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Margarita Blinova

It's dangerous to be a student

© Blinova M., 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

- A-ah-ah!!! “Someone screamed in panic, and I was ashamed to discover that the scream was coming exclusively from my throat. She immediately fell silent in embarrassment and pretended to be a broom.

Who was screaming like crazy? Was I screaming like crazy?!

Pf-f! You've clearly got something mixed up.

- Boissss? – the three-meter monster hissed, smiling charmingly.

- Dude, have you seen yourself in the mirror? – Trying to calm down my racing heart, I snorted. – With such facial parameters, only to participate in the competition for the worst nightmare!

The monster laughed loudly, clearly pleased with the effect produced, but to be honest, I was not in the mood for fun.

- Amy, how are you? – I bent over the quietly moaning blonde.

The girl lay on the ground, clutching her bleeding side with her right hand, and looked more like a ghost than a person.

The dark one looked not just bad, but creepy. Golden curls stuck together and lost their healthy shine, the skin glowed dully, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from the eyes, indicating the depletion of the magical reserve.

“It seems I’m dying...” whispered the Anointed of Death with blue lips and coughed hoarsely, spitting blood onto the ground.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting punched in the face for saying such words?” No?! – I asked menacingly, glanced at the scaly monster frozen a couple of meters away and cheerfully said: “Amy, you lie down for now, think about your behavior, and I’ll quickly kill the smiling nightmare and get us out of this ass of the world!”

The blonde didn't answer. All she could do was smile forcefully. Which is also not bad in principle, because, according to statistics, optimists live longer.

- That's better! – I perked up a little, quickly rising to my feet and snatching two unimaginably huge fire swords.

- Well? – a searching glance towards a potential enemy. – What do you want: die right away or dance with me before you die?

The three-meter-long carcass grinned and militantly extended its huge paws with an impressive manicure.

– I didn’t even doubt it. “My bloodthirsty grin could be the envy of any creature of the night, including the monster standing opposite me.”

Hissing menacingly, he dropped to all fours and rushed towards me with the sole purpose: to gnaw the throat of the overly talkative obstacle to the main dish - Emilia...

- Hey! Natka interrupted me, waving her half-eaten sandwich. – You’re telling everything wrong!

I widened my eyes, frowned and turned to my red-haired friend.

– What do you mean, I’m telling you wrong? – she asked indignantly, simultaneously taking a greedy sip from a cup of scalding hot coffee.

I winced at the patronizing tone and looked up at the night sky.

Great Goddess, where were my eyes and bright mind when I chose a witch and a Dark One as my friends?

“Okay...” she reluctantly gave in, looking thoughtfully at the scarlet flashes from the cheerfully crackling fire, and warned: “But just don’t interrupt me again!”

The guys nodded their heads energetically, and I thought for a second, trying to remember where it all really started...

Where did it all start?

It all started on the day I returned to the University of Magic and Divination...

But since someone mentioned order, then, perhaps, we’ll start with it.

Magicians call people like me disparagingly - Dummies.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement, given that the magical reserves of such Empties are simply obscenely high and draw energy directly from space, like lungs oxygen. And we would definitely show everyone Kuzka’s mother, but everything in the world is balanced.

Children who have the potential of masters from birth cannot use their own power, but they can easily transfer it to others.

In short, nature laughed heartily and disgustingly! And now the product of this very ridicule in the person of a graduate of the Faculty of Theoretical Magic of the University of Magic and Divination is forced to carefully disguise herself as an average crammer without prospects, desires and opportunities.

And, probably, I would have even been able to calmly receive a diploma and fly out into “adult” life, but suddenly the Dark Ones were sent to the university to exchange experience and knowledge - vile, deceitful, insidious and evil receptacles of vice.

Margarita Blinova’s novel “It’s Dangerous to Be a Student” is the second book in the “Hard Everyday Life!” series. and talks about how the life of the main character Angelina developed further. She finds herself in the world of magic, but she herself does not have any superpowers, so she diligently learns the theory. The girl wants to complete her studies as quickly as possible and receive the long-awaited diploma.

While Angelina dreams of finishing her studies, fate gives her a surprise - she is appointed curator of the Dark Ones who came on exchange, and there are as many as eleven of them! It turned out that these Dark Ones are completely unsuited to life on the lands of the Light Ones and constantly get into some kind of trouble, from which Lina has to pull them out.

The girl simply doesn’t know what to grab onto, because there is still a need to reconcile two warring sides, which will require the use of charm and her own knowledge. A serial killer has also appeared, and Angelina will participate in his search. She will have to show all her talents, of which she has many. In addition, she is still a young girl who has a busy personal life, and relationships with some fans can be quite complicated. And Lina’s friends don’t give her any peace; every now and then they’ll come up with something, get into trouble, and have love affairs. In general, there is a lot to do!

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Margarita Blinova

It's dangerous to be a student

© Blinova M., 2015

© Eksmo Publishing House LLC, 2015

* * *

- A-ah-ah!!! “Someone screamed in panic, and I was ashamed to discover that the scream was coming exclusively from my throat. She immediately fell silent in embarrassment and pretended to be a broom.

