Reproductive method examples. Teaching methods

4. Reproductive learning methods

The reproductive nature of thinking involves the active perception and memorization of the information provided by the teacher or other source of educational information. The application of these methods is impossible without the use of verbal, visual and practical teaching methods and techniques, which are, as it were, the material basis of these methods. These methods are mainly based on the transfer of information using words, the demonstration of natural objects, drawings, paintings, graphic images.

To achieve a higher level of knowledge, the teacher organizes the activities of children to reproduce not only knowledge, but also methods of action.

In this case, much attention should be paid to instruction with a demonstration (at art classes) and an explanation of the sequence and methods of working with a show (at art classes). When performing practical tasks, reproductive, i.e. the reproductive activity of children is expressed in the form of exercises. The number of reproductions and exercises when using the reproductive method determines the complexity of the educational material. It is known that in the lower grades, children cannot perform the same training exercises. Therefore, elements of novelty should be constantly introduced into the exercises.

In the reproductive construction of the story, the teacher formulates facts, evidence, definitions of concepts in a ready-made form, focuses on the main thing that needs to be learned especially firmly.

A reproductively organized conversation is conducted in such a way that the teacher relies on the facts already known to the students, on previously acquired knowledge, and does not set the task of discussing any hypotheses or assumptions.

Practical works of a reproductive nature are distinguished by the fact that in the course of their work, students apply the previously acquired or newly acquired knowledge according to the model.

At the same time, in the course of practical work, students do not independently increase their knowledge. Reproductive exercises especially effectively contribute to the development of practical skills and abilities, since the transformation of skill into a skill requires repeated actions according to the model.

Reproductive methods are used especially effectively in cases where the content of the educational material is predominantly informative, is a description of the methods of practical actions, is very complex or fundamentally new so that students can carry out an independent search for knowledge.

In general, reproductive methods of teaching do not allow to develop the thinking of schoolchildren to the proper extent, and especially independence, flexibility of thinking; to develop students' skills in search activity. With excessive use, these methods contribute to the formalization of the process of mastering knowledge, and sometimes just cramming. It is impossible to successfully develop such personality traits as creative approach to business, independence by reproductive methods alone. All this does not allow them to actively use technology in the classroom, but requires the use of teaching methods along with them that ensure the active search activity of schoolchildren.

5. Problematic teaching methods.

The problem method of teaching provides for the formulation of certain problems that are solved as a result of the creative and mental activity of students. This method reveals to students the logic of scientific knowledge; creating problem situations, the teacher encourages students to build hypotheses, reasoning; conducting experiments and observations, it makes it possible to refute or approve the assumptions put forward, to independently draw reasonable conclusions. In this case, the teacher uses explanations, conversations, demonstrations, observations and experiments. All this creates a problem situation for students, involves children in a scientific search, activates their thinking, forces them to predict and experiment. But at the same time, it is necessary to take into account the age characteristics of children.

The presentation of educational material by the problem story method assumes that the teacher, in the course of the presentation, reflects, proves, generalizes, analyzes the facts and leads the students' thinking, making it more active and creative.

One of the methods of problem-based learning is heuristic and problem-search conversation. In the course of it, the teacher poses a series of consistent and interrelated questions to the students, answering which they must make any assumptions and then try to independently prove their validity, thereby making some independent progress in the assimilation of new knowledge. If during a heuristic conversation such assumptions usually concern only one of the main elements of a new topic, then during a problem-search conversation, students resolve a whole series of problem situations.

Visual aids with problematic teaching methods are no longer used only to enhance memorization, and to set experimental tasks that create problem situations in the classroom.

Problematic methods are used mainly for the purpose of developing skills in educational and cognitive creative activity, they contribute to a more meaningful and independent mastery of knowledge.

This method reveals to students the logic of scientific knowledge. Elements of the problem methodology can be introduced at the lessons of artistic work in the 3rd grade.

So, when modeling boats, the teacher demonstrates experiments that pose certain problems for students. A piece of foil is placed in a glass filled with water. Children watch the foil sink to the bottom.

Why does foil sink? Children put forward the assumption that foil is a heavy material, so it sinks. Then the teacher makes a box out of foil and carefully lowers it upside down into the glass. Children observe that in this case the same foil is kept on the surface of the water. Thus, a problematic situation arises. And the first assumption that heavy materials always sink is not confirmed. So, the point is not in the material itself (foil), but in something else. The teacher offers to carefully consider again a piece of foil and a foil box and establish how they differ. Students establish that these materials differ only in shape: a piece of foil has a flat shape, and a foil box has a three-dimensional hollow shape. What are empty objects filled with? (By air). And air has little weight.

He is light. What can be the conclusion? (Hollow objects, even from heavy materials, like metal, filled with (light (air, do not sink.) Why don’t large sea boats made of metal sink? (Because they are hollow) what will happen if a foil box is pierced with an awl? (She sink.) Why? (Because it will fill with water.) What will happen to the ship if its hull gets a hole and fills with water? (The ship will sink.)

Thus, the teacher, creating problem situations, encourages students to build hypotheses, conducting experiments and observations, enables students to refute or confirm the assumptions put forward, and independently draw reasonable conclusions. In this case, the teacher uses explanations, conversations, demonstrations of objects, observations and experiments.

All this creates problem situations for students, involves children in scientific research, activates their thinking, forces them to predict and experiment. Thus, the problematic presentation of educational material brings the educational process in a general education school closer to scientific research.

The use of problematic methods in the lessons of artistic labor and fine arts is most effective for intensifying activities to resolve problem situations, educational and cognitive activities of students.

"Methods of Productive Learning".

Teaching methods are ways of joint activity of a teacher and students aimed at achieving their educational goals.

(A.V. Khutorskoy).

A method is a way, a way to achieve a goal. The success of the entire educational process largely depends on the choice of methods used. This caused special attention to teaching methods.

The method is part of the type of activity of the student or teacher, the unit of the action. The choice of teaching methods is determined by: the semantic goals of education, the characteristics of the training course, the purpose of a particular lesson, the capabilities of students, the availability of time and means of training, the preferences of the teacher and the features of the didactic system used by him.

The component of the method isreception . Separate techniques may be included in different methods (for example, the technique of formulating a question to find out the reasons - in the methods of research, explanation, reflection, etc.).

Classification of teaching methods

The role and place of methods in teaching is determined by their types and functions. Therefore, the key didactic problem is the classification of teaching methods. However, there is no single classification of teaching methods. But consideration of different approaches to dividing them into groups allows us to systematize the methods as didactic tools.

