How to write a good fairy tale for children. Random concept method

What to do if you so want to compose your own fairy tale, but the thought does not go? If the head is empty, as in an open field, and not even the smallest character wants to be seen? This has happened to me - more than once. Inspiration came and went in waves deep into my imaginary ocean. Today it rolled back again. One trouble with this imagination! But I always dreamed of writing my ideal fairy tale. I dreamed of writing. Oh, I'll have to get the magic box...

Rummaging through the magic box, I, to my joy, discovered the glorious five Practical Tips that will help us write a masterpiece, and if not a masterpiece, then our own wonderful fairy tale.

It is clearly snoring somewhere at the bottom of the skull, and it just needs to be pushed aside. How is it done?
  • Well, first of all, the Imagination wakes up from the music. It is a well known fact that music affects our brain like nothing else. Choose the music you like and enjoy. And while enjoying, do not forget to compose. Imagine what you would do to this music if you were in a fairy tale. Imagination will not be slow to turn on.
  • Secondly, our fastidious Imagination is very greedy for various interesting films and pictures. Do not deny him this pleasure. Pamper him with multi-colored beads or weaving baubles. Gaze at the stained glass at sunset. A fairy tale is all around us.
  • Third, nature. Believe me, nothing is more inspiring than outdoor recreation. And if not rest, then ... Try turning into some woods or a grove with chirping birds on the way from school, from university or from work. Stop for a moment in the midst of the eternal rush and look up at the sky. Learn to be surprised. We have this ability from birth, but for some reason it becomes dull with age. Rekindle your inner child. Marvel at the beauty of the world!
  • Fourth, revitalize the inanimate around you. Let your houseplant talk and complain that you don't water it. Let the creaking door grumble, and the pencil suddenly rushes to draw masterpieces by itself, shouting that it has been dreaming of it since it was made at the factory. To write your own and only your own fairy tale, you need a lot of imagination - nothing less. So practice.
  • Open a dictionary and choose a dozen words at random. Rearrange them, tilt them. And write a little fairy tale with their help. Just do not forget to link the words in meaning. Take for example five nouns: football, sock, rocket, lazybones, and wood. And we went: “There lived a lazy person in the world. He was always throwing his socks around and could never get up on time. So he lay until dinner, like a piece of wood. One day he slept until evening. And only a mini-rocket woke him up, which his comrades threw out the window. A note was taped to the rocket: "Let's play football." The lazy man was delighted, jumped up - and let's get dressed. I put on shorts, put on a T-shirt, and socks? Under the battery - one yellow, behind the bed - green and red. The chandelier is blue. Can't pick a pair! The lazy man was upset: how to play football without socks?
  • Let's say you have some problem or task. And you don't know how to solve it. No problem! And here Imagination comes to the rescue. Imagine that you are in a fairy tale. There, any remedy will do - both ordinary and magical. What would you choose to solve your problem? A magical item or a super cool, fancy machine invented by a mad scientist?
  • Good advice number 4.
    Come up with a main character for your fairy tale.

    And now it's time for the main character of the tale. Who is your hero? What qualities does it have? Is he an all-powerful sorcerer or a poor man who likes to get drunk? Is he flawless, or does he like to pick his nose on a Thursday after eight in the evening? Be sure to think of a goal for the hero. A hero without a goal is a pathetic rag. How will the character change during the story? What will he face, what difficulties will he have to overcome? And yet, a fairy tale needs a mystery. Let your hero be all mysterious. Readers love it. Well, of course, do not forget about the unexpected, colorful ending.
  • Every story has conflict. But how do you invent it? If the conflict is not brewing, it can be, hmm ... Push. For example, the Main Hero lives quietly and peacefully in his miserable house (or crystal palace). Everyone is happy, everything is calm. And then suddenly - bam! The sky is falling. It literally collapses. The heavenly inhabitants are in a panic. Needless to say, the earth also got nuts. And suddenly for himself the Main Hero realizes that he must restore the balance in nature and return the sky to its place.
  • So, the glorious five of Practical Councils came to an end. And I suddenly realized that saving the world (oh, that is, writing my own fairy tale) is quite within my power. And how are you? Feeling a surge of inspiration? If you still don't feel it, you can read


    Start from afar. Traditionally, phrases denoting time are used: “a long time ago”, “at the time of King Pea”, “in ancient times”, “last year”, “such and such a date and such and such a year”, and so on.