Who was screaming like crazy? Was I screaming like crazy?!

Pf-f! You've clearly got something mixed up.

- Boissss? – the three-meter monster hissed, smiling charmingly.

- Dude, have you seen yourself in the mirror? – Trying to calm down my racing heart, I snorted. – With such facial parameters, only to participate in the competition for the worst nightmare!

The monster laughed loudly, clearly pleased with the effect produced, but to be honest, I was not in the mood for fun.

- Amy, how are you? – I bent over the quietly moaning blonde.

The girl lay on the ground, clutching her bleeding side with her right hand, and looked more like a ghost than a person.

The dark one looked not just bad, but creepy. Golden curls stuck together and lost their healthy shine, the skin glowed dully, and cloudy tears slowly flowed from the eyes, indicating the depletion of the magical reserve.

“It seems I’m dying...” whispered the Anointed of Death with blue lips and coughed hoarsely, spitting blood onto the ground.

“Aren’t you afraid of getting punched in the face for saying such words?” No?! – I asked menacingly, glanced at the scaly monster frozen a couple of meters away and cheerfully said: “Amy, you lie down for now, think about your behavior, and I’ll quickly kill the smiling nightmare and get us out of this ass of the world!”

The blonde didn't answer. All she could do was smile forcefully. Which is also not bad in principle, because, according to statistics, optimists live longer.

- That's better! – I perked up a little, quickly rising to my feet and snatching two unimaginably huge fire swords.

- Well? – a searching glance towards a potential enemy. – What do you want: die right away or dance with me before you die?

The three-meter-long carcass grinned and militantly extended its huge paws with an impressive manicure.

– I didn’t even doubt it. “My bloodthirsty grin could be the envy of any creature of the night, including the monster standing opposite me.”

Hissing menacingly, he dropped to all fours and rushed towards me with the sole purpose: to gnaw the throat of the overly talkative obstacle to the main dish - Emilia...

* * *

- Hey! Natka interrupted me, waving her half-eaten sandwich. – You’re telling everything wrong!

I widened my eyes, frowned and turned to my red-haired friend.

– What do you mean, I’m telling you wrong? – she asked indignantly, simultaneously taking a greedy sip from a cup of scalding hot coffee.

I winced at the patronizing tone and looked up at the night sky.

Great Goddess, where were my eyes and bright mind when I chose a witch and a Dark One as my friends?

“Okay...” she reluctantly gave in, looking thoughtfully at the scarlet flashes from the cheerfully crackling fire, and warned: “But just don’t interrupt me again!”

The guys nodded their heads energetically, and I thought for a second, trying to remember where it all really started...

Where did it all start?

It all started on the day I returned to the University of Magic and Divination...

But since someone mentioned order, then, perhaps, we’ll start with it.

Magicians call people like me disparagingly - Dummies.

This is a fundamentally incorrect statement, given that the magical reserves of such Empties are simply obscenely high and draw energy directly from space, like lungs oxygen. And we would definitely show everyone Kuzka’s mother, but everything in the world is balanced.

Children who have the potential of masters from birth cannot use their own power, but they can easily transfer it to others.

In short, nature laughed heartily and disgustingly! And now the product of this very ridicule in the person of a graduate of the Faculty of Theoretical Magic of the University of Magic and Divination is forced to carefully disguise herself as an average crammer without prospects, desires and opportunities.

Popular rumor says: “If you want trouble, meet the Dark One.” And what should Angelinka, the curator of as many as eleven Dark Ones, who decided to continue their education in the Light Lands, do? That’s right, once again, to no avail, pray to the Light Goddess, who has never given the Dark Ones even a drop of the instinct of self-preservation, and “silently” begin the struggle to build a shaky peace between the two warring camps. Do you think things can't get any worse? How could he! Especially when your friends call Cerberus, your best friend is wasting away from Great Love, a serial killer is at work in the magical dormancy, and the nasty Dostaval is doing who knows what! And how can a poor student get out of this? Yes, as always, with the help of intelligence, luck and a huge supply of optimism. The book was also published under the title “Hard Everyday Life, or Linka Doesn’t Give Up.”

A series: Hard everyday life

* * *

The given introductory fragment of the book It's dangerous to be a student (Margarita Blinova, 2015) provided by our book partner - the company liters.

From love to hate, as you know, there is only one step, but the road in the opposite direction takes much longer.

“This is unthinkable,” the girl was indignant, throwing her heavy braid behind her back. - I will complain…

“Rozzie,” I moaned pitifully, “please don’t start.”

An aristocrat by origin, perceiving the world from a completely different angle, her eyes flashed angrily, clearly hinting that no one and nothing could stop her.

For some reason, the rest of the Dark Ones sitting at the table mostly supported Rozzie, preferring to ignore the opinion of the pale curator.

- No, I won’t just leave this! Director Rohan will find out about everything and take action,” the girl passionately promised and began to think aloud about the wording of the complaint.