First, let's compare the reproductive and productive variants of learning activities.

There are two options (directions) of educational activity - reproductive (reproducing) and productive (creative).

reproductive variant includes perception of facts and phenomena and their subsequent comprehension . Both of these stages lead to understanding, assimilation and mastery.

slide 6

Scheme of the reproductive method of education

Purely reproductive education with its main pedagogical slogan “Do as I do!”, like most reproductive methods, is practically dying out.

productive option , in contrast to reproductivecontains a number of new elements (proposing and testing hypotheses, evaluating options, etc.) and consists of three main stages - indicative, performing and control and systematizing

Productive Learning

Teaching methods according to the "nature of cognitive activity"

    Reproductive Methods


It is characteristic that the teacher presents knowledge in a processed, "finished" form, the students perceive and reproduce it. The stages of activity of the teacher and students in this didactic process look like this:


    intonational highlighting by the teacher of logically important points of presentation;

    repeated, shorter presentation of ready-made knowledge to students;

    a detailed summary by the teacher of each individual completed stage of presentation;

    accompanying the teacher's generalized conclusions with specific examples;

    demonstration to students of natural objects, diagrams, graphs in order to illustrate individual conclusions;

    presentation to students of the finished plan during the presentation;

    presentation to students of reformulated questions, texts of assignments that facilitate understanding of their meaning;

    instructing students (on compiling tables, diagrams, working with the text of the textbook, etc.);

    hint-hint containing ready-made information.

The "explanatory-illustrative" method assumes that the teacher communicates the finished information by various means. But this method does not allow to form the skills of practical activity. Only another method of this group - "reproductive" allows you to take the next step. It provides an opportunity to develop skills and abilities through exercises. Acting according to the proposed model, students acquire the skills and abilities to use knowledge.


Characterized by less productivity, reproductive thinking nevertheless plays an important role in both cognitive and practical human activities. On the basis of this type of thinking, the solution of problems of a structure familiar to the subject is carried out. Under the influence of the perception and analysis of the conditions of the task, its data, the desired, functional links between them, previously formed systems of links are updated, providing a correct, logically justified solution to such a task.

Reproductive thinking is of great importance in the educational activities of schoolchildren. It provides an understanding of new material when it is presented by a teacher or in a textbook, the application of knowledge in practice, if this does not require their significant transformation, etc. The possibilities of reproductive thinking are primarily determined by the presence of an initial minimum of knowledge in a person


    tasking students with individual speech pronunciation of known rules, definitions, if necessary, using them in the process of solving problems;

    task for students to pronounce “to themselves” the rules used,

    the task of compiling brief explanations for the progress of the task;

    task for students to reproduce by heart (rules, laws, etc.);

    task for students to fill in diagrams, tables after the teacher;

    organizing the assimilation by students of standard methods of action with the help of a situation of choice;

    task for students to describe an object according to the model;

    task for students to give their own examples, obviously confirming the rule, property, etc.;

    leading questions to students, prompting the actualization of knowledge and methods of action.

I turn to productive teaching methods.

Under productivity of educational activities is understood as such a pedagogical process that contributes to the development of the individual in the team and the development of the team itself through productive and orienting activities in a real life situation and taking place as part of a group of students with the support of a teacher.

Specialists (Amonashvili Sh.A., Ksenzova G.Yu., Lipkina A.N. and others) argue that the product of educational activity is an internal neoplasm of the psyche and activity in motivational, holistic and semantic terms. The further activity of a person, in particular, the success of educational and professional activities, communication, largely depends on its structured organization, consistency, depth, strength, systematicity. The main product of educational activity in the proper sense of the word is the formation of the student's theoretical thinking and consciousness.

Now let's move on to productive methods

II . Productive Learning Methods

1) Cognitive methods, or methods of educational knowledge of the surrounding world. These are, first of all, research methods in various sciences - methods of comparison, analysis, synthesis, classification. Purpose of use - knowledge of the object

Method of empathy: "getting used to" a person in the state of another object. The method of semantic "vision" involves answers to the questions: what is the reason for this object, what is its origin, how it works. The method of figurative "vision" involves describing what the object under study looks like. The method of heuristic questions involves the search for information in the process of answering questions (who, what, why, where, than, how, when). The method of heuristic observation consists in the personal perception of different objects. The method of facts is the search for facts, their difference from non-facts; finding differences between what we see and what we think. Research method. Method of constructing concepts Method of constructing rules. The method of hypotheses. forecasting method. The error method involves identifying the causes of errors

2) Creative methods provide students with the opportunity to create personal educational products, allowing students to create their own educational products. At the same time, cognition occurs "in the course" of the actual creative activity. The invention method is implemented by replacing the qualities of one object with the qualities of another. The figurative picture method suggests perceiving and understanding the object under study as a whole. The method of hyperbolization involves an increase or decrease in the object of knowledge or its part. The method of agglutination proposes to combine qualities that are incompatible in reality. Brainstorming method. The morphological box method involves finding new and original ideas by composing various combinations of known ones.

3) Office activities methods,those. methods of teachers, students, education managers. The methods of the teacher and students are educational goal-setting, planning, the method of reviews, self-control, reflection, etc. Administrative methods are associated with the creation and development of the educational process both on the scale of the training course and the entire school. Methods of student goal-setting involve the choice of goals by students from the set proposed by the teacher. Student planning methods involve students planning their educational activities. The rule-making method involves the development by students of the norms of individual and collective activity. The method of self-organization of learning involves working with real objects, making models. mutual learning method. The peer review method involves students reviewing a friend's educational product.

Let's take a closer lookcreative (productive, creative) methods.
As synonyms for the concept of "productive thinking" they use the terms: creative thinking, independent, heuristic, creative. Or we can develop elements of creative thinking in our children, we cannot stop at their development. It has already been proven that if children are developed, they move to a higher level of thinking.

Synonyms for reproductive thinking are the terms: verbal-logical, rational.

Of course, it is easier for us to work this way. It is not necessary to prepare creative tasks personally for the most capable students and offer them their usual tasks that are given to the whole class. The method of individualization puts children in unequal conditions and divides them into capable and incapable. Assignments of a creative nature should be given to the whole class. When they are done, only success is measured. In each child, the teacher must see the individuality. The American scientist Rosenthal argued that in a situation where the teacher expects outstanding success from children, they really achieve these successes, even if they were previously considered not very capable.

