Society is all you need for OGE. Materials for preparing for the OGE in social studies

Tasks. There are 31 tasks in the OGE in social studies.

1–20 → short answer tasks covering all the main topics of the social studies course. In them you need to select only one answer option: enter the option number in the appropriate field on the form or fill out the table for compliance.

21–25 → short answer tasks where you need to use knowledge from different sections of the course. In these tasks you need to select one or more answers from the proposed options and arrange them in the form of a sequence of numbers without spaces or commas. For example, 234.

26–31 → tasks with a detailed answer, related to the analysis of the proposed text on a specific topic. In them you need to present your train of thought, adhering to logic and using arguments from the text or social studies course.

Course sections. The OGE will test knowledge of the following sections:

Man and Society, tasks 1–4

Spiritual culture, 5–6

Economics, 7–10

Social sphere, 11–13

Politics and Social Management, 14–16

Right, 17–20

All exam requirements are listed in the 2019 specification. Familiarize yourself with it so that you have a clear idea of ​​what topics will be covered in the exam.

Time. The exam lasts 180 minutes. It takes 1–4 minutes to solve one problem of a basic level of complexity from the first part, and up to 10 minutes of an increased level of complexity.

Problems with a detailed answer from the second part take the longest to solve:

Task 26 → 15–20 minutes

Task 29 → 15–20 minutes

Task 31 → 10–15 minutes

How work is evaluated

1 point → tasks 1–21, 23–25

2 points → tasks 22, 24, 26–28, 30–31. Task 22 is scored 2 points if there are no errors, and 1 point if one error is made. In tasks 26–31, points are awarded depending on the completeness and correctness of the answer. If the answer is complete, you will receive the maximum score.

3 points → task 29. You will receive them if the answer contains all the necessary components. If something is missing, you will be given 1 or 2 points, depending on the completeness of the answer.

The maximum score you can get on the OGE in social studies is 39 points. They are translated into a rating on a five-point scale.

15–24 → “3”

25–33 → “4”

34–39 → “5”

How to Solve Short Answer Problems

1. Read all the words in the condition carefully

They contain the key to the answer. There are usually no extra words in tasks; each one has the knowledge to solve it correctly.

Exercise 1. A distinctive trend in the development of modern society is:

1. Mechanization

2. Industrialization

3. Modernization

4. Globalization

Solution. In this case, the key word is “modern”. To give the correct answer, you need to relate the terms specifically to modern society, and not to society as a whole.

Answer: 4.

2. Learn all terms and definitions

Knowing the terms, you can easily find the correct answer.

Task 2. What concept is traditionally used to denote the totality of socially significant human qualities acquired throughout life?

1. Personality

2. Temperament

3. Individual

Solution. Let us recall the definitions: “personality is a concept developed to reflect the social nature of a person, consider him as a subject of sociocultural life, define him as a bearer of an individual principle, self-revealing in the context of social relations.” It follows from it that the correct answer to the task is personality.

Answer: 1.

3. Read primary sources

This is especially true for tasks on politics, government and law. Use not only textbooks and manuals, but also the Constitution of the Russian Federation, laws and codes. They are written in clear language and contain all the necessary information.

Task 18. According to the Constitution of the Russian Federation, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is:

1. President of the Security Council

2. Minister of Defense

3. Chief of the General Staff

4. President of the Russian Federation

Solution. We turn to Article 87 of the Constitution of the Russian Federation: “The President of the Russian Federation is the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.”

Answer: 4.

4. Be careful

Students make at least 20% of mistakes on a social studies exam due to inattention, and not due to lack of knowledge. Before filling out the form, check all the answer options several times and make sure that you have filled out all the columns correctly and have not mixed up the numbers.

Task 21. Compare civil and criminal liability. Select and write down the ordinal numbers of similarities in the first column of the table, and the ordinal numbers of differences in the second column:

1. Comes only for the crime committed

2. Applied by the competent authorities of the state

3. Strictly regulated by law

4. A citizen has a criminal record

Answer. The completed table with the answer should look like this:

5. Do not use additional information if it is not specified in the condition

If there is no data in the task, it means you don’t need it. Don’t try to demonstrate erudition and breadth of outlook. In short-answer tasks, this will do more harm than good. After all, you risk getting confused and making a mistake.

