Preparing a child for school: hard work or an exciting game? Introduction by the teacher. The development of fine motor skills of the fingers

Complex lesson

to prepare children for school 5-6 years old

Goals: familiarity with the letter "A"; development of the ability to distinguish the sound [a] among other sounds in the word; recognition of the letter "A" in printed text; writing the letter "A".

Tasks: the development of logical thinking, the development of attention, the formation of the ability to count a given number of individual objects from a variety of objects; estimate the number of items and check the estimates made by counting; encourage independent reading, develop attention, monologue speech, phonemic hearing; to cultivate a positive attitude towards learning activities, engage in dialogue with the teacher and peers, in a collective discussion; to formulate orally one's own opinion and position; answer the teacher's questions using simple speech means,

Children are 5-6 years old.

The size of the groups is 12-15 people.

The structure of each lesson consists of 4 stages: organizational, preparatory (positive motivational attitude to the educational and cognitive activity of the child); the main stage consists of three blocks (development of speech with elements of literacy, development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities, development of an idea of ​​the world around); the final stage (consolidation of acquired knowledge, reflection). The tasks of any stage include exercises for the development of attention, memory, imagination, general and fine motor skills, the development of creative abilities, creative thinking and dynamic pauses.

This comprehensive lesson for preparing preschoolers for schooling is part of the author's course, therefore publication, distribution without attribution, as well as the issuance of material (and its individual parts) for its own is punishable by law. All rights reserved.

Lesson progress

    organizational stage.

At this stage, the task of the teacher is to organize students, set them up for the work process, and capture the attention and trust of children.

Building children in the study room.

II. Preparatory stage.

Hello children!

We just said hello. And what other words - greetings do you know? (children's answers)

Let's shake hands with a neighbor, say hello again and start our lesson with a smile (slide 2).

III. Main stage.

1) The development of speech with elements of literacy.

And now all attention to the picture (slide 3), look and think, what does mom do? (sucks the baby)

How does mom sing? (ah-ah-ah)

Now look at the sheets that are on your tables. Name what is drawn in the upper left corner of the sheet. (children's answers: watermelon)

A-a-a-a-watermelon, say as slowly as I do. What sound do we hear at the beginning of this word. (Ahh) To say "A" you need to open your mouth wide and "turn on" your voice. Repeat "ah-ah-ah."

note (slide 4), do our lips, teeth, or tongue prevent us from freely escaping air from our mouths when we say "A"? (no, it doesn't interfere). Do we have barriers in the way of voice? (No)

Let's see (slide 5) on the letter "A" (large) what does it look like? (children's answers)

A is the beginning of the alphabet, which is why she is famous. And it’s easy to recognize her: she puts her legs wide.

Now let's color the letter "A" with a red pencil on our worksheet.

Read under the picture how mom sings (slide 6).

The teacher shows, the children repeat.

The teacher points to the slide (slide 6).

And now let's play. I ask you to get up from the table. The rules are as follows: if the word begins with the sound "A", then you raise your hands up, if at the beginning of the word you hear a different sound, then we squat down. (Dynamic pause)

The teacher shows and comments on the spelling of the letter "A", the children watch.

First, let's practice writing the letter "A" in the air (children repeat after the teacher). And now on the sheets with tasks we circle the letter "A" on the top line.

After the children independently prescribe the letter on the bottom line. The teacher comments on the assignment.

Dynamic pause. Finger gymnastics.

This house has five floors: (show the spread fingers of the right hand)

On the first - a family of hedgehogs lives, (palms with the back to the face, connected to each other in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe hands, fingers spread apart)

A family of rabbits lives on the second, (we make “ears on top” and move our hands alternately)

On the third - a family of red squirrels, (handles in front of the chest with lowered hands, fingers are all connected)

On the fourth, a tit lives with chicks, (we wave with relaxed hands)

On the fifth, an owl is a very smart bird. (The index fingers of both hands are attached to the temples, the remaining fingers are in the fist)

Well, it's time for us

back down: (with horizontal palms we move down)

On the fourth - a tit,

Belchata - on the third,

Bunnies - the second,

On the first - hedgehogs,

We will come to them. (Fingers walk on the table).

3) Development of logical thinking and mathematical abilities.

Well done! Your fingers rested and we continue. And ahead of us is the game "Find the extra". Now I will show you pictures, and you have to find an extra picture and answer. Don't forget to raise your hands!