In order to develop creative thinking, teachers should encourage students to self-check the results of their work. Set tasks for him - do not compare your results with the answers of students, with a textbook, with a dictionary, with a teacher's model, but independently check the task; who guessed how to check the task, what rule will you use when checking the exercise?

An important role in the development of creative, creative thinking is played by the questions of the teacher. For example: By what means did the author manage to describe the beauty of nature with such expressiveness? In reading lessons, it is necessary as often as possible to give students the opportunity to talk about what they felt, experienced while reading, to talk about their own mood; be able to evaluate the actions of the heroes of the work, the attitude of the author to the events described.

For the development of creative thinking, you can use a variety of methods in Russian language and reading lessons. For example: pick up words similar or opposite in meaning; continue the story; make a note; come up with a fairy tale, words, phrases; make sentences with words, from these words, according to the picture, according to the scheme, with the phrase; distribute the offer; compose a story on questions, on the content of the text, on pictures, based on your own impressions; draw a word picture for the story; title the story, parts of the story; poems, etc.

Problem (creative, creative) learning - it's like that organization of training sessions, which involves the creation of problem situations under the guidance of a teacher and the active independent activity of students to resolve them , as a result of which there is a creative mastery of professional knowledge, skills and abilities and the development of mental abilities (G.K. Selevko, 1998).

Following G.K. Selevko,the main goal of the teacher in the classroom - this is activation of the student's thinking . Problem-based learning is one of the most effective means of activating the student's thinking. The essence of the activity achieved in problem-based learning is that the student must analyze the factual material and operate on it in such a way as to obtain new information from it. In other words, this is the expansion, deepening of knowledge with the help of previously acquired knowledge or a new application of previous knowledge. Neither a teacher nor a book can give a new application of previous knowledge; it is sought and found by the student, placed in the appropriate situation. This is the exploratory method of teaching as opposed to the method of perceiving ready-made conclusions of the teacher.

A taskbased on the initial level of knowledge, but directed through the zone of proximal development towards its promising solution . Thus, the cognitive task displays the main contradiction of learning - between the new promising needs of schoolchildren and the already achieved (initial) level of their knowledge.

The greatest effect in problem-based learning is given by tasks that involve the discovery of new cause-and-effect relationships for students, patterns, common signs of solving a whole class of tasks, which are based on relations between certain components of the studied specific situations that are not yet known to the subject.

The choice of a task-problem also depends on whether the students have an initial minimum of knowledge (including their operator side) or the ability to acquaint students with the information necessary for an independent solution in a relatively short period of time before posing the problem. At the same time, it must be remembered that this knowledge should serve as a support for finding a solution, and not “direct”, not prompt this path, otherwise the task will cease to be problematic.

Both the analysis of the problem situation and the identification of its connections and relationships are expressed in the form of tasks. Therefore, the structural unit of problem-based learning isproblem situation .

Whether a student encounters a problem situation in the learning environment, whether he turns to the most effective method of productive thinking - "analysis through synthesis" or to mechanical manipulation of data - depends not only on objective factors, but also on subjective factors. , and above all - from the mental development of schoolchildren. Since schoolchildren of the same age have very significant differences in the level of mental development they have achieved, the full implementation of the principle of problematicity cannot be carried out without the individualization of education.

A person tries to solve a problem that is new to him using methods known to him and is convinced that familiar methods do not provide him with success. This realization leads to
(problem situation(, i.e., activates productive thinking, which ensures the discovery of new knowledge, the formation of new systems of connections, which later will provide him with the solution of similar problems.

Classification of creative methods in ascending order of complexity .

    Methods of problem presentation

With a problematic presentation, the teacher does not communicate ready-made knowledge, but organizes students to search for them: concepts, patterns, theories are learned in the course of searching, observing, analyzing facts, mental activity, the result of which is knowledge. The process of learning, learning activity is likened to a scientific search and is reflected in the concepts: problem, problem situation, hypothesis, means of solution, experiment, search results.

essenceProblem statement lies in the fact that the teacher poses a problem to the students and solves it himself, but at the same time he shows the course of his thoughts and reasoning. Otherwise, this method can be calledstory-reasoning. When using this method, students control the train of thought of the teacher, follow the logic of his reasoning.
Using this method allows students to learn the way and logic of solving problems of this type, but without the ability to apply them on their own. Therefore, this method is used, as a rule, in the study of complex educational issues. Any means can be used by the teacher: a word (logical reasoning), the text of a book, tables, a movie, magnetic recordings, etc.
With this method, students not only perceive, comprehend and remember ready-made information, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of the teacher’s thought, controlling its persuasiveness.


    presentation to students of a deliberately violated logic of presentation, evidence and analysis by the teacher of the results obtained in this case;

    disclosure by the teacher of the causes and nature of the failures encountered on the way to solving problems;

    the teacher's discussion of possible consequences made from incorrect assumptions;

    dividing the material presented by the teacher into developing semantic moments;

    fixing students' attention on the sequence of contradictions that arise in the course of solving problems;

    an intriguing description by the teacher of the object being presented, followed by a question;

    setting the teacher on the mental solution by the students of the logical task put forward in the course of the presentation;

    rhetorical questions of the teacher during the presentation;

    presenting a conflict example to students.

    Partial search method.

Partial search (or heuristic) method. With this method, the way to find a solution to the problem is determined by the teacher, but the solutions to individual questions are found by the students.
Domestic pedagogical science drew attention to the use of such a method of teaching as early as the 20s, it was then that progressive scientists and practitioners tried to introduce the method of self-acquisition of knowledge in extracurricular activities. However, the social conditions of that time did not contribute to the development of such methods, since the ideology reduced the learning process only to the transfer of certain information in finished form.
The partial search method involves such complex tasks as developing the ability to see problems and ask questions, build your own evidence, draw conclusions from the facts presented, make assumptions and make plans to test them. As one of the variants of the partial search method, they also consider the way of splitting a large task into a set of smaller subtasks, as well as building a heuristic conversation consisting of a series of interrelated questions, each of which is a step towards solving a common problem and requires not only the activation of existing knowledge but also the search for new ones.


