Exam dictations in Russian. Preparing for the Russian exam: dictation, presentation, test


Already morning frosts chained the ground moistened with autumn rains.

The peaks of the forest, which at the end of August were still green islands between black fields and stubble, became golden and bright red bizarre islands in the midst of bright green winters.

The hare had already half-molted, the fox broods were beginning to disperse, and the young wolves were already larger than the dog. It was the best hunting time.

In the morning Rostov looked out the window of the living room, looked into the distance and saw such a morning, better than which nothing could be better for hunting. The sky seemed to melt and descend to the ground without wind. The only movement that was in the air was the quiet movement from top to bottom of microscopic mist drops descending. Transparent drops hung like pearls on the bare branches of the garden and slowly fell on the recently fallen leaves. The windmill was half asleep.

No rustle anywhere. The ground in the garden turned black with a glossy wetness and at a short distance merged with the dull and damp cover of fog. In the distance, hazy and obscure, sandy paths disappeared.

It smelled of withering leaves and dogs.

Everyone already embraced an irresistible hunting feeling. As if on a fluffy carpet, the horses walked across the field, occasionally splashing through the puddles as they crossed the unpaved clay roads. The misty sky continued to descend imperceptibly and evenly to the ground. The windless air was quiet, warm and soundless. Occasionally, one hears the snoring of a horse, then a blow with a whip, or the inadvertent squeal of a dog that has not been walking in its place.

When we had driven off a mile away, five more riders with dogs suddenly appeared out of the fog to meet the hunt. Everyone wanted to catch the wolf at all costs, but he went into the bushes, and not a single hunter intercepted him. The dogs couldn't stop him either.

249 words


Exam dictation for grade 11.

Once in the summer of a poor but noble landowner, everyone in the house got up at dawn. Only Alexander, the only son of Anna Pavlovna, slept like a heroic sleep, as a twenty-two-year-old spoiled youth should sleep. People walked on tiptoe and spoke in whispers so as not to wake the young master. As soon as someone knocks, speaks loudly at the wrong time - immediately, like an irritated lioness, Anna Pavlovna appeared and immediately punished the careless with a reprimand, a nickname, and sometimes a push.

In the kitchen they cooked tirelessly, as if for ten people, despite the fact that the master's family consisted of Anna Pavlovna and Alexander. In the shed they wiped and greased the wagon. Everyone was busy and worked tirelessly. Barbos, however, only did nothing, but nevertheless took part in the movement in his own way. When a lackey who did not talk to anyone passed by him, or a girl skipped about, he wagged his tail and carefully sniffed the passer-by.

And the turmoil was because Anna Pavlovna reluctantly let her son go to St. Petersburg to serve, or, as she said, to see people and show herself. It made her so sad and upset. She will open her mouth to order something, and suddenly stop in mid-sentence, her voice will change, she will turn away and, sobbing, will wipe away a tear, if she has time, but if she does not have time, she will drop it into the suitcase in which she put Sasha's linen in the bedroom and which has not been removed from the closet since her wedding. Tears have long been ready to splash into three streams, but she constantly wipes them away.

She was not alone in mourning the separation. Yevsey, the valet, also grieved greatly: when he set off with the master, he left a warm corner in the house in the room of the smart Agrafena, the first minister in the economy and, most importantly for Yevsey, the first housekeeper.

Meanwhile, a cabman on a troika of horses appeared at the gate. The gilded bell, tied to the arch, muffled and unfreely rolled its tongue, like a drunkard thrown into the guardhouse.

Toward Anna Pavlovna, a blond young man, who was departing, was slowly walking. He cheerfully greeted his mother, but when he suddenly saw the suitcases, he became embarrassed, silently went to the window and began to draw with his finger on the glass, peering into the distance.

The sun shone dazzlingly bright. The room smelled fresh from the balcony. Far, far away was a garden of old lindens, and thick wild roses, and bird cherry, and lilac bushes. And still farther amphitheatrically spread fields with waving multi-colored bread and adjoin the blue-dark forest houses of peasants.

