States by population. largest state in america

The United States of America plays a leading role in the world community. Researchers call this state an empire that influences the politics of Western countries. Tourists who plan to visit the American states should familiarize themselves with the history of its formation.

The United States of America is easy to find on the map - they are located on the continent called North America and occupy a large part of it. A state in the United States is a territorial unit, by joining them over a number of years, the United States of America was formed.

The exact answer to the question of how many states there are in the United States can be given to those who are seriously engaged in the study of this state. To be precise, today the USA consists of 50 states. Colombia, sometimes listed as the 51 states, is actually a federal district, an independent federal unit. In addition to this, the United States has several island territories that also have sovereignty, they are not subordinate to any state. Each state is divided into districts administered by city municipalities. Rural areas may consist of townships.

Each state is a federation, and they all have equal rights. There is nothing unusual in this, a similar structure can be found in other large states. It is interesting that all states are equal, but they have their own branches of government and their own constitution. Therefore, for the same crime in each state, there may be a different punishment.

US state names, detailed alphabetical list

When studying the United States, questions may arise from a person who knows English well. The thing is that the word "state" can be translated not only as "states", but also as "state". In the middle of the 17th century, when the United States was in the formative stage, individual colonies were considered states.

Each state has not only its own capital, but also a flag and a motto. Next, we list the US states and their capitals.

# State name (in Russian)State name (in English)State capital (in Russian)State capital (in English)
1 IdahoIdahoboiseBoise
2 IowaIowaDes MoinesDes Moines
3 AlabamaAlabamaMontgomeryMontgomery
4 AlaskaAlaskaJuneauJuneau
5 ArizonaArizonaPhoenixPhoenix
6 ArkansasArkansasLittle Rocklittle rock
7 WyomingWyomingCheyenneCheyenne
8 WashingtonWashingtonOlympiaOlympia
9 VermontVermontMontpelierMontpelier
10 VirginiaVirginiarichmondRichmond
11 WisconsinWisconsinMadisonMadison
12 HawaiiHonoluluHonolulu
13 DelawareDelawareDoverDover
14 GeorgiaGeorgiaAtlantaAtlanta
15 West VirginiaWest VirginiaCharstonCharleston
16 IllinoisIllinoisspringfieldSpringfield
17 IndianaIndianaIndianapolisIndianapolis
18 CaliforniaCaliforniaSacramentoSacramento
19 KansasKansasTopekaTopeka
20 KentuckyKentuckyfrankfortfrankfort
21 ColoradoColoradoDenverDenver
22 ConnecticutConnecticutHartfordHartford
23 LouisianaLouisianabaton rougeBaton Rouge
24 MassachusettsMassachusettsBostonBoston
25 MinnesotaMinnesotaSaint PaulSt. Paul
26 MississippiMississippiJacksonJackson
27 MissouriMissouriJefferson CityJefferson City
28 MichiganMichiganLansingLansing
29 MontanaMontanaHelenaHelena
30 MaineMaineAugustaAugusta
31 MarylandMarylandAnnapolisAnnapolis
32 NebraskaNebraskaLincolnLincoln
33 NevadaNevadaCarson Citycarson city
34 New HampshireNew HampshireConcordConcord
35 New JerseyNew JerseyTrentonTrenton
36 New YorkNew YorkAlbanyAlbany
37 New MexicoNew MexicoSanta FeSanta Fe
38 OhioOhioColumbusColumbus
39 OklahomaOklahomaOklahoma CityOklahoma city
40 OregonOregonSalemSalem
41 PennsylvaniaPennsylvaniaHarrisburgHarrisburg
42 Rhode IslandRhode IslandProvidenceProvidence
43 North DakotaNorth DakotaBismarckBismarck
44 North CarolinaNorth CarolinaRolesRaleigh
45 TennesseeTennesseeNashvilleNashville
46 TexasTexasAustinAustin
47 FloridaFloridaTallahasseeTallahassee
48 South DakotaSouth DakotaPyrrhusPierre
49 South CarolinaSouth CarolinaColombiaColumbia
50 UtahutahSalt Lake CitySalt Lake City

Moreover, the state capital is not necessarily the largest city. The word "state" began to be used in its modern sense since 1776, after the adoption of the Declaration of Independence. At that time, the United States consisted of 46 states. Although you can still find indications that these were separate states. For example, the official flag of California bears the words "Republic of California".

