Mistakes when choosing additional education for children. Additional education for children in general education institutions Why do children need additional education?

On the issue of additional education, parents have different views: some consider it superfluous and unnecessary. They argue that school education provides everything necessary for a child’s development. Others are inclined to think that it is impossible to unlock a child’s potential without additional education.

In extracurricular activities, children work on something they enjoy, focusing on the process rather than the outcome. Grades for tests and tests are not a priority or goal, but the development of creativity is important. During such classes, a child can reveal his creative potential without restrictions from teachers and educational programs.

Is it possible for a child to fully develop without additional education?

Although the document “On Education” states that one of its goals is the formation of a harmoniously developed personality, schools cannot always provide the appropriate conditions for this. In school institutions there are a number of restrictions that slow down this process: all academic subjects are subject to general requirements and plans, and a significant part of the work in the lessons is aimed at ensuring that children can draw up the necessary tests and write tests. In such conditions there is not enough time for creative activity. It is physically very difficult for teachers to implement an individual approach and take into account the needs and characteristics of each child; often their list of priorities is only fulfilling the requirements of the curriculum, and not revealing the talents of each student in the class.

Additional education provides this opportunity. Since such classes are held in small groups (6-10 students) and have a narrow focus, each child can maximize his creative potential, do what he likes without restrictions from plans and programs. Teachers in the field of additional education have more freedom in planning and organizing work; they are not limited by clear educational goals and requirements.

Benefits of additional education for children

If parents are hesitant about whether it is worth loading their child with additional activities during out-of-school time, they should evaluate all the advantages of this type of leisure organization. Additional education is characterized by the following features:

  • variability. Parents can choose different directions for their children, change them and combine them, taking into account the needs and abilities of the children. Unlike the school schedule, the schedule of additional classes is very flexible, it can be adjusted in accordance with the needs of a particular child;
  • comfort. Classes are usually held in small groups - up to 10 people. This number of schoolchildren allows the teacher to pay maximum attention to each child and guarantees the implementation of an individual approach. In a group of 8-10 people, each child gets a chance to be heard, seen and appreciated, which is difficult to achieve within the walls of a school where one teacher works with a class of 20 or more students;
  • specialization. Additional education is a matter of choice. Children do what they like and what suits their needs and interests. If it is impossible to refuse mathematics lessons at school, then additional classes can be changed at any time. Modern additional education offers a large number of areas from programming for children to creative writing courses. All parents need to do is find out what exactly interests their child.

Usually, when it comes to organizing additional education for children, parents are divided into two groups: some believe that this is not necessary and the child should have a childhood with games in the yard. Other parents are convinced that the more the child is busy in his free time, the more harmonious and holistic he develops. By scheduling his day hourly, parents are convinced that in this way they are protecting the child from the negative influence of modern society. There is no answer here: having assessed the positive and negative aspects, typical mistakes in choosing the type of additional education, adults should organize the leisure time of schoolchildren so that there is time for both “childhood in the yard” and for additional activities.

5 reasons to say “yes” to additional education

Parents decide to include additional education in their child’s life in order to:

  • Help your child discover their talents and creativity. Some children don't know what they like or what they want to do. Additional education helps to find out this: by trying various activities - creative, sports, technical - schoolchildren try to find what they like best;
  • help cope with difficulties at school. For example, if a child has problems in mathematics or the Ukrainian language, then he is enrolled in the appropriate clubs;
  • increase the level of motivation. A common situation is when a child does not want to study a certain subject at school: it is difficult for him, he does not like the teacher, or the lessons are not interesting. Then parents choose additional classes in this area so that the child discovers this subject from a different perspective and more easily perceives it at school;
  • find like-minded people, help join the company of children with similar abilities and inclinations. Children with special talents may feel lonely and insecure in the classroom. Extracurricular activities help them understand the value of their talent and meet peers who have similar hobbies.

Not everything that a child receives in school lessons may be needed in later life. School education needs to be reformed, and while the goal of the school is not the formation of competencies, but the transfer of knowledge that is not always up-to-date, additional education remains the only way to find a favorite activity, which may become a matter of life in the future.

Areas of additional education

Popular areas in the field of additional education are:

  • technical - classes in which the development of logical and mathematical skills is carried out: mathematical clubs, logic, eidetics, chess;
  • scientific and chemical expands children's knowledge about the world around them and forms the foundations of scientific thinking. These are clubs in natural science and chemistry;
  • Aesthetically artistic develops aesthetic taste and artistic skills. These are classes in painting, drawing, modeling, appliqué. At such circles, children work with colors, shapes, images, using various methods they develop imagination, spatial thinking, fine motor skills, and the ability to improvise;
  • The health and physical education direction is aimed at the physical development of the body. This is dancing, gymnastics, figure skating, athletics;
  • biological-ecological is aimed at the formation of environmental consciousness. These are clubs for young naturalists, classes in biology and its fundamentals;
  • Economic-legal education forms basic concepts of economics and legal consciousness: children are introduced to their rights and the basics of financial literacy;
  • tourism is aimed at expanding children's knowledge about the world, planet, country. These can be combined classes, for example, a combination of geography and biology or history and geography.