“Look,” said the mother, “what beauty God has endowed our places with! Why leave?

Alexander pointed thoughtfully into the distance. There, in the middle of the fields, the road to the promised land, to Petersburg, wound like a snake and ran beyond the forest and the windmill.


The program of entrance examinations (dictation)

for applicants of GOU SPO TO "TPT", entering

in GOU SPO TO "Tula Industrial College"

on the basis of basic general education

Tula, 2013


Applicants entering the GOU SPO TO "TPT" (hereinafter referred to as the technical school) on the basis of basic general education (9 grades) pass entrance examinations in the Russian language. By decision of the admission committee for all specialties of the technical school, entrance examinations in the Russian language are carried out in the form of a dictation (assessment according to a 100-point system). The level of complexity of the dictation corresponds to the requirements for mastering the general educational subject "Russian language" within the framework of basic general education. The number of words in the dictation is 150-160.

The exception is applicants entering the technical school on the basis of secondary (complete) general education (11 classes), in this case the result of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language is counted.

This publication includes a description and description of the exam procedure, assessment criteria, an entrance examination program in Russian, a dictation sample, a list of recommended literature and questions for self-checking.

Exam characteristics

Dictation in the Russian language - a form of the exam. The task of the Russian language exam in the form of a dictation is to determine whether the applicant has knowledge in the field of Russian phonetics, morphology, word formation, culture of speech and stylistics, as well as spelling and punctuation skills provided for by the State Standard of Basic General Education.

The main requirement for applicants for the entrance exam in the Russian language is knowledge of the theory of the Russian language for the course of the basic secondary school (5-9 grades), knowledge of spelling and punctuation norms, possession of speech culture skills.

The examination in the form of a dictation is conducted in writing. The dictation contains material on the spelling and punctuation of the modern language, phonetics, vocabulary, word composition and word formation, morphology, syntax, culture of speech and style.

Exam duration - 60 minutes. The use of reference literature during the exam is not allowed.

Exam procedure

Before the start of the exam, each applicant receives title pages with insert sheets. Before completing the written work, the applicant fills in the title page of the work. Written work is carried out on sheets - loose leaves, on which no conditional marks are allowed.

After the entrance test, all written works are transferred to the executive secretary of the selection committee or his deputy.

Checking the dictation by the examiners and getting acquainted with the results of the check

When checking written work, examiners should not know which of the applicants is the author of the work. To do this, before checking the work, it is necessary to encode them. Coding of written works is carried out by the executive secretary of the selection committee or his deputy. In this case, each applicant is assigned a conditional code, which is affixed on the title page and on each sheet - loose leaf. All sheets - inserts with the records of this applicant are fastened together in a single set. The first of the sheets contains the total number of sheets ("Total sheets __").

The chairman of the subject examination committee additionally checks the written works rated by the examiners as "unsatisfactory" and the highest score, as well as 5% of the remaining works, and certifies the correctness of the marks with his signature.

The dictation is checked by the examination committee. All errors that the examinee made in the work are indicated using generally accepted signs in the margins of the work.

The results of the written entrance examination are announced on the day of its holding or the next day.

After the announcement of the assessment, the applicant has the right to familiarize himself with the results of the test and receive appropriate explanations from the examiners at the time set by the selection committee.


Phonetics. Orthoepy. Spelling

Speech sounds and letters. Vowels and consonants. Voiceless and voiced, hard and soft consonants. Designation of softness of consonants in writing. Positional changes of consonants. Unstressed vowels, their spelling. Spelling of consonants in the roots of words. Use Kommersant and b separator characters. Syllabus, accent. Basic rules of literary pronunciation.

Vocabulary and phraseology

The concept of vocabulary. The word as a unit of language. The meaning of the word (direct, figurative). Polysemantic and single-valued words. Homonyms. Synonyms. Antonyms.

Dictionary wealth of the Russian language. Obsolete words and neologisms. Originally Russian and borrowed words. Neutral and stylistically colored words.

