Faculty in geography. "The work program of the optional course in geography "Entertaining geography" (Grade 7)

Explanatory note

This program is designed to organize teaching the basics of geographical knowledge of students.

How to increase the interest of students in studying the school course of geography? This question worries many teachers. One of the ways to solve this problem is extracurricular work, which is an integral part of the educational process.

Well-organized and interestingly conducted classes of the “Entertaining Geography” circle help to enrich the knowledge of children, contribute to the development of individual qualities, and the disclosure of talents.

The participation of schoolchildren in the classes of the circle opens up wide opportunities for the formation of practical skills in working with a map, a book and other sources of information, and collective work on creative projects and research is an important point in this activity, it helps to more easily master and remember scientific information well, forms a team of like-minded people, teaches children to communicate with peers, to defend their point of view.

The circle is based on the method of project activity of students. The method of projects is: personality-oriented education, individual approach, creativity, the formation of competencies, i.e. application of knowledge and skills in practical activities, the ability to navigate in the information space, the development of students' cognitive interest.

Activity students may be:
- individual;
- steam room;
- group.

Goals and objectives of the program:

1. Expansion and deepening of students' knowledge of geography.

2. The development of students' interest in the subject, curiosity, creativity.

3. Development of practical skills for working with various geographical maps.

4. Formation of skills to independently acquire knowledge using various geographical sources.

Main didactic goals course:

Satisfaction of individual educational requests of the circle members;

Development of interest in the study of geography;

Expanding the horizons of students in the field of geography;

Raising a sense of collectivism and responsibility through play and competition;

Preparing students for self-education in the field of geography and related sciences.

The Entertaining Geography program is designed for 68 hours, at the rate of 2 hours per week. The elective program is designed for 9th grade students.

OBJECTIVES OF THE CIRCLE "Entertaining geography"

Additional education at school is aimed at achieving the following goals:

learning about the basic geographical concepts, geographical features of nature, population and economy of different territories; about their homeland - Russia in all its diversity and integrity; about the environment, ways of its conservation and rational use;

mastery of skills navigate the terrain; use one of the "languages" of international communication - a geographical map, statistical materials, modern geoinformation technologies for searching, interpreting and demonstrating various geographical data; apply geographical knowledge to explain and evaluate a variety of phenomena and processes;

When organizing a subject circle in geography in a basic school, it is necessary to pay special attention to the general educational significance of the subject. The study of geography forms not only a certain system of subject knowledge and a number of special geographical skills, but also a set of general educational skills necessary for:

- knowledge and study of the environment; identification of causal relationships;

- comparison of objects, processes and phenomena; modeling and design;

- orientation on the ground, plan, map; in INTERNET resources, statistical materials;

- compliance with the norms of behavior in the environment; evaluating their activities in terms of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values.

Tasks and main ideas course:

Tasks are aimed at the implementation of activity, practice-oriented and personality-oriented approaches; development by students of intellectual and practical activities; mastering knowledge and skills that are in demand in everyday life, allowing you to navigate in the world around you, significant for preserving the environment and your own healthincreased interest in the subjects of the natural cycle and geography in particular;

development cognitive interests, intellectual and creative abilities in the process of observing the state of the environment, solving geographical problems, independently acquiring new knowledge; develop the ability to work in a group;

upbringing curiosity, love for one's locality, one's region, one's country, broadening the general outlook of students, mutual understanding with other peoples; ecological culture, positive attitude to the environment;

capacity building and readiness to the use of geographical knowledge and skills in everyday life, the preservation of the environment and socially responsible behavior in it; adaptation to living conditions in a certain territory; self-assessment of the level of environmental safety as a sphere of life.

    to form in students an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe "wonderful" objects of their country and the world;

Predicted learning outcome:

as a result of learning in the classroom, students will acquireknowledge about natural and man-made sights of the world and Russia:

Their history,

their architecture,

Their geography;

acquire practicalskills :

Map work,

Work with reference, popular science literature, Internet resources,

Group organization skills.

Cognitive activity:

    the use of various natural-scientific methods for cognition of the surrounding world: observation, measurement, experiment, modeling;

    the formation of skills to distinguish between facts, hypotheses, causes, consequences, evidence, laws, theories;

    mastering adequate methods for solving theoretical and experimental problems;

    acquisition of experience in hypotheses to explain known facts and experimental verification of hypotheses.

Information and communication activities:

    possession of monologue and dialogic speech, development of the ability to understand the point of view of the interlocutor and recognize the right to a different opinion;

    use of various sources of information for solving cognitive and communicative problems.

Reflective activity:

    possession of the skills to control and evaluate their activities, the ability to put forward the possible results of their actions;

    organization of educational activities: setting goals, planning, determining the optimal ratio of goals and means.

During the Developing Student Research Program, students should:


    The contribution of Great scientists to the development of science;

    The main features of the shape, size, nature of the rotations of the Earth and their geographical consequences;

    Natural records on continents and oceans;

    Features of the countries of the world and population;

    Techniques for working with sources of geographic information;

    geographical terminology.

Be able to:

    Take measurements using various methods and instruments;

    Conduct research based on accumulated facts;

    Solve geographic problems.

Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life for:

    Orientation in the flow of geographic information;

    Ability to solve geographic problems

    Enhance your own geographical culture.

The main form of organization of extracurricular activities is class-lesson. Extracurricular activities (library classes) are planned in the program. In the course of work on the implementation of the elective program, individual consultations with students are planned.

To implement the tasks of the program of the elective program "Entertaining Geography", the technologies of student-oriented and problem-based learning are used. The main methods are partially - search, research, reproductive.


List of topics and


Number of hours

1 hour

4 hours

5 o'clock

Orientation on the ground

4 hours

5 o'clock

World Ocean

4 hours

Land waters

4 hours

Earth nature

15 o'clock

Earth's atmosphere.

4 hours

Countries of the world

7 o'clock


8 o'clock

5 o'clock

Final lesson

2 hours


Topic name

Introduction. Optional program.

1 hour

Organization of classes on the subject of electives. Job requirements. Determination of requirements for the educational organization of students in the course of the implementation of the elective program

Demos: elective program "Entertaining geography"

Earth is a planet in the solar system

4 hours

Additional information about:


solar system

Neighbors of the Earth

Hypotheses of the origin of our planet

Demonstrations: solar system model, earth model (globe).

Sources of geographic information. The map is the greatest creation of mankind.

5 hours

Main sources of geographic information: globe, directories, geographic sites. The map is the greatest creation of mankind. Types of geographical maps. Geographical map in professions. History of the geographical map, globe. Great scientists of antiquity and modernity who contributed to the development of the science of geography.

Demos: atlas, geographical maps, portraits of scientists - geographers.

Location orientation.

4 hours

Material by:

History of the invention of the compass

Exercises and movement on the ground with and without a compass

Determining directions, distances according to the terrain plan and map

Local orientation

Demonstrations: compass, geographic map, terrain plan.

Travel across continents and oceans. Planet records.