Traditionally, adults choose two directions for children - sports and creative. This amount helps maintain a balance between schoolwork and extracurricular activities. Three or more directions can overload the child.

5 mistakes parents make when organizing additional education for children

A wide choice of sources of additional education leads to a situation in which parents are lost and cannot rationally distribute their child’s time. The initial delight and motivation from new creative or sports activities changes over time to complete indifference to anything and a lack of desire to learn in children. There are 5 main reasons that lead to this “burnout”:

  • overload of the child. Extracurricular activities should not negatively affect school activities. A common problem is when children do not have time to complete their school homework due to lack of time and do not complete them very well or quickly. Parents must clearly set priorities in organizing leisure time and avoid such situations;
  • lack of free time. Trying to give their children maximum knowledge and teach them everything, parents sometimes work their child so hard that he has no free time: after school he goes to extra clubs, and after clubs he goes to courses. We must remember that the child should always have free time - for walks, spending time with friends or alone;
  • unsystematic activities. The key to success in any activity is consistency. You must attend any classes regularly and try to avoid absences. A frivolous attitude towards additional classes, systematic non-attendance or attendance “for show” will lead to the child losing interest and motivation, because under such conditions he will not be able to see his results and benefits.
  • lack of interest on the part of parents. Adults should be interested not only in school grades and results, but also in achievements in extracurricular activities. It is important to demonstrate your interest in the child’s creativity and activities: attend exhibitions, concerts, presentations, communicate with teachers of additional classes, and be interested in the results. This gives the child the understanding that his activities are important to his parents, and what he does outside of school is also of great importance.

How to choose additional activities for your child

Having determined that additional education is a necessary component of a student’s development, parents are faced with a new problem: how to choose exactly those classes that the child will be happy to attend?

There are two ways to determine children's preferences:

  • Make a list of activities that interest your child and attend trial classes in each area. However, sometimes children cannot clearly formulate what they like: they do not give a specific answer to the question, they say that they like everything. Then it is appropriate to use the second method;
  • Find out on your own what interests the child and direct all efforts in one direction. To do this, you need to observe the child, pay attention to what activities interest him more, and communicate with school teachers. Additionally, you can consult with a psychologist: for example, individual art therapy sessions can help determine a child’s inclination towards something.

After determining the direction, you need to choose a place for classes. There are a number of features here that you need to pay attention to. The following list of selection criteria may help parents:

  • practical use. The child must see the result of his activities. The result can be in the form of creative works - paintings, projects. It can also manifest itself in intangible ways, such as affecting school performance;
  • proximity of location. The road to additional classes should not take much time. If, in order to get to a club or courses, you need to spend more than 1:00 of time or use different types of transport, this will negatively affect the child’s condition: such trips are tiring and dull the ardent interest. Over time, classes at a club or in a studio will be associated not with creativity and development, but with a long trip around the city. Therefore, the place for classes should be as close as possible to home or school;
  • organization of classes. Before starting classes, you need to ask how they are going. It is desirable that the organization of work has as little as possible in common with school lessons: this could be a non-standard placement of tables in the office, the opportunity to study on rugs, with easels, practice on stage, work in a circle, in pairs, micro groups;
  • openness of teachers. It is important that teachers make easy contact with parents: talk about their work methods, activity plans, and share information about the child’s successes, difficulties and achievements in additional classes.

When a child sees that the results of his activities are of interest to teachers and parents, he realizes the importance of his work and becomes more responsible and motivated.

When analyzing the advantages and disadvantages of additional education, looking for activities in accordance with the criteria, parents should not forget the most important rule that should be followed when organizing children’s leisure time: you need to listen to them, watch them, learn to listen and hear them. Therefore, classes that meet all the criteria and rules will not bring any benefit if the child has no desire to attend them.

First of all, this is a problem of choice - the child himself made it, or you helped him find his way, or simply imposed your ideas about what will be useful to him in life.

For example, often one of the parents dreams of raising their son or daughter to be a professional musician, because it didn’t work out for them in childhood - there were no conditions or their own parents were not so persistent.

Of course, we all know examples when this persistence did not bear fruit, but gave exactly the opposite results: the child either chose a completely different direction for himself, or became a passive, uncreative performer.

