Coherent speech through theatrical activities. Project: "Development of coherent speech of preschoolers through theatrical activities"

The spiritual life of a child is full only when he lives in the world of play, fairy tales, music, fantasy, creativity. Without it, he is a dried flower.”
Sukhomlinsky V.A.

The problem of developing coherent speech and creative abilities of children is one of the most important, complex and always relevant. Among the most important tasks of working with children is the formation of coherent monologue speech in them. After all, adequate perception and reproduction of textual educational materials, the ability to give detailed answers to questions, to express one's own judgments independently - all these and other educational actions require a sufficient level of development of coherent speech.

As practice shows, a special role in this belongs totheatrical games . By participating in them, children learn about the world around them, become participants in events from the life of people, animals and plants. Based on the characteristics of the speech development of children, all theatrical games are based on the material of fairy tales. When choosing games in my classes, I am guided by the recommendations of the remedial education program, the individual capabilities of each child, and set a goal for each topic to permeate all stages of work - from developing speech understanding to the ability to coherently tell, feel and convey intonation, use movements, facial expressions, gestures. Each theatrical game has a plot idea and role-playing actions.

A fairy tale is the most universal, complex method of influence in working with children.After all, a fairy tale is the figurativeness of language, its metaphor, psychological security. While working on a fairy tale, children enrich their vocabulary, learn to speak correctly and intonation expressively. The advantage and privileges of this method also lie in the fact that the impact on children in the process of classes is dressed in fabulous clothes and children do not have a feeling of pressure. However, a "dry" reading of fairy tales will not have a wide impact.

It is necessary to look for various means that will help children better perceive the fairy tale.

Children are always ready to play fairy tales. This is their way of knowing the world. In a creative atmosphere, the child develops faster, more fully. The fairy tale pleases children with its optimism.

Theatrical activity makes it possible to form the experience of social behavioral skills, since each fairy tale has a moral orientation. As a result, the child learns the world with his mind and heart and expresses his attitude towards good and evil.

Favorite characters become role models. During my work, I came across the fact that many of the children, due to their personal characteristics, such as isolation, indecision, shyness, experience difficulty in communicating with peers and adults. Many children have a lack of observation, creative fiction. As a rule, such children do not know how to occupy themselves in their free time. Their vocabulary is limited and poor, speech is emotionally inexpressive, planning of statements is difficult, short and simple sentences are used in speech. I believe that it is possible to emotionally liberate a child, relieve stiffness, develop coherent speech through play, fantasy, and writing. And all this can give theatrical activity.

As L.S. Vygotsky said: “Being the most common type of children's creativity, it is dramatization, based on an action performed by the child himself, that most closely, effectively and directly connects artistic creativity with personal experiences.

Overcoming space and time, combining the possibilities of several types of arts - music, painting, dance, literature and acting, the theater has a huge impact on the emotional world of the child. Performing arts not only introduce children to the world of beauty, but also develop the sphere of feelings, awaken complicity, compassion, develop the ability to put oneself in the place of another, rejoice and worry along with him.

Work on the development of coherent speech and the expansion of the active vocabulary is based on descriptive stories, retellings of familiar text, events, for example:

    Fairy tales and stories with a new ending

The speech therapist asks the child to name frogs and finish the tale:“Once upon a time there were two frogs. They were friends and lived in the same ditch. But only one of them, a real forest frog, was reputed to be brave, strong, cheerful. Her name was _____ and the other, swamp, was a coward, weak, sleepy. Her name was ______. But still they lived together. So one night they went out for a walk. They go along the forest path and suddenly they see ....... ";

    Tales from the middle : « Once my dad and I were in a hurry from kindergarten .

Suddenly we saw... … Now this is my best friend.”;

    Compilation of fairy tales from the analogy of famous fairy tales; fairy tales from transformations:

I am turning….. The beginning of a fairy tale

I got bored all the time


near the hostess, and I went for a walk ....

In a butterfly How good it is to fly over


everything is seen. But then one day………;

    Tales of favorite toys - which children love to talk about (on behalf of the toys themselves - dolls, bears, robots);

    Colored fairy tales - color is important in human life, it carries certain information about the world around us. To teach children to perceive colors brighter and more figuratively, I invite children to tell the “Fairy Tale of Magic Colors”:

“We lived - we were in one fabulous country of paint. Each paint lived in its fairy-tale castle. Red paint in a red castle.

We draw a red spot on the easel.

And everything in it was ---- what color? (Red)

There was a castle of blue paint nearby, and she had everything --- what? (blue)

And farther away stood a castle of yellow paint, and everything in it was yellow. Paints loved, like all children, to visit each other, and that's what they did. Once the red paint went to visit the yellow.

Pick up the red color and add it to the yellow paint. What happened? (Orange color). And so on…

You can compose a fairy tale about one particular color and ask the child to continue it ;

    Binome fantasy - children choose two objects in the pictures that are difficult to combine in a fairy tale plot and come up with a fairy tale.

Couples The beginning of a fairy tale

Wolf and skates

skates are lying .......

Elephant and Pen Once an elephant decided to write

letter to your friend giraffe.

And I thought, where

find a pen...

Children are very fond of experiments in fairy tales,fairy tales in a new way where familiar characters in new circumstances. This method develops imagination, breaks stereotypes among children, creates conditions under which the main characters remain, but fall into completely different circumstances. I try to teach children to be active, to break the stereotypes of the usual content of fairy tales. For example,in the fairy tale "Turnip » Granddaughter sings a song, mouse playing sports,Cat going fishing. In a fairy tale"Kolobok" The Policeman appears, as Grandmother and Grandfather are looking for their son - Kolobok, who steals cutlets from them, and then he becomes ashamed and hides from Grandma and Grandfather.

But then everything ends happily. Gingerbread man understands that he acted badly, asks everyone for forgiveness and everyone forgives him.

Theatrical activity helps to form in children the ability to speak clearly, expressively, using different intonation, tempo to convey a specific image. Forming the skills of expressive retelling, attention is paid to articulation, the accuracy of pronouncing the set sounds, the development of speech breathing, the clarity of diction, the ability to control one's voice.
In addition, children master different types of puppets (finger puppets first, mitten puppets, then glove puppets, and so on), as well as the ability to drive a puppet behind a table screen.
There are various types of theaters, some of which I will introduce to you:
Finger Theatre. Represented by dolls - heads.
Shadow theater. Plane puppets are shown on an illuminated screen in the form of silhouettes.
Toy theater. Any ordinary toys, identical in material, are used.
Theater made of cardboard. Pictures - characters move in accordance with the content of the read fairy tale.
Theater on flannelgraph.
Theater gloves.
Table wooden theatre.
Puppet theater with a "live hand".
Puppet Theatre.

Purposeful use of the means of theatrical art increases the level of development of coherent speech in children and develops their individual creative abilities.
The result of work on the puppet theatricalization of fairy tales is the development of not only coherent speech and all components of the language system, but also the personality of the child as a whole.

Tales from the rhyme

The rhyme is laconic, its rhyme, as a rule, is easy. The plot is close and understandable to children of preschool age. The mechanism is as follows - we learn the rhyme, beat it, and offer a loan of a mysterious beginning, coming from its content.

Reading book The beginning of a fairy tale

Siskin was sitting in a cage, Once a grandmother, after feeding

Chizhik sang a song loudly, forgot to close the cage ... ..

An apple rolled past the garden, But the apple was magical,

Past the garden, past the city. good people it turned

Whoever picks it up will get out. in …., and the evil ones in ……….

Tales from proverbs

A short tale is the basis for the tale.

Proverb The beginning of a fairy tale

Chasing two hares, Once a hunter boy saw

You won't catch one. two bunnies at once. They were

so small…….

Without labor, you can’t catch Once upon a time there was a lazy bear and

and fish from the pond. Hard working fish...

One word stories

J. Rodarri recommends making stories based on one word. The narrator comes up with a word and begins to compose. The first word can be “hello ..” (... the fox said to the hare) or “Once upon a time” (an old man with an old woman in the world).

The Word Beginning of History

Lived - were Once upon a time there was a boy in the world ....

Three Three comrades agreed: which of

will bring them faster, I don’t know

what, that and…….

Forest The forest once argued with the river,

Which one is more important...

The boy The boy disobeyed his

parents. And so I decided to go

in a trip….

