Stepanov Sergey. Stories for children

Vladimir Stepanov

One of the most popular children's writers, whose name is known to everyone, is Vladimir Stepanov. And this is a completely objective fact. According to the State Book Chamber, the circulation of Stepanov's books over the past three years has exceeded 20 million copies (7 million per year), which is more than the circulation of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, E. Uspensky and other Soviet and foreign authors. It is worth adding that V.A. Stepanov has more than 700 titles of large and small books for the entire period of his work, not counting reprints. Amazing performance and ingenuity. Each work is unique, inimitable and interesting. Works by V.A. Stepanov are filled with light and warmth of his kind and generous heart. Cheerful, playful, melodious and informative poems by Vladimir Stepanov are a school for teaching children to read and write, count, respect for elders, and above all for parents. The simple language of the works, accessible to every kid, makes them easy to remember, read and love. Almost all parents know the poems of Vladimir Alexandrovich Stepanov (“Where is the crow looking?”, “Murka's tales”) and kids love it.

How is the poetry of V. Stepanov different? What is its remarkable? Probably, in the ability of the poet to discover love for native sources, for childhood, for the roots of ancestors, for the Motherland. V. Stepanov made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of children's literature. His work is himself, because even through children's poems we feel his pain for the country, for the destroyed past and for the uncertain future, and, of course, for the younger generation. Poetry is like a way to overcome this pain, to change reality, it is a way of communicating with children and, accordingly, a unique opportunity to make their world brighter and more welcoming. Just admire how the poet describes the snow, affectionately comparing it to a kitten:

He filled the village
noisily knocking on the windows ...
And fell asleep like a kitten
having played to his heart's content.

You can touch the fur
you can shake your paw
and in the morning from the threshold
and drive away with a whisk.

Why is his poetry so simple, light and airy? Probably, the answer must be sought in the biography of the poet, in his childhood, which took place on the river and the Klyazma station. From childhood, the poet was close to nature, learned to understand and hear it, and he managed to convey this boundless respect and love in his poems, I think, to entire generations. Pedagogical education and work at school strengthened his craving for creativity, for creation.

How, tell me, do you live
In the kennel, my red dog? ..
... Do you want me to bark with you?
Do you want me to sit next to you?
Do you want me to read a book?
Do you want me to show you the focus?
Only the dog does not answer
For some reason, nothing.
And you leave - barks loudly,
Knows I love him.

It was the love of wildlife that became the main driving force of his poetry. At the same time, behind the seeming lightness of the pen lies hard, intense work, the work of the creator. His sunny poem "The Round Cat" can be called a classic.

Lived in the light
round cat,
He was round
all year round:
Kruglo ate
and drank round
round "meow"

His poetry, so musical, breathes with lightness and freshness of carefree contemplation of the sun or a cloud, a blade of grass or a flower, a branch of an apple tree or a birch - all that is beautiful in his native land. In every work of V. Stepanov there are certainly plants, or animals, or natural phenomena. You have already noticed how simple and accessible the language of his poetry is, how correct it is. No absurdity, no excessive fantasy, only calmness, peace, contemplation and knowledge.

Vladimir Stepanov developed a whole range of training sessions, and in a light poetic form. Numerous alphabets, alphabets, primers and other educational books were created by the poet. Kind, with high-quality illustrations, they will tell your baby that you can harvest apples in the fall, what wasps become, why summer is “Indian” and what a toucan is. They will become faithful assistants to parents of why-and-why children in an unobtrusive, fascinating way, so that the educational process will certainly be interesting, make discoveries with the child and explore this wonderful world.

V. Stepanov himself says this about children's literature: “Sometimes bad adult poems are passed off as children's. At the same time, a parable is launched: the child will understand everything. But the child does not need puzzles! Give your child the clear, understandable poetry of V. Stepanov, which will teach him kindness and love for all life on this planet.


Looking for, looking for a cat-cat,
Looking for grandmother's ball.
Only there is no tangle anywhere,
Woolen bun…
And Katya has new
Lilac mittens.