It is worth keeping in mind: not many children have already formed stable interests by the age of 10-12. On the one hand, there is always time to search. It is necessary to provide the child with ample opportunities to choose. On the other hand, it is necessary to maintain his interest in the chosen activity.

Much will depend on your support, including financial support. Are you interested in what a child does in a circle or section, what successes he has, how his relationships with the guys develop there, how to help him. Do you try to provide everything necessary for classes - be it a sports uniform, a racket “like everyone else’s” or an easel and expensive paints.

Should you allow your child to change activities like gloves?

First, clarify what prevents the child or teenager from maintaining their interest in one thing. It is not at all necessary that this is natural laziness or frivolity. The reasons can be very different. Perhaps the relationship with the club leader or coach, or with one of the guys, did not work out. Or the child quickly loses interest if he does not see immediate results. He may be painfully aware of the successes of others and his own failures. It is possible that he himself or his parents overestimated his abilities for this particular activity. In any of these cases, the situation can be changed.

Pressure and reproaches for frivolity will not make a child more serious and purposeful. In the end, the main thing is that his hobbies make his current and future life more interesting and richer. As People’s Artist of Russia, Professor Zinovy ​​Korogodsky said, “you cannot treat a child’s creative interests pragmatically, calculating what “dividends” his hobby will bring in the near future. It will bring spiritual wealth, which is necessary for a doctor, a pilot, a businessman, and a cleaner.”

What can you do to get a young child interested in some activity?

Can parents engage their child in some activity? Or will he try on his own until he’s 15-17 years old until he finds what he needs? Should we rely only on a lucky chance? Should all pressure and advice from adults be avoided? Almost all parents ask themselves these questions.

Try to establish the creative process at home: without hindering your child’s initiative, tell him what he can do and what to use for it.

1. Create conditions for your child to play and create at home. Set up several zones that he will use at his discretion:

  • a corner for quiet rest and reading, for relaxation - with a carpet, pillows, a cozy lamp;
  • a place on the floor for practicing with large toys - construction sets, railroads, puppet theaters;
  • a large enough table for drawing, board games - alone or with friends;
  • a place where a child could equip himself a secret shelter with the help of blankets and other improvised means - like a tent, hut or house;
  • a box for toys and things useful in the game, from time to time you can transfer some of the forgotten toys from an ordinary closet or rack into this chest, add other items there that can awaken the child’s imagination.

2. Master the usual types of children's creativity with your child(drawing, modeling, design, appliqué, playing music, dramatization, etc.) and show how these activities can be diversified.

  • For drawing- ordinary sand and bulk products (cereals), for appliqué - threads, leaves, shells and pebbles, for sculpture - mashed potatoes, papier-mâché and shaving foam, instead of a brush - your own fingers or palms, a rolling pin, etc.
  • For design and construction, offer a variety of materials from ready-made construction kits to improvised means - for example, cardboard boxes of different sizes.
  • Try to maintain research and experimental interests baby - on a walk, on a trip, at home.
  • Help the child to master the capabilities of his own body - offer games to develop coordination of movements, spatial concepts, and outdoor games.

3. Choose gifts that can become the basis of a future hobby:

  • stimulating imagination, fantasy,
  • gifts that help you learn new skills - various tools, handicraft kits, perhaps equipment - for example, a camera or microscope,
  • interesting reference publications, encyclopedias (possibly in electronic form), music recordings, videos, albums with reproductions, theater tickets.

4. Tell your son or daughter about your own childhood hobbies.. Maybe you still keep albums with your children's collection of stamps or badges - look at them with your child, look for information about what people collect, help them choose and start a new collection.

5. Certainly, don’t forget to go on excursions and visit various museums from time to time. Find an opportunity to introduce your son or daughter to professionals - probably among your friends there will be an artist, sculptor, architect, doctor or research scientist. You can visit an artist’s studio, an operation in a hospital, or restoration work in a museum.

What if a child is so engrossed in some activity that he forgets about studying?

It is possible that such a strong passion will become the basis for choosing a future profession. This means that you can try to convince a child or teenager that mastering school knowledge will help him become a real professional. A future fashion designer needs to create patterns - for this it would be good to have basic geometry and drawing skills, know history and ethnography, an athlete needs knowledge of anatomy and physiology, etc.

Should I send my child to a section or club?

Wouldn't this be too much work for him on top of his school work? Or, on the contrary, should we assume that a change of activity is the best rest? Probably every parent asks these questions at one time or another. It is impossible to give a definite answer to them. Dad and mom will have to weigh the pros and cons in each specific case.

