Read newspaper articles. Cognitive

Physics and mathematics are very interesting sciences. This especially applies to physics, because it studies the world around us, which is still full of mysteries and secrets. Learning these secrets and learning new facts about the world around us is very entertaining. This section contains various interesting scientific facts that will help you to see how interesting science is, to fall in love with physics and mathematics, as well as to distract yourself and unwind during labor-intensive and boring preparation for exams. Here, complex scientific theories are presented in simple language, understandable even to schoolchildren.

  • Myths and reality

Many people do not even suspect that around us there are many objects and things that have amazing properties. In this article we will discuss the hardness of some materials and interesting results that are obtained based on these properties.

  • Useful facts

As you know, the speed of light is, although large, but still finite. There are completely material objects (for example, photons - the particles from which light consists) that move at the speed of light. How does the world “look” through the “eyes” of such fast objects?

  • Useful facts

Through the efforts of various media as well as fiction and science fiction literature, black holes have acquired the image of very dangerous space objects that supposedly absorb everything in their path and can suddenly swallow the Earth. Let's figure this out?

A person is able, from a two-dimensional picture, to form a very complete idea of ​​the distances to the depicted objects, their shape and size, and thus fully perceive the three-dimensional world in all its depth. How do we achieve this?

  • Just something complicated

The material in this article will introduce the reader to the basic concepts of genetics and interesting properties of the human genome. Genetics is the science of the laws of heredity and variability. Depending on the object of study, the genetics of plants, animals, microorganisms, humans, and so on are classified.

  • Myths and reality

Nowadays, you can often come across the opinion that the human brain supposedly works at only 10% of its capabilities. The plot of some popular films is even built on the basis of such a statement. Let's try to figure out whether each of us can really suddenly become ten times smarter, or is this a myth, and if so, where did it come from?

You may have read a lot of interesting things, but there is probably something else that can surprise you. This article contains 30 interesting and reliable facts from biology, history, geography, physics and other sciences that will definitely not leave you indifferent.

  • Just something complicated

This article will briefly examine some of the flaws in the theory of evolution based only on natural selection. By the way, evolution is a natural process of development of living nature, accompanied by changes in the genetic composition of populations, the formation of adaptations, speciation and extinction of species, transformation of ecosystems and the biosphere as a whole.

  • Just something complicated

This article lists and describes some of the factors that have directly or indirectly influenced or continue to influence the emergence and maintenance of life on our planet. There are so many of these factors that sometimes their entire combination ceases to seem random.

All rights reserved "Interesting Articles" 2015

How much does reading mean in your life? Do interesting articles about everything often brighten up your leisure time? Do you gain any new information from reading material on countless Internet pages? FUN READING: ARTICLES ABOUT EVERYTHING IN THE WORLD Unfortunately, there is not always time to read meaningful, noteworthy books. A lot of material scattered on Internet resources, of course, will not make up for the shortage of classical or avant-garde creativity, but it will significantly expand your horizons. Regular acquaintance with information that periodically appears in the virtual press becomes a pleasant habit. In addition to the Internet, printed publications are becoming a source of information. Many people prefer to read articles in newspapers and magazines and get their news from there. It doesn't matter where we get the data from. The main thing is not to let your brain level out, saturating it with interesting and necessary information. The reader's range of interests is multifaceted. Some people enthusiastically read educational articles, while others can only be captivated by entertaining lines. As they say, there is no arguing about tastes. But there are people whose scope of knowledge is not limited to something specific. This is a category of active readers, constantly developing, inquisitive and tireless. They need to know everything. As children, they broke toys and tried to fix them themselves, assembled steam locomotives from construction sets and painted the walls in the apartment, sewed dresses for dolls and, secretly from their parents, took apart an old TV. Such children listened with equal interest to educational articles and fairy tales, watched programs about space and historical films. Today they are the most grateful readership. There are also many subcategories such as “garden and vegetable garden”, “sports news”, “do-it-yourself repairs”, “tourism, travel”, etc. Well-written, interesting articles about everything always find their readers. The main thing is an attractive presentation of the material and accessible language. Of course, a worthy plot so that, while reading, you forget about everything in the world, wanting to quickly reach the end and learn something new. It’s funny to watch how the interests of the female and male audience differ. It is clear that interesting facts and articles about fashion trends, the latest news from world catwalks are unlikely to attract the stronger half of humanity. They will probably be uninterested in the techniques of embroidery, beading, and the nuances of creating home comfort. Both can be hooked by interesting articles about health and recipes: many cooking shows on modern television are hosted by men - chefs of expensive restaurants. And this exception, which previously served as nonsense, today is rather the rule. Men now love to cook, willingly share recipes, participate in culinary programs and are happy to teach it to others, proud of their achievements in the field of cooking.