The teacher shows the cards (slides 7-16). Children look for "superfluous" and answer.

Correct answers: bow, dog, chicken, grasshopper, duckling, boots, bear cub, bed, cap, mushroom.

The next task will be performed on the sheets. Look, at the bottom of the sheet there are three pictures and three rectangles. You need to count how many fish are in the aquarium and draw in a rectangle (which is under the picture), as many circles as there are fish in the aquarium. Let's do it! And now you need to draw as many circles as there are flowers in a vase; hedgehog found mushrooms.

Sample check (slide 17).

Guys, look at the slide and check with your results. Whoever doesn't make a single mistake, raise your hand. Well done! So, now raise your hands who did not get everything right. Why do you think? (children's answers: lost count, missed a circle, got distracted, hurried, etc.) Be more careful next time and you will definitely succeed! Until then, let's rest.

Dynamic pause. Mobile game.

I went into the forest with a basket, (we walk in place)

Walked all the glades. (turn around its own axis)

I approached the old Christmas tree (we squat down)

And found a huge mushroom. (jump up)

3) Development of ideas about the world around and artistic and aesthetic activities.

And again we have an entertaining game called "Whose tail?" What do you think should be done in this game? (children's answers)

The teacher shows pictures of animals and animal tails (slide 18). The children are watching and responding.

A hare has a hare's tail, a fox has a tail, a wolf has a wolf's tail.

You named three animals: hare, fox, wolf. What do they have in common? (children's answers: live in the forest, wild animals)

Correctly! These are all wild animals.

IV. The final stage.

Guys, everyone has plasticine on the tables. Make, please, from plasticine, the letter that you learned to read and write today. What letter will you make? (children's answers).

And what about the letter "A"?

Children make the letter "A" from plasticine. The teacher helps. After completing the task, the children show their work.


Did you like the activity?

What did you do for class today?

What new did you learn today?

What did you enjoy doing the most during the lesson?

What task was the most difficult?

How will you go home?

Let's draw it. Turn over your leaves and on the back you will see a large square. In it you have to draw your mood. If you are in a good mood, then draw a sun with a smile, if not, a sad sun. (Children draw the sun.) -I hope everyone has a sun with a smile!


Well, children, our lesson has come to an end. You are great fellows. Today we learned a lot, heard, and hopefully remembered (slide 19).

Goodbye! I look forward to seeing you at our next class.

Hello, dear colleagues and caring parents! In this section, I will publish my classes with children in preparation for schooling.

Today, June 1, my Home School is open! Why homemade? I conduct classes at my home. I have a private home where the largest and most spacious room turns into a study room on class day.

I also have a large enough yard for children to play and a garden plot, which will also play a role in the education and development of my little students. Well, and most importantly, there is a great experience in pedagogical work with elementary school students and the experience of just a mother of three children.

Are you surprised that my school opened on June 1, the first day of summer vacation? This has its own explanation. Firstly, summer holidays are a vacation for school students, and my little students are still preschoolers. Secondly, summer is the time for teachers' holidays. Namely, at this time, caring parents turn to primary school teachers for help. And their request for help is simple: “Please prepare the child for school.”

My little students are not going to school this year yet. Therefore, I intend to study with them until May 31, 2015, that is, exactly one year. There are 4 children in my small group so far. These are my two sons: six-year-old Pavlusha and four-year-old Andryusha and the daughters of my close friends, two five-year-old girls Ladushka and Sashenka. The team is small, but united by one spirit and a common goal. Most importantly, I have assistants, two wonderful mothers of female students. One mother is an artist, and the other is a music school teacher.

I don’t have my own personal methodology for preparing children for schooling. But there is 17 years of experience as a primary school teacher and the experience of a mother of many children. With my eldest daughter, and she is 24 years old, we went through preparation for school, and primary classes, and the Unified State Examination in the 11th grade, and 5 years of university.

There are 5 main goals that we will try to achieve together as the basis for conducting pre-school classes.

1. Development of memory and attention.

2. Replenishment of vocabulary, development of speech and general outlook.

3. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

4. Learning to count within the first ten and the alphabet.

5. Aesthetic development (music, drawing).

And now I will describe in detail the course of lesson 1.