Confederate States of America

There was a period in the history of the United States when the state was practically divided into two parts. And although this lasted only 4 years, the fact remains: in 1861, the Confederate States of America (CSA) appeared. This is a self-proclaimed independent state, which was also called "Confederation" or "Dixie". It existed until 1865. What was the reason for its occurrence?

It is sometimes believed that the Confederation was formed as a result of the abolition of slavery in the United States, which started the Civil War. This is not entirely correct, because the CSA appeared after Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election. As a result, 6 southern states announced their withdrawal from the United States. A month later, Texas joined them. And when Abraham Lincoln announced that he intended to achieve the preservation of the Union, 4 more states announced that they would join the Confederacy.

Sometimes it is believed that the Confederation included not 11, but 13 American states. This is partly correct. The fact is that Kentucky and Missouri turned out to be “border states” between the USA and the CSA. For a while, there were two governments, one on the side of the United States, and the second supported the Confederation. Basically, the CSA included states that did not want to abandon the slave system. Although Maryland was a slave state, martial law was introduced in time, so it remained part of the United States. Delaware remained neutral until the very end of the war. In 1865, the Confederation, having suffered a defeat in hostilities, ceased to exist. These states changed the constitution and abolished slavery.

Texas is a state in the southern United States. It is in second place in terms of territory (only Alaska is larger) and in second place after California in terms of population. At first, this territory belonged to Mexico, and then there was a separate state that existed for almost 10 years - from 1836 to 1845. It appeared as a result of the war in the north-east of Mexico.

Several reasons are given as to why problems in Mexico led to war. On the one hand, the dictatorship of the Mexican president, on the other, the adoption of a new constitution in the country, thanks to which slavery was abolished in 1835. As a result, Texas gained independence in 1836. The state was recognized by the international community as a separate state. But the hostilities did not stop.

Clashes between Mexico and Texas continued for another 10 years. And only as a result of the US victory in the war with Mexico (1846-1848), the issue of territorial claims was settled - Texas received freedom. But most Texans have wanted to join the United States before. Texas is the only independent state in the United States recognized by other countries. Although the separatist movements seeking the independence of this state of America are still active. They believe that Texas was annexed by the United States.

Kingdom and Republic

These are islands located in the Pacific Ocean. They are located at a distance of 3700 km from the continental part of America. This is the most recent state that became part of the United States, and this happened already in the 20th century - in 1959. But at first it was a kingdom, and then a separate republic. Why did the islands, located far from the USA, become part of this state as one of the states?

In the 18th century, Hawaii had several semi-state structures. Then King Kamehameha I managed to unite the islands by force and establish a single kingdom. Since 1810, for 85 years, one dynasty ruled here. In 1893, a coup d'état took place in Hawaii with the support of American sailors. But the United States refused to annex the islands, believing that it was contrary to the popular will of the Hawaiians. As a result of the coup, a republic appeared instead of a kingdom. But in 1898 they fell under the protectorate of the United States, and already in the middle of the 20th century they became one of the states. It is considered to be the "sugar" state of the USA.

The most amazing states in the US

What American states can be distinguished and what should you pay attention to? It is difficult to find an unambiguous answer to this question, because each of them has a “zest”. The absence of a state language is also a hallmark of America.

The names of many states have unusual origins.

  1. As the researchers note, 25 or 26 names have Indian roots.
  2. The name of the northernmost state of Alaska is taken from the language of the Eskimos.
  3. Only 20 states have names of European origin: 11 are English, 6 are Spanish and 3 are French.
  4. There is speculation that Rhode Island is a Dutch toponym.