5 o'clock

Entertaining material on the continents (Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia). Records of each continent under the heading "most, most, most". Compilation of business cards of the continents. Building a profile of each continent. Oceans of the Earth: features of relief and nature.

Demonstrations : presentations "Continents and oceans of the Earth", video material "This amazing planet", encyclopedias

World Ocean.

4 hours

Entertaining material on the seas and oceans:

Modern methods of studying the seas and oceans.

Waterspouts, storms and hurricanes in the sea.

Parts of the oceans.

Flora and fauna of the oceans and seas.

Ecological problems of the World Ocean.

Demonstrations: map, atlas, encyclopedia, video material on environmental issues.

Land waters.

4 hours.

Additional material on the study of the Earth's water resources.

The largest rivers of the Earth.

The largest lakes of the earth, lakes-curiosities.

Mineral springs, their origin

Karst phenomena, caves, underground rivers and lakes.


The waters of the land of their land.

Demonstrations: geographical maps, atlas,

river video.

Earth nature

15 hours

The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth. Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates. Geological past of the planet. Problems of climate change and as a consequence of the nature of the planet. Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth. Eurasia as an example of a complete picture of the nature of the Earth. The importance of Antarctica and the oceans in the Earth's climate.Demos: video material "Natural zones of the Earth", "History of the development of life on planet Earth", encyclopedias, reference books, anthologies.

Earth's atmosphere.

4 hours

Interesting stuff about:

Modern method of studying the atmosphere.

Processing and registration of the results of observation of the weather.

Terrible phenomena in the atmosphere.

Local signs and signs for predicting the weather


The climate of your area.

Demonstrations: video film weather forecasts, handbook.

Countries of the world

7 o'clock

Diversity of the countries of the world. Differences in territory, geographical location, population, nature and economic activity. The history of the formation of the political map of the world. Changes on the world map. Disputed territories. Records of the countries "The most, the most, the most." problems and prospects for the development of the country.

Demonstration: political map of the world, Directory "Countries of the World", Encyclopedia.


8 ocloc'k

Study of the territory of Russia, geographical location, population, nature and economic activity. The history of the formation of the territory of Russia on the political map of the world. Russia - as the largest state in the world:

Demonstrations: a political map of the world, an encyclopedia.

The nature of its region with elements of meteorology.

5 o'clock

Studying the features of the nature of your region

PC of your area.

Meteorological Workshop

Anthropogenic impact on PC.

Demonstrations: atlas, plan of the area.

Final lesson

2 hours

Generalization and control of assimilation of material according to the elective program. Final testing of students. Self-analysis of students on the work of an elective.

Predicted results.

As a result of the implementation of the program, it is envisaged to increase geographical knowledge, skills and abilities. The program involves increasing students' interest in the subject.

Testing of knowledge, skills and abilities is carried out through school-wide events, school competitions, participation in competitions, exhibitions and conferences.

List of used literature.

For the teacher:

    N. M. Klyushnikova "Extracurricular work in geography, -" Luminary ", Volgograd, 2000

    Handbook of a teacher of geography. / Compiled by N.N. Petrova, V.I. Sirotin. M .: Astrel Publishing House LLC. 2002-302 p.

V.A. Nizovtsev Geography. School Olympiads”, Moscow, Iris-Press, 2006

    Naumov A.S. "Based on the materials of the OlympiadsNationalGeographicand All-Russian Olympiad”, Moscow, Ast-Astrel, 2007

    Selishchev E.N. “Geography for the Curious or What You Don’t Learn About in Geography Lessons”, Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 2006

    Andreev A. A. Knowledge or competencies // Higher education in Russia. - 2005. - No. 2. - S. 3-11.

    Bolotov V.A., Serikov V.V. Competency model: from idea to educational program // Pedagogy. - 2003. - No. 10. - S. 8-4

    Methodological collection "Development of research activities of students", Moscow, "People's Education", 2001.

4. Geography:\"Early development of children\" - Geography for children

    5. Geography:Everything for the geography teacher

    6. Geography:Encyclopedic Library.

For students:

1. Molodtsova Z.V. Interesting geography. - Novosibirsk: NIPKi PRO, 1997.

2. Pivovarova N.N. Behind the pages of a geography textbook - M: Education, 1997.

3. Zapartovich B.B. With love for nature. - Moscow: Pedagogy, 1976.

4. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world. Geography "- M: LLC" AST Publishing House "2002

5. Lyakhov P.R. Encyclopedia "I know the world of Animals." - M: LLC "Publishing House AST" 2002

Calendar - thematic plan


List of topics and


Number of hours

the date

according to plan

In fact

Introduction. Optional program.

1 hour

Earth is a planet in the solar system

4 hours

Earth is a planet in the solar system

solar system

Neighbors of the Earth

Hypotheses of the origin of our planet

Sources of geographic information. The map is the greatest creation of mankind.

5 o'clock

Sources of geographic information. The map is the greatest creation of mankind. Main sources of geographic information: globe, directories, geographic sites.

The map is the greatest creation of mankind.

Types of geographical maps. Geographical map in professions.

History of the geographical map, globe.

Great scientists of antiquity and modernity who contributed to the development of the science of geography.

Orientation on the ground

4 hours

History of the invention of the compass

Exercises and movement on the ground with and without a compass

Determining directions, distances according to the terrain plan and map

Local orientation

Travel across continents and oceans. Planet records.

5 o'clock

Continents: Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia.

Records of each continent under the heading "most, most, most".

Compilation of business cards of the continents.

Building a profile of each continent.

Oceans of the Earth: features of relief and nature.

World Ocean

4 hours

modern ways of studying the seas and oceans. Waterspouts, storms and hurricanes in the sea.

Flora and fauna of the oceans and seas.

Parts of the oceans.

Ecological problems of the World Ocean.

Land waters

4 hours

The largest rivers and lakes of the Earth.

Mineral springs, their origin

Karst phenomena, caves, underground rivers and lakes.

The waters of the land of their land.

Earth nature

15 o'clock

28 - 29

The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth.

Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates.


Geological past of the planet.

Problems of climate change and as a consequence of the nature of the planet.

34 - 39

Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth.


Eurasia as an example of a complete picture of the nature of the Earth.

The importance of Antarctica and the oceans in the Earth's climate.

Earth's atmosphere.

4 hours

Modern methods of studying the atmosphere

Processing and registration of the results of observation of the weather.

Local signs and signs for predicting the weather

The climate of your area.

Countries of the world

7 o'clock

Diversity of the countries of the world.


Differences in territory, geographical location, population, nature and economic activity.

Changes on the world map.

The history of the formation of the political map of the world.

Disputed territories.

Records of the countries "The most, the most, the most."


8 o'clock

Territory and geographic location.


Climatic zones and natural zones


Nature and economic activity on the territory of Russia.

Peoples of Russia.

The history of the formation of the territory of Russia

Russia as the largest state in the world: problems and prospects for the development of the country.

The nature of your region with elements of meteorology

5 o'clock

study of the peculiarities of the nature of their region - the Tambov region.

PC of your area.


meteorological workshop

Anthropogenic impact on PC.