I moaned pitifully again, pushed the empty plate further away and lowered my heavy head onto the table...

...The day had started off superbly and confidently passed the “morning” mark, but, running up to the first barrier, it shamefully left the distance.

- How could you do this to me? - Julius raged. - I almost went crazy!

Director Rohan, in whose office a warm, friendly meeting between doctor and patient took place, looked disapprovingly at the student frozen in her chair and frowned with displeasure. And I guiltily averted my eyes and listened to the accusations addressed to me.

“Do you even know what came to my mind first?” – nervously walking back and forth around the office, the elf spoke out. “I decided that they put you on the altar again and decided to kill you.” Rushed to His Majesty King Maximelian...

“Wow,” I perked up. – Has Max really taken it upon himself to organize my search?

Julius hesitated slightly, stopped his mindless walking and spread his arms.

“Actually, he offered to find your kidnappers and enter into a share with them,” diplomat Ratan answered apologetically. “But you yourself understand that it’s stupid to expect a different reaction after your legendary disruption of the wedding of King Maximelian and Marie... But that doesn’t matter,” Julius frowned again. “Why didn’t you even write me a final note?”

I repentantly lower my head down, admitting my stupidity... I was in such a hurry to get back to the university that I didn’t even remember about the elf. Then I walked around the park half the night, catching maniacs, and in the morning I simply didn’t have time.

“Yulik, forgive me,” I sincerely asked, looking into my friend’s blue eyes.

The stately elf peered into my face for a while, then folded his arms over his chest and snorted loudly.

“Teacher Ratan,” he said, proudly throwing back his sophisticated face.

- What? – I exhaled, turning and looking solely at the director sitting at his desk.

The completely bald magician flashed his smooth crown and smiled contentedly:

“I just needed a replacement for Professor Barados, and then the diplomat Ratan visited our university just in time to find his patient,” the man enlightened. “The respected diplomat liked my proposal for teaching the younger generation of magicians so much that he immediately agreed to accept the teaching position.

– What about your diplomatic mission in the kingdom of Giza? – I asked in a half whisper.

“Student De la Varga,” Julius continued to play offended, “leave the familiar tone and the address “you” for the circle of your few friends and do not ask the teacher such questions in the future. Do you understand everything?

I nodded silently, looked again with remorse at the angry elf and appreciated the sad prospects.

Yuliy is a wonderful guy and a great friend, but incredibly vulnerable and touchy. Sometimes he behaves worse than a hysterical woman. And yet, in spite of everything, I was sincerely glad that he came and now there was another person at the university who was at least not indifferent to me.

How wrong I was then...

I was lucky enough to appreciate all my friend’s cunning during my very first potions class. Officially, this subject sounded like “Herbs and their uses” and was given to two faculties: theoretical magicians and herbalists. Naturally, theorists were present only at the lectures, leaving practical exercises with cauldrons and other garbage for herbalists like Natochka to handle.

“Curator,” Rozzie, who was assigned to the same group as me and Amy, fidgeted impatiently in her chair, “are you sure that our new teacher is an elf?”

“Unfortunately, yes,” I nodded my head, internally preparing to be the most attentive student of teacher Ratan.

Apparently, Rozzie also had similar goals, so she took the first desk with me. Natka, muttering something along the lines of “we can’t be surprised by some elves,” grabbed Amy by the hand and dragged her to the back desk.

Judging by the sparkle in her green eyes and conspiratorial whispers, the witch was developing another brilliant plan for revenge against her former captain of the basketball team.

“Poor Rodrick,” compassion shook his head.

Wow, it would be better if he took pity on us, our loved ones, because Julius entered the office with a light, smooth gait inherent only to elves.

“Hello, dear theorists and herbalists,” he began seriously, ignoring the admiring glances. – I am your new teacher – Yuli Ratan. – The elf smiled charmingly, immediately winning the hearts of the entire fair half of those sitting in the audience. “And our first lecture will be devoted to toxic poisons...” The guy let an admiring sigh pass by his keen ears, his gaze looked around those present and settled on me:

– Student De la Varga, you are needed for a demonstration.

Rozzi, sitting next to me, glanced enviously in my direction and hastily began to open the notebook, and I reluctantly got up and went to the board, sensing something was wrong.

And this most “wrong” thing spoke in a pleasant elf voice:

“I believe that appearance is fundamental in potions,” Julius began. – An experienced herbalist can easily distinguish one substance from another, relying on color, smell, intuition... But, unfortunately, theorists have a significant gap in this area of ​​​​knowledge, which, I hope, will be able to fill in my lectures. So, let’s get started with the demonstration,” the teacher announced, placing cones of various sizes in front of me.

Actually, this very demonstration outraged Rozzie and the impressionable Emilia.

- How did he even get hired? – the blonde raged, while Rozzie scribbled a complaint.

“Can you imagine,” Amy was indignant, looking around the others with burning eyes, “this big-eared guy forced Lina to identify poisons by eye, and when she didn’t recognize the last potion, he ordered her to drink a whole bottle!”

“Lawlessness,” supported the witch. “Even Horst wouldn’t mock her like that!” – she blurted out and then stopped short.