Free combinations of words and phraseological turns.

Morphemics. Word formation. Spelling

Word-building and inflectional morphemes. stem and ending. Root, suffix, prefix, ending as meaningful parts of a word. One-word words. The alternation of consonants and vowels in the root. Spelling of words with alternating vowels in the roots zar-zor; gar-gor; kas-kos; lag-lodge, rast, rasch-ros; beer-ber, dir-der, tir-ter, steel-steel, peer-per, jig-zheg, world-mer, equal-even, poppy-mok. Letters e and about after hissing in different parts of the word. Letters S and And after C in different parts of the word. Letters S and And after prefixes ending in a consonant. Spelling prefixes. Letters Z and FROM at the end of attachments; prefixes AT- and PRE-.

Ways of word formation in Russian.

Compound words and their spelling.

Analysis of the word by composition and word-formation analysis.

Morphology. Spelling

Noun. The meaning of the noun and its grammatical features. Animate and inanimate nouns, proper and common nouns. Genus. Number. Case. The gender of indeclinable nouns. Declension types, spelling of noun endings. Spelling of noun suffixes. The syntactic role of nouns.

Adjective. The meaning of the adjective and its grammatical features. Adjectives are qualitative, relative and possessive. Full and short forms. Declension of adjectives. Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Spelling of the endings of adjectives. Spelling of adjective suffixes. H and HH in full and short adjectives; merged and separate spelling NOT with adjectives. The syntactic role of adjectives.

Numeral. The meaning of the name of the numeral. Classification of numerals. Numerals quantitative and ordinal. Features of declination of numerals. Spelling of numbers. Syntactic role of numerals. Rules for the use of numerals.

Pronoun. The meaning of pronouns. Classes of pronouns. Declension of pronouns. Spelling of indefinite and negative pronouns. The syntactic role of various categories of pronouns. Using the pronoun as a means of communication.

Verb. The meaning of the verb and its grammatical features. Infinitive. Perfect and imperfect form of the verb. Transitive and intransitive verbs. Indicative, conditional, imperative mood of the verb. First and second conjugation. Spelling of personal endings of verbs, NOT with a verb, verb suffixes, TSYA - TSYA.

Participle. Active and passive participles. Full and short passive participles. Declension of full participles and spelling of case endings. NOT with sacraments. Spelling of vowels in participle suffixes. H and HH in suffixes of participles and verbal adjectives, short participles. Participial. The syntactic role of the participle.

General participle. Participial turnover. Perfective and imperfective participles. NOT with adverbs. The syntactic role of the participle. Norms for constructing sentences with adverbial turnover.

Adverb. The meaning of adverbs. Classification of adverbs. Word formation of adverbs. Degrees of comparison of adverbs. NOT with adverbs. Continuous, separate and hyphenated spelling of adverbs. Spelling of indefinite and negative adverbs. H and HH in adverbs. The syntactic role of adverbs.

Pretext. The concept of a preposition, its use in speech. Derivative and non-derivative prepositions. Spelling of derivative prepositions.

Union. Union as an official part of speech. Coordinating and subordinating conjunctions. Consolidated and separate spelling of unions and homonymous expressions. The text-forming role of unions.

Particles. Particle as a service part of speech. The syntactic role of particles in a sentence. Distinguishing on writing particles NOT and NI.

Interjection. Meaning of interjections. Punctuation marks for interjections.

Syntax. Punctuation

Phrase. Ways of subordination in the phrase: coordination, control, adjoining.

Complex cases of management and coordination.

Sentence. Types of sentences according to the purpose of the statement: narrative, interrogative, incentive. exclamatory sentences. The sentences are simple and complex.

Simple two-part sentences. main members of the proposal. Ways of expressing the subject. Simple verb, compound verb and compound nominal predicate. A dash between subject and predicate. Secondary members of the sentence and ways of expressing them.

Simple one-part sentences. Definitely personal, indefinitely personal, impersonal and nominative sentences.