Final lesson

2 hours


Generalization and control of assimilation of material according to the elective program. Final testing of students.

Faculty in Geography, Grade 6: Program. amazing planet earth

Any society needs gifted people, and the task of society is to consider and develop the abilities of all its representatives. The task of the family is to see in time, to discern the abilities of the child, while the task of the school is to support the child and develop his abilities, to prepare the ground for these abilities to be realized. It is at school that the foundations for the development of a thinking, independent, creative personality should be laid. The thirst for discovery, the desire to penetrate the innermost secrets of being are born on the school bench. That is why it is so important at school to identify all those who are interested in various fields of science and technology, to help them realize their plans and dreams, and to help them develop their abilities to the fullest.
Among the numerous methods of work focused on the intellectual development of schoolchildren, subject electives occupy a special place.

Geography electives make it possible to activate the creative and cognitive abilities of students, to identify talented, geography-oriented children.
Working on optional tasks helps the children not only to consolidate their learning skills, but also to develop a critical approach to information.
The main goal of the course: increasing interest in the study of geography, expanding and deepening knowledge on the subject, purposeful and high-quality preparation of students for competitions and olympiads of various levels.
Course objectives:
- improve the subject competence of students;
- to form and develop the dialectical-materialistic worldview of students, leading them to a deeper understanding of the worldview ideas of development, integrity, interconnection in the nature of the Earth, to improve their scientific knowledge.
- equip students with a system of knowledge and skills for working with maps of various subjects and content, statistical materials and reference books, perform simple statistical calculations and compile complex characteristics.
- to promote the development of geographical thinking, the use of cartographic and statistical methods in the work.

The course is designed to deepen your knowledge. It expands students' knowledge about the Earth's shells, about the features of the continents and oceans, about the nature of Russia, makes it possible to gain more complete knowledge about maps and how to work with them, and apply the knowledge gained in practice.
The content of the program includes theoretical knowledge on the most complex topics of the geography course (geographical coordinates, relief and tectonic structure of the territory, weather and climate) and a practical part.
The program of this course is relevant, because. equips students with elementary knowledge of physical geography, introduces the extraordinary and mysterious in the nature of our planet. At the same time, it will replenish students' knowledge about researchers and geographical discoveries of our time, about the wonders of nature, flora and fauna, as well as about the yet unsolved mysteries left by ancient civilizations, and in the process of conducting practical classes, students will form and develop such important, skills necessary for each person, such as orientation in an unfamiliar area, observation and explanation of changes occurring in the surrounding nature, use of a terrain plan.
The content of the program involves working with different sources of information.
In the classroom, it is supposed to use various types of educational and cognitive activities:
- work with statistical materials,
- construction and analysis of graphs, diagrams, profiles,
- drawing up a plan of the area and working with it,
- preparation of oral reports using various sources of information - literary sources, periodicals, INTERNET information resources).
The working program of the course is focused on the main provisions and content of the federal program "Gifted Children".
This program reveals the content of the main theoretical concepts and provisions of the system of preparation for the subject, as well as the content of basic methodological practices that contribute to improving the efficiency of the educational process, the development of the intellectual abilities of schoolchildren.
The course program is designed for 35 hours, at the rate of 1 hour per week.
At present, the logic of the development of universal educational activities is based on the formula: from action to thought. The real value is not the knowledge itself, but the personal development that the child receives in the process of studying it.
Personal development in the education system is ensured, first of all, through the formation of universal educational activities. Mastering universal educational actions by students creates the possibility of independent assimilation of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the organization of assimilation, i.e. ability to learn.
The course will use the following methods:
testing and self-testing;
group and pair work;
analysis of olympiad materials
The tasks that I set for myself when working with children:
1. Take into account the degree and measure of self-disclosure of students;

2. Satisfy their needs for information.
A measure of the level of student preparation can be:
creation of thematic presentations;
summarizing questions and tasks;
tests, problem solving.
Implementation of practical work.
The study by schoolchildren of the optional course "Amazing Planet Earth" will contribute to the development of their main key competencies:
Educational and cognitive:
- skills and abilities of planning educational activities: independently organize their cognitive activities: set a goal, define tasks, to achieve it, choose ways to solve these problems;
- skills and abilities of mental activity: highlighting the main thing, analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, classification, generalization, construction of an answer, speech, formulation of conclusions;
- skills and abilities to assess and comprehend the results of their actions: organization of self- and mutual control, reflective analysis.

- the ability to independently search, select, analyze and save information on a given topic with the help of real objects and information technologies;
- the ability to ask and answer questions on the topics studied with understanding and substance.
Social - communicative:
- the ability to work in a group: to listen and hear others, to take into account other people's opinions and the ability to defend one's own, to organize joint work on the basis of mutual assistance and respect;
- the ability to conduct a discussion, to defend one's point of view;
- the ability to exchange information on the topics of the course, fix it in the process of communication;
- ability to analyze own professional inclinations and opportunities.
Introduction(1 hour)
Goals and objectives of the course. Features of tasks. Equipment for classes.
1 section Geographic openings and "closings" (4 hours)
Discoveries in the silence of offices. In the wilds of the island of New Guinea, the "Last of the Mohicans" of the Stone Age. The island sung by Alexandre Dumas. geographic closures.
2 section Mysteries of the globe. (10 hours)
This famous unknown is Christopher Columbus. Glowing circles in the Indian Ocean. Mysterious Wanderers of the World Ocean. Tunguska miracle. "Lost Worlds" of the Amazon Selva. Atlantis: legends or reality?. What are the giants of the island of Rapanui silent about.? Dogon phenomenon. Stranger from the flaming mountain. Mysterious natural refrigerators.
3 section Wonders of nature. (5 o'clock)
Sea without shores. Freshwater wells of the oceans. Amazing giant craters. The life of amazing lakes. The country is the opposite. Working with a contour map. Definition of the specified territories, designation of geographical objects on a contour map.

4 section"In the world of amazing plants and animals" (5 hours)
Green skyscrapers. Plants are paradoxes. "Candy" and "cake" trees, Trees - "bakeries". "Milk" forests and "butter" groves. Poisonous inhabitants of the oceans. Feathered "architects". Familiar stranger. Bird with hands
5 What geographical names tell about. (5 hours).
The name on the map. Geographical names are Gullivers and Lilliputians. The names warn and warn. Geographical names - advertisements and gifts Geographical names are all around us.
6. Mistakes and misunderstandings on the geographical map. (5 hours). “I don’t understand you.” Names are misunderstandings. Geographical names that “suggest” and “deceive”, “Oil oil” on a geographical map. History with geography. Atlas of mysterious, amazing and non-existent lands.

