Communication skills training. Communication skills

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In our age of rapid development of information technology, teachers and parents are puzzled by the fact that the social development of preschool children does not meet modern standards and most preschoolers do not know how to communicate correctly. Modern children cannot politely make a request and correctly respond to an appeal to them, they are not able to empathize or sympathize, for the most part they are unfriendly to others or completely refuse to communicate. The insufficient development of communication skills is a serious concern for preschool teachers. Modern children, locking themselves in computer games and watching television programs, communicate little not only with their parents, but also with their peers. But after all, without live human communication, the life of a child loses its brightness, the saturation of his emotional sensations fades. In addition, the ability to communicate optimally with others is the key to successful human advancement in all areas of life. The education of communication skills in preschool children is the main task for preparing a child for adulthood.

The beginning of the formation of communication skills of a preschooler

The development of communication skills in preschoolers is the development of the ability to communicate effectively and successfully interact with the environment. It is based on several personality traits of a preschooler: the desire to interact, the ability to hear and empathize with the interlocutor, to resolve complex issues of interaction, and to master the rules of effective communication.

The development of preschool children involves the education of all these skills from birth. These skills include: the ability to treat other people with understanding and care, the ability to put oneself in the place of another and enter into his situation, to be careful and selective in the use of phrases and expressions, understanding that careless words can have a very strong effect on feelings and emotions of another person. The greater the understanding between people, the greater sympathy can arise. It is important to put into young minds the idea that it is impossible to belittle and insult other people, even if they do not agree with your opinion and are somehow different from the majority. The development of all these skills in preschool children occurs in interaction with parents, brothers and sisters, with friends in the kindergarten group, with teachers and educators. The characteristic features of communication with the environment begin to appear immediately after the birth of the child. An infant who has entered into life absorbs, like a sponge, the schemes of communication that are used by his environment in the family and the children's institution.

The influence of the family on the development of a preschooler

The harmonious mental development of preschool children depends entirely on a favorable psychological climate in their family. This is the soil on which personality traits important in human society will be nurtured. Parental love is able to direct the psychological development of children in the right direction. Love and wise upbringing of parents give children a solid support and reliable emotional protection in life.

However, in many families in modern conditions, financial and domestic problems are in the first place. This causes the desire of some parents to push the development of children into the background and, as it were, withdraw themselves from the issues of raising their own children, including the development of communication skills. Such an irresponsible attitude to the upbringing of their children can be detrimental to the entry of a small person into a difficult path of interaction with the outside world, will serve as a significant obstacle in making new friends and solving difficult life situations.

The first interaction with the world the baby receives from communication with parents. In this interaction, the child learns the rules of good and bad communication with others. Young children are very receptive and suggestible, therefore, teaching a child by his father or mother the rules of communication does not always occur consciously, sometimes even for the parent himself. Communicating with his child, the parent gives him his model of communication. And this model does not always fully comply with the norms and rules that can ensure the harmonious development of preschool children.

Positive and negative parenting patterns

There are families filled with a warm atmosphere of love, understanding, caring mutual assistance. This is a very favorable ground for the mental development of children to proceed in the right direction and for them to form the skill of positive interaction with the environment. If parents are sympathetic to the life of the child, take time to play with him, communicate, delve into his problems, caress him, the baby receives emotional protection and is brought up as a joyful, balanced person capable of harmonious communication, with high self-esteem. If such a child finds himself in a difficult situation, he will cope with negative emotions much faster and find the right solution to get out of the conflict. There is no need to instill in a child from a prosperous family the skills of optimal communication with the environment, he received a set of such skills from the experience of personal interaction with family members.

Unfortunately, there are families in which an unfriendly, soulless and even aggressive atmosphere reigns. Here they communicate in a rude authoritarian manner, abruptly cut off the conversation, mock the child's misdeeds, are indifferent to his problems, speak to him sharply and callously. Such families are dominated by excessive demands, an excessively rigid attitude, and the psychological needs of the child are rejected. Distorted communication skills are fixed in the behavior of a preschooler, as they are determined by the role assigned to him in the family.

