Pneumonia in a conscript soldier what to do. Occupational disease pneumonia

For many guys aged 18-27, such words as “army, conscription, draft board, agenda” evoke not the most joyful feelings. As practice shows, not everyone goes to serve with a sincere desire, an awareness of a sense of duty to the Motherland. This gives rise to not entirely positive thoughts, for example, how to quickly get pneumonia in the army. So that you do not make a big mistake and do not try to provoke a disease, it is better to familiarize yourself with the information about the possible consequences.

Complications of pneumonia

The disease lies in the fact that an inflammatory process develops in the main respiratory organs (lungs), proceeds in an acute form, and often has an infectious origin. In this case, infectious and viral diseases of the respiratory tract, a long stay in a hospital are considered predisposing factors.

Attention! The causative agent of infection can be viruses, pneumococci, atypical bacteria, staphylococci, mycoplasmas. All of them have the ability to overcome protective barriers in the human body and affect the structures of the lungs. They are represented by connective tissue, bronchioles and alveoli.

Under the described conditions, an inflammatory process inevitably develops, it is fraught with a deterioration in bronchial patency, a violation of gas exchange processes. The patient notes signs of respiratory failure. If you want to know how to get sick quickly in the army, remember that it's not worth it. The lack of adequate, and most importantly, timely treatment, is dangerous with rather deplorable consequences, in some situations even fatal.

Complications of pneumonia can be divided into two categories.

  1. The lungs are represented by an abscess, severe gangrene. This is when necrotic areas melt in the tissues of the lung affected by the inflammatory process in an acute form. There is a high probability of developing lung atelectasis, which is a consequence of blockage of the lumen of the bronchus, impaired patency. The walls of the organ shrink, air escapes from the affected area, and, as a result, the alveoli collapse. In simple words, the lung ceases to participate in the process of gas exchange. Serious consequences of pneumonia are also residual bronchiectasis. This is when abundant and viscous mucus clogs the bronchi, they expand. Under such circumstances, cough with sputum persists for a long time. Pulmonary complications also include acute respiratory failure, obstructive syndrome, pleurisy.
  2. Extrapulmonary this category includes toxic shock, anemia, meningitis of a bacterial nature. In a bad scenario, damage to the tissue and membranes of the brain can occur, inflammation of the parietal / valvular membrane of the heart can develop.

The list of possible complications does not end there, the doctor can tell you in more detail about them. In any case, no matter how difficult military service may be for you, health and life must be put above all else.

Why is an ulcer dangerous?

Another disease that soldiers often want to provoke in order not to repay their debt to the Motherland. Such "frames" are often thought how to get an ulcer in the army, not fully understanding how dangerous it could be. This pathology is often found in medical practice. This is a chronic disease in which a defect in the form of an ulcer is formed. It is considered one of the most common gastrointestinal ailments.

If we talk about the reasons, they, first of all, include the presence in the human stomach of the bacterium Helicobacter pylori. It may also be not entirely positive heredity, frequent stress, improper diet, alcohol abuse. Increases the risk of ulcer formation, the presence of chronic gastritis, duodenitis. Symptoms of the disease are rated as unpleasant. These include a feeling of heaviness after eating, fullness in the stomach. The patient is worried about nausea, frequent belching, vomiting, his appetite worsens, as a result he loses weight. Constipation, heartburn, intense gas formation, sweating, plaque on the tongue all also belong to the category of signs of heartburn. What is most unpleasant in the formation of an ulcer in the stomach of a person is constantly tormented by severe pain.

Stop thinking about how to cause an ulcer in the army because it won't lead to anything good. An insidious disease can provoke an expression of the walls of the stomach, as a result, internal bleeding opens. If it repeats, there is a risk of anemia.

Attention! In the stomach, in the literal sense of the word, a through hole can form. This phenomenon is called perforation of the ulcer. Why is it dangerous? The contents of the organ can spill into the abdominal cavity, then inflammation of the parietal and visceral layers of the peritoneum is inevitable.

Another complication of an ulcer is a spasm of the walls of the stomach. It would seem, what is so dangerous here? And the problem is that food will not be able to pass through the digestive organ and move further along the gastrointestinal tract. Even if you get sick, without making any effort, do not endure pain, so you will only increase the risk of complications.