So, “FOR”:

1. Classes in a circle or section are: - a change in the type of activity.

If your child attends a sports section, then school mental activity is replaced by physical activity. If it's a music school or an art group - a creative one. In applied arts circles - motor (motor) activity, that is, manual labor. Even if your son or daughter preferred chess, a math or literary club, they will still do only what they like, what interests them; - change of communication style.

As a rule, in circles or sections there is a more informal atmosphere than at school. There are no such strict requirements for discipline. Can you imagine the pleasure a little schoolboy gets from not having to sit still and silent, answering only when asked? The teachers in the circle are not as strict as the teachers at school - they allow you to fool around, run around, make noise. All these liberties are allowed, of course, within reasonable limits. Therefore, you do not have to worry that your child will be “spoiled” by such indulgence; - a change of scenery.

Children's clubs try to equip premises intended for activities with children taking into account their interests. They are equipped with games, toys, creative materials, and sports equipment. The child’s responsibilities here do not include sitting straight and motionless for forty minutes on a hard chair at a desk that is not always suitable for height.

In a good circle, a tired student will have various areas for studying, playing and relaxing: if you want, study at the table, if you want, sit comfortably on a children’s sofa or pouf, you can even sit on the carpet if you prefer.

2. Classes in a circle or section are a way to organize a child’s leisure time.

This is one of the most common pro arguments given by parents. Indeed, clubs and sections are often the only way to organize time after school for those fathers and mothers who work and cannot sit at home with their beloved child after school.

A child who attends extracurricular activities is less likely to get into trouble on the street, do something bad at home, or acquire bad habits (for example, learning to smoke under the careful supervision of older friends or becoming addicted to playing the slot machines that are on every corner today and multi-colored lights flash invitingly). Agree, in a circle under the supervision of a leader, a child is safer.

3. Classes in a circle or section contribute to the formation of responsibility and independence.

If a child wants to attend his favorite club, then he must learn to remember and control many things at once. For example:

  • remember the class schedule and show up for them on time;
  • remember, collect and bring everything necessary for classes (a young dancer, for example, every time needs to bring a leotard, skirt, socks, special shoes, and even do her hair);
  • remember and independently complete homework assignments given by your supervisor (learn a song, draw a landscape, learn a dance step, practice a sports exercise, etc.);
  • Organize your time in such a way that you can do everything: go to school, do your homework, help mom and dad, and chat with friends.

Modeling from clay, designing ships, in-depth study of English - today it is difficult to imagine children's development without various clubs and sections. Some parents try to find a tutor for their child, but additional education for schoolchildren can cope with this. It is carried out both at the schools themselves and in various educational centers.

It's no secret that chess player Anatoly Kasparov, actor Sergei Nikonenko, director Rolan Bykov and many other talented people came from additional education institutions. Unlike school lessons, which every student is forced to attend, regardless of his own aspirations, desires and abilities, a child can choose additional education courses independently. They will help him find and develop his talents.

Today, more and more elite educational institutions, be it schools or universities, require an impressive portfolio, which cannot be compiled without taking courses for schoolchildren. Maybe your child has an excellent ear for music and sings well? Or does he like to collect model airplanes? Or wants to become an ecologist? Additional education will help you identify and develop your child’s talents, as well as find friends with similar interests.

Why do schoolchildren need additional education?

In circles and sections
children learn to communicate
and often find themselves
friends with similar interests

The ability to draw beautifully, win chess tournaments, play the violin, run fast - your child will be able to acquire these and many other abilities in institutions of additional education for schoolchildren. In addition, various clubs and sections can also be an excellent help for studying many school disciplines. Additional education can give a child a lot in terms of upbringing, socialization and development.

  • Identification and development of abilities. Does your daughter spend a lot of time drawing, but your son constantly disappears on the football field? Or maybe the student doesn’t know what to do with his time? Activities will help your child find himself and develop his own talent. , art schools, science courses - thanks to the wide range of additional education institutions offered today, a student will be able to choose a club in almost any direction.
  • Socialization. What could be more fun and interesting than doing something in the company of like-minded people?! Clubs are not only a favorite activity, but also communication with children who are passionate about the same thing. Discussing films in a film club, playing basketball and cheering for your team, singing in a choir - additional education courses will help your child make new acquaintances, make friends and interact in society. Often, it is in institutions of additional education that schoolchildren find friends with similar interests, with whom they remain friends for the rest of their lives.
  • Self-discipline. There is no strict control in clubs, clubs and courses for schoolchildren; the child chooses them based on his abilities and aspirations. So the student himself is interested in his successes and achievements, therefore additional education develops self-control, self-discipline and self-development, which will be useful to him both in regular lessons at school and in other areas of life.
  • Career guidance. Whether your child plays tennis or loves to craft with clay, any hobby can develop into a profession. Classes at school, as a rule, are limited to a range of certain disciplines, which do not allow everyone to fully reveal their talents. But this allows schoolchildren additional education. Is your child seriously interested in sculpture or playing chess? Perhaps this is a future sculptor or chess player.
  • Deepening and expanding knowledge in basic and elective disciplines. Additional education courses help not only to demonstrate oneself and one’s talents, but also to improve knowledge in those subjects that students have in the main school curriculum. For example, classes in the law and economics club will help in social studies lessons, and the robotics club will be an excellent assistant in studying physics. A child's tutor can handle the same task. Some courses take .