    Designate the place where the events will take place. In classical fairy tales, it sounds like this: “in a certain kingdom-state”, “in the thirtieth kingdom”, “in one forest”. But nothing prevents you from coming up with something of your own, especially if the fairy tale is healing and is designed to help the baby cope with some kind of problem. You can choose a school (“Once upon a time, an amazing story happened in a school in the city of N-ska”), a village, a playground or a place for the events of your story.

    Think of a main character. Your task is to make it look like your baby. Let him love things that your child is not indifferent to, have habits and hobbies similar to his. But you should not completely copy your child in the hero of the story. Make the character fabulous, curious, funny, charming, causing the warmest sympathy and desire to be in his place.

    Define the problem. Let it symbolically (by no means directly!) It reflects the situation that your child has got into and that you want to teach him to cope with with the help of a fairy tale. Change the situation so that it is only guessed, make it truly fabulous, magical, but quite recognizable. However, do not underestimate the difficulties that the protagonist faced.

    Come up with a continuation of the story. This is where you can bring in an anti-hero/heroes to make the problem worse, or you can skip them. The main thing is that the problem outlined in the last paragraph should be intensified as much as possible, brought to the point of absurdity. Develop the story in such a way that it becomes clear that the hero simply cannot help but do something about the problem.

    Together with the hero, solve his fairy-tale problem. Here about you will require a certain subtlety. You must lead the hero of the fairy tale through adventures to solve the problem so that the child sees a way out of his own - the one under which the fairy tale was invented. Let the hero show his best qualities in the process, use various resources, becoming stronger, smarter, kinder, more heroic along the way. More special effects!

    Take your hero out of all the adventures as a standout winner. Rejoice with your child for his luck and courage, and then figure out what this story has taught the character of the fairy tale, how he will behave in the future when he finds himself in a similar situation.

    Advice 2: Kefir or milk: what to prefer for the coming sleep?

    Dairy products are rightfully considered a real source of health and should be a mandatory component of the daily diet. At the same time, nutritionists have long been arguing about the benefits of eating certain dairy products for dinner and before bed. For example, when comparing the benefits of milk and kefir, many mistakenly give priority to milk, without taking into account the main advantages of kefir.

    Dairy products are rightfully considered a real source of health and should be a mandatory component of the daily diet. At the same time, nutritionists have long been arguing about the benefits of eating certain dairy products for dinner and before bed. For example, comparing the benefits of milk, many mistakenly give priority to milk, without taking into account the main advantages of kefir.

    Milk is synonymous with good health

    The main source of calcium and phosphorus is, of course, milk. We can say that the secret of this complex product lies in its balanced components. From the first days of life, milk is the main product that ensures the growth and full value of the whole organism.

    In addition, fresh milk is a storehouse of vitamins, proteins, amino acids and fats, as well as the main catalyst that helps in the fight against colds. Natural milk reduces the harmful effects of toxic substances and has a good bactericidal property.

    It is worth noting that natural milk is also useful in that it lowers blood pressure, gives a calming effect and improves skin color.

    Despite all the advantages, milk also has some disadvantages, for example, it is poorly absorbed by the adult body and over time can cause intestinal slagging. In addition, individual intolerance caused by dairy products is common.

    Based on the foregoing, it cannot be unequivocally stated that milk is not beneficial, but on the other hand, it is more beneficial for children and adolescents to drink milk. With age, the human body ceases to produce a special enzyme that is designed to break down milk protein.

    beauty drink

    The main fermented milk product, kefir, is known for its rich content of lactocultures of prebiotics, which favorably affect the intestinal microflora and help the body digest food. For a long time, doctors have recommended using kefir for obesity, diseases of the liver and pancreas. To improve the condition of the intestines and influence the speed of digestion, kefir is best consumed on an empty stomach.

