Surrounding prerequisites for learning activities. Formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children

Purpose: increasing the professional competence of a young educator

To systematize the knowledge of young professionals in the field of using various forms and methods of working with children of preschool age during various regime moments;

Help to adapt in the team;

Contribute to the active development of ways to interact with the families of pupils;

To acquaint with the possibilities and ways of increasing professional competence.


Organization of the work of the School of a young teacher

Organization of mentoring for young teachers who have problems in practical teaching activities.

Definition of teachers-mentors for young professionals


Deputy Head of UVR

1. Interview with young teachers of the preschool educational institution

2. Questioning

Definition of areas of work

Identification of difficulties in theoretical and practical pedagogical activity

Memo to educators: "Rules of conduct in a preschool educational institution with children and parents"


Deputy Head of UVR

Educational psychologist

1. Consultation: "Documentation of the educator"

Consultation: "The structure and content of the PLO DOW"

Consultation: "FSES: directions of development and targets in preschool education"

2. Planning and organization of work on self-education

Acquaintance with the structure and content of the program "From Birth to School"; normative documents on the organization of the educational process (FSES, SanPin)

Orient teachers to the constant replenishment of knowledge, mastery of advanced methods and techniques in working with children, the preparation of the necessary documents.

Deputy Head of UVR

Deputy Head of UVR

Deputy Head of UVR

1. Consultation: "Forms and methods used in the organization of regime moments"

2. Consultation: "Organization of a walk"

To systematize knowledge about the features of organizing regime moments with preschool children.

To systematize the skills of interaction with children during a walk (during work, play, individual activities)

Vakulina N.I. (re-


Deputy Head of UVR

1. Workshop:

"Form of work with parents"

2. Consultation: "Kindergarten and family"

Developing communication skills with parents.

Memo: "Tips for Parent Meetings"

To reveal the essence of interaction with parents through non-traditional forms of work

Deputy Head of UVR

Horoshilova T.E. (tutor)


"Game and personality development of a preschooler"

2. Consultation: "Psychological development of a preschooler"

To systematize the skills of organizing and managing children's creative games.

Familiarize yourself with the form of organizing an independent game (in the afternoon)

To orient teachers to the features of conducting didactic games.

Inform educators about creating conditions for protecting the child's nervous system from stress and overload.

Rakova V.I. (tutor)

Educational psychologist

1. Consultation: "Cooperation between the educator and the music director"

Memo: "The center of music in the group"

2. Workshop: "We develop the creative abilities of preschoolers"

To reveal the essence of the interaction of specialists to achieve the best results in the development of children.

Organization of cooperation in conducting integrated classes

Khaneeva S.Yu. (music guide)

Lemke E.Yu.

1. Seminar: "Methods and techniques used in the organization of GCD"

2. Practical activity: View open sessions with analysis and introspection.

To systematize knowledge about the use of game, verbal, visual methods in the organization of educational activities.

Ensuring the professional growth of teachers.

Deputy Head of UVR


1. Planning of educational work in the summer.

2.questioning to determine the prospects for the next academic year.

Inform about the features of the environment for the development of the child in the summer.

Determination of prospects for the next academic year.


tor in physics. cult.




1. Acquaintance with a young teacher. Conversation

2. Observation and analysis of educational work. Questioning.

3. Familiarization with the requirements for working in DU (areas of work, educational program)

4. Development of an individual plan for professional development based on the results of the survey.

5. Identification of labor motivation, pedagogical orientation

6 The study of local acts of remote control, the basic requirements for maintaining regulatory documentation (report card, filter, adaptation sheets, register of children's admission, register of information about the parents of pupils, calendar plan, work program, plan for working with parents).

7. Planned targeted support for a novice teacher

8. Features of planning the educational process in the preschool educational institution; Types of planning in the preschool educational institution "




1. Studying the structure of the program "From Birth to School"

2. “Types of occupations; Stages of the lesson; Features of compiling notes for preschool children "

3. Creating a favorable emotional climate in the group

4. Ensuring a sparing stay of the child in the kindergarten group, “The concept of “adaptation”, the degree of adaptation; Mental characteristics of children in the period of adaptation; Forms and methods that facilitate the adaptability of children in preschool educational institutions "Interaction with parents during the period of adaptation"

5. The main stages of the teacher's work on self-education.




1. Determination of the main functions of communication with preschool children

3. Formation of the ability to work in the direction of the educational tasks set

4. "Compliance with the daily routine at an early age is the main condition for the formation of a healthy lifestyle"




1. Master - class of a teacher - mentor on the topic: "Integrated approach in the education of young children" Discussion of the pedagogical situation, conclusions.