Areas of additional education

The directions and programs of additional education are completely different, and every child can find something to their liking. According to their specificity, all clubs and courses of additional education are divided into several groups:

  • Artistic and aesthetic direction(creative studios, music and art schools, dance, literary, theater clubs, etc.);
  • Cultural direction(book clubs, museology, art and library circles, historical and cultural centers, etc.);
  • Scientific and technical direction(computer courses, stations for young technicians, clubs for robotics, designing aircraft, ships, etc.);
  • Natural science direction(geographical, physical, chemical circles, courses in astronomy, medicine, etc.);
  • Ecological and biological direction(stations for young naturalists, ecology and local history courses, etc.);
  • Military-patriotic direction(military sports sections, historical and patriotic circles, search work, etc.);
  • Physical education and sports direction(sports sections, physical therapy, orienteering and tourism clubs, classes in gyms, etc.);
  • Social and pedagogical direction(circles dedicated to a healthy lifestyle, charitable organizations, social youth movements, etc.);
  • Economic and legal direction(courses in economics, political science and law).

Mugs make a child
more independent and vaccinate

Additional education organizations and tutors

Continuing education courses can be conducted at the school where the child is studying or in other educational organizations. At the same time, attending courses at school after school will be much more convenient for the child himself. But, unfortunately, in schools the choice of clubs is limited, and they may not have the required course.

A good option would be an educational center with various clubs that have a common focus. For example, your child is interested in natural sciences. Wouldn't it be great if the chemistry and biology clubs were located in the same place?! The same applies to various art schools, where a child can learn to play a musical instrument, sing and dance.

Tutoring plays a special role in the additional education of schoolchildren. This is especially true in high school when preparing for the State Examination and the Unified State Exam. Tutoring can also help struggling students. When choosing a tutor, pay attention to the teacher's track record and his recommendations. Often school teachers also provide tutoring. Read how to find a good one on our website.

Watch out, time!

When choosing a tutor
need to pay attention
on his work experience
and manner of communication

Of course, clubs and sections are great: in them, the child can do something interesting to him, develop useful skills and find new friends. Therefore, the desire of many parents to send their child to a club is completely justified. However, today various courses for schoolchildren have become a fashionable trend, and therefore some parents are trying to send their child to as many clubs as possible.

With all its advantages, a lot of clubs will not benefit the child at all, because he will have no free time left at all. Classes in most clubs are held twice a week, while children who are seriously involved in sports train almost every day. And do not forget that the child needs to devote time to homework, walks and rest.

If you want to send your child to a club, be sure to pay attention to the correct allocation of time. A student shouldn’t have a busy week! It is better to limit yourself to one or two circles or sections. If your child is very active, for comprehensive development, teachers recommend choosing three different courses: scientific, creative and sports. A larger number of circles is fraught with overwork.

It is also necessary to keep in mind that the child must choose the direction of additional education independently, otherwise he will quickly abandon his endeavor.

Additional education for schoolchildren

Continuing education courses will become a place where your child will definitely meet new friends and like-minded people. Such training will be personally meaningful and will increase the student’s motivation and self-organization. An interesting circle can become not only a place of work, but also of relaxation, because it is impossible to get tired of your favorite activities.

Designing airplanes, playing the flute or figure skating - additional education for schoolchildren will not only be an interesting pastime, but also an opportunity to realize their talents and dreams. Perhaps your child will turn his childhood hobby of photography or wood carving into a profession in which he will achieve great success.

Currently, parents are faced with the fact that without additional education their child cannot enter a prestigious school or university. The usual school curriculum is not enough for this. In principle, additional educational programs for children should be introduced in kindergarten in order to instill in the child the habit of constant additional activities.

Why is modern additional education for children needed?

Additional education is the area of ​​acquiring knowledge and skills beyond the mandatory state standard, which should satisfy the diverse interests of the child.

