Union of nine unknown Orenburg steppes. forgotten reality

The history of mankind has many secret communities. Their creators pursued various goals, usually associated with the inability to act in an official way. Monks, revolutionaries, masons - all members of secret organizations tried to hide their activities from prying eyes. But even against the backdrop of the most conspiratorial communities, the mysterious and legendary Union of Nine stands out with special secrecy. It is still impossible to say with complete certainty whether it continues to exist today. When You Can't Refuse The first mention of the Union of Nine Unknowns dates back to the 3rd century BC. According to the surviving written evidence, the army of one of the Indian rulers named Ashoka waged an internecine war in order to conquer the neighboring state. Thousands of people died in numerous bloody battles. But one day, when Ashoka surveyed the battlefield covered with dead bodies, he suddenly realized that someday humanity could destroy itself. And the only thing that keeps him from this so far is the imperfection of the existing weapons. Ashoka completely changed his policy, abandoning all territorial wars. But most importantly, the emperor wished that any invention of the human mind could never threaten the existence of many people. He ordered all prominent scientists to be called to him - not only his empire, but also neighboring states. Ashoka told them that he wanted to create an organization that would protect humanity. Scholars by secret ballot chose the nine most authoritative sages - and Ashoka approved their candidacies. From now on, all scientific research was to continue - but their results and discoveries were transferred to the Union of Nine. And only the chosen sages, initiated into the main secret, could decide whether to publish these scientific discoveries or hide them from other people. The nine members of the secret alliance were not supposed to be known by anyone except themselves. In the event of the death of someone, eight others chose his successor - and if the chosen one for some reason refused, death awaited him, because the scientist learned something that was not available to those who were not members of a secret society. The nine great sages sent their disciples to different countries to collect knowledge. All the information obtained was carefully recorded and accumulated in hiding places, about which, at the beginning of the existence of the brotherhood, deliberate rumors spread that they were guarded by terrible monsters and it was impossible to look for them in any case. If the sages realized that further research in a particular area could lead to the self-destruction of civilization, they took measures to stop scientific work in this direction, using bribery, blackmail, or even murder. Cache in the Orenburg steppe
At the end of the 19th century, this legend was confirmed in the books of Louis Jacolliot, the French consul in Calcutta. He spent a lot of time in local book depositories and studied countless ancient documents. His conclusions were unequivocal: the Union of Nine Unknowns existed and continues to exist for more than two thousand years, its activities extend to all areas of knowledge and around the world. In The Fire Eaters (1887), Jacolliot says that in the ancient documents he examined there are descriptions of strange inventions, for example, regarding the release of energy or the properties of radiation. Recall that in the 19th century, public scientific discoveries in these areas had not yet been made. That is, we are talking about knowledge that was deliberately hidden. Jacollio managed to trace the fate of one of the caches of the Union of the Nine. According to one version, it was accidentally found and taken to France, and from there, during the war with Napoleon, it ended up in Russia, where the keeper was forced to abandon what he had collected. Now this repository of knowledge is located somewhere in the Samara region or the Orenburg steppe. The Fire Eaters book was published in Russia in 1910. Later, after the revolution, it was banned as socially harmful and was not published until 1989. Could she simply interfere with the activities of the Union of Nine? Nine sacred tomes In 1927, Talbot's book Mandy, a research novel dedicated to this secret society, was published. The author, who has been working in India for 25 years, confirmed that it exists and that each of its nine members keeps a special book dedicated to a certain area of ​​knowledge. These books (or, rather, collections of documents and materials) are the most comprehensive scientific research at any given time. All nine books are carefully hidden (apparently, the lost part of the secret knowledge described by Jacollio was subsequently restored). The first of these is about propaganda, because, according to Mandy, “of all the sciences, the most dangerous is the science of crowd control.” The second book is devoted to the nervous system, the principles of its work, ways to eliminate or, conversely, revive a person with one touch. Mandy believes that the emergence of martial arts was the result of a leak of knowledge from this book - when a certain Tibetan monk suddenly taught everyone 15 initial techniques, which were later included in the textbooks of different schools. The third book of the Union of Nine talks about biology, the fourth about chemistry, the fifth about terrestrial and cosmic ways of communication. The sixth book contains information about gravity (by the way, some ancient Indian documents, according to their researchers, contain instructions for building spaceships and managing them). The seventh book tells about solar and electric light, the eighth about the laws of space and, finally, the ninth about the evolution of human society itself. Some scholars are of the opinion that the nine books came to a secret union from earlier sages - for example, the inhabitants of the disappeared civilizations of Atlantis or Lemuria. Who was killed by Star Wars?
What facts can prove the activities of the Union of Nine Unknowns? According to researchers, there are a number of scientific developments that cannot be brought to an end in any way. Among them are antigravity, energy transfer at a distance, studies of the connection between space and time, mental influence and some other areas of knowledge. Many scientists who successfully dealt with these problems died unexpectedly, and the materials of their research were not preserved. Tragic is the fate of the talented Russian naturalist Mikhail Filippov, who was the first to state the thesis about the inexhaustible nature of the electron. He studied radiation energy and in 1903 wrote in one of his articles that he could transmit the force of a charge using electromagnetic waves so that an explosion in Moscow would be reflected in Constantinople. Shortly thereafter, at the age of 44, Filippov was found dead in his laboratory, all the documents of the experiments were seized by the police, and they are considered lost. The secret union may be involved in the history of the development of electricity, which was known even in the early civilizations of the Sumerians and Egypt. But at the same time, the next step, the discovery and description of the properties of electric current, was made only in the 19th century. In the late 1960s and early 1970s, a number of unexpected deaths of several dozen specialists in the field of space exploration occurred in the USSR and the USA, and the development of science in this direction slowed down sharply. In fact, the study of outer space has not reached a fundamentally new level since then. A list of scientists who worked on the Star Wars program was published in the Western press. 23 leading experts in the field of electronic weapons passed away within six years, from 1982 to 1988. They became victims of car and plane crashes, murder or suicide, and the Star Wars program, as you know, was curtailed. Down with guns! At the same time, researchers attribute many amazing scientific and technical achievements of the past to the fact that their authors are somehow involved in the Union of Nine Unknowns - being its members or receiving information from them. For example, in the XIII century, an English philosopher. Roger Bacon spoke of the imminent invention of the airplane, the telephone, and the automobile, describing these devices in general terms. Where does such knowledge come from? The same applies to the ideas of Leonardo da Vinci, in the drawings and drawings of which you can see a helicopter or a submarine. There is written evidence that the German scientist Heidenberg, who lived in the 16th century, used radio equipment in his research. The German mathematician Daniel Schwenter described in detail the principle of the electric telegraph in 1636. Jonathan Swift, in Gulliver's Travels (1726), spoke of two moons of Mars - more than 150 years before they were discovered. In 1775, the French engineer Du Perron created the prototype of the modern machine gun. But such a killing machine seemed monstrous to King Louis XVI and was rejected. The list of incredible inventions for its time is easy to continue. And couldn't one of these people be a member of a mysterious secret society? Yes, the Union of Nine failed to prevent the terrible wars of the 20th century. But humanity has remained - and perhaps this is an indicator that the secret society is still fulfilling its task? Viktor SVETLANIN