Met Met two sparrows.

And one says to the other……..

Fingers tell stories

Wherever our inquisitive fingers have been, whatever they have seen. We learned a lot during this time and learned a lot. Now they can show whatever they want. Even show live pictures for familiar fairy tales, turning them into real performances.

Let's remember a few well-known Russian folk tales and try to tell and show them with the help of little artists.

    Hen Ryaba

Once upon a time there was a grandfather

(circle with two hands from top to bottom an imaginary beard)

and a woman

(depict how the corners of the scarf are tied under the chin).

And they had a hen Ryaba

(for younger children, tap the index finger on the table, and for older children, show the “Chicken” finger exercise),

Hurry chicken egg

(round your fingers and connect their tips).

Yesnot simple and gold, Grandfather beat, beat

(tap your fist on the “testicle”)

- didn't break. Baba beat, beat

(hitting the testicle with your fist)

- didn't break.

The mouse ran

(for younger children, run all the fingers of your right hand across the table, and for older children, show the “Mouse” finger exercise),

Tail waved

(wave your index finger)

- the egg fell and broke

(drop your relaxed hands on your knees).

grandfather crying

(cover your face with your hands).

Baba is crying (cover your face with your hands).

And the chicken clucks: “Don’t cry, grandfather, don’t cry, woman, I’ll lay your testicle

(round your fingers and connect their tips)

different, not golden, but simple.


New characters:

turnip - with two hands from top to bottom, “draw” a circle in the air with a pointed tip at the bottom - in the shape of a turnip;

Granddaughter - finger exercise "Bow";

bug - finger exercise "Dog";

Cat - finger exercise "Cat";

Mouse - finger exercise "Mouse".


In the fairy tale "Teremok" the following new characters will appear on the stage:

Frog - finger exercise "Frog";

Bunny - finger exercise "Bunny";

Chanterelle - finger exercise "Fox";

spinning top - finger exercise "Wolf";

Bear - finger exercise "Bear";

In addition, it will be necessary to depict the tower itself - finger exercise "House".


Additional character - mitten

(show open hand).


New character - Kolobok

(finger exercise "Ball").

When Kolobok sings his song, it should be accompanied by such movements:

I'm a bun, a bun! By the barn methen

(finger exercise "Broom"),

Scraped by the bottom of the barrel

(scrape your fingers on the table),

Mixed with sour cream

(perform movements, as when kneading dough).

Planted in the oven

(perform the finger exercise "Stove"),

Cold on the window (

do the finger exercise "Window" and blow into it).

I left my grandfather

(picture grandfather)

I left my grandmother

(picture grandma)

I left the rabbit

(finger exercise "Hare") ...

* Finger exercise "Stove »: bend your fingers at a right angle to the palms; bend the thumb of the left hand and “hide”; put the middle finger, ring finger and little finger of the right hand over the fingers of the left hand, press the thumb to the index finger, and pull the index finger - this is the "chimney".

Finger exercise "Window": round the fingers of both palms and fold in the form of an oval window.

After the performance of the song, with the words: “The bun rolled further - they only saw it,” you can rotate your hands relative to each other.

    Alyonushka and the fox

In this tale, the young artist will have to show

Alyonushka - finger exercise "Bow".

In addition to fairy-tale heroes, fairy-tale scenery should be depicted:

Forest -

Berries - finger exercise "Berries";

House - finger exercise "House"

cat, rooster and fox

There are three main characters in this story:

Cat . - finger exercise "Cat";

Rooster - finger exercise "Rooster";

Fox - finger exercise "Fox".

As well as decorations and attributes:

House - finger exercise "House";

Forest - finger exercise "Trees";

Window - fold your hands into an oval window and look into it;

polka dots - Tap your index finger on the table.

    Fox, hare and rooster

In the fairy tale "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster" all the characters are already well known to our fingers-artists, and the hut can be depicted by doingfinger exercise "House".

Masha and the Bear

Masha - finger exercise "Bow".

In addition to fairy-tale heroes, you will also need to show fabulous scenery:

Forest - finger exercise "Trees";

Mushrooms - finger exercise "Fungus".

Berries - finger exercise "Berries";

House - finger exercise "House";

Pies - switch from hand to hand imaginary pies

Stump - a fist placed on the table;

box finger exercise "Basket"

lexical topics in the classroom for the development of coherent speech in the speech therapy group preparatory to school.

Lexical topic

Autumn. Vegetables

"Turnip", "Tops - Roots"


"Tiny - Khavroshechka"

Mushrooms. Berries

V. Suteev "Under the mushroom", Russian folk tale "War of mushrooms"

Trees. shrubs

"How a goat built a hut"



A family

"Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka"


"Masha and the Bear"


"The Wolf and the Seven Kids", "Goat Dereza"

Preparing birds for winter

"Grey neck"

Early winter

"Winter hut of animals"

Winter fun

"Snow Maiden"

New Year

V. Suteev "Christmas Tree"

Wild animals

"Three Bears", "Kolobok", "Two Greedy Bears"


"The Cockerel and the Beanstalk", "The White Duck"


"The Tale of Ersh Ershovich, the son of Shchetinnikov"

Clothing. Fabric shoes

Ch. Perro "Cinderella"


"The Fox and the Crane"

Defender of the Fatherland Day

G.H. Andersen "The Steadfast Tin Soldier"




"Tiny - Khavroshechka"

Agricultural work in spring

"Turnip", "Tops and Roots"

Migratory birds

"Crane and Heron"


Estonian fairy tale "Three butterflies"

M.Mikhailov "Forest mansions"

Life safety

C. Perro "Little Red Riding Hood"

Health. Hospital. Pharmacy

K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

The globe. Map. Travel

M. Garshin "Frog - Traveler"

Fauna of the North

G. H. Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Animals of hot countries

K. Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"

Our Motherland

"Nikita Kozhemyaka"


K. Ushinsky "Four Wishes"

Tales from poems.

There are many short poems that seem to be asking for a fabulous continuation. For example, A. Barto's poems

Poem The beginning of a fairy tale

The hostess left the bunny, The hostess woke up at night ... ..

A bunny remained in the rain, or: A dog ran past ..., or

I couldn’t get off the bench - One passerby suddenly saw on

Wet to the skin. bench lump…..


Our Tanya is crying loudly, Tanya did not cry in vain, since the ball was

Dropped a ball into the river. not rubber, but magic…….

Hush, Tanechka, don't cry:

The ball will not sink in the river.

Ties for a fairy tale from funny rhymes

Balloon air, playful, Our balloon flew awake,

Naughty and obstinate, where Nuf-nuf lived, a piglet.

Ran away with the wind. He looked at Kolobok.

Where, he didn't tell us. Ruined barrel.

He did not forget to visit

And grandfather and grandmother,

Well, there to talk

With chicken Ryaba.


Why shoelaces? One night when

If straight, the laces rested, the tongue

So that he does not travel much ... ...

Loosened the tongue.


Not a sorceress, not a witch, not a fortune teller, In the early morning, a spoon from

But about everything that in the ordinary bowl turned into

The spoon knows. Magic and became invisible.

Tales from riddles

First you need to work with the riddle: read it expressively, paying attention to all language means, guess it, and then offer the so-called bridge - a crossbar from the riddle to the beginning of the tale

Riddle The beginning of a fairy tale

The lower the cotton wool, the cotton wool went down lower and lower,

The closer the rain is. and there was no rain. And so…

(cloud and clouds)

Wings spread out. Everything suddenly went dark, nothing became

The sun has dimmed. (cloud) can be seen, the luminary hid. And suddenly…

So any riddle can serve as the beginning of a fairy tale.

Tales from chants, nursery rhymes.

Nursery tale The beginning of a fairy tale

- What are you, hedgehog, so prickly? A hedgehog lived in a forest

- This is me just in case: which spring for some reason

Do you know who my neighbors are? all the needles are gone. looked back

Foxes, wolves and bears! he …..


There is one funny bird in the forest One summer we met

All day long he sings: “Ku-ku! Ku-ku! cuckoo and rooster and started

No one can learn how to speak

Sing like a rooster: "Ku-ka-re-ku!" in your own language…….

Tales from one word

J. Rodari recommends making up fairy tales, starting from one word. The narrator himself comes up with the first word and begins to compose. Any word can be the first.