But what about the Americans, did they really not give a name to a single state? It turns out that there is one, and we are talking about the state of Washington. It is named after President D. Washington.

There are states that are distinguished by their extraordinary beauty.

  1. Florida is the southernmost part of North America. It is often referred to as the "Sunshine State".
  2. Oregon is full of contrasts and variety of landscapes. He could easily compete with the panoramas presented in the film "The Lord of the Rings".
  3. Michigan is known for its natural beauty. In addition, there are many large lakes.
  4. Colorado is famous for rocky mountains and unusually beautiful canyons. This state is often called the home of wonderful national parks.
  5. stands out for its richness of flora and fauna.
  6. Arizona has amazingly beautiful canyons. They are visited by hundreds of thousands of tourists every year.

The United States was formed in 1776 when 13 British colonies signed the Declaration of Independence. From that moment on, England lost power over them. In order to regain the colonial territories again, troops had to be sent in. This provoked the war, thanks to which the United States gained independence. But some of the colonies still remained loyal to the English crown. In 1787, the Constitution was adopted, which was ratified by 9 of the 13 states. During the late 18th and throughout the 19th century, other states joined. In the 20th century, the United States included the remaining five: Oklahoma (1907), New Mexico (1912), Arizona (1912), Alaska (1959) and (1959).

Why is the District of Columbia (Washington) not part of any state

The District of Columbia is the capital city of the United States of Washington, as well as the surrounding area. Repeated attempts were made to make it a separate state, but American legislators have not come to an unequivocal decision. The last time this issue was submitted for discussion in Congress was in 1993. But the project was rejected. This is also due to the fact that only one person is delegated to the House of Representatives from the district. Yes, and without the right to vote.


Can it be argued that the number of US states will remain the same tomorrow? There is no specific answer to this question. For more than 100 years, this figure has been unstable. Today, several territories and states would not refuse to join the United States as separate states. The most likely candidate is Puerto Rico. It is quite possible that the 51st state under this name will soon appear. The Philippines, Haiti, and Yucatan are also candidates.

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The United States of America united 50 states in its composition, each of which has its own individual form of government and legislative framework. According to the US Constitution, each state is subject to the general laws of the country, but can form its own laws that do not contradict the main state document. Among the states that make up America, there are large and small, densely populated and not so. What is the largest US state?

Alaska is the largest US state

The area of ​​this state is 1523 sq. km, while the population density is one of the lowest in America. Alaska is located in the northwestern part of North America and consists of a peninsula with the same name and the continental part. This state also includes the Aleutian Islands and the island of the Alexander Archipelago. The capital of Alaska is Juneau.

The population of the state is mainly made up of indigenous people - Eskimos, Indians and Aleuts. Alaska became part of the United States only in 1959 and became the 49th state of the American state. Presumably, the first people appeared in Alaska about 20 thousand years ago and they came from Siberia. By the time the first Europeans appeared on the archipelago, several ethnic groups of indigenous people had already formed, whose descendants still live in Alaska.

Discovery of Alaska

The largest US state was discovered by Russian explorers and explorers. There is an undocumented version that the first European to set foot on the coast of Alaska was the Russian traveler Semyon Dezhnev. And, it happened quite by accident. The expedition lost its course and landed on an unknown land, which was Alaska.

But Vitus Bering is considered the officially recognized discoverer of the American state. This happened during the Second Kamchatka Expedition, and the strait between Alaska and Chukotka and the sea, as well as one of the islands of the archipelago, were named after this explorer. It happened in 1741. Returning to Russia, Bering talked about the amazing sea otter beavers, which have beautiful fur. Such fur was very valuable in those days, and this fact was a huge incentive for the development of new lands.

Alaska is US property

Despite the fact that Russian settlers organized their colonies, built houses and schools, hospitals and churches, the influence of the Russian state in this region was very insignificant. Nearby were the British colony and there was a constant threat of attack. To protect the inhabitants of Alaska, it was decided to sell it to the Americans, who could ensure the development of this region and the protection of the indigenous population.