In the 19th century, the legend of a certain secret society "Nine Unknowns" was made public.
According to this legend, ~2300 years ago, in the 3rd c. BC. a certain emperor Ashoka , who ruled Hindustan, being on the battlefield (he went to war with his neighbors, most likely) suddenly wondered: what awaits humanity in the future, will it not destroy itself with its technologies? Looking again at the battlefield, where his troops were finishing off their neighbors, he suddenly realized - will destroy!
In the 19th century, the Society of the Nine Unknowns was reported by Louis Jacolliot. French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, Louis had access to many secret documents. Louis Jacollio left behind a library of the rarest books on the great mysteries of mankind. In one of his works, Louis Jacolliot stated that the union of the "Nine Unknowns" existed and exists to this day.
In this regard, Louis Jacolliot mentioned technologies that were completely unthinkable in 1860, in particular: the release of energy and psychological warfare.

Louis Zhakolio argued that, for twenty-two centuries, in the territory controlled by the Nine Unknowns (the entire civilized world), secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books. And this most valuable piggy bank of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main activity of the Union of "Nine Unknowns" ... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. Whether this is true or not is not known, in any case, the Frenchman claimed in his book "The Fire Eaters", published in Russia in a limited edition on the eve of the revolution, in any case, even if the book was in Russia, after the publication of the book by Louis Jacollio it was hidden.

Further on in the legend: after the war, Ashoka ordered all the most wise men, philosophers, scientists and others from this brethren to be summoned to the capital, shared his thoughts with them and announced that he wanted to found an organization that would guard humanity. The sages understood everything, chose nine of the most mega-sages among themselves and proposed their candidacies for consideration by the ruler.
He approved the candidates, founded the society, naming the "union of the Nine Unknowns" by the number. From now on, no one was supposed to know them by sight, officially they do not exist at all, unofficially either - it's no joke, for two thousand years no one has heard of such a society.

They have unlimited funding from empire, obey only the ruling monarch, have truly unlimited possibilities and powers on the territory of Hindustan, seek out exits to their neighbors in order to strengthen their power in foreign territory. Of course, such an organization did not consist of only 9 people. Together with the rest of the brethren who arrived at the court of the emperor, they made up nine clans, groups, the patriarchs of which were the chosen Nine. They had a ton of different agents, residents, executors, scammers, couriers, mercenaries and others (here I read between the lines of the legend).

The board of the union of nine, according to legend, consisted of only 9 people, whose names were not disclosed, the union also recruited scientists, politicians and rulers in order to strengthen its capabilities and influence.

What are the goals of the Society of the Nine? They had to take control of the emergence and development of all sorts of ideas, technologies that could turn into a terrible weapon against the human race in the future. The goal is noble. In fact, they killed every new technological idea in the bud, and often together with the carriers of these ideas. Scientists, inventors, etc. simply disappeared, and their works were destroyed, or also disappeared.

The legend also says that the best scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers were gathered in order to continue their research, but not to make their discoveries public, such a group of researchers could be needed to strengthen their capabilities and their influence, but the main goal of the Union of Nine remained all sorts of obstacles to the introduction and even the creation of inventions, knowledge and discoveries capable of taking humanity to the next level of knowledge.
The consequences of the activities of the "Council of Nine" are often traced in history, scientists capable of taking science to the next level were destroyed, their research was lost.

Here the question arises: Does the end justify the means? Well, these are questions of rotten morality.
They used lesser evil principle: Like, sacrifice a hundred lives to save a thousand.
Explanations will be below.

