Ghost towns of Russia: dead villages of the Central Federal District. The largest abandoned cities in the world

There are many beautiful cities in Russia that attract crowds of tourists. But there is a category of people who are not attracted by brand new buildings and clean streets, relaxing on the beach or going to expensive shops. They call themselves stalkers and are ready to endure a long journey, bad smells and mountains of dust, if only in search of traces of bygone years. Ghost towns of Russia - dead cities abandoned by people, become the object of their excursions. We will walk with them along the unexplored streets filled with obsolete worn signs.

Ghost towns of Russia: dead settlements

Magadan Region. Abandoned urban-type settlement (PGT) Kadykchan. Previously, one of the objects of the Gulag was located here. People settled in this place because of the rich coal deposits in 1943. The population of the town reached almost six thousand when a tragedy occurred: an explosion in a mine. The village was closed, the heating was turned off. Only four hundred old-timers remained in the settlement, refusing to leave it. In 2003, Kadykchan was given the status of an unpromising settlement, and residents began to be resettled. There were old cars in the garages, furniture and books in the houses.

In the Komi Republic located urban-type settlement Khalmer-Yu. In the distant past, the local Nenets brought the dead to this place, considering the place sacred. In 1942, a seam of valuable coal was discovered here. The mine was liquidated in 1993. In 1995, the issue of clearing the city of the population was decided radically: by the forces of the OMON, the inhabitants of Khalmer-Yu were taken out of the town against their will. Now in an abandoned village there is a military training ground.

In Neftegorsk, located on Sakhalin Island, there were four kindergartens and one secondary school. In 1995, graduates celebrated the last call in one of the cafes in the city. Glasses clinked and cigarettes smoked. No one knew that this was their last watch. On that day, Neftegorsk experienced a 10-magnitude earthquake that claimed the lives of more than two thousand citizens. Rescuers went to the place. The survivors received apartments and free higher education for their children. We dispersed to different cities, and Neftegorsk was empty.

Perm region. Old Gubakha is an abandoned settlement of coal miners. In the 18th century, two coal deposits were discovered in the area. In 1924, a state district power station No. 3 named after V.I. Kirov. A holiday village has been formed on the basis of an abandoned town. The old buildings were almost completely swallowed up by vegetation.

City of Mologa was located at the confluence of the river of the same name into the Volga. People have lived in this place since the 12th century. In 1935, the construction of the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex began, which included the flooding of territories, among which was Mologa. In the last years of the city's existence, several cathedrals, factories, and schools functioned in it. Prisoners were involved in the construction of the hydroelectric complex and the destruction of the city. Residents were hastily relocated to other settlements. Mologa, due to the lowering of the reservoir level, is shown from the water several times a year.

The ghost towns of Russia beyond the Arctic Circle are dead cities, bound by the cold. Nizhneyansk- an empty village in the Ust-Yansky ulus. In the forties it was created as a promising seaport. In 1999, the population did not exceed 2.5 thousand people. Gloomy two-story blocks of buildings stretch along the street deep into the city. The wires are broken, the lights are knocked down, the equipment is abandoned.

Ryazan Oblast. Kursha-2 is a settlement of workers, created for the development of the riches of the forest. By 1936, about one thousand inhabitants lived in the town. The summer turned out to be hot and a strong fire broke out. They realized it late, only when the wooden bridge was already engulfed in fire. Of the entire population of Kursh-2, 20 people survived. Today, on the site of the village, there are burnt ruins overgrown with grass. Although the town was restored in the post-war years, after the closure of the railway, it was completely abandoned.

Vologodskaya Oblast. The city of Charonda, once with 11 thousand inhabitants, gradually turned into a village, and then into a ghost settlement. Located on the picturesque shores of Lake Vozhe, the settlement is of great cultural importance. Russia's ghost towns of this kind, although they turned into dead cities a long time ago, deserve more attention. In 2015, the last indigenous resident of the village died. The old church of St. John Chrysostom, until the very extinction of the village, fed wooden houses with electricity, thanks to a generator. At the moment, the device is broken, the depopulated village freezes under the snow.