Negotiations on the sale of Alaska were held for a long time, but then the Civil War was going on in America, and only after it ended in 1867 was an agreement signed between the powers and Alaska passed into the possession of the United States.

After Alaska became part of the American state, it had the status of a department and only in 1884 became a district and was able to appoint its own civil administration.

Golden fever

A new round in the development of the largest US state received in 1896, when the first gold was found in the Klondike River. Although this river is located on the territory of Canada, it was convenient to get to those places through the territory of Alaska, and thousands of gold miners from all over the world rushed there.

In 1998, the first gold was found in the city of Nome, which was located in Alaska, and now prospectors were already striving to get into this place in the hope of getting rich. The gold rush that swept across America at the beginning of the 20th century contributed to the development of the economy and demography of Alaska.

The gold found in Alaska also influenced the development of American culture. Books were written about those times, films were made. The famous writer Jack London devoted a whole cycle of his stories to gold diggers, and the film "Gold Rush", shot by Charlie Chaplin in 1925, is included in the world heritage of cinema.

The construction of railways, mining began, fishing began to develop, and in 1912 Alaska received a new status - the territory of the United States.

Mercy Race

In 1925, in the city of Nome, where gold was first found, a terrible epidemic of diphtheria broke out. This city at that time was one of the most densely populated in all of Alaska, and without the appropriate vaccine, thousands of people could die. The problem was that it was possible to deliver the necessary medicine to Alaska only through the Bering Sea, and since the epidemic happened in January, it was impossible to transfer the vaccine by ship, since the sea was frozen.

Dogs came to the aid of the inhabitants of Nome, it was on sleds that it was possible to bring a serum that would save many lives. 150 sled dogs and about 20 drivers carefully passed the medicine from hand to hand, and a total of 1085 kilometers were covered. In a blizzard and snowstorm, off-road and permafrost, these heroes covered the entire distance in 5 days.

The last stage of this journey fell to the driver Gunnar Kaasen and his faithful four-legged friend Balto, who was the leader of the team. Thanks to these courageous people and dogs, help came in time, and the diphtheria epidemic was stopped.

In the United States, this story was called the "Great Mercy Race" and was actively covered by all the media. In memory of those days, in our time, annual dog sled races are held in Alaska, and a monument to the leader of the last stage of that rescue expedition was even erected in a New York park.

After oil was found in Alaska and the Trans-Alaska oil pipeline was built, the largest US state received a new economic development. Even during the Great Depression, immigrants from the Midwest came here, who were left without work and means to live in their states. Today, Alaska is not only one of the main suppliers of oil in the United States, but also a place where natural gas, gold, tin, copper and platinum are mined.

Despite such a huge amount of natural wealth and deposits that are actively developed by the Americans, Alaska is still considered one of the cleanest places on the planet. Glaciers and blue lakes, fjords and waterfalls fascinate tourists with their pristine beauty and originality.

Article about US states. In this article, you will not only find a complete list of US states, but you will also learn something interesting and special about each of the 50 US states! It could be a curiosity in a state's history, a unique property, or a funny law in that state. In addition to entertainment information, it contains basic information for each US state. The state names are in alphabetical order. The United States is a multinational country, the beginning of whose history was laid by a variety of immigrants from different countries - "a haven for the afflicted." In this regard, each state of this state is a new stroke in the history of the United States, a unique page in the annals of the country. Each state holds its own secrets, each was founded by its own ethnic group, before the arrival of Europeans, Indians lived everywhere, and everywhere different tribes - with their own customs and traditions, customs and mores, with their diplomatic relations with other numerous tribes, with their attitude to the invasion of foreign cultures. As a result of such versatile facts, as a result, we see the emergence of 50 states. It's like a recipe for making a chemical. Different components, different proportions of reagents gave different, sometimes simply unexpected results. Due to its youth, the history of the United States has been preserved in detail in the memory of generations, in the records of contemporaries and documents of that time. And now this history can become a textbook for everyone, practical material in the analysis and study of any historical issue. But the pages of this history are available to everyone even now, in almost their original form. This story has 50 main chapters. That is how many states are currently part of the United States. Today we have the opportunity to learn about each state.