It is assumed that the Union of Nine Unknowns is involved in the withdrawal of electricity from the ancient Sumer and Egypt. Scientists conducting successful research in the field of subtle energy, telepathy, energy transmission over a distance, often disappeared or died, their research also disappeared.
By no means all the research that disappeared had a military focus, sometimes knowledge that had nothing to do with weapons was destroyed, in particular the same ancient electricity, and research in the field of telepathy and other human superpowers. Of course, with a strong desire, everything can be changed in the form of a weapon, and yet, some of the lost knowledge would bring significant benefits to humanity, and now this knowledge is inaccessible.
Is it necessary to destroy science so zealously just to prevent "Armageddon"? It is unlikely that many of the destroyed knowledge could bring simply unimaginable benefits to humanity, although, of course, there are other knowledge that can do harm, only for some reason this knowledge, albeit quite insignificant, is already available, while knowledge aimed at the development of mankind to a new level, are still inaccessible, which may well indicate the real purpose of the Council of Nine.

Largely due to the Union of Nine Unknowns, electricity was publicly discovered only in the 19th century. AD, research in the field of magic and telepathy is still unknown, alternative energy sources are not being introduced and often even unknown, we still believe that the earth is the only inhabited planet, that magic and telepathy are fiction, and that gasoline and turbine engine are the most efficient energy sources, while this containment or even degradation did not save humanity from many wars and disasters, despite the fact that it did not give humanity the opportunity to become better.

But I digress. Further: suddenly the union of Nine out of nowhere appear on their hands nine the most valuable folios, containing the most ancient knowledge about the structure of the world, man, various sciences, methods of control and manipulation. Knowledge that gives almost limitless power Nine unknowns. Knowledge Atlantov.

The legend says that there are nine books in which the wisdom and knowledge of mankind are collected, including knowledge that came from previous civilizations, each book is about its own branch of science, nine books are carefully hidden and protected by the union of nine.
Publicly about the existence of books became known in 1927 when Talbot Mandy, who for 25 years served in the British police of India, published a half-novel, half an investigation. In it, the English resident claimed that the "Nine Unknowns" really exist and that each of the 9 supreme members of the union is the keeper of one Book dedicated to a particular branch of knowledge. These books are constantly replenished, being, in fact, the most complete collections of scientific works in the entire history of mankind.

Here are the books:

I. First book Nine unknowns:

The first book of the union of the Nine Unknowns speaks of psychology of the crowd and the impact on the mass. It is sometimes argued that the "First Book" is one of the most dangerous the most dangerous, because allows you to control the whole world.

II. Second book Nine unknowns:

The second book of the Union of the Nine Unknowns is dedicated to nervous system. The book contains information about different ways of killing. It describes in detail how to control the flow of nerve currents in the body, how to kill and revive a person with just one touch.

Leakage of information from this book sometimes explains the emergence of martial arts, "once a Tibetan monk returned from a long journey, and taught his associates the first fifteen techniques."

III. Third book Nine unknowns:

The third book is about micro- and macrobiology.

IV. Fourth book Nine unknowns:

The fourth book of the union of the nine contains knowledge of chemistry, descriptions of the mutual transformation and transmutation of metals.

V. Book Five of the Nine Unknowns:

The fifth book of the union of the Nine Unknowns speaks of terrestrial and extraterrestrial means of communication.

VI. Sixth book Nine unknowns:

The sixth book of the Union of the Nine is dedicated to gravity.

A few years ago in Tibet (Lhasa) some Sanskrit documents were discovered and sent for translation to Chandrigarh University. Dr Ruf Reyna from this university stated recently that these documents contain instructions for building interstellar spaceships! Their mode of locomotion, she said, was "anti-gravity" and based on a system similar to that used in "laghim," an unknown "I" force that exists in the human psyche, "a centrifugal force sufficient to overcome all gravitational pull.".

According to the teachings of Indian yogis, this is the " laghima", which allows a person to levitate. It also described a possible flight to the moon. These ships are called vimanas. Perhaps this was the same book, although I personally doubt that this book could have been so carelessly lost, and even if so, then an influential society would hardly have allowed this information to be made public, perhaps we are talking about a text written by one of the initiates and later lost .

VII. Seventh book Nine unknowns:

The seventh book of the nine unknowns speaks of light, light as a phenomenon, solar, electric, etc.

VIII. Eighth book
Nine unknowns:

The eighth book of the Union of the Nine Unknowns contains information on cosmogony and the laws of space development.

IX. Ninth book Nine unknowns:

The ninth book of the Nine Unknowns is dedicated to sociology and talks about the laws of evolution of society. The ninth book allows you to foresee their origin, stages of development and extinction.

Undoubtedly, a society that possessed such knowledge could achieve incredible influence.

It has also been argued that society itself has benefited from the knowledge of these books and, in many ways, thanks to this knowledge, has achieved such influence and opportunities.

Here is such a legend. Now I want to describe my view.

I don't know if there are any TV programs, books, or other articles other than the one I'm quoting here in italics (the bibliography will be at the end) about the union of the Nine. I myself once read something about them and forgot. Yesterday I remembered, speculated. And so.

Comments: in my opinion, it is not a mystery that the union of the unknowns is equal in number to 9 books of Atlantis.
The legend states that initially this society did not have the books of the Atlanteans, that they did not know how they found them at all, that there are exactly nine books, as well as the Unknowns who found them. Pure coincidence, yes. And in general, the Society of Nine was founded by Emperor Ashoka.