Incomplete sentences. Punctuation marks in incomplete sentences.

Homogeneous members of a sentence. Homogeneous and heterogeneous definitions. Punctuation marks between homogeneous members and with generalizing words.

Separate members of the proposal. The concept of separation. Separate definitions, applications, additions, circumstances and punctuation marks attached to them. Punctuation marks for clarifying members of a sentence.

Appeals, introductory words and interjections. They have punctuation marks. The use of introductory words as a means of communication between sentences.

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech. Direct speech, dialogue, indirect speech. Punctuation marks in direct and indirect speech. Citation.

Difficult sentence. The concept of a complex sentence. Types of complex sentence. Allied coordinating and subordinating and non-union connection in sentences.

Compound sentences and punctuation marks between their parts. Complex sentences. Unions and allied words as a means of communication between their parts. Types of subordinate clauses. Complex sentences with several subordinate clauses and punctuation marks in them. Types of subordination: homogeneous, parallel and sequential.

Associative compound sentence. Meaningful relationships between parts. Punctuation marks in a non-union complex sentence. Variety of punctuation marks.

Complex sentences with different types of connection. Punctuation marks in sentences with a coordinating, subordinating and non-union connection.

Text. Types and styles of speech

Text as a speech product. Semantic and compositional integrity of the text. Sequential arrangement of parts of the text. Means of communication between proposals.

Types of texts according to functional and semantic features: description, narration, reasoning. Speech styles: scientific, official business, journalistic, artistic, colloquial.

Selection of language means in the text. Means of expressiveness of speech: epithet, metaphor, personification, hyperbole, comparison, antithesis, rhetorical question, rhetorical exclamation, rhetorical appeal, anaphora.


1. List the vowel sounds of the Russian language.

2. How to check the spelling of vowels and consonants in the root of a word?

4. After what part of the word is a solid sign written?

11. List the ways of forming words in Russian. Determine how the words are formed: starless, glass holder, a little, in French, exit, car repair, incoherently, line up.

13. When is the letter “Yo” written in the roots of words after hissing?

14. In the suffixes of nouns, adjectives and adverbs, after hissing under stress, is it written "О" or Е"? What about verb endings?

15. When is a soft sign written after hissing words at the end?

16. Under what conditions is the letter “Y” written after the prefix?

17. What determines the choice of a vowel in alternating roots? Is it possible to check them with accent?

18. Remember the meaning of prefixes PRI- and PRE-. Give examples.

19. Does the prefix "C" have a voiced pair?

20. What is a noun? What permanent features does it have?

21. How to determine the spelling of noun endings?

22. How to determine the gender of indeclinable nouns? Determine the gender of the nouns: depot, cockatoo, lady, foyer, coffee, Ontario, Sochi, kangaroo, planter, subway. Choose adjectives for them.

24. What category do adjectives with degrees of comparison belong to?

25. What member of the sentence is an adjective in a comparative degree?

26. How many H is written in the suffix -an/-yan? Name the exceptions to the rule.

27. When is NOT written together with adjectives, nouns and adverbs on "o"? When separate?

30. List the categories of pronouns, give examples of each of them.

31. What are the features of the spelling of negative and indefinite pronouns?

32. List the constant morphological features of the verb.

33. How to determine which letter is written in the unstressed personal ending of the verb?

34. What verbs are conjugated by the second conjugation?

35. What conjugation does the verb belong to lay? How do you write its forms: he creeps along the plain; we spread out the carpet; they made a bed?

36. Formulate the spelling rule for one and two letters "H" in full and short participles.

37. What form of participles is written with NOT separately? What part of the sentence is this form?

38. What is the peculiarity of the use of adverbial turnover?

39. In what ways can adverbs be formed? What adverbs formed by the prefix-suffix method are written with a hyphen?

40. From what parts of speech are derived prepositions formed? Think of the prepositions that cause the most spelling difficulties.