Students should know/understand:
- basic laws and regulations in the field of geography;
- Methods for solving geographic problems.
Skills developed while working with the program:
- during a brainstorming session - constructively discuss the problem in a group, listen and hear each other, use the algorithm, correctly distribute roles in the team, and independently organize the search for a solution to the problem;
- when speaking - express your thoughts clearly and constructively;
- when discussing the task - evaluate their work in the group, perceive new information, conduct a dialogue, develop a culture of dispute.
Students should be able to:
- be able to establish causal relationships and characterize the main objects (facts, phenomena, processes) from scientific positions;
- to search for information presented in various sign systems (text, diagram, table, diagram, audiovisual series); extract knowledge on given topics from original texts; systematize, analyze and generalize disordered information; distinguish between facts and opinions, arguments and conclusions;
- to reveal the studied theoretical positions and concepts on examples;
- to formulate own judgments and arguments on certain problems on the basis of acquired knowledge;
- Express your point of view on geographical problems and propose ways to solve these problems;
- be able to quickly make collective decisions;
- work in a group.

1) Scarloto G.P. Entertaining geography for children and adults. Kiev. "Alterpres" 1996
2) Bezrukov A. Entertaining geography. - M .: AST-PRESS, 2001.
3) Geography: Entertaining materials for lessons and extracurricular activities in grades 6-8 / Comp. ON THE. Kasatkina. - Volgograd: teacher, 2004.
4) Krylova O.V. An interesting lesson in geography: book. for the teacher. - M .: Education, 2000.
5) Scarlato G.P. Geography: secrets and discoveries. Moscow 1997
6) Maksimov N.A. Behind the pages of a geography textbook. M: Enlightenment 1988
7) Rezko I.E. Encyclopedia of secrets and sensations. Minsk. Literature, 1997
8) Shnyrev V.V. etc. Two hundred questions and three hundred answers in geography Samara 2011
9) Pivovarova G.P. Through the pages of entertaining geography. Enlightenment 1999.
10) Akimushkin I.V. Whims of nature. M.: Thought, 1991.
11) Gangus A.N. Secrets of earthly catastrophes. M.: Thought 1995.
12) Litenetsky I.B. The inventor is nature. Moscow: Knowledge, 1985
13) Chekurov M.V. Mysterious Expeditions. M.: Thought 1985.
14) Website of the Russian Geographical Society
15) Website of the oldest travel and adventure magazine in Russia.
16) Site World Geography.

Optional course program

"by country and

continents »

7th grade

Elective program

"By countries and continents" (Grade 7)

Explanatory note

The program of the optional course "Across countries and continents" is designed for 34 hours, it has a novelty for students.

It lies in the fact that this course is not studied in the school curriculum. The modern economy of the leading countries of the world largely depends on the development of international tourism and services - one of the types of which is sightseeing. The borders are open for visiting countries by tourists and vacationers, before them opens up an amazing world of beautiful creations of human hands and those created by nature. Therefore, it is obvious that this course in the modern school is relevant and necessary for study.

The modern world is very interesting and attractive because meeting with it is an acquaintance with the beautiful and the unknown. Each student discovers something for himself and his friends. Traveling around the countries through the figurative stories of a teacher or student guide and colorful videos, students will be interested in already familiar images - the Eiffel Tower, the Leaning Tower of Pisa, the Champs Elysees, and completely new, but beautiful creations of human hands - the Taj Mahal Mausoleum in Agra in India, Stonehenge in Great Britain, St. Peter's Basilica in the Vatican, the Opera House in Sydney, mosques in Morocco and others.

The network of educational institutions is expanding, in which faculties are being opened to train tourism and service specialists, guides. The main subject is geography.

The program is built on the basis of interdisciplinary integration with history, biology, art, psychology, architecture.

A feature of this course is that some areas of this course are studied using the latest telecommunications technology. Living in the information society, children should have an idea about various information processes, master the basic elements of information culture. The use of computer technology makes it possible to take into account the individual characteristics of students as much as possible: to set the pace of learning the material, to adapt educational knowledge to the student's capabilities. Also, students receive satisfaction of cognitive interest, there is a desire to know the world.

The classes of this course influence the conscious choice of the socio-economic profile of education, the choice in the future of a profession associated with the branch of geography - tourism and service, its directions.

Common goals:

    in the process of studying the topic, the ability to self-determination develops;

    through practical exercises, responsibility for the independent choice of a future profession is formed;

    modern technology, various methods and forms, it is necessary to arouse interest in the subject, the desire to study this topic in the future.

Program goal:

To broaden the geographical horizons, to prepare students for the perception of the school regional course of the section.

General tasks of the program:

arouse interest in the countries of the world, cultural heritage through acquaintance with cultural and natural attractions;

    get acquainted with the UNESCO Program for the Protection of World Heritage Sites;

    show the role of sights in the education of tolerance;

    to cultivate respect for people of another nation, for the peculiarities of their life;

    expand knowledge about the capitals and largest cities of the world.

The capitals and major cities of the world play a huge role in the life of the country. Most of the country's population is concentrated in them. Cities are economic, cultural and tourist centers of the country. They perform various functions. One of them is meeting tourists and presenting the values ​​of their country - natural and man-made sights.

This course is provided with informational material: there is a set of videos about the sights of the world. There are new guides “Countries of the World”, “Capitals of the World”, a network innovative educational program “How beautiful this world is”, which presents sights in the countries of the world. All information material underlies the study of this optional course.

In working with this content, such activities as a press conference, work with statistical material, correspondence excursions, classes in a video room, a round table meeting are possible. Classes on the main issues of the topic are held in a computer class.

The result of successful completion of the program can be participation in an illustrated quiz, sightseeing tour as a guide.

Students should know (explain):

    countries and capitals;

    famous and most interesting sights.

Students should be able to (name, show):

    be able to work on a computer;

    navigate the map;

    freely talk about the sights of the world.

Expected results

Students who have completed this course will receive the necessary knowledge, skills and abilities to understand and learn about the world, to build individual self-determination and successfully choose a training profile. Constant work with sources of information, work and communication in groups of different ages will help to form responsibility and independence. Interest in the subject and desire to explore the world will increase.

Terms learned: Tourism and services, mentality, recreational resources, attractions, UNESCO committee, cultural and natural World Heritage Sites.

Requirements for knowledge and skills:

Students will be introduced to:

    about different types of attractions;

    about the profession of guides, tour guides and other specialties in this area;

    about the standard of living in various states;

    about the traditions and customs of the population of the countries of the world;

    about the values ​​of the culture of this country.

Students should know:

    formation of the political map of the world;

    forms of economic relations;

    types of attractions;

    examples of attractions under the auspices of UNESCO.

Students should be able to:

    work with various sources of information;

    learn about landmarks

    to work with the computer.

Students will have experience:

    cooperation, mutual assistance;

    independent choice of future profession;

    communication in the process of learning activities.

1) Europe- France, Traditions of England, Venice, Museums of the world, cuisine and holidays of peoples, Galloping through Europe.

2) Africa - Dogon - residents of the Republic of Mali, "In the African Hylaea", Colors and smells of Morocco, Nature of the Mediterranean, Great Deserts

3) South America - Journey to South America, In the jungle of the Amazon, Unknown Bolivia

4) North America - In North America, Mexico is a country of mountains and volcanoes, Their customs, How the Papuans live.

