a few secrets and be able to use them.

Psychology will put everything in its place, and gestures, facial expressions, phrases and looks will help you find out that a person is lying.

Nobody is immune from lies. Some people lie in small things, trying to reveal only half-truths, for some, lying is a hobby, and for some, it’s a habit. But there is a category of people for whom lying has become a profession and each of us can be in the place of the victim of such a liar.

How can you protect yourself from lies and determine that a person is lying? Help to figure it out advice from psychologists capable of analyzing human behavior and revealing the main signs of a lie.

  1. Minimum gestures. People who talk from the bottom of their hearts are always emotional. They gesticulate, trying to draw attention to their problem. The gestures of the liar are minimal, he keeps them under control and uses them only unconsciously. It is the subconscious signals that help us to know that a person is lying.
  2. When a person lies, he trying to cover his face with his hands: often touches the forehead, lips or nose.
  3. You can recognize a liar by his look - he tries not to make eye contact, his pupils are constricted. A liar blinks very rarely and rarely fixes his eyes on one point.
  4. The person who tells lies keeps a closed posture: crosses his arms over his chest or hugs himself a little.
  5. If a person is not used to lying, he maybe a little nervous, fiddling with a pen, sheet of paper or any other object. But this also happens with people who are insecure.
  6. Interlocutor who lies can take a short break in the conversation: cough or drink water.

In fact, it is sometimes very difficult or almost impossible to determine that a person is lying. Some people are so believe in their lies that they are very difficult to convict with the help of gestures and facial expressions. Such individuals lie all the time, a lie for them is a certain way of life or even a disease. But even here there are a couple of secrets to recognize whether a person is telling the truth or not.

If a person keeps repeating phrases like“I never lie” or “Have I ever lied to you?” means he wants to hide the truth.

If your interlocutor does not have a phenomenal memory, then after a while he will forget the details about which he lied. He will repeat a well-thought-out lie to the smallest detail, but specific questions will certainly unbalance him. Ask to describe the situation in more detail or specify the circumstances under which it occurred. Usually liars begin to get confused in the details or come up with ridiculous situations.

Sometimes, during such checks, a person can behave aggressively or vice versa, wants to arouse pity in the interlocutor or win him over. In such conversations a liar often tries to change the subject or answer a question with a question. Try to play by the rules of the interlocutor and take the conversation in a different direction. You will notice that the person has relaxed, calmed down and does not intend to return to the exciting topic anymore.

Where does a person look when he lies?

We promised to tell you how to understand that a person is lying in his eyes and where he is looking in this case. Many people gives a look, they may even look you in the eye, but they continue to lie.

When a person speaks the truth, his gaze is directed inward, as if into himself. He speaks in a measured tone, his lips pursed. Liar, on the other hand, looks up and into the distance as if contemplating a non-existent object. He speaks too fast or, on the contrary, too slowly. It can also betray the deceiver gaze to the right.

Thinking up a situation, a person can slightly turn his head to the right and look up. At the same time, he, as it were, imperceptibly tries to look at the interlocutor, studying his reaction.

How to understand that a person is lying to you by correspondence?

It happens that we cannot establish visual contact with the interlocutor. And here there are a couple of tricks. When a person is far away, he relaxes and can use words that will certainly give him away.

There is one revealing story of how a girl exposed her boyfriend in a lie after reading his message. The guy wrote to his girlfriend something like this message: "I'm at home, and I'll be there until the evening." After reading it, the girl realized that she was being deceived. After all, if her beloved was really at home, he would write "here" and not "there." So, people are betrayed by carelessly spoken phrases. It is important to learn to read between the lines and catch such inconsistencies.

At the level of speech, longer pauses are possible when answering a question, an excessively loud timbre of the voice, a change in pace from fast to slow, and the absence of logically constructed statements. You can also immediately recognize a lie if the interlocutor begins to praise you for no reason and tries to divert the conversation in a different direction.

The purpose of this behavior tactic is to divert attention by any means and make you automatically change the topic of conversation. Vigilance and constant monitoring of a partner will quickly bring a person to clean water. At the same time, do not hesitate to show that you suspect the interlocutor of deceit. Feeling something was wrong, the liar will either stop the dialogue, or retreat on his own.

Hidden signs

The behavior of a person who lies can be understood by gestures and facial expressions. Frequent touching of the face, nose, lips, looking away, scratching the nose, massaging the earlobe - all this indicates dishonesty of the partner. Additional signals are crossed arms and legs in a sitting position, excessive tension, a desire to turn away, fingering any object or strand of hair.

As a rule, all of the above symptoms appear in combination. Additionally, you can notice behavior that is inadequate for a person and the desire to end the conversation faster. Try changing the topic of the conversation to the opposite. If the partner does this quickly and with pleasure, then you should think about it. Do not forget to trust your intuition, which will tell you for sure that the interlocutor is deceiving.