2. Creative work in a team in preparation for New Year's parties.

3. Using an integrated approach in education. The choice of forms of work with preschoolers.

4. The manifestation of activity, communicative, creative qualities, awareness of oneself as part of a team.

5. Rules for holding a holiday in a preschool educational institution




1. Workshop: "Principles of organizing play activities with preschoolers in a preschool educational institution"

2. Master - class of a teacher - mentor on the organization of a subject-developing environment in a preschool educational institution, corresponding

pedagogical and sanitary requirements. Acquaintance with the pedagogical requirements for joint activities with preschoolers

3. Familiarization with the concept of “subject-developing environment” “The subject-developing environment in preschool educational institutions as a condition for a successful educational process”




1. Survey of educators about their expectations from interaction with the family

2. Round table for beginner teachers of the preschool educational institution "Parent meetings in the preschool educational institution (techniques used in the process)

Establishing contact and trusting relationships with pupils and their parents. Developing the ability to work with parents

3. Formation of skills for conducting collective work with the parents of pupils "Conflicts" parent - educator ". Solutions. Mentor's Tips »

4. Consultation with elements of the training "Non-constructive types of attitude of parents to raising a child in a preschool educational institution" 5. "Methodological recommendations and requirements for preparing and holding a parent meeting"



1. Seminar - workshop on the topic: "Person-centered approach in preschool education"

2. Teaching effective pedagogical techniques used in the work of a teacher. Development of the ability to communicate with colleagues in the process of work, creative abilities

3. Principles of organizing individual work with pupils



"Overcoming whims and stubbornness"

"Crisis of three years"

4. Familiarization with the main stages of monitoring the development of preschoolers.

5. Acquaintance with the basic principles and forms of correctional work with children


1. Test for a young teacher to determine his pedagogical stress resistance (test developed by N. V. Miklyaeva, Yu. V. Miklyaeva, educational psychologists)

2. The choice of the direction of corrective work with the educator based on the results of the study on stress resistance

3. Open display of joint activities with pupils inside the preschool educational institution; joint analysis, exchange of opinions and wishes of colleagues

4. Studying the stress resistance of a young educator.

5. Increasing the level of competence of a young educator in certain areas

6. Summing up the results of the work carried out with a young teacher, determining the guidelines for the further development of the educator as a professional "The significance of stress as the variability of life events"

"The problem of prevention and overcoming professional stress"

Articles from the experience of kindergarten teachers on a given topic

7. Self-selection of topics of interest for consultations




1. Choice of a methodical topic for work on self-education

2. Pedagogical self-education; speech at the pedagogical council; participation in methodical association; visiting open events of experienced colleagues

3. Familiarization with the requirements for working with children in the summer

4. The study of a specific topic in the field of preschool pedagogy.

Self-planning of recreational work for the summer period

5. Guidelines for working with ICT (Internet, multimedia CDs, etc.)

6. "Summer recreational work in the preschool educational institution"



The target guidelines for preschool education, outlined in the Federal State Educational Standard, presuppose the formation of prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children, subject to the requirements for the conditions for the implementation of the program. Today, according to the requirements of the Standard, the learning process is not a ready-made summary, but a search and co-creation, in which children learn to plan, draw conclusions, acquire new knowledge through their own activities. The fuller and more diverse children's activity, the more significant it is for the child, the more successful his development is, the potential opportunities are realized.

Having crossed the threshold of the school, yesterday's preschooler finds himself in a completely unusual world for him. From what will be his acquaintance with this world, what he will give him, it depends on whether the child will make friends with him, or will feel like a stranger and unprotected. What or who will become an assistant, and not an obstacle in mastering the educational program for future students? Today, we are well aware that the child is not preparing either for school or for the future life. It develops here and now, living through a significant age period, when the formation of the basic components of the value-semantic picture of the world of the child takes place.

The implementation of the system-activity approach, which is the methodological basis of the Federal State Educational Standard, brings us to the need for better mastering and adaptation in practice of active technologies, forms and teaching methods that contribute to the formation of prerequisites for learning activities, the formation of the child as an active subject of knowledge.

The problem of developing the prerequisites for educational activity is one of the most urgent. Teachers and psychologists have proven the need for theoretical development of this problem and its implementation in the practice of education.

This problem faced L.S. Vygotsky, who defined it as "the ratio of learning and development". However, the scientist only outlined ways to solve it. This problem is most fully developed in the concept of educational activity by D.B. Elkonina, V.V. Davydov.

Remaining within the framework of the cognitive paradigm, the authors of this concept developed an idea of ​​the reference educational activity as cognitive, built on a theoretical type. Its implementation is achieved through the formation of theoretical thinking in children through a special construction of the subject, a special organization of educational activities.