A pupil from such a disharmonious family will show aggression, wariness, or, conversely, will begin to fawn and resort to lies. It is very difficult for a preschooler who has not received parental love and attention to build relationships with his environment. All these shortcomings in the upbringing of children in the preschool period of life have one similar quality - this is a lack of flexibility and plasticity, an inability to adapt to the requirements of the situation, the current moment. The psychological state of such children is very frustrated, distorted by the model of behavior imposed on them in the family. Such children need the qualified help of a psychologist.

Typical patterns of behavior of children in families with inconsistent upbringing

  1. The “idol of the whole family” can behave as badly as you like, he will invariably cause only delight among family members, any of his whims is immediately fulfilled, they talk to him in a lily tone, the life of all the household is dedicated to him. As a result of such adoration, the "idol" becomes capricious, spoiled, selfish.
  2. “Mom’s (daddy’s, grandmother’s) treasure” is similar to the previous model, but only the child is the favorite of one of the adults and feels his special attitude towards himself, while at the same time acutely reacting to the lack of the same attention from other family members. Instead, he is ridiculed, calling him a daddy's daughter or a sissy.
  3. A “good boy” is obliged to fulfill an unspoken set of rules and decency in the family, no one is interested in his true desires and aspirations, he is instilled with the ability to hypocrisy and duplicity. It is not surprising that it is precisely such “exemplary” children who, unexpectedly for everyone, commit acts that violate all norms of morality and law.
  4. The “sickly child” gets used to the constant overprotection of all family members, and even if he recovers, he continues to be treated as a weak and infirm person. This develops egocentrism, capriciousness, inability to take responsibility.
  5. The "Intolerable Child" creates constant stress and unnecessary trouble for all family members. He is constantly punished, reprimanded, lectured. Perhaps the mental warehouse of the mischievous is really difficult to educate, but not only in it. It turns out that the unbearable behavior of a difficult child unites family members who have been communicating with each other with a stretch, and it can also be used as a reason for self-elimination from raising a mischievous person or as an opportunity to isolate an objectionable family member, for example, a grandmother or father, allegedly pampering a child.
  6. "Cinderella child" waits in his own family. Performing numerous duties, he does not receive the slightest encouragement for this. All awards go to brothers and sisters, which instills in him a sense of humiliation, envy and lack of independence.
  7. The "scapegoat child" becomes a lightning rod for the aggression of all household members, he is equally bad for every family member, everyone can defuse his irritation on him. With such constant humiliation, the child becomes notorious, crushed. He is afraid to say an extra word or to do any act for fear of being punished, and as a result he becomes a passive, intimidated person with a wounded psyche.

Interaction of children in the kindergarten group

The development of communication skills does not cause much concern, as long as the preschooler communicates only with household members. The first difficulties arise when registering a child in kindergarten. The psychology of relationships with peers is much more complicated than interaction with household members. After all, peers do not always meet each other halfway - more often, on the contrary, their actions are dictated by their own selfish interests. This is where fierce peer rivalry arises, which is not always resolved by socially acceptable methods. Some preschoolers show stubbornness, imbalance, aggressiveness towards their peers, others, on the contrary, are prone to self-doubt, excessive shyness, are subject to various fears, while others are not alien to lies and resourcefulness. There is a category of children who are not able to make friends and build normal relationships even with their own brother or sister.

A hostile attitude towards others, the lack of optimal communication skills occurs in children who feel unloved, not deserving of affection, understanding, such children are immersed in their own special world, fenced off from the outside world.

Their negative attitude towards others receives a corresponding reaction, which hits them hard. Children with difficult behavior do not control themselves, although they may submit to the control of parents and caregivers. There are several reasons that complicate the interaction of preschool children:

  • increased anxiety, frequent mood swings, tearfulness;
  • low social status, derogatory attitude towards one's personality;
  • lack of empathy for the emotional state of others;
  • dissatisfaction with the need for communication;
  • inability to feel what emotions the other person is experiencing;
  • developing nervousness, neuropathy, many fears that interfere with communication;
  • isolation and passivity, refusal of contacts, withdrawal into oneself;
  • increased excitability and aggressiveness, desire to conflict, cause pain.