Cities - candidates for ghosts

On the coast of the Kara Sea there is an almost abandoned urban settlement Amderma. It was founded in the summer of 1933 for the extraction of fluorite. Expeditions in the Arctic were supported by the Amderma radio station. Sea and air routes crossed here. Since the 1990s, the town began to decline. The garrison was withdrawn, the oil exploration expedition was withdrawn, most of the enterprises were closed. The population is about five hundred people.

Tula region . The village of Krapivino, like Charonda, was previously a medieval town. Since 2002, the Nettle Festival has been held on the territory of the village. There are two churches and a cathedral on the territory. The population in 2010 was one thousand people. Residents try to be careful, avoiding bricks falling from old houses.

There are many such villages. Some of them have been abandoned for a long time, others are quietly dying out before our eyes. Ghost towns of Russia, and villages are overgrown with tall grass, wild animals settle in houses.

There are places in the world where no one lives now, but before life was in full swing. Today we will talk about cities - ghosts, on the streets of which there is not a soul. Each city has its own unique story, both founding and "death". Most of them became ghosts due to tragedies, accidents, some due to political and economic reforms, while others simply retired. The most mysterious list, in which we will look at 10 stories of the desolation of cities, is called:
TOP 10 abandoned cities in Russia.

1. Kursha-2 (Ryazan region)

The city of Kursha-2 was founded at the beginning of the 20th century in the Ryazan region. The purpose of the founding was the development of a large area of ​​the forest. The population of the city increased rapidly. In the early 1930s, it amounted to more than a thousand people. The city of Kursha-2 became a ghost because of a terrible misfortune. What happened? On August 3, 1936, a large-scale fire engulfed the entire city, and since Kursha-2 was located in the very middle of the forest, only a few survived. Now near the burnt settlement there is a huge mass grave where the victims of the incident are buried. The city itself is now completely destroyed, not a soul on the streets.

2. Kolendo (Sakhalin region)

Kolendo is a village in the very north of Sakhalin. It is also referred to as abandoned territories. Founded in 1963. People went here to the oil and gas fields. In 1979, the number of people living there was more than two thousand. The reason for the death of the village is a mystery of nature - an earthquake that occurred in 1995. After him, people began to leave the village en masse. Also, the reason was the exhaustion of all oil and gas reserves. At present, no one lives in the village, destroyed houses are everywhere.

3. Charonda (Vologda region)

The abandoned city of Charonda belongs to the Volgograd region, is located on the shores of Lake Vozhe with an area of ​​422 km². Previously, its population was about 11,000 people. In the 18th century, the city of Charonda was one of the central trading cities. Over time, trade routes were closed, and at the beginning of the 19th century, the once former city received the status of a village. Over time, the townspeople began to leave, moved to other settlements. And finally, only elderly people began to live in Charonda. Many tourists come to see the once former city.

4. Mologa (Yaroslavl region)

The ghost town of Mologa is located not so far from the city of Rybinsk. The specific location is the area where the Mologa River flows into the Volga. The city was built in the 12th century, it was one of the largest centers of trade in Russia. At the beginning of the 20th century, the number was about five thousand people. The trouble began in 1935, when the authorities decided to build the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex. This construction assumed the flooding of nearby territories, which included the city of Mologa. So, a fully functioning city was destroyed in an instant. There was a complete resettlement of the people living in it. The operation to irrevocably flood the city was carried out in 1941. This led to the worst - mass suicides: most of the living people in the city refused to leave their native lands. Now the city has remained under water and only occasionally, due to fluctuations in the water, its destroyed buildings are visible.

5. Neftegorsk (Sakhalin region)

From the name it is clear that oilmen with their families live in the city. More recently, a functioning city is located in the Sakhalin region. Now deathly silence reigns on these lands. What happened?
On May 28, 1995, an unpredictable grief happened that became known throughout the world. The city was abruptly overtaken by a strong earthquake of 10 points. Over 2,000 people died that day. Following the tragedy, the townspeople were quickly evacuated and the state provided them with material assistance. Now the streets of Neftegorsk are empty, there are ruins of buildings everywhere.