41. How to distinguish between unions "also" and "too" and expressions with particles "same": "same" and "same"?

42. Determine the way of subordination in phrases: my version, an order to leave, some kind of rumor, a bouquet of flowers, I remembered myself, Turkish coffee.

43. List the types of one-part sentences, give an example of each of them.

44. What are the features of punctuation with generalizing members of the sentence?

45. What members of the proposal can be isolated? What are the features of punctuation for each of them?

46. ​​List the meanings of introductory words. How not to confuse them with the members of the sentence?

47. What punctuation marks are used in direct speech? What is the peculiarity of their staging with direct speech, torn by the words of the author?

48. What are the subordinate clauses?

49. What are the features of punctuation with homogeneous subordination?

50. When is a colon placed between the parts of a non-union complex sentence?

51. What is a text?

52. List the styles of speech of the Russian literary language.

53. What style of speech is used in the above program of entrance examinations in the Russian language?

54. Can there be several functional and semantic types of speech in one text?

55. Remember the lines of poetry in which the poet uses metaphor / epithet / personification / rhetorical question.


The dictation given below was used as an examination for entrance examinations in 2011.

Birds under the snow.

Sometimes you go skiing in the forest, you look - a head appeared and hid: this is a hazel grouse. Not even two, but three rescues for a hazel grouse under the snow: warmth, food, and you can hide from a hawk.

Now he doesn’t run under the snow, he just needs to hide from the weather. Black grouse does not have big moves, like hazel grouse under the snow, but the arrangement of the apartment is also neat.

Black grouse, I think, is much smarter than partridge. Once it was with me in the forest: I go skiing; red day, good frost. A large clearing opens before me, there are tall birches in the clearing, and on the birches the black grouse feed on their kidneys. I admired for a long time, but suddenly all the black grouse rushed down and buried themselves in the snow under the birches. At the same moment, a hawk appears, hits the place where the black grouse burrowed, and entered. Well, he walks right above the black grouse, but he cannot guess and dig with his foot and grab it. I was very curious. I think: “If he walks, it means that he feels them under him, and the mind of the hawk is great, but there is no such thing, which means that this is not given to him.”

I’ve seen enough of everything in the forest, it’s all simple for me, but still I’m amazed at the hawk: he’s so smart, but in this place he turned out to be such a fool. But I consider the partridge the most foolish of all. She spoiled herself among people on the threshing floor, no, she was like a black grouse, so that, seeing a hawk, she would throw herself into the snow with all her might. A partridge from a hawk will only hide its head in the snow, and its tail is all in sight. The hawk takes her by the tail and drags her.

Textbooks and educational publications

1. Babaitseva V.V., Chesnokova L.D. Russian language. Theory: Textbook for 5-9 cells. educational institutions. – 5th ed. - M .: Education, JSC "Moscow textbook", 1996.

2. Berdnikova E. D., Petryakova A. G. Tests on the culture of speech: For high school. - 2nd ed. - M., 2002.

3. Goltsova N.G., Shamshin I.V. Russian language, 10-11 grades. - M., 2007.

4. Grekov V.F., Kryuchkov S.E., Cheshko L.A. Handbook for Russian language classes in high school (any edition).

5. Gromov S.A. Russian language. - M., 2006.

6. Rosenthal D.E. Russian language: A guide for applicants to universities (any edition).

7. Tkachenko N.G. 300 dictations for university applicants (any edition).

8. Tkachenko N.G. Russian grammar tests (any edition).

9. Razumovskaya M.M., Lvova S.I., Kapinos V.I., Lvov V.V. and others. Russian language: grades 5-9 // Ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta. – M.: Bustard, 2003.

10. Deikina A.D., Pakhnova T.M. Russian language for senior classes. - M.: Verbum, 2001;

Dictionaries and reference books

1. Lekant P.A., Samsonov I.B. Russian language: Difficulties in grammar and spelling. - M., 1998.

2. Russian spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences / Ed. ed. V. V. Lopatin. - M., Azbukovnik, 2000.

3. Spelling dictionary of the Russian language / USSR Academy of Sciences. Institute of the Russian language; Ed. S.G. Barkhudarova, I.F. Protchenko, L.I. Skvortsova. - 26th ed., stereotype. - M: Russian language, 1988 (and subsequent editions).