Task 23. During one of the online surveys, the question was asked: “For which positions would you prefer to hire a non-smoking specialist?” The survey results are presented in the chart below.

Survey results for task 23

Solution. What conclusions can be drawn based on the data in the diagram?

1. Employers give preference to non-smoking office employees.

2. It is most important for employers that account managers do not smoke.

3. For employers, it doesn’t matter whether their accountant smokes or not; many will hire a smoker for this position.

4. The overwhelming number of employers surveyed would like to see non-smoking administrative staff.

5. Employers do not focus on smoking among medical staff.

You need to analyze the diagram and find several correct answer options. Do not use additional knowledge to solve the problem and do not calculate anything, because there are no numbers or percentages on the diagram. A simple comparison is enough.

❌ Option 1 is not suitable, the “Office employees” column is not high enough to indicate the preference of employers.

❌ Option 2 is not suitable. Looking at the “Customer Service Managers” column, you can’t say that this is that important for their employers.

✔️ Option 3 is suitable. According to this sign, more than half of employers will hire an accountant who smokes, and that’s really “many.”

✔️ Option 4 is suitable. The column devoted to data on “personal assistants” is the highest - such a majority can well be called overwhelming.

✔️ Option 5 is suitable. The column relating to medical staff suggests that employers really do not focus on their bad habits.

Answer: 345.

What to pay attention to. The correct answer looks exactly like this - 345, without spaces or commas.

Task 24. It is related to task 23, to solve it you need to use the same diagram.

The survey results, reflected in the diagram, were published and commented on in the media. Which of the following conclusions directly follows from the information obtained during the survey?

1. If you want to become a personal assistant to the head of a reputable company, you should reconsider your views on smoking, since many managers will prefer a non-smoking assistant to a smoking one.

2. Doctors should set an example for other citizens and give up bad habits.

3. When hiring office employees, a negative answer to the question about smoking will often play a decisive role.

4. Artists, musicians and other creative workers most often smoke, which does not interfere with their successful careers.

5. In the secretary's resume it is worth indicating that there are no bad habits, as this will increase the attractiveness of this employee.

Solution. When completing this task, refer exclusively to the diagram. Focus on the data presented, not on how correct the statement appears. It may be absolutely true, but have no relation to the diagram.

In this case, options 2, 3 and 4 are incorrect; such conclusions cannot be drawn from the diagram.

Answer: 15.

What to pay attention to. In task 23 there are usually three correct answers, and in task 24 there are two correct answers.

How to work with text

During the exam you will receive a short text fragment. You need to read it and complete six tasks. They test your ability to understand a text, divide it into its component parts, highlight the main thing, look for the necessary information, analyze it and give examples that illustrate the ideas of the text.

Text for tasks with detailed answers

Text for tasks with detailed answers

1 - task 26. Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

  • Highlight the main points and then title them.
  • The plan should have at least 4–5 points.
  • The plan must relate to the text and address all the ideas that are covered in it.
  • Ideas don't always line up with paragraphs.
  • The plan should be short and concise. Don't use long sentences.
  • You can use interrogative sentences.
  • The plan should form a holistic impression of the text.
  • When making a plan, imagine that you need to make a report on the text, and the plan is your cheat sheet for the speech. If, looking at the plan, you can remember all the main points from the text, then it is compiled correctly.
  • The beauty of the formulations will not be assessed, only their correctness. But try to express yourself clearly and clearly.

2 - task 27. What relationship between patriotism and state policy does the author note, citing V.V. Putin? What concepts are closely related to this?

  • Do not begin answering the second question of the assignment until you answer the first.
  • When answering questions, follow a clear structure. It is best to start with the words specified in the task. “Quoting Putin’s words, the author notes that state policy should be based on patriotism.” “The author says that the concepts of political and economic stability are associated with this.”

3 - task 28. What definitions of the Motherland does the author note? Indicate two features that characterize a patriotic attitude towards the Motherland, highlighted by the author.

  • If the condition talks about definitions, then there must be at least two of them.
  • Rewrite the definitions, abbreviating them in your own words.
  • Find the indicated features in the text and select two of them.