The Union of the Nine was not founded by Ashoka. And in my opinion, its age is much older than 2,000 years.
In ancient times, some people either really accidentally found the heritage of the Atlanteans, and / or it was passed down through generations in a certain closed clan. Or, this continuity of generations lasts for them until the time of the fall of Atlantis, and this is 13,000 years.

Personally, one thing is clear to me: the Nine Unknowns are the most secret elite on the planet.
Indeed, quite a lot is known about all sorts of "secret" societies, at least that they exist (-voval).

The elite is called Illuminati. They are the heads of all other communities: Freemasons, Templars, Rosicrucians, skull and bones, Levites, communities of bankers and financiers, and so on and so forth.

Well what is it secret world government, when their existence, their activities, goals, representatives have long are not secret. If desired, any person is able to gather the most capacious / known / dense information about them on the Web.
But about the union of the Nine, I found only two small articles - about the existence of the Unknowns themselves and about their books. Everything.

It looks like a distraction. Here, they say, you have a bunch of secret communities conspiring to take over the whole world, conspiracy theory, Jews, reptilians, grays and so on. Rejoice, conspiracy! And we, as always, are in the shadows, quietly building our NWO (New World Order).

I came across a couple of comments, like: if they are so powerful and ancient, why did they come to world power only in the 18th century?

I can answer: how do you imagine world power a few millennia ago? Or 5-6 centuries ago? In order to fully manage, if not all, then most of the processes in various parts of the world, it is necessary to create unified system of government. Unified economy, geopolitics. Do you understand what I mean? In ancient times, this was not achieved, in the Middle Ages it was also very difficult. Financial and political threads are needed that would entangle the whole world, and for which you can safely pull, realizing, for example, a coup in some African country, while being on the other side of the Earth. Fast communication is needed, operating even in the most remote areas. We need ways, means of the fastest possible movement in space, on land, water, air. General info field planets. It is now the Internet. International organizations, mass media, mass media are needed. All this was not achieved in the past.

How do you imagine that? Many different states, each has a different society, different types of power, different mentality, different values, laws and much more. To the nearest neighboring state weeks and months of travel. To the other end of the known, then open world, years of travel are required. Under such conditions, it is simply impossible to cover the whole world, all known countries with threads of power and control the processes taking place in them.

The Society of Nine kept (and keeps (?)) the technological development of the world with a tight rein. And steered him in the right direction. Little by little, well-known countries were entwined with their influence, statesmen were recruited.
It was they who built the modern technocratic civilization.

It is known that their purpose is unlimited power over the world. The legend says that originally the Nine were supposed to become guardians, guardians of the fragile human world. How did they become guardians soulless power-hungry who go to any crime, ready to unleash wars, arrange a horrific genocide of mankind, conduct inhuman social experiments on various countries, groups of people?

I think in the beginning, the Nine Unknowns really wanted to protect the world from destruction, as happened with the last civilization that was swept away by the global Flood. They were idealists, dreamers who wanted to establish world peace. And they had the tools and knowledge to accomplish this goal. The first Nine appeared on the ruins of a former civilization. They were among the few survivors of the disaster. Perhaps these were the Atlanteans who retained their knowledge. A number of generations of successors continued to follow the original goal of the Council - the preservation of peace. But, somehow, over time, the goals of the new Nine changed.

They had in their hands bomb. Impossible for the people of that time (and for today) knowledge. And most importantly - technology!
This is absolute power over the surrounding savages. The temptation was great. But they were few in number, they would have been swept openly. Therefore, they hid.

In general, so far my thoughts on this end.

I found two possible traces of the union of the Nine in two books.

1. In the Slavic-Aryan Vedas in the book "Slavic worldview":

This universal catastrophe took place 13020 years before 2012 of the modern chronology. After it came the Times of the Great Frost or, in modern terms, the Great Cooling came. In those difficult times, only those people survived who ended up in mountainous and forest areas, in underground temple structures that were not destroyed and flooded. The surviving Priests of many peoples made a joint decision to hide the technical knowledge regarding all types of weapons or systems of destruction that led to the death of many people and peoples.

They started talking about the Union of Nine in the 3rd century BC. It all started with the tribe of the ruler Ashok, the warriors killed thousands of people from neighboring states. It so happened that he stood and looked at the field, flooded with blood and corpses, then the understanding came to him that soon humanity could cease to exist. There is only one limitation - there is no such strong weapon yet.

Since then, Ashoka has changed, he stopped fighting and hoped that humanity would not come up with any more terrible weapons than the one that already exists. Then he convened scientists and announced his desire to create an organization to protect the world. So, scientists have chosen the 9 most authoritative wisest ones, and Ashoka confirmed this choice. They were given the right to decide which discoveries of science to show the world, and which ones to hide. No one knew the members of the Union. In the case when one member died, a successor was selected for him, and if he refused, he was killed.

The nine wisest sent their students around the world to collect information. If any discoveries threatened humanity, the Union did everything to exterminate them and stop working - they blackmailed them, they killed them.

Works of scientists

Louis Jacolliot wrote a book where he claims that the Union of Nine really existed. Moreover, the consul is sure that he has been working for 2 thousand years. In the work “The Fire Eaters”, the author writes that in the documents of antiquity he found clear references to terrible inventions that were not published.