For example:

Word Beginning of a Fairy Tale

The Boy Once upon a time there was a boy who...

Three Three comrades agreed: which of them

bring something faster, I don’t know what,

he marries a beautiful princess and ... ..

Forest Forest once argued with the river, who

the most important of them...

From fairy tales - puzzles

No less important is feedback: based on familiar fairy tales, compose interesting puzzles. There is a lot of fairy-tale material, the main thing is to teach children how to transform fairy tales into puzzles using a sample.

Fairy Tale Problem

"The Wolf and the Seven Kids" If one kid ran after

mother, two others behind him, and two more

left without permission to swim, then

how many kids did the wolf find in the hut?

"Three Bears" If the girl behaved approximately,

then how many heroes of a fairy tale

worried about her?

"Gingerbread Man" Gingerbread Man met a bear, a wolf, ......

How many times could a wolf be eaten?

Tales from fantastic phenomena.

Fantastic phenomena can also serve as an important starting point for writing a fairy tale. But at the same time, you should not forget about two rules:

- make it clear to the children that they will now fantasize;

- offer them a variety of fantastic phenomena.

You can start like this.

    Imagine that you can shrink to the size of an ant… (What would be your favorite activity? What would you be afraid of? Would you like to become the same? Etc.)

    Imagine tangerine juice running out of the kitchen faucet; raisins began to fall from the clouds instead of rain; people came up with sleeping pills.

Gradually, the range of such phenomena is expanding.

    Mom and dad bought a carpet. But no one knew that this was a magical flying carpet from the country of Sochinyaika. The flying carpet hung on the wall for more than one year, another. And in the third year he got bored, and he decided ...... (Tell about the adventures of the airplane carpet.)

The tale of their "live" drops and blots.

It is interesting to compose fairy tales based on blotography. The main task here is to teach children how to make blots. Even a three-year-old child can, looking at them, see images, objects, or their individual details.

What does yours or mine look like? Who or what does she remind you of? - these questions are useful to ask, as they develop the thinking and imagination of the child. After this, it’s easy to move on to tracing and drawing the blot. The result can be a whole story.

And it’s even easier to get “live” drops: drop paint or ink on paper and quickly tilt it in different directions - some kind of image will immediately appear

Irina Pelnova
Experience "Development of children's speech through theatrical activities"

1slide: Business card

Pelnova Irina Yuryevna, teacher of MBDOU kindergarten No. 16 "Pearl"

Pedagogical experience:13 years old

Education: vocational secondary, second-year student of the Nizhny Novgorod State University "them. Lobachevsky"

Awards: diploma of MBDOU (2014) for the introduction of innovative technologies in work

professional creed:

“I am proud of my profession for

that I live my childhood many times”

2slide: Topic

« The development of children's speech through theatrical activities»

3 slide:Conditions for the formation of a personal contribution to development of education(from slide)

Work on the development of speech includes the following conditions:

1. Research conditions

2. Methodological conditions

3. Organizational and pedagogical conditions

I studied the theories of philosophers, psychologists, teachers in the field developing development(Vygotsky L. S., Elkonina D. B., Tikheeva E. I., Flerina E. A.).According to most scientists speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool age. After studying the methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that theatrical the game has a great influence on speech child development. Stimulates active speech by expanding vocabulary. The child learns the richness of the native language, its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations corresponding to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

4 slide:Relevance.

Analysis of the RPPS of the group for compliance with GEF DO revealed the following Problems:

The insufficiency of ensuring the realization of the educational potential of the group space for speech child development;

Diagnostics by showed the development of speech,what

Low speech activity children

In addition, there is problem:

Dissatisfaction with the interaction with the parents of pupils;

Exactly theatrical the game is one of the brightest emotional means that form the personality of the child. In the process theatrical the game activates and improves vocabulary, sound pronunciation, tempo, expressiveness speeches. Participation in theatrical games gives children joy, causes active interest.

It is known that children love to play, they do not need to be forced to do it. While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. Entering the world of childhood play, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And the thought said by the German psychologist Karl Gross, which is still used today popularity: "We play not because we are children, but childhood itself is given to us so that we play." All of the above determined my final choice of topic for work experience« The development of children's speech preschool age through theatrical activities».

5 slide:Theoretical justification of personal contribution

This is one of the most effective ways to influence children, in which the principle is most fully and clearly manifested learning: learn by playing.

In addition, one of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard is the creation of favorable conditions child development in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, development abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The educational program of our institution sets tasks development of free communication ...

Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual and theoretical grounds for asserting that not only intellectual child development, but the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is in directly related to speech».

AT theatrical the game forms an emotionally rich speech. Children better learn the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causation.

6 slide. Goal and tasks

I have set myself the following goal.

Creating conditions for speech child development younger preschool age through theatrical activities.

And such tasks:

Develop all oral components speeches;

Cultivate interest and love for reading;

-Develop literary speech;

To cultivate the desire and ability to listen to works of art;

-Develop interest in independent creativity activities;

Satisfy needs children to self-expression;

Involving parents in partnership k. joint theatrical and gaming activities- a unique type of cooperation.

7 slide. Leading pedagogical idea work experience:

educational opportunities theatrical activities are huge: its subject is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Their speech becomes more expressive, competent. They begin to use new words, proverbs and sayings from the script, moreover, in everyday situations that coincide with their semantic content. In the soul of every child lies the desire for free theatrical game in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and figurative perception, develops imagination improves speech.

8slide:Activity aspect

In the organisation theatrical games made extensive use of practical methods learning: a game, a method of game improvisation (serving as a bridge between a child’s games in everyday life and the art of an actor, exercises, a method of effective analysis (etude technique, staging and dramatization.

From verbal methods used storytelling, reading, storytelling children, conversations, learning the works of oral folk art.

All methods and techniques used in the complex, developed attention and memory, imagination, creative imagination.

9slide:Range of personal contribution (Joint activity)

Getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in a dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speeches, use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means. Keep the child's interest in theatrical activities. As far as possible, try to attend children's performances. Celebrate achievements and identify ways to improve. Offer to play your favorite role at home

10slide:Range of personal contribution (joint activities with a speech therapist)

Very important Work with a speech pathologist. Together we carry out various ….

11 slide: Personal contribution range (independent activity)

In self activities children choose their own theater and their favorite roles. All theatrical activity in my group is organized in a way that promotes development mental activity, development mental processes, speech skills improve, emotional activity increases. In self activities the child learns to think through his actions, the actions of the heroes he loses. Theatrical play activity contributes to the education of organization, independence. Through his role-playing statements, the child learns the meaning, experiments with the word, facial expressions, gesture.

12slide: Personal contribution range (work with parents)

Parent involvement is important work with theatrical activities. In any case, joint Work teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual and emotional child development. Parents put a lot of effort into tailoring costumes both for children as well as for adults. I strengthen partnerships with the family of each pupil, increase the competence of parents, confidence in their own abilities, and attract them to participate in various events.


The process of education comes naturally. The children's interest intensifies when they can independently choose the type of theater and role. Of great importance is the use of various technical means such as tape recordings, watching videos on a laptop, etc.

14 slide. Terms development of children in theatrical activities

Children develop and communicate their vocabulary not only during theatrical activities. Children learn a lot in free activities. During the role-playing game, they independently conceive the plot and develop his idea. When children play with board games they have imagination develops. Children drawing...

15 slide:Showing a fairy tale to young children

With our little performances we delight children at an early age, showing them their mini productions.

16slide: Acquaintance with the production of a fairy tale

Analyzing work with children, I came to the conclusion that children can show an open display. I approached the choice of a fairy tale with creativity, deciding to show an old fairy tale "The wolf and the seven Young goats" but in a new way. at first work I read the old version of the fairy tale to the children and we discussed it.

17 slide:Showing a fairy tale together "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

Having done a lot work with children and parents, we showed the fairy tale to the children of the entire kindergarten.

18 slide: Showing a fairy tale together "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way

A fairy tale must be present in the life of a child. A story that teaches entertains calms and even heals. Therefore, in everyday life, I often used fairy tales for education. children.