Lesson #1

On the day of the lesson, my preschool children will be with me for 2 hours. Each lesson is complex and it is impossible to give such a large amount of information to preschoolers in one fell swoop. Each stage of the lesson should last no more than 15-20 minutes. Between each stage there will be outdoor games, games in the room on the carpet, musical breaks and, of course, work on the plot. I allocated a garden bed for each child - a small garden where children will plant various plants. During the summer we will take care of the seedlings, observe their growth and development. Well, in the end, I hope, we will harvest.

Now let's go point by point:

1. Development of memory and attention.

You can choose pictures for “photography” yourself, but if you want, I will share with you my presentation with a selection of pictures.

Download The presentation is available from the website:

2. Replenishment of vocabulary, development of speech and general outlook.

At the first lesson, I limited myself to cards according to the method of Glen Doman (domestic and wild animals).

3. Development of fine motor skills of the fingers.

Here I use Olesya Zhukova's recipe. Here are the copybook pages that I chose for the first lesson. They can be downloaded from the site page (click on the image and it will increase, then right-click and select "Save image as ...")

4. Learning to count within the first ten and the ABC.

Counting training:

The first thing I started with was a voiced presentation according to the method of Glenn Doman "Mathematics from the Diapers". I am not at all embarrassed by the word "from the cradle." I like this technique and it doesn’t matter to me that my little students have long crawled out of these very diapers.

I made the numbers in Microsoft Word in A4 format, printed it out and cut it.

For this part of the lesson, I have another presentation in stock, "Learning to count from 1 to 5. Collection for kids." Here, first, I visually introduce the concept of "number", and only then "number". All pictures on slides appear on click. Transition to the next slide is also on click. The presentation quality is excellent. You can pick up this presentation directly from the site.

Download presentation:

At the first lesson, I gave out the “Count from 1 to 5” block, because my students are already familiar with numbers. Here, on the site "Nachalochka" you can see additional materials on this topic in the "Mathematics" section.

ABC. Sound [a] and letters Aa.

To work with the alphabet, I use tasks from the following sources:

Workbook "Teaching Literacy Toddlers"

Primer by N. S. Zhukova

A page from Olesya Zhukova's copybook with the letter A (see above on this page).

I do not describe my lesson in detail, because this article is intended primarily for my colleagues - primary school teachers. But they know what and where to say, what questions to ask, etc.

5. Aesthetic education.

In the first lesson, I used my favorite “finger painting”. You can read more about this type of drawing on the same Taratorka website. In the side menu, select the heading "Drawing" and then "drawing with fingers." On the site page you can download pictures for coloring. On this site, I also have children's pictures for coloring, which are suitable for drawing with fingers. See here: (download link under the flash video).

All stages of the lesson were completed successfully. Moreover, the guys could not leave. When their mothers came for the children, they had to spend another couple of hours with me.

My next class is scheduled for Wednesday, June 4th. The course of lesson No. 2 and all subsequent ones will be published on the website. If you are interested in the topic "Preparing a child for school" - wait for my new article. Subscribe to the newsletter and stay up to date with the latest news from my site.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Secondary school No. 18

named after the Hero of the Soviet Union

Eduard Dmitrievich Potapov"

Preparatory classes

"School of the first grader"

Lesson #1


Zatsepina E.M.


Introductory lesson: "Introduction"

Course progress.

  1. Introduction by the teacher.

Dear Guys! Congratulations on the start of school!Today is the first time you sat at your desks at school. May you not be a student yet. But we will have real lessons.

We'll get to know each other, find out

school rules, that is, we will learn to be students.You will learn to sit at your desk, write, read.I wish you all success! Let's start our first lesson.

Let's play? I'll ask you questions, if you agree, clap your hands.

Have you come from home?

Spring is now?

Who is in a good mood today?

Let me try to guess. Why are you so happy today.

Because you are very smart and beautiful today?

Because you came to school for the first time today?

Because you met your teacher today?

All this is very good, children, but you probably really want to get to know me better, don't you?

Teacher : My name is... If you forget my name, come up to me and ask. Good? I am your first teacher. I dreamed of becoming a teacher since childhood. I like children very much. I have…. I love... I don't like... My biggest passion is... You and I will study together, and I will always be happy to help you.

I'll tell you everything:

Why does thunder happen

And about the north, and about the south,

And about everything that is around

About the bear, about the fox

And about the berries in the forest.

I will teach you how to draw

Build, sew and embroider.

Guys, try to guess what the riddle says:

The house is on the street

The kids rush to him.