Everyone uses a lie - someone out of sports interest, someone for the sake of their salvation, someone for selfish purposes. Yes, and you yourself sometimes sin this too, don’t you? But how do you know if a person is lying?

Features of speech

Even if you are talking on the phone and do not see the eyes of your interlocutor, you may well understand when you are being told a lie. The speech of a liar has some peculiarities. Let's take a look at them.

It is possible to determine that a person is lying by “extra words”. This is especially noticeable if you know the interlocutor well and know that he does not suffer from such speech garbage. If, however, unusual “so to speak”, “well, for example”, etc. suddenly appeared in the speech, it is quite possible that they are lying to you. And the bottom line is that a liar can come up with something on the go and will try to mask the pauses with all sorts of “so to speak”.


Too many words. This includes "somewhere", "somewhere" and so on. “I will do something for you” means that nothing will be done for you. This also includes expressions that indicate a person’s insecurity: I will try, I will try, I will make an effort, I will try to help you. Here are the introductory words: perhaps, perhaps ...

You are assured of authenticity

Do not even doubt that if you are told "do not even doubt", you are definitely being lied to. This is true, because the liar projects onto you doubt in his sincerity.

Just not wanting to speak

It is your unwillingness to lie.


I just want to tell you ... after all ... only ... A person who has such words in his speech unconsciously (or consciously) feels guilty or embarrassed.

Ask him for details

And remember. Over time, the liar will definitely get confused in them and there will be inconsistencies in the story. If there are too many details and without questions, you can also suspect that you are being told false information.

Gesture hints

How to recognize a lie by the movements and plasticity of a person? Pretty simple. Here are some labels.
  • Minimum gestures during speech. If a person tells the truth, there will be many gestures: this is how he splashes out his own emotions, trying to stir him up. If there are almost no gestures, or a person is standing like an idol, perhaps he is now lying. Gestures perfectly betray us.
  • If the person is very mobile, make sure that the gestures match the words. For example, if a person agrees with everything, but shakes his head in the negative (a classic example!), the body is telling the truth.
  • The liar may be hiding from you. No, not in the pantry, but at the computer, for example, or at the table. Again, even a person with a weak intellect understands that his body will definitely betray him.
  • The power of touch. How to find out that a person is lying using a piece of paper? Look what he does with it. A liar will definitely turn a piece of paper, a curl, a pencil, a flash drive in his hands. However, this does not apply to overly emotional people who always do this. And a lying person constantly touches his face. Particular attention should be paid to the lips. If a person constantly touches them, he is definitely lying. Also, the lips can be closed, or a person will bite them. However, if this is just a habit, do not pay attention.
  • The man takes a break. For example, to drink coffee or smoke, coughs. During this time, he can come up with a continuation of his lies, if anything. This also does not apply to nervous and emotional people.
  • A liar may hug himself during a conversation, or deviate. And also move back sharply. In addition, during a lie, gestures will be closed.
  • The liar is very tense during the conversation. He may not blink when speaking.
  • It becomes difficult for him to speak. Sometimes with a lie, the throat begins to dry up and the breath gets confused. It will be noticeable.
  • Another alarm signal is when a person sharply tilts his head at a direct question. It doesn't matter if it's back or to the side. Also, make sure the person is not poking their fingers at you or somewhere else. This may indicate that he was angry that he was caught in a lie.

Other tricks of liars

Pay attention to the person's communication style. Sometimes he will not give himself away with a single gesture, but will change his communication style. We pay attention to such changes too.

Insincere behavior

It is always noticeable. A person can try on a new role in order to hide his lie. A striking example is a girl admiring her friend's new hairstyle. In fact, the hair color or hairstyle may be terrible, but the girl may gloat over the failure of a competitor.

Liar includes "fool"

If you ask a person a question, and he pretends that he did not understand its essence, most likely you will fall behind: what to take from him. And the liar will breathe a sigh of relief. This will differ markedly from a real misunderstanding in hypertrophy and emotionality. From the same series, the inclusion of amnesia when you need to comment on any situation.


If the interlocutor does not want to reveal the truth, then he can begin to accuse you, and of all sins at once, and translate the arrows. Crushed by guilt, you are unlikely to continue to search for the truth.


The liar will blame everyone except himself. He will blame for everything on you, on a neighbor, on a colleague.

Luscious affection and flattery

This method is used by many who want to cloud your mind and distract from the topic of conversation.

Religion cover-up

If a liar cannot justify himself in any way, he may begin to cry out to God and crucify himself on the topic that religion will not allow him to do this. This is also a lie.


A liar can not only translate the topic of conversation or appeal to God, but also defiantly go to work or be distracted by important matters, so as not to speak to the point. Such a zero for the mass is obtained. This is also a way to lie.

All of the above are just very generalized behaviors of people who lie. You should not blame a person for lying, who simply has a bad nervous system. Just look into your eyes and much will become clear.

When a provocative publication publishes an article titled "How to tell if a woman is lying to you in a text message?", certain suspicions immediately arise about the content of this article.