Murka licked her fur,
Tied a new bow.
Also found in a cat
Mittens and boots.
Murochka smiled:
- Now I'm a snow maiden.

At the feeder

At the feeder, under the window,
It was crowded on a winter day.
A cat ran past
The feeder was empty...
Where are you, titmouse,
Courageous sisters?

in a hammock

After a delicious lunch
The restless kitten is sleeping.
Asleep - head on side.
He fell asleep, and we are silent ...


The thick grass does not rustle,
The river splashes like in a dream.
Where are you, goldfish?
Show me your ponytail.

Nanny Vanya

I am a puppy named Vanya,
I am a caring nanny
Babysitter for a child
gray kitten:
Sleep, kitten, sleep, dear,
Nanny next to you.

Time to sleep

How to find your way to sleep?
How to find his lair?
Maybe the cubes know
Is this a fabulous place?

The cat purrs in his mustache,
Mom looks at the clock.
Where is she hiding?
This sleepy country?

Maybe about this Mishka
Can you find out in a book?
Maybe in the country of the mirror
Does the dream live shrouded in mystery?

How alien paws became,
They don't want to go.
Maybe ask dad
Where to find the missing dream?

Hush ... It seems like a pillow
Something whispers in my ear:
“Bear, your dream lives here,
He's coming to you now."

Pelican Islands

Pelicans sang, sang
These are giant birds.
I saw them on the river
Near, not far.
Pelicans sang,
They sang a song in the reeds.

Friends told me sternly:
- Pelicans can't sing!
I don't believe their words
Because I have heard:
Pelicans sang,
Sang a song in the reeds
About mysterious countries
About distant estuaries
And they sang about life -
Pelican Island.

Charging for a tourist

We are tourists. We are on the road
Have fun walking your feet!
Breathe easier, breathe deeper
The path is not close, the path is far.

A stream flows ahead
Let's jump over quickly.
At the river reach
They took the oars
Let the oarlocks fasten
We are taught to row!

Quietly we will land on the shore
And we'll stand on tiptoe.
Pull up a little
The clouds will get closer.

We entered the dense forest
Branches bend to the ground.
Bend down, bend down
Get under the branches.

Let's rest in the meadow
And we'll pick a bunch of flowers.
And now it's time for firewood
Prepare for the fire.
To make the fire brighter
Chop more fun, ax!

We sat in a circle around the fire,
Sang a resounding song
And under the crackle of cheerful firewood
We disperse mosquitoes.

New Year's round dance

Today fitting
Forest clothes.
Katyusha dreams
Be a red fox.

Andryusha liked
Long ears,
Be a white bunny
Hunting Andryusha.

And Lyubochka is a goat
Want to become -
Like a goat Lyubochka
Loves to jump!

See. Which
Wonderful nose!
He is to the nose of Irinka
It's like it's grown!

Come on, Irinka,
Drink to us like a bird.
- Shadow-shadow, - answers
Irinka is a tit.

stepped on the tail
Beauty squirrel.
We know:
Serezhkins are tricks.

And where is the Earring?
Can't see Earrings
Only needles are visible
Yes, some boots.

Staged "How are you?"

Author. Horses, horses, how are you?
Horses, horses, what are you chewing?
Horses. Okay while we live
We chew grass in the meadow.
Author. Chickens, chickens, how are you?
Chickens, chickens, what are you eating?
Hens. Okay while we live
But, sorry, we do not chew.
We PICK quickly
On the grain path.
Author. Goats, goats, how are you?
Goats, goats, what are you pecking at?
Goats. Okay while we live
But, sorry, do not peck,
And we SHIT in the morning
From young aspens bark.
Author. How do you rabbits live?
What are you rabbits up to?
Rabbits. Okay while we live
But sorry, don't bullshit.
And we gnaw dexterously
Fresh carrot.
Author. How are you, kittens?
What are you kittens chewing on?
Kittens. Okay while we live
But sorry, don't bite.
We drink a little
Milk from a bowl.
Author. Birds, birds, how are you?
Birds, birds, what are you drinking?
Birds. Okay while we live
We drink raindrops.
And we sing songs to you
Mornings and evenings.

