Lawyer Reznik Henry Markovich contacts. Henry Resnick on his relationship with his priest son

Reznik is a Russian lawyer and jurist, PhD in Law, and former President of the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers.

Henry Reznik has achieved impressive heights in the field of law, successfully defending the interests of his clients, even in particularly difficult and controversial situations. Before his career as a lawyer, Reznik established himself as an outstanding sportsman and responsible investigator.


Little Henry spent his childhood in Leningrad, where, like many other children, he spent a lot of time on the street - walking, fighting, building castles from pebbles, playing with a homemade kite and nothing fundamentally different from the rest. By the age of ten, he learned that he was Jewish by nationality. The future lawyer was already sure then that he was to become a great personality.


Henry Reznik's mother was a pianist, in the genealogical tree of which two clans were reunited: the Schneersons and the Rafalovichs. My father was from a poor Jewish family. The family was lucky to leave before the terrible blockade of Leningrad began. The family settled in Saratov, where Mark Reznik (Henry's father) headed the local music conservatory.

Musical hobbies

Parents from childhood instilled in Henry a love for classical music, he had an absolute pitch, which is very important for a musician, but he eventually decided to follow a different path. According to Reznik himself, the war prevented his musical career. He still has fresh memories of how the Germans bombed Saratov, and he and his mother visited combat units where concert brigades performed.

In a conversation with his mother, Henry learned that his studies were not continued due to his restlessness. It was difficult to seat him at a musical instrument, and the situation in the form of a two-room communal apartment was not conducive to this.

Sports achivments

From a young age, Henry actively participated in many sports competitions. At the age of 15, being a member of the youth team, he became a high jump champion, and a year later he was already playing as part of the adult volleyball and basketball teams in volleyball and basketball. By the age of 18, he became the champion of the Kazakhstan SSR in high jump.

Crucial moment

In parallel with his sports hobbies, Reznik showed an interest in journalism, but he never managed to enroll at Moscow State University - he was missing one single point! However, at the same time, he was taking exams for admission to the Institute of Physical Education. Over time, Reznik joined the ranks of the MAI team. However, Henry was not happy with the current state of affairs - he was constantly in reserve and rarely went to the site. As he believes, he was specifically not allowed to prove himself, because he was quite jumpy and hit the ball well. Once again trying to combine sports and studies, Reznik, as a result, makes a fateful decision to enter the Faculty of Law.

In 1962, the future lawyer was able to defend his thesis at the Faculty of Law of the Kazakh State University, which was highly appreciated at the All-Union student competition. Reznik was recommended to go to graduate school and study in the capital, but his career as an athlete went uphill at that time, and he decides to stay.

Reznik Henry decided to postpone his move to Moscow for a while, because his sports career was developing as well as possible. Not without the participation of the new minister, who is a big fan of volleyball, Reznik manages to join the local investigation department. This allowed him to successfully combine the work of an investigator and at the same time lead a volleyball team.

Career steps

In the early stages of his career, Reznik worked as an investigator for the Alma-Ata Investigation Department. A little later, it was he who had to study the causes of the crimes committed and take up the development of the necessary measures. In 1982, he was given the position of head of the institute's laboratory. At the moment, Henry Markovich authored about two hundred publications that have been of great help to people. Some of his published articles were even named the best of the year.

Proud title

By the mid-80s of the last century, Reznik worked as a lawyer at the Moscow State Civil Aviation Committee. Then there was a difficult period - lawyers were accused of inciting bribes, as well as taking possession of the client's funds through banal fraud. Gradually, the number of criminal cases only grew.

In 2002, Reznik became chairman of the Moscow Bar Association. He is the head of the law department of the Law University. His colleagues admire his knowledge of the legal field, skill and ability to win even the most difficult case. At different time intervals, his clients were a whole galaxy of famous personalities, including and.

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For five years he worked as an investigator of the Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kazakh SSR, after which he completed postgraduate studies at the All-Union Institute of the USSR Prosecutor's Office.