4 - task 29. Which definition of patriotism is closest to the author? Using social science knowledge, give two examples of such patriotism.

  • Find the necessary definitions in the text.
  • Determine which one is closest to the author.
  • Examples should not be from the text, but from a social studies course, books, films, the Internet, or your own experience.
  • In 2-3 sentences, explain why this particular example seems appropriate to you.

This means that one example needs to be taken from the text, one from other sources.

  • Find in the text those features that are mentioned in the condition.
  • Choose two of them.
  • Choose the traits that you like best and that are easier for you to explain.
  • For each trait, give an example not from the text.
  • Justify your idea in a few sentences.

The second part of the examination consists of tasks with detailed answers. Each of the six tasks in this part tests a specific skill on a different social studies course content. There are some general rules that can be followed to successfully complete the tasks in this part.

First of all, you need to read the terms of the task and clearly understand the requirement, which indicates the assessed elements of the answer. It is important to pay attention not only to what should be called(indicate, formulate, etc.): signs, (features, arguments, examples, etc.), but also determine what number of data elements must be given (one, two, three, etc.).

This is necessary in order to get the maximum score without doing extra work (when, instead of three elements, a graduate gives, for example, five or six). The fact is that there is a clear dependence of points on the completeness of the correct answer. The answer may be correct, but incomplete. In this case, it will be impossible to get the maximum score.

Read the text and write down the tasks.

We are entering a century in which education, knowledge, and professional skills will play a decisive role in a person’s destiny. Without knowledge, by the way, which is becoming more and more complex, it will simply be impossible to work, to be useful... A person will introduce new ideas, think about things that a machine cannot think about. And for this, a person’s general intelligence will be increasingly needed, his ability to create new things and, of course, moral responsibility, which a machine cannot bear... a person will have the most difficult and complex task of being a person not just, but a person of science, a person, morally responsible for everything that happens in the age of machines and robots. General education can create a person of the future, a creative person, a creator of everything new and morally responsible for everything that will be created.

Teaching is what a young man now needs from a very young age. You always need to learn. Until the end of their lives, all the major scientists not only taught, but also studied. If you stop learning, you won’t be able to teach. For knowledge is growing and becoming more complex. It must be remembered that the most favorable time for learning is youth. It is in youth, in childhood, in adolescence, in adolescence, that the human mind is most receptive.

Know not to waste time on trifles, on “rest”, which sometimes tires more than the hardest work, do not fill your bright mind with muddy streams of stupid and aimless “information”. Take care of yourself for learning, for acquiring knowledge and skills that only in your youth you will master easily and quickly.

And here I hear the young man’s heavy sigh: what a boring life you offer our youth! Just study. Where is the rest and entertainment? So why shouldn’t we rejoice?

No. Acquiring skills and knowledge is the same sport. Teaching is difficult when we do not know how to find joy in it. We must love to study and choose smart forms of recreation and entertainment that can also teach us something, develop in us some abilities that we will need in life...

Learn to love learning!

(D.S. Likhachev)

26 Make a plan for the text. To do this, highlight the main semantic fragments of the text and title each of them.

31 The author believes that “you always need to learn.” Using the text and social science knowledge, confirm with two arguments (explanations) the need for continuous education throughout a person’s life.

First task for the text (No. 26 in work) requires drawing up an outline of the text, highlighting its main semantic fragments and titling each of them. To complete this task, you must carefully read the text, understand its content, and identify the main ideas. It is very important to understand that the names of the plan points should not completely reproduce individual phrases of the text - you need to briefly formulate the main idea of ​​each fragment yourself. At the same time, the number of selected fragments may be different. The assessment system does not set a specific number of points in the plan. But at the same time, you need to understand that in splitting the text into semantic fragments (micro-topics), there must be a certain logic; based on its understanding, the expert checking the work can conclude that the main semantic fragments are highlighted.

In our example, the following semantic fragments can be highlighted:

  1. the role of education in the 21st century;
  2. moral responsibility of a person of science;
  3. young years - time of study;
  4. be able to find joy in learning.

It is possible to formulate other points of the plan without distorting the essence of the main idea of ​​the fragment, and to highlight additional semantic blocks. The correctness of all wording of the work will be determined by the expert during the verification process.

The next two tasks require extracting information from the text.