6. Kadychkan (Magadan region)

This village is also called "Death Valley". The settlement is related to the abandoned cities of Russia. 1943 is considered the year of foundation of the settlement Kadychkan. The city was founded after a valuable coal deposit was found there. The number of people recorded in 1986 was more than 10,000. But 1996 was marred by a tragic coal mine explosion that killed more than 1,000 workers. The settlement existed for a couple more years, until the central boiler house was defrosted. Then about 400 residents categorically did not want to leave their native village, due to the lack of infrastructure. By order of the authorities in 2003, all the remaining residents were forced to relocate. Now the village is empty.

7. Iultin (Chukotka Autonomous Okrug)

Also, Iultin can be attributed to the abandoned areas of Russia. Iultin is a settlement in the Chukotka Okrug. Tin deposits were found on this territory back in 1937. Later, from the beginning of the 50s of the 20th century, the land began to be populated by people. Unfortunately, in 1994, tin mining was stopped due to lack of profit. Gradually, residents began to leave Iultin for other settlements. Almost no one has lived in the village since the beginning of 1995. Today, nothing remains of the settlement, only everything is overgrown with grass.

8. Khalmer-Yu (Komi Republic)

Khalmer-Yu is located in the Komi Republic. The development of the area is due to the fact that back in 1942 a coal deposit was found on the Khalmer-Yu River. At the beginning of winter, a group of workers remained to determine the amount of the fossil. Unfortunately, due to unfortunate weather, people were cut off from the nearest city of Vorkuta. The weather did not calm down in any way, and therefore it was not even realistic to bring food for the workers. Those who wanted to help the abandoned people tried to ride on deer. An expedition was organized with a hundred deer and only fourteen deer returned with difficulty due to lack of food. A group of workers was finally found, but in an unthinkably serious state of exhaustion. They were transferred to Vorkuta.

A year later, the necessary material base was created in Khalmer-Yu, and soon people began to inhabit the city. In 1957, a mine was launched and from that moment more and more people began to settle in the city. Two years later, about 7 thousand people could be counted in Khalmer-Yu. The authorities announced their decision to liquidate the mine and forcibly relocate the city's residents in 1993. Now, on the site of the once former city, there is a military training ground.

9. Industrial (Komi Republic)

Promyshlenny is an urban-type settlement located in the Komi Republic, founded in 1956. Almost all the buildings on this territory were built by the prisoners of the city of Lvov. Previously, the city had up to 12 thousand inhabitants. In the 90s of the 20th century, an explosion occurred at the Tsentralnaya mine, working miners died. Now there is not a soul in that place. The history of the Industrial settlement dates back to 1954. The foundation is associated with the opening of two mines - "Central" and "Industrial". The entire infrastructure of the settlement was concentrated on these mines. The accident at the mine was the reason for the fact that the miners and other workers of the city-forming enterprise lost their jobs. Over time, people began to leave their homes and go to other settlements in search of work. Later, the Industrial village was destroyed: wooden buildings were burned, and brick buildings were dismantled. At the moment, only ruins remain from the settlement, and it is difficult to imagine that life was once in full swing in this place.

10. Jubilee (Perm Territory)

So we got to the last settlement from our list of abandoned cities in Russia. Yubileiny is a former workers' settlement founded in 1957. The village began its history with the opening of a mine called Shumikhinskaya. But in 1998, the mine was liquidated by order of the authorities, which in turn provoked a lot of discontent among the workers and people living in the village. More than half of the residents have lost their jobs. After that, the village began to rebuild. Some buildings were converted into sawmills, others were completely destroyed. Even the central boiler house, which provided heating to the entire village, was demolished. The people living in the village simply had no other choice but to leave their homes. Only a few people remained to continue to live out their days in their native settlement. Buildings began to turn into a pile of stones literally before our eyes. Marauders also did their job, breaking windows, breaking doors and looting empty houses. At the moment, the workers' settlement has been converted into a place of serving sentences for prisoners in a free settlement.

In conclusion, it should be said that there are not a dozen or even a thousand such ghost towns, abandoned by people completely or in which only a few elderly residents remain, on the territory of the Russian Federation. In fact, there are many more of them - tens of thousands of completely depopulated villages, villages and urban-type settlements. More than 19 thousand settlements (most of them are single-industry towns), in which hundreds of thousands of people once lived and worked for the good of their homeland, were actually destroyed, and in most cases these were not natural or man-made disasters. The reason was a direct instruction or criminal inaction of the authorities. Although, of course, in the media these crimes are called - a bad economic situation in the country or, for example, a crisis.