Born May 11, 1938 in Leningrad, in a family of musicians. Father - Reznik Mark Izrailevich (1905-1969), worked as the rector of the Saratov Conservatory, head of the culture department of the Saratov regional committee of the CPSU, director of the music school of the Zavodskoy district of Saratov. Mother - Rafalovich Mirra Grigorievna (born in 1910), taught piano at the Saratov Conservatory. Wife - Lvova Larisa Yulianovna, worked as a lawyer. Son - oh Andrey Genrievich Lvov (born in 1967), Orthodox priest. Grandchildren: Savva, Varvara, Seraphim, Ekaterina, Sophia.

Parents instilled in Henry a love for classical music - now he is a frequenter of concerts at the Moscow Conservatory and the P.I. Tchaikovsky, he has a rich music library of classics and jazz. But Henry Reznik did not follow in the footsteps of his parents, he did not become a musician, despite his natural inclinations - in particular, absolute pitch. G.M. himself Reznik believes that at first the war interfered: he remembers well the bombing of Saratov, where the family moved just before the start of the Great Patriotic War in connection with the appointment of his father as rector of the Saratov Conservatory, trips with his mother with concert teams to combat units. After the war ... “I asked my mother why they didn’t teach me music,” recalls G.M. Reznik. - Mom answered that I was restless, it was difficult to seat me at the instrument, and the situation was not conducive to learning - in two rooms of the communal apartment where I spent my childhood, until the end of the 1940s, there were several more people evacuated from Leningrad and Ukraine , - grandmother, aunt, brother and sister of the father with two children.

And then, as Henry Reznik himself puts it, he was “visited” by jumping ability, which determined his life path for a long time. From the age of 11 G.M. Reznik began regular exercise. At the age of 15, he is already the champion of the Russian Federation in junior high jump. From the age of 16, he has been playing for the adult national teams of Saratov in volleyball and basketball. In 1955, Reznik performed at the All-Union Spartakiad of schoolchildren for the basketball team of the RSFSR, and in 1956 for volleyball.

At the same time, there is an interest in journalism. But Reznik fails to enter the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University after graduating from school in 1956. He lacks one point in the entrance exams and spends a year at the Institute of Physical Education, where he took exams in parallel for insurance. Volleyball career also does not develop in accordance with ambitious plans. Reznik is taken to the team of MAI masters, but there he ends up in a deep reserve, he is practically not allowed to the site. Reznik himself admits: “I was offended, I thought that they were overwriting me, because I jumped high and hit the ball hard, but in fact the “old men” were stronger (and the “old men” were 22-23 years old).

In 1957, Reznik and several of his ambitious peers, stuck on the benches in the capital's teams, decide to leave Moscow and create their own team in one of the Union republics. The choice fell on Tashkent. But the combination of sports and study as a journalist again fails. At the Central Asian State University, the specialization of a journalist exists only for people of local, Uzbek nationality, and Reznik decides to enter the Faculty of Law. “I thought that if I really have a literary gift, I will write like that,” Reznik recalls. The volleyball team created in Tashkent fails to solve the task - to become one of the finalists at the Spartakiad of the Peoples of the USSR in 1959. Henry is invited to Alma-Ata. Here he stands at the origins of the creation of the Alma-Ata "Dorozhnik": Reznik is the captain of the team, which later, without him, will become the champion of the Soviet Union. Henry also becomes the champion and record holder of Kazakhstan in high jump. "At some competitions, I even competed with the great Valery Brumel - we stormed the same height, 2 meters. The difference was small - he started from this height, and I finished on it," Reznik jokingly recalls.

Faculty of Law of the Kazakh State University G.M. Reznik graduated in 1962. By this time, he was already seriously interested in jurisprudence, his thesis "On legal presumptions" was noted at the all-Union student competition, he received a recommendation for admission to graduate school.