The main areas of additional education for children and youth are:

  • scientific and technical;
  • artistic and aesthetic;
  • sports;
  • physical education and health;
  • ecological and biological;
  • military-patriotic;
  • social and pedagogical;
  • economic and legal;
  • cultural;
  • tourism and local history.

This is not a complete list of interests of children and parents. The development of additional education for children is, first of all, connected with the capabilities of the region, as well as with the organization of business by the administration of educational institutions.

The tasks of additional education for preschool and school children include a harmonious combination of the general educational standard with the creation of the necessary conditions for the formation of a creative personality. The main emphasis is on protecting the child’s right to self-determination and self-development.

Problems of additional education for children and youth

One of the main problems of the system of additional education for children of preschool and school age is the unpreparedness of teachers. There is a certain psychological barrier that prevents teachers from treating additional education in the same way as the general standard. As a rule, it is quite difficult for school teachers to break the usual stereotypes and treat the child as an equal.

Therefore, in most cases, additional classes are conducted in an edifying form, practically no different from school lessons. In addition, an obstacle to the widespread development of additional education in kindergartens and schools is the insufficient material base. Often, the local budget does not have funds to pay for extracurricular activities.

In this case, parents are forced to turn to private organizations, paying a lot of money so that their beloved child receives the desired education. True, high payment does not mean a guarantee of quality. The teachers of the private center studied in the same government agencies and their methods of work differ little from those of general education.

Types of additional education institutions for children

Today there are four types of organization of additional education.

“Only personality can act on the development and definition of personality.”
K.D. Ushinsky.

Nurturing a creative personality, developing a moral, competent person of the future is one of the most important tasks of modern education. In my opinion, one of the most vibrant, emotionally rich means of aesthetic education and artistic education for children is theater. After all, theater pedagogy has a powerful potential for a holistic impact on the child, since it contributes to the development of creative abilities, the formation of a competent and successful personality, since theatrical activity is based on close interaction and integration of different types of arts (theater, choreography, literature, fine arts). This contributes to the creation of an educational environment that has a beneficial effect on the formation of independent and independent thinking and the creative potential of the individual. Allows you to enter the space of the possible and the impossible - through the game...

Who is he, the man of the future? What questions does he pose for himself? What is important to him? How to direct him without harming his uniqueness and individuality? Where can I get landmarks? How to awaken the need for self-knowledge and the need to bring out the best that is in oneself and boldly show it to the world? How to lay the foundation on which the courage to solve problems grows, and not run from them? I think that each teacher, and especially additional education teachers, asks himself these questions, and more than once. And I'm no exception. It is hardly possible to become such a wise Teacher as Life itself... But to touch this risky profession and understand something - the task turned out to be quite doable for me... And how not to become “mumbling” or all-knowing (as it suits you) “ mothballs”, serving the business for more than 20 years? Where to get resources for endless renewal of yourself and discoveries in the profession additional education teacher?!..

…I won’t lie that becoming a teacher was not initially part of my life plans. What can students of a creative university in the theater department dream about? With healthy ambitions? Minimum - Prima theater... Success in student work inspires! But “someone’s hand” (most likely mine) suggested another way... And I was lucky. I was lucky from the very beginning to get into the Children's Theater School of Volgodonsk, where the director was Nikolai Nikolaevich Zadorozhny, a student of M.O. Knebel, who, in turn, was a student of K.S. Stanislavsky. It was there, I believe, that a turning point in the direction of theater pedagogy took place.

A year later, immersed in the atmosphere of boundless goodwill, the highest skill of work of children and adults, teachers, graduates of the “Etude Studio” and the Master himself, I had a dream...

It was there that the idea came that someday I would be able to create my own studio, my own children's theater. A theater where children play! But I still had a great desire to play on stage myself, and not go to “coaching” work... Then I was 23 years old... But, I can honestly say: I saw the level, the bar of working with a children's group of unprecedented height and skill! And I haven’t seen anything like this anywhere else, more than 20 years later... This “meeting” became a guideline for me, as it can and should be! Outrageously professional, inimitably tasty and serious! And dreams tend to come true!

It was from this “bar” that my march through the pedagogical expanses began...

Further, for many years, combining acting and teaching activities, having tasted all the “difficulties and delights” of integrating general and additional education, I learned to set goals and achieve them, to look for ways to solve the problems. The children of the most ordinary school with whom I studied acting also learned the same thing with me. Working in a team of young teachers, we studied together all the “innovations in education”, together we created our own unique program that combined the Children’s Studio, the Children’s Theater and the Student Theater, which won the All-Russian competition of educational programs. The classes were comprehensive, conducted by entire classes of a comprehensive school and in subgroups...