Carry notebooks, books

Girls and boys. (School.)

Where are you now? (We are at school.)

What is this riddle about?

Here girls and boys

Get notebooks, books.

Working diligently

They listen carefully.

Those children are one family.

Who are they, I ask you?

(Class, schoolchildren, students.)

At each lesson, fairy-tale characters will “learn” with you. Today, cheerful Carlson came to our lessons.(Slide 2) He, too, has never been to school, but would very much like to learn everything.

  1. Acquaintance with the rules of conduct at school, in the classroom.

Teacher . You met me, and our fairy-tale hero too, but how can I get to know you? I came up with! Now I will count to three, and you will all say your names out loud together.

Deal? One two Three! I didn’t understand anything, some: Wow!

Let's get louder! One two Three!

Guys, what's the matter, why can't I hear your names? When everyone speaks at the same time, there is noise, it is difficult for me to understand what you are saying. What to do?

Children offer different options. We must first try to voice everything except the raised hand. During the discussion, the teacher leads the children to this rule.

Teacher : Listen, children, what does Carlson offer us - raise your hand? Guys, let's try to get acquainted in this way: if you want to answer, raise your hand. Show how to raise your hand. How else can you raise your hand, children? Let's choose the most convenient way to raise your hand.(Introduction of the sign) (Slide 3).

The school has a rule:

“If you want to talk, raise your hand!”

(The teacher shows how to raise your hand correctly.)

(Thus, together with the children, we established a new rule and immediately stipulated its implementation.)

Why do we need this rule? (To get acquainted).

teacher b: Let's try. Who wants to tell us their name?

(The teacher asks three or four children using the new rule).

Although we have a small, but already a school. And the school has other rules. Do you want to know which ones?

If you want to answer - do not make noise.

But just raise your hand.

If you want to answer - you have to get up,

When you are allowed to sit down, sit down.

Desk is not a bed

And you can't lie on it.

You sit at your desk harmoniously

And behave with dignity.

And now I want to get to know you better. I know how to do it. Now you will raise your hands according to the rule when you hear the task. Be careful! So let's start:

Hands up... boys.

The girls raise their hands.

- Those who have a pet raise their hands.

Those who love ice cream raise their hands.

Those who have bows raise their hands.

Those who live on the street raise their hands ... (street name).

Those who will study in the 1st grade raise their hands. (All children raise their hands, the teacher checks the correctness of the answers).

That's great, now I found out which of you love ice cream and which have pets.

Guys, do you like working under the new rule? So you agree to accept him into our school life?

Summary of the lesson.

Was it interesting?

What is our school rule now?

When should you raise your hand?

What else very important happened today at the lesson? Why do people meet?

Since we have become friends, let's thank each other.


Theme of the lesson: "Acquaintance with speech, letters."

Lesson objectives: introduce children to letters; introduce the concepts of "vowels", "consonants"; learn to find a working line in a notebook; instill a love of reading; work on language development.

1. Physical education "Steam locomotive".(Slide 4).

(Movement with elbows, signal).

The locomotive buzzed and the wagons were taken!

Choo-choo-choo, choo-choo-choo far I'll rock you!

Green trailers run, run, run

And the round wheels are all knock, yes knock, yes knock!

2. Statement of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Look where we've come. We are in an unknown country called "Speech"(Slide 5).

And so that you are not afraid, you need to get to know its inhabitants.

Everything we say is speech. Guess what is the name of the speech that we are using now? (Voiced, beautiful, etc.)

Such speech is called oral, because we use the mouth (mouths), pronounce everything with the help of the vocal apparatus, when the work of the lips is clearly visible. We use oral speech when we talk, listen, ask. Oral speech we hear and pronounce.

Everything that we have just talked about is oral speech.

But besides oral speech, there is speech, which in books, newspapers is indicated by letters. We are reading it. This is written language. We master the skills of writing in the process of learning to write.

Now listen to the poem:

Noisy autumn forest

Golden foliage.

Say goodbye to the warm summer

We are sad for you.

The bell will ring

Loud and cheerful.

He is all the guys today

Invites to school.

Maple will knock on the window

red and yellow paw,

And the sparrow will chirp:

Good luck guys!

What speech are you listening to now?

(A picture of a castle hangs on the board, in which we will place the learned letters. On the one hand, vowels, on the other, consonants)

Image of the castle (Slide 6).