5) Asia - Turkey is a country of two continents, Holidays of different nations, Cuisine of different countries, Japan is a country on the contrary, Thailand is exotic of the East.

6) Landmarks of the world - The largest cities in the world, Memory in stone and bronze, Sights of the Eastern Hemisphere, Sights of the Western Hemisphere.

Thematic planning

Topic of the lesson

Form of employment, types of work

Multimedia support, TCO, visual aids

The very best on earth

Game "The smartest"

Encyclopedias, reference books, presentation

Easter Island Mystery


Dogon - residents of the Republic of Mali

Costumes, photos

KVN "In the African Hylaea"

Illustrations, CD, costumes

Colors and smells of Morocco

Reading Literature

Magazines, photos

Mediterranean nature

Slide show

Computer, projector, presentation

great deserts

Photo exhibition, working with the Internet, creating a presentation

Computer, presentation, photos

Saudi Arabia - a country of Bedouin nomads

Magazines, photos

Game "KVN"

Registration for the lesson

Journey to South America

Costumes, drawings

In the Amazon jungle

Correspondence excursion

Computer, disk

Unknown Bolivia

Tour of the country

Magazine, photos

across North America

Worksheets for teams

Mexico is a land of mountains and volcanoes

Virtual tour

Country presentation

Creative Reports

Costumes, drawings

How Papuans live


Electronic presentation

What are the French proud of?

Working with sources

Books, Internet resources

British traditions


Costumes, books

Galloping through Europe

Intellectual game

Task cards

Venice - a city on the water

Slide show

Computer, presentation

Turkey is a country of two continents

Conversation, composition, photo report

Photo album, slides

Holidays of different nations

Illustrated Quiz


Cuisine of different countries

Connoisseur Competition

Photos, recipe cards, dishes

Museums of the world

Virtual tour, work in the video room


Dolls of the peoples of the world

Illustrations, slides, crafts

Toys, photos, books, slides

Japan is the other way around


Dwarf countries


Photos, maps

The largest cities in the world

Acting as a guide


Memory in stone and bronze

Acquaintance with monuments from photographs, reading historical essays

Photos, literature, magazine "Why?"

Landmarks of the Eastern Hemisphere

Press conference

Illustrative and textual material

Landmarks of the Western Hemisphere

Round table meeting


Thailand - exotic of the East

Creating a business card of the country

Material for decoration

Wonders of the Modern World

Work with magazines, Internet

Magazines, Internet resources

Quiz "Across countries and continents"

Final test work, exchange of views


List of literature used to compile the optional course "Across countries and continents"

    Alekseev A.I. The program of the course "Geography of Russia" (grades 8 - 9). 2008.

    Whole world: Countries. Flags. Coats of arms. - Minsk: Harvest, 1999. (encyclopedic dictionary)

    Geography. Weekly methodical newspaper for teachers of geography, ecology and natural history of the Publishing House “First of September”. No. 19, No. 20, No. 42 - 2004.

    And why?

    Around the world

    Geography at school


    national geographic

    Travel around the world

    Kuznetsov A.P. Reader on the economic geography of foreign countries. 2004.

    Maksakovskiy V.P. Geographical picture of the world.-Yaroslavl.: Upper Volga, 1998.

    Maksakovskiy V.P. Economic and social geography of the world. - M .: Education, 2001.

    Maksakovskiy V.P. Development and geography of international tourism. / Geography at school.

    From pyramids to skyscrapers. - Moscow, Sovremennik, 1997.

    Pyatkova L.V. Network innovative educational program of the regional geography course “How beautiful this world is”.

    Rodin I.O., Pimenova T.M. All countries of the world. – M.: Veche, 2003.

I know the world

    countries and peoples. - Moscow, 2005.

Municipal budgetary educational institution
"Secondary School No. 24" of the city of Smolensk
Head of ShMO
Skorobogatova V.M. /_______/
dated "__" ________ 201
No. ______ AGREED
Deputy Director
Anisimova A.V. /______/
"__" ________ 201 REVIEWED at
Pedagogical CouncilProtocol
dated "__" ________ 201
No. ______ I APPROVE
Director of MBOU "Secondary School No. 24"
Botuleva E.V. /__________/
Order No. ______ -OD
dated "__" ________ 201
optional course
"Entertaining geography"
in 7 a, b, in grades
for 2016/2017 academic year
Compiled by a geography teacher
Demenkova Elena Viktorovna