4. Tikhonov A. N. Morphemic spelling dictionary: About 100,000 words / A. N. Tikhonov. - M .: AST Publishing House LLC: Astrel Publishing House LLC, 2002.

5. Russian literary pronunciation and stress. Reference Dictionary / Ed. R.I. Avanesov and S.I. Ozhegov. - M., 1959.

6. School dictionary of foreign words / Odintsov V.V. and others - M., 1989.

7. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language / Zhukov V.P., Zhukova. - M., 1988.

8. Shansky N.M. School phraseological dictionary of the Russian language: the meaning and origin of phrases. – 3rd ed., stereotype. - M.: Russian language, 1990.

Criteria for assessing the entrance test in the Russian language

When evaluating the dictation at the entrance examinations, spelling and punctuation errors are corrected, but not taken into account:

1) In the transfer of words;

2) To the rules that are not included in the school curriculum;

4) Misspellings, incorrect spelling, distorting the sound image of the word.

Misspellings, incorrect spellings that distort the sound image of the word are corrected, but not taken into account, for example: “rapotet” (instead of working), “dulpo” (instead of a hollow), “memlya” (instead of earth).

When evaluating dictations, it is also important to consider the nature of the error. Among the errors, it is necessary to single out non-rough ones, that is, not having significant significance for the characteristics of literacy. When counting errors, two non-rough ones are counted as one.

Non-serious errors include:

1) In exceptions to the rules;

2) In writing a capital letter in compound proper names;

3) In cases of continuous and separate spelling of prefixes in adverbs formed from nouns with prepositions, the spelling of which is not regulated by the rules;

4) In cases of separate and continuous writing "not" with adjectives and participles acting as a predicate;

5) In writing s and and after prefixes;

6) In cases of difficult distinction, not and neither (Wherever he turned! Wherever he turned, no one could give him an answer. Nobody else ...; none other than; nothing else ...; none other than etc. );

7) In proper names of non-Russian origin;

8) In cases where one punctuation mark is replaced by another;

9) In the omission of one of the combined punctuation marks or in violation of their sequence.

It is also necessary to take into account the repeatability and uniformity of errors. If the mistake is repeated in the same word or in the root of words with the same root, then it is considered as one mistake. Spelling is considered the same type of mistake. Regulated by one rule, for example: the spelling of unstressed vowels, “not” with verbs, a hyphen after prefixes and in adverbs, the spelling of indefinite verbs, the combination of “zhi”, “shi”, etc.

They are not considered errors of the same type for such a rule, in which, in order to find out the correct spelling of one word, it is required to choose another (reference) word or its form (water - water, mouth - mouth, sad - sad, sharp - sharp).

The first three errors of the same type are considered as one error, each subsequent similar error is taken into account as an independent one.

The dictation is evaluated on a hundred-point and five-point system.

100 points or a score of "5" is given for an error-free work, as well as if it contains one non-rough spelling or one non-rough punctuation error.

70 points or a score of "4" is given if there are no more than 2 spelling and no more than 2 punctuation errors in the dictation, or 2 spelling and no more than 3 punctuation errors, or no more than 4 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors.

50 points or mark "3" is given if there are no more than 4 spelling and no more than 4 punctuation errors, or no more than 4 spelling and no more than 4 punctuation errors, or no more than 8 punctuation errors in the absence of spelling errors. A mark of "3" can also be given if there are 5 spelling and 5 punctuation errors, if among those and others there are the same type and non-rough errors.

30 points or a score of "2" is given from 6 spelling and 7 punctuation errors.

Rules included in the dictation

In Russian:

An unstressed vowel at the root of a word. Speech sounds and letters.

Vowels after hissing. b after hissing. Vowels after C.

Root of the word. prefix and suffix. Word formation.

The alternation of sounds in the root of the word. Spelling of unstressed vowels at the root of a word.

a - o; e-i.

Spelling of roots with alternating vowels e-i.

Spelling of consonants and vowels in prefixes.

Spelling prefixes at- and pre-. The lexical meaning of the word.

Direct and figurative meaning of the word.

The word and its forms. Case and declension of nouns.

Declension of plural nouns.

Infinitive. Types of verbs. Person and number of verbs. Conjugation of verbs.

Irregular verbs. Spelling of verb suffixes.

Adjectives with the suffix - uy. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Simple, compound and compound numbers.

Declension of cardinal numbers.

Syntactic features of cardinal numbers.

Degrees of comparison of adverbs.

Relative and indefinite pronouns. indefinite pronouns.

Participial. State words.

Word formation of real and passive participles.

Vowels in participles before – nn – i – n -. spelling – nn – in sacraments.

Spelling not with sacraments. Participial turnover.

Word formation of adverbs.

Service parts of speech. Spelling of suggestions. Spelling not and neither.

Basic types of simple sentences. Impersonal offers.

Separation of definitions.

Separation of adverbial phrases.

Sentences with introductory words, phrases and sentences.

Proposals with appeals. The main types of complex sentences.

The meaning of complex non-union proposals. punctuation marks in them.

Ways of transmitting someone else's speech.

for entrance exams

by academic discipline


The old violinist-musician loved to play at the foot of the monument to Pushkin. This monument stood in Moscow, at the beginning of Tverskoy Boulevard, poems are written on it, and marble steps rise to it from all four sides. Climbing up these steps to the pedestal itself, the old musician turned his face to the boulevard, to the distant Nikitinsky Gates, and touched the strings on the violin with his bow. Children, passers-by, newspaper readers from the local kiosk immediately gathered at the monument - and they all fell silent in anticipation of music, because music consoles people, it promises them happiness and a glorious life. The musician put the case from his violin on the ground against the monument, it was closed, and there was a piece of black bread and an apple in it, so that you could eat whenever you wanted.

The old man usually went out to play in the evening. It was more useful for his music to make the world quieter and darker. The old man was bored by the thought that he did not bring people any good, and therefore voluntarily went to play on the boulevard. There, the sounds of his violin were heard in the air, in the dusk, and at least occasionally they reached the depths of the human heart, touching him with a gentle and courageous force, captivating him to live a higher, beautiful life. Some music listeners took out money to give to the old man, but did not know where to put it; the violin case was closed, and the musician himself was high at the foot of the monument, almost next to Pushkin.

He went home late, sometimes already at midnight, when the people became rare and only some random lonely person listened.

New replenishment

For a new replenishment, I always go out in a front jacket. So that young sailors will remember the first meeting with the commander for a long time, so that everyone’s soul becomes brighter and more festive.

And now I lingered for a moment near the wall mirror in the corridor, straightened the silver boat on the right side of my chest,

pulled down the visor of his cap - in a word, he assumed an impressive commanding air.

The newcomers lined up in front of the barracks. A little to the side neatly stacked suitcases and duffel bags.

We wish you good health, Comrade Captain! - quietly, but unanimously, they answered my greeting. I walked along the line. The sailors called their surnames according to the charter, gently, as if fearing damage, shook my hand. Only I cautiously shook hands with the left-flank one. Short, with sharp boyish collarbones, he seemed to me a boy who accidentally wormed his way into this line of heroes.

After the presentation ceremony, we led the young sailors to the pier, near which our submarine was moored. In turn, they climbed onto a narrow deck, saluting the stern flag.

In the winter forest

The path along which Savushkin led Anna Vasilievna began immediately behind the school estate. As soon as they stepped into the forest and

spruce paws, heavily laden with snow, closed behind their backs, as they were immediately transferred to another, enchanted world of peace and

soundlessness. Magpies, flying from tree to tree, swayed the branches, knocked down the cones, sometimes, hitting the wing, broke off the fragile ones,


Around white-white. Only in the highest blacken blown

the tops of tall weeping birches blow by the wind, and thin twigs seem

drawn in ink against the blue sky.