" Educational activity" is a rather ambiguous concept. There are three main interpretations of this concept, accepted both in psychology and in pedagogy:

1. Sometimes learning activity is considered as a synonym for learning, teaching, learning.

2. In "classical" Soviet psychology and pedagogy, learning activity is defined as the leading type of activity in primary school age. It is understood as a special form of social activity, manifesting itself with the help of objective and cognitive actions. 3. In the interpretation of the direction of D.B. Elkonina - V.V. Davydov's educational activity is one of the activities of preschoolers, aimed at mastering by them through dialogues (polylogues) and discussions of theoretical knowledge and related skills in such areas of public consciousness as science, art, morality, law and religion.

preschool age - the stage of development of the child from 5 to 7 years. It is characterized by the fact that the leading activity is the game. It is very important for the formation of the child's personality. Research problem: it consists in determining the pedagogical conditions for the development of the prerequisites for educational activity in children of older preschool age in the game.

Purpose of the study: theoretically substantiate and practically test the effectiveness of the use of gaming activities as a means of developing the prerequisites for educational activities in children of senior preschool age.

Object of study: the process of forming the prerequisites for educational activity.

Subject of study: psychological and pedagogical conditions for the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity.

Research hypothesis: if you systematically and consistently conduct game classes with children, this will contribute to the development of the prerequisites for educational activities in children of senior preschool age.

Formation of the prerequisites for educational activities

in children of older preschool age, during the game, it will be more successful if the following conditions are met:

Accounting for the development of mental processes of a preschooler;

· Creation of problem situations during game activity;

· Ensuring the situation of success in the process of the game.

Research objectives:

1. To study the problem of the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children.

2. Analyze the concept of "prerequisites for learning activities", identify its structure.

3. To identify and substantiate the psychological and pedagogical conditions that ensure the effective development of the prerequisites for learning activities in children of senior preschool age during the game.

Research methods:

1. Analysis of theoretical and methodological literature.

2. Observation.

3. Conversation.

4. Interpretation and processing of research results.

Psychological and pedagogical aspect of studying the problem of development of the prerequisites for educational activity

What is a learning activity? This, according to the classification

S.L. Rubinstein, the first type of teaching, directly and directly aimed at mastering knowledge and skills.

The analysis of educational activity carried out by D.B. Elkonin,

V.V. Davydov, showed that it has its own structure, a specific structure, namely: it includes a learning task, learning activities, control and evaluation. The central place in the structure of activity belongs to the educational task. A learning task should not be understood as a task that a child must complete in class. The learning objective is the goal. The essence of the goal is to master a generalized method of action that will help to perform similar tasks, to solve problems of this type. So, the teacher sets a goal - to teach children to draw a deciduous tree. The main attention is paid to the development of the ability to convey the essential features of the subject: the trunk, branches, their location. Having mastered the generalized method of drawing a tree as such, the child will be able to use it when performing any specific task of a similar content (in drawing on the topics “Autumn Tree”, “Blossoming Apple Tree”, “Winter Square”, etc.). Having taught the children a generalized way of composing a riddle, the educator varies the tasks, offering different material for solving the educational problem: compose riddles about objects necessary for people's labor, about animals, about garden flowers, etc.

Learning activities, with the help of which learning tasks are solved, consist of many different learning operations. In order for children to master learning actions, they must first be performed with full deployment of all operations. At first, operations are performed either materially - with the help of some objects, or materialized - using images, their iconic substitutes. For example, while learning the concepts of equality and inequality of groups of objects, the child performs actions with toys, pictures, chips that replace real objects or their images. Only gradually, as one or another operation is worked out, the process of performing actions is curtailed and performed immediately as a whole.

In the specialized literature, there is information that in order to master any type of activity (playing, educational, etc.), at the previous stage of development, certain prerequisites must be formed that allow the child to move on to this activity without much difficulty. At the same time, the structural components of this activity cannot be considered prerequisites.

The prerequisites for learning activities can be

divided into two main groups:

Psychological (i.e. a sufficient level of development of cognitive processes: attention, memory, visual-figurative, logical thinking, imagination, arbitrariness of mental processes; the ability to assimilate and apply general methods of action, find independently ways to solve new problems, etc.)

communicative or psychosocial (the ability to listen and hear, to subordinate one's actions to instructions and comments, to understand and accept the learning task, to be fluent in verbal means of communication, to purposefully and consistently perform learning actions and control and evaluation actions).

The problem of the psychological readiness of older preschool children to study at school is closely related to the change in the leading type of activity in a given age period, namely, the transition from a role-playing game to learning activities. According to the periodization of D.B. Elkonin, the crisis of seven years is significant in that the child turns from an orientation towards the assimilation of social norms and relations between people to the assimilation of methods of action with objects.

