Water protection zone of small rivers and reservoirs. Is it possible to fish in the coastal protective strip? Is it possible to wash the car on the beach

1. Water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for the implementation of economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as the preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of the animal and plant world.

2. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, on the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

3. Outside the territories of cities and other settlements, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the corresponding coastline, and the width of the water protection zone of the seas and the width of their coastal protective strip - from the line of maximum tide . In the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments, the width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the parapet of the embankment.

4. The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

1) up to ten kilometers - in the amount of fifty meters;

2) from ten to fifty kilometers - in the amount of one hundred meters;

3) from fifty kilometers and more - in the amount of two hundred meters.

5. For a river, a stream with a length of less than ten kilometers from the source to the mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of the river, stream is set at fifty meters.

6. The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​​​less than 0.5 square kilometer, is set at fifty meters. The width of the water protection zone of a reservoir located on a watercourse is set equal to the width of the water protection zone of this watercourse.

7. The boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal are established in accordance with the Federal Law of May 1, 1999 N 94-FZ "On the Protection of Lake Baikal".

8. The width of the water protection zone of the sea is five hundred meters.

9. The water protection zones of the main or inter-farm canals coincide in width with the right-of-way of such canals.

10. Water protection zones of rivers, their parts placed in closed collectors, are not established.

11. The width of the coastal protective strip is set depending on the slope of the shore of the water body and is thirty meters for a reverse or zero slope, forty meters for a slope of up to three degrees and fifty meters for a slope of three or more degrees.

12. For flowing and waste lakes located within the boundaries of marshes and corresponding watercourses, the width of the coastal protective strip is set at fifty meters.

13. The width of the coastal protective strip of a river, lake, reservoir of especially valuable fishery importance (spawning, feeding, wintering grounds for fish and other aquatic biological resources) is set at two hundred meters, regardless of the slope of adjacent lands.

14. In the territories of settlements, in the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of coastal protective strips coincide with the parapets of embankments. The width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the embankment parapet. In the absence of an embankment, the width of the water protection zone, the coastal protective strip is measured from the coastline.

15. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, it is prohibited:

1) use of wastewater for the purpose of regulating soil fertility;

2) placement of cemeteries, animal burial grounds, facilities for the disposal of production and consumption waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, toxic and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;

3) implementation of aviation pest control measures;

4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface;

5) location of petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants (except for cases when petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants are located in the territories of ports, shipbuilding and ship repair organizations, infrastructure of inland waterways, subject to compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and of this Code), service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, washing of vehicles;

6) placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

7) discharge of sewage, including drainage, water;

8) exploration and production of common minerals (with the exception of cases where exploration and production of common minerals are carried out by subsoil users engaged in exploration and production of other types of minerals, within the boundaries granted to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the subsoil of mining allotments and (or ) geological allotments on the basis of an approved technical design in accordance with Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil").

16. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water facilities from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection. The choice of the type of structure that ensures the protection of a water body from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water is carried out taking into account the need to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms established in accordance with environmental protection legislation. For the purposes of this article, structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water are understood to mean:

1) centralized water disposal systems (sewerage), centralized storm water disposal systems;

2) structures and systems for diverting (discharging) wastewater into centralized water disposal systems (including rain, melt, infiltration, watering and drainage waters), if they are designed to receive such waters;

3) local treatment facilities for wastewater treatment (including rainwater, meltwater, infiltration, watering and drainage water), ensuring their purification based on the standards established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and this Code;

4) facilities for the collection of production and consumption waste, as well as facilities and systems for the disposal (discharge) of wastewater (including rain, melt, infiltration, watering and drainage water) into receivers made of waterproof materials.

16.1. In relation to the territories of horticultural, gardening or dacha non-profit associations of citizens located within the boundaries of water protection zones and not equipped with wastewater treatment facilities, until they are equipped with such facilities and (or) connected to the systems specified in clause 1 of part 16 of this article, it is allowed the use of receivers made of waterproof materials that prevent the entry of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms into the environment.

17. Within the boundaries of coastal protective strips, along with the restrictions established by part 15 of this article, it is prohibited:

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Recently, all kinds of real estate objects have been increasingly appearing near the banks of rivers, reservoirs and other bodies of water, the construction of most of which does not meet the basic requirements of Russian legislation. That is why many Russians are interested in the question of the possibility of locating objects in coastal zones. According to the legislation, any of our compatriots has the right not only to acquire land plots in the water protection zone, but also to build them up at their own discretion, while observing all the restrictions established by the state and not violating the law.

What is a water protection zone?

According to Article No. 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, a water protection zone is a territory that is directly adjacent to the coastline of the water area of ​​​​a water body, where a special regime of activity (economic or any other) is established, as well as the use and protection of natural resources in order to prevent their malicious or accidental pollution and preservation of existing objects of flora and fauna of these water bodies.