Ratty's gaze temporarily stopped burning two deep holes in me and, apparently, switched to a more interesting victim in the face of the witch.

I had to raise my head and hastily calm everyone down.

“Guys, I’m fine,” I told the frightened public.

- Fine? – Rozzie was indignant, looking up from creating a complaint against the elf. – Curator, you should see yourself from the outside! It was a terrifying sight.

Emilia and Natka nodded in agreement, and I looked around the girls with a tired look, then looked at the rest of the Dark Ones sitting at the table and was surprised to find that the guys were also worried. Well, perhaps with the exception of Little Rat...

There was amazing stability in his emotional state: he was irritated and dissatisfied.

“Amy, let’s not put a challenge mark on Rodrik today, but on one overly cute elf,” Nata suggested with the air of an inveterate mischief-maker.

- I'm with you! – Kebil immediately volunteered.

- Me too! – supported Sharga’s idea.

- So, so, Avengers! – I lightly hit the table with my fist. - We won’t touch Yulik. He's a cool guy and did it purely for my own sake.

There was an awkward silence at the table, and as many as twelve pairs of surprised eyes looked at me.

“Explain,” Horst asked coldly, speaking for the first time in my memory during the entire lunch break.

I sighed heavily, bit my lower lip thoughtfully and began to explain:

– Mercenaries try to kill people as quickly and painlessly as possible, so almost all weapons in the clan are coated with various poisons and toxins. Because of this, from childhood our bodies are accustomed to all types of poisons and drugs, so that during training we do not accidentally go to the next world. “I tiredly rubbed my head, which was buzzing from lack of sleep. “Juliy knew about this, and also that I was well versed in the entire assortment he offered. Even if I was wrong, such a weak concentration would not have worked.

“Then why are you so sick?” – Natka clarified suspiciously.

Involuntarily shuddering, I hardly suppressed the gag reflex and took a deep breath, trying to regain my lost breath.

Then, while steaming, twirling in my hands a flask full of an incomprehensible cloudy liquid with droplets of fat, I could not understand what it was. Intuition was silent and showed no signs of life, so, looking into the blue eyes of the elf, I held my breath and drank in one gulp.

And then…

Natochka is right: I was really upset. It’s good that Yuliy prudently thrust the basin into his hands.

With shame, remembering the public farewell of my stomach to food, I confessed:

- Because it was not poison...

- Meat broth! – I growled angrily.

The dark ones were silent, staring incredulously at their curator, and only Natka patted my hand knowingly.

-You don't eat meat? – expressed general surprise at Kimmy’s words.

“Wait! – logic intervened. “So the fact that we killed other people worries the Dark Ones less than our gastronomic preferences?”

“So it turns out,” the brain responded uncertainly.

“Crazy people,” common sense shook his head and went to calm his stomach seething with indignation.

I glanced at the Dark Ones, also shook my head, denying that I was a meat-eater, and tried to hold back the laughter bursting out.

“You know, when you lie on the altar, waiting for someone to kill you, you involuntarily begin to sympathize with cows and goats,” I opened up.

“But still, teacher Ratan acted incorrectly,” Rozzie continued to flare with righteous anger. - In relation to you, this is...

But I was already quite tired of this protracted conversation, so I cut the girl off.

“That was such an unconventional way of saying, ‘Even though you’re an ungrateful asshole, I still love you,’” I chuckled, looking at Horst’s fingers drumming on the table.

The fingers, noticing my close attention, froze and hid under the table. I looked in surprise into the stony face, met his heavy gaze and calmed down.

“What a strange way to say “I love you,” Shargy remarked, involuntarily putting his arm around Amy’s shoulders.

“Maybe,” I didn’t argue with the guy. – But for me, every “I love you” has some kind of small explanation. I love you... torturing you in training. I love you... use it for my own purposes. I love you... to teach. I...

“Yes, we understand,” Nata waved her hands in protest. – Don’t spoil our romance and faith in beauty.

What about me? If you don’t want to listen to smart things, don’t!

Somehow, lunch ended imperceptibly, and everyone got up from their seats.

Next on the schedule was practice on “Dark Fundamentals” with Professor Deiman. The training took place jointly with the militants at a specially equipped training ground, which still had to be reached in the remaining ten minutes.

Having said goodbye to the girls, who were having a pleasant lecture on aesthetic development, I picked up my bag and moved towards the exit, completely forgetting that the day was not over yet, which means my troubles were not over either.

A wide, hot male palm intercepted me in a small park on the way to the training ground.

“We need to talk,” the Ratty whispered peremptorily and pulled me under the cover of the nearest bushes.

“But in my opinion, this has already happened,” the liver whispered to everyone, sensing a catch.

“Only this time the maniac is prettier,” the discriminating libido rejoiced.

- I got it, what...

The little rat pressed me back to him, covering my mouth with his hand, turned around, noticed students rushing to class in the distance and, easily picking me up, carried me into the bushes.