The analysis carried out in the studies of D.B. Elkonin and V.V. Davydov, showed that educational activity has a specific structure, including:

learning tasks;

learning activities;

· control;


In everyday life, adults and children solve dozens of tasks. The difference between educational tasks and practical tasks is that the main goal of children's activity is the assimilation of general methods for highlighting the properties of concepts or solving a certain class of concrete practical tasks. It is the appeal from the results of activities to methods that can be singled out as the main characteristic of a full-fledged educational activity.

The work of children in learning situations is realized in learning activities, through which they "learn patterns of general methods for solving problems and general methods for determining the conditions for their application." A full-fledged activity in the situation of a learning task involves the performance of one more action - control. The child must correlate his learning activities and their results with the given samples, correlate the quality of these results with the level and completeness of the completed learning activities. Closely related to control is assessment, which fixes the compliance or non-compliance of the results with the requirements of the educational situation.

It is noted that the central place in the structure of educational activity belongs to the educational task. The ability to accept a learning task and the ability to solve it acquire in this case the importance of the most important criteria for a child's readiness for schooling.

Note that the concepts of “purposeful learning” and “learning activity” are far from being identical.

In order to trace the formation of the ability to solve a learning problem and identify the conditions under which a reorientation from results to a method of action occurs, let us consider what prerequisites for this phenomenon arise in play as the leading activity of an older preschooler.

The game during the preschool age undergoes significant changes, the development of the game goes from an expanded imaginary situation and hidden rules to a hidden imaginary situation and explicit rules.

The role-playing game, which involves a detailed imaginary situation, precedes games by the rules. It can be described as a kind of school of social relations in which social forms of behavior are constantly modeled and reinforced. By playing, children learn the human capacity for cooperation. Role-playing develops the qualities necessary for subsequent schooling.

Also of great importance for the formation of the prerequisites for educational activities are games by the rules. They appear towards the end of preschool age and immediately precede learning activities. Games by the rules, in contrast to role-playing ones, involve a special preparatory stage for mastering their principle. In them, the child learns to consciously obey the rules, and these rules easily become internal, non-coercive for him. The ability to obey the rules and the transition of external rules into internal ones are of great importance for creating the prerequisites for educational activity.

In the transition to schooling, this ability makes it possible to subordinate the child's activity to the educational task and goals.

It should be emphasized that it is in games according to the rules that the child begins to pay attention to the method of achieving the result, and not only to the result itself. The importance of this acquisition can hardly be overestimated, given the fact that the central moment in the formation of the educational activity of preschoolers is the reorientation of the child's consciousness from the final result that must be obtained in the course of a particular task to the methods for completing this task.

With the child entering school, learning activity becomes the leading one, and this contributes to the restructuring of all mental processes and thinking moves to the center of the child's consciousness. This restructuring leads to the development of the arbitrariness of mental processes and the formation in children of the ability to plan, to control and self-control.

One of the significant moments in the formation of a full-fledged educational activity, as shown by special psychological studies (L.S. Vygodsky, A.L. Venger, E.I. and G.I. Kravtsov, E.O. Smirnova, etc.) is arbitrariness (arbitrariness behavior, attention, communication).

Conclusion: When considering the concept of "learning activity", we were able to establish that it consists of several interrelated components:

1. An educational task, which in its content is a mode of action to be mastered.

2. Learning actions, which are actions that result in the formation of a representation or a preliminary image of the learned action and the initial reproduction of the sample.

3. The action of control, which consists in comparing the reproduced action with the sample through its image.

4. The action of assessing the degree of assimilation of those changes that have occurred in the subject himself.

Theory of D.B. Elkonin about the structure of educational activity is the basis for the formation of educational and organizational skills of children of senior preschool age, including:

organizational and personal;

organizational and technical;

organizational and hygienic.

They, in turn, also include a range of skills. So, organizational and personal skills suggest that the student's personality has the following set of skills:

goal setting;

planning for future activities;

performing actions according to the developed algorithm;




The formation of a full-fledged educational activity in children of senior preschool age occurs only when it is built in strict accordance with the main structural components and the whole range of skills that it contains.

Development of the prerequisites for learning activities in children of senior preschool age

At the senior preschool age, the following elements of educational activity are formed in the child:

Ability to determine the goal of the upcoming activity and ways to achieve it, to achieve results;

Self-control, which manifests itself when comparing the result obtained with a sample, standard;

The ability to exercise arbitrary control over the course of activities in the process of obtaining intermediate results;

Ability to plan activities, focusing on its results.

As the study of A.P. Usova, for the development of the child's educational activity, it is necessary to form the ability to listen and hear the teacher, to look and see what he shows, to follow his instructions when completing the educational task. An important indicator of the developing educational activity of A.P. Usova considered the attitude of the child to the assessment by the teacher. If a child reacts to a positive or negative assessment of the performance of a learning task, it means that he does not have a desire for self-improvement (the need to consolidate success, correct a mistake, replenish experience), and this reduces his learning opportunities.