Scene "How the animals hibernate"

Through the rubble, through the ravines
The Bear walked with a master's step.
Answer, animals, to me -
Are you ready for winter?
Yes. We knitted gloves.
new gloves,
Soft, fluffy.
And we have boots.
What do we need a blizzard and a blizzard ?!
If you want, Mishenka, try it on.
Squirrel (looks out of the hollow):
I saved nuts.
My hollow is high
It is both dry and warm.
Well, and I
Made a move underground.
There with a beautiful wife
We will drink tea in winter.
Beaver (shouted from the river):
I chop wood for the stove.
Give me, Misha, just a deadline,
Smoke will come out of the chimney.
Hedgehog (climbed out of the foliage):
You forgot about me.
Here, in the bushes, is my hut.
And in the hut - a tub of mushrooms.

Beauty contest

Decided a beauty contest
Arrange birds in the forest.
Jays and thrushes chirp,
Who should be queen.
The eyes of an owl are more beautiful than the stars
On the blue sky.
Like a capercaillie tail fan
Who should be on the throne?
The heron has the longest legs,
Beautiful crane in flight.
Try to decide here
Who should be honored.
A strict jury cannot:
Bear, boar, fox
Decide before dawn
Who should be queen.
Orioles have a beautiful outfit
And the forest tit.
They sing, they whistle
They want to be first.
Who should be queen?
After all, the most beautiful birds!

Fox Mittens

Fox Mittens
Through the rubble, through the ravines
The bear walked with a master's step:
- Answer, animals, to me.
Are you ready for winter?
"Yes," the foxes replied.
We knitted gloves.
new gloves,
Soft, fluffy.
- And we have felt boots,
Zainki answered.
- What do we need a blizzard and a snowstorm? ..
If you want, Mishenka, try it on.
Looks Squirrel from the hollow:
- I saved nuts.
My hollow is high
It is both dry and warm.
- Na, and I, - answered the Mole,
Made a move underground.
There with a beautiful wife
We will drink tea in winter.
The Beaver shouted to the Bear from the river:
- I chop wood for the stove.
Give me, Misha, just a deadline
Smoke will come out of the chimney.
Hedgehog got out of the foliage:
- You forgot about me.
Here, in the bushes, is my hut,
And in the hut - a tub of mushrooms.
The bear went around the whole forest
And climbed into the lair to sleep.
He put his paw in his mouth
And I saw a sweet dream.


At the big break, everyone suddenly saw that Dima was walking around the class, holding two wires in his fists, bent in the shape of the letter G.
- Dimka, what are you doing?
It's called dowsing! I'm exploring the area.
- What for?
- Now I will determine where we have favorable zones in the class, and where are dangerous ones.
Everyone became interested and also began to observe how the wires in Dima's hands either rotated or froze ...
At the very height of the research, the bell rang, and Natalya Ivanovna entered.
- Dima, what's the matter?
- Natalya Ivanovna, your table is in a very unfavorable area! One might even say, in the danger zone!
- Well, what now?
- We must move it to the window! It's all right there!
- Do not talk rubbish! Take a seat!
— Natalya Ivanovna! Dima pleaded. - Well, let's change it! It's dangerous!
– Yes?.. Hmm… Well, okay!
The boys moved the table to the window. Natalya Ivanovna sat down behind him and opened a class magazine...
And suddenly, in the place where the teacher had just been sitting, the lampshade from the lamp fell and broke!
- Ouch! said Natalya Ivanovna. - Well, Dima, you just saved me!
Dima, very pleased, collapsed on his last desk and said:
"I'm now a professor in this business!" I can smell the danger zones a mile away!
And then something completely unexpected happened. The chair under him broke, and a globe fell from the closet on Dima's head!
Yes, these danger zones are not studied at all by science!