    the inclusion of students in the argumentation of the hypothesis put forward by the teacher;

    task for students to search for hidden key links in the reasoning proposed by the teacher;

    task for students to solve several subtasks selected from the difficult initial one, after which the students return to the original task;

    leading questions to students, helping to choose the right ways to solve the problem, at the same time pointing out different approaches to it;

    task for students to search for errors in reasoning, requiring an original thought;

    organization of specific observations of the student, prompting the formulation of the problem;

    task for students to generalize the facts stated by the teacher in a special sequence;

    showing the method of action with partial disclosure of its internal connections with the student;

    task for students to put forward the next step of reasoning in the logic given by the teacher;

    demonstration of an object, phenomenon, prompting to isolate the essence;

    color highlighting of a part of the diagram, recording, orienting students to put forward a problem.

    research method

research method. This is a way of organizing the creative activity of students to solve new problems for them. When performing them, students must independently master the elements of scientific knowledge (be aware of the problem, put forward a hypothesis, build a plan for testing it, draw conclusions, etc.). The main feature of this method, unlike the two previous ones, is to teach schoolchildren to see problems, to be able to set tasks on their own.
Tasks performed using the research method should include all elements of an independent research process (problem statement, justification, assumption, search for appropriate sources of necessary information, the process of solving the problem).
When using this method, such traditional teaching aids as the word, visualization, and practical work are used.

The center of gravity in teaching when applying the research method is transferred to the facts of reality and their analysis. At the same time, the word, which reigns supreme in traditional education, is relegated to the background.


    task for students to independently compose non-standard tasks;

    assignment to students with an unformulated question;

    job with redundant data;

    task for students to make independent generalizations based on their own practical observations;

    tasking students with an essential description of an object without using instructions;

    task for students to determine the degree of reliability of the results obtained;

    task for students to calculate the mechanism of the phenomenon;

    task for students “for an instant guess”, “for consideration”.

To summarize, once again we compare the reproductive method (explanatory and illustrative) and the productive method (problematic, creative, creative)

    Active and intensive learning methods

In the 1960s, didactics began to search for ways to activate students in the learning process. The student's cognitive activity is expressed in a steady interest in knowledge, in various independent learning activities, etc. In the traditional learning process, the student plays a "passive" role: he listens, remembers, and reproduces what the teacher gives. This forms knowledge at the level of acquaintance and develops the student little.
One of the ways to activate the student is new systems, technologies and teaching methods. The latter are called "active" (AMO). These are such teaching methods in which the activity of the student is productive, creative, search character. These include didactic games, analysis of specific situations, problem solving, algorithm training, etc.
The term "intensive learning methods" (IMO) means the organization of training in a short time with long one-time sessions and using active methods. Activating and intensifying learning also means relying on emotions and the subconscious. With the help of psychological training techniques, the perception, processing, memorization and application of information is activated. More often it is used in intensive foreign language courses, in teaching business, marketing, practical psychology, and pedagogy.

We will study these methods later. I'll tell you briefly about them.

1) Method (brainstorming, brainstorming, brainstorming ) - an operational method of solving a problem based on stimulating creative activity, in which the participants in the discussion are asked to express as many possible solutions as possible, including the most fantastic ones. Then, from the total number of ideas expressed, the most successful ones are selected that can be used in practice.

2) Brain attack

Scientific research method -brain attack - can be used as a teaching method. Method characteristic. The leader explains to the participants the task (problem) to be solved. Participants express ideas for solving the problem within a certain time (10-30 min.). The ideas are then analyzed by experts. If necessary, the session can be repeated, specifying the tasks. Brainstorming rules: any ideas are expressed, even the most absurd ones, it is forbidden to criticize ideas at the time of the attack, but only develop them, participants are encouraged to sit at a round table or in other positions that facilitate interaction, all ideas are written down by the leader (his assistant) and provided with their review to the participants.
At school, the method can be used when repeating a section (topic), when studying new material in a problematic way, and in other cases. The teacher acts as the leader, ideas are written down on a board, a film of a codoscope. Results: the mental activity of students is activated, heuristic abilities develop.

3) Didactic game aims at training, development and education. The essence of the educational game is modeling and imitation. In the game, in a simplified form, the reality and operations of the participants are reproduced, simulated, imitating real actions.
Advantages of the game: the studied material becomes personally significant for the student, an attitude to the material is formed; the game stimulates creative thinking; creates increased motivation for learning; forms communicative qualities. Limitations in the use of the game: it requires a lot of development teacher's expenses; often the gambling passion to win obscures cognitive goals for the student. In addition to imitation, there are conditional competitive games (KVN, etc.). Unfortunately, when attending the lessons of our teachers, we practically did not see didactic games.

4) Project method

Project method - this is a method aimed at developing the skills of cooperation and business communication in a team, providing for a combination of individual independent work with group classes, discussion of debatable issues, the presence of a research methodology within themselves, the creation by students of the final product (result) of their own creative activity.

projects- this is techniques, actions of students in their certain sequence to achieve the task - the solution of a certain , meaningful for students and designed in the form of a certain final . Main M. P. consists in providing students with the opportunity to independently acquire knowledge in the process of solving practical problems or problems that require the integration of knowledge from various subject areas. If we talk about the method of projects, as a pedagogical technology, then this technology involves a combination of research, search, problem methods, creative in nature.

As part of schoolingproject method can be defined aseducational technology aimed at acquiring new knowledge by students in close connection with real life practice, the formation of their specific skills and abilities through the systemic organization of problem-oriented educational search.

5) Trainings

The purpose of the training is to develop specific skills on a particular topic (the knowledge is already there).

6) Methods of collective creativity

Cooperative activities - the process of organizing collective cognitive activity, during which the division of functions between students occurs, their positive interdependence of students is achieved, requiring individual responsibility of each.

In traditional pedagogy, productive methods are not used enough.

In student-centered learning, the main factors in the choice of methods are the task of organizing the productive activity of students and gaining personal meanings for them.

The first and most important principle that can be offered to a creative teacher is this: “Whatever you want to say, ask!”

At the lesson, it is important to create such a learning environment where the student would ask questions about his achievements, difficulties and successes, build a trajectory of his own development together with the teacher.

The thesis about the unity of the content of education and teaching methods is beyond doubt, in this regard, the question of the fundamental foundations for the use of productive and reproductive teaching methods is of particular relevance. Methodological questions will be dealt with in detail in subsequent chapters; in this text, we will touch on the problem of methods only to the extent required by the task of clarifying general questions of learning theory. Moreover, in some theoretical works of previous years there was a tendency to interpret the concept of "method" as broadly as possible, including in it the content, and forms, and ways, and means of teaching.