But the sport does not let go - after all, he is only 24 years old, his jumping ability has not yet fallen, the university volleyball team, of which he is the captain, is playing better and better. And Reznik postpones his return to Russia by taking a job in the investigation department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan. The new minister, a big fan of volleyball, accepts his condition - to enroll university graduates - volleyball players in the staff of the ministry. The volleyball team of Kazakhstan's "Dynamo" is thundering all over the country, losing only to Muscovite teammates, and takes prizes in the 2nd group of the USSR championship, and Reznik successfully combines sports with the work of an investigator. He assesses this period of his life as a great success: “After all, I was enrolled immediately in the republican investigative department. The most experienced qualified investigators worked there, who had worked for many years in the field - in cities and regions. I ended up “at the top” only thanks to volleyball - no experience in investigative work at all! But this, paradoxically, was luck. Unlike other graduates who were assigned to lower-level investigative departments and stewed "in their own juice" for a long time, I found myself next to the aces of the investigation and could study every day With special gratitude I remember the highest professionals Viktor Kopeliovich and Yuri Maltsev, who became my teachers." For 4 years, Henry Reznik went from an ordinary investigator to an investigator for especially important cases, investigating more than one major criminal case.

In 1966, Reznik entered full-time graduate school at the All-Union Institute for the Study of the Causes and Development of Measures for the Prevention of Crime of the USSR Prosecutor's Office, 3 years later he graduated from it with a Ph.D. thesis, and remains a researcher at the same institute. In the mid-1960s - early 1970s, the All-Union Institute of the USSR Prosecutor's Office was rightfully considered the center of scientific thought in the field of criminal law disciplines. Outstanding scientists worked there - Igor Ivanovich Kirnets, Vladimir Nikolaevich Kudryavtsev, Boris Sergeevich Nikiforov, Ilya Davydovich Perlov, Alexei Adolfovich Gertsenzon, Vera Isaakovna Kaminskaya, Alexei Alexandrovich Eisman, Alexander Ruvimovich Ratinov, Genrikh Mikhailovich Minkovsky, Inga Borisovna Mikhailovskaya, Alexander Maksimovich Yakovlev. By the way, the institute was famous not only for its scientific seminars, but also for its famous "skits". G.M. Reznik worked there until 1987. During this period, he prepared the monograph "Inner Conviction in the Evaluation of Evidence" (1977), wrote books "The Right to Defense" (1976); "When responsibility comes" (1979); "The constitutional right to protection" (1980), dozens of articles, chapters and sections of scientific courses, comments and methodological manuals, a number of criminological studies of crime have been carried out.

From 1982 to 1985, Reznik headed the research laboratory of the All-Union Institute for the Improvement of Justice Workers (now the Law Academy of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation), where he conducted research on the state of justice in the country and the legal attitudes of judges. During these years, he published articles on issues of criminal procedure, criminal law and criminology.

From the numerous scientific works of G.M. Reznik, according to the estimates of legal scholars and practitioners and the citation index, most often stand out: "The identity of the offender: legal and criminological content" (1981); "Public opinion as a factor in planning the fight against crime" (1982); "On the question of the definition of the concept of crime" (1986); "Contradictions of Modern Urbanization and Crime" (1985); "Lawyer: the prestige of the profession" (1987). The last two works published in the central scientific journal "Soviet State and Law" (now "State and Law") were marked as the best articles of the year.

The work of researcher G.M. Reznik combined with teaching. He lectured and conducted classes on the special courses he created on criminology, criminal law and criminal procedure in such educational institutions as the Institute for the Improvement of Investigators, the Institute for the Advanced Training of Prosecutors, the Academy of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Law Academy and others.

In 1985, Reznik became a lawyer at the Moscow City Bar Association, in 1989-91 he headed the Research Institute of Advocacy. Over the years of law practice, G.M. Reznik participated in many major trials. He defended in criminal cases the Prime Minister of Uzbekistan N. Khudaiberdiev, the prosecutor of the Ochamchira district of Abkhazia V. Gurjua, the head of the security service of the President of the USSR, General Yu. Plekhanov (in the case of the State Emergency Committee). His trustees were politician and publicist V. Novodvorskaya, pacifist-refusenik A. Pronozin, journalists V. Poegli, A. Babitsky, O. Kitova, environmentalists A. Nikitin and G. Pasko, writer V. Sorokin, well-known entrepreneurs V. Ryashentsev ( case of the concern "ANT"), V. Gusinsky, B. Berezovsky. In civil cases, he represented the interests of the President of Russia B. Yeltsin, prominent politicians and statesmen E. Gaidar, A. Chubais, A. Shokhin, writer A. Sinyavsky, cultural and art figures R. Rozhdestvensky, Yu. Temirkanov, N. Petrov, L Chizhik. Becoming a lawyer, G.M. Reznik continues his scientific and pedagogical activity. Currently, he heads the Department of Advocacy at the Law University at the Institute of State and Law of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Publicism occupies a special place in the professional activity of the jurist Reznik. In 1987, Reznik's articles "Time to Dispel the Myths" and "From Myths to Truth" were published in the Moskovskaya Pravda newspaper, devoted to the need for a radical restructuring of our legal system. Since then, sharp analytical articles and Reznik's interviews have been regularly published in leading periodicals.