Not paying attention to my pitiful attempts to get out of the grip, Horst confidently walked into the thick of the actively falling bushes, placed me near the nearest tree, turned me around and pressed me with my back to the trunk.

Since in the process of these simple manipulations the Dark One freed his mouth, the first thing I hastened to do was to begin to be indignant.

-Are you crazy? – he hissed, throwing his head back so that he could see gray eyes. – Can’t remember more civilized ways of communication?

Horst's hand fell heavily on my shoulder, triggering the mercenary's reflexes. Eh, with what pleasure I would now stab him with a knife, but the Dark One was not only big and strong, but also incredibly fast.

My right palm with the clamped blade was easily intercepted and the weapon was taken away.

“I thought we had already passed this stage of the relationship,” the guy grinned, approaching and hanging from above.

“Okay,” I growled, returning my heavy gaze, “quickly say what you wanted, otherwise your neck is already getting stiff.”

The dark one frowned, apparently not understanding what I was talking about, looked at me thoughtfully and suddenly sank to the ground.

- That's better? – the guy said sarcastically and, waiting for my confused nod, hoarsely asked:

- Call her.

I blinked in surprise.

“Call me...” – either a quiet groan or a whisper.

For the first time, gray eyes did not burn a hole in me - they were waiting for something. The always dissatisfied, gloomy face acquired an expression of hidden hope.

“Call me...” he asked with just his lips and froze.

A little embarrassed, I took more air into my lungs and squeaked:

- Hey, luminosity, come out!

We both froze, waiting for the fireflies to appear, but nothing happened.

“Horst, so this is...” I caught myself, apologizing and spreading my arms to the sides. - It’s light after all.

The guy closed his eyes, shook his head, mentally saying something like “and whoever you have to ask for a favor,” after which he looked angrily and growled:

- Call me, I said!

Grunting offendedly, I cross my arms over my chest and sarcastically begin to do what they asked:

- Guard! – she began to loudly call those around her. - They're robbing! Fire!!

Horst instantly moved from the “sitting” position to the “looming menacingly on top” position and growled:

- Stop mocking!

I chuckled loudly and extremely indignantly, hinting in every way that I hadn’t even started this exciting event yet. Dostala, apparently having guessed that the Light Ones don’t give up so easily, knitted his eyebrows and flashed his eyes menacingly.

“It will kill,” everyone was pleased with the pessimism.

And it is still unknown how the matter would have ended, when suddenly a dim little clot of fire appeared right between our dissatisfied faces.

The Dark One and I stared in shock at the unexpectedly appeared luminosity, which prevented us from swearing, after which the guy exhaled sharply and pulled back.

- No! – he said somehow too protestingly.

- Why not? – I glance towards the towering training ground nearby.

Skol! Because of all these vague “we need to talk,” it seems that one student was late for Professor Dayman’s class. And he has a rather bad sense of humor! As if my lateness would not end in another demonstration, where instead of poisons they would test combat spells on me.

“I got it,” I called the guy who had left reality. - Whatever you want, it’s time for me to stomp!

But the law of harsh reality says: “If you are a baby, and he is a big guy, then your opinion is not particularly taken into account.” The dark one quickly closed the distance between us and carefully grabbed our chin.

“No one should know that you can cause my luminosity.” Especially Rozzie. “His finger gently touched my lips, which were parted in surprise. – The agreement remains the same: I will come in the evening. “His finger carefully outlined the outline of his upper lip, after which the guy removed his hand and smiled sarcastically. - How do you like my girlfriend? - Ratty asked a provocative question, without taking his eyes off my face.

The question made me laugh.

- Are you asking me for a blessing? – I laughed out loud, frankly amused by his reaction. “A very beautiful, kind and well-mannered girl,” she answered sincerely and then counterfeited: “Just what you sorely lack!”

Horst leaned lower, blocking my entire view with his face.

- Why aren’t you jealous? – Hot breath burned the skin and lips, leaving behind an almost physical sensation, as if from a touch.

I shook my head, throwing off the incomprehensible obsession, and angrily asked:

– Why don’t you wear my pajamas? “The guy pursed his lips in displeasure, and I immediately added sarcastically: “Sorry, I thought it was a competition for the dumbest question.”

Dostavala continued to look into my eyes with interest, as if trying to find answers there to the questions of the creation of the universe.

And it was as if I was shocked by an unexpected thought.

When he asked about Rozzie, there was something so familiar in his face... With a similar expression, Natka sometimes boasted to me about her new achievements in love magic. Exactly! Little Rat was bragging about his girlfriend as if...

“Wait,” I began, putting my thoughts in order, “you didn’t bring Rozzie here just to annoy me?!”

The dark one was silent, not refuting my vague guess in any way, because he knew: I would immediately see if he was lying. And the best way to save information is to remain silent!

- Horst, are you stupid? Did you lose the last of your brains during training? – I couldn’t stand it, clenching my fists. – You risk your girlfriend, bring her to another continent, where she acts as a beautiful exotic, desired by every guy in puberty, and all for what? To stroke your ego?