The successful formation of learning activity depends on what motives stimulate it. If a child does not want to learn, you cannot teach him. Outwardly, the activity of children in the classroom may be similar, but internally, psychologically, it is very different. Often it is prompted by external motives that are not related to the knowledge being acquired and what the child is doing. The kid is not interested in mathematics, but in the classroom he tries to complete tasks so as not to displease the teacher. Or the child does not like to draw, but makes a picture to give to his grandmother for her birthday. In kindergarten, children often study, because “it is necessary”, “it is ordered”, “so as not to be scolded”.

Intrinsic motivation is caused by the cognitive interest of the child: “interesting”, “I want to know (be able)”. In this case, knowledge is not a means to achieve some other goal (“so as not to be scolded”, “you need to give it to your grandmother”), but the goal of the child’s activity. The results of learning activity are much higher if it is motivated by internal motives.

The indicators of the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity included:

the ability to listen and remember the task, oral explanation, sample;

the ability to analyze, isolate the method of action, apply it to solve the problem;

the ability to control one's actions, evaluate tasks and performance results.

The criteria for assessing the formation of the prerequisites for educational activity were:

High level: understanding of the educational task, its exact implementation, highlighting the main way to complete the task, the ability to explain it, correctly evaluate the work of others and one's own;

Intermediate level: acceptance and partial completion of the task, the presence of individual errors, partial allocation of a way to solve the problem, not always a clear, logical explanation for the task, unformed assessment and self-assessment;

Low level: incomplete or incorrect performance of the task, the presence of significant errors in the performance, inability to explain the performance of the task, insensitivity to assessment.

All of the listed types of readiness act in the system and all together ensure the painless inclusion of the child in the school regime, creating the prerequisites for mastering educational activities.

Conclusion: based on the foregoing, we can conclude that in order to form educational activities in children of senior preschool age, it is necessary:

so that they master the above educational activities;

so that their activity becomes an activity for solving educational problems and at the same time they realize that they are not just fulfilling the tasks of the teacher, not just writing, drawing, counting, but they are solving the next educational problem. "The most important thing in the formation of educational activity," D.B. Elkonin noted, "is to transfer the student from focusing on obtaining the correct result when solving a specific problem to focusing on the correct application of the learned general method of action."

Finally, it is necessary to build the educational process, organize it in such a way that gradually the elements of self-learning, amateur performance, self-development, self-education begin to occupy an increasing place in this process. To do this, from the first days of classes, the educational process should be built on the principle of the role participation of schoolchildren in its organization and conduct. This means that gradually many of the teacher's functions should be transferred to student self-government. "The formation of educational activity," wrote D.B. Elkonin, "is the process of gradually transferring the performance of individual elements of this activity to the student himself for independent implementation without the intervention of the teacher." And further: "There is reason to think that it is most rational to start with the formation of independent control. Children, first of all, must learn to control each other and themselves."

The influence of the game on the development of prerequisites for learning activities in older preschoolers

The game is a special activity that flourishes in childhood and accompanies a person throughout his life.

In the bowels of the game, other types of activity (labor, teaching) are born and differentiated (distinguished). As the game develops, the child masters the components inherent in any activity: he learns to set a goal, plan, achieve results. Then he transfers these skills to other activities, in particular, to training.

The game only looks carefree and easy on the outside. But in fact, she imperiously demands that the player give her the maximum of his energy, intelligence, endurance, independence. It sometimes becomes truly strenuous work and through effort leads to pleasure. Overcoming oneself in the conditions of play brings true satisfaction to the child and develops his personality. Play is a child's activity. Because of this, it has features that are characteristic of any activity: the presence of a goal, motives, means of implementation, planned actions, results. The game proceeds as a meaningful and purposeful activity. Each game has a meaningful goal for the child. Goals are not permanent. As the child develops, the nature of the goals that he sets himself in the game changes: from imitative children gradually move on to deliberate, motivated goals. The whole personality of the child is involved in the process of the game, as in other types of activity: his mental cognitive processes, will, feelings, and emotions, needs and interests: in the game, the child actively acts, speaks, uses his knowledge.

The game also has specific features. Among them, the main one is the originality of motives. The game is a free and independent activity that occurs on the personal initiative of the child, characterized by an active creative character, high emotional richness.

The most useful for a child of preschool age are such educational and didactic games and toys that he can make with his own hands, assemble or disassemble. Most of all, children need such games in which they discover new knowledge that helps develop the child’s imagination, memory, thinking and speech, his various abilities, including design, musical, mathematical, linguistic, organizational and many, many others. Games play a special role in the development of the will of children, and each type of play activity makes its own specific contribution to the improvement of the volitional process. Constructive, objective games, which are the first to appear in the age development of the child, contribute to the accelerated formation of arbitrary regulation of actions: plot-role-playing games lead to the consolidation of the necessary volitional qualities of the personality in the child. Collective games with rules, in addition to this task, solve another one: strengthening the self-regulation of actions. Teaching, which appears in the last years of preschool childhood and turns into a leading activity at school, makes the greatest contribution to the development of voluntary self-regulation of cognitive processes.