It was after the destruction of the USSR, in the new country of the Russian Federation, that many sectors of mining and production suddenly turned out to be unprofitable, and speculation began to be called business. All this has had a detrimental effect on many communities across the country.

Below you can see data based on the 2010 All-Russian Population Census. Perhaps they are already outdated, because. It's already 2016 in the yard. But we can say with confidence that if the situation with the “extinction” of Russia has changed, then only for the worse.

Where are the most abandoned cities in Russia?

Top 10 abandoned Russian cities | Video

I would like to end the article with the words of Prime Minister D. A. Medvedev, which he said to pensioners of Crimea - “There is just no money. You stay here, all the best to you, good mood ". 🙂

Man has always been attracted by something unusual, inexplicable by reason or science, and sometimes even creepy. Agree, places long abandoned and forgotten by people inspire a certain feeling of horror and even fear, each such place has its own interesting story, which for some reason ended in the absence of people and ruins. We have a huge country, a great history, and of course our country is full of abandoned places, be it ghost towns or small towns, stopped factories, which over time also acquired the status of abandoned, huge construction projects frozen and forgotten by people, the purpose of which can be just guess, etc. So, if you are interested in the abandoned places of Russia, then it is for you that we have made a selection with the most complete description, history, and geographical location. And for a complete immersion, we have added a large amount of information: photos and videos of abandoned places in Russia.

Few people know the history of the emergence and flooding of a small provincial town in the Yaroslavl region called Mologa. The city got its name from the river of the same name. He had…

In the Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of the Iultinsky District, there is a small village with an interesting history called Iultin. The history of the village begins in 1937, when the geologist Milyaev V.N. discovered the world's largest polymetallic deposit of tin, tungsten and molybdenum in the area of ​​Mount Iultin. And by March 1938, a convoy was sent to this area with the necessary ... ..

The famous abandoned well is located in the Murmansk region in the Pechenga ore region, which is known for copper-nickel deposits. The nearest settlement is the city of Zapolyarny, which is located 10 km from SG-3.

To this day, the Kola well is the deepest in the world. Its depth is a record 12,262 m, the diameter at the surface is 92 cm, and at the maximum depth it is 21.5 cm. research activity.

Of course, the choice of this remote place with a harsh climate is not accidental. Previously, a special geological expedition was organized, which indicated exactly this point for the construction of the entire drilling structure ... ..

Currently, many modern people have heard about the North Crown Hotel: some know this place as abandoned, while others know it as a comfortable building for a temporary stay. Let's take a look at each of these places one by one.

Abandoned North Crown Hotel.

During the Soviet era, a fairly large number of huge architectural projects were erected. One of these was the North Crown Hotel. This unfinished construction is considered quite large-scale, in which a considerable amount of money was invested. Currently, this abandoned building, which is not just a historical monument, is also associated with various mystical…..

The railway "Chum - Salekhard - Igarka", the construction project of which took place in 1947-1953. The modern name of this route is the transpolar highway. The project of the railway track from the shores of the Barents Sea to the Sea of ​​Okhotsk and Chukotka. In general, the very idea of ​​​​the highway falls on 1928, then it was called the Great Northern Railway, and connected to the entire network of the country ... ..

There are a huge number of attractions in the Leningrad region, but one of the pearls of this area is the Sablinsky Reserve. 40 kilometers from St. Petersburg on 220 hectares there are many monuments of nature and history:
1. former estate of Count A. K. Tolstoy,
2. the parking place of the troops of Alexander Nevsky before the battle with the Livonian Order,
3. Sablinsky and Tosnensky lowland waterfalls,

In 1976, the entire area was declared a natural monument. After that, measures were taken to clean the caves from debris…..