The first stages of the active introduction of the research approach to teaching into mass educational practice, for example, noted at the beginning of the 20th century, were characterized by the widest possible palette of opinions about its content. The teachers of that time considered the research method of teaching (also called by them the “searching method”, “experimental research”, “active research”, “active labor”, “research labor”, “laboratory research”, “laboratory” and etc.) as the main and at the same time universal method of teaching.

His interpretation was so broad that he ended up dissolving even the traditionally opposed reproductive methods of education. Of course, reproductive methods are also necessary in education, but this is not a reason for their dissolution in research methods. This merger created confusion, as a result of which the research method simply lost its specificity. At present, solving the problem of introducing research teaching methods into educational practice, it is necessary to more strictly delineate their boundaries, and this can only be done by considering them in comparison with the opposite methods - reproductive ones.

Teaching methods have always been classified and are classified on various grounds. This is an inalienable right of any researcher, but from the point of view of the problem we are discussing, the dichotomy is the most productive: productive and reproductive methods of teaching. Such approaches to classification significantly simplify the overall picture of the phenomenon, and therefore are very vulnerable and often criticized. After all, they, in fact, consider the phenomenon in a “black and white” version, and life, as you know, is many times richer. But we, at this stage of consideration, need this simplification, it will allow us to understand the essence of the problem more clearly.

Recall that well-known experts in the field of learning theory M. N. Skatkin and I. Ya. Lerner identified five main general didactic teaching methods:

  • explanatory-illustrative (or informational-receptive);
  • reproductive;
  • problem presentation;
  • partially search (heuristic);
  • research.

The authors divided these methods, in accordance with the above dichotomy, into two larger groups: reproductive (first and second methods) and productive (fourth and fifth methods). The first group includes methods by which the student acquires ready-made knowledge and reproduces or reproduces the methods of activity already known to him. The second group of methods is characterized by the fact that through them the student independently discovers subjectively and objectively new knowledge as a result of his own research, creative activity. Problem statement - intermediate group. It equally involves both the assimilation of ready-made information and elements of a research search.

reproductive methods. The "explanatory-illustrative" method assumes that the teacher communicates the finished information by various means. But this method does not allow to form the skills of practical activity. Only another method of this group - "reproductive" - ​​allows you to take the next step. It provides an opportunity to develop skills and abilities through exercises. Acting according to the proposed model, students acquire the skills and abilities to use knowledge.

The real predominance of reproductive methods in modern education, sometimes called traditional, causes a lot of protests from many scientists and practitioners. This criticism is largely fair, but, noting the importance of introducing productive teaching methods into the practice of a modern school, one should not forget that reproductive methods should not be considered as something unnecessary.

First, it must be taken into account that these are the most economical ways of transferring the generalized and systematized experience of mankind to the younger generations. In educational practice, it is not only not necessary, but even stupid to ensure that each child discovers everything himself. There is no need to rediscover all the laws of the development of society or physics, chemistry, biology, etc.

Secondly, the research method gives a greater educational effect only when it is skillfully combined with reproductive methods. The range of problems studied by children can be significantly expanded, their depth will become much greater, provided that reproductive methods and teaching methods are skillfully used at the initial stages of children's research.

The third, and not the last, circumstance is that the use of research methods for obtaining knowledge, even in a situation of discovering a subjectively new one, often requires outstanding creative abilities from the student. In a child, they objectively cannot be formed at such a high level as it can be in an outstanding creator. How many people managed to get an apple on the head, but only one Isaac Newton transformed this simple experience into a new physical law. Under these conditions, it is reproductive methods of teaching that can provide significant assistance.

productive methods. In learning theory, it is customary to consider the “partial-search” or “heuristic” method as a kind of primary stage that precedes the use of the “research” method. From a formal point of view, this is true, but one should not think that in real educational practice a sequence should be observed: first, the “partial search” method is used, and then the “research” method. In learning situations using the "partial search" method can involve significantly higher mental loads than many options for learning based on the research method.

So, for example, the “partial search” method involves such complex tasks as: developing the ability to see problems and raise questions, build your own evidence, draw conclusions from the facts presented, make assumptions and make plans to test them. As one of the variants of the "partial search" method, they also consider the way of splitting a large task into a set of smaller subtasks, as well as building a heuristic conversation consisting of a series of interrelated questions, each of which is a step towards solving a common problem and requires not only activation existing knowledge, but also the search for new ones.

Of course, the elements of exploratory search are presented to a greater extent in the "research" method. At present, the "research" method of teaching should be considered as one of the main ways of cognition, which most fully corresponds to the nature of the child and modern educational tasks. It is based on the child's own research search, and not on the assimilation of ready-made knowledge presented by the teacher or teacher.

It is noteworthy that at the beginning of the 20th century, the well-known teacher B.V. Vsesvyatsky suggested to read carefully the words: “teaching”, “teacher”, and think about whether these terms provide for independent actions of children, their activity in learning. To teach means to present something ready.

Being a consistent supporter of the research approach to teaching, B. V. Vsesvyatsky wrote that research leads the child to observations, to experiments on the properties of individual objects. As a result, both of them, when compared and generalized, provide a solid foundation of facts, not words, for the gradual orientation of children in the environment, for building a solid building of knowledge and creating a scientific picture of the world in their own minds. It is also important that this process most fully meets the needs of an active child's nature, it is certainly colored by positive emotions.

The research method is the path to knowledge through one's own creative, research search. Its main components are the identification of problems, the development and formulation of hypotheses, observations, experiments, experiments, as well as judgments and conclusions made on their basis. The center of gravity in teaching when applying the "research" method is transferred to the facts of reality and their analysis. At the same time, the word, which reigns supreme in traditional education, is relegated to the background.

reproductive method. It includes the application of what has been learned on the basis of a pattern or rule. The activity of trainees is algorithmic in nature, i.e. is carried out according to instructions, prescriptions, rules in situations similar to those shown in the sample.

In pedagogy, two traditional teaching methods are distinguished - reproductive and explanatory-illustrative.

The reproductive method is reduced to the provision by the teacher of typical tasks and tasks, the reproduction of accumulated experience, as a result of which knowledge and skills are formed in the form of certain copies.

The explanatory and illustrative method is a demonstration of experiments associated with a teacher's story, a lecture, a conversation, as well as in the form of webinars and trainings. The student's activity is aimed at obtaining information and forming knowledge-acquaintances.