The game is not subject to strict regulation, it is an independent activity of children, however, given its huge educational impact on the child, adults direct the games of children, create conditions for their emergence and development.

N.K. Krupskaya emphasized the great importance of play in the upbringing of a child. For children, games are of exceptional importance: the game is study for them, the game is work for them, the game is a serious form of education for them. Play is a way of learning about the environment. She believed that the game fully meets the needs of the child, brings up in him such qualities as cheerfulness, activity, liveliness of imagination, inquisitiveness. She repeatedly reminded that games strengthen the backbone of a child, develop muscles, sense organs: eye accuracy, dexterity and strength of movement are brought up in games. N.K. Krupskaya considered the game as a means of knowing the world; through the game, the child learns color, shape, properties of materials, plants and animals. In the game, children develop the ability to observe, the horizons of interests expand, tastes and requests are revealed.

Conclusion: to develop the prerequisites for educational activity in an older preschooler means to instill in him a conscious positive attitude towards educational and social activities, to make him understand the importance and necessity of studying at school: to make him want to become a schoolchild; arouse sympathy for students, the desire to be like them, respect for the personality and profession of a teacher, an understanding of the socially useful significance of his work; develop the need for a book, the desire to learn to read. The success of the development of prerequisites is largely determined by the extent to which the teacher takes into account the uniqueness of the activities of older preschoolers and, in particular, how he uses the game for this purpose.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution

"Kindergarten of combined type No. 190"

« Formation of prerequisites for educational activitiesin children of senior preschool age in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO "


Medvedkina S.Yu.

Orenburg, 2015 - 2016 academic year year

General characteristics of the educational activity of a preschooler.

Educational activity is the first type of learning, directly and directly aimed at mastering knowledge and skills. Educational activity does not follow directly from a variety of children's games and is not a game, but is formed under direct pedagogical influence.

Practice shows that children at preschool age need to be taught so that they can master the information and skills that are important for their proper development at this stage and prepare for school.

Educational activity requires a special psychological attitude of the child. More than all other activities, it is based on the development of a child's cognitive attitude to reality.

Speaking of education as a special means of influencing children, we associate the results of its educational influence not only with certain knowledge and skills that children can acquire, but also with the assimilation of the method of acquiring them; not only with the fact that in this case the child will have better developed attention, perception, memory, but with the fact that all these individual mental qualities will give a more generalized expression of a certain type of activity (learning).

Structure of educational activity.

The analysis of educational activity, carried out by D.F. Elkonin, V.V. Davydov, showed that it has its own specific structure, namely

learning task

Learning activities


The central place in the structure of educational activity belongs to the educational task. A learning task should not be understood as a task that a child must complete in class. The learning objective is the goal. The essence of the goal lies in mastering a generalized method of action that will help to perform similar tasks, to solve problems of this type. The main attention is paid to the development of the ability to convey the essential features of the subject.

Learning activities with the help of which learning tasks are solved consist of many different operations. In order for children to master educational actions, they must first be performed with the full deployment of all operations. At first, operations are performed either materially - with the help of any objects, or materialized - using images, their iconic substitutes.

Formation of elements of educational activity.

Conditions necessary for the development of educational activities of a preschooler.

The formation of educational activities, even with well-constructed training, is a long process. At preschool age, the prerequisites for educational activity are laid, and its individual elements are formed.

At a younger preschool age, in the classroom it is necessary to form in children the ability to set the goal of their own activity (at the stage of 2-3 years), to teach the development of various methods of activity (at the stage of 3-4 years). After 4 years, the activity acquires a clear focus on the final result. The teacher teaches children to listen to explanations, to complete the task without interfering with each other; maintains interest in the content of classes, encourages effort, activity. All this is very important for the further development of educational activities.

At the senior preschool age, the child develops the following elements of educational activity:

The ability to determine the goal of the upcoming activity and ways to achieve it, to achieve results;

Self-control, which manifests itself when comparing the result obtained with the sample;

The ability to exercise arbitrary control over the course of activities in the process of obtaining intermediate results;

Ability to plan activities, focusing on its results.

The activity of the teacher is aimed at organizing the process of active assimilation of knowledge, skills and abilities. Preliminary preparation of the lesson is important here (planning, providing material and subject equipment, creating a favorable emotional environment)

The ability to act according to the model is the first step in the formation of educational activities of preschoolers, mastered before children learn to listen and follow instructions. In the first period, it is important to visually show the children the path offered to them, as well as successfully completed work. To do this, the learning process is supplemented either by an analysis of children's work, which is carried out by the educator, or, even better and more effective for children, by a visual comparison of the work performed by each child with a sample. A sample is placed on a separate table and the children are invited to place near it those works where “the same” is done.