Psychological correction of children with impaired communication skills

In order to direct the psychological development of preschoolers with impaired communication skills in the right direction, preschool teachers need to regularly and consistently train such children in optimal communication skills. The competent development of communication skills in preschool children can neutralize the problem that has arisen and even influence the development of a new optimal model of the child's behavior. Teaching young children optimal communication skills should aim to:

  • creating a friendly and sensitive relationship in communication;
  • learning to hear and understand another person;
  • teaching non-verbal ways of communication, facial expressions and gestures;
  • development of the ability to interact in difficult moments;
  • teaching conversational ethics;
  • overcoming shyness, removing clamps;
  • learning to be aware of one's feelings;
  • developing the ability to recognize the emotions of another person;
  • development of the ability to express their feelings verbally;
  • reliance on interaction with parents of children.

The planned mental development of children to achieve the optimal level of sociability can be carried out in various ways and techniques. They can be divided into several types according to the type of perception:

  1. Verbal methods: dialogue, story, reading.
  2. Visual methods: using visual aids, looking at pictures.
  3. Practical exercises: theatrical staging of fairy tales, situations.
  4. Game methods: the use of didactic and story games and exercises.
  5. Physiological methods: psycho-gymnastics, finger and breathing exercises.
  6. Logical methods: setting ethical and moral questions, riddles.

All these methods are aimed at developing kindness, empathy, humanity, the ability for normal human interaction with people around them in preschool children. Let us dwell in more detail on how the communicative and social development of preschoolers is carried out using game methods.

Using the game in the development of communication skills of preschoolers

All game exercises can be divided into six sections, depending on which sphere of the human personality is affected.

  1. Games that affect the physiology of a preschooler. First of all, such games help to relieve muscle clamps, develop flexibility, plasticity of the body, stimulate children's self-expression in emotional movement. Games that focus on bodily sensations help the child cope with passivity, stiffness, enslavement and isolation. It's no secret that relaxation at the level of the body and muscles helps a person to find psychological peace, balance, and relaxation. An example of the game "Move like a bear, ostrich, frog, etc." Children are invited to depict any animal or fairy-tale character in motion.
  2. Games that develop verbal and non-verbal ways of communication. Verbal communication is formed by composing a story about one's experience of strong feelings: fear, anger, sadness, as well as in the game "Broken phone". Teaching non-verbal communication with the help of gestures, facial expressions, pantomime is carried out in the games “We speak through glass”, “We tell poems with gestures”, “We show what you want with facial expressions”.
  3. Games that introduce human emotions, teach the ability to express their emotions and correctly recognize the emotional state of a friend. In this section, the games "Mood diary", "Depict emotions with your fingers", "Emotions in pictures" are used. For games, cards with the image of various emotions in a schematic drawing are used, the children select the appropriate pictogram for the emotion depicted in the figure. On blank cards, children can draw their face, happy or sad.
  4. Games that direct attention to yourself, your feelings, state. In the exercise “Psychological self-portrait”, the children take turns answering questions about themselves: what can be praised and what can be scolded for? In the Describe Yourself exercise, all answers should begin with the name of the respondent and describe personal qualities, hobbies, feelings, character traits. Then there is a joint discussion of each answer. If the child finds it difficult to tell about himself on his own, prompts from other children are allowed. Thus, the preschooler develops the ability to think about himself, about how he imagines himself and how others see him.
  5. Games that form a conscious attitude to your family as a whole, to each of its members individually and to yourself as a significant and full member of the family. For this, the tasks “Draw your family and your home”, viewing photo albums with the task to comment on each photo, a conversation about love for parents are applicable. Such activities activate the development of a sense of kinship, warmth, love for members of their family, and also give an understanding that the child himself is the same kindred, beloved and accepted person for his household.
  6. Games that activate the development of skills of interaction with other people. Such games develop in children an attentive attitude to the individual characteristics of their comrades, form a benevolent, friendly attitude towards them, create a sense of unity, involvement in a common cause. For this, the “Draw Together” exercise is used, in which the whole group works to create one big picture, where each child is responsible for a certain area. Children learn to negotiate, give in, share pencils, felt-tip pens, discuss a drawing project. It is possible to use theatrical playback of various situations of interaction of children with each other. In such scenes, children decide moral issues, how best to act in a given situation, think about the question of what kind of person is called kind, honest, courageous, polite.