Lie analysis

In this case, we're talking about a preprinted version of a Cornell University study that says women use longer sentences and non-binding words when they want to deceive someone in a text message.

How true is this statement? It's time to find out. The preprint contains explanations of how a team of scientists used an impressive database of existing messages sent on the Android system by a large number of men and women, including students.
It says that previous studies examining lies in text messages had very small sample sizes, and this study aims to remedy this shortcoming. Previous research shows that people who want to cheat use more personal pronouns, such as "personally," as well as short, indefinite sentences with less complex vocabulary. Does this also apply to text messages?

Can correspondence betray deceit?

The text messages were analyzed for word choice, content, context, and how true they turned out to be based on the events that followed. The researchers started with 1,703 conversations, and when they discarded all that contained no lies at all, there were 351 conversations left. In these conversations, both men and women used longer sentences when they wanted to lie.
For women, sentences containing lies are 13 percent longer than usual, while for men this percentage is significantly lower - only 2%. Although there is a difference in how writer-oriented words (such as "I" and "me") are used, both men and women show a slight increase in their use in untruthful reporting. The same goes for the variety and frequency of use of non-specific phrases such as "probably" and "possibly".

Students lie differently than everyone else

Interestingly, in the case of students, deceptive sentences were 25 percent longer than truthful sentences, while non-students averaged 0.12 percent. And at the moment, scientists cannot say why this happened.
Both students and others used non-specific phrases such as "probably" and "perhaps" when they wanted to lie. Non-students showed an 18 percent increase in the frequency of such phrases, while those of students increased by an incredible 111 percent. So yes, women use longer sentences and vague phrases when lying in a text message, but so do men. However, the most interesting thing among what was found during the study is that students lie in a completely different way from other people.

Dating on the Internet has two problems: you run the risk of falling in love with a guy who lives on the other side of the world; you risk falling in love with a guy who doesn't exist because Mr. X fooled you with a social media account.

In the first case, only emigration will help. But, in order not to get into the second story, you can do something. You can recognize a liar even at the stage of virtual communication. Here are a few signs that will help you understand that the guy exaggerates his achievements.

1. It sounds too good to be true.

Many exaggerate their real merits in social networks or dating applications, but there is a limit to everything. If a guy claims to be a bodybuilding champion, a petroleum engineer, an award winner in the field of science and innovation, and in the evenings writes texts for Olga Buzova's hits, something is clearly going wrong. We do not rule out that such a person exists somewhere, but it will still not be superfluous to check.

2. He wants to talk about all the girls he's had

The next time you run into a guy who only sees women as a tool for self-assertion, run. Such people are either complete jerks or incurably weak insecure personalities, I hope that none of these qualities in a partner attracts you.

"I dated a model, a fitness trainer, a singer, 1.85 buxom twins - welcome to my collection!"

Seriously, man, are you so insecure that you're already trying to make me jealous?

3. Talks only about himself

If you're just getting started with a guy, but you already feel like he's too concerned about trying to convince you of his irresistibility, it looks like he really has nothing to show. Such a person seems to be arguing with someone all the time, giving new arguments why he is good. The fault, of course, is insecurity, and do not try to justify him by saying that he really wants to please. Believe me, he hardly thinks about anyone but himself. Get in touch with one - get ready to massage his ego regularly.

4. Fitness freak

We are attracted to guys with a good figure, but some guys go too far. If you decide to turn your body into a temple, then I'm sorry - I'm not religious and I'm not ready to worship someone's divine forms. Unfortunately, many who are fond of the gym develop brain fitness. When a person can't talk about anything other than the number of sets and the size of their cans, it's a sign of limitations. I am for a healthy lifestyle, but I do not consider the ability to eat right and a pumped up body a serious achievement. In addition, such people often have much more talk about sports than real success in it.

5. Talks about work in general terms

If you took a sip of wine every time you see the words “entrepreneur” or “self-employed” in the profile of another guy, you would pass out already in the 10th minute of viewing. When a guy writes that he has his own business, but does not explain what it is connected with, does not provide any links to the site, and generally gets off with vague phrases, you should not take his entrepreneurial ambitions seriously. AT recent times too often the words "businessman", "self-employed" and "startup" become synonymous with the word "unemployed".

6. Pulls away when you mention a meeting.

It's hard not to take it personally when a guy talks to you online but avoids meeting you in person. Although, if it's you, why is he happy to continue the correspondence. Sometimes the fear of personal contact is a clear sign that a person has said too much about himself. Now he guards his myth from the harsh reality and tries to delicately get away from your offers to spend time together.

7. It's hard to tell what he looks like from his photos.

Always wearing sunglasses? In a dark room? In a crowd of people? It's strange if his best photo shows him in a Halloween costume or from the back. I always prefer to imagine that behind such a profile lies a modest fellow with the appearance of James McAvoy. Although, life is cruel and teaches that if a guy has something to show, he will definitely do it. Millions of selfies from gyms will confirm this.