Where can you start building?

That is why, before starting construction, you should clearly understand for yourself whether this can be done in water protection zones and what the consequences may be if such real estate is built with significant violations of the law. After all, the situation may be such that it will be completely impossible to issue a building permit. Or even worse: you have to demolish the newly built house.

Before talking about construction restrictions, it is necessary to understand exactly where construction should not be started under any circumstances. In no way should this be done at the very edge of the reservoir. The situation is such that, according to the law, any construction work at a distance of less than 20 meters from the coast is completely prohibited. Moreover, limiting the free access of citizens to the coastal territory by erected fences and other barriers can lead to very unpleasant consequences.

Other restrictions on construction within water protection zones.

Outside the boundaries of cities and villages, the width of the water protection zone of reservoirs, as well as the width of their coastal protective strip, should be established only depending on the coastline approved by law.

Within the water protection zones of reservoirs, coastal protective strips are introduced, in the place of which additional restrictions are placed on various types of activities.
The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is entered depending on their source length:

  • up to 10 km - in the amount of fifty meters;
  • from 10 to 50 km -100 m;
  • from 50 km and more -200 m.

The width of the coastal protective strip near lakes and various reservoirs, the area of ​​which is not more than 0.5 square km, will be 50 meters. It should be noted that the width of such zones near the seas must be 500 meters, which is significantly greater than that of any other natural and artificial reservoirs.

For rivers and other water bodies, the length of which is slightly less than 10 km, the water protection zone completely coincides with the coastal protective strip. At the same time, the radius of this zone for the sources of rivers and streams should be set at a size of 50 meters.

In addition, within the water protection zones it is strictly prohibited:

  • use of wastewater to regulate soil fertility;
  • place cemeteries, places where waste from the consumption of industrial and economic activities can be stored;
  • plowing land, placing dumps of eroded soils, as well as organizing pastures for animals;
  • traffic and parking of vehicles, including forced.

Within the boundaries of water protection zones, it is allowed and even allowed to design, build, reconstruct, repair, operate economic and other facilities in the case of equipping these facilities with buildings that can ensure the protection of rivers, reservoirs, etc. from water pollution and depletion in full compliance with water legislation and environmental laws.

VK RF Article 65

1. Water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline (boundaries of a water body) of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as the preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of the animal and plant world.

2. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, on the territories of which additional restrictions on economic and other activities are introduced.

3. Outside the territories of cities and other settlements, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the location of the corresponding coastline (boundary of the water body), and the width of the water protection zone of the seas and the width of their coastal protective stripes - from the line of maximum tide. In the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments, the width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the parapet of the embankment.

(see text in previous edition)

4. The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

1) up to ten kilometers - in the amount of fifty meters;

2) from ten to fifty kilometers - in the amount of one hundred meters;

3) from fifty kilometers and more - in the amount of two hundred meters.

5. For a river, a stream with a length of less than ten kilometers from the source to the mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of the river, stream is set at fifty meters.

6. The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​​​less than 0.5 square kilometer, is set at fifty meters. The width of the water protection zone of a reservoir located on a watercourse is set equal to the width of the water protection zone of this watercourse.

(see text in previous edition)

7. The boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal are established in accordance with the Federal Law of May 1, 1999 N 94-FZ "On the Protection of Lake Baikal".

(see text in previous edition)

8. The width of the water protection zone of the sea is five hundred meters.

9. The water protection zones of the main or inter-farm canals coincide in width with the right-of-way of such canals.

10. Water protection zones of rivers, their parts placed in closed collectors, are not established.

11. The width of the coastal protective strip is set depending on the slope of the shore of the water body and is thirty meters for a reverse or zero slope, forty meters for a slope of up to three degrees and fifty meters for a slope of three or more degrees.

12. For flowing and waste lakes located within the boundaries of marshes and corresponding watercourses, the width of the coastal protective strip is set at fifty meters.

13. The width of the coastal protective strip of a river, lake, reservoir of especially valuable fishery importance (spawning, feeding, wintering grounds for fish and other aquatic biological resources) is set at two hundred meters, regardless of the slope of adjacent lands.

(see text in previous edition)

14. In the territories of settlements, in the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of coastal protective strips coincide with the parapets of embankments. The width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the embankment parapet. In the absence of an embankment, the width of the water protection zone, the coastal protective strip is measured from the location of the coastline (boundary of the water body).