Gosha and Vova were sitting in the yard and having nothing to do were talking to each other.
— Vovchik, do you believe in flying saucers?
— I don't know… And you?
- I believe! They often graze here! And they listen to our radio, and watch TV ...
They don't know our language!
It's not a problem for them! If you have learned to read...
- Are you serious?
- Now such a plate hangs somewhere above us and looks at us ...
- Truth?
- And what? Easy! Gosha said confidently.
We'll check now! Vova said. He took a piece of chalk out of his pocket and wrote on the pavement in large letters:
And he began to look up. And soon a parachute appeared in the sky.
- Hooray! the boys shouted.
A gift from heaven landed smoothly next to them, and Vova immediately grabbed it.
Through the transparent packaging, it was clear that this was a book - "Spelling Dictionary".


Once Dima went to see Alyosha, an inventor known throughout the school. He was making some kind of device the size of a TV.
“Here, I’m making a mosquito repeller,” Alyosha explained. - And then they completely won! Didn't sleep for half the night!
- How will he scare away?
- Radiation. You just need to choose the right wavelength - so that the mosquito feels anxious, and the person does not notice anything.
“Yeah, I see,” Dima said. — But why do you have this unit so big?
I'm here for the guarantee. Scare so scare! If we have cockroaches, and the cockroaches will run away! If there are mice, then there are mice!
- I see... Will you go for a walk?
No, I want to finish today. It's not too far. Later.
And Dima went out into the yard. The boys were playing table tennis and Dima also took a turn. I waited, picked up a racket and suddenly felt some kind of anxiety. The other boys also grew serious and shook their heads. Something wrong!
Here, from all the entrances of their house, residents, cats, dogs began to run out. Animals fled to neighboring yards, and people remained in the yard. They looked frightened and did not understand anything.
And then Alyosha came running.
Lesh, what is your job? Dima asked.
— Aha! I overdid it! Less power needed!
“And why did you come running?”
- I don’t know ... Something became scary ...

Vladimir Stepanov

One of the most popular children's writers, whose name is known to everyone, is Vladimir Stepanov. And this is a completely objective fact. According to the State Book Chamber, the circulation of Stepanov's books over the past three years has exceeded 20 million copies (7 million per year), which is more than the circulation of K. Chukovsky, S. Marshak, S. Mikhalkov, E. Uspensky and other Soviet and foreign authors. It is worth adding that V.A. Stepanov has more than 700 titles of large and small books for the entire period of his work, not counting reprints. Amazing performance and ingenuity. Each work is unique, inimitable and interesting. Works by V.A. Stepanov are filled with light and warmth of his kind and generous heart. Cheerful, playful, melodious and informative poems by Vladimir Stepanov are a school for teaching children to read and write, count, respect for elders, and above all for parents. The simple language of the works, accessible to every kid, makes them easy to remember, read and love. Almost all parents know the poems of Vladimir Alexandrovich Stepanov (“Where is the crow looking?”, “Murka's tales”) and kids love it.

How is the poetry of V. Stepanov different? What is its remarkable? Probably, in the ability of the poet to discover love for native sources, for childhood, for the roots of ancestors, for the Motherland. V. Stepanov made an invaluable contribution to the treasury of children's literature. His work is himself, because even through children's poems we feel his pain for the country, for the destroyed past and for the uncertain future, and, of course, for the younger generation. Poetry is like a way to overcome this pain, to change reality, it is a way of communicating with children and, accordingly, a unique opportunity to make their world brighter and more welcoming. Just admire how the poet describes the snow, affectionately comparing it to a kitten:

He filled the village
noisily knocking on the windows ...
And fell asleep like a kitten
having played to his heart's content.

You can touch the fur
you can shake your paw
and in the morning from the threshold
and drive away with a whisk.

Why is his poetry so simple, light and airy? Probably, the answer must be sought in the biography of the poet, in his childhood, which took place on the river and the Klyazma station. From childhood, the poet was close to nature, learned to understand and hear it, and he managed to convey this boundless respect and love in his poems, I think, to entire generations. Pedagogical education and work at school strengthened his craving for creativity, for creation.