Vowels stretch in a voiced song

They may cry and scream.

Calling and haunting in the dark forest

And cradle Alyonka in the cradle,

But they do not know how to whistle and grumble.

And the consonants agree

Whisper, whisper, creak.

Even snort and hiss,

But they don't want to sing.

  1. Introduction to vowels.

A, o, u, s, and.

The teacher makes riddles, the children guess them, and the letters are placed on the lock.

Here are two pillars obliquely,

And between them is a belt.

Do you know this letter? BUT?

The letter A is right in front of you!

The game "Who is more?"(Slide 7).

Think of words that start with the letter A.

The game "Tell me a word."

Puzzles. (Slide 8).

  1. It's big like a soccer ball

If ripe - everyone is happy.

It tastes so good.

And his name is (watermelon).

  1. He is the best in the world.

He heals sick animals

And once a hippopotamus

He pulled it out of the swamp.

He's famous, he's famous

This is the doctor (Aibolit).

  1. For me to take you

I don't need oats.

Feed me gasoline, give me rubber on the hooves,

And then, raising the dust,

Will run (car).

(Slide 9).

This letter has no angle,

That's why she's round.

So far she's round

I could roll.

Puzzles. (Slide 10).

(all answers start with the letter o).

  1. No windows, no doors

Full of people. (Cucumber)

  1. On a green fragile leg

The ball has grown by the track.

The breeze rustled

And dispelled this ball. (Dandelion)

  1. Not motors, but noise.

Not pilots, but flying.

Not snakes, but sting. (Wasps)

(Slide 11).

There is a knot in every forest

You will see the letter W.

phonetic charging. (Slide 12).

How does a wolf howl?

How does a baby cry in a stroller?

How do children call to each other in the forest?

How does a cuckoo crow?

(Slide 13).

Here is an ax, a log nearby.

Got what you need:

It turned out the letter s -

All of you should know it.

The game "The letter is lost." (Slide 14).

S-r, m-lo, r-s, r-tank.

(Slide 15).

I got the hammer.

He knocked down a letter from the planks.

How many boards are there?


And what letter?

The game "Name the letter and". (Slide 16).

Ira, Igor, Ivan, Inga, Inna, Ilya, Irina, Ilona.

Fizkultminutka. (Slide 17).

Are you tired?

Well, then everyone stood up together.

They stomped their feet,

They clapped their hands.

Twisted, turned

And everyone sat down at the desks.

We close our eyes tightly, together we count to 5.

We open. blinking

And we continue to work.

We hear and pronounce sounds. To make sounds visible, to designate them

invented letters. Here is the alphabet. It is illustrated.(Slide 18).

(Put on the board a colorful alphabet with images of animals, birds or flowers on

each letter).

Does a person need letters to convey oral or written speech?

The spelling of each letter consists of several elements.(Slide 19).


Help me finish this sentence:

Everything we say is ... (speech).

Speech happens ... oral and written

We can't see... (sound).

To make a sound visible, it is necessary to designate it ... (with a sign or a letter).

The long-awaited call is given -

And the lesson ended.(Slide 20).

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.(Slide 20).


I open my notebook

And I will lay down

I will not hide from you, friends,

I'm holding the pencil.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend

I'll take the job.

You see a track in a notebook. It is quite narrow. Your task is to walk along the path without going beyond its borders. And in order for your fingers to obey, they need to be warmed up.

Finger massage is performed.

This finger is the thickest, strongest and largest.

This finger is for showing it off.

This finger is the longest, and it stands in the middle.

This finger is nameless, he is the most restless.

And the little finger, although small, is very dexterous and daring.

  1. Learning to find a working line (display on the board). (Slide 21).

Put dots along the entire narrow line up to the red line.

Place one dot at the top of the line and another at the bottom of the line.

One, two, three, four, five!

The children went out for a walk.

Felt in the meadow.

I'm running faster!

Buttercups, chamomile, pink porridge

Collected our class.

Here is our bouquet!


Theme of the lesson: "Fascinating country" Mathematics ". Introduction to numbers. Number 1"

Lesson Objectives:

  1. Find out how children can count;
  2. Acquaintance with the number 1;
  3. Learn to solve simple problems.

During the classes

The long-awaited call is given -

The lesson starts.

  1. Count to 10 and back
  2. Item count. (Slide 24).
  1. Acquaintance with the number 1. (Slide 24).

Let's start the show

Surprise kids!