Population: over 1.6 million people.

Area: 216,632 km².

It borders six states and Canada.

Idaho has the most developed agriculture, mining and scientific and technical industries.

2) Iowa

Population: more than 3 million people.

Area: 145,743 km².

The state shares borders with six other states and is the 29th in a row.

An interesting fact: the vast majority of the population of Iowa (35.7%) are descendants of Germans.

3) Alabama

Population: about 4.7 million people.

Area: 135,765 km².

It borders four states and is the 22nd state of the United States.

Fun Fact: Alabama's official nickname is "Heart of the South."

4) Alaska

Population: a little over 710,000 people.

Area: 1,717,854 km².

It is the largest state in the USA.

Alaska is the 49th state of the USA.

Interesting (and sad) about the state: until 1867, the territory belonged to Russia, on March 30 of this year, papers were signed on its sale. State motto: "North to the future."

5) Arizona

Population: about 6.4 million people.

Area: 295,254 km².

Bordered by seven states.

Interesting facts: about 50,000 Russian-speaking residents live in Arizona, and the share of copper mining is 2/3 of the copper mining of the entire country.

6) Arkansas

Population: 2.673 million people.

Area: 137,732 km².

Bordered by 6 states. State motto: "The people rule."

Arkansas is the leading state in the country for the production of rice, soybeans, broiler chickens, and also produces about 10% of all cotton in the country..

Interesting fact: African Americans make up 15.7% of the population of this state.

7) Wyoming

Population: 532,668 (2010).

Area: 253,348 km²

Interesting fact: the name of the state comes from the ancient Native American expression "changing mountains and valleys."

The state of Wyoming has the most developed mining operations. The resource industry is the economic backbone of the state; for example, oil discovered in the state began to be extracted back in the 1880s, and natural gas, uranium and coal are also being developed. Along with the extraction of resources, tourism is of great economic importance for the state. The low population density of this state allows us to conclude that many of the historical values ​​and traditions of the Indian society, which attract tourists, have been preserved. By the way, many tribes of Indians lived in Wyoming in the old days: Crow, Shoshone, Cheyenne, Arapaho, Sioux. A few more interesting facts about the state: oil production in Wyoming began even before it officially became a US state (it was July 10, 1890, Wyoming is the 44th US state); the capital of the state is the city of Cheyenne (the name of one of the Indian tribes); Wyoming is the US state with the smallest population.

8) Washington

Population: 5.9 million people.

Area: 184,827 km².

Capital: Olympia.

The state of Washington officially became a US state on November 11, 1889, making Washington the 42nd state in a row. Before the arrival of Europeans, numerous tribes of Indians lived in the state. Currently, there are 20 Indian reservations in the state, where the Indians live. Interesting facts about the state of Washington: the majority of the population of the state (20.9%) are ethnic Germans; Russians in the state - 1.4% of the total population; in the state of Washington are the headquarters of such giant corporations as Microsoft, Valve, Starbucks,; In the state of Washington, the cultivation of cannabis for medical purposes is allowed (of course, in limited quantities).

9) Vermont

Population: more than 610 thousand people.

Area: 24,923 km²

Capital: Montpelier.

Vermont is a small state (45th in area) with a fairly high population density, however, the state is 49th in terms of population. It is the 14th state of the United States and became part of the United States in 1791. The state motto is "Liberty and Unity". The official nickname is the Green Mountain State.

10) Virginia

Population: more than 8 million people.

Area: 110,785 km²

Capital: Richmond.

It is the 10th state in the USA.

11) Wisconsin

Population: 5,453,896 (2010).

Area: 169,639 km²

Capital: Madison.

Population: 1,374,810 (2011).

Area: 28,311 km²

Capital: Honolulu.

13) Delaware

Population: 783,600 (2010).

Area: 6,452 km².

Capital: Dover.