G.M. Reznik is President of the Moscow Chamber of Advocates, Vice President of the Federal Union of Lawyers of Russia, Vice President of the International Union (Commonwealth) of Lawyers, Director of the Research Institute of Advocacy. Member of the Moscow Helsinki Group, member of the Presidium of the Russian Jewish Congress, member of the Presidium of the National Anti-Corruption Committee, member of the Council for the Improvement of Justice under the President of Russia. Honored Lawyer of Russia, Candidate of Legal Sciences, Associate Professor; was awarded the gold medal named after F.N. Plevako (1998) for high professional skills and contribution to the development of the Russian legal profession, the Badge of Honor "Public Recognition" (2000) for active human rights work and contribution to the development of an independent legal profession.

He is fond of sports, music, theater, poetry.

Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who was summoned by the Investigation Department of the Russian Interior Ministry for questioning as a witness in a criminal case of embezzlement of funds from the Bank of Moscow, turned to Henry Reznik, president of the Moscow Bar Association, for legal assistance, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Henry Reznik - President of the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers, has been advocating since 1985. Defended in criminal trials: Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Khudaiberdyev, journalists Vadim Poegli and Andrey Babitsky, publicist Valeria Novodvorskaya. Represented Russian President Boris Yeltsin in civil proceedings, prominent politicians and entrepreneurs: Anatoly Chubais, Yegor Gaidar, Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, as well as musicians: Nikolai Petrov, Leonid Chizhik, Yuri Temirkanov and many others.

In 1997, Reznik represented the interests of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in a civil case. Yeltsin was sued by his former assistant, the head of the security service, Korzhakov. Korzhakov sought to cancel the president's order to dismiss him from the armed forces for "slanderous statements" about Boris Yeltsin's family and "disclosure of confidential information entrusted to him in his service."

On November 5, 1999, the charges against Berezovsky were dropped and the criminal case against him was dropped.

In the early 2000s, Henry Resnick. Vladimir Gusinsky was arrested on charges of fraud on June 13, 2000. The criminal case and the arrest of Gusinsky were connected with the activities of the Russian Video state enterprise, thanks to the leadership of which, according to the prosecutor's office, Gusinsky took possession of Channel 11 of St. Petersburg TV. On June 16, Gusinsky was released on bail. At the end of the same month, all charges against him were dropped, after which he flew with his family to Spain.

On April 22, 2001, a new charge was brought against Vladimir Gusinsky, and a warrant for his arrest was issued in connection with this. The head of the Media-Most holding was accused not only under the criminal article "fraud", but also under article 174 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("laundering" of illegally obtained funds on a large scale).

As part of the investigation, Gusinsky was arrested twice - in Spain and Greece, but the courts of these countries refused to extradite him to Russia.

According to Gusinsky's lawyer Henry Reznik, the investigation itself and the criminal prosecution "has nothing to do with law." He agreed with the main conclusion of the Spanish court that there is no crime in these actions, but there are civil law relations, and therefore "there is no very subject for accusation."

On June 23, 2004, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the verdict in the case of the murder of State Duma deputy Sergei Yushenkov. Thus, the court rejected the cassation appeal of the lawyer.

This person with inconceivable ease can give the impression of a descendant of an ancient family. Our perception of aristocracy is rather stereotypical, what can we do? The appearance of the hero of this article, as well as the manner of his behavior and communication, simply cannot but attract the close attention of the public. Almost everyone knows his name, but most often it is pronounced on certain occasions. About him, unfortunately, very little is known, but his personality is very interesting. So, