Scientists have sent a message into space. Letter to space orbit

Since the middle of the 20th century, mankind has made several interesting attempts to get acquainted with alien civilizations. We sent radio messages and records into space aboard ships, and today some of them have already left the solar system. The most interesting thing about them is the logic by which their contents were selected: perhaps it will say much more about humanity than all the photographs, records and drawings put together. T&P recall the Arecibo signal, Voyager's golden disk, and other space letters.

First attempt: "Peace, Lenin, USSR"

Interestingly, the first ever radio message from earthlings to extraterrestrials was sent in November 1962 from the Evpatoria Center for Deep Space Communications. It read: "Peace. Lenin. USSR". The scientists used a powerful transmitter that operated at a wavelength of 39 cm; the addressee of the signal was the planet Venus, which reflected it, which made it possible to check the performance of the radar. In 1966, from the center of Evpatoria, through Venus, together with specialists from Great Britain, Soviet scientists sent another message: “USSR. England. Friendship".

Today, mankind's short (and probably unreadable) first interstellar letter is heading towards the orange giant HD 131336 in the constellation of Libra. The distance to this star is 2 million 158 thousand light years. At the moment, of these, the radio signal has traveled 52 light years. It is noteworthy that it is in the constellation of Libra that the star Gliese 581 is located, around which three conditionally habitable exoplanets revolve. The most interesting of them is Gliese 581 s discovered in 2007: here the acceleration of free fall is 1.6 g, and the surface temperature fluctuates between +3 and +40⁰C.

Big Radio Letter: Arecibo Message

November 16, 1974 from the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico in honor of the discovery of a powerful radio telescope, scientists sent the first large and for real informative radio message to extraterrestrial civilizations. It was developed by Frank Drake, the author of the famous equation that theoretically allows you to calculate the number of advanced civilizations in the galaxy, and Carl Sagan, an American pioneer in the field of exobiology, an astronomer whose work gave impetus to the development of the SETI project to search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

The Arecibo message lasted 169 seconds, and was transmitted at a wavelength of 12.5 cm. When finished, it had the shape of a rectangle, and with the correct arrangement, the number density was constant, but not with the wrong one. The letter reflected the numbers from one to 10 in the binary system, the atomic numbers (the number of protons in the atomic nucleus) of hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus, the molecular formulas of the nucleotide components in human DNA, the number of nucleotide pairs in the genome and the shape of the DNA molecule, brief information about man and mankind. In addition, there was information about the solar system, the radio telescope and the size of its transmitting antenna.

Even if there really are contactees “on the other end of the line”, it will take about 25 thousand years to deliver the Arecibo message, and the same amount to answer. This letter has been criticized many times, ranging from doubts that its rectangular shape can in principle be deciphered if you are not from Earth (where rectangles are much more common than, say, the honeycomb shape familiar to insects), and ending with the fact that the recipient must be able to perceive the information optically. It has also been suggested that decryption requires too many mathematical tricks.

In 2001, near the radio telescope in Chilbolton (Hampshire, UK), an interesting “answer” to Arecibo appeared: a similar-looking message left on the field with the help of crushed ears. Instead of a human figure, it depicted the figure of a humanoid with a large head - the so-called "gray" with large eyes and a small jaw, familiar to us from sci-fi films. Then the "answer" made a lot of noise. However, the authors of the SETI project stated that it is a fake, because, firstly, it is not clear why an advanced extraterrestrial civilization did not use radio waves, choosing a short-lived "cereal graphics", and, secondly, the DNA of the authors of the "Chilbolton message" looked too much like human , although the silicon declared at the beginning of the message did not appear in the list of nucleotides.

Nude: Pioneer Records

Carl Sagan also became the author of another unusual message to extraterrestrial civilizations - graphics on anodized aluminum plates launched into space aboard Pioneer 10 and Pioneer 11 in 1972 and 1973. Here are a naked man and woman against the background of a spaceship carrying a record (in one scale), a map of the Milky Way pulsars, which shows the distance from them and from the center of the galaxy to the Sun, the two main states of the hydrogen atom and a diagram of the solar system with a mark where it came from "Pioneer". Each plate is 22.9 cm wide, 15.2 cm high and 1.27 mm thick.

This interesting work by Sagan has been repeatedly criticized both for its excessive anthropocentricity and for the fact that "NASA sent obscenity into space." The arrow that marks the direction of the ship's movement can only be understood by a civilization whose foraging techniques developed similarly to earthly ones (i.e., hunting using spears or arrows). And the man's raised hand in greeting seems to make sense only for us.

Today "Pioneer-10", according to the calculations of experts, was already supposed to go into interstellar space. The last, very weak signal from it was received in January 2003, after which the radio transmitter on the ship finally failed. Now this device is moving in the direction of the brightest star in the constellation Taurus - Aldebaran - and can reach it in 2 million years. Pioneer 11 is moving towards the constellation of the Shield. We have not yet been able to detect exoplanets in either constellation.

Music and the Pulsar Map: Voyager's Golden Records

In 1977, another unusual record was sent into space - two gilded records in anodized aluminum cases, mounted on board Voyager 1 and Voyager 2. Their diameter is 30 cm, and the precious coating should protect the tracks from the erosive action of cosmic dust. Along with the plastics, each case contains a recording playback needle and a phonographic capsule. The box with the record has explanations: an engraved diagram of the installation of the needle and the conversion of the video signal into an image, data on the playback speed of the sound recording, another map of pulsars, which marks the position of the Sun in the Milky Way, and a scheme for emitting hydrogen units to obtain metric units and units of time.

The commission for the creation of Voyager records was again headed by Carl Sagan. This time, the experts decided to devote most of the space to music. Classical Western and Eastern works, light and folk music occupy 78% of the space on the discs. The honor to represent the West fell to Bach (Brandenburg Concerto No. 2, Rondo Gavotte, Well-Tempered Clavier), Beethoven (5th Symphony, String Quartet No. 13), Mozart (Magic Flute), Stravinsky (Spring Sacred"), Chuck Berry ("Johnny B. Goode"), Louis Armstrong ("My Melancholy Blues") and Blind Willie Johnson ("Dark Was the Night"). However, most of the space went to the classical music of India, Java and Japan, the folk music of Peru, Bulgaria, Azerbaijan, Australia and Africa. Interestingly, the record also contains a Chinese piece for qixianqin, composed by Bo Ya 2,500 years ago, Georgian choral singing, flute sounds from the Solomon Islands and ritual singing of the peoples of New Guinea, which resembles the singing of people of the Stone Age.

22% of the disk space is occupied by recordings of human voices and the sounds of the planet, as well as 116 images encoded into a video signal. There are greetings in 55 of the most common languages ​​of the Earth, including the ancient ones: Sumerian, Akkadian, Hittite, Aramaic, Ancient Greek and Latin. Voyager has the sounds of the ocean and land, the voices of animals and birds, the noise of human activity: footsteps, the sound of a hammer and an ax, the grinding of a saw, the howl of jet engines and the rumble of a rocket launch, the cry of a child who is soothed by his mother, and the rhythmic clicking of a pulsar, giving clues to the space map on the box.

Also on unusual plates are recorded photos of the solar spectrum, encoded as three monochrome images. Knowing the spectrum of the Sun, you can combine them into a color picture. This makes it possible to see other images in color: a view of the Earth from space and from low orbit, diagrams of the structure of atoms to get acquainted with the gases of the atmosphere and the DNA molecule, and a series of anatomical drawings showing how a cell divides, fertilization occurs, the development of an embryo and the development of an earthly creature. . It also contains eight diagrams illustrating human anatomy. In addition, the carriers from Voyager contain photographs of landscapes, life forms and human beings: farmers from Guatemala and Australia, workers from Africa, Thailand and the United States, ballet dancers, Olympic runners and others.

Also on gold plates are the addresses of UN Secretary General Kurt Waldheim and US President Jimmy Carter. Carter's penetrating, but incomprehensible speech without knowledge of the English language, in a free translation, sounds like this:

“This device was created in the USA, a country with a population of 240 million people among the 4 billion people of the Earth. Humanity is still divided into separate nations and states, but countries are rapidly moving towards a single earthly civilization.

We are sending this message into space. It will probably survive for a billion years of our future when our civilization changes and completely changes the face of the Earth. If any civilization intercepts Voyager and can understand the meaning of this disk, here is our message:

It is a gift from a small distant world: our sounds, science, images, music, thoughts and feelings. We are trying to survive in our time so that we can live in yours. We hope that the day will come when the problems we face today will be solved and we will join the galactic civilization. These records represent our hopes, determination and goodwill in this vast and awe inspiring universe."

To date, Voyager 1 has moved away from our planet at a distance of 130 thousand astronomical units (1 AU - the average distance from Earth to the Sun), or 17 light hours and 36 light minutes. It is moving towards the constellation Giraffe and in 40 thousand years will fly by 1.6 light years from the red dwarf AC + 79 3888, which is located not far from the North Star. "Voyager 2" during the same time will have to be at a distance of 1.7 light years from the star Ross 248, and after 296 thousand years will approach Sirius.

The body begins to age at the moment when the level of vital energy drops so much that it is not enough to maintain physiological processes, and some of them are turned off, as a result of which biological systems begin to go out of balance.

In a person with age, the blood supply to an organ may worsen, which at first will lead to a decrease in its activity and will not entail pathologies. However, the difference in the performance of different organs will lead to deviations at the level of the whole organism, since inconsistencies in their work will appear.

Insufficient activity of the heart leads to stagnation of fluid in other organs and muscles, as well as to a deterioration in their blood supply. The deterioration of kidney function can lead to intoxication of the body with metabolic by-products that will not be excreted. Low lung productivity leads to a general lack of energy and anemia, which also leads to a lack of resources for the work of other organs. The human body is a complex chain of relationships, the elements of which are biological organs, and a change in the work of any of them affects the entire system. To ensure a sufficient level of activity, it is necessary to maintain a delicate balance between all the components, and the violation of this complex picture leads to the accumulation of contradictions and sooner or later leads to breakdown.

The human body has many ways to maintain internal balance, since all organs are interconnected, and a temporary weakening of the activity of one organ can be compensated by the activation of other parts of the body. If the heart has lowered its activity, then the body can switch to a more economical mode, thereby not creating an imbalance. If a blood vessel is injured or clogged, then the blood begins to move along parallel branches, and thus the sparing regime of this vessel is maintained, allowing it to recover. When the body is poisoned, the liver, oversaturated with harmful substances, is overloaded, and to support this organ, the body switches to a new diet, removing fatty and high-calorie substances from its diet, the digestion of which depends primarily on the activity of the liver.

Thus, the body has enough tools to maintain internal balance, which allows you to keep all systems in a harmonious relationship and resolve contradictions. If none of the organs is knocked out of the general regime, then aging does not occur, because aging is the result of a significant breakdown of one of the biological systems. From this point of view, it becomes incomprehensible why aging and subsequent physical death have become a natural process leading to the end of the life of every person.

The aging process is artificial and imposed on the physical body, and it occurs due to the imposition of external energy fields on internal physiological processes. The human body is literally forced to grow old, this is due to the disharmonious energy conditions in which a person or other biological being has to exist. The external energy environment in its parameters does not correspond to the internal environment of the body, and this discrepancy leads to a gradual deviation of biological processes from the norm.

Since a person exists in this environment constantly, he does not notice the undesirable effects, and aging, which is the result of an imbalance, is considered a natural pattern. However, the artificiality of this phenomenon can be traced by comparing the conditions in which people live in different parts of the planet, in which the pressure of the energy fields of the system differs in its intensity. We are talking not only about the social system, but also about the natural one, through its phenomena affecting all biological organisms inhabiting the surface of the Earth.

In big cities, the main source of distortion is electromagnetic fields, which, by affecting the activity of the nervous system, keep the brain cells in constant tension, and such an excessive tone is transmitted through the nerve endings to other organs. In the natural environment, harsh weather conditions are analogous to technogenic stress, and people who face these difficulties also wear out their bodies, aging even faster than residents of megacities. However, much depends on how the body is accustomed to certain conditions. If several generations of people live in the same conditions, then their bodies adapt to external influences, and it ceases to play a negative role. Moreover, external fields become an additional force that maintains balance, as the body begins to rely on certain energy rhythms and climatic conditions, building its internal processes taking into account these external influences.

The positive trend of the harmonious impact of external factors on human life can be easily seen if we consider the lifestyle of any person who lives like his ancestors. People living in Africa feel most comfortable on their own continent, and when moving to other territories they experience not only social pressure, but are also exposed to unusual diseases and climate influences. At first glance, the life expectancy of such people often increases compared to the life of the natives, which is associated with the possibilities of modern medicine available in more developed countries, where such people go to work. However, life extension due to medicines is an artificial process that only delays the aging process and temporarily removes its symptoms, but sooner or later the body gives up, because it is unable to exist under constant energy pressure, which is unusual for a person who has moved to the city.

The main criterion by which you can evaluate the exit of internal processes from the balance is a decrease in the level of emotional vibrations. If we compare the emotional state in which an inhabitant of Africa lives in his territories, and a migrant who has made his life more civilized, then the advantage should be given to the first. However, the question may arise - why, then, a person living for a long time on the land of his ancestors, can not significantly extend the period of physical life?

Partly the reason lies in the pressure of natural factors, because being in nature a person has to survive, acting in very strict programs similar to biological instincts, and such a life keeps a person in fairly low vibrations. In addition, many natives die prematurely in order to quickly reincarnate, that is, prematurely start the aging process for the sake of their own renewal. Such people feel the gradual penetration of the fields of modern civilization into their lives, the vibrations of which enslave perception, making their emotions more heavy and inflexible. In order to maintain an emotional balance at the level of the entire tribe, such people compromise and deliberately shorten their physical lives in order to be in high vibrations most of the time. By imposing restrictions on individual life, representatives of such a tribe make their people more free at the state level. Thus, the short lifespan of people who maintain ancestral traditions is a forced measure taken by them subconsciously, in order to preserve the capabilities of their people.

Compared to the natives, the inhabitants of the cities no longer maintain their original traditions, and are almost completely captured by the trends of modern civilization. Such people leading a progressive lifestyle prolong their existence by artificial methods that do not affect the emotional state and can only temporarily support the biological body. Pacemakers help the heart perform its physical function, but the vibrations in which this organ is located are not taken into account. Athletes who eat steroids activate rapid muscle growth, but do not pay attention to the stress in which their body is injured by too rapid muscle growth. Any medical drug that causes the physical body to perform a certain process has a similar effect, without taking into account the general condition.

Modern medicines literally capture vital energy and direct it in the required direction, which allows you to effectively raise the tone of a particular organ or cope with a disease. This does not take into account the complex chain of cause-and-effect relationships of the entire biological system. Artificial preparations take a separate link out of context and strengthen it, however, at the same time, other links lose their energy support and become deactivated. Such a local increase can lead to subsequent deviations, which have to be eliminated by other drugs that also solve a particular problem and do not maintain the overall balance. As a result, the body is in constant stress, feeling how any impact deprives it of a foothold and forces it to resist, but at the same time it is unable to cope with this biochemical influence. It can be said that modern medicine constantly proves to the physical body that it is not capable of solving its problems on its own, which diminishes the inner confidence of a person and makes him dependent on the benefits of civilization that artificially support his life.

At first glance, every single influence on a person from the social system gives a positive and obvious effect, which is manifested in the release from diseases and in the general extension of the period of physical life. However, depriving the human body of points of support, the system literally takes it into its own use, making it an instrument in its hands and preventing a person from consciously using his capabilities. The increase in the lifespan of modern people is an unnatural process, and each person is a subject for research undertaken by the system. The main result that the system strives for is to break the will of a person and force him to transfer his physical body to her personal use.

It may seem that the system cares about the well-being of a person, but the question arises - what exactly is supported in this case?

The system, of course, contributes to the existence of the biological body, but not the person living in it and manifesting at the level of the emotional body, that is, in the form of feelings filling the physical body. To understand how the biological body is the property of modern people, you need to pay attention to their emotional state. The decrease in the level of vibrations that occurs over the years is evidence that the human body, which was originally its property, passes into the use of the system, but it, not knowing how to handle the delicate device of this device, quickly disables it. In fact, the system is not able to harmoniously maintain the structure of the human biological body, and it is much easier for it to ensure its vital activity with the help of more primitive programs that lack the manifestations of life characteristic of humans.

We are talking about replacing organs with their artificial analogues, made using electronic microcircuits, the functions of which are similar to biological tissues, but in their structure and properties they differ sharply from real organs. Electronics is that form of existence of physical matter, which is under the total control of external fields through which they are controlled. If the maintenance of the physical body occurs by replacing organs with electronic analogues, then the person will become a completely controlled being and will lose the remnants of inner freedom.

Not only medicine, but also any electronic devices used by people are actively promoting humanity to such an outcome, since they replace a person's own body capabilities. The pressure of modern civilization is aimed at making a person surrender to the mercy of technogenic fields and limply float with the flow of his life, not showing initiative and relying on the opportunities that are provided to him.

Looking from the outside at the life of an average person, one can consider that he has already given up, since he does not seek to resist artificial conditions. The only discrepancy is that an organism that exists in greenhouse conditions begins to get sick and dies even earlier than a person living in nature. The reason is that the inhabitants of cities subconsciously resist the capture that extends to them through electromagnetic fields, and although they are forced to agree to unnatural ways to maintain their lives, sooner or later they provoke a malfunction at the level of the whole organism in order to free themselves from the energy trap.

The totality of all methods of technogenic influence on a person creates a closed space around him, from which it is almost impossible to escape, and over time people are deprived of the last opportunities for liberation. Even a century ago, people had the opportunity to retire in nature, which, although it put pressure on them with its conditions, allowed them to remain free at the level of the state. Such a life was spent by many yogis and hermits, who deliberately subjected themselves to physical trials, because due to this they were distracted from the thoughts of the persecuting civilized people and escaped the influence of social fields. At present, this tool, which consists in placing oneself in extreme conditions, is still effective, but its effectiveness is decreasing due to the parallel exposure of the human body to electromagnetic fields, the intensity of which has increased significantly. Wherever there is a yogi or a hermit, his consciousness is exposed to radiation coming from satellites and cell towers, the influence of which spreads everywhere. Therefore, the life of people living in the wild is less and less different from the conditions of life in big cities, and modern man literally has nowhere to hide.