Thus, both traditional methods involve the transfer of knowledge for students in finished form.

These methods have many disadvantages:

1. Memory load. Educational material at school should be memorized in a large volume. As a result, good results are shown by the student whose memory is better developed. However, in professional activities, memorization methods will not be useful.

2. Low independence of students. When receiving ready-made knowledge, children work less with textbooks.

3. Scattering of attention. With the predominance of listening in learning activities, attention is always dulled.

4. Incomplete assimilation of the material. The teacher can not control the amount of learned information and the presence of gaps in knowledge.

5. Inability to "think" and make decisions independently. The adoption of ready-made knowledge with a large specific weight leads to low independence.

6. Average amount of knowledge.

7. The average pace in the study of the material.

36, TSIS - independent work of a student under the guidance of a teacher?

Independent work of students (SIW and SIW) - independent

students mastering the educational material and the skills of scientific work on

corresponding direction (specialty). The goal of self

students' work is to acquire fundamental knowledge,

professional skills and activity skills in the profile,

creative and research experience.

Independent work of students contributes to the development

independence, responsibility and organization, creative

approach to solving problems of the educational professional level.

any assignments for SIW and SIWT (solving problems and examples, preparing

abstracts, speeches - reports, term papers and diploma papers, etc.):

carrying out control works and testing; checking the original and

residual classes, acceptance of working off, individual work with lagging behind

students, additional individual and group consultations and

lessons; thematic debates and educational games, etc.

Control materials of SRS and SRSP should be kept for a year.

Control of SIW and SIWT is carried out taking into account the specifics of teaching


37, Management of the higher education system?

Strategic management of the higher education system is a complex, multifaceted process. It is based on the mission of the education system in society, which is triune in nature: the transfer of knowledge, the formation of the necessary skills and abilities, and the education of citizenship. The harmonious interaction of the triune structure of elements contributes to the realization of the super-mission of education in the modern world, namely, the development and improvement of man and society. The fundamental importance of the mission in this area of ​​strategic management lies in the fact that in the process of developing a strategy, the basic mission of the higher education system in society cannot be lost under any circumstances. development strategies. Since the strategy of catch-up development did not justify itself, it became obvious that a search for new strategic courses was needed, and partial modernization alone would not be enough. As a result, the idea of ​​deep modernization was formulated, i. cardinal innovative restructuring of the entire system of higher education. The concept of deep modernization is reflected in all modern documents of Russian education, which are of a strategic nature.

The new concept involves the formation of new innovative strategies. To determine the innovative strategy, it was necessary to comprehend the stages of the path traveled, analyze the current situation and study the world experience in the field of strategic management in the field of higher education. This study made it possible to identify the basic principles on which the new strategy should be built; the main guidelines that she should adhere to; and theoretical, provisions that can help in this. The theoretical heritage of strategic management is extensive, but only a few theories have found their application in the field of education management (contextual planning, the theory of "resource dependence", "teaching school", the theory of "open systems", etc.).

Modernization can take place two main directions, the presence of which is due to the essence of the education system itself. The higher education system is a unity of process and structure, so we can talk about two sides of modernization - the modernization of the educational process and the modernization of the structure. In accordance with the dualistic nature of the higher education system, it is possible to single out such main directions in the strategic sphere as procedural management and structural management. It is also advisable to make a clear division into strategic management of the external environment and strategic management of the internal environment. In general, the process of strategic management is a constant transition from the analysis of the external environment to structural changes in the internal one.

38, Model of the teacher according to the type of pedagogical communication?

Communication between a teacher and a student is one of the main forms in which the thousand-year-old wisdom accumulated by mankind has come down to us. Pedagogical communication is usually understood as professional communication between a teacher and students.

Model I - "Socrates". This is a teacher with a reputation as a lover of disputes and discussions, deliberately provoking them in the classroom. He is characterized by individualism, unsystematicness in the educational process due to constant confrontation; students strengthen the defense of their own positions, learn to defend them.

Model II - "Group discussion leader". He considers the achievement of agreement and the establishment of cooperation between students to be the main thing in the educational process, assigning himself the role of an intermediary, for whom the search for democratic agreement is more important than the result of the discussion.

Model III - "Master". The teacher acts as a role model, subject to unconditional copying, and above all, not so much in the educational process as in relation to life in general.

Model IV - "General". He avoids any ambiguity, is emphatically demanding, rigidly seeks obedience, because he believes that he is always right in everything, and the student, like an army recruit, must unquestioningly obey the orders given. According to the author of the typology, this style is more common than all combined in pedagogical practice.

Model V - "Manager"A style that has become widespread in radically oriented schools and is associated with an atmosphere of effective class activity, encouraging their initiative and independence. The teacher seeks to discuss with each student the meaning of the problem being solved, quality control and evaluation of the final result.

Model VI - "Coach". The atmosphere of communication in the classroom is permeated with the spirit of corporatism. Students in this case are like players of one team, where each individually is not important as an individual, but together they can do a lot. The teacher is assigned the role of inspirer of group efforts, for whom the main thing is the end result, brilliant success, victory.

Model VII - "Guide". The embodied image of a walking encyclopedia. Laconic, precise, restrained. He knows the answers to all questions in advance, as well as the questions themselves. Technically flawless and that is why it is often frankly boring.

39, Technology of carrying out current and intermediate certification at credit technology of training?

. Certification - this is an assessment of the quality of assimilation by students of the content of a particular academic discipline, subject in the process or at the end of their study based on the results of the check (checks).

Current attestation- this is an assessment of the quality of assimilation of the content of the components of any part (topic) of a particular academic discipline, subject in the process of studying it by students based on the results of the check (checks). Conducted by the teacher of the given academic discipline, subject.

. Intermediate certification - this is an assessment of the quality of assimilation by the student of the content of any part (parts), topic (topics) of a particular academic discipline, subject at the end of their study at the end of the academic period (quarter, half year, year) according to the results of the check (checks). Conducted by a teacher of a given academic discipline, subject as an integral result of current and thematic attestations or by a commission (in the case of the introduction of transfer exams at the end of the year in this subject, discipline).

. Appraisal method : check by a teacher or a group of teachers (commission) of the quality of assimilation of program material by students both on the basis of directly conducted activities (exam, test, test, etc.), and on the basis of the results of current and thematic certifications.

