Institutes where biology is needed. What specialties exist? Options for chemistry and biology separately

If the results of the exam were not as expected, and the strengths of the graduate are chemistry and biology, entering a pharmaceutical college or university may be a good option. A pharmacist is a sought-after profession that can be obtained at a university or college after grade 11. So, what to do if your vocation is pharmacy?

Is a pharmacist a person who sells drugs?

Not really. On the other side of the pharmacy window there can be not only a pharmacist, but also an ordinary pharmacy consultant. The difference between them is just the availability of professional knowledge in the field of pharmaceuticals and pharmacology.

A pharmacist must know everything: what certain drugs consist of, how each individual ingredient affects the human body, what contraindications drugs have, which drug should be taken for stomach pain, and which one if a person has insomnia. In addition, the pharmacist should be able to easily understand the medical prescription and, if necessary, compose the drug from the indicated ingredients directly in the pharmacy.

To master this sought-after profession, you need to diligently study at a secondary vocational or higher educational institution. Applicants with excellent knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry, biology and the basics of genetics can enter there.

Prospects for the profession

Pharmacists, like medical workers, are always in short supply. The number of pharmacies and pharmaceutical companies in Russia is constantly increasing, and employers are snapping up new graduates of pharmaceutical departments like hot cakes.

After graduation, newly minted pharmacists are free to choose where they will continue to work - there are really many prospects. You can get a job in a pharmacy and build a career there - from the "primary" to the head of the pharmacy. You can send a resume to a pharmaceutical company - Russian or foreign. You can go into science and find your place in one of the many laboratories for the development, production or testing of new drugs.

I will be a pharmacist: where to start?

First of all, choose an educational institution: university or college. The difference lies in the possibility or impossibility of combining getting a profession with work.

For example, in the pharmaceutical college "New Knowledge" (Moscow), where you can enter after the 11th grade, the training lasts 3 years 10 months - this is faster than at a university. In parallel with your studies, you can get a job: in the "New Knowledge" part-time form of education, and students themselves determine the schedule of classes (daytime, evening, mixed or weekend). A semester in college costs 24,500 rubles.

There are other options for obtaining a pharmaceutical education. In the Moscow State Educational Complex, you need to study to become a pharmacist according to a single schedule of part-time education for everyone - twice a week in the evenings and once on Saturday afternoon. Education here will cost 50 thousand rubles per semester. There are a few more proposals for "Pharmacy" in colleges near Moscow.

Higher education in this specialty can only be full-time and lasts 5 years. This year, Pharmacy is recruiting at the State Humanitarian and Technological University (Orekhovo-Zuevo, 51,000 rubles / semester), Moscow State Medical University. THEM. Sechenov (105,000 rubles / semester), Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov (100,000 rubles/semester) and PFUR (89,600 rubles/semester).


Comment on the article "Where to do with chemistry and biology? Pharmaceutical college or university"

College after 11th grade. Admission to universities and other educational institutions. Teenagers. My son is now off to college after 11th grade. I already wrote about our situation, when due to ...


Hello) I myself graduated from college at first, BUT after 9 classes .. many then came to us after 11 and everything was fine)) 3 years and you have a profession, at the same time you are growing up, you understand what you need (that specialty or no)))) and then you calmly go to university) it seems to me that this is a good option when there is no exact choice of profession and it will be easier for parents, they won’t give all their strength and money to what the child will not do later) I’m going to university then entered the colored course)

Went to college after 11 because I missed the budget and my parents couldn't pay. I finished my studies, got a job and knowledge, entered the university for a part-time job, I pay for it myself. I work) thanks to the college certificate, the session passes easily, most of it is reread))

09/14/2017 04:17:24 PM, Polina1996

Leave school and go to college after 9th grade? advise where to go with Section: Parental experience (if you give up gwe after grade 9, you can go to college ...


It seems to me that there is no university without mathematics or Russian, you will need to pass the exam in Russian and mathematics, no matter how you say it, but as I see it, this is not realistic. Commerce and business - this is mathematics (well, it is based).

Who does he see himself as? what profession?

I can advise you a paid external study, where you can study the necessary subjects, and the rest of the grades "draw". You can pass a year for a year, or you can pass 10-11 for a year. they drag the necessary ones to the exam.