The treatment of the described diseases (ulcer, pneumonia) is not easy. It takes a lot of time, money and effort to restore health. Before committing a rash act, you need to think many times about the consequences, your relatives, on whose shoulders the burden of your treatment will fall. Suppose you managed to provoke a dangerous illness, but did you think what's next? No one will return your health, and time will be lost.

No matter how difficult it is, don't forget that you are a man. The country needs strong and brave defenders who will not break down at anything. Even if you had the idea of ​​provoking pneumonia or an ulcer, forget about it, the risk is not worth it. With age, each person understands that he has nothing more valuable and more expensive than health. Try to keep it and live a full, colorful life. Moreover, the service life is now 12 months.

Making a sick leave at all times was not an easy task, and in the case of military personnel, the situation is even more difficult, since these people do not just serve the allotted time in the office and return home to "recover". They repay their debt to the Motherland, and their physical and moral condition is the key to the normal functioning of the country's defense complex. That is why, under certain circumstances, those who serve in the army are entitled to sick leave. A serviceman can be on sick leave for a strictly defined time, and then, by decision of a specially convened commission (VVK), go on paid leave for recovery and rehabilitation. If you are interested in this topic, you can find in the article answers to questions regarding the documentation of such a "vacation", its payment, and much more.

What does the letter of the law say

All life conflicts of the military (marriage, illness, death of a family member, and so on) are clearly regulated in legislative acts that determine whether leave is due for one reason or another or not.

In the case of sick leave for privates and officers of the RF Armed Forces, the following laws and regulations are the most important:

  1. Federal Law No. 76-FZ "On the Status of Military Personnel" - defines the legal right of the army to rest. Allocates several categories of vacation available to citizens of this group:
  • main - provided once a year to those who serve on a paid basis, the duration of rest is determined depending on the length of service (the minimum number of days is 30 days, + 5 days for every 5 years of service over 10 years of service);
  • one-time - relies on conscripts, the duration of rest depends on the results of the service and the assigned rank (20-30 days);
  • educational and vacation leave - free time provided to servicemen of departure to higher educational institutions of the corresponding profile for passing exams, tests, and so on;
  • leave for personal reasons - granted to the defenders of the fatherland for up to 10 days in exceptional cases (wedding, funeral, fire, etc.);
  • sick leave - the number of days for recovery and rehabilitation is determined after receiving the conclusion of the IHC (from 30 to 60 days).

How can a soldier apply for sick leave

Sick leave for privates and officers of the RF Armed Forces in the usual sense of the civilian population is not issued. The fact is that the Ministry of Defense and all its employees are in a special position. Registration of military treatment differs significantly from the procedure for documenting other insured citizens.

  • Medical institutions. The military does not go to regular clinics and hospitals for diagnosis, treatment and medication. Health control of soldiers and officers of the Russian Armed Forces is carried out by specialized ones that are part of the defense department of the Russian Federation. The decision on temporary disability is made by medical commissions.
  • Disability document. Sick leave is not issued to those liable for military service. If you feel unwell or have other signs of illness, a soldier or officer should contact the medical unit or the nearest army medical center. Upon confirmation of the disease, he is issued a certificate of incapacity for work and release from work for a period of not more than 5 days at a time and not more than 12 days (in general) for repeated applications. This document is attached to the team report. Only after a decision is made by the immediate supervisor upon application, the serviceman has the right not to go to work. If a military illness or injury requires a long time for rehabilitation and recovery, the VVK is convened, and a decision is made in solidarity on the number of vacation days.

Medical sick pay

The issues of remuneration of labor are the most controversial and burning issues for all categories of citizens. Unlike the civilian population, who receives sick pay, depending on the duration of work in one place, total length of service, average monthly earnings, and so on, sick leave for the military is paid differently. Each soldier or officer is entitled to a certain monthly allowance. Its size depends on:

  • length of service;
  • ranks;
  • position held;
  • awards, distinctions, etc.

In the event of illness, a serviceman receives 100% of the monthly allowance, regardless of the duration of the disability, the amount of assistance, rank, and so on.