Theatrical play as a way to teach children to communicate

Teaching young children to communicate is possible only in close interaction with each other, actively including them in cognitive or play activities. The child needs to be taught to ask questions on his own, actively express his opinion on certain topics, establish trusting relationships, argue without conflict, and keep up the conversation. One way to teach children to communicate, which perfectly copes with all these tasks, is theatrical games. Such games are very popular among preschoolers, because together with the characters of fairy tales, children explore the world around them, experience a whole bunch of emotions and feelings, evaluate the behavior of their favorite character in his interaction with other heroes of the fairy tale. It is important that the staging of a fairy tale becomes not just a memorization of artificial texts and gestures, but contributes to the development of improvisation, the child’s fantasy, develops the ability to feel into the emotional state of theatrical characters, forms a sense of confidence in one’s abilities and instills the skill of free verbal communication.

During the game in the play, children behave boldly, actively, without complexes. This creative state can be unobtrusively used as a powerful tool for developing speech and communication skills. Fairy tale characters interact, communicate, argue, disagree or give in, be sad or have fun, and through reincarnation into the image of a fairy tale hero, the child receives and remembers all these methods of interaction with the environment, appropriating all the characteristic features of the beloved character. Independent role-playing helps the child to comprehend the moral and ethical background of the behavior of the characters, because he receives a positive or negative assessment from the adult of the qualities and actions of the heroes of the fairy tale. Such an assessment of adults forms the skill of ethical behavior in a preschooler and encourages him to make a choice in favor of moral deeds.

Harmonization of child-parent relationships

The development of communication skills of preschoolers is impossible without close interaction with their parents. Psychologists, after conducting a number of studies, came to the conclusion that using work in parent-child groups and teaching parents some communication techniques, one can influence the style of their interaction with their children in the family, thereby strengthening the psychological health of preschoolers. Such groups in recent years have become very popular both in Russia and in foreign countries. The goal of the project is to restructure and harmonize parent-child relationships, to establish equal interaction and mutual understanding between parents and children, the task is to teach the techniques and skills of optimal harmonious communication between a parent and a child.

In the process of going through a cycle of classes in a group, parents begin to treat their children with more understanding, less critically, and learn to create an atmosphere of safety and acceptance for them. Children and parents interact in a group, thereby helping each other in strengthening relationships, in finding answers to difficult questions, which were the reason for attending group classes. Various types of games are used during the lessons. Being a participant in the game, a person, understanding the conditionality of the game situation, nevertheless reacts to it in the same way as in real life. Therefore, the game not only teaches new ways of interaction, but also corrects the style of communication between the parent and the child.

Interacting with his child in the game, obeying its rules, the parent comes down from the position of an infallible and always right adult, and the child gets the opportunity to feel important and significant. After all, playing with his child, the parent is in the territory of his interests. In addition, the game captivates with its novelty, originality and allows an adult to feel like a small child. Practice shows that parents who are well aware of the physical health of their children know little about their human qualities. It is important that a parent can get an objective idea of ​​his son or daughter by looking at them from the side, as if through the eyes of other members of the group. At the same time, the parent and child get the opportunity to see and appreciate their own reflection in the actions and reactions of other people.

During the game, a new style of communication is established between family members according to the rules of allies, since the parent needs to understand the motivation for the actions of his child, his logic, feelings and emotional state. As a result, a small person, immersing himself in interaction with a parent with complete trust, begins to feel the significance of his personality. In such an atmosphere, the creative self-expression of a preschooler can unfold especially fully and at the same time his sense of responsibility for what is happening increases. Complete freedom in the creative manifestation of oneself, coupled with the support of the parent and the absence of fear of punishment, is a powerful incentive to increase the child's self-esteem, strengthen his psychological health and develop all the necessary communication skills.

By interacting in the game and watching their child, parents begin to notice such characteristic features that they did not notice in real life. Such activities teach cooperation with their children, help to treat their small victories and defeats with understanding, and give impetus to joint creativity in the game, which will certainly take its rightful place in the real life of the family.