Second task to the text (No. 27 in the work) involves retrieving information presented explicitly. The required information can be given in the form of a direct quotation from the text, and lengths and details can be omitted and only a recognizable fragment of the phrase is given. Information can be given in the form of a retelling close to the text. Both of these options for completing the task are equal.

Our example should contain the following elements:

  1. role: a person will bring new ideas, think about things that a machine cannot think about;
  2. qualities: a person’s general intelligence, his ability to create new things, moral responsibility.

It is possible that in the text you can find not what is required in the task, but a larger number of pieces of information. In this case, the student can choose any of them.

Third task to the text (No. 28 in the work) involves the extraction and some interpretation of information presented in the text.

In our example, the correct answer must contain the reasons:

  1. knowledge is growing and becoming more complex;
  2. It is in youth that a person's mind is most receptive.

The fourth task to the text (No. 29 in the work) involves going beyond the content of the text and involving contextual knowledge of the social science course, facts of social life or the personal social experience of the graduate.

What are the requirements for completing such tasks? Firstly, the accuracy and correctness of the given facts (social facts or models of social situations), their compliance with the theoretical principles given in the task. Secondly, the presence of reasoning that specifies the essence of the theoretical position given in the assignment, the logical and substantive correctness of these reasoning. Thirdly, the correctness of reflection of various types of connections in reasoning and facts.

In our example, the following explanations can be given:

The correct answer must contain the following elements:

2) two examples indicating qualities, let's say:

– classes in the sports section develop strength, agility, strong-willed qualities, and the ability to interact with partners and rivals;

– reading works of fiction develops imagination and a sense of empathy; expands ideas about the world and man.

Elements of the answer can be given in other, similar in meaning formulations

Fifth task to the text (No. 30 in the work) - a task, which, as a rule, has an independent developed condition, tests a whole range of skills: correlate individual facts and social processes, apply knowledge of a social science course, supplement course knowledge with information from a proposed source, apply a source of social information to solve a problem and etc.

The following explanations may be given.

Man bears moral responsibility for “everything.” what happens in the age of machines and robots”, since:

1) the global economic problems that humanity faced in the second half of the 20th century were largely caused by intense transformative human activity, the nature and direction of which at the beginning of the 21st century. not changed;

2) developing technology and equipment not only have a positive impact on the development of society, but also pose a potential threat to the existence of humanity.

Other explanations may be given.

The options use different condition models (problem situation, social fact, statistical data, problematic statement, etc.)

Sixth task to the text (No. 31 in the work) involves the graduate’s formulation and argumentation of his own judgment on a current problematic issue of social life. This task is directly related to the content of the text, but it requires viewing the text from a different perspective.

In our example, the correct answer should contain the following elements:

arguments (explanations):

1) in the modern world, knowledge becomes outdated very quickly, so it has to be constantly replenished and corrected;

2) modern people often change jobs, so they have to constantly learn new information and activities.

Other arguments (explanations) may be given.

“A short guide to preparing for the OGE in social studies”

Guseva Olga Anatolevna,

teacher of history and social studies of the first category of the Omsk educational institution

"Secondary school No. 104"

Annotation. The article summarizes the experience of a secondary school teacher in preparing students for the final certification in social studies in 9 grades. The main problems and difficult tasks are identified, which, according to our own experience, cause difficulties in preparing and passing the OGE for the basic general school course in social studies.

Keywords: final certification, OGE, KIM.

The final certification is a form of assessing the degree and level of students’ mastery of the educational program. It is carried out on the basis of the principles of objectivity and independence in assessing the quality of students’ training. It is mandatory and carried out in the manner and form established by the state. In accordance with the Law “On Education in the Russian Federation” (Article 59), the state final certification for educational programs of secondary general education is carried out in the form of the OGE and the Unified State Exam.

The national exam (NGE) is a form of mandatory final exams in the 9th grade of school.

The goals of the OGE are to assess the quality of general education training of secondary school graduates in social studies and to differentiate examinees according to the degree of readiness to continue their studies in specialized classes of secondary schools or in institutions of primary and secondary vocational education.