Let's meet friends:

The unit is me!

I'm walking on a tightrope

I take everyone with me.

  1. Solving problems using subject pictures. (+1, -1). (Slide 25).

It turns out that the cat has three kittens.

The cat has three kittens.

They meow loudly.

In the basket we look:

Where did one go?

Suddenly we see: from under the bench

The cat takes it out.

He stood up first

And got out of the basket.

How many kittens can't walk yet?

5. Physical education.(Slide 26).

Stay on one leg

Like you're a solid soldier.

Left leg - to the chest.

Look, don't fall.

Now stay on the left

If you are a brave soldier.

  1. Letter in a notebook. (Slide 27).

Open a notebook with the words:

I open my notebook

And I will lay down

I will not hide from you, friends,

I'm holding the pencil.

I'll sit straight, I won't bend

I'll take the job.

6. Draw an apple in the album and shade it with chopsticks.

Work out at home. (Slide 28).

  1. Repeat the letters a, o, y, s, and.
  2. Find words that contain these letters.
  3. Draw an apple in the album and shade it with chopsticks.

(Slide 30).

Well we tried

Draw and frolic

But it's time for us to say goodbye!

Goodbye, kids!


Sound extraction.(Slide 29).

We urgently need to help one heron. She had an emergency.

Fairy tale "Chicken Chick"

Chicken Chicken was the first to hatch from the egg and now he sat on the porch and waited for the rest of the chickens to hatch.

Mom, you're sitting wrong! You see - no one hatches anymore!

The chicken was so surprised that it only closed its eyes.

Well, you sit down, - says Chick, - and I'll go for a walk. Chick went out into the field, went up to the flower and said:

You bloom wrong! It is necessary to bloom downward with a flower, then all sorts of butterflies and beetles will not sit on you.

Hey caterpillar, you're crawling wrong!

But how should it? - the caterpillar was surprised.

We must curl up and roll, it will be faster! He said and moved on.

Looks - the heron catches frogs,

Hey, heron, you're fishing wrong! See it right! And how to jump into the swamp.

Then Chick would have come to an end, well - the heron pulled him out.

To teach, says the heron, you need to know something yourself. Got it, chick?

(G. Yudin)

What happened to the heron? What lesson did the chicken learn?

Name the words with the sound c.

Writing in notebooks


  1. Magnetic letters, numbers.
  2. Castle drawing.
  3. Object pictures for counting.


  1. Markovskaya I.M. Parent-child interaction training. - St. Petersburg: Speech, 2002.
  2. Preparatory course program

primary school teacher. Lapshina Tamara Gennadievna

primary school teacher, 2010

  1. Fopel.K. How to teach children to cooperate? Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide in 4 volumes. - M.: Genesis, 2001.
  2. Fopel K. pause energy. Psychological games and exercises: A practical guide. - M.: Genesis, 2001.

School psychologist № 5,2010

Municipal budgetary institution of additional education

"Center of children's creativity"


Lesson summary

Theme: "Time"

Age of children -5-6 years

additional education teacher

first qualification category

Chekrygina O.I.


Journey to the Land of Time

Purpose of the lesson : Formation of ideas about time in children of senior preschool age,Familiarization with the clock and its purpose.



Development of attention, logical thinking, imagination.


Familiarization of children with the clock and its purpose

Formation of children's ability to evaluate time intervals.

Consolidation of knowledge about the days of the week.

Strengthening the ability to navigate in space according to the plan.

Educators: Development of a culture of behavior, the ability to communicate freely with peers.

Lesson form: group

Materials and aboutequipment : route plan, package, illustrations depicting unusual clocks (sun, water-candle clock, sand, modern) audio recording, notebook sheets, simple pencils, crossword puzzle, clock - tablets by the number of children, cards with circles, numbers, pictures with clocks.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment.

Children enter the group, find a plan. Based on the plan, they walk 10 steps forward, 5 steps to the right, 3 steps forward, 8 steps to the left. The direction is spoken by the children. They find a parcel with a stopped clock and a cassette.

Guys, this package is from the country of the exact time.(Listening to the recording).

Dear guys, help! We got in trouble. The key to the main clock of the city was lost, so there was confusion in the country. Time goes fast, then slowly. The days of the week have changed places: morning follows evening, and night follows day. Please help me find the key, please!”

Let's help the inhabitants of a magical land?