14) Georgia

Population: 8.186 million (2000)

Area: 153,909 km².

Capital: Atlanta.

15) West Virginia

Population: 1.808 million (2000)

Area: 62,755 km².

Capital: Charleston.

16) Illinois

Population: 12,869,257 (2010)

Area: 149,998 km²

Capital: Springfield.

17) Indiana

Population: 6.5 million people.

Area: 94,321 km².

Capital: Indianapolis.

18) California

Population: 37,253,956 (2010)

Area: 423,970 km².

Capital: Sacramento.

US state with the largest population.

Population: 2.688 million (2000)

Area: 213,096 km².

Capital: Topeka.

20) Kentucky

Population: 4.042 million (2010)

Area: 104,659 km²

Capital: Frankfort.

21) Colorado

Population 5,029,196 million (2010).

Area: 269,837 km².

Capital: Denver.

22) Connecticut

Population: 3,574,097 (2010)

Area: 14,357 km².

Capital: Hartford.

23) Louisiana

Population: 4.5 million (2010).

Area: 135,382 km².

Capital: Baton Rouge.

24) Massachusetts

Population: 6,349,097 (2010).

Area: 27,336 km².

Capital: Boston.

25) Minnesota

Population: 5,314,879

Area: 225,181 km².

Capital: Saint Paul.

26) Mississippi

Population: 2.967 million (2010)

Area: 125,443 km².

Capital: Jackson.

27) Missouri

Population: 5.595 million (2010)

Area: 180,533 km².

Capital: Jefferson City.

28) Michigan

Population: 9.938 million (2010)

Area: 250,493 km².

Capital: Lansing.

29) Montana

Population: 967,440 (2010)

Area: 381,156 km².

Capital: Helena.

Population: 1.275 million (2010)

Area: 91,646 km².

Capital: Augusta.

31) Maryland

Population: 5.296 million (2010)

Area: 32,133 km².

Capital: Annapolis.

32) Nebraska

Population: 1,826,341 (2010).

Area: 200,520 km².

Capital: Lincoln.

Population: 1,998,257 (2010).

Area: 286,367 km².

Capital: Carson City.

34) New Hampshire

Population: 1.236 million (2010)

Area: 24,217 km².

Capital: Concord.

35) New Jersey

Population: 8.791 million (2010)

Area: 22,608 km².

Capital: Trenton.

36) New York

Population 19,378,102 (2010).

Area: 141,300 km².

Capital: Albany.

The state of New York is famous.

37) New Mexico

Population: 2,059,179 (2010).

Area: 315,194 km².

Capital: Santa Fe.

Population: 11,435,798 (2010)

Area: 116,096 km².

Capital: Columbus.

39) Oklahoma

Population: 3.45 million (2010)

Area: 181,196 km².

Capital: Oklahoma City.

Population: 3.64 million (2010)

Area: 255,026 km².

Capital: Salem.

41) Pennsylvania

Population: 12,281,054 (2010)

Area: 119,283 km².

Capital: Harrisburg.

42) Rhode Island

Population: 1,051,302 (2011).

Area: 4,002 km².

Capital: Providence.

The smallest state in the USA.

43) North Dakota

Population: 632.7 thousand people (2010).

Area: 183,272 km².

Capital: Bismarck.

44) North Carolina

Population: 9,380,884 (2010)

Area: 139,509 km².

Capital: Raleigh.

45) Tennessee

Population: 6,403,353 (2011).

Area: 109,151 km².

Capital: Nashville.

Population: 25,145,56 (2010)

Area: 696,241 km².

Capital: Austin.

47) Florida

Population: 18,801,310 (2010).

Area: 170,304 km².

Capital: Tallahassee.

48) South Dakota

Population: 796,214 (2010).

Area: 199,905 km².

Capital: Pyrrhus.

49) South Carolina

Population: 4 million (2010).

Area: 82,931 km².

Capital: Colombia.

Population: 2,763,885 (2010).

Area: 219,887 km².

Capital: Salt Lake City.