Intermediate certification of trainees is carried out within the terms determined by the lyceum. Grades in subjects, disciplines for the study period are set 2 days before its end. If the intermediate certification ends with a transfer exam in the subject, discipline, then the mark is placed at the end of the exam. The issue of the need to conduct transfer exams, the list of classes, subjects, disciplines, forms and terms is decided at a meeting of the school's pedagogical council no later than March of the current academic year.

40, The concept of the forms of organization of the educational process?

form is special design of the learning process. The nature of this construction is due to the content of the learning process, methods, techniques, means, activities of students. This design of learning is an internal organization of content, which in real pedagogical reality is the process of interaction, communication between the teacher and students when working on a certain educational material.

Forms of organization of the training session.

Different types of training sessions involve the use of various forms of its conduct, which determine the internal content and content of the training session.

In modern didactics, a diverse set of them has been developed:

Lecture and seminar.

Laboratory-practical lesson.

Educational practice.

Demonstration of video materials.

Thematic tour.

Business game.




Independent work of students.

Protecting student work.

Undoubtedly, this list can be continued, but conditionally they can be divided into three main groups:

Passive /lecture, message, report/.

Active /conversation, seminar, discussion, conference, business game/.

Interactive /project, research, debate/.

1 Organizational meeting. Issuing a practice assignment. Induction training.

2. Study of production. Excursions to the main and auxiliary workshops.

3. The study of the main technological processes in the workplace practice.

4Performance of an individual task.

5Summarizing the material and preparing the practice report. Getting feedback.

6Submission of a practice report

1History of the enterprise.

2Products manufactured by the enterprise, its significance.

3 Draw up a diagram of the production structure of the enterprise.

4Describe the main, auxiliary and service shops of the enterprise.

5Functions of workshops, their relationship with each other and workshops.

6Types of technological processes used in the shop.

7Passport data and technical characteristics of machines.

8Select a part from among the parts manufactured in the workshop.

9 Make a drawing of this part.

10Perform part description

11Determine the method of obtaining the workpiece.

12Develop a route map for processing a part.

13 Sketch fixture for one operation. Describe its design and principle of operation.

14 Prepare a report. Attach all material on an individual assignment.

42. Formation of the foundations of pedagogical skills in the conditions of the university and in the process of pedagogical activity?

The research hypothesis is based on the assumption that the formation of pedagogical skills of teachers of technical universities in the process of improving their qualifications can be ensured if the most important organizational and pedagogical conditions of this process are:

Reliance on the traditions of higher technical education, its staffing and taking into account development trends in modern conditions;

Implementation of an individual developmental approach at all stages of the formation of pedagogical skills of teachers of a technical university;

Variable choice of content and means in the development of the professional and pedagogical orientation of the individual activities of teachers;

Providing continuous scientific and methodological support for the process of developing the pedagogical skills of teachers of technical universities.

Research objectives:

1. Determine the essence, content and structure of the categories "pedagogical skills of teachers of technical universities" and "individual-developing approach to teaching teachers of technical universities."

2. To carry out a diagnostic analysis of the state and problems of higher technical education, its staffing.

3. To identify organizational and pedagogical conditions that contribute to the implementation of an individual developmental approach in the formation of pedagogical skills of teachers of technical universities in the system of improving their qualifications.

4. To develop and experimentally test a model for the formation of pedagogical skills of teachers of technical universities in the process of their advanced training.

43. Pedagogical principles for the organization of creative activity?

organization of creative activity of junior schoolchildren in the learning process.

Object of study: the process of teaching younger students.

Subject of research: organization of creative activity of younger students.

Research hypothesis: The creative activity of younger schoolchildren, which enriches learning, can be organized as part of the educational process under certain conditions. These conditions are:

Modeling situations that give rise to meaningful experiences in children and allow them to translate the learning task into a plan that is personally significant for the student;

The demand for children's creative activity in the course of education;

Building the educational process on the basis of psychosaving technology;

The first stage - search-theoretical (1989 - 1995) - included comprehension of the problem, its elaboration at the theoretical level, as well as an analysis of the author's pedagogical experience and the results of his participation in a school-wide experiment to create an adaptive model of the Russian school.

At the second stage - experimental (1996 - 2000) - an experimental verification of the hypothesis was carried out. The work consisted in the implementation of a learning model that operates on the basis of psycho-saving technology and testing its effectiveness for organizing the creative activity of students.

At the third stage - final and generalizing (2001 - 2003) - the material was processed and systematized, the results of the study were summarized and formalized.

Research objectives:

To theoretically substantiate the conditions for organizing the creative activity of younger students in the learning process and present their totality in the form of a model;

* - to formulate the essential characteristics of psycho-saving technology as the basis for the implementation of a learning model focused on the creative activity of children;

Experimentally test the effectiveness of the theoretically developed model;

To analyze the possibilities of implementing the method of figurative teaching in elementary school;

Develop and test some forms and techniques of figurative teaching.

44 Diagnostics as an integral part of a higher education teacher?

Recently, diagnostics has increasingly become the subject of special studies by educators and psychologists who consider the functions and types of diagnostics in the context of the development of educational systems. These studies establish the need for a system of diagnostic support, the relationship of pedagogical, social, psychological diagnostics. Pedagogical diagnostics is the most researched.

The concept of "pedagogical diagnostics" was proposed by K. Ingenkamp by analogy with medical and psychological diagnostics in 1968. According to its tasks, goals and scope of application, pedagogical diagnostics is independent. She borrowed her methods and in many ways her way of thinking from psychological diagnostics.

Diagnostics (from the Greek diaqnosis) - recognition) - the process of recognition; the doctrine of the principles and methods of diagnosis. The term "diagnosis" came to pedagogy from medicine, where it means establishing the essence and nature of the disease. However, all phenomena, processes of social life, production, objects of exploitation need diagnosis and diagnostics, the establishment of a qualitative state. Therefore, the concept of diagnosis has become widespread in science, technology, and industrial practice. Diagnostics has become an integral, organic component of all controlled social, industrial, technological systems and processes, a way to obtain feedback on actions and the quality of results.

Likhachev B.T. diagnostics is understood as the process of obtaining information about the state of the observed or studied object using a combination of methods, methods, techniques. Diagnostic information includes information about the state of the object, the degree of its compliance with the norm, the trends of its movement, development. Podlasy I.P. defines diagnostics as a clarification of all the circumstances of the didactic process, an accurate definition of its results. Khutorsky A.V. considers diagnostics as an obligatory component of the educational process, with the help of which the achievement of the set goals is determined. Ushakova L.S. considers diagnostics as a way to identify the quality, productivity of the educational process, its state and results as a means of analyzing cause-and-effect relationships and assessing, according to certain criteria and indicators, the degree of achievement of the goals and objectives of teaching and educating students.