19 slide:Performance

At children improved speech. I am in my work, in joint activities of children and educator, systematically carried out theatrical game. Theatrical games are performance games. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are created. Thanks to theatrical games, y children have developed an emotional sphere, expanded and enriched children's collaboration experience both in real and imaginary situations. Besides, theatrical activity holds great potential for speech development of children. Speech - a wonderful gift of nature - is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to begin to speak correctly and beautifully. And I'm in my work together with the parents made a lot of efforts to ensure that the speech of the child developed correct and timely.


Advice for teachers The development of children's speech younger age with theatrical games February 2014 MO in preschool

Demonstration of the results on the website of the preschool educational institution, pedagogical piggy bank:article "Children live in the kindergarten"

Network pedagogical communities: publications on sites site; fairy tale script "The wolf and the seven Young goats" in a new way


Speech monitoring development

children second junior group

Khizbullina R.M., educator MBDOU "DSOV No. 20" Usinsk

I work in kindergarten No. 20 in Usinsk, whose priority is the development of children's speech. Observing children of the 4th year of life visiting my group, I noted for myself that various forms of speech development disorders occur in most children. After analyzing the situation, after examining the speech of children, I realized that they have a poor vocabulary, they cannot fully express their thoughts, their creative imagination is constrained, coherent speech is poorly developed, there are no communication skills, there is no expressiveness of speech. And I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to use in their work such methods and techniques that would contribute to the development of children's speech. Children spend more time in kindergarten with their peers and teacher, and therefore it is necessary to create such a situation in order to direct the development of speech in the right direction. Analyzing modern studies of children's speech, I came to the conclusion that the best solution to the problem at preschool age would be the development of children's speech through theatrical activities.

Theatrical activity is the most common type of children's creativity. This is the richest field for the aesthetic development of children. It is close and understandable to the child, because it is connected with the game. And the game, as you know, is one of the main types of children's activities. The game is used by adults in order to educate preschoolers teaching them various types of actions with objects, methods and means of communication. Theatrical activity in kindergarten has its own characteristics. This is a magical world in which the child enjoys playing, in the game he learns the world. At first, we, the educators, take on the main role in theatrical activities, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. In addition, theatrical activity helps to build a pedagogical process in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which requires the creation of favorable conditions for the development of children in accordance with their age and individual characteristics and inclinations, the development of the abilities and creative potential of each child as a subject of relations with himself, other children, adults and the world.

The importance of theatrical activity cannot be overestimated. Theatrical games contribute to the comprehensive development of children: speech, memory, purposefulness, perseverance develop, physical skills are developed (imitation of the movements of various animals).

I set myself a goal: to create conditions for the development of children's speech through creative activity in theatrical activities. Based on the goal, I developed the following tasks:

  • study literature on theatrical activities;
  • encourage children's interest in theatrical activities and create all conditions for this;
  • prepare consultations for parents on this topic;
  • create a set of games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia;
  • to enrich the center of theatrical activity with new types of theatre.

First of all, I expanded my knowledge about the role of theatrical and gaming activities in the upbringing and development of children's speech. Based on the program of N.F. Sorokina made a program for a theater circle, began to lead a circle "Teremok" . Program N.F. Sorokina "Theater - creativity - children" provides for the development of the natural abilities of children by means of theatrical art. Studying this program, I was convinced that it was developed in accordance with the tasks aimed at the comprehensive development of the child's personality. She developed a plan for working with children on theatrical activities for a year for preschool children, which includes a variety of forms and methods. When solving the tasks set for herself, she planned to work with children with a gradual complication. When creating conditions for theatrical and gaming activities, she equipped a theater center in which she placed various types of theaters and attributes for them; card files of various games.

Starting to work with children of the second younger group on this topic, she spent a lot of time playing with finger theaters. The children took an active part in "revival" their fingers, talked to them, rejoiced at the new characters from the finger theater. Then I brought a new toy to the group and played nursery rhymes in front of the children. In the future, in this way, we learned many different nursery rhymes, songs, jokes. With my help, the children acted out small fairy tales and poems. With the help of caps, masks, costumes, theatrical toys, outdoor games were played. I supported the desire of each child to be included in communication by all means, both verbal and non-verbal. (facial expressions, postures, etc.). Children began to change into theatrical costumes on their own, portraying fairy-tale characters. They became more mobile and facial expressions became expressive, movements gained confidence. At first, I show each fairy tale to the children myself, using various types of theater, I read the text. After showing the fairy tale, I work with children together. We discuss the fairy tale so that children learn its content and characters. I involve children in pronunciation of individual phrases, excerpts from a fairy tale. Then I read the fairy tale again and involve the children in the dramatization completely. I conduct game exercises on the ability to convey the image of a character, actions (how the grandmother got scared, how the bear walks, etc.). As the children grow up and move into older groups, the children take the tabletop theater of the fairy tale and reproduce it in full, while others watch. I pay great attention to individual work with children. We play with puppets of the finger theater, learn poetry, consolidate our knowledge of fairy tales, learn to conduct a role-playing dialogue. Here the interest of the child is taken into account, he himself chooses a fairy tale, a game, a type of theater.

Classes in theatrical activities were built according to a single scheme:

  • introduction to the topic, creating an emotional mood;
  • theatrical activities in various forms, where educational and every child has the opportunity to realize their creative potential;
  • an emotional conclusion that ensures the success of theatrical activity.

In the classroom I use various methods and techniques that allow children to gain knowledge in an interesting, accessible form, to solve the tasks I have set. During classes, I carefully listen to the answers and suggestions of the children - if they do not answer, I do not demand explanations, but proceed to actions with the characters.

Theatrical activity permeates all regime and educational moments. In middle, senior and preparatory groups, our theater group "Teremok" showed the children of the kindergarten a lot of fairy tales - both folk and copyright: "Teremok" , "Under the Mushroom" , "Zayushkina's hut" , "The wolf and the seven Young goats" , "Telephone" , "Turnip" , "Fly Tsokotukha" and others. Theatrical activity is reflected in holidays, entertainment, both group and musical, sports. At matinees dedicated to the holidays, we cook with children either theatrical fairy tales ("Cinderella" , "Dragonfly and Ant" ) , or any scenes from fairy tales, showing parents our successes and achievements. The form of summing up the results of the implementation of an additional educational program "Teremok" every year is participation in the reporting concert "Star Factory" .

Work on this topic is impossible without the participation of parents. Parents were actively involved in the design of the theatrical center. They purchased and made various types of theaters with their own hands. I made a folder for them "Development of speech through theatrical and gaming activities" , consultations "Building an environment for theatrical activities" , "Development of speech of preschool children through theatrical games at home" etc. I regularly publish articles on this topic in my page on the site.

Used Books:

  1. Antipina A.K. Theatrical activities in kindergarten. M.; TC Sphere, 2006
  2. R.I. Zhukovskaya. Creative role-playing games in kindergarten. M., 2005
  3. Karamanenko T.N. Puppet theater - for preschoolers. M., Enlightenment, 2005
  4. Lebedev Yu.A. Fairy tale as a source of children's creativity. M., VLADOS, 2001
  5. Rakhno M.O. Home puppet theatre. Rostov-on-Don, Phoenix, 2008
  6. Tkach R.M. Fairy tale therapy of children's problems - St. Petersburg, Rech, M., TC Sphere, 2008
  7. Shchetkin A.V. Theatrical activity in kindergarten. M.Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008
  8. Internet resources.

The period of preschool childhood is considered the foundation for the further development of all aspects of speech. The success of teaching children to school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. The purposeful formation of coherent speech is of paramount importance in the overall system of working with children. The formation of coherent speech of children in kindergarten is carried out both in the process of various practical activities during games, regime moments, observations of others, etc., and in the process of organized activities of children.

In the course of studying the methodological literature and work experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve the main problem, which is that it is necessary to develop the speech of preschoolers. This problem is a key problem in the course of my pedagogical activity.

In the course of the study, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop children's speech through theatrical activities. Therefore, in the course of my innovative activity, I decided to investigate this problem and create a series of activities aimed at developing coherent speech.



Generalization of experience on the topic: “Development of speech through theatrical activity”

2013-2014 academic year

2014-2015 academic year

Educator: Volkova T.P.


Mastering the native language, speech development is one of the most important acquisitions of a child in preschool childhood and is considered in modern preschool education as the general basis for raising and educating children. L.S. Vygotsky wrote: “There are all factual and theoretical grounds for asserting that not only the intellectual development of the child, but also the formation of his character, emotions and personality as a whole is directly dependent on speech.”