When ninth-graders are faced with the problem of choosing a subject to take an exam, most choose social studies. The OGE in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory OGE in mathematics and the Russian language. According to statistics from previous years, more than 80% of students choose social studies. Most often, graduates explain their choice by saying that “the subject is not difficult, you don’t need to learn formulas, like in physics and chemistry. Taught once a week. This means there won’t be anything difficult on the exam.”

Returning to the statistics of previous years mentioned earlier, it should be noted that about 9-10% of those who took the OGE in social studies for one reason or another failed to cope with the required minimum of exam tasks. Confidence that social studies is the easiest subject is the main mistake of graduates. Most of them are sure that “I know everything about the society in which I live.” The belief that social studies is easy can lead to unexpected consequences for the graduate, so the teacher needs to help the student choosing this subject to objectively assess their knowledge.

When starting to prepare for the exam, students notice that while reading they are faced with the main problem: understanding the terminology.

For example:

Are the following statements true? deviating behavior?

Which example illustrates interpersonal communication?

Which of the following signs is characteristic of democratic elections?

Without knowing the terms " deviant behavior", " interpersonal communication", " democratic elections,” it will be difficult to answer KIM’s question. And often it is necessary not only to know the meaning of the term, but also to have an idea of ​​the characteristics, types, forms that the bottom concept may have.

Knowledge of terminology and the ability to operate with it is the main way to avoid a lot of difficulties in the exam. If terminology can be learned, then the ability to operate with it requires logical thinking skills: the ability to compare and analyze.

Learning terminology and training to think logically is one way to deal with the problem mentioned..

Not every student, when choosing a subject to take an exam, understands that social studies is a science that combines the knowledge of a whole list of sciences at once. These are sciences such as economics, political science, law, philosophy. We must not forget about the spiritual sphere of social science: only it includes such parts as culture, science, education, religion, morality, etc. Each science has its own conceptual apparatus: terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis. The student needs to master all the terminology and logic of each of the named sciences. Consequently, when completing a task, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus. This is the 2nd rule that must be followed during preparation and passing the exam.

For example:

The task is the form of territorial structure of country Y - a unitary state. It means that…

1) in state Y the principle of democratic elections is implemented;

2) regions of state Y may have their own governments;

3) in state Y there is a two-chamber parliament;

4) regions of state Y do not have independence.

Before starting the task, we need to determine which area of ​​social science we will work with in a particular task. Next, we “turn on” the required conceptual apparatus, and only after that, remembering everything we know about a specific topic, can we choose the correct answer.

In the proposed task, the student argues as follows: the sphere of social science to which the question relates is political, the topic is “State”. What forms of state-territorial structure do I know? What do I know about the unitary form of state-territorial structure. I choose the correct answer.

This chain of mental actions must be followed when performing all tasks of the KIMA OGE in social studies.

The problem of passing the OGE in social studies is further aggravated by the fact that the regularity of social studies classes in a secondary school with a basic level of teaching the subject is 1 hour per week, which is 35 hours in an academic year. For students whose goal is a positive mark on the exam and real knowledge, these hours will not be enough. But in any school, without exception, there is the opportunity to attend elective classes and social studies clubs, which will be a good help in preparing for the OGE. We must not forget about competitions and olympiads of various levels in social studies, which will allow us to replenish our knowledge on the subject - this is rule 3.

Having voiced the main problems of the OGE in social studies, let us turn our attention to the difficult questions of the first part of KIMA.

Every year, after conducting the OGE in social studies and receiving exam results at different levels (school, district, region), they analyze the results obtained and identify the most difficult questions that have caused massive difficulties for students.

One of these problematic tasks for several years has been tasks that require determining the correctness of two proposed judgments. At the same time, this task is further complicated by the fact that in the first 20 tasks there are five similar ones. These include task No. 4, No. 6, No. 10, No. 13, No. 16. If a student has not learned to solve tasks of this type, then in the exam he can immediately lose 5 points, which is quite a lot, considering that the minimum score for passing the exam is equal to 15 points. Worth it only for the student understand the technology for performing these tasks, and problems with their solution disappear.

For example:

Are the following statements about personality true?

A. Personality is formed in socially useful activities.

B. Personality is characterized by a set of socially significant qualities.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

We carry out the task according to the algorithm described earlier.

We determine the area of ​​social science to which the question relates.