    It is no less useful to drink kefir at night. At the same time, you will improve sleep and strengthen your immune system. Another prebiotic product is fermented baked milk, which, like kefir, can have a beneficial effect on the state of the body and effectively satisfy the feeling of hunger. But the closest relative, Varenets, not only improves digestion, but also stimulates the secretion of gastric juice. In addition, Varenets is rich in quickly digestible protein. Varenets is a fermented milk drink made on the basis of natural baked milk with the addition of cream and sour cream.

    At the same time, there is no definite answer as to how much fermented baked milk, kefir or milk is best consumed before bedtime. If, after drinking a glass of milk at night, you experience discomfort and heartburn, try reducing the portion by half.

    Sometimes it may seem to caring parents that their little child is bored when they read to him at night. And it doesn’t matter if it’s a Russian folk song or the work of the famous Grimm brothers, the kid is still bored. In this case, the question arises before caring parents: “How to compose a fairy tale on your own in order to captivate the child before going to bed?” And how to come up with something worthwhile, when ideas about a tight little house and a sleeping beauty come to mind, it is not clear.

    How to write an original story

    And if parents fail to master the art of composing, what should they do? Let's try to figure this out. There are several ways to write a fairy tale yourself, and with their help, new ideas will automatically appear in your head. So, if there are no thoughts about a future magical story, then use these tips.

    You can slightly "misinterpret" a fairy tale already known to the child. For example, send Cinderella not to the Prince Charming to the ball, but to where she will meet her lover.

    Make the usual fairy tale "a story in reverse." Let's say the cunning red Fox befriends Kolobok, or let Beauty find a way to wake up the Sleeping Prince, who managed to prick himself with an arrow while hunting.

    Another option is to continue the already finished fairy tale. You can take the same Cinderella and describe her life with the Prince, come up with new adventures for her sisters and her evil stepmother.

    You can also mix two or more fairy tales: describe the friendship of the wooden boy Pinocchio and Little Red Riding Hood, tell about their escape from the terrible Ogre and meeting Puss in Boots.

    And the last way to help you figure out the difficult question of "how to compose a fairy tale" (perhaps the easiest of all). You can simply transfer the heroes of your work to our time. For example, to embody the idea of ​​how Thumbelina will behave when she finds herself in a world full of cars and other machines that are terrible for her.

    Perhaps, when remaking old familiar fairy tales, you will be visited by new, no less interesting ideas.

    Genre Features

    Before you compose your own fairy tale, you should understand what features of this genre exist, what features such works have in common. Of course, you can not write according to plan, but in this case it is not a fact that the child will appreciate the fruit of your imagination. Still, it is better to stick to the old proven truths.

    First, fairy tales always have a happy ending. It may not be so in real life, but you want to learn the science of how to compose a fairy tale (magic, by the way). Therefore, you need to remember: in a fantastic reality, everything always ends well, and bad heroes either lose to positive characters and leave forever, or take the right path and change for the better.

    Secondly, it is necessary to raise a certain problem in the fairy tale, to make it moral. For example, to show that due to the fact that the hero deceived his friends many times, he lost them all. Or describe a situation similar to the scene from The Golden Key, in which Pinocchio so easily believes the deceitful cat and fox, which does not end very well for him.

    Thirdly, we need elements of magic. It's a fairy tale anyway. You can come up with some talking animals, magical household items will also be in place. For example, let a talking cat be a friend and adviser of the protagonist. And the enchanted ball of thread will show him the way to the goal.

    Well, it is also desirable for the main character to have a faithful assistant who will always give wise advice, or better, two such friends. After all, three is a magic number, which means that the fairy tale will become even more magical. Well, all events need to be described in a colorful, lively language. Successful comparative turns, hyperbole, metaphors and epithets will arouse admiration in the child.