Among the most majestic cultural monuments of our country, Koenigsberg Castle in Kaliningrad deserves special attention. And this is not surprising, since the ruins of this structure excite the consciousness of modern man. This feeling does not disappear even with the understanding that there is not much left of the castle, and the Amber Room has not been discovered. Most likely, this is due to the fact that this construction is one of the most ancient in our region or the fact that people are still waiting for the Amber Room to be excavated. In any case, such a historical construction surprises many people, which is why they tend to come here…..

Khovrinsky abandoned hospital is a real Mecca for lovers of abandoned places. Khovrinka is located in the area, as you might guess, Khovrino, and the SAO of Moscow. It is considered one of the most eerie places in the capital; there are many legends about it. What the walls of Khovrinka did not see: parties of the Goths, and gatherings of Satanists, and suicides, and murders, and breaking drug addicts, and just curious stalkers. It all started with a grandiose plan of the Soviet government to build a hospital complex for 1300 beds…..

The Gerhardt mill is a building of historical significance. The Stalingrad Battle Monument is one of the few buildings that survived the difficult war years. Now the mill resembles rather a fragment from the past or a portal to Stalingrad in 1943.

History of occurrence

At the beginning of the 20th century, the small town of Tsaritsyn grew to the status of an industrial hub of the Volga region. Residents began to actively explore new ... ..

The village of Verkhnyaya Gubakha is an eerie sight, consisting of the remains of dilapidated houses and old rubbish. But once this ghost town was the capital of the coal industry in the Western Urals. But the most surprising thing is that the deserted village adjoins the settlement (the city of Gubakha) and creates an incredible contrast between the place forgotten by God and the developing town…..

It is difficult to disagree with the fact that the number of abandoned cities and towns on the territory of the former Soviet Union is quite large. And this happened as a result of the economic recession, certain geographical features of a particular region, and political preferences. In any case, many objects were left behind and the affairs of such places have not improved to this day.

In addition, such abandoned neighborhoods have become very popular due to the rapidly developing extreme types of tourism. Since ordinary sights, monuments and simply beautiful nature, for many travelers it is something ordinary and familiar. Therefore, less and less attractive ... ..

Surely, many people have heard of such a ghostly village as Khalmer Yu. This is a real ghost town located in the Urals. This place is located in the middle of the tundra, not far from the Ural mountains. It is here that administrative buildings, multi-storey buildings, and industrial facilities abandoned by people stand.

The village of Khalmer Yu is located in the Komi Republic, approximately seventy kilometers from the city of Vorkuta. If translated from German, the name of this place means "dead river". The most interesting thing is that earlier the village was considered sacred, it was here that they brought to bury those who ... ..

Dagdiesel 8 shop of the plant is located in Kaspiysk. This is not a simple abandoned place, because it is located right in the open sea, 2.7 km from the coast. Initially, the building was built for testing naval weapons, for which at first it was used, at the moment it is in an abandoned state and is gradually being destroyed by sea waves.

Dagdiesel 8 workshop. Construction history

The Dagdiesel plant was built in 1935. For more than an honor of 70 years of history, he has come a long way and won fame around the world. The company specializes in the production of diesel engines for marine…..

After the collapse of the USSR, the entire Soviet space remained dotted with mysterious objects. The Crimean NPP is a vivid example of this. The unfinished nuclear power plant is still full of mysteries and mysteries.

The Crimean NPP is located near the town of Shchelkino. Design began in 1965. It was planned to use the salty waters of the Aktash reservoir as a cooling pond.

In 1975, the construction of the facility began. Great hopes were pinned on the nuclear power plant. The station was supposed to supply energy to the entire Crimean peninsula and become the basis for the industrial development of the region. The power of two…..

In the sixties of the last century, a new settlement appeared on the map of Russia - the urban-type settlement Vostok. It began to be built for oil workers and their families in 1964, 98 km from Okha in the Sakhalin Region. The East promised to become a well-maintained city and fully justified expectations. They built 17 five-story block houses for almost a hundred families, several two-story houses, a school, a kindergarten and a club. In 1970, the East was renamed ... ..

Not far from Moscow, just ninety kilometers from the capital, there is one of the most popular places among tourists - the Lopatinsky mine. This is an amazing part of the Yegorievsk phosphorite deposit.

The Dvina missile system is another gloomy remnant of the Cold War, located in Latvia. Soviet launch silos have long been empty. From now on, instead of the military and workers, stalkers and other adventurers occasionally travel on the territory of the facility.

In the mid-1950s, Soviet scientists were instructed to create a nuclear missile with a range of 2,000 km. The design took several years, after which the first prototypes appeared under the designation R-12. Modified missiles with the index "U" were intended for mine-based. One of those missiles...

In Crimea, on the slope of Mount Target, there is an unfinished Object No. 221 - the Reserve Command Post of the Black Sea Fleet. Only those who are familiar with these places can find this place. Hidden southeast of Sevastopol is a building with countless tunnels going underground. In case of war, command actions of the Soviet troops were to be carried out here. But the USSR collapsed, and the building remained abandoned.

The road leading to the object is dug up and littered with stones. Outsiders who wanted to enter the secret territory could be eliminated by the guards. For example, a foreign agent would have to travel on foot and become an easy target.

In case of meeting with random tourists was ... ..

During the Soviet Union, a sufficient number of buildings and cities were erected, which are unique in their architecture, position and history of creation as a whole. The city of Mirny is one of them. It is here that the famous Mir quarry is located, where diamonds were previously mined. It can be called a miracle even in the modern world due to its huge size. The scientific name of the quarry is "kimberlite pipe". The city appeared around it and got its name in honor of the quarry.

The kimberlite pipe itself appeared a long time ago. Once upon a time, flows of lava and volcanic gases escaped from the bowels of the planet Earth at great speed. The huge force of the explosion also threw out kimberlite - a rock where ... ..

Not far from the city of Sevastopol, just ten kilometers away, in the small resort town of Balaklava, there is an underground submarine base, referred to as object 825 GTS. In 2003, for the first time in forty-six years of existence, the building was presented to the public.

The underground submarine base in Balaklava is a fairly large structure, which is located in the very bowels of the earth. It is able to reliably and effectively protect all the contents here from an atomic explosion. In this room there are the following components: workshops for the repair of equipment, a channel with a dry dock, a warehouse for lubricants and combustible materials, as well as a mine-torpedo part of the GTS.

There is an underwater base ... ..

One of the most curious sights of the Tver region is the mystical Shar near Dubna. It is located in the Kimrsky district, near the village of Ignatovo. This object is overgrown with rumors and legends, since there is no verified and confirmed version of its origin ... ..

Abandoned cities of Russia- places of human settlements in which once life was in full swing. Today they are called ghost towns, where you will not find a single living soul. All of them have their own unique history of formation and collapse. Many of them ceased to exist due to tragic incidents, others due to political and economic reconstruction, and others simply outlived their usefulness. So, let's get acquainted with a dozen abandoned urban settlements in our country.

Opens a list of abandoned cities in Russia. It was built in the Ryazan region at the beginning of the 20th century to develop huge forest reserves. The population grew rapidly, and by the 30s of the last century it had exceeded one thousand. The tragedy that happened on August 3, 1936 contributed to the complete extinction of the population. The resulting fire claimed more than a thousand lives. Few managed to escape, since Kurshcha-2 was located in the very center of the forest. Not far from the burnt-out village there is a large mass grave where the victims of the tragedy were buried. Now this place is an overgrown glade with ruins.

The northernmost village of Sakhalin belongs to abandoned and forgotten places. Oil and gas deposits attracted people here in the 50s of the last century. People began to leave the settlement in 1996, after the earthquake that occurred here. The reason was also depleted mineral reserves. Now Kolendo is considered to be a completely extinct city.

An abandoned Russian town in the Volgograd region on the shores of Lake Vozhe. Once its territory was inhabited by more than 11 thousand inhabitants. In the 18th century, Charonda was considered one of the trading centers. But gradually the trade routes began to wither, and at the beginning of the 19th century the city fell to the status of a village. Residents left their homes and moved to other settlements. Only a small handful of elderly people remained in Charonda, who lived out their lives here. Now this place attracts many tourists.

The next abandoned town in Russia was located near Rybinsk. The place of its exact location is the point where the Mologa River flows into the Volga. It was built in the 12th century and was one of the largest shopping centers in the state. At the beginning of the 20th century, about 5,000 people lived on its territory. But in 1935, the Soviet government decided to build the Rybinsk hydroelectric complex here. This meant the flooding of nearby lands, including the city of Mologa. A prosperous settlement with a developed infrastructure ceased to exist at one moment. The liquidation of the inhabitants began. In 1941, the city was completely flooded. The reorganization led to cases of mass suicides: many residents refused to leave their hometown. Due to fluctuations in the level of the reservoir, the remains of a ghost town sometimes appear on the surface of the water.

The once prosperous city of oil workers called the Sakhalin Region is now a shapeless ruin. This is due to the tragedy that happened in 1995 on May 28 and spread around the world. The unexpected happened: a powerful earthquake of 10 points suddenly began. Natural disasters claimed the lives of more than 2 thousand people. After the incident, the residents of Neftegorsk were evacuated and received material support. Now only ruins remain of the well-organized settlement.

The village, popularly referred to as the "Valley of Death", refers to the abandoned cities of Russia. The settlement was founded in 1943, when deposits of coal of a valuable brand were discovered in these places. In 1986, more than 10 thousand people lived on the territory of Kadychkan. But after the explosion that occurred at the mine in 1996, the population began to decline rapidly. A couple of years later, after the tragedy, the central boiler house was defrosted. Approximately 400 residents refused to leave their home village, despite the lack of any infrastructure. In 2003, according to the order of the local authorities, all residents were resettled.

The former village of the Chukotka District belongs to the abandoned settlements of Russia. In 1937, a tin deposit was discovered here. In the early 1950s, the area where the deposit was discovered gradually began to be populated by people. In 1994, tin mining was stopped due to the unprofitability of production. Residents began to leave Iultin, and by the beginning of 1995 it was almost completely empty. At the beginning of the 21st century, not a trace remained of the city.

Ghost town of the Komi Republic. The settlement was founded in 1942, when deposits of valuable coal were discovered on the Khalmer-Yu River. A small group of workers was left here, who were supposed to determine the scale of the mineral deposits. Bad weather cut off the people, left to fend for themselves, from the nearby city of Vorkuta. Due to the rampage of nature, it was impossible to deliver provisions to a group of workers. An attempt was made to get to the harsh place by reindeer. About a hundred animals participated in the expedition, and only fourteen deer managed to return due to lack of food: the whole reindeer moss was frozen in the ice. A year later, the necessary material base was created in Khalmer-Yu, and soon about three hundred people migrated here. In 1957, the mine began to function and the flow of people arriving here began to increase more and more. Already two years after the opening of the mine, more than 7 thousand people lived here. But in 1993 it was decided to liquidate the mine. From that moment, the liquidation of the village began: people were forcibly forced to leave their homes. Now there is a military training ground here.

The abandoned cities of Russia also include an urban-type settlement. It is located in the Komi Republic. In 2007, about 500 citizens lived here. And once this area was inhabited by about 12 thousand people. After the explosion that occurred in the 90s of the last century at the Tsentralnaya mine, the village began to fall into decay. At the moment no one lives there. The history of this small settlement begins in 1954 and is associated with two local mines - "Central" and "Industrial". It was on them that the entire infrastructure of the workers' settlement rested. Tragedy on sh. "Central" became the reason that people were left without work. Gradually, the inhabitants began to leave Industrial. The city was destroyed: wooden buildings were burned, and brick buildings were dismantled. Now only ruins remain from Promyshlenny, and it is hard to imagine that life has ever existed here.

The former workers' settlement is classified as an abandoned Russian city. The settlement was formed in 1957 with the laying of the Shumikhinskaya mine. But in 1998, the mine, by decision of the top management, was destroyed, which caused a violent protest of local workers and residents. Most of the population was left without work. The reconstruction of the village began. Some buildings were converted into sawmills, others were simply destroyed. The central boiler house, which heats the entire village, was also destroyed. People had no other choice but to leave Yubileiny. Only a small handful of settlers remained to live here. Due to the lack of heating, the buildings began to fall apart literally before our eyes. Not without the help of vandals, who began to rob buildings for profit. Now a free settlement for prisoners is equipped in this place.