Let's remember everything we know about the concept of personality. First of all, let us recall the definition of the term personality.

We determine whether the first judgment is correct. Be sure to make a note on the draft about whether the judgment is correct. It is better to format this in the form of “+” and “-” signs. For example, - A+.

We determine whether the second judgment is true. Be sure to make a note on the draft about whether the judgment is correct. It’s better to format this in the form of “+” signs,
"-". For example, B+.

Only after this, having determined that judgment A is correct and judgment B is correct, we choose an answer. Both statements are correct, the correct answer is 3.

When performing these tasks, it is correct to check yourself several times.

When analyzing exam results, it is often noticed that very simple tasks are completed incorrectly. What is the problem? When finding out the reasons for the wrong choice, it most often turns out that the student does not read the question to the point. Seeing the correctness of the statement in the first half of the sentence, he often does not even read it further and gives an answer.

For example:

Are the judgments about the principles of electoral law in the Russian Federation correct:

B. One of the conditions for participation in elections is reaching 18 years of age and having a certificate of no criminal record.

1) only A is true;

2) only B is true;

3) both judgments are correct;

4) both judgments are incorrect.

When analyzing the task, we see that the first part of statement A is true. And if the student does not read the assignment to the point, then he mistakenly agrees with the statement. Having read the task to the end, the student understands that the ability to have only one vote is not the principle of secrecy of voting, but the principle of equality of voting. Accordingly, the statement is incorrect. We write down judgment A on the draft - incorrect. Judgment B can also be accepted by students as correct if they do not read the task to the end. In this task, judgment B is incorrect, since a certificate of no criminal record is not required to participate in voting. We write down on the draft, judgment B is incorrect. Both statements are incorrect. The correct answer to this task is 4.

An absolute condition for the correct completion of a task is full reading of the assignment text.

When preparing for the exam, the student needs to pay attention to which tasks on which topics cause him difficulty and, of course, pay more attention to these topics in the social studies course. At the same time, according to the analysis of works of different levels and, of course, the result of the examination analysis, such problematic topics include the following topics:

Economics (taxes, forms of business organizations, inflation, unemployment, budget);

Spiritual sphere (levels of school and vocational education);

Law (characteristics of branches of law);

State (civil society, forms of state-territorial structure: federation, unitary, types of regimes).

At the same time, it is important to remember that you cannot deal only with “theory”. Having repeated one or another block of topics, be sure to tackle practical tasks of various levels on this topic.

Thus, students should understand that preparing for the OGE is hard work, which will give a positive result only if you started preparing for the exam not a month before the exam day, but began actively preparing for the test at the beginning of the school year.

The personal interest of the teacher and students in successfully passing the exam will contribute to the high quality of the results of the state (final) certification of graduates of grades 9 and 11. .

We come to the conclusion that success will be guaranteed if you take into account the recommendations when preparing for the OGE:

Learning terminology and training to think logically is the first step to success in the exam.

- When completing a task, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus.

- Attend elective classes and social studies clubs, which will be a good help in preparing for the OGE. We should not forget about competitions and olympiads of various levels in social studies, which will allow you to expand your knowledge on the subject.

When working with the tasks of KIM OGE, you will remember that:

- One of the conditions for correctly completing a task is understanding the technology for completing tasks and applying these technologies in practice.

- Don’t forget that one of the conditions for success is to read the entire text of the assignment.

- Don't waste your time. Engage in solving practical tasks of different levels.


1. Baranov P.A. “OGE. Social science. New complete reference book." - Moscow. AST, 2017. - 288 p.

2. Kiba O.V. Teaching the course “social studies” in gymnasium classes: a competency-based approach // Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University - 2011. - No. 3. - P. 21-41.

3. Kiba O.V., Chernyshenko E.G. Algorithm for a teacher’s work in preparing students for state (final) certification in social studies // Electronic journal Bulletin of the Novosibirsk State Pedagogical University - 2013. - No. 3. - P. 16-21.

4. Kritskaya N.F. Social studies assignments in the system of preparation for the State Examination Academy // Teaching history at school. 2010. - No. 10. - P. 16-20.

5. Lazebnikova A.Yu., Kotova O.A. State final certification in social studies: first results // OKO. Assessing the quality of education. - 2008. - No. 2. - P. 30.