Another thing is women. There are a lot of magazines and Internet portals offering interesting articles for women on any topic. Don’t want to think too much, do you want to relax and read without thinking about what you read? Then for you are secular rumors, news from the show world, reliable (and not so reliable) facts from people’s lives, carefully collected by editors from all over the world. Do you want to be distracted by some serious reading? At your service are interesting articles about health, telling about the prevention, symptoms and treatment of various diseases. Some people need this to solve their own problems, others have opened a page for general “development”. Agree, we really get a lot of useful information from such sources! What can cause a headache? Why does he twist his leg? Why spots appeared on the skin, etc. How to treat, what to buy, what needs to be done - you shouldn’t rely 100% on the accuracy of what you read, but you can take the information received as a basis. Glossy magazines and their online analogues print interesting articles for girls. Such resources never suffer from a lack of attention. Perhaps the priority here is fashion news and gossip, but this data is always in great demand.


What do men read? In addition to sports news (who played - who won - at what minute they scored a goal / got knocked out), they are interested in automotive articles and materials on similar topics. New car models, achievements and innovative developments in this area, modern tuning and much more, thanks to which the car enthusiast not only raises his general educational level, but also, perhaps, prepares for something important in life, for example, purchasing a new car. More serious attracted by news of technology and new technologies. The knowledge gained is not necessarily applicable in practice, but is quite interesting, especially since modern science daily makes a forced march forward in its development. Technology that was relevant six months ago will be outdated in six months. Every day we are introduced to high technology news, educating us about computers, phones, and various new-fangled gadgets. Group video chats, artificial intelligence, robotics and much more - you don't have to be a nerd to read informative articles about this and much more.


When buying a magazine to read at home, think about your neighbor! Let it contain interesting articles about life - it is always interesting for both. After all, after reading, you can share opinions, and this unites, like any common cause. Any material you read can become a source of discussion. Why not set the tone for the evening conversation? Especially if the news is fireworks that can capture the imagination? Even a woman can be interested in automotive articles if they are not about the reasons for squeaking brake pads or knocking suspensions, but about the latest models of their favorite car brand. And if this model was created specifically for women, then the article is definitely a must-read! There will be something to tell both your friends and your husband to formulate an idea, using exact names and numbers, and not just “I like that little red one!” Both halves may well be captivated by interesting scientific articles if they talk about the facts of longevity, clear discoveries and achievements. From this perspective, women will probably read news about technology and new technologies, especially when the article talks about intelligent models of a vacuum cleaner, food processor, new phones or tablets. Broadening one’s horizons does not happen on its own. Our brain receives data from the outside, processes it and gives it to us in the form of thoughts, which we transform into speech. Thus, interesting facts and articles can be useful for a person who is often in society. When you come to work in the morning, don’t you share your impressions of the news you heard or read? You automatically become a respected colleague and an interesting conversationalist, your social rating increases significantly. Reading interesting articles about life, analyzing other people’s experiences, we inevitably try on ourselves in the shoes of another person, thinking about what we would do in his place. By doing so, we prevent potential mistakes that could be made in a similar situation.CONTINUOUS READING. MOTIVES AND ASPIRATIONS We try to read articles about what can give us emotions. It doesn’t matter which ones - the main thing is to get something that will make us think, talk about it, analyze, reason. We can speak with confidence about the main functions of reading: If the material is presented intelligently, any of the articles will perform them together. In other words, each of them MUST meet these requirements: interesting facts and articles should awaken the desire to talk about them, they should be “digestible”, pleasing to the eye, and they should contain as much useful information as possible for the chosen topic. There is one more feature of reading that speaks in its favor. The habit of reading articles teaches empathy, which is so lacking in the modern world. We are, of course, not talking about scientific topics. Reading interesting articles for women, we experience together with the people on whose behalf the story is being told. Even a small experience gained as a result of processing such material sometimes changes your attitude towards life. Naturally, interesting scientific articles do not evoke such feelings, but they can surprise, convince, and cause delight. By reading articles, we form our worldview. By sharing our impressions, we interest others. By discussing what we read, we arouse interest and respect for ourselves. It's not just a pastime. It is pleasure through which we develop.

The Internet has given us the opportunity to always be up to date with all the news. It also gave us access to a huge variety of interesting and useful materials. But, unfortunately, there have become so many such materials that now the problem is different - lack of time.

It will take too much time to read all the interesting articles and news. That's why we offer you five resources that select the most useful and interesting materials based on your preferences and their popularity.


Let's start with the most famous Russian-language aggregator of interesting articles, news and photos. Not long ago, a scandal occurred, due to which many resources refused to cooperate with the service. But there's still plenty of useful material to be found at Surfingbird.

Based on unique (as always) algorithms, Surfingbird learns and displays content based on your preferences. Therefore, the more likes and dislikes you give, the more interesting the following materials will be for you.

Pocket Hits

You use Pocket, right? If not, then run to install it immediately. This is one of those apps that should be on every device.

Pocket Hits are the best articles, according to Pocket readers, that the creators of the service send out every week. Pocket Hits exists as a Twitter account, as well as an e-mail newsletter, which you can subscribe to in your account settings.

As I already said, the e-mail newsletter arrives once a week, and it contains the coolest materials from all resources. If this frequency doesn't suit you, follow them on Twitter, which posts some great articles every day.