The scientist even discovered one cache of the Union, someone says that he was accidentally taken to France, and during the war to Russia. According to the author, the repository of the intellectual treasures of the world is now somewhere in the Samara region or the Orenburg steppe. In Russia, the book was published in 1910, and after the revolution it was banned, the publication began again only in 1989. Apparently, the book interfered with someone.

Another book - Talbot Mandy, published in 1927, this research novel was devoted to the same topic. In his opinion, there is a set of certain knowledge from all over the world, which the Union of Nine imprisoned in one book. There are 9 books in total, but they are all hidden somewhere.

In the first, it should be about propaganda, according to the scientist: "of all the sciences, the most dangerous is the science of controlling the thoughts of the crowd." The second talks about the nervous system, its principles and how to destroy or resurrect a person. The third is devoted to biology, the fourth to chemistry, the fifth speaks of terrestrial and cosmic methods of communication. The sixth book - information about gravity, they say, there were even plans for the construction of space machines. The seventh is solar and electric light, the eighth is the laws of the cosmos, and the ninth is the evolution of human society.

According to many scholars, the nine books of the Union came to its members from older sages, for example, those who lived in Atlantis or Lemuria.


Doesn't it seem strange that the naturalist Mikhail Filippov died at the age of 44 right in his laboratory, and the police confiscated all the documents. But he developed ray energy and wrote that he could transfer the force of the charge using electromagnetic waves so that an explosion in Moscow would be reflected in Constantinople.

There are more matches. In the 1960s and 70s, dozens of specialists died unexpectedly in the USSR and the USA, those who were engaged in the study of space. A new level in this matter has not been mastered to this day. In the Western press, it was said that many scientists who worked on "Star Wars" were killed. Another 23 specialists were employed in the field of electronic weapons and also died. These were either auto or plane crashes, murders, suicides. But the Star Wars program was still curtailed.

Let's think about these similarities:

The German mathematician Daniel Schwenter worked on the principles of the electric telegraph in 1636. In Gulliver's travel book, Swift describes two satellites of Mars, and they were discovered 150 years later. In 1775, Du Perron discovered the prototype of the current machine gun, but Louis 16 considered the machine terrible and rejected the invention. Who knows, maybe he was part of the Union of Nine.

One of the most mysterious fragments of the Indian epic "Mahabharata" has always been considered an episode that tells about the mysterious weapon of the god Brahma. He called upon heavenly fire, which destroyed cities and enemy armies in seconds. On the territory of present-day India, Pakistan, where the city of Harappa and Mohenjo-Dara are located, there was a flourishing land. Then there was some kind of sudden explosion, as a result of which there was a melting of everything that was nearby.

Relatives of the deceased scientist are convinced that Krokholev has gone too far in their scientific research. Gennady Krokholev studied patients, fixing them on film. He argued that the human eye is able to form an image on film that haunts the patient. Analyzing these photographs, Krokholev deduced a universal formula for a person.

Death of Academician Andrey Brushlinsky

In 2002, Andrey Brushlinsky, Professor of Psychology, Corresponding Member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, became a victim of unknown criminals. The killers lay in wait for him in the entrance of his own house. As follows from the criminal case, the scientist was first hit on the head with a heavy object, and then strangled. The criminals took the scientist's briefcase with unique documents.

Shortly before his death, Brushlinsky became interested in new research. It was the problem of studying origins. However, many believe that this study was just a front. In fact, the scientist was involved in the development of a fundamentally new type of weapon capable of subordinating millions of people to the will of its owner.

It may seem like a mere coincidence, but the murder of Brushlinsky was not the first in a series of attacks on scientists working on a secret project. A year before this incident, the former deputy of Brushlinsky at the Institute of Psychology of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Vasily Druzhinin, became a victim of unknown killers. And also, a few months later, unknown persons attacked a specialist in psycho-influence, Professor Valery Korshunov. None of these crimes were ever solved.

Research by Louis Jacolliot

Louis Jacolliot is known throughout the world as a popular French novelist of the nineteenth century. However, few people know that Jacolliot was the French consul in India. He spent almost ten years in the city of Kalku-to, studying the manuscripts of the ancient rulers. The consul collected Sanskrit, ancient maps, clay tablets, ritual daggers and mirrors. Jacollio was interested in everything that contained drawings or fragments of ancient texts. In 1860, the consul discovered a mysterious manuscript. It talked about liberation, sterilization by radiation, and psychological warfare. For the middle of the nineteenth century, these were truly fantastic technologies.

In the Middle Ages, individual educated people acquired knowledge of a level that, in principle, could not be obtained, so to speak, empirically. In their writings they described things that they could not know, see or even imagine.

Moreover, in the secret archives, Louis Jacolliot found information about a secret organization that calls itself the "Union of Nine Unknowns." In his studies, Jacollio writes that for 22 centuries, in the territory controlled by the union of nine, secret research was conducted in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were available only to the elite. The knowledge that appeared in the human environment has always been limited to a certain circle of people, because knowledge made it possible to rule the world, states, people.

A careless schematic drawing of a parachute, the great Leonardo sketched five hundred years before the appearance of the first parachute. He also invented a primitive, but quite functional helicopter. It seems fantastic, but Da Vinci seemed to know what inventions mankind would make in the future and tried his best to bring this moment closer.

However, another one, perfect two hundred years before Leonardo's revelation, looks even more fantastic. The Franciscan monk Roger Bacon, already in the 12th century, confidently wrote, it is possible to build a machine that moves at incredible speed without draft animals, similar to ancient war chariots. In his treatises, Bacon described in detail the microscope, modern ships, aircraft, and weapons of mass destruction.