Explanatory note
Legal documentation
1. Federal Law "On Education in the Russian Federation" dated December 29, 2012 No. 273
2. Federal state educational standard of basic general education, approved by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated December 17, 2010 No. 1897 (as amended by Order dated December 31, 2015 No. 1577)
3. Exemplary program of basic general education in geography
4. The program of L.N. Khomutova "The World of Geography"
5. The main educational program of basic general education MBOU "Secondary School No. 24".
6. Curriculum of MBOU "Secondary School No. 24" for the 2016/2017 academic year.
The rich content of the geography course provides great opportunities for organizing a variety of activities, both in the classroom and after school hours. Extra-curricular work improves learning motivation and develops the cognitive interests of students. The combination of practical and intellectual activities contributes to the mental development of students, is a means of strengthening health and rational use of free time, and fosters a culture of intellectual work. The children develop the need to apply knowledge in everyday life.
Course objective:
Education of a creative person capable of successful self-realization in the modern world through purposeful familiarization with geographical culture.
Course objectives:
1. Creation of conditions for students to master the skills of independent creative activity when performing tasks of an increased level of complexity.
2. Formation of the ability of schoolchildren to work with sources of geographical information;
3. Formation of research skills in solving problematic issues of geography;
4. Education of the geographical culture of schoolchildren.
General characteristics of the subject
The structure of this program fully reflects the main ideas and subject topics of the standard of basic general education in geography.
The elective allows all participants in the educational process the opportunity to get vivid mental images of geographical objects, phenomena, the territory under study, to interest them in geography and thereby contribute to a deeper understanding and assimilation of the program material.
The content of the basic general education in geography reflects an integrated approach to the study of the geographic environment as a whole and its spatial differentiation in the conditions of different territories and water areas of the Earth.
This approach allows us to consider the natural, economic and social factors that shape and change the environment, in their equal interaction. This is the most effective way to form a system of geo-ecological, geo-economic, socio-cultural views, values, attitudes of students not only on an emotional, but also on a rational level.
This program involves a more in-depth acquaintance with the geography of Africa, Australia and Oceania, Antarctica, South and North America, Eurasia, the World Ocean and its individual parts.
For thousands of years, the nature of our planet has been influenced by human activity, and this influence has spread to most of the land and has become so intensified that this must be taken into account when studying the continents. At the same time, nature conservation is now one of the global problems. In many countries, the solution to this problem is a state matter. Therefore, this program provides for the consideration of such issues as the solution of environmental problems in some countries, what attempts are being made in this direction, what difficulties arise in solving environmental issues. The pedagogical synthesis of the general geography and country studies foundations of the subject allows organizing the activities of students in the development, change and transformation of the environment based on the idea of ​​a reasonable, harmonious interaction between nature and society, the social responsibility of each person for the preservation of life on Earth, at the same time, forms a careful attitude to natural resources , history and culture of their homeland.
The study of geography forms not only a certain system of subject knowledge and a number of special geographical skills, but also a set of general educational skills necessary for:
- knowledge and study of the environment; identification of causal relationships;
- comparison of objects, processes and phenomena; modeling and design;
- orientation in statistical materials;
- compliance with the norms of behavior in the environment; evaluating their activities in terms of moral, legal norms, aesthetic values.
The main form of organization of extracurricular activities is class-lesson. In the classroom, students perform practical tasks on contour maps, study additional literature, watch videos and presentations. Classes are held in the form of a geographical game, a quiz.In the course of work on the implementation of the elective program, individual consultations with students are planned.
To implement the tasks of the program of the elective program "Entertaining Geography", the technologies of student-oriented and problem-based learning are used. The main methods are partially - search, research, reproductive.
Description of the place of the subject in the curriculum
The work program "Entertaining Geography" is designed for 34 hours (1 hour per week) instead of 35 hours in the author's program, which is associated with 34 academic weeks in accordance with the current basic curriculum.
Personal, subject and meta-subject results
Personal results:
mastering at the initial level geographical knowledge and skills, the skills of their application in various life situations;
awareness of the value of geographical knowledge as an essential component of the scientific picture of the world;
the formation of behavior in the geographical environment - the habitat of all living things, including humans;
understanding the meaning of their activities.
Metasubject results:
set a learning task under the guidance of a teacher;
plan their activities under the guidance of a teacher;
identify causal relationships;
determine the criteria for comparing facts, phenomena;
the ability to work with different sources of geographic information: find geographic information in various sources (textbook text, popular science literature, dictionaries and reference books), analyze and evaluate information, convert information from one form to another;
the ability to adequately use speech means for discussion and argumentation of one's position, to compare different points of view, to argue one's point of view, to defend one's position;
Subject Results:
the contribution of great scientists to the development of science;
the main features of the shape, size, nature of the rotations of the Earth and their geographical consequences;
natural records on the continents and oceans;
features of the countries of the world and population;
methods of working with sources of geographic information;
geographical terminology.
know about cartography, the science of geographical maps: methods for creating and working with them, about the terrain plan and its differences from the map, about the scale, types of scales, about the main topographic and geodetic instruments (theodolite, level), about the azimuth, about the mathematical basis of maps, ways and signs of a cartographic image, the legend of maps, about the types of maps.
be able to use a variety of sources of geographic information: a map, statistical materials, additional literature, PC geographic information systems;
be able to use instruments to determine the azimuth and distance, as well as to make a geographical description of different territories;
be able to apply their knowledge in practice;
be able to measure distances using different types of scales, walk in azimuth, analyze and describe maps, draw conclusions and generalizations, and discuss the results.
The content of the subject
Topic 1. Introduction. Elective program
Organization of classes on the subject of electives. Job requirements. Determination of requirements for the educational organization of students in the course of the implementation of the elective program
Demonstrations: elective program "Entertaining Geography"
Topic 2. Sources of geographic information. Map - the greatest creation of mankind
Main sources of geographic information: globe, directories, geographic sites. The map is the greatest creation of mankind. Types of geographical maps. Geographical map in professions. History of the geographical map, globe. Great scientists of antiquity and modernity who contributed to the development of the science of geography.
Demonstrations: atlas, geographical maps, portraits of scientists - geographers.
Topic 3. Traveling across continents and oceans. Planet records
Entertaining material on the continents (Eurasia, Africa, North America, South America, Antarctica and Australia). Records of each continent under the heading "most, most, most". Compilation of business cards of the continents. Building a profile of each continent. Oceans of the Earth: features of relief and nature.
Demonstrations: Earth's Continents and Oceans presentations, This Amazing Planet video, encyclopedias
Topic 4. Nature of the Earth
The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth. Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates. Geological past of the planet. Problems of climate change and as a consequence of the nature of the planet. Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth. Eurasia as an example of a complete picture of the nature of the Earth. The importance of Antarctica and the oceans in the Earth's climate. Demonstrations: video material "Natural zones of the Earth", "History of the development of life on planet Earth", encyclopedias, reference books, anthologies.
Topic 5. Countries of the world
Diversity of the countries of the world. Differences in territory, geographical location, population, nature and economic activity. The history of the formation of the political map of the world. Changes on the world map. Disputed territories. Records of the countries "The most, the most, the most." Russia as the largest state in the world: problems and prospects for the development of the country.
Demonstration: political map of the world, Directory "Countries of the World", Encyclopedia.
Topic 6. Final lesson) Generalization and control of the assimilation of material according to the elective program. Final testing of students. Self-analysis of students on the work of an elective
Thematic planning with the definition of UUD
Educational and thematic planning
№ p / p Names of sections and topics Number of hours
1. Introduction. Elective program 1
2. Sources of geographic information. Map - the greatest creation of mankind 5
3. Travel across continents and oceans. Planet records 5
4. Nature of the Earth 15
5. Countries of the world 7
6. Final lesson 1
Total: 34
No. Lesson topic
the date of the
plan fact
1. Introduction. Optional program. 2 Sources of geographic information. 3 Map - the greatest creation of mankind. 4 Main sources of geographic information: globe, directories, geographic sites. 5 Types of geographical maps. Geographical map in professions. History of the geographical map, globe. 6 Great scientists of antiquity and modernity who contributed to the development of the science of geography. 7 Travel across continents and oceans. 8 Records of each continent under the heading "most, most, most". 9 Continents and oceans of the Earth 10 Business cards of the continents 11 Profiles of the continents 12 The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth. 13 The amazing diversity of the nature of the Earth. 14 Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates. 15 Scientific explanation of the diversity of Earth's climates. 16 The geological past of the planet. 17 The geological past of the planet. 18 History of the development of life on planet Earth 19 History of the development of life on planet Earth 20 Problems of climate change and, as a consequence, the nature of the planet. 21 Problems of climate change and as a consequence of the nature of the planet. 22 Problems of climate change and as a consequence of the nature of the planet. 23 Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth. 24 Diversity of natural zones and complexes of the Earth. 25 Eurasia as an example of a complete picture of the nature of the Earth. 26 Importance of Antarctica and oceans in the Earth's climate. 27 Diversity of the countries of the world 28 Differences in territory, geographical location, population, nature and economic activity 29 The history of the formation of the political map of the world. 30 Changes on the world map. 31 Disputed territories. 32 Records of the countries "The most, the most, the most". 33 Russia as the largest state in the world: problems and prospects for the development of the country. 34 Final Lesson Describing Logistics
For students
1. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevskiy N.I. Geography. Continents and oceans: at 2 o'clock: a textbook for the 7th grade of educational organizations-M .: "Russian Word", 2015.
2.Atlas. "Geography. Continents and oceans. Grade 7”, authors-compilers S.V. Bannikov, E.M. Domogatskikh-M.: "Russian word".
3. Contour maps "Geography. Continents and oceans. Grade 7”, authors-compilers S.V. Bannikov, E.M. Domogatskikh - M .: "Russian Word".
4. Kuprin A.M. Interesting topography. M.: Enlightenment, 1990
5. Andreev N.V. Fundamentals of topography and cartography: a manual for students in an optional course. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982
6. Geography: reference materials: a book for middle and older students. Ed. Maksakovskiy V.P. – M.: Enlightenment, 1989.
7. Bannikov S.V., Domogatskikh E.M. Atlas. Geography. Initial course. 7th grade.
8. Bannikov S.V., Domogatskikh E.M. contour maps. Geography. Initial course. 7th grade.
For the teacher
1. Domogatskikh E.M., Alekseevsky N.I. Geography. Continents and oceans: at 2 o'clock: a textbook for the 7th grade of educational institutions. - M .: LLC "Russian Word" - textbook", 2013. - 224 p.: ill. - (FGOS. Innovative school).
2. Aksakalova G.P. And others. Optional classes in geography. M.: Enlightenment, 1985
3. Bolotnikova N.V. Collection of programs of elective courses. Geography grade 9. Pre-profile preparation. Volgograd: Teacher, 2007
4. Selishchev E.N. “Geography for the Curious or What You Don’t Learn About in Geography Lessons”, Yaroslavl, Academy of Development, 20065. Barinova I.I. Independent and practical work in physical geography. – M.: Enlightenment, 1990.
6. Sirotin V.I. Practical work in geography and the methodology for their implementation (6-10 cells): a guide for the teacher. - M.: ARKTI, 1998
Internet resourcesList of sites
http://www.prosv.ru - site of the publishing house "Enlightenment" (heading "Geography")
http:/www.drofa.ru - site of the Drofa publishing house (heading "Geography")
http://www.center.fio.ru/som - guidelines for a subject teacher (all school subjects are presented). Materials for self-development of profile samples and activation of the learning process in high school.
http://www.edu.ru - Central educational portal, contains regulatory documents of the Ministry, standards, information about the experiment, the information support server for the Unified State Exam.
http://www.internet-scool.ru - website of the Internet school of the Prosveshchenie publishing house. The curriculum was developed on the basis of the federal basic curriculum for educational institutions of the Russian Federation. The site presents Internet lessons in geography, including preparation for passing the exam.
http://www.intellectcentre.ru is the site of the Intellect-Center publishing house, where you can find educational and training materials, demo versions, a bank of training tasks with answers, methodological recommendations and sample solutions.
Technical training aids:
1. Teacher's portable computer (laptop) RAYbookSi 152 with pre-installed additional anti-virus software ESET SmartSecuriti and MS OfficeStandart 2010 RUS.
2.Hitachi CP-A222NM multimedia projector.
3. Topographic and geographical maps
4. Barometer, compasses
5. Globes, atlases.
Planned results of studying the subject
Students will learn:
- use a variety of geographical sources of information - a map, statistical materials, additional literature, PC geographic information systems;
-use instruments to determine the azimuth and distance, as well as to make a geographical description of different territories;
- describe and explain natural phenomena by analyzing data from various maps;
- give examples;
-use a variety of geographical sources of information - a map, statistical materials, additional literature, PC geographic information systems;
make a geographical description of different territories of the Earth;
- apply their knowledge in practice, draw conclusions.
- apply their knowledge in practice;
Use the acquired knowledge and skills in practical activities and everyday life to:
Orientation in the flow of geographic information;
Ability to solve geographic problems
Enhance your own geographical culture.