Joint efforts of educators and parents in the development of children

The active participation of parents in kindergarten events, such as "Family Relay Race", "Polite Behavior", "New Year's Carnival", "Victory Day", give them the opportunity to contribute to the preparation of holidays, imbued with the interests of the kindergarten, actively interact with teachers their children, get acquainted with the methodology of education, enrich their experience. Parents get the opportunity to look at their child outside the walls of the house in other conditions, this forces them to reconsider the style of their communication with him and update educational methods. As a result, parents begin to understand that participation in the life of the kindergarten is not a whim of educators, but a necessity for the optimal development of their own children. This approach forms the relationship between parental education and educational methods of preschool educational institutions.

As a result of the targeted efforts of educators and parents, children acquire the ability to navigate well in relationships with others, acquire the skill of understanding and empathy for the emotional mood of the environment, learn empathy and responsiveness. The purposeful development of communication skills through joint efforts provides a significant enrichment of the communicative experience of children and can neutralize many problems.

The conclusion is as follows: communication skills of preschoolers can and should be developed by instilling in preschoolers the basics of competent communication and cultural speech. You need to start such training from birth, using the whole range of techniques and methods of influence. Each adult educator or parent should not forget that the responsibility for building interaction lies with him, since it is in communication with adults that children receive and assimilate the basic models of communication. Therefore, educators and parents are at the head of the formation of a culture of communication in preschool children.

Outgoing people enjoy communication, they have an extensive network of contacts, they do not get lost in difficult situations and easily adapt to new conditions. If for you the upcoming negotiations turn into an expectation of torment, it's time to work on yourself.

What is a sociable person? First of all, this is someone who enjoys communication. A sociable person does not care with whom to communicate, he is interested in the process itself.

Communicative people are characterized by flexibility in contacts, the ability and ability not to get lost when communicating in different situations, self-confidence, they easily adapt to new conditions, know how to successfully negotiate, strive for initiative and leadership in a team.

If you feel that you are not communicative enough, that you often look for an opportunity to avoid an upcoming conversation, if you want to develop your communication skills, heed the following tips.

How to develop communication skills

Should not avoid and withdraw from communication

Do you think that you are quite sociable, but prefer to enter into a dialogue only if the interlocutor is pleasant to you and you are in a good mood? If you notice a friend walking towards you and prefer to turn off the path to avoid talking to him; if you see a person unfamiliar to you in the window of public transport, then you prefer to wait for the next bus - all this means that you are not sociable enough.

In order to develop sociability, try not to avoid random meetings. Chat with people you don't know well, or people you don't know at all. This is how you develop social skills.

Learn to enjoy communication

This is one of the main rules for acquiring communication skills. We always set ourselves up for how the planned conversation with this or that person will go. For example, a meeting with an old friend seems uninteresting and very boring to you, because you know that your interlocutor is a typical bore.

The upcoming conversation with the boss always involves some stiffness and nervousness. Before a conversation that seems unpleasant to you, you should tune in to the best: remember that you can always change the situation, change roles with your interlocutor. For example, you do not really want to listen to your friend's childhood memories.

Excellent - do not listen, start telling yourself, take control of the situation. Or turn the conversation to another topic that will be of interest to both of you. Turn the upcoming unpleasant conversation into a pleasant one. Learn to benefit from your conversations with different people, and communication will become a more exciting experience for you.

Try to be the conversation starter

When you live in a big city, it's easy to pretend you don't see an old acquaintance you're on the same subway car with, or pretend you don't recognize him. As a rule, downcast eyes indicate your unwillingness to make contact, and it works - they don’t want to communicate with you either. But such an adult game of hide and seek makes you experience much more negative emotions than a conversation with even the most unwanted interlocutor. When you are hiding from your friend, you are in a state of expectation, fear: “Did he (a) recognize you? Does he/she want to talk?

In order not to be tormented by such questions and not to wait until they come to you and start talking, it is best to start the conversation yourself, act as the initiator of the dialogue; you will feel it is easy enough. These are the basics of communication.

When interacting with people, do not be overly formal in dealing with them.