6. Pozdnyakova N.A. The use of mind maps in the system of preparation for the final certification of schoolchildren in social studies // International scientific journal “Symbol of Science”. - 2015. - No. 8. - P. 250-254.

7. Federal Law “On Education in the Russian Federation”. - Novosibirsk: Normatika, 2014. - 128 p.

1 Listen carefully so as not to be distracted in the future and not to ask unnecessary questions about the testing procedure. They will explain everything to you: how to fill out the form, what letters to write, how to code the school number, etc.

2 Try to concentrate and forget about those around you. For you, there are only clocks that regulate the time for completing the test and a form with the task.

3 Scan your eyes throughout the test to see what type of tasks it contains, this will help you get ready for work.

4 Hurry slowly. Read the assignments to the end. Haste should not lead to the fact that you understand the task from the first words, and come up with the ending yourself.

5 Look through all the questions and start with those whose answers you are sure of. Then you will calm down and get into a working rhythm. In any test there are questions to which you know the answers very well, just gather your thoughts.

6 When you start a new task, forget everything that was in the previous one - as a rule, tasks in tests are not related to each other.

7 If you don’t know the answer to a question, or are not sure, skip it and mark it so you can come back to it later.

8 Use the method of elimination! Consistently eliminate answers that are clearly inappropriate.

9 If you doubt the correct answer, it is difficult for you to make a choice. Trust your intuition!


for students.

    School social studies is an academic discipline that integrates knowledge of several social and human sciences: philosophy, economics, sociology, political science, social psychology, cultural studies, and jurisprudence.

The maximum number of points that an examinee can receive for completing the entire examination work is 39 points.

    Scale for converting the primary score for completing the examination work into a mark on a five-point scale

Mark on a five-point scale





Total score

0 – 14

15 – 24

25 – 33

34 – 39

    Information on changes to the KIM of the main state exam (OGE) in 2016:

History, Social Studies – no substantive changes.

Changed the order of several tasks in Part 1


WITH The structure and content of control measuring materials, the types and complexity of tasks in the examination work correspond to the objectives of the exam - to provide an objective assessment of the level of general educational training in social studies of graduates of IX grades of general education institutions.

KIM options are created on the basis of the requirements for the level of training of graduates of the Federal component of the state standard of basic general education in social studies.

The examination paper consists of two parts, including
31 tasks. Part 1 contains 25 short answer questions, Part 2 contains
6 tasks with detailed answers.

For each task 1–20 of the work, four answer options are offered, of which only one is correct. The task is considered completed correctly if the student writes down the number of the correct answer. The task is considered not completed in the following cases: a) the number of the incorrect answer is recorded; b) the numbers of two or more answers are recorded, even if the number of the correct answer is also indicated among them; c) the answer number is not recorded.

In tasks 21–25, the answer is given as a sequence of numbers (for example, 125), written without spaces or separating characters.

The second part of the examination paper is an internally integral section - all six tasks are directly related to a text selected according to certain criteria - a source of social information, with a total volume of about 200-250 words.

Psychologist's advice

Mental strategies for overcoming test anxiety.

Fearful thoughts

Rational saving thoughts

I should have started preparing much earlier, now I simply don’t have enough time for thorough preparation.

Reproaches for mistakes in the past will not help me. Every day I study I gain more and more knowledge. If I cannot recover what I missed, then I will go to the exam with some gaps in my knowledge. There are people who, despite gaps in knowledge, pass the exam. I sit down and teach right now, and this will already be more useful for business than my experiences.

I'm too stupid to understand this stuff.

I still know something at the moment. If this material is difficult for me, it does not mean that I am stupid. I just need a little more time to understand it well. If I convince myself that I am stupid, then this will add even more difficulties to me. I will immediately sit down and work through the required material page by page.

Nothing else can enter my head.

My brain can absorb a lot of information. If I can't absorb anything else at the moment, that means my head needs to rest. So I will now take a break and rest or do something else. If I convince myself that I can’t master anything else, I make the learning process more difficult.

I will definitely fail the exam.