28.10.2015 3912 484 Boribayeva Meiramgul Samatkyzy

Explanatory note

The optional course "Geographical Kaleidoscope" provides a thorough study of the most important geographical knowledge and skills related to the physical geography of Kazakhstan. The program is designed for 34 hours, addressed to students in grade 8, as they are already familiar with the basic practical knowledge of geographical laws. Each lesson is accompanied by practical work on the topic.

This course will expand and concretize knowledge about the mathematical basis of geography, as well as continue the development of intellectual, cognitive and creative abilities of students. Thus, it will provide an opportunity for more complete preparation of students for the Olympiad tasks in the subject.

secondary education practical work and assignments, which in this course are the result of the teacher's work on the formation of students' ability to use a variety of geographical information. The practical tasks assumed in the course contribute to the writing by students of various kinds of design and research papers. In accordance with this, practical work of different levels of complexity is assumed:

· creative design;

geoinformation technologies .

All tasks are advisory in nature and are designed for their creative use by the teacher, taking into account:
- available study time;
- equipping the educational process with the necessary materials;
- general and individual training of students;
- own professional techniques and methods of work.

Purpose and objectives of the course :

Basic goal course is the formation of schoolchildren's complete ideas about the study of the most important geographical knowledge and skills.

To achieve this goal, it is necessary to solve the following educational and methodological tasks:

· Formation of versatile and deep knowledge of students about the mathematical basis of geography and cartography;

· Develop cognitive interest, intellectual and creative abilities through a more detailed acquaintance with outstanding geographical discoveries and travels;

· To promote the development of schoolchildren's personal qualities: patriotism, respect for geographical culture;

· To continue the development of cartographic literacy of schoolchildren;

· Expand the ability to extract information from various sources of knowledge.

Expected Result

The study of the optional course "Geographical Kaleidoscope" contributes to the active formation of the geographical thinking of schoolchildren, develops their interest in the subject. This course helps to develop the knowledge of the mathematical basis of geography more deeply.

Forms of conducting classes

In this course, various forms of organizing and conducting classes are used: frontal survey, independent work of students, practical work, information computer technology.

Practical work contributes to the deepening and development of theoretical knowledge and skills (independent use of a textbook and additional literature, maps, statistical materials, visual aids, geographical instruments, etc.). Practical work prepares students to perform independent work of a creative nature, to independently search for new knowledge and master new skills.

Information computer technologies allow the student to study with interest, find sources of information, bring up independence and responsibility in obtaining new knowledge, develop the discipline of intellectual activity.

Teaching methods

To achieve the goal of the optional course, methods are used that include elements of research: partial exploratory, independent acquisition of knowledge, work with documents and literature, analysis of geographical sources of knowledge and statistical materials. In the context of the material of this elective course, multimedia computer technologies are used. The use of demonstration presentations in the classroom develops imagination, abstract thinking, and increases interest in the material being studied. Multimedia presentations are also created by the students themselves using the Internet. Preparing presentations allows students to develop their horizons, make plans for the future and see the prospects for their own development, and, accordingly, strive for their implementation.

The above methods develop in students the ability to apply them in new conditions and situations.

Introduction. Features of the geographical location of Kazakhstan

Types of geographical position of Kazakhstan: physical-geographical, mathematical-geographical, economic-geographical, transport-geographical, geopolitical, ethno-cultural and ecological-geographical positions. Levels (scales) of geographical location. Comparison of the geographical position of Kazakhstan and the position of other states

Kazakhstan on timezone map

Local, belt, maternity, their role in the economy and people's lives.