Most people, feeling the hopelessness of the situation, subconsciously start the process of self-destruction, disabling the physical body and allowing their consciousness to free itself from the limitations of a particular incarnation. Reincarnating again, a person lives through the period of childhood and adolescence, during which an excess of vital energy allows one to ignore external conventions and be in a fairly harmonious state. However, the young man does not notice how his body constantly resists external conditions, and gradually the supply of vital energy dries up, turning every step forward into a real test.

As a result, a mature person already acts more prudently than before, and in old age limits himself from many interests, feeling a lack of strength to achieve desired goals. At some point, a person begins to feel that this incarnation has exhausted itself, since the set of available opportunities no longer corresponds to real needs. Of course, a person can live to maintain the physical body, and the system provides him with the necessary nutrition and medicines that prolong life. However, all this makes life completely mechanical and conditioned by the influence of external factors, and the person himself, who is the sensual filling of the physical body, ceases to exist.

Faced with such a situation, some people choose to continue their physical life, while their being falls asleep in the depths of the body, waiting for this incarnation to finally end and death to come, triggering the process of renewal. Such a life can turn out to be very long, when a person outwardly maintains a high level of activity due to the support of the system, while performing strict tasks assigned to him by egregors that ensure his life processes.

Such artificial life extension is typical for many politicians, public figures and high-class specialists who turned out to be necessary for the system to ensure its work. As soon as such people fulfill their mission and retire, their body immediately experiences a breakdown due to the lack of external support, since the egregors that previously energized certain physiological processes disconnect the human body from the energy source.

Another outcome, chosen by most people, is to die at a time when the set of available opportunities is significantly narrowed due to a lack of energy resources. In this case, despite the healthy lifestyle of such a person and external well-being, the body can force a fatal outcome by initiating a serious and incurable disease. In addition, the release of a person from the shackles of a separate incarnation can be achieved through an accident, which makes it easy to interrupt the cause-and-effect relationships that are an external obstacle.

From this point of view, death that befalls people is a favorable phenomenon, as it allows a person to restart the process of his life, again feeling a surge of strength in the younger years of the next incarnation. However, such a positive attitude towards death is uncharacteristic for people, and in everyday life there is a negative view, according to which death personifies all the troubles that can fall on an individual. Such a distorted perception of death causes people to cling to a specific incarnation, which ultimately leads to the development of artificial ways to extend life.

It is worth noting that the traditional medicine used by different peoples several centuries ago had a completely different character compared to the current healing methods. Any medicines used in the past were aimed at improving the emotional state and contributed to raising the level of vital energy. These internal changes allowed the body to cope with any physical ailment on its own. In fact, the healers of the past left the sick person with a choice - to be cured and continue incarnation, or to use the disease as a chance to free themselves.

Such an approach helped people to stay in fairly light vibrations that balanced the turbulent events that filled the world in ancient times and the Middle Ages. During the Renaissance and modern times, the process of urbanization gained momentum, scientific and technological progress also influenced medicine, making it a stronghold of technology. As a result, medicine began to develop towards the eradication of the symptoms of the disease, but by depriving a person of his own choice, it makes him more dependent on the system.

This situation leads to the fact that in modern times there are new diseases that medicine is not yet able to cope with, which are ways for people to freely leave life. These diseases include cancer and AIDS, as well as many completely new viral diseases that may appear in the near future. The reason for the emergence of such dangerous infections and pathologies is the reaction of the human body to the impact of man-made fields, which has intensified due to the rapid spread of cellular communications.

Computer devices also have an influence, dragging the perception of a person into virtual reality and imperceptibly capturing his consciousness, which becomes a significant complication for the smooth completion of the incarnation. A person trapped in virtual reality runs the risk of hanging between lives, and even when his physical body ceases to exist, his consciousness will continue to travel in the astral worlds in which he stayed during his lifetime, watching colorful films or playing computer games.

Perhaps the fascination with virtual reality allows some people to forget and not feel discomfort due to the lack of opportunities for development, but subconsciously they feel the threat of the impossibility of reincarnation. If a person's consciousness has been captured, the biological body can put up a strong resistance and start the process of self-destruction. Taking into account the fact that the rapid development of electronic technologies has literally placed humanity in an energy captivity, then such an outcome may become natural and most common.

Departure from a particular incarnation can occur not only with the help of diseases, but terrorist acts and wars that claim hundreds and thousands of lives are more effective. A similar tool, consisting in physical confrontation between people, was used before, but was used for other purposes. The wars that took place in ancient times and the Middle Ages allowed the system to easily regulate the process of human development, destroying civilizations that had reached too high vibrations and, from its point of view, were too far ahead of the rest.