The school teachers loved the “creative” classes. Children, acquiring the skills of productive communicative communication and joint creative activity in an informal setting, gradually changed, became different: friendly, proactive, active, although these were far from the best classes, and did not always study with straight A's. And all this in the second half of the 90s, when the country was in complete confusion... Despite the non-payment of salaries and half-starved existence against the general background... During classes and rehearsals, we tried to create a situation of success for children (participation in concerts, sketches, productions) and demand while the “adults” were playing games about the collapse of the country...

We believed that what we were doing was not in vain, that the children and we needed, no matter what, to live on, and moreover, to succeed in the future! Let it be in a new, changed country...

For a long time, acting was still my priority... And our studio children, looking at us, their teachers, playing in plays, learned, admired, and imitated. We were an example for them of how to “be.” We were called “practicing teachers.” And we understood this responsibility. Sacrifice? Not at all! We were happy, young, hopeful and just loved what we did. And it took time, rethinking myself, before I was able to go completely to “coaching” work - as a teacher of additional education.

How important it is sometimes not to interfere with a creative person in order to achieve something truly worthwhile!

Further, in 2006, already in my native Tomsk, having slightly transformed this “model” of interaction with children, on the basis of the Career Planning Center, my wonderful team was born - the Sintez Theater Studio... In the Palace of Children and Youth Creativity, it takes on that form and the content that I always wanted and dreamed about. Since my youth. How important it is sometimes not to interfere with a creative person in order to achieve something truly worthwhile! The first thing we had to create was a program! Plan! Instructions! Get to work! Three subjects: “Acting”, “Stage speech” and “Fundamentals of stage movement” are the main ones, and two additional ones – “Choreography” and “History of theatre”. History of Costume". For 5 or more years of study... The slogan “Come to us, be able to become better in the Theater where Children play!” appeared, which perfectly reflects the essence...

In the first year of work, there were 24 people in the Synthesist Palace. Six years later - more than 70! Age – from 8 to 17! Four groups. Close in age and years of education. "Younger", "Middle" and "Senior". About equally. The fact that the number of studio students is growing year by year, and we already have to make a “selection”, since we cannot accommodate everyone, of course, without false modesty, this is an indicator for me, as a teacher... The children remain. New ones come and also stay. They come again and again. And even graduates, after completing five years of training, continue to study...

First - intention. It works.

Of course, children go “to the teacher.” Often, when a teacher or leader changes, the team or organization “goes into decline,” or, conversely, everything begins to sparkle with new colors, burst with ideas, possibilities... Everything comes from the person. And even more so - from the leader. Or rather, from his intentions. First intention - then opportunities for implementation. Not otherwise. And especially in our profession! It works!

A recent example. Before I had time to think about charitable activities, like, “It’s necessary, it’s time,” almost immediately I received an offer for children to participate in the “Special Fashion” gala concert of the Regional Competition of Young Designers for Models with Disabilities. “This is an opportunity to teach children a lesson in kindness, acceptance of otherness, to make, so to speak, my contribution...” I thought. The children supported. This year we are invited again. And we'll go again.

Or here's another example. In 2014-2015, I was inspired to create a big project, try my hand at it, and win a grant. Thanks to friends, colleagues, like-minded people, it took place - “The international real-virtual competition “Sozvezdie.ru” confidently declared itself. He united the efforts of children, teachers, and leading Russian experts in the field of art. It was not an easy matter. But I received “profit” in the form of enormous experience. And undoubted growth, thanks to everything new. And the children of my “Synthesis”, like thousands of other participants in the competition, became the most active participants.

Don't teach, but share what you know!

My main methodological principle for teaching the basics of acting is mastering the patterns of human behavior in stage conditions. Be able to look and see. Listen and hear.

The ability to solve complex problems is the competency of the future!

According to World Economic Forum analysts, the ability to solve complex problems (Complex Problem Solving) will remain in first place in 2020, as in 2015 (that’s when this study was conducted). I really love the word “task” and often use it in class. Children understand what it means: “Your task is to make sure that he…”. Subsequently, they learn to set tasks for each other and themselves. She is always specific. It is directed at the partner. The ability to understand the task of the hero in a sketch or play and find ways to achieve their goal is a very important skill that will be useful to them in their future life, in any other profession, not just on stage.

Viva for creativity and critical thinking!