The development of the ability to act according to the model is closely related to the ability to evaluate one's own work and the work of other children. Usova notes that children very thoughtfully and with great interest compare their work with the model and almost never make mistakes in its assessment, often noticing even subtle discrepancies.

Developing the ability to listen and follow instructions. Learning activity is formed through active work, and not mechanical memorization and reproduction. This is helped by setting mental tasks for children, the solution of which directs them to master knowledge and skills.

An important stage in the development of educational activity is the emergence of self-control in the child, i.e. the ability to compare his actions and words with what he is taught.

Akhremenkova I. Z. teacher-defectologist

The child begins to control himself, his work, guided by the explanation and demonstration given to him. Such self-control is the basis for the development in children of attentiveness to the very process of work. You can often observe that before starting to draw, the child pauses to build and only then gets down to business. Self-control causes significant changes in the way children act, in their psyche. Now children not only listen to instructions, but also hear, guided by them in their work. The ability to listen in children is associated with a purely external organization, due to properly organized educational work in kindergarten. The ability to hear deeply captures the personality of the child and is associated with the reactions of the adult - the child asks questions, asks to retell something, etc.

An important structural element in the formation of the educational activity of preschoolers is teaching them to work in a team.

The educational activity of preschoolers has the following features:

* it is formed in the process of gaming activity;

* has a structure consisting of elements: the ability to act according to the model, the ability to listen and follow instructions, the ability to evaluate how one's work. and the work of other children; positive emotional attitude to intellectual activity; habitual ways of self-control and self-assessment of this activity; ability to work in a team.

All elements of educational activity formed in the kindergarten will be in demand by the school: in solving problematic problems, independently mastering the material, in performing subject, external speech, mental actions; in self-assessment of their results.

the formation of individual elements of educational activities in kindergarten should be carried out systematically and purposefully;

- children should learn to act according to the proposed model in drawing and modeling classes;

- in kindergarten, the child must learn to work according to instructions, to show independence;

- children should be taught to hear and understand the words and demands of an adult addressed to them, to encourage independence, attentiveness, concentration in work, which leads to the formation of self-control;

- preschoolers who are used to playing in a team of peers should learn to coordinate their actions with their comrades, listen to advice, and help each other;

- it is important to instill in children the desire to learn new things, interest in learning, in school.

All this is an indispensable condition for the personal readiness of the child for schooling.

  • 9. Objective and subjective nature of the purpose of education.
  • 10. The concept of educating preschoolers.
  • 8. Ideal and real goals of education.
  • 11. Socio-pedagogical foundations for the formation of the system of public preschool education.
  • 12. The relationship between theory and practice as a condition for the development of the system of public preschool education
  • 13. The system of preschool education in the Republic of Belarus.
  • 14. Professional functions and personal qualities of a preschool teacher.
  • 3.Ped. Optimism
  • 15. The history of the creation of the "Program of education and training in kindergarten."
  • 17. Modern educational programs for DU
  • 18. Natural science foundations of physical education. Education of the basics of a healthy lifestyle in preschool childhood.
  • 19. Tasks of physical education of preschool children. Conditions and means of physical Education in the house and family.
  • 20. Modern research on the issues of physical education of preschoolers in the Republic of Belarus and CIS countries
  • 22. Tasks and content of the mental education of preschool children. age
  • 23. Means of mental education of preschool children.
  • 24 Psychological and pedagogical foundations of sensory education of preschool children
  • 25. Foreign and domestic systems of sensory education of children.
  • 26. Tasks and content of sensory education in modern preschool pedagogy.
  • 28. Modern research on sensory education of preschoolers
  • 32. New research in the field of social and moral education
  • 33. Tasks and content of aesthetic education
  • 36. Forms of organization of aesthetic perception of children in
  • 37. From the history of the issue of labor education of preschoolers
  • 40. Forms of organization of elementary labor activity of preschool children.
  • 2. Duty:
  • 3. Collective forms of labor organization:
  • 39. Types of elementary labor activity doshk-s and its content
  • 41. Conditions and means of labor education of preschool children
  • 40. Forms of organization of elementary labor activity of preschool children.
  • 42. The origin of the game and its social character.
  • 45. Basic structural elements of the game. The peculiarity of the game as an activity.
  • 47. Characteristics of creative games and games with rules. Similarities and differences between creative games and games with rules.
  • 53. Subject-developing environment. Features of the organization of the subject-game environment in different age groups of the kindergarten.
  • 56. Formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children. age.
  • 57. Basic didactic principles and the specifics of their application in the du.
  • 4. The principle of accessibility.
  • 60. Features of the upbringing and development of young children
  • 62. Raising children in a mixed age group
  • 61. Education and development of preschool children
  • 64. Types and forms of planning educational and educational work with children of preschool age
  • 5.Communicative
  • 70. Continuity in the work of preschool institutions and schools.
  • 32. New research in the field of social and moral education
  • 65. The structure and content of the long-term and long-term calendar plan for educational work with preschool children
  • 32. New research in the field of social and moral education
  • 65. The structure and content of the long-term and long-term calendar plan for educational work with preschool children
  • 56. Formation of the prerequisites for educational activities in preschool children. age.