How, tell me, do you live
In the kennel, my red dog? ..
... Do you want me to bark with you?
Do you want me to sit next to you?
Do you want me to read a book?
Do you want me to show you the focus?
Only the dog does not answer
For some reason, nothing.
And you leave - barks loudly,
Knows I love him.

It was the love of wildlife that became the main driving force of his poetry. At the same time, behind the seeming lightness of the pen lies hard, intense work, the work of the creator. His sunny poem "The Round Cat" can be called a classic.

Lived in the light
round cat,
He was round
all year round:
Kruglo ate
and drank round
round "meow"

His poetry, so musical, breathes with lightness and freshness of carefree contemplation of the sun or a cloud, a blade of grass or a flower, a branch of an apple tree or a birch - all that is beautiful in his native land. In every work of V. Stepanov there are certainly plants, or animals, or natural phenomena. You have already noticed how simple and accessible the language of his poetry is, how correct it is. No absurdity, no excessive fantasy, only calmness, peace, contemplation and knowledge.

Vladimir Stepanov developed a whole range of training sessions, and in a light poetic form. Numerous alphabets, alphabets, primers and other educational books were created by the poet. Kind, with high-quality illustrations, they will tell your baby that you can harvest apples in the fall, what wasps become, why summer is “Indian” and what a toucan is. They will become faithful assistants to parents of why-and-why children in an unobtrusive, fascinating way, so that the educational process will certainly be interesting, make discoveries with the child and explore this wonderful world.

V. Stepanov himself says this about children's literature: “Sometimes bad adult poems are passed off as children's. At the same time, a parable is launched: the child will understand everything. But the child does not need puzzles! Give your child the clear, understandable poetry of V. Stepanov, which will teach him kindness and love for all life on this planet.


Looking for, looking for a cat-cat,
Looking for grandmother's ball.
Only there is no tangle anywhere,
Woolen bun…
And Katya has new
Lilac mittens.


Murka licked her fur,
Tied a new bow.
Also found in a cat
Mittens and boots.
Murochka smiled:
- Now I'm a snow maiden.

At the feeder

At the feeder, under the window,
It was crowded on a winter day.
A cat ran past
The feeder was empty...
Where are you, titmouse,
Courageous sisters?

in a hammock

After a delicious lunch
The restless kitten is sleeping.
Asleep - head on side.
He fell asleep, and we are silent ...


The thick grass does not rustle,
The river splashes like in a dream.
Where are you, goldfish?
Show me your ponytail.

Nanny Vanya

I am a puppy named Vanya,
I am a caring nanny
Babysitter for a child
gray kitten:
Sleep, kitten, sleep, dear,
Nanny next to you.

Time to sleep

How to find your way to sleep?
How to find his lair?
Maybe the cubes know
Is this a fabulous place?

The cat purrs in his mustache,
Mom looks at the clock.
Where is she hiding?
This sleepy country?

Maybe about this Mishka
Can you find out in a book?
Maybe in the country of the mirror
Does the dream live shrouded in mystery?

How alien paws became,
They don't want to go.
Maybe ask dad
Where to find the missing dream?

Hush ... It seems like a pillow
Something whispers in my ear:
“Bear, your dream lives here,
He's coming to you now."

Pelican Islands

Pelicans sang, sang
These are giant birds.
I saw them on the river
Near, not far.
Pelicans sang,
They sang a song in the reeds.

Friends told me sternly:
- Pelicans can't sing!
I don't believe their words
Because I have heard:
Pelicans sang,
Sang a song in the reeds
About mysterious countries
About distant estuaries
And they sang about life -
Pelican Island.

Charging for a tourist

We are tourists. We are on the road
Have fun walking your feet!
Breathe easier, breathe deeper
The path is not close, the path is far.

A stream flows ahead
Let's jump over quickly.
At the river reach
They took the oars
Let the oarlocks fasten
We are taught to row!

Quietly we will land on the shore
And we'll stand on tiptoe.
Pull up a little
The clouds will get closer.