Main part.

- We will go to a magical land on an unusual bus. The places are marked with numbers. And where you need to sit, the cards will tell you. You need to find such a figure as how many circles are on the card.

At the Clock Museum.

The teacher conducts a tour of the Clock Museum (illustrations of unusual clocks are presented).

Do you think people can live without watches?(children's statements)

Even in ancient times, when there were no clocks, people used nature to keep track of time (showing illustrations of natural clocks).

A long time ago, when there were no clocks yet, people recognized the time by the sun. The sun was rising, which means it's time to get up, and so on until the evening. Once a man noticed that the shadows from all objects move, become longer and shorter depending on the position of the sun in the sky, and he invented a clock: he dug a pillar into the ground, and drew a circle around the pillar and divided it into equal parts. Each part was equal to one hour. The sun was rising, and the shadow was slowly moving in a circle.

What do you think the clock was called? (solar)

Has man always been able to use them?

The sundial had a drawback - it showed the time only on a sunny day. It was very inconvenient, so people invented the water clock. They consisted of two vessels, water flowed drop by drop from one vessel to another, and by how much water flowed out, it was determined how much time had passed.

What is the name of this watch?

Yes, it's an hourglass. They show the time day and night, summer and winter. In any weather. Two glass cones are connected together, sand is poured inside. When the clock is running, the sand from the top cone pours into the bottom one.

All the sand spilled out - which means that 3.5.10 minutes have passed. People still use hourglasses today.

Who knows where the hourglass is used?

There was a clock - a candle. Divisions were applied to the candle. A pin with a weight tied to it was stuck into the lower division. When the candle burned down to this division, the weight fell on a metal tray - this meant that a certain period of time had passed.

People have come up with many kinds of clocks.

How to call in one word the clock that hangs on the wall.(Wall mounted).

Where are they in our museum?(On right).

Are they on the table?(Desktop) .

They are located(Left).

- Do you wear a watch on your hand?(Wrist).

Are they on the floor?(Outdoor).

- How are the watches different?

How are all watches alike?

(The teacher and children have clock models )

The numbers on the watch are printed on the dial. Moving hands show what time it is at the moment. The arrows are different: one is longer, the other is shorter. The long big arrow moves faster. She shows the minutes. A small short one goes in a circle very slowly. She shows the clock. A minute is a short period of time, and an hour is a long one. If the big long hand has gone all the way across the dial, then one hour has passed. The short hand during this time will move from one digit to the next. To find out what time it is, you need to look at how the arrows are located.

Set both arrows to 12. (Do it like mine .)

Now they show exactly 12 hours.

Now put the short hour hand on the number 1, and the long minute hand on the number 12. (The clock shows exactly one hour) .

We will rotate the short hour hand, set the long minute hand to 12.

Set the minute hand to 12 and the hour hand to 2.(That means it's exactly 2 o'clock.)

What time does the clock show? (Exactly 2 hours ).

When we say that it is exactly 2, 3, 4, 7, 9 hours on the clock, the long hand of the clock is always on the number 12, and the short one is near the number that shows the given hour.

Set the hands on your clock so that it shows exactly 5 o'clock. -What time does the clock show?(5 o'clock).

How are the arrows positioned?(The long minute hand is at 12, and the short hour hand is at 5).

Set the hands so that the clock shows exactly 7, 9, 12 hours.

How are the arrows positioned?

What question do we ask when we ask about time?(what time, what time is it) .

Today we learned a lot about watches.

Is there a magic clock? (Not .)

Residents of the country of the exact time are worried that their days are messed up

weeks. Let's help them.

Physical education minute

The clock is running, the clock is running

Watches save minutes. (Children stand in a circle, hands down .)

(Swinging arms like a pendulum.)

Tiki-tiki-tiki-tiki so-so-so

Tiki-tiki-tiki-tiki so-so-so

The clock is running, the clock is running

The clock will not let you be lazy. (Children stand in a circle, hands in front of them. .)

(Swinging arms like a pendulum .)

Tiki-tock, tiki-tock

If you remember, everything has changed places in the country of exact time, including the time of day: morning comes after evening, and day after night. Let's solve the crossword puzzle and find out what the main word is hidden in it.



1. To wait quickly
The children go to bed.

Early, no fire. When?( AT evening).