They trained me, but we don’t have such problems, only mild psychiatry.
we passed 10-11 in 1 year, wrote 2 exams (Russian and basic mathematics) and went to college with a brilliant certificate (4.9 points)

But college is difficult now, we have higher mathematics inundated, there will be a retake.
we have commerce in college, but there is also a higher mat, an institute program, I think it’s not realistic for you ...

Are you considering specialized colleges? This year my daughter is entering the Mikhailovsky College of Economics, a boarding school for disabled children. She has a specialty programmer, they also have an accountant and a hotel business - that's it, I think, for the humanities.

In the College of Pharmacy "New Knowledge" (Moscow), where can I go after 11 Leave school and go to college after the 9th grade? And about Podolsk on the Internet ...


Moscow, if only federal colleges accept strangers and with a hostel. Moscow colleges accept strangers only for a fee. There is a good college at Gzhel University with a hostel, many specialties, federal. And ask about Podolsk on the Internet. Even in Serpukhov (like on your train line) there should be colleges.

06.11.2016 16:35:29, yes

And in Moscow it is not necessary to have a Moscow registration for admission? We faced this three years ago, we introduced mandatory registration in Moscow.

Payments to us and after 18 paid. Ruslan has already been paid.

A relative would like her son to go to college after the 9th grade, but says that only Muscovites studied at college No. 3 that year for free. All the rest - for 120 thousand a year.


Plus, the main thing is that the child receives a profession that he has chosen and for which he has already spent at least 7 years (studying at a music school), and they will not be accepted to the Conservatory or the Gnessin Academy without college muses. The exam is not mandatory, but if you need it, the college will draw up lists of applicants and then you will learn about further steps. As a last resort, you can always submit an application to the district department of education, and they will attach you for delivery from some USE reception point. A lot also depends on which college you are going to enter, it is often more difficult to get there than in the most prestigious university.

I'll wait, I also wanted to start a topic like this

College admission. Education, development. Teenagers. Parenting and relationships with adolescent children: transitional age, problems at school, career guidance...


Also interesting

This is how it's going for us right now:
- chose several colleges of interest to us (the number seems to be unlimited).
- Copies of documents were carried everywhere in them, the originals were not given to anyone.
By the way! You can see in advance (in May) what kind of medical certificate is needed for admission, and make it - it is valid for a year. We needed some tricky one, not just 086, because we are going to medical college. Just so that after receiving the certificate, you don’t waste time, but you can immediately go to submit documents.
- Now, on the websites of selected colleges, I track the ratings of applicants (they are updated quite regularly) in order to understand where we are going, where we are not.
- An important point - you need to understand exactly by what date you need to bring the original documents. It may be different for different colleges. But we have so it turns out that everywhere until the 1st of August. And here is the dilemma. Since our points are "marginal", at the end of July we will have to decide where to run. There, where we definitely pass, or where we pass only on the condition that not all those ahead in the rating drag the originals. In general, the passing score will be clearly understood only after August 1, when all those who did not bring the original will be excluded from the competition. But then it will be too late to rock...

The child is really needed when submitting copies of documents (immediately after graduation) and when submitting originals closer to the end of July. It may also be needed if there are some internal entrance tests for your specialty (for example, we have some kind of psychological testing, hairdressers have a drawing, maybe ...)
The rest of the time he can not sit in Moscow.

We went to training courses. For admission - does not give anything at all. But I was at least more sure that she would not write the Russian GIA on "2". We pulled up biology - it will come in handy in the 1st year (if we do it). Well, the child was once again busy with business :)

Try to pull up the certificate in a year. Well, there you get "5" in physical fitness, in life safety ... - and then bread :) We somehow didn’t rest against it, which I now regret.

I want to translate it somewhere. Is it possible to go to college, albeit with the loss of a year? In a medical college, according to the results of the GIA, you can easily enter the budget.

Where can I go after passing the Russian language, biology, social studies ...

