Krasnoyarsk time now. Time in krasnoyarsk, krasnoyarsk region, russia

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Krasnoyarsk, Russia - general information

The duration of an earthly day is determined by the time it takes the Earth to rotate around its axis, and is 24 hours. The consequence of the rotation of the Earth is both the change of day and night, and the fact that when moving from west to east at 15 ° longitude, local solar time, determined by the apparent position of the Sun, increases by 1 hour.
In everyday life, official local time is used, which differs to a greater or lesser extent from solar time. The entire surface of the Earth is divided into time zones (in other terminology - time zones). Within the same time zone, the same time is used. The boundaries of time zones are determined by considerations of convenience and, as a rule, coincide with interstate or administrative boundaries. The time difference between neighboring time zones is usually one hour, although in some cases the time in neighboring time zones differs by two or more hours. There is also a time shift of 30 or 45 minutes.
For most countries, the entire territory of the country is within the same time zone. The territory of countries stretching from west to east for a considerable distance, such as Russia, USA, Canada, Brazil and a number of others, is usually divided into several time zones. The exception is China, throughout which Peking time is used.
The reference point for determining the time zone offset in time is Coordinated Universal Time or UTC. UTC corresponds to mean solar time at the zero or Greenwich meridian. Time zone offsets from UTC range from UTC-12:00 to UTC+14:00.
Almost all countries in Europe and North America, as well as a number of other countries, set their clocks forward an hour in the spring, to summer time, and in the fall, one hour back, to winter time. The offset of the respective time zones from UTC changes twice a year. However, most countries in the world do not practice such a clock change.

In ancient times, knowing the exact time was not a daily need for a person. It was enough to determine the outcome of the day, and the position of the sun in the sky was considered the main criterion for this. The solar day begins exactly at noon, and this time is determined by the location of the shadows on the sundial. For many years and centuries, this method was the main one and was used to count days. But the development of society and technological progress inexorably began to require accurate knowledge not only of days, but also of hours and minutes. After the sun, hourglasses appeared, and are now used to measure accurate minutes in medical procedures and laboratory research, as well as tower, desktop, wall, and wrist watches.

The need for accurate time in modern life.

Why do you need to know the exact time? In the modern world, without this, the whole way of life and mode of life would be violated, giving way to chaos and disorder. The transport system and industry would freeze, people would be late for educational institutions and for work. According to the schedule tied to the exact time, buses run, trains run and planes fly. Modern financial relationships, which include such a word as "delay", cannot exist separately from exact hours, minutes and seconds.

Time Zones

The territory of the earth is so vast that in one part of the globe the sun sets, and at the same time in another place people wake up under the rays of the rising star. To organize geographic distances relative to the exact time, scientists have come up with time zones. The surface of the earth is theoretically divided into 24 such zones: according to the number of hours in a day. The conditional band is approximately 15 °, and within this interval the time differs by an hour from the time of the neighboring ones, +/-. The countdown is from the Greenwich meridian and this time is called "Greenwich Mean Time" (GMT). Recently, a more advanced reference system has been used - coordinated universal time (UTC).

Current time online

In Soviet times in Russia, the time standard was the clock on the Spasskaya Tower of the Moscow Kremlin. It was they who were verified for the accuracy of the course, and all the other watches of the country, from small to large, were equal to them. Today, the exact time with seconds can be found on specialized sites on the Internet, for which you just need to go to their pages. At the same time, the exact time will change online, and you can easily navigate by time zones to find out what time it is at the moment in Los Angeles, Moscow or Yekaterinburg.

Krasnoyarsk time zone UTC + 7 hours. Time difference between Krasnoyarsk and Moscow + 4 hours. Here you can find out what time it is in Krasnoyarsk. Local time in Krasnoyarsk online:

If you want to know what time it is now in other cities, go to the section.

Krasnoyarsk is located in the UTC + 7 time zone. Krasnoyarsk time is 4 hours ahead.

Distance from Krasnoyarsk to Moscow- 4150 km.

Distance from Krasnoyarsk to Novosibirsk 797 km.

Distance from Krasnoyarsk to Irkutsk- 1060 km.

Population of Krasnoyarsk: 1 million 35 thousand people.

Telephone code of Krasnoyarsk: + 7 391.

Krasnoyarsk Emelyanovo Airport(Krasnoyarsk Emelyanovo Airport) Code: KJA: 663021, Russia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Emelyanovsky District, Krasnoyarsk Airport (Emelyanovo). Help desk phone: +7 391 290 46 37.

Sights of Krasnoyarsk:

Krasnoyarsk- a large Siberian city - a millionaire, picturesquely located on two opposite banks of the river Yenisei at a distance of 4,000 kilometers from Moscow. The right flat bank is connected to the left one, consisting of high terraces, by a huge bridge, the length of which is more than two kilometers.

Before the revolution Krasnoyarsk was the place of exile of the Decembrists, here was the transit point for all the other convicts before being sent to hard labor located on Sakhalin and in the Irkutsk province. After all, here since 1628 there was a Krasnoyarsk prison, which protected the whole country from the raids of the Tatars.

Like an industrial city Krasnoyarsk began to develop even before the revolution, the ironworks in the vicinity of the city began to be built in 1756. The construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway had a favorable effect on the enlargement of the city: a locomotive depot was built here, and railway workshops were opened.

Thanks to Trans-Siberian Railway trade in timber, furs, fish and bread revived. Even before the war, a pulp and paper mill, a shipyard and a power plant, as well as the Sibtyazhmash plant, famous throughout the country, operated in this city. When large enterprises from other cities were moved here during the war, this further strengthened the city's economy.

Today at Krasnoyarsk there are more than thirty thousand enterprises operating - these are timber processing, mining, mechanical engineering, and the chemical industry. There are eight institutes in Krasnoyarsk, one university and the Academy of Nonferrous Metals and Gold. The city has five theaters, a circus and a philharmonic society, two exhibition halls, and six museums.

Near the city begins the territory of the unique nature reserve "Lena Pillars", where you can see very rare geological rock formations in the form of a stone forest. AT Krasnoyarsk many historical monuments - Blagoveshchenskaya and Pokrovskaya churches and old mansions of local merchants.

Krasnoyarsk residents are very proud of the fact that a clock tower was built in their city, the second after Moscow. Outwardly, it looks a bit like the London Tower known all over the world, which is why it got the name "Krasnoyarsk Big Ben".

The author of the project is a talented Siberian architect Areg Demirkhanov. Construction began in the 70s of the last century, but due to financial problems, the facility had to be mothballed. Decades later, the city leadership decided to reconstruct and complete the tower. For these purposes, a charitable foundation was created. Donations were made by both enterprises and ordinary residents of the city.

The grand opening took place already in the new millennium, on September 8, 2001. There are four dials on the tower - from whichever side a person enters the center of Krasnoyarsk, he will be able to find out the exact time by looking at the beautiful tower. The watch is 6.5 meters in diameter and weighs 1.5 tons. Interestingly, they were not made at a watch factory, but at an enterprise that produces military satellites.

The melody of the clock, resounding every hour, is the music of the anthem of the Krasnoyarsk Territory. It sounded over the city all these years. In December 2017, the melody on the clock was replaced, now the dance of the Dragee Fairy from the ballet by P.I. Tchaikovsky sounds. The replacement is temporary - until January 14, 2018. The city authorities wanted the fabulous music that sounds over the city every hour to create a festive mood.

The Clock Tower is located near the Embankment and the Communal Bridge, which connects the two banks of the Yenisei. Therefore, the inhabitants of the city gave her a second name: "Big Ben on the Yenisei".