My accusatory tirade had the exact opposite effect on Horst. Instead of being ashamed, repenting, or at least blushing, the guy flashed his eyes with displeasure, after which his wide palms, burning even through the fabric, were on my waist, and his hot cheek was pressed to my temple.

“Don’t make hasty conclusions,” a light whisper burned my ear and neck, causing a storm of conflicting feelings.

For some reason, there was a noise in my head, and, as if through cotton wool, the screams of excited inner voices were heard, where the enthusiastic libido screamed loudest of all.

I somehow became completely limp and even obediently allowed someone else’s lips to touch my neck, and huge hot palms to slide from my waist a little lower and stop at the place where they usually look for adventure.

Bright Goddess, what is wrong with me now?

Fortunately, Horst was still a complete Little Rat and did not know how to play roles unusual for him for a long time.

Huge male paws squeezed my half-butt painfully, and soft lips, previously caressing my neck, gave way to teeth that insidiously bit my earlobe.

I screamed from unexpected pain and looked with hatred into the gray, emotionless eyes.

“Don’t say a word about luminosity to anyone,” Horst said finally, abruptly pulled away and left.

After standing in confusion for a couple of minutes, I spat on classes, on Little Rat with his manners of an ill-mannered rude man and confidently moved towards the library.

Since this incomprehensible luminosity is so important to the Dark One, then it is worth immediately getting information about it and understanding how one modest Light One is involved here.

But it turned out that I’m not the only smart one at the university who skips internship with Professor Deiman.

- Linka! – the stately fighter joyfully called out to me, reminding me that the day of troubles was not over yet.

Shaking my head dejectedly, I waited until two promising battle magic hopes came up to me: Connie and Rollie.

Last month, our trio prepared a ritual to summon Cerberus. The guys wanted to test what they were capable of as magicians, and I helped out of curiosity and a good monetary reward, which I received for the last check of the final calculations.

“Don’t tell me you’ve lost the summoning formula,” I asked. – I won’t reconstruct it from memory.

The guys looked at each other and shook their heads, shorn in the latest fashion, negatively.

“Lin, we’ve prepared everything,” Connie winked conspiratorially. – WOOD is leaving for some meeting today, so no one will be able to detect the unstable background.

“In the evening there will be frosts, the earth will freeze, and this will also benefit us.

I nod, because on solid ground the likelihood of correctly drawing the “Catcher’s Circle” on the first try increased noticeably. And about the director’s absence - they also noticed this well. That's just...

– What do you want from me? – suspicion crept into my soul.

Connie smiled seductively and held out a plump volume:

- We need cover...

I rolled my eyes, accepted the heavy book and tried not to jump with happiness. The guys gave me a limited edition Collector's Edition of Battle Magic available... Skol! Yes, this is generally rare.

At one time, I simply dreamed of this book, slept and saw how I would open the page with trepidation, excitedly read the title and run through the table of contents.

“Okay,” I agreed with a sigh, carefully hiding my happiness. - Something will think…

Light Goddess, why didn’t you help poor unfortunate Linka? Where were your eyes looking when I uttered that fateful phrase?

But then I didn’t have time to think about the consequences, so the two happy militants joyfully began to hug me. Having wished the guys good luck, I wandered to the library, where I sat, surrounded by books, almost until the evening.

Instead of dinner, Natochka and I went to a joint gnawing of the granite of science with Amy and Shargi.

In the living room, Rozzie and Horst, hugging, looked at us suspiciously. Or rather, the Little Rat looked askance, and the Dark One waved her hand friendly and even moved on the sofa... moving onto her boyfriend’s lap.

For some reason, embarrassed and feeling severe discomfort, I encouraged everyone not to disturb the loving couple and change their location.

Sharga's room was crossed off the list almost immediately.

I spoke out against it as soon as I saw the piles of garbage on the floor and a lonely yellow sock on the chandelier, and Natochka reacted negatively to the guy’s hospitality as soon as he clarified that there were three more Dark Ones living with him, who could come at any minute. Emilia remained silent delicately, rubbing her drooping eyes.

Shargi refused to go into our room, citing a bad omen. You see, the number “666” on the door confused him a little.

Oh well! For me, the Dark One was afraid that he would be forced to carry a decent stack of textbooks, which I secretly took out of the library today. Therefore, having asked permission from Rozzie, our friendly company settled down with Amy. This is where perfect pink purity and taste reigned.

– Who will do what? – Natka asked, throwing the pillows onto the floor.

“I have an essay on magical components,” Shargi admitted, settling closer to the charming blonde.

Emilia, pretending that she was uncomfortable, also moved closer and, blushing embarrassedly, announced:

– “Magical Animals” and an independent study on the history of the Light Lands...

“Hmm, yes,” the witch shook her head sympathetically. “If anything is unclear, please contact me,” she offered to help, then thought for a second and added: “To Linka.”

I snorted indignantly, taking up a lying position.

- Hey beautiful! Aren't you going to do your homework with us? – the witch was surprised, watching me sit comfortably on the floor, hugging the collectible textbook donated by the militants.

“I need to think,” I said, yawning widely and... fell asleep.