The path ran along the stream. Sometimes the trees parted to reveal sunny clearings criss-crossed by a hare's trail that looked like a watch chain. There were also large footprints that belonged to some large animal. These footprints went into the very thicket, into the windbreak.

Don't be afraid, - said Savushkin, noticing the look thrown by the teacher into the depths of the forest. - This elk passed.

Slipping under the arch of a bent willow, the path again ran down to the stream. in some places the stream was covered with a thick snow blanket, in some places it was encased in an ice shell.

winter oak

The forest led the travelers in complex, confusing passages. It seemed that there would be no end to the trees, snowdrifts, silence.

Suddenly, a smoky blue gap glimmered in the distance. Rednyak replaced the thicket, it became spacious and fresh. And now, no longer a gap, but a wide, sun-drenched gap appeared in front. Something sparkled, sparkled, ice stars.

The path rounded a hazel bush, and the forest immediately resounded to the sides. In the middle of a clearing in sparkling clothes, huge and majestic as a cathedral stood an oak tree. The trees parted respectfully to let the elder colleague turn around in full force. Its branches spread like a tent over the clearing. The snow was packed into the wrinkles of the bark, and the thick, three-girth trunk seemed to be stitched with silver threads. The foliage, having dried up in the fall, almost did not fly around.

The teacher timidly stepped towards the oak, and the mighty, magnanimous guardian of the forest quietly shook the branch towards her.

The end of the 9th grade is a kind of rehearsal before the start of adulthood. You can try to go to college or lyceum, and if it doesn’t work out, go back to school. True, it is worth seriously weighing all the pros and cons of the decision. And, of course, prepare well for the final exams, because they affect the final mark in the certificate of basic education. He will tell you what each test is and how to prepare for it.

The Ministry of Education plans to introduce . But this does not mean that you will not be able to enter the secondary school or vocational school after the 9th grade. After all, these educational institutions also run a program for grades 10-11. It's just that a graduate of a basic school has two ways to get a general secondary education: at school or at a college (lyceum). The option of not studying after grade 9 and getting a job in the future will not work. Therefore, pay special attention to preparing for exams if you plan to enroll.

Dictation in Russian and Belarusian languages

After grade 9, graduates write a dictation in the Belarusian and Russian languages. Usually exams are held approximately from 1 to 8 June. Dictation texts are taken from special collections of the National Institute of Education publishing house. We think that it is not necessary to write all dictations. But it will be useful to look at them, write down a few. So you can see your mistakes and you can fix them knowledge gaps.

The exam lasts one hour. In fact, it does not differ from the usual control dictation. Listen carefully to the teacher and do not repeat the sentence aloud when you write it down:you can distort some words while pronouncing them, and therefore make a mistake. Even More Tips you will find in our material.

In the examination dictation, there are approximately 125-145 words, as in the control

Math exam

Tasks for the exam in mathematics are also taken from a special collection of materials published by the National Institute of Education. The logic of decisions can be tracked in special collections with exam problems, but you should not mindlessly memorize what is written. You run the risk of wasting energy on memorizing a cumbersome solution algorithm that you are unlikely to use. Better practice solving problems in pairs, comparing your reasoning with the work of a friend. In the material you will find useful tips from a mathematics teacher.

The examination paper is presented in two versions of ten tasks each (basic and advanced level). Four astronomical hours are allotted for the examination. You can solve tasks in any order, the main thing is that the decision is correct and justified. It is important to show the progress of the decision in detail and legibly. Try to write correctly and accurately, do not shorten words in the argument.

School exams are a big test and nothing more. already now, because you have to pass, and when you enter a college or university, you will take the session twice a year. If you know the material well, there is nothing to be afraid of. Good luck!

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