Working with children, I came across the fact that they have poorly developed coherent monologue speech, they hardly talk about the events of their lives, they cannot retell literary works. Therefore, as the main topic of my activity, I chose: "The development of the speech of preschool children through theatrical activities."

Theatrical games are always loved by children. Preschoolers are happy to beat familiar works, reincarnating in their favorite image. The child voluntarily accepts the character's traits, facial expressions and gestures. Children rejoice when good triumphs, sigh with relief when the heroes overcome difficulties and a happy ending comes.

E.A. Flerina, the largest teacher in the field of aesthetic education, saw the advantage of storytelling over reading in that the narrator conveys the content as if he were an eyewitness to the events. She believed that storytelling achieves a special immediacy of perception.

Fairy tales are especially loved by children, the language of fairy tales is very picturesque, it has a lot of apt comparisons, epithets, figurative expressions, dialogues, monologues, rhythmic repetitions that help the child remember the fairy tale and enrich his vocabulary. Theatrical art is close and understandable to both children and adults, primarily because it is based on the game. The theatrical game is one of the brightest emotional means that form the personality of the child, independent creativity, his emancipation. In the process of a theatrical game, the vocabulary, grammatical structure of speech, sound pronunciation, tempo, and expressiveness of speech are activated and improved. Participation in theatrical games gives children joy, arouses active interest, and captivates them. Reflecting on the issue of raising the level of children's speech, I came to the conclusion that theatrical activities can help.

Why theatrical activity? Theatrical activity is one of the most effective ways of influencing children, in which the principle of learning is most fully and clearly manifested: to teach while playing.

Studying the psychological, pedagogical and methodological literature, I came to the conclusion that the theatrical game has a great influence on the child's speech development. Stimulates active speech by expanding the vocabulary, improves the articulatory apparatus. The child learns the richness of the native language, its means of expression. Using expressive means and intonations corresponding to the character of the characters and their actions, he tries to speak clearly so that everyone understands him.

In a theatrical game, an emotionally rich speech is formed. Children better learn the content of the work, the logic and sequence of events, their development and causality.

The founder of the Moscow Puppet Theater S.V. Obraztsov once expressed the idea that every child has an inherent desire for acting. And we know that acquaintance with the theater takes place in an atmosphere of magic, festivity, high spirits, so it is not difficult to get children interested in theater.

It is known that children love to play, they do not need to be forced to do it. While playing, we communicate with children on their territory. Entering the world of childhood games, we can learn a lot ourselves and teach our children. And the thought said by the German psychologist Karl Gross, which is still popular: "We play not because we are children, but childhood itself was given to us so that we play." All of the above determined my final choice of topic for the experience of work "Development of the speech of preschool children through theatrical activity."

Relevance of work experience.

The period of preschool childhood is considered the foundation for the further development of all aspects of speech. The success of teaching children to school largely depends on the level of mastery of coherent speech. The purposeful formation of coherent speech is of paramount importance in the overall system of working with children. The formation of coherent speech of children in kindergarten is carried out both in the process of various practical activities during games, regime moments, observations of others, etc., and in the process of organized activities of children.

Preschool childhood is a special period of child development, the formation of general abilities necessary in any kind of activity. The ability to communicate with other people, to act together with them, to learn new things, to see and understand life in one's own way - this and much more is carried in preschool childhood.

Speech is one of the most important lines of child development. Thanks to the native language, the baby enters our world, gets ample opportunities to communicate with other people. Speech helps to understand each other, forms attitudes and beliefs, and also plays a huge role in understanding the world around us.

Speech - a wonderful gift of nature - is not given to a person from birth. It takes time for the child to start talking. And adults should make a lot of efforts so that the speech of the child develops correctly and in a timely manner.

The development of coherent speech is the central task of the speech education of children. This is primarily due to its social significance and role in the formation of personality. It is in coherent speech that the main, communicative, function of language and speech is realized. Coherent speech is the highest form of speech of mental activity, which determines the level of speech and mental development of the child (T.V. Akhutina, L.S. Vygotsky, N.I. Zhinkin, A.A. Leontiev, S.L. Rubinshtein, F. A. Sokhin and others).

Most pedagogical research is devoted to the development of coherent speech in children of older preschool age. Further development is required in the formation of the coherence of speech in the middle group, taking into account age and individual differences in children of older preschool age. The fifth year of life is a period of high speech activity of children, intensive development of all aspects of their speech (M.M. Alekseeva, A.N. Gvozdev, M.M. Koltsova, G.M. Lyamina, O.S. Ushakova, K.I. Chukovsky, D. B. Elkonin, V. I. Yadeshko, etc.). At this age, there is a transition from situational speech to contextual (A.M. Leushina, A.M. Lyublinskaya, S.L. Rubinshtein, D.B. Elkonin).


In the course of studying the methodological literature and work experience, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to solve the main problem, which is that it is necessary to develop the speech of preschoolers. This problem is a key problem in the course of my pedagogical activity.

After analyzing the initial situation, after conducting a survey of the speech of children, I realized that they do not have a rich vocabulary, they cannot fully express their thoughts, their creative imagination is constrained, their skills of coherent speech, expressive speech, motor skills are poorly developed, and there are no communication skills. And I came to the conclusion that in addition to classes with a speech therapist, it is necessary to use in your work such methods and techniques that would contribute to the development of children's speech. The child spends more time in the preschool along with peers and the teacher, and it is necessary to create such a situation, a problem in order to direct the development of speech in the right direction. In the course of the study, I came to the conclusion that it is necessary to develop children's speech through theatrical activities. Therefore, in the course of my innovative activity, I decided to investigate this problem and create a series of activities aimed at developing coherent speech.

Leading pedagogical idea of ​​work experience

Interest in children's speech has not weakened for many years. A great contribution to the development of methods for the development of speech was made by: K.D. Ushinsky, F.A. Sokhin, E.A. Flerina, A.A. Leontiev, M.M. Konina and many others.

The development of coherent speech is the main task of the speech education of children. It is in it that the main communicative function of the language is realized. Coherent speech is the highest form of mental activity that determines the level of speech and mental development of the child - this was noted in their works: Vygotsky L.S., Leontiev A.A., Rudinshtein S.L. and others. Mastering coherent oral speech is the most important condition for successful preparation for schooling.

Studies conducted by psychologists, teachers, linguists, E.A. Tikheeva, E.A. Flerina, F.A. Sokhina, created the prerequisites for an integrated approach to solving the problems of speech development of preschoolers. In classical preschool pedagogy, the idea of ​​combining learning with play belongs to the German teacher F. Froebel. The theory of game learning has been developed in the works of many foreign and domestic scientists - M. Montessori, A.P. Usov, V.N. Avanesov, E.N. Vodovozov and others. The influence of vocabulary work on coherent speech is described in detail by Strunina E.M. and Ushakova O.S., Shokhova O.A. presented two areas of work with preschoolers: fairy tale therapy and classes on the development of coherent monologue speech. This cycle of classes will help organize work on the development of verbal creativity of older preschoolers, starting with learning to compose reproductive and creative improvisations based on the content of familiar fairy tales and then inventing their own fairy tales and their dramatizations. In domestic pedagogy, sufficient theoretical, practical and methodological material has been accumulated for the study and development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech in preschoolers. The existing programs for the education and upbringing of children describe in detail the content and structure of frontal classes for the development of the lexical and grammatical side of speech.. Numerous studies have shown the importance of the game as a form of learning that promotes the assimilation, consolidation and systematization of knowledge and the possibilities of using it in the speech development of preschool children..


To develop and experimentally test a model for the development of children's speech through theatrical activities. In accordance with the purpose, object and subject of the study, it is possible to determine the research hypothesis: the development of children's speech in a preschool educational institution will be effective if:

Criteria, indicators and level of formation of children's speech are determined;

A model of education has been developed taking into account age characteristics;

Subject to the joint interaction of the educational institution and the family.

Research objectives:

To study the state of work on the development of speech in children of the middle and senior groups.

Study the literature on this issue.

Conduct a diagnosis of children in the section "development of speech" at the beginning of the year and at the end of the year.

Develop and test a long-term plan for working with children and parents on the development of speech through theatrical activities.