If they ask you, "How are you?" or "How are you?" it would be right to tell a little about his life and about his affairs. The dryness of your answers and unwillingness to enter into a conversation are regarded by your interlocutor as disrespect and hostility towards him.

Work on your artistry

Sociability of people characterizes them as representatives of society, which is characterized by a wealth of gestures and intonations. A sociable person, an unsurpassed storyteller, imitator. He has a taste for details, for juicy details, he wants to live a varied life, because it is so easy for such a person to transform into different social roles, it is easy to adapt. These people know how to please.

Kill your pessimistic moods

An obligatory quality of any really sociable person is optimism. If you aspire to become a master of communicative communication, develop sociability, but at the same time you have a pessimistic mood, it’s time to ask yourself the question - “How to become an optimist?”. Pessimism, as a rule, does not lead to anything good, and even more so does not contribute to the development of sociability. Smile! Everything is fine! People respond much better to a smile than to a sullen face.

Not all people are born with a propensity to develop sociability. The main teacher of such skills, no doubt, is life itself. In the process of acquiring life and professional experience, a person learns to communicate, communicate with people, and effectively build the necessary connections.

But there are people who do not have sufficient communication skills. In our time, everything can be learned, there would only be a desire. Specialized literature, participation in professional trainings on the technique of effective communication and daily training in communicating with others will help to be a “master of communications”.

We live in an interesting era when live communication is being replaced by electronic communications. Many kids master tablets and parental smartphones before reaching the age of two. True, at the same time, many children have socio-psychological problems in communicating with others: they not only do not know how, but, as it may seem, do not want to communicate. The insufficient development of communication skills in preschoolers causes serious concern among psychologists and teachers, because communication is a mandatory attribute of the development of any human personality. Therefore, if you want to teach your baby to successfully communicate with adults and peers, this article will definitely come in handy.

Children's communication is an important element of socialization

Effective Communication Development - Basics

Everyone is able to communicate in one form or another from a very early age. When the baby cries, trying to attract the attention of his mother, he already enters into communication and socially interacts with other people. However, this is not enough to be successful. It is important that the child is able to effectively build communication with other people.

What is communication skills in children

Psychologists say that successful communication consists of several factors:

  • Desire to communicate. Without motivation, effective communication is impossible. For example, everyone knows about such a disease as autism. Many autistic people do not have intellectual problems: they simply do not have the motivation to let other people into their inner world. Developed psychologically, they are not developed socially.
  • The ability to hear and listen to the interlocutor. It is important to be interested in other people and understand their messages.
  • emotional interaction. Without empathy and empathy, effective communication is impossible.
  • Ability to communicate rules. There are certain unwritten norms of communication that may differ in different societies. The child must master these norms, otherwise he will have inevitable difficulties in the future. For example, one of the norms of communication is the need to be polite. If a child ignores this rule, he will be known as a rude person.

Tip: if you don't want your child to have difficulty communicating with others, limit his "relationship" with a computer, TV or tablet.

Children who spend a lot of time with gadgets do not know how to communicate

Interacting with these devices, the child passively perceives information, and this is not enough for effective communication. It has been proven that children who play computer games too often from early childhood have worse speech and have difficulty understanding the emotional reactions of others.

Statistical data on the level of development of communication skills in preschool children

The influence of the family on the communication skills of a preschooler

The family is the most significant social structure for young children, where communication skills with others are formed. In order for a child to realize the importance of social interaction and gain effective communication skills, the following rules should be followed:

  • Set a positive example. If parents talk to each other in front of the child, and do not each do their own thing, the baby will actively take an example from mom and dad.
  • Talk to your child. Even newly born children react to speech addressed to them. Parents should contact the baby, comment on their actions, read fairy tales aloud. When the child learns to talk, it is very important to discuss with him the impressions received during the day, ask questions that require a detailed answer, etc. The last thing is very important: parents must learn to formulate questions in such a way that the child cannot be limited to simple answers like “yes " or not".
  • Read fairy tales to the child, followed by a discussion of the motives for the behavior of the characters. Ask as many questions as you can: “Why did the character behave in a certain way?”, “Why did the hero fail to achieve the goal?”, “What would you do if you were the character?” etc..
  • Encourage your child to interact with peers. Developing groups, playgrounds and children's clubs contribute to the rapid development of communication skills. Isolation of the baby can cause serious problems with adaptation in the team in the future;
  • Do not try to comply with the "non-verbal" requests of the child. Give him a chance to explain what he wants. Many parents try to anticipate a child's needs before they even have a chance to say a word. This greatly slows down communicative development: let the baby tell you what he wants. In the early stages, it can be one word, for example, "water", "doll", "ball". When the child masters speech better, teach him to formulate detailed requests to others.
  • Gently explain that some forms of communicative behavior are socially unacceptable. For example, if a child asks for a toy without saying "please," say it's impolite.