(see text in previous edition)

15. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, it is prohibited:

1) use of wastewater for the purpose of regulating soil fertility;

(see text in previous edition)

2) placement of cemeteries, animal burial grounds, facilities for the disposal of production and consumption waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, toxic and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;

(see text in previous edition)

3) implementation of aviation pest control measures;

(see text in previous edition)

4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface;

5) location of petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants (except for cases when petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants are located in the territories of ports, shipbuilding and ship repair organizations, infrastructure of inland waterways, subject to compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and of this Code), service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, washing of vehicles;

6) placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

7) discharge of sewage, including drainage, water;

8) exploration and production of common minerals (with the exception of cases where exploration and production of common minerals are carried out by subsoil users engaged in exploration and production of other types of minerals, within the boundaries granted to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the subsoil of mining allotments and (or ) geological allotments on the basis of an approved technical design in accordance with Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil").

16. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water facilities from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection. The choice of the type of structure that ensures the protection of a water body from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water is carried out taking into account the need to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms established in accordance with environmental protection legislation. For the purposes of this article, structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water are understood to mean:

1) centralized water disposal systems (sewerage), centralized storm water disposal systems;

Although water protection zones and coastal strips are being created, this does not mean at all that their lands cannot be used for summer cottage construction, and. in the water protection zone, you can also buy, engage in their privatization and lease. In addition, they can be built up, but you just have to comply with all restrictions and not violate the laws.
In accordance with Article 65 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, a territory adjacent to the coastline of seas, lakes, canals, etc., on which a special regime of economic and any other activity is established, in connection with the prevention of pollution, clogging of these waters, will be considered a water protection zone , as well as the preservation of all objects of the animal and plant world. Coastal protective strips should be established, where restrictions on economic and any other activities are introduced. Outside cities and towns, the coastline will be considered the boundary. In the case of a storm drain or embankment, the boundary will follow the parapet.
The length of the water protection zone affects the width of the water protection zone. Suppose if the stream is less than 10 km, then the water protection zone will be 50 meters, and if the river is more than 50 km long, then 200 meters. If the length is less than 10 km, then the water protection zone will coincide with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone at the source is 50 meters. If a lake or reservoir has a water area of ​​​​no more than 0.5 square meters, then the width of the water protection zone will be 50 meters. Near the sea, the width of the water protection zone will be 500 meters. The width of the coastal protective strip varies depending on the slope of the coast. In the case of a reverse or zero slope - 30 meters, a slope of up to three degrees - 40 meters, a slope of more than three degrees - 50 meters. If the reservoir has a special fishery value, then the width of the protective strip is 200 meters. On the territory of water protection zones, it is possible to design and build economic or other facilities, but only if they are equipped with structures that will ensure protection from pollution, clogging and depletion of water.
It is impossible to use sewage for soil fertilization within the boundaries of water protection zones. It is also forbidden to place cemeteries, places of burial of industrial waste, cattle burial grounds. It is forbidden to use aerial measures to control pests and diseases in plants. It is also not allowed to organize the movement and parking of vehicles. It is only possible to drive on roads in specially equipped places that have a hard surface.
It is also forbidden to plow the land, place dumps of eroded soils, graze animals and organize summer camps for them.
No matter how great the temptation to use the coastline for personal needs, it is strictly forbidden to do so. Any area located at a distance of 20 m from the water is a common area. Access to them cannot be restricted, which is clearly regulated by Article 6 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation. Everything that is further than this twenty-meter section can be rented in accordance with articles 30-32.34 of the Land Code of the Russian Federation.
Reservoirs are not real estate objects and they cannot be taken as land in or ownership. But if the reservoir is located inside a privately owned site, then it automatically becomes yours. But in accordance with Article 8 of the Water Code of the Russian Federation, it can only be a pond or a flooded quarry, but not a lake. It will not work to divide such a plot, and if the plot is sold, then the reservoir will become the property of the new owner. There is no need to separate reservoirs.

Reprinting of materials is allowed only with a link to

1. Water protection zones are territories that are adjacent to the coastline (boundaries of a water body) of seas, rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and on which a special regime for economic and other activities is established in order to prevent pollution, clogging, siltation of these water bodies and depletion of their waters, as well as the preservation of the habitat of aquatic biological resources and other objects of the animal and plant world.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 244-FZ of July 13, 2015)

2. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, coastal protective strips are established, on the territories of which additional restrictions economic and other activities.

3. Outside the territories of cities and other settlements, the width of the water protection zone of rivers, streams, canals, lakes, reservoirs and the width of their coastal protective strip are established from the location of the corresponding coastline (boundary of the water body), and the width of the water protection zone of the seas and the width of their coastal protective stripes - from the line of maximum tide. In the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of the coastal protective strips of these water bodies coincide with the parapets of the embankments, the width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the parapet of the embankment.

4. The width of the water protection zone of rivers or streams is established from their source for rivers or streams with a length of:

1) up to ten kilometers - in the amount of fifty meters;

2) from ten to fifty kilometers - in the amount of one hundred meters;

3) from fifty kilometers and more - in the amount of two hundred meters.