As with Pocket, Flipboard regularly selects the best articles on various topics and publishes them in separate collections. Perhaps, at the moment this is the most functional and popular magazine on your device.


Longreads is simply a treasure trove of wonderful, detailed and long articles. Its only drawback is the lack of Russian language. However, if you can read English fluently, you can find a wealth of interesting and exciting material.

Medium Top Stories

Medium is a platform where anyone can publish their articles. Whether this is due to the fact that its creator is the co-founder of Twitter, or the reason is something else, but Medium has become incredibly popular, and the amount of quality material on it is off the charts.

Like Pocket, Medium sends out the top 10 stories every week, and trust me, every single one of them is worth your attention. If that's not enough for you, Medium has a Twitter account that posts some of the most interesting articles every day.

The Internet has given us the opportunity to always be up to date with all the news. It also gave us access to a huge variety of interesting and useful materials. But, unfortunately, there have become so many such materials that now the problem is different - lack of time.

It will take too much time to read all the interesting articles and news. That's why we offer you five resources that select the most useful and interesting materials based on your preferences and their popularity.


Let's start with the most famous Russian-language aggregator of interesting articles, news and photos. Not long ago, a scandal occurred, due to which many resources refused to cooperate with the service. But there's still plenty of useful material to be found at Surfingbird.

Based on unique (as always) algorithms, Surfingbird learns and displays content based on your preferences. Therefore, the more likes and dislikes you give, the more interesting the following materials will be for you.

Pocket Hits

You use Pocket, right? If not, then run to install it immediately. This is one of those apps that should be on every device.

Pocket Hits are the best articles, according to Pocket readers, that the creators of the service send out every week. Pocket Hits exists as a Twitter account, as well as an e-mail newsletter, which you can subscribe to in your account settings.

As I already said, the e-mail newsletter arrives once a week, and it contains the coolest materials from all resources. If this frequency doesn't suit you, follow them on Twitter, which posts some great articles every day.


As with Pocket, Flipboard regularly selects the best articles on various topics and publishes them in separate collections. Perhaps, at the moment this is the most functional and popular magazine on your device.


Longreads is simply a treasure trove of wonderful, detailed and long articles. Its only drawback is the lack of Russian language. However, if you can read English fluently, you can find a wealth of interesting and exciting material.

Medium Top Stories

Medium is a platform where anyone can publish their articles. Whether this is due to the fact that its creator is the co-founder of Twitter, or the reason is something else, but Medium has become incredibly popular, and the amount of quality material on it is off the charts.

Like Pocket, Medium sends out the top 10 stories every week, and trust me, every single one of them is worth your attention. If that's not enough for you, Medium has a Twitter account that posts some of the most interesting articles every day.

Publicistic style you need to be able to distinguish from other styles of speech in the language. Articles in newspapers and magazines are written in this style. The characteristic features of journalism can be examined using the example of an article entitled “The Soul That Knows No Measures” (from the Literaturnaya Gazeta):

Marina Tsvetaeva was born 125 years ago. Much has been written and said about Tsvetaeva’s blatant contradictions and unimaginable extremes. The energy and strength bestowed upon her in abundance also carried with them inevitable destructiveness. A verbal storm and a hurricane of rhythm sometimes led the poet to a kind of “whip” and “shamanism.” Her “overcrowding” was cramped in literature and life. It couldn't be any other way with her. But along all the paths, in the storm of self-immolation, Tsvetaeva kept “the saving poison of creative contradictions,” this ancestral font of the artist, according to Alexander Blok.

Researcher and biographer of the poet Anna Saakyants wrote in one of her works: “In general, LOVE - in an infinitely broad sense - was the main theme of Tsvetaeva’s work. She put an immense amount into this word and did not recognize synonyms. Love meant for her an attitude towards the world, in all its ambiguity and inconsistency - both the world and her feelings.<…>The great Tsvetaeva paradox: she did not love life as such - she did not love it as a poet who did not fit into the Procrustean bed of earthly imperfections, “earthly baseness of days” (her words).<…>We can say that Tsvetaev’s word love meant a creative state.” This is superbly expressed in Tsvetaeva’s everyday and life-like image. Although the “indisputable controversiality” is present here and gives them living force.

In Tsvetaeva’s poetry live the precious properties of Russian literature, its generic features: the tragic intertwining of “native and universal”, all-responsiveness, compassion and joy for the world and man, dashing fun and hopeless melancholy.

This short newspaper article is a prime example of journalistic style because:

1) the article is relevant ( relevance written is one of the main characteristics of this style);

2) the text is rich in artistic means ( epithetsblatant contradictions, unimaginable extremes, a great paradox, in everyday life, precious properties; contains oxymoron life-saving poison phraseological unit- Procrustean bed);

3) present expressiveness and emotionality(only to provoke a reaction from the reader, to give an assessment);

4) an opinion is formed about a personality, a phenomenon (in this article – about the personality of the poet);

5) the text presents an interesting information, facts.

These features are basic for a text in a journalistic style. Also, this style, like any other, has its own genre varieties: article, interview, report, note, commentary, pamphlet and others.