Create a cycle of scenarios, games and performances.

Practical significance.

A set of scenarios, leisure activities with children and parents for the development of speech, as well as a selection of theatrical game developments can be used in the work of a preschool educational institution.

The leading pedagogical idea of ​​work experience: the development of the speech of preschool children through theatrical activities. The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are enormous: its subject matter is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child. Their speech becomes more expressive, competent. They begin to use new words, proverbs and sayings from the script, moreover, in everyday situations that coincide with their semantic content. The positive emotional charge received from the performance, the acquired faith in one's own strengths increase the self-esteem of children. Many of them cope with their complexes, learn to think, analyze their behavior and the behavior of other people, become more attentive and tolerant of each other. Their gaming activity is activated, acquires a creative character, emotional richness. In the soul of every child lies the desire for a free theatrical game in which he reproduces familiar literary plots. This is what activates his thinking, trains memory and figurative perception, develops imagination, improves speech. S.Ya. Rubinstein wrote: “The more expressive the speech, the more the speaker, his face, himself” appears in it. The educational possibilities of theatrical activity are enormous, its subject matter is not limited and can satisfy any interests and desires of the child.


  1. To develop a steady interest in theatrical and gaming activities.
  2. Enrich the vocabulary of children, activate it.
  3. Improve dialogical and monologue speech.
  4. To cultivate a positive attitude towards theatrical games, the desire to play with theatrical puppets, an emotionally positive attitude towards peers, the education of will and self-confidence, respect for the traditions and culture of the people.
  5. To promote the manifestation of independence, activity in the game with characters toys.

Expected results:


Getting acquainted with fiction, children learn to apply grammatical skills and abilities in dialogical (answers to questions, conversations) and monologue (verbal creativity) speech, use the means of artistic expressiveness of the language and its grammatical means.


Support the child's interest in theatrical activities. As far as possible, try to attend children's performances. Celebrate achievements and identify ways to improve. Offer to play your favorite role at home, help to play your favorite fairy tales, poems, etc.

The development of theatrical activity in preschool educational institutions and the accumulation of emotional and sensory experience in children is a long-term work that requires the participation of parents. It is important that parents participate in themed evenings in which parents and children are equal participants.

It is important that parents participate in such evenings as actors, authors of the text, makers of scenery, costumes, etc. In any case, the joint work of teachers and parents contributes to the intellectual, emotional and aesthetic development of children.

Experience on the topic "Development of speech of preschool children through theatrical activities" was implemented at MDOU No. 29 "Berry" in the middle and senior groups in two areas: joint activities with children, interaction with parents.

The work was carried out in three stages: preparatory, main, final.

Stage 1 - preparatory.

At the first preparatory stage of my work, I studied the basic program of a preschool educational institution, methodological material, and the subject-developing environment of the group. In the course of all this work, some shortcomings were identified.

There are not enough methodological developments on the development of children's speech and little information and visual material for working with parents.

Therefore, she conducted a survey of the state of formation of coherent speech, the purpose of which was to identify the level of development of coherent speech in children. The content of the work is presented in Appendix No. 1. Analysis of the results for the middle group showed that they basically correspond to a low and medium level.

Simultaneously with the diagnosis of children, I conducted a survey of parents in order to identify their pedagogical knowledge, problems in communicating with children.

Prepared: selection of games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, subject-game actions, speech formation, finger, articulation and breathing exercises; scenarios of fairy tales, theatrical games, sketches.

After analyzing the survey, I came to the conclusion that many parents do not consider the problem important enough, they are convinced that children will eventually learn to speak on their own and learn everything in the process of growing up.

So, the results of the diagnostic stage allowed me to determine the following stages of work:

1. Develop a system of theatrical games for children.

2. Optimize work with parents on this issue using a variety of methods and techniques.

In order to realize the main goal of the work and solve the tasks set, I developed a long-term plan for theatrical games and entertainment and leisure activities with parents, which includes a variety of forms and methods.

(Appendix No. 2, 3).

Developed and selected games for the development of hearing, onomatopoeia, speech formation, finger, articulation and breathing exercises (Appendix No. 4).

She developed scenarios for joint entertainment and leisure activities for children and their parents “Journey to a fairy tale”, “Spring fairy tale” (Appendix No. 5).

Prepared and held parent meetings on the topics “The role of the family in the speech development of a child of 4-5 years old”, “The theater is our friend and helper”, a report for the parent meeting on the topic: “Speech development in preschool children” (Appendix No. 5).

Prepared questionnaires for parents on the topics “Speech development of the child”, “Theatrical activity of children”, “Your child”, “Speech development of children”, developed a memo “Word games”, “Useful tips for parents”, consultations “The importance of theatrical activities at development of the child's speech", "Means of home education - puppet theater", "Theatrical games as a means of comprehensive development of the child", "How interesting it is to spend leisure time with the family", "What is theater?", "The development of children's speech in the family", KVN on theatrical activities for parents (Appendix No. 5).

I collected a number of proverbs and sayings, tongue twisters, a selection of fairy tales .. (Appendix No. 6).

Stage 2 is the main one.

Techniques and methods of organizing the educational process. In the organization of theatrical games, she widely used practical teaching methods: the game, the method of game improvisation (serving as a bridge between the child’s games in everyday life and the art of the actor), exercises, the method of effective analysis (etude technique), staging and dramatization.

Of the verbal methods, she used storytelling, reading, the story of children, conversations, learning the works of oral folk art.

I used all the methods and techniques in a complex, developed attention, memory, imagination, creative imagination.

1. Reading works of art, fairy tales, poems. (Appendix No. 6)

2. Playing sketches, theatrical games (application 2.3)

3. Showing fairy tales in the middle group: "Zayushkina's hut", "Fox-sister and wolf", "Turnip", theatrical performance of the fairy tale "Teremok", dramatization "Telephone"

K. Chukovsky (Appendix No. 2).

4. Showing fairy tales in the senior group: “Hare Simulator”, “Frost”, “Polyanka”, a theatrical performance of a fairy tale in a new way “Snow Gingerbread Man”, puppet theater “Zayushkina hut” (Appendix No. 3)

5. Display of fairy tales for parents: ““ New Year's Adventure of the Kolobok ”,“ The Frog Princess ”. (Appendix No. 2,3)

At the same time, the process of education turns out to be natural. The interest of the children is enhanced when strangers took part in the skits (educators, parents and children of othergroups). The use of various technical means is also of great importance. These are video and audio recordings.

Requirements for theatrical games, I built them so that each subsequent one was based on the experience and knowledge of the guys acquired earlier.

A fairy tale must be present in the life of a child. A fairy tale that educates, entertains, soothes and even heals. Therefore, in everyday life, I often used fairy tales to raise children.

To improve teaching skills:

1. Developed a long-term plan for working with children and working with parents in the middle and older groups (Appendix No. 2,3,5).

2. Developed and selected games for the development of speech, finger, articulation and breathing exercises for children (Appendix No. 4).

3. Participated in the work of the teachers' council for the development of children's speech, where she presented a message from the work experience "Theatrical games based on works of art, as a means of developing the speech of preschool children."(Appendix No. 5).

Stage 3 is the final one.

At the end of the main stage, the children were re-diagnosed and the parents were questioned.

Re-diagnosis of children showed a higher level of their knowledge.

in the middle group.

Diagnostic data at the beginning and end of the academic year.

The general indicators of diagnosis in the middle group of the high level increased by 24.2%, the average by 20.6%, with a low level, no children were detected at the end of the year.

in the senior group.

First diagnosis.

High level: 13.8%

Average level: 70%

Low: 16.2%

Second diagnosis

High level - 42.8%

Medium - 57.2%

The general indicators of diagnosis in the older group of the high level increased by 29%, the average decreased by 11.9%, with a low level, no children were detected at the end of the year.

My hypothesis was confirmed as the children's speech improved. In my work, in the joint activities of children and the educator, I systematically conducted a theatrical game. Theatrical games are performance games. In them, with the help of such expressive means as intonation, facial expressions, gesture, posture and gait, specific images are created. Thanks to theatrical games, children develop an emotional sphere, expand and enrich the experience of children's cooperation, both in real and imaginary situations. In addition, theatrical activities are fraught with great opportunities for the development of children's speech.