What sources did Jonathan Swift use to predict that Mars would have two satellites two centuries before their official discovery?

Who in the fifteenth century taught Paracelsus, from whom all Western medicine derives its origin, the fundamentals of modern pharmacology?

All the secret knowledge that the greatest minds of the planet shone with was taken from the same source. Jacollio argues that Bacon, Da Vinci, Swift, Paracelsus, at various times were members of an extremely secret organization that has been in possession of the knowledge of the gods for several millennia.

How the "Union of Nine Unknowns" was created

According to one of the legends, back in the third century BC, the ruler of the ancient Indian state Ashoka, saw a terrible battlefield and realized that humanity could destroy itself, each time using more and more destructive weapons. The king gathered nine wise men and formed the "Union of Nine". The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe union was to maximally hinder the improvement of mankind and.

Ashoka was the third ruler of the Mauryas, who founded the ancient Indian state. He was born a thousand years after the events described in the Mahabharata. According to one version, in order to ascend the throne, Ashoka killed all his brothers. Continuing the work of his grandfather, King Chendragupta, he pursued a tough policy of annexing new territories to India. Ashoka was merciless towards his enemies. His army conquered neighboring states one by one. Legend has it that one day Ashoka's army invaded the small state of Kalinga, located between present-day Calcutta and Madras. The war turned out to be bloody. Thousands of people died in fierce battles.

According to one version, the original source fell into the hands of scientists - one of the ancient manuscripts of the Union of Nine. Most researchers were skeptical about the manuscript. However, Chinese scientists, after analyzing the information from an ancient source, used it in the program of space exploration and rocket science. Surprisingly, less than five years later, China came out on top in the space race.

What was discussed in the ninth, most dangerous book, written in ancient times by the first sages of the union of nine? And can its content be somehow connected with the work of scientists who died under mysterious circumstances at the beginning of the twenty-first century? According to legend, it is dedicated to the technique and methods of nuclear and psychological warfare.

For more than two millennia, the Union of Nine has accumulated fantastic resources. They allow you to track any new ones that humanity gives birth to. The control mechanism is very simple. It is enough to have access to the international patenting system. It is no coincidence that Albert Einstein, whom many consider one of the nine unknowns, worked for a long time in the patent office.

Nuclear confrontation of the Superpowers is controlled by the secret organization "Alliance of Nine"

The attack against the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki in 1945, for the first time, showed mankind the full horror of a nuclear catastrophe. And at the same time, it made it clear that the state that owns such weapons will not hesitate to use them in the future. Work on the so-called Manhattan Project was strictly classified. Even the US State Department did not know what scientists were doing. The complex in which the first atomic bomb was created had its own police, counterintelligence and communications system. A person who came to the nuclear center could no longer leave it without special permission. Moreover, all the scientists changed their names. For example, Niels Born, became Nicola Baker, and the world-famous physicist Enrico Fermi, was in all documents under the pseudonym "99"

In 1943, books, magazines, and newspapers that talked about the possibility of creating atomic weapons were seized from all US libraries. Librarians were ordered to report anyone interested in such material. But, apparently, someone, even before the start of this campaign, knew almost everything about the Manhattan project itself, and how it would end.

In 1941, writer Robert Heinlein published the short story "An Unfortunate Decision". Heinlein wrote that at the end of the war, the Americans would create a bomb based on the isotope uranium-235. With its help, the army will destroy two cities, after which, any war will lose its meaning. This was four years before the explosion of the first atomic bomb.

Heinlein's story is striking in its accuracy. Almost no one knew about uranium-235 in those years. How he found out about this is unknown. For American intelligence agencies, this story was a real revelation. The writer was prosecuted for divulging state secrets. But the scouts did not manage to understand where Heinlein could get such detailed information about the project, which in 1941 did not yet exist.

But much more a mystery to the CIA was the information that in the USSR, work on the fission of uranium began in 1939. Intelligence officers suggested that there was an organization operating in the world that was much more powerful than all the special services combined. It was she who made sure that the two superpowers, almost simultaneously, had nuclear technologies in order to maintain some kind of balance in our world.

Surprisingly, it was the atomic arsenals of the USA and the USSR that for many years became a guarantee of peace between the two powers. Nuclear parity, according to historians, forced states to be more attentive to issues of war and peace. In addition, the holders of nuclear weapons are now carefully watching to ensure that other countries cannot master these technologies.

According to the logic of the Union of Nine participants, before humanity learns to use the fruits of its intellectual labor fully and without harm to itself, it needs to grow up. Otherwise, a person's attempts to master new technologies will be like a child playing with a sharp knife. How long will it take for humanity to mature? Unknown. But until that happens, nine strangers will continue to make sure we don't get hurt.

Soyuz Nine prevents the Large Hadron Collider from launching

In August 2008, in France, under mysterious circumstances, the Russian nuclear scientist Arkady Mulin, who worked at the Research Center, died. The physicist's car suddenly flew off the road and rolled over several times. Eyewitnesses say that a truck almost pushed the car off the road. They even memorized his numbers. But investigators later said that the car with such numbers was not registered in the European Union.

Arkady Mulin is one of those who prepared the Large Hadron Collider for launch, or rather some of its elements. With their help, physicists wanted to obtain a special state of matter -. Its existence has so far been confirmed only mathematically. Surprisingly, after the death of Mulin, all experiments to create dark matter were postponed indefinitely.