Thus, generalizing the existing concepts, we will understand pedagogical diagnostics as a set of methods that allow obtaining the most reliable information about the course of the educational process in order to identify, analyze, evaluate and correct learning. The subject of diagnostics at the university is various aspects of the educational and social activities of students, the purpose of diagnostics is to obtain scientifically based information to improve the quality management system for training specialists.

The main functions of pedagogical diagnostics include: strategic-informational, tactical-correctional and prognostic.

Strategically - the information function consists in the diagnostic provision of the pedagogical management of the educational process with general knowledge about the students, about the course of the pedagogical process. Such information makes the pedagogical process visible, controlled, practically directed.

Corrective diagnostics is designed to provide information that allows you to constantly monitor and adjust the pedagogical process. Broad and deep awareness gives the teacher a real opportunity to reach each student, make adjustments to the teaching methods, change the course of the pedagogical process, the structure and content of individual forms, methods and means of education and training.

The predictive function of diagnostics is to detect, capture, identify development trends of pedagogical and educational teams, groups, associations and the individual student.

The main components of pedagogical diagnostics are control, verification and evaluation of knowledge and skills of students. Many teachers consider these concepts to be identical, but it is necessary to emphasize the essence and specificity of each of the concepts in order to effectively organize the pedagogical learning process.

Control is understood as a system for checking the results of training and education of students. Control is a set of actions that make it possible to identify the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of learning outcomes, to assess how students have mastered the material of the curriculum. Pedagogical control at the university is a means of establishing direct and feedback between the teacher and students.

45 Professional and pedagogical culture of a teacher of higher education?

One of the central problems in the system of higher education is the problem of raising the level of professional culture of a university teacher. Its relevance is due to the need to resolve the contradiction that has arisen between the new requirements for professional activity, the teacher himself as a subject of the educational process, capable of professional and personal self-development, and the real level of the teacher's professional culture, his readiness to solve modern problems of higher education.

Research on this issue indicates the presence of the following contradictions: firstly, there is a contradiction between the real level of professional culture of a university teacher and modern requirements for his personality. So, many teachers are characterized by an insufficiently high level of theoretical training, underdevelopment of professionally significant qualities of the teacher’s personality, lack of formation of general pedagogical skills, lack of experience in creative activity, skills in analyzing the pedagogical situation from the standpoint of the student and the ability to make decisions in his favor, passive pedagogical position, lack of need for self-education , self-education, self-development, etc. This testifies to the insufficient formation of the foundations of the professional culture of a university teacher, which exacerbates the need to find ways to form it.

Secondly, the need to improve the professional culture of a university teacher is objectively due to modern requirements for the level of general education and special training of university graduates, a change in general educational paradigms that involve the transition from traditional mass-reproductive forms and methods of teaching to individual creative ones; training of future specialists who would be in demand in the labor market, would have a relatively short adaptation period of entry into professional activity.

The current situation in higher education, the insufficient level of professionalism of a university teacher, led to a contradiction between the requirements set by society for the level of training of specialists in the new socio-economic conditions, and the level of professional culture of teachers who train specialists of a new type. The solution to this problem should also be aimed at overcoming the observed gap between a human teacher, a citizen and a specialist teacher, in which a personal position (motivational-value attitude to pedagogical activity) and his professional knowledge, skills and abilities should be integrated.

Thirdly, in the current conditions, an important task is not only to preserve the scientific and pedagogical potential of universities, but also to increase the level of professional culture, which is a complex systemic formation, which is an ordered set of universal human values, professional value orientations and personality traits, universal methods of cognition and humanistic technology of pedagogical activities.

These contradictions determined a set of tasks related to identifying the possibilities of intra-university improvement of professional culture, the need to develop theoretical foundations, conditions and mechanisms for the development of a professional culture of a university teacher, since socio-cultural, general pedagogical, personal-creative and economic mechanisms should be used to more effectively solve these problems. which would strengthen and stimulate the development of professional activity and professional culture of the teacher.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that the currently available approaches to solving the tasks we have identified lead only to some changes and improvements in professional culture; at its core, it remains unchanged. This is explained, in our opinion, by insufficient awareness and theoretical underdevelopment of the very category of professional culture of a university teacher and its content from the standpoint of a competency-based approach. As well as socio-economic difficulties in modern society, which undoubtedly affected the general atmosphere and the moral and psychological climate of universities.

reproductive method.

The previous teaching method does not form the skills and abilities to use the acquired knowledge. This task is performed by the reproductive method. It ensures the development of schoolchildren's skills and abilities to apply knowledge according to a model or in a similar situation (as opposed to creative application). In practice, it looks like this: the teacher gives the appropriate tasks, and the students complete them. Namely:

They reproduce the material explained by the teacher (orally or in writing - at the blackboard, from the spot, on cards, etc.);

Solve similar problems, exercises;

Work with visibility (previously used by the teacher);

Reproduce experiences and experiments;

They reproduce the actions of the teacher in working with tools, mechanisms, etc.

Thus, the didactic essence of the reproductive method lies in the fact that the teacher constructs a system of tasks for the reproduction of knowledge and actions already known and realized by students thanks to the explanatory and illustrative method. Pupils, performing these tasks, develop in themselves the appropriate skills and abilities.

The reproductive method is also very economical in time, but at the same time it does not guarantee the development of children's creative abilities.

Both methods - explanatory-illustrative and reproductive - are initial. Although they do not teach schoolchildren how to carry out creative activity, they are at the same time its prerequisite. Without an appropriate fund of knowledge, skills and abilities, it is impossible to assimilate the experience of creative activity.

Problem presentation method.

Problem presentation method is transitional from performing to creative activity. The essence of this method lies in the fact that the teacher sets the task and solves it himself, thereby showing the train of thought in the process of cognition:

Puts forward possible ways to solve it (hypotheses);

With the help of facts and logical reasoning, checks their reliability, reveals the correct assumption;

Draws conclusions.

Students not only perceive, realize and memorize ready-made knowledge, conclusions, but also follow the logic of evidence, the movement of thought of the teacher or the means replacing him (cinema, television, books, etc.). And although students in this method are not participants, but only observers of the teacher's thinking, they learn to solve problems.