Consider other controversial situations that can happen to any soldier or officer:

  • The end of the contract during the illness of a soldier. According to Decree of the President of the Russian Federation No. 1237, the end of the contract occurs on the day when the military is excluded from the lists of a particular military unit. A statement about this must be written personally by the retiring soldier. If he is on sick leave, and does not have the opportunity to submit to the unit commander, then the contract is not considered completed. The period of temporary disability is paid to the military in the amount of 100% of the monthly allowance.
  • Illness during the main or additional leave. If a soldier falls ill on vacation, and has an official document confirming this fact, his vacation is increased by the number of sick days.
  • . If a serviceman has been seriously injured or suffers from a severe form of illness, on the basis of the decision of the VVK, he may be declared unfit or partially fit for military service. After that, the official receives the right to early dismissal from the ranks of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation and receive pensions, as well as all the benefits and privileges due to military pensioners. For dismissal for health reasons, you will need to submit a report based on the conclusion of the VVK and a request for the provision of all types of allowance.

If you have interesting information or questions about sick leave for those liable for military service, we are waiting for them in the "Comments" section.

Hello Svetlana.

They can be dismissed from the army (commissioned) for medical reasons if the conscript has reached the status of a military man, i.e. is currently serving in the military. For those who are only subject to conscription, the procedure for obtaining a deferral or release from the army is completely different. However, I will say right away that it is much more difficult to achieve dismissal from the army after the start of the draft than before it, i.e. in the status of a recruit. It is much more difficult for a soldier who falls ill while on duty to prove his rights.

The procedure for dismissal from the army due to illness

A serviceman with a disease can be discharged from the army only if certain conditions are met. So, for example, he should:

  • stay in the hospital for at least a month for treatment;
  • undergo a military medical commission after hospitalization (if there is no initiative to appoint a VKK on the part of the unit’s leadership, then the serviceman can send an appropriate report to the unit commander);
  • at the VKK, doctors determine the category of fitness for military service (for military conscripts, the categories differ significantly from those who have military ranks and serve under a contract).

Before determining the category of serviceability of a serviceman with a diagnosis of pneumonia, his fate in relation to further service remains unclear. In your case, pneumonia was the result of a temporary functional disorder of the respiratory organs after an acute illness - bronchitis. Consequently, pneumonia and the criteria for assessing health disorders will be regulated by Article 53 of the Schedule of Diseases.

In itself, the presence of pneumonia (inflammation of the lung tissue) does not mean at all that a soldier will be immediately released from conscription service. First, he will be treated in a hospital (this stage is discussed above), and in the case of:

  • lack of proper therapeutic effect (ineffective treatment),
  • development of complications (pleurisy, suppuration, infectious toxic shock, etc.)

physicians will consider a decision on the need for sick leave or dismissal. Only after determining the category of fitness for military service will the question be raised as to whether they can commission or simply provide leave for treatment (15 days for aftercare in the hospital or 30 at home).

It also depends on the severity of the disease. In a severe or complicated form of pneumonia, sick leave must be provided, but with a moderate uncomplicated form of the disease, there can be no question of any leave. The serviceman will simply undergo rehabilitation in a military hospital and will continue to serve in the military.

As you can see, there are many nuances and subtleties, so the phrase "the son is being treated for pneumonia in the army" is not a sufficient reason for him to be fired from the army. Being in the status of a serviceman, he must undergo a military medical commission after treatment in a hospital, at which specialists will determine the form of the disease (the basis for granting leave) and whether there are serious complications or concomitant diseases, in the presence of which further service is not possible. This is the "D" eligibility criterion, indicating that the serviceman is not fit for military service (the basis for dismissal from the army).

In any case, if you think that your son's rights have been violated and you have all legal grounds to defend his interests, contact the military prosecutor's office. You can write a complaint to the department in any form, in this case there are no strict restrictions.

Sincerely, Natalia.

I am doing military service as a conscript, I fell ill with unilateral pneumonia, they want to be discharged on January 14, do I have the right to go home for rehabilitation after discharge?


Hello Elmart.

Sick leave is granted to a serviceman on the basis of the conclusion of the military medical commission in accordance with Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 07/04/2013 N 565 (as amended on 10/01/2014) "On approval of the Regulations on military medical examination". An examination to resolve the issue of the need to grant sick leave is carried out by decision of the head of the military medical institution in which you are receiving inpatient or outpatient treatment (hospital). The submission to the VVK is prepared by the attending physician. If there is no VVK, therefore, there will be no grounds for vacation.

A conscript may, but is not required to, be granted leave for personal reasons for up to ten days, but only in the event of a serious condition or death of a close relative. In other exceptional cases, when the presence of a serviceman in the family is necessary, leave is granted by decision of the commander of the military unit. That is, you are not required to be sent home for rehabilitation.