The room plunged into deep silence, broken only by the rustling of pages and the active work of the friends’ convolutions, expressed in tragic sighs and whispers: “What kind of bullshit?”

- Lina! – the witch threw a pillow at me. - Stop sleeping!

“I’m not sleeping,” I open my eyes for a second, grab an extra pillow, put it under my head and curl up. - I'm conducting a scientific experiment.

The friend chuckled skeptically and continued to read through the massive tome. Emilia was actively copying something from someone else, and Shargi, having surrounded himself with scrolls on all sides, was in a state of despair.

- All! I can not anymore! – Natochka was the first to reach the boiling point. - This is not in any textbook! – the witch muttered indignantly and more plaintively: – Linka, help...

- I can not. I’m having an experiment,” I turn over to the other side and continue to sleep shamelessly. And I don’t even react when the second pillow flies at me.

That's good! I hug another flying projectile that was supposed to awaken my conscience, and continue to ignore everyone and everything.

- Ah-ah-ah! Troll limbs! – the witch kicked her legs, throwing her textbook aside. - I can’t do anything, and you?

Emilia yawned, covered her mouth with her hand, and shook her head. Shargi supported the ignorant with a sour face.

- We need to take a break! – the red-haired friend said decisively.

- What are we going to do? – Amy asked, straightening her pink dress.

Natka looked around the room, noticed a bottle of unfinished tea on the nightstand and rushed to the find.

- Maybe in a bottle? – the witch asked, twirling the object in her hands with a sly look.

I hastily emerged from the embrace of sleep and looked at my contentedly smiling friend, glancing towards the sweet Dark couple. Pfft... me too - a pimp has been found!

- Against! – I regretfully shake off the remnants of my sleep and sit down.

– Have you woken up, sleeping princess? – my friend said sarcastically, straightening her red curls. - Let me ask you, why are you against it? Don't want to kiss?

I stretched, stretching my body, and waved my hand.

“It’s easier for everyone to kiss Shargi five times - that’s the whole game,” I smile joyfully, realizing that I’ve just found a distraction for Connie and Rollie. - Let's better change the conditions. What if, instead of kissing, the person the bottle points at should surprise the person who spun it.

“Not a bad idea,” Natochka nodded.

- Or maybe kisses? – Shargi asked.

“Don’t worry,” I pat him on the shoulder, anticipating a fun evening. “If you get Amy, then you’ll kiss.”

Natochka laughed loudly and began pushing her textbooks into the corner, freeing up space on the floor. Emilia blushed deeply and lowered her eyes. Shargi, oddly enough, repeated the blonde’s maneuver.

“Since when did shyness become contagious?” – Observation was surprised.

“Quiet you! – interrupted her excitement. - We are first!"

A fun evening is putting it mildly! Bright Goddess, what have we done! Okay, I - I have an obligation to the militants calling Cerberus. Okay Natka – she’s a bit of that in life. But I can’t imagine how Amy and Shargi agreed to participate in this disgrace!

But at first everyone tried to behave like decent young and moderately screwed people, but then the bottle fell into Natka’s hands, and away we go...

Just don't believe Professor McCorney that a ghost with very intriguing sexual inclinations has appeared in the castle! It can’t be that Shargi put a sheet on himself, straightened everything out and started pestering the young woman with an offer to lick her legs and face.

And the animals in the park area got out of their cages on their own! Honestly! And who said that I was riding a zebra and throwing water balloons at fleeing lions? Yes, I wasn’t even standing next to any of the enclosures!

How can you even think that a girl who ran naked through the floors of a men’s dormitory, banging pot lids, could be our humble Natochka?

Who set the laboratory on fire? How do we know? We weren't there. We were standing around the corner...

Who planted excrement on Professor Dayman? Maybe these are angry and offended cows taking revenge for the number of their brothers eaten...

Who put a bucket of tar and a bag of feathers over the door? Ask which is easier! We are not psychics!

Why does Professor Karoda walk around like a feathered monument to himself? So, maybe this is the fashion among professors. What do we have to do with it?

Who mixed a persistent red pigment into hair dye, as a result of which a good half of students walk around with their heads on fire? We're all about fashion! She is a fickle thing - today there are feathers, tomorrow there are red highlights on the hair...

Who raided the food supplies? Okay, we are ready to agree with this. But the reason for this was young growing organisms that missed dinner! And starving unfortunate children is very inhumane.

Who tried to summon Cerberus, but instead messed up something with the vectors, and as a result, half the trees in the park were blown away by an uncontrollable magical wave? We know this, but we won’t hand over two worthless militants who couldn’t even read a spell on a piece of paper correctly!

- Disgrace! - our four were shamed, hastily called from the VUD seminar. – And these are my best students?!

As a result of the almost hour-long interrogation in the director's office, we managed to feel a little ashamed and cry.

By the way, in addition to VUD, two professors who were affected by our activities were present during the conversation. Moreover, if Professor Karoda shouted something indignantly, nervously plucking his feathers, reminiscent of a masochistic chicken, then Professor Deyman almost did not participate in the educational interrogation.