At present, the level of development of people is completely controlled by electronic technologies, and the possibility of any discoveries depends on trends in the field of electronics and virtual communications. In this regard, war as a means of blocking people's opportunities is losing its relevance, and the social existence of people can become more peaceful. However, wars may continue for a different reason, and armed conflicts may be subconsciously provoked by the people themselves, seeking to die. A similar role can also be played by epidemics and global emergencies, which in past times were the methods of the system to regulate their processes, but now they will become spontaneous phenomena triggered by the collective consciousness of people. At the same time, the outer side of life will become calmer, and the system will not give prerequisites for indignation.

External comfort can manifest itself in improving the quality of life and material income, in benefits for medical procedures and operations aimed at prolonging biological existence. However, the more the system maintains the safety of the physical body, the more the human subconscious will resent this, which will lead to failures at the level of the entire civilization. Despite the effectiveness of medical technologies in the near future, new diseases will arise that the latest equipment and drugs cannot cope with. A similar situation can occur in other areas of life: a high material income will no longer please a person and will force him to quickly go headlong into virtual reality, becoming either an involuntary tool of the system, or else starting the process of self-destruction.

In the same way, the system will not be able to provide a sufficient level of security within any country, since the more frequent terrorist attacks will become a way of leaving the lives of people who do not agree to stay in artificial conditions. It can be said that in the near future death may become the only way for people to escape from the numerous restrictions of social existence.

In order to prevent the self-destruction of mankind, the system will further aggravate the situation, strengthening the negative attitude towards the phenomenon of death in the minds of people and at the same time making mechanical implants as accessible as possible, the mass use of which will not allow human biorobots to die. From the point of view of everyday perception, a person will finally gain the long-awaited immortality, but in fact he will lose his last freedom and turn into a slave of social processes.

Given the prevalence of a negative view of death, people in the near future will begin to look at the end of physical life as a terrible disease and will do their best to avoid this, agreeing to replace healthy organs with implants in order to block the aging process.

In part, the need of such people will be natural, since it will be dictated by the desire to prolong the period of active life and secure freedom of action. The reason for this desire lies in the desire to get away from aging, which is an unnatural process provoked by the system. In the future, the external fields that ensure the aging process can be additionally activated, which will make aging a kind of scourge of humanity, urging people to quickly surrender to the mercy of technology and replace their body with an artificial analogue.

In parallel with this, the system can increase the impact of vibrations of fear, hypertrophying the negative attitude towards death, nourished by the fear of the unknown, which people feel without having an idea about the processes happening to them after the end of their physical life. In fact, the fear of death is far-fetched, and it comes from a lack of understanding of this phenomenon, and is also supported by the lack of information about what happens to a person after the end of the incarnation. In the event that people have information about the processes that their being undergoes during the period of reincarnation, they will begin to relate to death more consciously and will be able to free themselves from groundless fear.

It is worth noting that the system deliberately keeps the individual in the dark about this matter, and the most common view is supported by the materialist concept that death is purely a biological process. An alternative point of view is promoted by some religions, which gives people hope for continued existence, but not in a physical body, but on a subtle plane in the astral worlds, one of which is heaven or hell. Other religions, which allow people to believe in the possibility of reincarnation, captivate their perception of the concept of karma, according to which the limitations of a particular life pass with a person into the next incarnation and force him to work off previous debts. Thus, the religious concept, like the materialistic one, does not allow people to see death as a process of liberation, and although such a thesis is common in some spiritual teachings, it does not find wide acceptance due to the imposition of other points of view that are more convenient for the system.

At the same time, already today, humanity faces a choice - to become a primitive biological material for egregors controlling their consciousness, or else to take advantage of the chance for liberation represented by physical death. And at first glance, the second outcome means complete self-destruction at the level of the entire civilization, because this can happen if people take the opportunity to die unconsciously, launching one of the negative scenarios. From this point of view, any action leading to death can become desirable for a person if social conditions do not give him hope for the realization of his deepest aspirations.

Currently, the system does not provide people with opportunities for self-realization, but at the same time it feeds them with the hope that such an opportunity will be available in the near future. In general, any religious or philosophical worldview has the right to exist in society if it helps a person to hope for the best. The information presented in this article, on the contrary, can destroy the usual points of support, which means that in the usual sense it is asocial. However, if you look at death as a source of liberation, then information that debunks the usual points of support can be a salvation, since instead of imaginary hopes it can give a person real faith in his own strength.

The possibility of dying is the only thing that has not yet been taken away from a modern person, and he is able to resort to this method at any moment, except for those cases when his consciousness is completely captured by the fear of the unknown, or the physical state similar to coma or paralysis is an obstacle. In all other cases, a person is free to end his life at the moment he wishes, including carrying out this process consciously.