Communication with adults should be constant and friendly

Tip: For reading, choose fairy tales and stories whose characters interact with each other. This will allow the child to better learn communication skills.

Game learning

Communicative development in preschoolers is carried out during the game. It is very important that the gameplay is beneficial, contributes to the development of the necessary skills. During the game, the child learns to understand the underlying motives of behavior and masters the basic skills of human communication.

Playing together develops communication skills

Games should be varied and diverse: this contributes to the development of a harmonious personality that will successfully navigate social interaction.

To develop social and communication skills in preschool children, the following game methods can be used:

Act out scenes from fairy tales. In this case, you can either use toys or turn into actors for a while. For example, you can act out the plots of Russian folk tales: they are quite instructive and provide a lot of food for discussion and reflection. After the game, be sure to discuss with the child why the characters behaved in a certain way, for example, they did not obey their elders, and what consequences such behavior led to.

Table theater - a way to develop communication skills

Give your child different situations to discuss. For example, ask him what he would do if he wanted other guys to accept him into their game. Discuss several behaviors, arrange small impromptu "role-playing games". Let the child tell you how you can behave in this case, and how you can’t.

The following exercise is suitable for developing empathy. Invite the child to imagine that he got into a magic store, in which you will play the role of a seller. Let the kid choose gifts for his relatives and friends. It can be anything: from a new car to a bouquet of flowers. The main thing is to ask the child to motivate his choice. This game will allow you to develop a very important skill: the ability to put yourself in the place of another person and imagine his needs and expectations.

Conditions for the development of communication skills

Tip: try not to raise your voice at the child. Any situation can be resolved peacefully: it is important that the baby knows how to negotiate, and not achieve his own by force.

How to develop non-verbal communication skills?

Effective communication is unthinkable without developed non-verbal communication skills. It is important to be able to show a certain artistry in order to convey your thoughts and emotions to people around you. Simple exercises will help develop non-verbal communication skills:

  • enter the tradition of home theatrical performances. You can use finger puppets or paper figures for your productions. Let the child learn to express the emotions of the character through intonation, speech tempo and other "tools";
  • ask the child to show how the characters of his favorite fairy tales sit, walk or run. Let him depict how the cunning Fox, the naive Gingerbread Man, the evil Wolf move;
  • a game called "The sea worries once" helps to develop non-verbal communication skills. By portraying various characters, the child learns to get used to their roles, thereby developing their ability to empathize and empathize;
  • ask the child to imagine that the Princess-Nesmeyana is in front of him. Let him try to make her laugh without resorting to speech. A doll, an older sister, or even a baby's mother can act as the Nesmeyana Princess.

Tip: it is interesting that the best development of communication skills in preschool children occurs if they are engaged in sports sections from an early age.

Classes to develop communication skills in kindergartens are held regularly

Kids in such sections not only get rid of muscle stiffness, but also interact with their peers. Therefore, if you want your child to grow up to be a sociable person, try to determine which sport is most interesting to him. It can be dancing, swimming, children's gymnastics, etc. The main thing is to choose an activity that makes the child happy.

Self-knowledge as a factor in effective communication

Only a person who knows himself well can be truly successful in communication. Therefore, it is very important to teach a preschooler to navigate in his own personality and his emotions:

  • Talk to your child about his feelings. Ask the baby questions about what and why upset him, and what made him happy;
  • Ask your child to draw their own self-portrait. Let him tell you why he chose certain colors, surrounded himself with certain objects, etc.;
  • if the child is behaving inappropriately, do not try to correct his behavior by shouting. Ask why the baby's behavior is unacceptable and why it caused a negative reaction from the parents;
  • never call your child names and do not hang "labels" on him. This contributes to the formation of a negative self-concept. Remember: you can criticize behavior, not personality. Learn to say: “I am unhappy with your behavior because ...”, and not “You are bad”;
  • refrain from excessive criticism of the child.