How many people took the exams - my parents, my teachers, and all the adults I know. And everyone passed through this test safely. I'm not the first, I'm not the last. No matter how you resist, you will still be released from school. The day will inevitably come when everything will be over.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is the most popular elective exam after the mandatory Unified State Examination in mathematics and the Russian language. According to previous years, social studies was chosen by more than half of graduates, and in 2013, 69.3% passed it! And at the same time, this is one of the most difficult exams. This year, 5.3% of graduates failed the Unified State Examination in social studies, which is about 25 thousand people! What is the reason for this failure?

There is a common misconception among graduates that social studies is one of the easiest subjects. Many of them are sure that they can “talk something out” about him. This is the first trap of social studies. Students rely on their experience of giving oral answers in class, where you can really say a lot, and the teacher himself will extract the correct answer from what has been said. On the Unified State Exam, where even the detailed answers to Part C consist of only a few sentences, it is impossible to “talk”, but you need to give clear answers.

And here we have the second trap of social studies: knowledge of terminology and ability to operate with it. If terminology can be learned, then the ability to operate with it requires logical thinking skills: the ability to compare and analyze. This means that the Unified State Examination in social studies, more than any other exam, involves not simply reproducing memorized material, but “dissecting” it, which is much more difficult.

The Unified State Examination in social studies is a real integral exam: it includes five topics related to different sciences: economics, law, philosophy, sociology and political science. Each science has its own conceptual apparatus: terminology, approaches to assessment and analysis. This is the third trap - the student needs to master all the terminology and logic of each of the five sciences. The difficulty of the Unified State Exam in social studies is that, unlike, for example, mathematics, where geometric problems occupy a clear place in the structure of the exam, a comparison question can be either in the topic of economics or sociology. Consequently, the student must, first of all, determine what discipline he is dealing with, and then “turn on” the necessary conceptual apparatus.

When preparing for the Unified State Exam in social studies, it is difficult to avoid the fourth trap: numerous textbooks and manuals. Some of them, unfortunately, are not always conscientious and can do a bad job. It is best to take two basic textbooks as a basis - Kravchenko and Bogolyubov, which are used in most schools. However, it must be borne in mind that schools can use textbooks from different years, and FIPI in its developments of the Unified State Exam relies on the latest editions.

The fifth trap of the Unified State Examination is insufficient hours, which is assigned to this subject in school. This is due, first of all, to the paradoxes of the development of Russian education. As the Unified State Examination in social studies improves, it becomes more complicated, and at this time the school is moving away from the specialized study of this subject. And this despite the fact that it is in demand in more than 30% of humanitarian universities. Today, social studies in the school curriculum exists only as a basic subject, which is given only one hour a week.

First trap: When choosing this subject, objectively evaluate your knowledge. Treat social studies like an exact science.

Second trap: learn terminology and train to think logically. All types of tasks are described in FIPI materials. Look for answers to questions, find out what exactly is required in a given answer and how each answer is scored. In the detailed assignments, specify how much you need to write to answer each question.

Third trap: learn to distinguish the terminology of each of the five disciplines included in the Unified State Exam in social studies. When answering, the first thing to do is to identify the discipline you will be dealing with.

Fourth trap: Choose your preparation guides with care: some of them use unused terminology and concepts. Take into account the changes that were made to the Unified State Exam 2014 compared to 2013, namely:

  1. Task B5 has been made more difficult. The total number of judgments given in the task conditions increases from 4 to 5. It is necessary to distribute them into three, instead of the previous two, groups of judgments: facts, assessments, theoretical statements. Here it is very easy to get confused in estimates and theoretical statements. It should be remembered that theory is learned knowledge, and assessment is one’s own opinion.
  2. The topics offered for essay writing are grouped into five blocks instead of the previous six. Topics covered taking into account the provisions of sociology and social psychology are now included in one general direction. This makes it easier to write an assignment on this topic, since the line between the terminology of these two disciplines is not always distinguishable.
  3. You can get a maximum of 5 points for your essay. It is important to remember here that if the meaning of the statement is not revealed, then the work is simply not checked. Extra points are given for presenting a theoretical justification, and the highest points are given for factual argumentation. Fifth trap: an insufficient number of hours can be compensated for by only one thing - additional preparation for the Unified State Exam in social studies in correctly and timely chosen courses.