5. For a river, a stream with a length of less than ten kilometers from the source to the mouth, the water protection zone coincides with the coastal protective strip. The radius of the water protection zone for the sources of the river, stream is set at fifty meters.

6. The width of the water protection zone of a lake, reservoir, with the exception of a lake located inside a swamp, or a lake, reservoir with a water area of ​​​​less than 0.5 square kilometer, is set at fifty meters. The width of the water protection zone of a reservoir located on a watercourse is set equal to the width of the water protection zone of this watercourse.

(as amended by Federal Law No. 118-FZ of July 14, 2008)

7. The boundaries of the water protection zone of Lake Baikal are established in accordance with the Federal Law of May 1, 1999 N 94-FZ "On the Protection of Lake Baikal".

(Part 7 as amended by Federal Law No. 181-FZ of June 28, 2014)

8. The width of the water protection zone of the sea is five hundred meters.

9. The water protection zones of the main or inter-farm canals coincide in width with the right-of-way of such canals.

10. Water protection zones of rivers, their parts placed in closed collectors, are not established.

11. The width of the coastal protective strip is set depending on the slope of the shore of the water body and is thirty meters for a reverse or zero slope, forty meters for a slope of up to three degrees and fifty meters for a slope of three or more degrees.

12. For flowing and waste lakes located within the boundaries of marshes and corresponding watercourses, the width of the coastal protective strip is set at fifty meters.

13. The width of the coastal protective strip of a river, lake, reservoir of especially valuable fishery importance (spawning, feeding, wintering grounds for fish and other aquatic biological resources) is set at two hundred meters, regardless of the slope of adjacent lands.

14. In the territories of settlements, in the presence of centralized stormwater drainage systems and embankments, the boundaries of coastal protective strips coincide with the parapets of embankments. The width of the water protection zone in such areas is set from the embankment parapet. In the absence of an embankment, the width of the water protection zone, the coastal protective strip is measured from the location of the coastline (boundary of the water body).

(as amended by Federal Laws of 14.07.2008 N 118-FZ, of 07.12.2011 N 417-FZ, of 13.07.2015 N 244-FZ)

15. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, it is prohibited:

1) use of wastewater for the purpose of regulating soil fertility;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

2) placement of cemeteries, animal burial grounds, facilities for the disposal of production and consumption waste, chemical, explosive, toxic, toxic and poisonous substances, radioactive waste disposal sites;

(as amended by Federal Laws of 11.07.2011 N 190-FZ, of 29.12.2014 N 458-FZ)

3) implementation of aviation pest control measures;

(as amended by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

4) movement and parking of vehicles (except for special vehicles), with the exception of their movement on roads and parking on roads and in specially equipped places with a hard surface;

5) location of petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants (except for cases when petrol stations, warehouses of fuels and lubricants are located in the territories of ports, shipbuilding and ship repair organizations, infrastructure of inland waterways, subject to compliance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and of this Code), service stations used for technical inspection and repair of vehicles, washing of vehicles;

(Clause 5 was introduced by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

6) placement of specialized storage facilities for pesticides and agrochemicals, use of pesticides and agrochemicals;

(Clause 6 was introduced by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

7) discharge of sewage, including drainage, water;

(Clause 7 was introduced by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

8) exploration and production of common minerals (with the exception of cases where exploration and production of common minerals are carried out by subsoil users engaged in exploration and production of other types of minerals, within the boundaries granted to them in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation on the subsoil of mining allotments and (or ) geological allotments on the basis of an approved technical design in accordance with Article 19.1 of the Law of the Russian Federation of February 21, 1992 N 2395-1 "On Subsoil").

(Clause 8 was introduced by Federal Law No. 282-FZ of October 21, 2013)

16. Within the boundaries of water protection zones, design, construction, reconstruction, commissioning, operation of economic and other facilities are allowed, provided that such facilities are equipped with structures that ensure the protection of water facilities from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water in accordance with water legislation and legislation in the field of environmental protection. The choice of the type of structure that ensures the protection of a water body from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water is carried out taking into account the need to comply with the standards for permissible discharges of pollutants, other substances and microorganisms established in accordance with environmental protection legislation. For the purposes of this article, structures that ensure the protection of water bodies from pollution, clogging, silting and depletion of water are understood to mean:

1) centralized water disposal systems (sewerage), centralized storm water disposal systems;

2) structures and systems for diverting (discharging) wastewater into centralized water disposal systems (including rain, melt, infiltration, watering and drainage waters), if they are designed to receive such waters;

3) local treatment facilities for wastewater treatment (including rainwater, meltwater, infiltration, watering and drainage water), ensuring their purification based on the standards established in accordance with the requirements of legislation in the field of environmental protection and this Code;