He sat with the most serious look in a chair by the fireplace and thoughtfully leafed through a book with a cheerful title “1001 ways of painful and painful death. A manual for teachers." Judging by the thickness of the manual and the appraising glances thrown in our direction, the Dark One’s thoughts were not the most peaceful.

Luckily, we stuck to each other and didn’t admit anything. Well, except for a raid into the kitchen - and only because the loaf with cheese, which I methodically devoured, could not be attributed to manna from heaven.

- Lina, Natalya! – Director Rohan raised his hands pathetically to the ceiling. -Where is your conscience?

“Mm-mm...” – the mentioned one tossed from side to side.

“Quiet, quiet! – common sense immediately began to fuss. “Sleep, my dear, further…”

The middle-aged and completely bald head of the magic school town came out from behind the table and stood menacingly in front of our actively repentant four.

– Angelina, you, as a curator, should have made sure that the Dark Ones did not cause trouble, and you yourself are dragging them into these troubles! - the director raged.

I repentantly lowered my head and looked guilty.

“We won’t do it anymore...” Amy whispered, looking at the director with the big blue eyes of an honest child.

Natka and I nodded actively, and Shargi glanced mournfully towards Professor Deiman.

In short, our four got away with a “small” lecture on behavior within the walls of the university, a couple of threats about expulsion, and also a promise of a “fun” life, which Professor Deiman personally assured us of.

After the verbal execution came to an end, the four of us unanimously promised not to act weird again and moved towards the hostel. Having escorted Shargi and Amy to the section and taken their things from them, Natka and I went in the direction of the women's dormitory.

- Lina! – someone’s hand grabbed me.

- ABOUT! – I smile at Connie hiding around the corner. - And how did you manage...

“Shhh,” the guy interrupted me. - Hide it for now.

At these words, a tiny dog ​​was thrust into my hands, trembling either from the cold or from the prospect of having an owner like me.

- Wait a minute! “But the attempt to rebel and return the puppy of an unknown breed failed. Connie faded so quickly that I didn’t even see his sparkling heels!

Natka came up from behind, looked over her shoulder and appreciated the gift.

- What an abomination! – the witch expressed her “delight”.

- Some kind of chaos!

The dog yapped, agreeing with what was happening, and tried to escape from my hands.

It's dangerous to be a student Margarita Blinova

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Title: It's Dangerous to Be a Student

About the book Margarita “It’s dangerous to be a student” Margarita Blinova

The novel “The Danger of Being a Student” is the second part of the “Hard Everyday Life” series, a continuation of the book “It’s Hard to Be a Student.” Another title for this work is “Hard Everyday Life, or Linka Doesn’t Give Up.”

The main character of this series is an ordinary girl named Angelina, a final year student at the University of Magic and Divination. Margarita Blinova immerses the reader in the amazing fantasy world of witchcraft and otherworldly forces, showing not only its structure, but also the struggle for spheres of influence. Whether an ordinary girl without innate magical abilities will be able to subjugate the Dark and Light forces, you will find out if you decide to read this work and the series to the end.

While Angelina is “gnawing” on the granite of theoretical science in anticipation of quickly getting her diploma and “flying out” into adulthood, fate has prepared an unexpected turn for her. The director appoints the girl as curator of the Dark Ones, who were sent to the Light Lands to exchange knowledge. But bad luck - these creatures turned out to be completely unadapted to life on the Light Side, and a graduate student has to get them out of all sorts of troubles. However, that's not all. Angelinka finds herself between two fires. She will have to use all her charm and intelligence to reconcile the two warring camps. But this is not her only task. Strange things happen around her: love affairs begin, a serial killer appears. Thanks to her new friends, the student becomes a real detective and investigates a series of murders. and at the same time, she reveals amazing magical secrets that she didn’t even know about.

Margarita Blinova created a work in the best traditions of the adventure and detective novel. Intrigues are “strung” onto the plot one after another, like beads, and each new page of the book is an ever greater immersion into the magical world of good and evil. The main villainous plan that Linka has to reveal is acquiring new details. Interacting with representatives of the Dark and Light forces, the girl gains invaluable experience in magical practice, but this is no longer just a harmless study, but an adventure full of dangers, where the lives of the main character and her friends are at stake.

Reading the book “The Danger of Being a Student” is easy and exciting. Margarita Blinova “imbued it” with intellectual humor and “scattered” throughout the text various details that are pieces of the puzzle in this entertaining story. The unpredictable ending “warms up” interest even more and points to the continuation of Angelina’s adventures.

On our website about books you can download for free without registration or read online the book “The Danger of Being a Student” by Margarita Blinova in epub, fb2, txt, rtf, pdf formats for iPad, iPhone, Android and Kindle. The book will give you a lot of pleasant moments and real pleasure from reading. You can buy the full version from our partner. Also, here you will find the latest news from the literary world, learn the biography of your favorite authors. For beginning writers, there is a separate section with useful tips and tricks, interesting articles, thanks to which you yourself can try your hand at literary crafts.