    Education- a specially organized process of interaction between a teacher and a child, aimed at transmitting information, processing it and obtaining new information.

    Learning activities- the active activity of the child in mastering the material in the learning process and various methods of activity.

    Modern scientists argue that the formation of prerequisites for educational activities begins with a ml. doshk. age:

    1 .At the age of 3 years, we form in the child the ability to determine the goal of his own activity.

    2 .By the age of 4, we teach the mastery of various methods of activity.

    3 .By the age of 5, it forms the child's ability to listen, not interfere with others and complete tasks.

    4 .In the 6th year, we form the ability to determine the goal and achieve it.

    Based on the analysis of educational activities carried out Elkonin and Davydov, its structural components were defined: learning task, learning activities, control, evaluation.

    Usova A.P.. singled out levels of development of educational activities for preschoolers:

    1st level. High- children listen to the instructions of the teacher, follow them, act consciously, ask about incomprehensible things. They always achieve results, they can compare their results with the results of others.

    2nd level. Average- children listen to the instructions of the teacher, follow them, but tend to imitate. They do not always achieve results, they can compare their results with the results of others.

    3rd level. Short Children listen but do not hear. They act, but not as directed, they do not achieve results. They are indifferent to the assessment.

    57. Basic didactic principles and the specifics of their application in the du.

    Learning principles- the main provisions that guide the teacher in his work.

    In preschool pedagogy, following principles:

    1. The principle of nurturing education. Tolstoy wrote: “It is impossible to educate without transferring knowledge, all knowledge acts educationally”

    2. The principle of developmental learning. The idea of ​​developmental learning was proposed by Vygotsky: “Learning must go ahead of development and lead it.” He singled out 2 zones of proximal development and actual development.

    3. The principle of systematic and consistent. Ya.A.Kamensky wrote: "From the simple to the complex, from the near to the far, from the known to the unknown."

    4. The principle of accessibility.

    5. The principle of visibility. Ushinsky wrote: “Teach a child some 5 words and he will suffer for a long time over them. Refresh such words with clarity and he will learn them on the fly.

    6. The principle of science. Provides that we give scientific knowledge accessible to children, gradually complicating them.

    7. The principle of consciousness and activity. Knowledge will be strong if it is conscious.

    8. The principle of taking into account age and individual characteristics.

    58. Methods of teaching preschool children.

    Method- a way of joint activity of the teacher and the child, aimed at solving the identified problems.

    In doshk. pedagogy has become widespread classification of learning by source of knowledge:

    1.Visual. These include: observation, examination of pictures and objects, demonstration of video films.

    2.Verbal. These include: conversation, storytelling, reading thin. literature.

    3.Practical: exercise, modeling, experiments, experiments.

    - An exercise - repeated repetition of mental or practical actions of a given content. There are: imitative, constructive, creative.

    - Simulation . Model - a subject or graphic representation of something. The process of creating a model is called modeling activity.

    In doshk. pedagogy for teaching children the sound analysis of the word, models have been developed Zhurova. A material has been developed to teach children how to design Paramonova. Models have been developed for environmental education Nikolaeva, Ryzhova and etc.

    At present, the classification of training is widely accepted. by the nature of cognitive activity proposed by Laner and Skatkin:

    1. Explanatory - illustrative, or informational - receptive

    2. Reproductive

    3. Problematic presentation of the material

    4. Partial search


    59.Modern approaches to the organization of training in DU.

    In the 90s of the 20th century, there was a need to revise the approaches to the organization of training in DU.

    Unsatisfactory and required revision:

    Educational-disciplinary model of education;

    Form of organization and teaching methods;

    The environment in which the education of preschoolers was organized.

    As a result of research carried out Korotkova and Mikhailenko transition to a new educational paradigm was carried out.

    The training was based personality-oriented model.

    There was a refusal from the frontal form of education to the subgroup form of education.

    The total number of classes was reduced, there were 3 cycles of classes: cognitive, aesthetic and aimed at preparing for school.

    Korotkova and Mikhailenko was determined that modern education should be educative, developing, playful, cognitive, morally effective.

    The main form of education is recognized the game. Great attention in teaching is given to the independent activity of children.