  1. howl don't know
  2. it is necessary to think of society and biology to choose)))) - there is no such profession and you will not go anywhere. The social sphere is all this history and society, or in the medical part of chemistry and biology, well, to choose biology and society is a rare university you need to look for, and even then somewhere in the tundra)))
  3. first you need to at least roughly determine the universities and specialties that you would like to enter (5 universities in 3 faculties - the choice is quite large), then you need to see what exams they take and what the passing score was this year (the next one will be about the same ) and only then, after evaluating your chances, decide which exams to take.
    this year, the child’s several classmates could not go anywhere because they made a mistake with the choice of subjects for passing the exam and it turned out that either with the “set” that was handed over at all, they couldn’t even submit documents anywhere, or there weren’t enough points. and when they were sitting here arguing, deciding what to hand over, I told them, choose what you can do with, and not what is easier for you and what is easier to pass. who listened to an adult, he entered, who did it in his own way, they will give up something and act the next year.
    Now I went to the website of the medical university of my city, in order to be guaranteed to enter there, I must pass Russian, chemistry, biology in the amount of more than 220 points. I think honey. Universities in other cities are about the same. if you are sure that you can score such a number of points in the selected subjects with chemistry and biology as a priority, then choose these exams and enter the medical one, if you are not sure, then choose something else to pass the exam, then do it like with such a "set" there is almost nowhere to go except medical.
    in fact, it is quite possible to enter the budget if you approach this wisely and take your time to calculate everything.
    profile mathematics is better to pass, there will be much more opportunities for admission if in honey. if you don't pass with Russian, chemistry and biology, then you will have a lot of opportunities with Russian, mathematics and society.
  4. There are 33 programs with your scores from 12 universities;fexams1=3
    For details, use the filter "Directions of study", "City", you can even choose a university.
    Convenient choice by passing scores, competition, budget places, cost.
  5. Contact here
  6. in ped, for a biology teacher, I couldn’t do anywhere else with such exams in my city, profile mathematics is needed everywhere
  7. Psychologist with this set. With specialized mathematics - economics, management ...; with chemistry-doctor, chemist...
    It's not worth the ped. Why then wag your nerves for a small salary, even though she was raised now ?! You can try in MD, but you should be very drawn to this, because 6 years at the institute 6 days a week, and then residency ... Salaries have now been raised, so you will live, only the first time will be small, most likely, but it depends what kind of doctor you want to be. Then you can get a job in a private clinic, where the salaries are good.
    I would love to go to the doctor, but I can’t study so much, so I’m a future programmer)

Most often, graduate students already know what profession they want to get, what subjects they will take, how many points they need to score in order to freely enter the chosen faculty. If you plan to take chemistry, then where can I go?

Chemistry Unified State Examination: where to enter?

Chemistry is a subject that has many subtleties and aspects, so only a few know it perfectly. And if you are one of them, you should know in advance where you can go.

Chemical faculty

This faculty is suitable for those who are very fond of chemistry. But in order to enter this faculty, you need to pass the exam in chemistry, as well as mathematics and the Russian language. At this faculty, you can master such specialties as a biochemist, a pharmacist, as well as a chemical analysis laboratory assistant and a chemist. You will study the features of conducting a variety of studies, examinations, etc.

There is a growing interest in the natural sciences: in 2017, 91,000 people passed the USE in chemistry, which is 12,000 more than in 2016.


Recently, the demand for agronomic specialties has been increasing. After all, agriculture is gradually expanding. And special attention is paid to the agricultural industry in the north of our country. After all, it is here that vast territories are available that can be used for various works. At such a faculty, one can become an agrotechnician, agronomist, breeder. For admission, not only chemistry is required, but also the Russian language, as well as biology. At the same time, preparation must be carried out seriously in order to enter the chosen faculty without difficulties.

Fire safety

At such a faculty, the features of the work of firefighters, liquidators, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, as well as fire safety engineers are studied. For admission to this department, excellent physical preparation is required, as well as good results in mathematics, Russian language and chemistry.

Faculty of Civil Engineering

In the event that you do not want to take biology, you can enter the Faculty of Civil Engineering. After all, here you need to take chemistry, as well as mathematics and Russian. Mastering the construction profession, you can always get a job. After all, every year in our country various objects are erected, repairs and modernization are carried out.

In almost every city, construction work is carried out year-round, therefore, specialist builders almost always have work. At the Faculty of Civil Engineering, you can get such a specialty as an urban planner, an architect.

Technology of light industry products

People from such faculties are often engaged in the development of various products and devices for light industry, monitor quality indicators, and also manage various technological processes.

Undoubtedly, other specialties can be obtained at such faculties. This makes it possible for lovers of chemistry to master interesting and quite financial specialties, to get a decent job in the future. In order to become a technologist, it is necessary to study chemistry with special care.

Where can I get admission in chemistry?

Since chemistry is present in almost every industry, you can easily find a profession that suits you perfectly. Before you decide, you need to highlight a narrower direction.

So, chemistry lovers have access to such specialties as a doctor, cosmetologist, pharmacist, manufacturer of various paint and varnish products and devices. Work is also available in various research centers.

Biology, chemistry, Russian: what to do?

As soon as the profession is determined, you can proceed to the choice of a higher educational institution in which you will study. By the way, at the moment, almost every university has a chemical faculty. For example, you can give preference to medicine. But in this case, you need to master not only chemistry, but also biology.

In order to work in the oil and gas industry, you can enter the Gubkin Russian State University of Oil and Gas. As for medicine, as well as pharmaceuticals, you can enter such higher institutions as MMA them. THEM. Sechenov, Russian State Medical University.

But in all cases, it is necessary to study not only chemistry, but also other subjects. That is why it is very important to conduct thorough preparation in order to achieve certain success in admission and training.

Chemistry and biology are quite complex sciences, not every student chooses them as their favorites during their studies. On the other hand, at all times they belonged to the demanded industry, they required certain knowledge, character and predisposition. It is believed that these sciences are given to units, because they are complex, but in fact, it is often enough to understand their basics for interest to appear, and it becomes clear that this is not just calculations and memorizing terms, but a whole most interesting and fascinating world.

On the one hand, graduates, knowing such disciplines, are ready to realize themselves in many areas in the future. On the other hand, exams are difficult, and you can enter many universities only by passing additional subjects. The fact is that these directions alone are not enough. For the most part, it is required to have results in such subjects:

  1. Maths.
  2. Russian language.
  3. Chemistry.
  4. Biology.
  5. Often physics or natural science are added here.

As a result, a graduate can go to many places, but for this you need to take a lot of subjects. Not every applicant will agree to prepare for four subjects where basic mathematics and language can be dispensed with.

Where can I go if I passed biology and chemistry

In fact, there are quite a few professions for which only one of these items is enough. But if you come to the admissions office not only with biology, but also with chemistry, the chances of admission (especially on a budgetary basis) increase. But where can you go if you passed both chemistry and biology? Definitely going to medical school. Today, many leading medical universities require not only these two disciplines, but also the Unified State Examination in the Russian language. These include:

  1. First MGMU them. Sechenov.
  2. IMU them. Pirogov.
  3. State Medical and Dental University.
  4. GMU them. Pavlova.

These are universities in Moscow and St. Petersburg, but in almost all major cities there are prestigious and large educational institutions in this area. But you should understand that even after passing the necessary exams, you can enter the budget with great difficulty. The competition for one place is big, first of all, people who have scored the highest scores in biology and chemistry go first, language plays a smaller role here. Priority is given to students who participated in Olympiads and won prizes, and can also confirm participation in other competitions and conferences.

Other options for both disciplines

Where else can you go if you passed these two disciplines? After all, becoming a doctor is very difficult, not every applicant is ready to go to such a university, especially since the load and responsibility in it are enormous. There is another option to go to the veterinary academy.

If you are not indifferent to animals, you are not squeamish, you want to get a profession that is profitable and in demand at all times, then the question “Where can I go?” disappears by itself. Veterinarians have a lot of customers, especially considering that almost every family now has a pet. Studying at such a university is easier than at a medical institute.

Definitely both biology and chemistry are needed for the profession of a biochemist. Such a specialist also quickly finds where to go to work. Having a diploma from the Faculty of Biochemistry, you can go to work in many laboratories related to medicine, the food industry, and pharmacology. Biochemists often find work in beauty centers, they may even work in a hospital.

In addition, the profession of an agronomist is now gaining immense popularity. In Russia, the agricultural sector is constantly developing and is promising. It requires both chemistry and biology. As a result, a student can study as a vegetable grower, botanist, agricultural engineer, breeder.

Options for chemistry and biology separately

There are certain specialties where you can take only chemistry or only biology, but the presence of the second discipline plays a certain role and is a priority for the commission. Passing chemistry, you can easily go to the following areas:

  • pharmacology;
  • theoretical chemistry;
  • industrial chemistry;
  • agronomy (in some specialties biology is not needed);
  • Fire safety.

Fire safety engineers are required in almost any enterprise or firm. It will require not only knowledge of chemistry, mathematics and language, but also excellent physical fitness. As a result, you can become an employee of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, a fire inspector, an engineer. All these professions are prestigious and in demand.