These experiments are dangerous and the physicists who work there are well aware of this. A microscopic magnetic hole could be created at the Large Hadron Collider. Other scientists claim that it can be created. Still others predict that strangelets can be created.

Strapelki is a literal translation of the English term "strange drops". So physicists call particles that are able to pass through any substance, starting a chain reaction. This is the same dark matter that the universe could have been made of before the big bang. The synthesis of even a small amount of such particles, as suggested by some scientists, is extremely dangerous.

An international team of scientists has so far failed to launch the hadron collider at full capacity. Since its construction, the accelerator has been haunted by a series of inexplicable accidents. The collider was stopped due to failures in the power supply system, due to helium leaks, due to sudden overheating, due to water, which, in some mysterious way, got into the accelerator channel. The barely built accelerator was almost immediately closed for preventive repairs. It's hard to believe, but in the five years since its inception, the installation has worked no more than three months. All the facts indicate that forces interfere with the work of the collider, which science did not even suspect. Is it really that some people do not allow physicists to use all the possibilities of an ultra-modern particle accelerator.

It is possible that the members of the Union of Nine know better than anyone how the experiments with the Large Hadron Collider may end. Is he really trying to prevent a catastrophe on a planetary scale?

Secret Society of the Nine Unknowns
remains top secret

As long as human civilization exists, so many secret societies exist on earth. Freemasons, Templars, Rosicrucians… Little is known about them - they hid their secrets too well. But the undisputed champion in secrecy, of course, was the society of "Nine Unknowns": today it remains the most mysterious and poorly understood. This brotherhood is so well conspiratorial that for several centuries now historians and researchers have been arguing: does the union of the “Nine Unknowns” really exist?

Dangerous Knowledge

The first mention of the Nine Unknown Society dates back to the 3rd century BC. e. The legend connects his appearance with the Indian ruler Ashoka. Continuing the work of his grandfather King Chandragupta, Ashoka pursued a policy of uniting India, mired in civil strife. But then, full of ambition, he went to conquer the neighboring state - Kalinga, located between the current Calcutta and Madras. The war turned out to be bloody: thousands of people died in fierce battles. The number of people killed horrified Ashoka. He refused to further annex the lands "by fire and sword", soberly judging that the real conquest lies in conquering the hearts of his subjects. Ashoka decided that if India was to be united, then according to the laws of duty and piety, because God wants all people to live in security, peace and happiness and enjoy the freedom to dispose of themselves.

In a word, the king had a complete reassessment of values: Ashoka seemed to have been replaced. Wishing to benefit the living people and their descendants, he forbade the use of the creations of the mind for evil. However, the wise ruler understood perfectly well that one prohibition, even if of a powerful king, cannot control not only the future, but even the present. To do this, it was necessary to create an organization whose members would protect humanity from the people themselves.

Thus, a powerful secret society of the "Nine Unknowns" appeared - anonymous keepers of ancient wisdom and knowledge. To ensure that progressive knowledge does not fall into the hands of the profane, fools and overly ambitious personalities, has become the main task of the brotherhood.

Many sciences, which, according to Ashoka, could harm humanity, were classified. Of course, the Indian king understood that progress, like human thought, cannot be banned. Therefore, he tried to win over to his side the greatest scientists, magicians, astrologers and philosophers of that time, so that they continued their research in various fields of knowledge, but were in no hurry to publish discoveries and inventions. Many great minds then joined the secret society. But only eight people were dedicated to the global plan of the ruler Ashoka. Everyone else knew only a part of the Great Plan, which stretched for centuries. Under the guise of merchants, the king sent emissaries of the union to Tibet, China, Japan and Arabia to recruit scientists from other countries and draw knowledge from them. All obtained "intelligence data" was accumulated and analyzed in secluded places specially created for this purpose. The archives were also kept in well-protected caches.

Reinsurance, members of the brotherhood deliberately spread rumors that terrible monsters guard secret laboratories and vaults in order to discourage adventurers from sticking their noses where they should not.

Century after century, the nine chosen ones guarded progressive knowledge and technologies from people, waiting until humanity was ready to respond correctly to the news of new discoveries and inventions.

The brothers wanted people to use the acquired knowledge only for good, but not for harm. But it didn't always work out. The human mind is a too inventive "prisoner", and its thought is able to fool even the most vigilant guard around its finger.

The Nine Unknowns failed to save the world from cruelty, wars, or epidemics. But who knows, maybe there would have been even more catastrophes if the watchful eye of the Nine had not been by our side?

The composition of the "Nine Unknowns" is perhaps the biggest mystery. It is only known that when one of the brothers died, another came to take his place - just as gifted, just as well able to keep secrets. One can only guess who received such a high honor (a hard fate?). But such assumptions exist.

Pope Sylvester II, also known as Herbert of Aurillac (999-1003), is called a member of the Nine Unknowns. A great encyclopedic scientist, he collected unusual manuscripts, wrote treatises on astronomical instruments, geometry and music. His knowledge of mathematics, physics and mechanics was ahead of its time. But most importantly, he tried to create a universal Christian state and reconcile people of different faiths among themselves.

Akbar, the padishah of India from the Mughal dynasty, who lived in the 16th century, is also ranked among the Nine Unknowns. The chronicles of Akbar's reign are reminiscent of the tale from the Thousand and One Nights: it was at this time that the empire reached its peak. In 1578, Akbar issued a decree, striking for his time, proclaiming freedom of religion and abolished the death penalty for apostasy. He gathered at his court the best scientists, practitioners and philosophers. As usual, most of the archives disappeared without a trace after his death.