In my work experience, I have achieved my goals and objectives. I showed in my work that thanks to theatrical games it is possible to improve the degree of speech development of children.


Theatrical games.

Theatrical sketches:

Tasks: to develop the imagination of children, to teach the expression of various emotions and the reproduction of individual character traits.

Imagine early morning. Yesterday you were given a new toy, you want to carry it with you everywhere. For example, on the street. But my mother didn't allow it. You were offended (lips "puffed out"), But this is mom - forgave, smiled.

Imagine yourself as a dog in a booth. Serious dog. Yeah, someone is coming, we need to warn (growl).

We take a snowflake in our hand and say good words to it. We speak quickly until it melts.

I'm a sweet worker

All day in the garden

I eat strawberries, I eat raspberries

To eat for the whole winter ...

Ahead of watermelons - here! ..

Where can I get a second belly?

I'm walking on my toes

I won't wake my mom.

Ah, what sparkling ice,

A penguin is walking on the ice.

The boy strokes the kitten, which closes its eyes in pleasure, purrs, rubs its head against his hands.

The child has an imaginary bag (box) with sweets in his hands. He treats the children, who take them and thank him. They unwrap candy wrappers, put sweets in their mouths, and chew. Delicious.

greedy dog

Firewood brought,

applied water,

kneaded the dough,

baked pies,

Hid in a corner

And I ate it myself.

Gum, gum, gum!

10. Mom angrily scolds her son for getting his feet wet in a puddle.

11. The janitor grumbles, sweeping last year's garbage out of the melted snow.

12. The snowman, whose head is baked by the spring sun, is frightened, feels weak and unwell.

13. A cow carefully chewing the first spring grass, calmly, with pleasure.

14. The hare had a house like a house

Under a bushy bush

And he was pleased with the scythe:

There is a roof over your head! -

And autumn has come

The bush dropped its leaves,

The rain poured like a bucket,

The hare got his coat wet.

A hare freezes under a bush:

This house is useless!

Wool to scratch - the hand hurts,

Writing a letter - the hand hurts,

To carry water - the hand hurts,

Cooking porridge - the hand hurts,

And the porridge is ready - the hand is healthy.

At the fence it's lonely

The nettle burned.

Maybe offended by someone?

I came closer

And she, the evil one,

Burnt my hand.

17. Balloon inflated two girlfriends

They took from each other.

All scratched up!

The ball burst

And two girlfriends looked -

No toys, sat down and cried ...

18. What is a creak?

What's the crunch?

What is this bush?

How to be without crunch

If I am a cabbage.

Let's love a little

How softly a cat steps.

Barely audible: top-top-top,

Tail down: op-op-op.

But, raising his fluffy tail,

The cat can be fast too.

Courageously rushes up,

And then again walks importantly.

Dramatization games


Shall we play airplane? (Yes.)

You are all wings, I am a pilot.

Received instruction -

Let's start piloting.

In the snow we fly and blizzard, Oo-o-o-o!

We see someone's shore. Ah-ah-ah-ah!

Ry-ry-ry - the engine growls,

We fly above the mountains.

Here we all go down

To our runway!

Well, our flight is over.

Goodbye, plane.

"We wash ourselves"

faucet open,

wash your nose,

Don't be afraid of water!

Wash the forehead

Wash cheeks,


Wash the temples

One ear, second ear

Let's wipe it dry!

Oh, how clean we have become!

And now it's time to walk

Let's go to the forest to play

And on what we will go - you must say.

(Airplane, tram, bus, bicycle.

Tires burst, friends.

We will pump the pump,

Inflate the tires with air.

Wow! Pumped up.

3. Cat and mouse play

We can do a little.

The mouse scratches with its paws,

The mouse gnaws at the crust.

The cat hears it

And sneaks to the Mouse.

Mouse, grabbing a cat,

Runs into a hole.

The cat is sitting and waiting:

“Why doesn’t the Mouse come?”

4. "Bear"


Winter sleeps in a lair,

Guess and answer

Who is this sleeping? (Bear.)

Here he is Mishenka-bear,

He walks through the forest.

Finds honey in hollows

And he puts it in his mouth.

licks paw,

Sweet clubfoot.

And the bees are flying

The bear is driven away.

And the bees sting Mishka:

"Don't eat our honey, thief!"

Walking along the forest road

Bear in his den

Lies down, falls asleep

And the bees remember...

5. "Sounding day"

(to the motive of the song "Oh, canopy")

Toptygin took the double bass:

“Come on, everyone start dancing!

There is nothing to grumble and get angry,

Let's have fun!"

Here is the wolf in the meadow

Played the drum:

"Have fun, so be it!

I won't howl anymore!

Miracles, miracles! At the piano Fox

Fox pianist - red soloist!

The old badger blew out the mouthpiece:

“What is the pipe

Excellent sound!”

Boredom escapes from this sound!

The drums knock yes knock

Hares on the lawn

Hedgehog-grandfather and Hedgehog-grandson

We took balalaikas ...

Picked up by Squirrels

Fashion plates.

Jing-ding! Shit!

A very busy day!

Theater in hand

Purpose: o allows you to increase the overall tone, develops attention, memory and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

"Butterfly" - clench your fingers into a fist and alternately straighten the little finger, ring and middle fingers, and connect the thumb and forefinger into a ring. With straightened fingers, make quick movements (fluttering fingers).

"Fairy Tale" - children are invited to play a fairy tale in which each finger is a character.

"Fish" - the hands of the right and left hands depict the smooth movements of fish. “At first they swam separately, and then they decided that it was more fun together.”

"Octopussy" - the right hand, carefully and in turn moving its tentacles-fingers, travels along the seabed. An octopus is moving towards - the left hand. We saw each other, froze, and then began to explore the seabed together. Children learn to play with their fingers from the first junior group while washing and dressing. Simple movements of the fingers are accompanied by nursery rhymes, songs.

This finger wants to sleep

This finger jumped into bed

This finger curled up

This finger is already asleep.

The fingers are up. Hooray!

It's time to go to kindergarten!

In the middle and senior groups, finger gymnastics is included in the daily routine.

1. In the morning with a small group of children or individually.

Hello golden sun!

Hello blue sky!

Hello free breeze!

Hello little oak tree!

We live in the same region

I greet you all (with the fingers of the right hand, take turns “hello” with the fingers of the left hand, patting their tips).

2. During morning exercises.

Before performing general developmental exercises with objects (hoop, gymnastic stick, cube, etc.), children are offered to "play with the object", for example, passing the ball from hand to hand. At this time, the teacher asks the children: “What ball?”. (Smooth, smooth, round, beautiful, rubber, etc.) If children are offered a set of physical exercises without objects, then the “Castle” warm-up is used:

A lock hangs on the door (rhythmic connections of the fingers in the lock),

Who could open it?

Pulled (hands stretch to the sides),

Twisted (circular movement of the fingers away from you),

Knocked (the base of the palms knock against each other)

And they opened (opened their fingers).

3. At physical education (three to four exercises)

The warm-up begins with exercises for the large muscles of the upper shoulder girdle (shoulder, forearm), since the whole arm, and not just the hand, usually gets tired during the lesson. Children are offered swings with straight arms, circular movements of the shoulders, elbow joints. Followed by a warm-up for the fingers. It begins with characteristic movements - clench your fingers into a fist, unclench (both with both hands at once, and alternately with each hand). Then the children are offered plot finger exercises: first with a simple movement (“Fingers say hello” or “Claws”), then in combination with self-massage of the hand with the help of the fingers of the other hand (“We put on a glove”) and objects - rolling a pencil, walnut.

In fairly complex classes that require high mental activity of children, finger kinesiology exercises are used - from the series of “brain gymnastics”.

4. At physical education classes.

Finger exercises are performed at the beginning of a complex of general developmental exercises, and self-massage of the hand with the help of massage balls is performed in the final part. In order to form in children elementary ideas about their body and practical skills in caring for it, the movement of the fingers of the hand is used in combination with the movement of the hands.

Who doesn't brush their teeth

Does not wash with soap (fingers alternately, starting with the index, "hello" with the thumbs),

He can grow

Painful, frail (palms are placed one above the other, depicting the growth of a child).

Befriend the filthy

Only dirty (fingers are connected in the castle).

who themselves

They drowned in the mud (a movement imitating a swimmer).