It is worth noting that the attitude towards suicide is specially aggravated by the influence of religions, because in the absence of such an impact on the minds of people, this act would become a very common phenomenon. At the same time, my statement is not intended to persuade the reader to the possibility of suddenly dying. It is about gaining a purer perception of the very phenomenon of death and freeing ourselves from many limiting points of view, one of which is a negative attitude towards suicide. A person can easily get away from such a judgment if he puts suicide on a par with other phenomena, such as terrorist attacks, accidents or fatal diseases, each of which is a way to end physical life.

Moreover, the death of most modern people due to aging is also a way of early departure from life, since the human body initially has enough energy resources to exist for many thousands of years. The process of aging is specially accelerated by a human being in the event that he feels the meaninglessness of existence, and then he begins to help external fields to destroy the body. Based on this, a person can choose any method of leaving life, and for his deepest being, it is liberation.

In the event that modern people can look at the phenomenon of death from a positive point of view, they will no longer be afraid of it, and perhaps even fall in love with this possibility. Most likely, the creation of harmonious relations with the phenomenon of death will not speed up the process of dying, but, on the contrary, will prolong physical life, moreover, that phase in which a person is in the most resourceful and free state. The main reason for the withering of the physical body is subconscious fear, which keeps the body in constant tension and does not allow a person to relax. In the event that a person feels the auspiciousness of a fatal outcome, he will be freed from most fears and transfer himself to a completely new level of vibrations, which will make him immune to most manipulations by social egregors.

Fear of death is the main emotion that feeds any disharmonious feelings of people, including guilt, resentment, jealousy, anger and the desire for revenge. The fear of the end of life is refracted in the perception of a person by many particulars, and almost any fear can be considered a derivative of this fundamental distortion. On the one hand, the fear of death stimulates a person to realize himself in society, and liberation from it will lead to the loss of the usual points of support, making the usual pillars that most people strive for irrelevant. On the other hand, by reconsidering the phenomenon of death, people can find new meanings of existence, allowing them to develop more consciously both on a personal level and at the level of the whole civilization.

Perhaps a positive attitude towards death will form the basis of a new teaching that can harmoniously complement all existing religions and help people find a new foothold. Thanks to this, the habitual faith of a religious person will become more objective, and the hope of a posthumous transition to other worlds or reincarnation will take on a new meaning. If a person stops treating death as a punishment and pathology, then he will be able to take a sensible look at the process of transition to a new incarnation and prepare for it in advance. In this case, many of the obstacles that usually lie in wait for a person during reincarnation may be overcome and free the next life from many of the restrictions that were present before.

Perhaps the new teaching, which helps people to harmoniously carry out the process of reincarnation, will become the main source of positive emotions, as it will help them to get rid of the main negative experience leading to aging - the fear of death. This fear is strong only if the transition to the next life is dark and incomprehensible, and then it really becomes a ground for fear. If the veil of the afterlife is finally removed, a person can satisfy one of his main interests, connecting him with the subtle plane.

Of course, when creating a new concept of reincarnation, it is worth paying special attention to new information that becomes the foundation for this doctrine. The truth of the information that comes from the subtle plane and helps a person to reconsider the usual point of view about death plays a key role. The main criterion that can become a litmus test for the reliability of information is the feeling of strength and inner freedom that can come in contact with real information. If an entity that transmits information about death seeks to place a person's consciousness in new restrictions, then such sayings can only give rise to new fears and shake confidence.

Therefore, creating a new concept of death, a person can base it on a feeling of unshakable faith in one's own strength, which can become a sensual content of any information and reveal its true meaning. The same sensation can become the energy that will help a person easily overcome any obstacles that separate him from the next incarnation in a physical body, or move to those levels of the Universe where he would like to find himself.

On November 16, 1974, using a radio telescope in the crater of the Arecibo volcano, a series of powerful radio signals was sent towards the constellation Hercules. More than one and a half thousand consecutive radio pulses contained encoded information about humanity. A message was sent to the stars, formed by a sequence of 1679 zeros and ones. The addressee was: the constellation Hercules, the star cluster M-13. It was there, according to project manager Francis Drake, that a highly developed extraterrestrial civilization could be located. Information about the decimal number system of earthlings, the atomic weights of the most important chemical elements, a schematic representation of earthlings, formulas for the main sugars and nucleotides of human DNA, an image of the solar system and a telescope in Arecibo, a diagram of its operation and the diameter of the antenna parabola have gone to the stars. Despite the fact that there was no hope for an answer, it still came.

In 2001, the first alien response was discovered.