    Fairy tale for the little ones

    If your child is small and does not want to listen to big interesting tales, you can compose a short magical story, just a few sentences long. In order to understand how to compose a short but interesting fairy tale, you need to understand one thing. In these stories, ordinary objects and phenomena are made magical. For example, you can tell your child about the journey of his favorite toy in a noisy yard or about the life of a blue pencil in a box with eleven brothers. Later, when the child grows up, you can increase the fairy tale-baby, supplementing it with some more events and details. Or even create a whole cycle about the travels of a teddy bear and every night tell the baby a new story about a soft pet at night. Then the child will not be bored, he will fall asleep faster at night and give parents some free time for themselves. And such fairy tales will become a very pleasant tradition and will remain in the memories of your child for life. Perhaps he will also invent little stories about toys for his children.

    How to describe an animal in a fairy tale

    Before you need to think well. Where to begin? You should come up with an animal and give it the appropriate signs. For example, an owl will be wise and a little grouchy, and a donkey will become an identification of stupidity. Animals should be endowed with the qualities of people carefully, because in most fairy tales the same representatives of the animal world have the same character traits. In addition, it is desirable to think over all the motives for the actions of animals, as well as their appearance. Let's say that the same owl is assigned points, and the piglet is given a funny jumpsuit as a funny joker.

    Mistakes of beginner storytellers

    Unfortunately, the first experience is not always successful. Therefore, it is better to analyze the most common mistakes of parents who seek to compose a fairy tale for the first time.

    Big story, but no plan. Due to the lack of an initial plan, even the simplest one, it is very easy to get confused and write too much. Creating the structure of a fairy tale is not so difficult, and following it is even easier.

    Senseless story. The lack of morality in fairy tales is often incomprehensible, because they are designed to teach children, and in a form that is not boring for them. If the story has no purpose other than to entertain the child, then nothing good will come of it.

    The opposite of the previous problem is too instructive tale. When, apart from words about what is good and what is bad, nothing is heard in the work, then it will become uninteresting and will not “hook” the child at all. Everything should be in moderation.


    If you believe in yourself and follow the tips described in this article, then there will be no doubt about how to compose a fairy tale that is interesting specifically for your child. After all, you, like no one else, know what is interesting for your baby and what will win him over from the first sentence.


    You asked: "Help compose a fairy tale?" Because you want to learn how to compose a fairy tale yourself.

    • Your children are 4-7 years old
    • Are you new to storytelling?
    • You need a simple storytelling technique
    • Do you want to enjoy the development of your children?

    The good news is that by following my tips, you will learn how to write little fairy tales for your children. You will definitely succeed if you follow simple rules. If you go step by step.

    So, go!

    1. You need a hero or heroine of a fairy tale

    Compose a fairy tale about a person, animal, plant or any object: a toy, a teapot, a spoon, a light bulb, a table, a tablet. Anything that catches your eye or comes to mind. If you wish, you can revive anything, even natural phenomena. But people or animals are most often the main characters in fairy tales.

    What do you think is the most important thing for a hero?

    Of course, his character and appearance.

    Think about what your hero is

    He's funny? Smart? Brave? Beautiful?

    Also don't forget to come up with little flaws

    It is small? Shy? Often lazy? Stubborn?

    Creating a character of a small fairy tale may take some time. But if you get a convincing hero or heroine that evokes sympathy and a desire to help him, then half the battle is done. By the way, a fictional character can be made the hero of a variety of stories.

    From these bricks make up the character of the hero of your fairy tale

    As you understand, one hero or heroine is not enough for a fairy tale.

    Place the hero of your short story in a specific time and space

    Consider whether your story takes place in a real or fictional world.

    Now? A long time ago? Or in the distant future?

    How long will it take the hero to overcome all difficulties and reach the goal?

    A day, several years, a century?

    Place your character in a familiar or, conversely, unusual environment.

    Don't complicate. You can, for example, settle the hero in your apartment, and imagine a living room filled with cozy armchairs and sofas with cushions. Or the kitchen. Or a child. Or a yard.

    Be sure to include all your feelings. And for this, go inside your hero or heroine and imagine.

    Note that most fairy tales of all time use the idea of ​​"lady in trouble" or "boy in trouble." These ideas always work!

    Write what happened to the main character

    • unusual phenomenon
    • the villain conjured something,
    • some act shifted the balance,
    • disease,
    • stealing something vital
    • the loss,
    • poverty and the need to survive,
    • a task to save or protect someone, perhaps the whole world.