Methods for developing communication skills

Of course, you should not go to the other extreme and praise everything that the baby does: it is important to find a middle ground. Children who I criticize too often can grow up painfully shy: they are afraid in advance to do something that will cause a negative reaction. It is better to adopt the strategy “You are doing well, but I can help you do even better.”

Tip: the development of communication skills in preschoolers is unthinkable without the parallel development of logical thinking.

Theatrical activity as a method of communicative development

After all, in the process of communicative development it is very important to predict the reaction of the interlocutor and learn how to properly build your own speech.

The main task of parents of preschoolers is to teach children to interact with others, both with other children and with adults, and to be part of society. It is very important to do this: the better the child masters the techniques of communication, the easier it will be for him to adapt to the school team!

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The ability to connect with people is an important skill, which is especially important in today's world of great opportunities. Developed sociability helps to understand others and be understandable, successfully negotiate, sell yourself and goods, be a leader - easily adapt to new conditions and achieve almost any goals, both in everyday life and in business. The purpose of the training for the development of communication is the formation of practical skills for solving the problems of the speaker. Practicing verbal and non-verbal ways of communication in a playful way, we will learn:

  • make a “correct” impression on the interlocutor;
  • easy to establish and maintain contact;
  • convincingly argue your position and defend your interests;
  • isolate and neutralize manipulation attempts;
  • manage emotions and painlessly overcome conflicts.

Some of us are in dire need of interlocutors, others can be alone for a long time. The needs of each person in communication are different, but even the deepest introvert cannot get away from them. Communication is a biological need, and attempts to resist it are futile. Already after five days in complete solitude, degenerative changes begin in the human nervous system, hallucinations occur. Without realizing himself, a person is looking for an interlocutor in visual and sound images and communicates with him as with a real one.

As any theater begins with a hanger, so the training for the development of communication begins with an acquaintance.

“Communicability” is a word that we have come across very often lately. It is an important criterion when applying for a job. And it is also considered a necessary skill for a simply purposeful person.

What's this? Do you really need communication skills, or is it just another “fashion trick”? And if yes, then how to develop communication skills?

This definition, similar to a term from the field of engineering and programming, actually means nothing more than “sociability”. The ability to speak is what is required today in order to achieve your goals. After all, a compressed, uncommunicative person, as a rule, receives very little from life.

When accepting a new employee, any manager wants to see him as a sociable person who is able to find a common language with anyone. And this is no accident, since any job (even a cemetery caretaker) involves interaction with people. And the better it happens, the more efficiently the workflow progresses.

Should we talk about the role of such a skill as “sociability” in everyday life? Will an uncommunicative person be able to have many friends, or moreover, find a life partner? The answer is no!

Except if this person, who does not know how to talk with people around him, will strive for these goals in the society of the deaf and dumb (although even there, isolation will not allow him to achieve what he wants).

Before proceeding to the study of methods for improving communication skills, it should be noted that there are two types of it:

  • Verbal
  • non-verbal

Verbal communication involves the exchange of information through voice. In other words, it is a set of sounds (i.e. words) that fly out of our mouth.

Non-verbal communication is the receipt and delivery of information through body movements and facial expressions. No matter how paradoxical it may seem, our brain extracts 80% of the data it receives from it.

Both types of communication require constant improvement. Therefore, below, we will take a look at the best ways to hone your personal communication skills.

5 Effective Methods to Develop Communication Skills

The ability to be sociable is not only correct and clearly emitting words from oneself. Otherwise, the development of sociability was not such a serious undertaking.

You also need to be able to properly present yourself so that you are listened to, defend your point of view, achieve the desired results and leave the best opinion of yourself.

The whole world around you has one goal - to give you everything that will make your life happy. Remember this and don't forget. Chat more, make new friends and don't be afraid to start a conversation with a passing beauty. Be happy!

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