We entered the dense forest
Branches bend to the ground.
Bend down, bend down
Get under the branches.

Let's rest in the meadow
And we'll pick a bunch of flowers.
And now it's time for firewood
Prepare for the fire.
To make the fire brighter
Chop more fun, ax!

We sat in a circle around the fire,
Sang a resounding song
And under the crackle of cheerful firewood
We disperse mosquitoes.

New Year's round dance

Today fitting
Forest clothes.
Katyusha dreams
Be a red fox.

Andryusha liked
Long ears,
Be a white bunny
Hunting Andryusha.

And Lyubochka is a goat
I want to become
Like a goat Lyubochka
Loves to jump!

See. Which
Wonderful nose!
He is to the nose of Irinka
It's like it's grown!

Come on, Irinka,
Drink to us like a bird.
- Shadow-shadow, - answers
Irinka is a tit.

stepped on the tail
Beauty squirrel.
We know:
Serezhkins are tricks.

And where is the Earring?
Can't see Earrings
Only needles are visible
Yes, some boots.

Staged "How are you?"

Author. Horses, horses, how are you?
Horses, horses, what are you chewing?
Horses. Okay while we live
We chew grass in the meadow.
Author. Chickens, chickens, how are you?
Chickens, chickens, what are you eating?
Hens. Okay while we live
But, sorry, we do not chew.
We PICK quickly
On the grain path.
Author. Goats, goats, how are you?
Goats, goats, what are you pecking at?
Goats. Okay while we live
But, sorry, do not peck,
And we SHIT in the morning
From young aspens bark.
Author. How do you rabbits live?
What are you rabbits up to?
Rabbits. Okay while we live
But sorry, don't bullshit.
And we gnaw dexterously
Fresh carrot.
Author. How are you, kittens?
What are you kittens chewing on?
Kittens. Okay while we live
But sorry, don't bite.
We drink a little
Milk from a bowl.
Author. Birds, birds, how are you?
Birds, birds, what are you drinking?
Birds. Okay while we live
We drink raindrops.
And we sing songs to you
Mornings and evenings.

Scene "How the animals hibernate"

Through the rubble, through the ravines
The Bear walked with a master's step.
Answer, animals, to me -
Are you ready for winter?
Yes. We knitted gloves.
new gloves,
Soft, fluffy.
And we have boots.
What do we need a blizzard and a blizzard ?!
If you want, Mishenka, try it on.
Squirrel (looks out of the hollow):
I saved nuts.
My hollow is high
It is both dry and warm.
Well, and I
Made a move underground.
There with a beautiful wife
We will drink tea in winter.
Beaver (shouted from the river):
I chop wood for the stove.
Give me, Misha, just a deadline,
Smoke will come out of the chimney.
Hedgehog (climbed out of the foliage):
You forgot about me.
Here, in the bushes, is my hut.
And in the hut - a tub of mushrooms.

Beauty contest

Decided a beauty contest
Arrange birds in the forest.
Jays and thrushes chirp,
Who should be queen.
The eyes of an owl are more beautiful than the stars
On the blue sky.
Like a capercaillie tail fan
Who should be on the throne?
The heron has the longest legs,
Beautiful crane in flight.
Try to decide here
Who should be honored.
A strict jury cannot:
Bear, boar, fox
Decide before dawn
Who should be queen.
Orioles have a beautiful outfit
And the forest tit.
They sing, they whistle
They want to be first.
Who should be queen?
After all, the most beautiful birds!