    Come up with goals

    • solve a small or big problem,
    • reach some destination as a result of the journey,
    • help yourself, a family member or just save a person,
    • living the dream,
    • get an answer to a question
    • break the spell
    • cure or heal?
    • find a friend or loved one.

      5. Your little fairy tale should have a happy ending.

    Even though we don't always get what we want in real life, the world of fairy tales makes us believe that anything is possible.

    Try these ideas:

    • the protagonist of the tale saves himself, his relatives or someone else,
    • the hero solves the puzzle and solves the mystery,
    • the protagonist overcomes obstacles and his character or character trait changes,
    • the main character becomes happier, richer, smarter, he makes friends.

    Now you can start introducing the tale

    Apply classic openings: “Once upon a time”, “In one country far, far away”, “Long ago, when” and the like.

    Or come up with your own: "The legend speaks" or "Deep, in the heart of the forest."

    Choose a "point of view" for a composed fairy tale

    How will you tell your story: in the first, second or third person?

    As a narrator, you can be directly involved in the action, or you can only report objective data about how the characters in the story act and what happens to them.

    Make sure that the text of the fairy tale you composed is appropriate for the age of the child.

    For kids in age from 3 to 5 years use simple themes.

    The hero did not know something and through simple actions found out. The hero was sad, but became cheerful. Someone was greedy, and thanks to the actions of the hero, he became kind. The hero corrected the injustice, made friends with other characters, saved the character and made him smile. He lost something, but as a result of his actions he found it.

    For kids aged5 to 7 years old topics can be complicated.

    Add villains, let the hero overcome three rather than one difficult situation. Add evil magic to your fairy tale, include the rebellious actions of the hero: disobedience, running away from home for adventure, committing a forbidden action. Weave morality into the story, summarized in proverbs and sayings.

    And before moving on to the examples, get your GIFT!

    A book with educational games for children 5-7 years old!

    Examples of how to write a fairy tale yourself

    And now - examples of magical stories and pictures for visual warm-up. Start with a little story. And in order to open the doors of your imagination, look at photographs and pictures. Let your fantasy run.

    My favourite dog

    This story is written by a mother together with her five-year-old son, whose dog died. The son told his dream, and his mother wrote it down from dictation.

    Butterfly story

    “Mommy, where did butterflies come from?” I ask.

    And she tells me.

    One autumn day, a Wizard watched children play on the lawn. The children laughed and had fun, but the wizard was sad. I was sad because I saw how time flows, taking people, flowers and all the beauty of the world with it to other worlds.

    “We need to preserve the beauty here on earth for people,” the Wizard thought.
    He took out a magic box and began to put sunbeams, the blue of the sky, the glare of flowers, children's laughter, a breath of wind into it.
    When the children went to bed and the glade was empty, the wizard opened the box. A light, rhythmic rustle filled the air; wherever the eye penetrated, beautiful butterflies fluttered.

    “Fly to the fairy land to your Queen,” said the wizard. - Now your mission is to give people beauty.

    The kingdom of butterflies is hidden among impenetrable jungles and high cliffs. There are many wonderful fragrant flowers and herbs, clear lakes and crystal waterfalls. It is summer here and the sun shines all year round. This wonderful country is ruled by the beautiful and kind Queen of Butterflies. She is very beautiful, cheerful and joyful.

    It is here that the most skillful artists and the most beautiful butterflies in the world live. Every morning, artists draw colorful patterns on their wings, and every spring they send them to the ground to delight people with their beauty and tenderness.


    Take a look at these pictures. Feel their mood and characters. And they will give you the idea of ​​your own magical story.

    Why learn to compose fairy tales yourself?

    • You have to be able to, because at school they set tasks - “compose a short fairy tale about an animal, compose a fairy tale about ..”
    • In order to receive pleasure and develop the child’s thinking
    • To receive sincere emotions and a great mood

    If you want to effortlessly prepare your child for difficult school assignments, see the master class.

    In just one lesson, you will learn how to compose little fairy tales!

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