2. What kind of guest that drives the night away?(Ut R about).
3. The bridge stretched for seven miles.
And at the end of the bridge there is a golden mile.
(H e dividing).

4. Sixty seconds flew by and( m other) turned out to be.

5. The moon walks in the sky,
Either defective or complete.
As we used to call the moon,
The calendar will help you.(Month I tsy).
The word is displayed vertically

Why did the clock stop in the country of precise time?(Lost the key) . I think I know how we will help the inhabitants of a magical land.

Take pencils and sheets of paper.

Graphic dictation.

6 cells right, 1 down, 1 right, 2 down, 1 left, 1 down, 2 left, 5 down, 1 right, 1 down, 3 left, 6 up, 2 left, 1 up, 1 left, 2 up, 1 right, 1 up.

So we drew a magic key and helped the inhabitants of a magical country. The magic clock is ticking again. And to help us get back into our group, the residents came up with ways to save us time.

Close your eyes, turn around

In “Philipka you find yourself.

Summary of the lesson:

What did we talk about today?

What have you learned?

What did you learn new?

How did we help the inhabitants of the country of exact time?

Marina Solovieva
Math lesson “One, many. Number, number 1"

Theme: One, many. Number, number 1"

Basic textbook: Shevelev KV Entertaining mathematics. Workbook for preschoolers 4-75 years old. / K. V. Shevelev. - M .: / Publishing house "Yuventa", 2013. - 40 p. : ill.


Educational: to give an idea of ​​the concepts: one, many. Introduce the formation and naming of the number 1.

Practical: to promote the formation of graphic skills when drawing objects by cells.

Developing: continue the development of fine and general motor skills of the hands, visual perception, attention, memory, speech, logical thinking, imagination.

Educational: to cultivate the ability to come to the rescue, friendly relations.

Lesson type: introduction to new material

Didactic material for the teacher:

For the teacher: laptop, Petrushka toy, picture cards, literature.

For students: math notebooks, red and green apples.

Lesson plan:

1. Organizational moment (emotional mood for the lesson)

2. Actualization of knowledge.

2.1. Acquaintance with the concept of "one", "many"

2.2. Consolidation of the concepts of "one", "many"

3. Generalization and systematization of the studied material.

3.1. Working with printed notebooks

3.2. Working with demo material

3.3. Working with printed notebooks

4. Summary of the lesson

5. Relaxation

Lesson progress

1. Organizational moment

Teacher: Hello children!

Teacher: Today Petrushka came to our lesson (The teacher shows a picture of Petrushka)

Today he will help to conduct my lesson.

2. Actualization and systematization of the acquired knowledge.

Teacher: He is a fun toy, and his name is ...

Children in unison say: "Parsley!".

Teacher: Parsley brought us an interesting game. Let's play?

The teacher shows paired cards and asks what is drawn on one and what is on the other (one ball on one, and many balls on the other). Then he distributes one card to each child and asks:

Who has one ball?

Who has a lot of balls? Etc.

When all paired pictures have been considered, the teacher puts two boxes of different sizes in front of the children and offers to put their cards there: in a small box - cards with one toy, in a large box - with several toys, etc.

Teacher: What good fellows! Let's now take a break and play the game "Finish the poem correctly"

The moon rises in the evening.

How many moons are in the sky? (one)

Rooster as an important gentleman

Walking around the yard (alone)

Winnie the Pooh hurries to the lair:

There are pots of honey (many)

Forest in the snow, white road,

It snowed (a lot)

3. Acquaintance with the number 1.

Teacher: Open notebooks, let's try to write the number 1 in the cells.

Guys do the job

Teacher: Guys, our Petrushka does not know geometric shapes! Let's show him geometric shapes!

The teacher shows cards with geometric shapes, the children call.

Teacher: Geometric figures are also drawn in your notebooks. Color in those figures that are drawn one at a time.

The boys are doing their homework.

Teacher: Well done! Tired? Let's have a rest!

Hands need care

(hands extended in front of you)

After all, they have a lot of worries:

It's hard to write all day

(clench and unclench fists)

And sculpt and draw.


Stretched up, then

(raise hands up)

Let's spread our arms wider.

(spread arms out to sides)

That's all. End of charging.

Sit back at the table guys.

Teacher: Guys, our Petrushka says goodbye to us, he should go to another lesson with the guys. Let's say goodbye to him! Did you enjoy playing with Petrushka?

Tell us what new did you learn in our lesson today?