Practical work . 1. Characteristics of the geographical position of Kazakhstan. Comparison of the GP of Kazakhstan with the GP of other countries. 2. Definition of standard time for various points of Kazakhstan.

Stagesgeographical study of the territory Kazakhstan.

Periods of research on the territory of Kazakhstan from ancient times to the new period.

Geological history and geological structure of the territory Kazakhstan. Relief of Kazakhstan . The main landforms, their relationship with the structure of the lithosphere . Mountains and plains. Influence of the lithosphere and relief on other components of nature. Natural natural phenomena in the lithosphere.

Geological history and geological structure of the territory of Kazakhstan. Stable and mobile parts of the earth's crust. The main stages of the geological history of the formation of the earth's crust on the territory of the country. Basic tectonic structures.

Relief of Kazakhstan: main forms, their connection with the structure of the lithosphere. Mountains and plains. Influence of internal and external processes on the formation of relief. The movement of the earth's crust. Areas of modern mountain building, earthquakes and volcanism. Modern relief-forming processes and dangerous natural phenomena. Ancient and modern glaciations. Natural natural phenomena in the lithosphere. Influence of the lithosphere and relief on other components of nature. Man and the lithosphere. Patterns of placement of mineral deposits. Mineral resources of the country and problems of their rational use. Relief change by man. Influence of the lithosphere on human life and economic activity.

Manifestation of patterns of relief formation and its modern development on the example of their region and locality.Relief and minerals of the Aktobe region.

Practical work. Explanation of the dependence of the location of large landforms and mineral deposits on the structure of the earth's crust on the example of individual territories.

Factors determined key features of the climate of Kazakhstan . Sunnyradiation. Patterns of distribution of heat and moisture in the territory Kazakhstan.Climate typesKazakhstan.Climate and people.

Factors that determine the climate of Kazakhstan: the influence of geographic latitude, the underlying surface, the circulation of air masses. Cyclones and anticyclones. Patterns of distribution of heat and moisture on the territory of the country (average temperatures in January and July, precipitation, evaporation, evaporation, moisture coefficient). Seasonality of the climate.

Types of climates in Kazakhstan. Comfort (discomfort) of climatic conditions. Climate change under the influence of natural factors.

Climate and people. The influence of climate on a person's life, his dwelling, clothes, means of transportation, health. Dangerous and adverse climatic phenomena. Methods for studying and predicting climatic phenomena.

The climate of your region.

Practical work. 1. Determination of the patterns of distribution of solar radiation, radiation balance from maps. Identification of the features of the distribution of average temperatures in January and July, the annual amount of precipitation throughout the country. 2.Determination of the moisture coefficient for various points. 3. Assessment of the main climatic indicators of one of the regions of the country to characterize the living conditions and economic activities of the population.

Ravariety of inland waters of Kazakhstan . Rivers. Lakes. The groundwater. Glaciers. Permafrost.

The special role of water in nature and economy. Types of land waters in the country. Major river systems, watersheds, basins. Distribution of rivers in ocean basins. Nutrition, regime, flow, annual flow of rivers, ice regime. Hazardous phenomena associated with waters (floods, floods, avalanches, mudflows), their prevention. The role of rivers in the development of the territory and the development of the economy of Kazakhstan.

The most important lakes, their origin. The groundwater. Glaciers. Permafrost.

Water resources and people. Uneven distribution of water resources. The growth of their consumption and pollution. Ways to preserve the quality of water resources.

Inland waters and water resources of your region and your locality.

Practical work. 1. Compilation of the characteristics of one of the rivers using thematic maps and climatograms. Determining the possibilities of its economic use. 2. Explanation of regularities in the distribution of different types of land waters and related natural hazards on the territory of the country depending on the relief and climate.

Soil is a special natural body. Soil formation and diversity. Patterns of soil distribution. Main soil types Kazakhstan.Soil resources Kazakhstan.

Soil is a special component of nature. VV Dokuchaev is the founder of soil science. Soil is a national wealth. Factors of soil formation, their main types, properties, differences in fertility. Diversity and patterns of soil distribution.

Man and soil. Soil resources of Kazakhstan. Changes in soils in the course of their economic use. Land reclamation and soil conservation: erosion and pollution control.

Features of the soils of your region and your area.

Practical work. Identification of soil formation conditions for the main land types of soils (amount of heat, moisture, relief, nature of vegetation) and assessment of their fertility. Acquaintance with soil samples from your area.

Vegetableand animal worldKazakhstan.Biological resources and their rational use. Protection of the organic world.

Flora and fauna of Kazakhstan: species diversity, factors that determine its appearance. Features of vegetation and fauna of natural zones of Kazakhstan.

Biological resources, their rational use. Measures for the protection of flora and fauna. Flora and fauna of your region and locality.

Practical work. Making a forecast of changes in flora and fauna under given conditions of changes in other components of the natural complex.

Natural zones of Kazakhstan.

Natural zone as a natural complex: interconnection and interdependence of its components. The role of V. V. Dokuchaev and L. S. Berg in the creation of the doctrine of natural zones. Characteristics of forests, forest-steppes and steppes, semi-deserts and deserts. Altitudinal zonation. Natural resources of zones, their use.

Practical work. Identification of dependencies between the components of nature on the basis of maps on the example of one of the natural zones.

Territories that are ecologically favorable and unfavorable for human existence. Reserves.

Environmental problems. Reserves. Specially protected natural areas. Monuments of the world natural heritage.

natural area of ​​the area. Her environmental problems.

Review of the program of the optional course for students of the 8th grade "Geographical Kaleidoscope", prepared by the geography teacher of the secondary school named after Zh. Kereev B Oribaeva M . FROM.

The study of the optional course "Geographical Kaleidoscope" contributes to the active formation of the geographical thinking of schoolchildren, develops their interest in the subject. This course helps to develop the knowledge of the mathematical basis of geography more deeply.

In the course of study, schoolchildren consolidate their skills: to compose brief geographical descriptions and characteristics of territories based on various sources of geographical knowledge; identify and describe the essential features of geographical objects; find and analyze information in different sources; and also continue to develop their skills in writing design and research papers.

In the future, students can use the acquired knowledge, skills and abilities in practical activities and everyday life: to conduct an independent search for geographic information from various sources (including maps, information systems and Internet resources).

The proposed program is designed in accordance with the requirements for the school component of the generalsecondary education Republic of Kazakhstan. All sections of the program are equipped with a fairly extensive listpractical work and assignments, which in this course are the result of the teacher's work on the formation of students' ability to use a variety of geographical information. The practical tasks assumed in the course contribute to the writing by students of various kinds of design and research papers. In accordance with this, practical work of different levels of complexity is assumed:

Tasks for traditional independent work;

· creative design;

work performed withgeoinformation technologies .

The material on the physical geography of Kazakhstan is grouped into several stages and periods, differing from each other in the breadth of spatial horizons, the amount of geographical knowledge, methods and methods of research.

History and geography teacher

secondary school named after Zh. Kereev Vinogradov V.P.

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