The increasing complexity of processes in all areas requires non-standard solutions. Unfortunately, this is not taught in modern schools (and in many universities). Here is the opinion of Tatyana Chernigovskaya, a famous scientist in the field of neuroscience and psycholinguistics: “Is this how we teach children?.. Why teach meaningless things? We pump our children up with them. It is important for me to know in what year Napoleon married Josephine? No, it doesn't matter. It is important to me that people understand what is happening on this planet. Google already knows everything else. I don’t need people who know what Google knows professionally, because Google already exists. I need someone who will come up with an unusual thing. You know, discoveries are mistakes. If we offer the following people to take the Unified State Exam: Mozart, Beethoven, the slacker poor student Pushkin, and also take the chemist Mendeleev (a bad student in chemistry, remember?), Einstein, Dirac, Schrödinger, etc. They'll screw it all up. We will say: “Two for you, Niels Bohr.” He will say: “A deuce is a deuce, but the Nobel Prize is waiting for me.” And precisely for this “wrong” answer! So what do we want? Discoveries or an army of fools who learned Newton's binomial? Of course, there is a major danger here. I know her. If everyone knows a little bit about everything, then there is a risk that we will start producing amateurs. We need to think about what to do with this.” I totally agree! I especially welcome this “non-standard” in children! The ability to “not look at your neighbor” or “go beyond the usual” is very valuable.

There are special exercises and acting techniques aimed at finding non-standard solutions. And children love them very much, at 10, and at 13, and at 16 years old... For example, composing and implementing etudes. Of three words. Not related to each other, for example, snow, turtle, nail. The task is to come up with and connect them into one story, that is, according to all the laws of drama – plot, climax, denouement. I earnestly remind them not to “follow stereotypes by finding unusual meanings for simple words and things.” And they find it! They not only come up with ideas and put them together, but also present “their product” on stage, that is, they independently distribute roles among themselves, agree on goals, objectives, and the actions of the characters they have created - they create! Let it be “here and now”, momentarily... This is training! This is an “investment in the future”! Experience! Then we discuss it together and sort it out. Reflection! By creating, the child’s mental, communicative, and regulatory abilities are trained. And... thinking outside the box. And they do it with great joy and pleasure! Nothing less than geniuses!

Cognitive flexibility and empathy are also a priority. Understand and empathize with the feelings of another, respect internal processes. It is important! If only you could feel it! How can a person of the future live without this?..

Of course, participation in productions and performances is what they strive for. Everything is like with adults - to get into the “leading roles”, into the “main cast”... And at the same time, I cultivate in the team, there is no other way to say it, an atmosphere of goodwill and respect for each other. The atmosphere is not competition, but cooperation! Theater is a collective, synthetic art. Everyone is important here! They themselves (including) choose each other for roles or nominate themselves, justifying their choice. This is how children learn to accept the opinions of others. Whether they are relaxing at a summer camp or having fun on holidays, working - rehearsing, arguing, creating and performing - but they know - “we are a team”!

Having reached a fairly high professional level, I set myself the task of ensuring that the team of which I am the leader reaches the international level. It was realized in the second year! And it has already become an annual good tradition! We are in the trend - at festivals and competitions of different levels - from city to international, filming on TV, trips to festivals in Yekaterinburg, St. Petersburg, Novosibirsk, etc.... Of course, this is the creation of both a situation of success and self-confidence, and summing up some results of the work - for everyone. And our theater session at a country summer camp! Almost the whole team! Easily! There would be intention!..

In my work, I deliberately do not set myself career guidance goals. Although more than half are “senior and middle” Rather, it’s the other way around. And not because I have a bad attitude towards the professions of “actor, director”... I just know that you have to go there if you can’t live without it, that is, there is no choice. Otherwise there is nothing to do there! “If you have a choice, it’s better not to go,” I tell the children. That's probably right. Let it be better that, having played enough games in childhood, they enter adulthood and decide for themselves “to be or not to be”... Let everything be a joy! I am convinced that not only in any profession they will be able to apply their skills to “live on stage,” but also in any life situation, since the knowledge and experience of theater pedagogy are universal! They help raise a wise, competent, understanding person. And in this situation, in our country, I think this is much more important!

Thus, theater pedagogy is the area for me where all the best qualities that exist in people are most fully concentrated and manifested. This is an area where you can nurture and develop the qualities that you want to see in yourself in the future. Where everyone is given the opportunity to express themselves, participating in the general process, the tasks of socialization and cooperation are solved with the greatest intention - to give, with the inescapable need to develop oneself.

It doesn’t matter that someone sings, someone enlightens, someone... We all awaken something in people, children... I want to be able to touch the very insides of those who “have ears and hear.” Words!.. But the form is not important. The only important thing is how much clarity, simplicity and purity we can bring with our work, with ourselves, to the world.

It’s not enough, gentlemen, just to give your heart... You need to grow yourself. And educate only by your own example!

Anna Ivanovna Grigorova,
additional education teacher,
DTDiM, Tomsk

Editorial opinion may not reflect the views of the author