Among the Nine Unknowns are Leonardo da Vinci, Roger Bacon and Paracelsus. But, alas, there is no documentary evidence of this.

Chatterbox - a godsend for a spy

Of course, one can brush aside this whole not-too-reliable story about a society that has been storing and hiding advanced knowledge from unprepared humanity for more than two thousand years. But some facts that have taken place in history clearly hint at the existence of some secret "knowledge bank".

In the 13th century, the English monk and philosopher Roger Bacon predicted the invention of the telescope, the airplane, the automobile, and the telephone. What's this?

Foresight or carelessness, as a result of which the secret was revealed ahead of time?

And what about Leonardo da Vinci's ideas about a helicopter, a submarine, ball bearings and caterpillar tracks? Also just blinding guesses?

In 1636, a certain Schwenter in his work “Physical and Mathematical Entertainment” outlined the principles of the operation of an electric telegraph and spoke about the possibility of communication between two people through a “magnetic beam”. Another unidentified author from Monteberg (Flanders) in 1729 published a description of the process of black-and-white and color (!) Photography. It follows from his work that he obtained photographic images using a ready-made "recipe", not knowing either the physical principle of action or the composition of the chemical compounds of the developer and fixer. The question of who suggested this “recipe” to him remains open.

What sources did Jonathan Swift use when he told in Gulliver about two satellites of Mars 156 years before their discovery? Where did Dante Alighieri get the description of the constellation of the Southern Cross (given by him in the Divine Comedy) 200 years before it became known to Europeans?

It turns out that the members of the Nine Unknowns (if there really is one) did not always keep their mouths shut. Well, after all, they are only human...

But a miracle happened!

In the 19th century, Louis Jacolliot told the world about the Nine Unknowns. As French consul in Calcutta under Napoleon III, he had access to many secret documents. After himself, he left a library of the rarest books dedicated to the great mysteries of mankind. In one of his own writings, he explicitly stated that the union of the "Nine Unknowns" existed and exists to this day.

In this regard, he mentioned technologies that were completely unimaginable in 1860, such as the release of energy, sterilization by radiation, and psychological warfare.

According to Zhakolio, for twenty-two centuries in the territory controlled by the Nine alliance (and this is the entire civilized world), secret research was carried out in all areas of knowledge, the results of which were recorded in special books. And this most valuable piggy bank of scientific thought and technology is located in the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe main activity of the Nine Unknowns union ... in the south of the Samara province and in the Orenburg steppes. So, in any case, the Frenchman claimed in his book "The Fire Eaters", published in Russia in a limited edition on the eve of the revolution.

Samara local historian O.V. Ratnik, interested in this information, tried to establish the exact location of the “deployment” of the “Nine Unknowns”. Alas, he managed to find out only that archaeologists found a mysterious mound in the Orenburg steppes, conditionally dated to the end of the 3rd - beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. The skeleton of an elderly man was found in the burial, rich grave goods and ... a sword-club made of copper, in appearance very similar to the sacred weapon of the ancient Indian thunder god.

The Orenburg-Samara registration of the “Nine Unknowns” is indirectly confirmed by the information of the historian and ethnographer Kirill Serebrenitsky, according to which a certain “dynasty” of hermits who wielded secret powers had lived in the Orenburg steppes since ancient times…

nine holy books

In 1927, Talbot Mandy, who had served for 25 years in the British Indian Police, published a half-novel, half-investigation. In it, the English resident claimed that the Nine Unknowns really exist. According to Mandy, each of the members of the society is the custodian of one Book dedicated to a particular branch of knowledge. These Talmuds are constantly replenished, being, in fact, the most complete collections of scientific writings in the entire history of mankind.

The first book is devoted to propaganda techniques and methods of psychological warfare. “Of all the sciences,” writes Mandy, “the most dangerous is the science of controlling the thoughts of the crowd, because it allows you to control the whole world.”

The second is devoted to the human nervous system. It describes in detail how to control the flow of nerve currents in the body, how to kill and revive a person with just one touch. By the way, some researchers believe that many martial arts were born due to the leakage of information from this "reader".

The third book is devoted to micro- and macrobiology.

The fourth is chemistry. In particular, she talks about the mutual transformation and transmutation of metals. If this is so, then it turns out that the hopes of medieval alchemists to learn how to turn lead into gold were justified.

The fifth book is about terrestrial and extraterrestrial means of communication.

The sixth book is devoted to physics and mathematics, in particular - the mystery of gravity.

The seventh talks about such a phenomenon as light - solar, electric, etc.

The eighth contains information on cosmogony and the laws of the development of the cosmos.

And, finally, the ninth is devoted to sociology and talks about the laws of the evolution of society. It allows you to foresee their origin, stages of development and extinction.

In connection with the foregoing, one can only guess about the degree of power of those who use the experience, works and documents of the "Nine Unknowns" ... However, does this secret society really exist? Each of us has the right to seek the answer to this question. But if the alliance of the "Nine" is a reality, this is encouraging: I really want to believe that the brothers will be able to save humanity from both nuclear wars and neutron weapons. If not, we can console ourselves at least with the fact that this myth, which has come down to us from the depths of centuries, indicates to humanity the direction in which it is necessary to move.. Yu.Agafonova