In August 2001, in one of the wheat fields in England, near a radio telescope, a huge picture was discovered, also consisting of 73 lines, 23 points each. When the picture was photographed from the plane, there was no doubt: it was a copy of Drake's message, which went to the stars 27 years ago. But when they began to study the message, scientists were surprised to realize that significant changes had been made in it. It wasn't a copy, it was an answer. The alien civilization was not only able to read the message, but also reported its civilization to earthlings in a similar way, which indicates a fairly high level of its development. In the first place, as in the earthly message, was the decimal system, in the second - the atomic weights of chemical elements, indicating the existence of another biological life.

Comparison between us and aliens

By comparing this fragment of the two messages, the researchers found that they differ by one element. As for earthlings, hydrogen, carbon, nitrogen, oxygen and phosphorus turned out to be vital for aliens. But another new element has been added - silicon. At that time, many theories were known, proving that biological life can be not only on a carbon-hydrogen basis, as on Earth, but also on silicon-hydrogen. The structure of the molecules in the message was identical to the human one, only the DNA helix itself changed. The growth of the cosmic being, also encrypted in the binary system, turned out to be much less than ours - only 140 centimeters.

The number of unearthly creatures was also indicated

It turned out that the number of alien civilizations is at least twice as large as ours. And finally, the most interesting is the image of the planetary system, where the intelligent species is located. The number of objects of an alien star system turned out to be completely identical to our solar system. At the same time, if in the message of the Drake group one planet of the system was singled out - the habitat of the human species, then in the answer three planets were marked in exactly the same way. But that's not all.

A year later, in 2002, the second message came

In a grain field five miles from the first "letter", an information circle appeared that looked like a huge CD-ROM, and next to it was a portrait of the sender. From the field, the head of a strange creature looked at the people, vaguely resembling a lizard with cat's eyes. Almost all experts actively involved in the study of alien civilizations had a hand in deciphering this message.

And finally, in the fall of 2002, the first version appeared: “Beware of those who bring false gifts and break promises. A lot of pain, but not for long… then comes a piece of damaged text that could not be understood, then again the text of the message. It's good there. We resist deception. The channel is closed.

We were answered by two races

One can speculate about alien "letters" for a long time, but one thing is clear: if the first responding civilization is indifferent to humanity, then the second one may well be aggressive. In addition, it is not known how many other civilizations received a message from Earth.

Secret knowledge has long ceased to be the property of the elite. Schools of feng shui and other esoteric teachings today can be found in every city. Miraculous techniques that promote are found on most women's sites. One of the most popular ways to change your life for the better was a letter from the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is offered by many Internet resources. Is it worth trusting such a strange way to achieve your goal, or is it nothing more than self-hypnosis?

It works!

Skeptics are sure that only people with an unhealthy psyche can try to achieve what they want using this method. Meanwhile, experts suggest not to make hasty conclusions. There is nothing mystical in the letter to the higher forces, and the miracle message can really do a lot to realize the plan:

It helps to express desire. It is impossible to build a house without a blueprint. If you don't know how many floors a building will have, what materials will be used, what design is possible, construction will never begin. The same applies to your dream. Until the brain has received a clear command of what exactly the result should be, movement towards the goal will not begin. Fulfillment of desires like “I want a lot of money” can be expected all my life to no avail. A letter from the Universe to fulfill your cherished desire, a sample of which you will find at the end of the article, will help the dream take shape, for example: “My monthly income is 70 thousand rubles.”

It gives you the opportunity to believe in the reality of what you want to receive. A dream voiced out loud no longer seems so fantastic. And if the desire is fixed on paper, it will bring its implementation even closer in reality.

It helps to start the worked out mechanisms. People are used to the fact that in order to receive, you have to ask. It has been like this since childhood, when, having seen a toy or sweet they liked, the child asked his parents to buy it for him. In most cases, children get what they want. The psyche of a small person gets used to the scheme: "If I ask, they will definitely give me."

Compiling a message

There are many recommendations on how to write a letter to the abundant and loving Universe for the fulfillment of a wish. The sample message includes not only the request itself, but also gratitude for the help in fulfilling previous desires. Do not ask to harm other people, even if you are sure that they deserve it. Formulate the message in a positive way without the “not” particle. Write about what you want to and not about what you you do not want. An example might be:

Hello dear universe!

Thank you for everything you do for me, for your love and support. I believe that this time you will help my wish come true. Help me get a good job close to home, so that the team is friendly, and the boss is kind and fair.

I sincerely believe in your help,

Psychologists recommend writing a letter to the Universe for the fulfillment of a wish, a sample of which is presented above, daily. that the method will help is the main condition for its high efficiency. Scientists cannot give exact scientific explanations for the success of the message. Many believe that the law of attraction is at work (“like to like”). The effectiveness of working on desire will also depend on your personal activity. Having thought of a new job, look through vacancies in newspapers and on specialized sites, submit resumes to companies of interest to you, take any measures available to you, and the dream will surely come true.