Fox Mittens

Fox Mittens
Through the rubble, through the ravines
The bear walked with a master's step:
- Answer, animals, to me.
Are you ready for winter?
"Yes," the foxes replied.
We knitted gloves.
new gloves,
Soft, fluffy.
- And we have felt boots,
Zainki answered.
- What do we need a blizzard and a snowstorm? ..
If you want, Mishenka, try it on.
Looks Squirrel from the hollow:
- I saved nuts.
My hollow is high
It is both dry and warm.
- Na, and I, - answered the Mole,
Made a move underground.
There with a beautiful wife
We will drink tea in winter.
The Beaver shouted to the Bear from the river:
- I chop wood for the stove.
Give me, Misha, just a deadline
Smoke will come out of the chimney.
Hedgehog got out of the foliage:
- You forgot about me.
Here, in the bushes, is my hut,
And in the hut - a tub of mushrooms.
The bear went around the whole forest
And climbed into the lair to sleep.
He put his paw in his mouth
And I saw a sweet dream.


the USSR
the Russian Federation

Occupation: Direction: Art language: Prizes:

Vladimir Alexandrovich Stepanov(b. 1949) - children's poet, prose writer, author of more than 150 books for children and youth, author of one of the versions of the Russian anthem.


Awards and prizes

  • Lenin Komsomol Prize (1986) - for books for children of recent years
  • Generalissimo A. V. Suvorov Prize (2009)
  • 1st prize of the All-Russian competition "I'm growing up" - for a series of preschool textbooks for kids

Some editions

  • ABC of professions. Verses: alphabet and riddles. For younger age. Artist V. A. Zhigarev, (M .: Flamingo, 2001. - Textbook for kids);
  • Mathematics 1. Poems. For younger children (M.: Flamingo. - Textbook for kids);
  • Count and show. Poems. For elementary school age. Artist N. Grichenkova, (M .: Flamingo, 2004. - Learning to count);
  • Who is first? Poems. For elementary school age. Artist G. G. Bedarev, (M .: Flamingo, 2004. - About the animals);
  • Stepanov V. Poems and fairy tales, (M.: Oniks 21st century, 2004);
  • Encyclopedia of a preschooler, (M .: Onyx 21st century, 2004)



  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers alphabetically
  • September 25
  • Born in 1949
  • People from Klyazma
  • Poets in alphabetical order
  • Poets of the USSR
  • Poets of Russia
  • Poets of the 20th century
  • Poets of the 21st century
  • Laureates of the Lenin Komsomol Prize
  • Writers of the USSR
  • Writers of Russia alphabetically
  • Writers of Russia of the XX century
  • Writers of Russia of the 21st century
  • Russian writers alphabetically
  • Russian writers of the XX century
  • Russian writers of the XXI century
  • Children's writers alphabetically
  • Children's writers of the USSR
  • Children's writers of Russia
  • Russian poets
  • Children's poets
  • Socialist realist writers
  • Members of the Writers' Union of the USSR
  • Born in the Moscow region

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    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Stepanov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Vladimir Stepanov. Vladimir Alexandrovich Stepanov: Stepanov, Vladimir Alexandrovich (football player) (1910 1981) Soviet ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that last name, see Stepanov. Vladimir Stepanov: Stepanov, Vladimir Alexandrovich: Stepanov, Vladimir Alexandrovich (football player) (1910 1981) Soviet football player, coach. Stepanov, Vladimir ... ... Wikipedia

    Wikipedia has articles about other people with that surname, see Rodionov. Wikipedia has articles about other people named Ivan Alexandrovich Rodionov. Ivan Alexandrovich Rodionov ... Wikipedia

    ANDRONIK, Nikolsky Vladimir Alexandrovich- schmch., archbishop. Perm and Solikamsk (August 1, 1870–June 7, 1918), ascetic of piety, spiritual writer, participant in the right of the monarchist movement, honorary chairman of the Novgorod and Perm departments of the Union of the Russian People (SRN). Was born in… … Black Hundred. Historical Encyclopedia 1900–1917

    Contents 1 Surname 2 Known speakers 2.1 A ... Wikipedia

    I Stepanov Alexander Vasilyevich, Soviet physicist, corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1968). Graduated from the Leningrad Polytechnic Institute (1930). From 1926 he worked at the Leningrad Physicotechnical ... Great Soviet Encyclopedia

    Svyatoslav Alexandrovich Shramchenko Svyatoslav Oleksandrovich Shramchenko ... Wikipedia

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