Pharmacology at any time is a promising industry. You can get a job as a pharmacist or develop and create new medicines. Specialists go to work in pharmacies, hospitals, factories.

Theoretical chemistry is required by laboratory staff, as well as chemists who want to stay in science. Unlike the industrial one, where it is realistic to become an engineer, a technologist in many industries, both organic and inorganic compounds. You can work in almost all factories and industrial facilities in the laboratory and workshop, in the technology sector.

Biology: what is needed

Biology is also given a lot for which specialties. For example, it is needed for psychology. This profession is now in demand, many universities have or are opening psychological faculties. As a result, you can become such a specialist:

  • defectologist;
  • psychologist;
  • psychoanalyst;
  • psychotherapist.


Having passed biology with a high score, you can apply for. In addition to this subject, you will have to bring test results in Russian, chemistry and mathematics, and also, possibly, pass an additional intra-university exam in your favorite natural science (disciplines may vary depending on the university). It would be nice if you also understood and - at the beginning of studies at the Faculty of Biology, this subject is given a lot of attention.

Biology is a mandatory entrance exam for faculty. Along with this discipline, you will have to show your knowledge in Russian and chemistry. If you would like to engage not in the treatment of people, but in the development and implementation of the latest technologies and cutting-edge equipment, you will also need knowledge of physics.

Psychology is another specialty, admission to which will not do without testing. If you have a penchant for the humanities, you can give preference to this faculty. However, the list of required subjects varies depending on the institution. As a rule, applicants, in addition to biology, also provide USE results in the Russian language, mathematics or history.

The final and most important stage is passing the entrance exams. You must take this seriously. Never use cheat sheets, be careful when writing a test paper, be sure of oral answers. Everything you say, try to bind to .

Useful advice

To successfully enter the medical school, you should not count on luck. As soon as you have submitted documents to the selection committee, forget about night parties and country rest. Now the main task is to successfully pass the entrance examinations. Only after they are done can you relax a little. But do not forget that studying at a medical university is a serious and responsible matter.

Those who say that today's youth are not interested in anything are very, very wrong. Many young people are interested in biology outside of their school or university curriculum. No wonder Russia is still, fortunately, the leading scientific power in this area.


You can also order the literature you need in online bookstores or through electronic catalogs of libraries presented on the network.

If you are fluent in, and especially in special terminology, then you can start a correspondence with biology students and scientists from all over the world, communicating with them on special forums and exchanging experience and knowledge.

If you want to first comprehend the practice, and only then move on to theory, visit the "anatomist", collect herbariums, go out more often for field practice and write down your observations.

In our time, it is very important to get a higher education in order to get a prestigious job in the future and receive a decent salary. Many universities throughout Russia are ready to open their doors to everyone who seeks knowledge in various scientific areas. Having decided on your future profession, you just have to choose the university itself and the form of education.


If you have made a firm decision for yourself, because you want to help people in difficult life situations and provide them with moral support, then it will be especially interesting for you to study in the daytime or evening department. It is there that experienced teachers will offer you to participate in psychological games, seminars, trainings, etc. The work of a psychologist involves communicating with people, so this fact is very important. After all, it is in practical classes that the theoretical knowledge gained is worked out and consolidated.

It doesn't matter what city you live in. You always have the opportunity to graduate from high school and get a degree in psychology. For example, in Yekaterinburg there is the Ural State University, which has good conditions for students. The university has its own library, which is very important. The management of this university periodically holds scientific olympiads, conferences, where there is always a chance to improve your knowledge.

Always ready to accept students St. Petersburg State University. With a very strong teaching staff, it can offer you a very exciting training that will help you develop in your chosen direction. On the basis of this university, a program has been created that pays attention to culture, sports and health, which will make your studies the most interesting.

In Moscow, many institutes, universities and academies are just fighting for their students, offering them different study options and payment schemes. And also create favorable conditions for nonresident citizens. Here we can note such universities as Moscow State University, Moscow Pedagogical University, Moscow Humanitarian and Economic Institute, etc.

Also, do not forget about, which at the end gives you the right to practice in your profession as a specialist. One of the institutes offering this form is the Institute of Positive Technologies and Consulting. There are several directions in it, which are supervised by qualified teachers. Distance learning is very convenient for many students. Because the learning process itself takes place in your free time. The big advantage is that learning