They grow

Nasty byaki (fingers clenched into a fist; then straighten, arms bent at the elbows, palms one after another near the nose),

Angry dogs are chasing them (hands forward, the right palm lies on the left, the fingers are slightly bent, each finger of the right hand touches the finger of the same name of the left hand).

Dirty afraid

Water and colds

And sometimes they don’t grow at all (arms crossed on the chest, bend, straighten, raise your hands up).

At the end of a physical education lesson, a set of exercises for the hands and fingers “How are you?” is traditionally performed.

How is it going?

Like this! (The thumbs of both hands are up, the rest are gathered into a fist.)

Do you swim?

Like this! (Hands represent the movement of the swimmer.)

How do you run?

Like this! (Hands bent at the elbows, movement along the body.)

Are you looking into the distance?

Like this! (Alternately put palms on forehead.)

Are you following?

Like this! (Energetic movements of the hands.)

Do you sleep at night?

Like this! (Palms under the head.)

Are you kidding?

Like this! (Fists of both hands clap on puffed cheeks.)

5. Before dinner, when the children are waiting for an invitation to the table.

Children really like to show “the theater in hand”: “There is a house on a sunny meadow. A cat lives in it. She loves to sit in her chair at the table. But suddenly a mouse appeared. The cat ran after her. The mouse jumped onto the steamer, and the cat got into the boat. They sailed into a dense forest in which green, fluffy firs grow ... ”(children accompany the text with the movement of their hands and fingers).

6. On a walk in the warm season.

After observing living and inanimate objects, children are invited to depict with their fingers: a house, a birdhouse, a cat, a dog, a chain, a tree, etc. It is advisable to use finger exercises at the end of the walk.


The goose made its nest,

Gus wrote a counting rhyme

And cackle, and cackle:

Wants to learn a counting rhyme!

"Bunny - ring"

The hare jumped from the porch

And found a ring in the grass.

And the ring is not easy -

Shines like gold.

7. At the beginning of an outdoor game or during the game.

For example, in the game "Dolphin and Fish" children perform hand movements for each line of the beginning.

In a stormy sea, a blue sea (hands at face level, palms down, fingers intertwined, wave-like movement, starting from the right shoulder).

Dolphins swim fast (wave-like movement of the arm bent at the elbow, hand at shoulder level).

The wave does not scare them, It splashes nearby (the arm is bent at the elbow, at the level of the face, wave-like movements with the brush).

In the outdoor game “Catching monkeys”, with the help of fingers, the child depicts a monkey (arms are bent at the elbows and spread apart to the sides - squeezing and unclenching the fist, crossing the arms in front of the face and at the same time squeezing and unclenching the fingers; arms are bent at the elbows, hands are one after another on nose level, palms to the sides, fingers up - "the monkey is teasing."

8. Good morning!

To create a positive psycho-emotional mood in children, exercises are used: “Good morning!” and self-massage of fingers “Let's wash our hands”.

Good morning, eyes! (We stroke the eyelids.)

You woke up? (“We look through binoculars.”)

Good morning ears! (We stroke the ears.)

You woke up? (Place hand over ears.)

Good morning, pens! (Stroking hands.)

You woke up? (We clap our hands.)

Good morning feet! (Stroking legs.)

You woke up? (Stomp.)

Good morning sunshine! (Hands open towards the sun.)

I woke up! (Tip your head back slightly and smile broadly.)

Finger gymnastics, carried out daily, contributes to the development of not only fine motor skills, but also the development of speech.

Tongue twisters for the development of diction.

The ship was carrying caramel,

The ship ran aground.

And sailors three weeks

They ate caramel aground.

A book is a book, but move your brains.

Wolves roam - looking for food.

Lucky Sanka Senka

With Sonya on a sled.

Question: who is where?

Sanka - lope! -

Senka off your feet!

Why? (He walked ahead.)

Sanka - to the side,

Sonya - on the forehead,

All in a snowdrift.

Chicken by grain


Duck - quack-quack-quack,


Kitty - meow-meow,

Doggy - woof-woof,

Piglet - grunts, grunts,

Cow - flour, flour,

Horse - noki-noki.

Ski, Uzhonok, circle, ironing,

Mug, beetle, walrus, flag.

Grapes, grass, axe,

Ball, nettle, tomato,

Frying pan, satchel, pear,

Roof, rainbow, Karkusha.

Masha walked, walked, walked

And found a toy:

Cat, matryoshka, bump, monkey,

Mouse, typewriter, gun, bunny,

Ball, tumbler, reel, frogs, -

Who lost so many toys?

Articulation gymnastics

Bite the tip of your tongue - "mom shreds cabbage."

Make a ring with your tongue under your upper teeth.

The tongue is like the sting of a snake.

The tongue is like a thin needle - “we put injections” alternately on each cheek.

Brush your upper and lower teeth with your tongue.

Close your eyes, imagine the night - "get on the horse and go." Click.

Take out your nose with the tip of your tongue.

Pout your lips. Smile without showing your teeth.

Brush your lips with your teeth.

Pull your lips over your teeth, opening your mouth wide.

Draw the sun with open lips.

Imagine that you start a motorcycle - let's go. There is a mountain on the way. Climb up (sound intensifies). Now get down. Stop.

Raise your tongue to the top:


Our coat is good.

Hello, kittens!

Meow meow.

Hello calves!


Hello mice!

Pi, pi, pi.

Hello frogs!

Kwa, kwa, kwa.

15. Your lips directly to the ears

I will stretch like a frog.

And now I'm an elephant

I have a trunk.

And now I'm a piper

Dudochka - a horn.

I liked to play

I'll repeat it all over again.

Kiss. At the expense of "one", pull closed lips forward, as for a kiss; at the expense of "two" stretch your lips into a smile, without exposing your teeth.

With closed, elongated lips, move up and down, right and left; make circular rotations clockwise and counterclockwise.

Hamster. Chew an imaginary chewing gum so that the whole face moves. Starting from the second time, boasting is added. Participants break into pairs and show off their faces to each other, who has the tastier chewing gum.

17. Mug faces. Raise your right eyebrow. Lower. Raise your left eyebrow. Lower. Raise and lower both eyebrows. Without opening the lips, move the lower jaw up, down, right, left. Flare your nostrils. Move your ears. Make an etude with a face “I am a tiger that is waiting

prey" or "I'm a monkey that listens." Draw out the face. Break into a smile. Without unclenching your teeth, raise your upper lip and! put her down. Do the same with the bottom lip. At the end of this exercise, give the task to make a face (“who is funnier” or “who is scarier”).

18. Bath. This exercise is performed in two positions.

Children sit on the floor and pat their feet, then calves, knees, shins, thighs. Patting is done alternately, first on one side, then on the other. Simultaneously

with a pat, pronounce the sound [m] on a comfortable note.

Standing, the body is bent at the waist. Gradually, the body straightens up to a vertical state, and in a standing position, pat | goes to the stomach, back, chest. The exercise is good because it automatically turns on the resonators.

19. Airplane. This exercise is best done at the end. It is convenient to check what results the guys have achieved on it. All participants are divided into four groups. Each group is one "motor" of the "aircraft". The teacher turns on each "motor" in turn. "Motors" "work" on the sound [a] and very quietly. When all the "motors" are "on", the teacher begins to slowly raise his hands, increasing the "power" of the "motors" to the highest point of sound, then the sound decreases sharply.

20. The chick hatches. Close your lips. Move the tongue up and down, right and left with an acceleration of the pace.

21. Bell. Open your mouth, beat the edges of your lips with your tongue, like the tongue of a bell.

22. Sting. Open the mouth, stick out the tongue with wave-like movements back and forth.

23. Shovel. Try to reach the protruding tongue to the nose or) chin.

24. Grimace. Make faces for 3 minutes, using all the muscles of the face.

Exercises are repeated 5-6 times, then a pause and relaxation of the lips.


Artyomova L.V. Theatrical games for preschoolers. A book for a kindergarten teacher. Moscow: Enlightenment, 1990.

Arushanova A.O. Organization of dialogic communication between preschoolers and peers // Preschool education. – 2001.

Korotkova E.L. Ensuring speech practice in the interaction of work on the development of dialogic and monologue speech. // Reader on the theory and methodology of the development of speech of preschool children / Comp. MM. Alkseeva. - M., Academy, 1999.

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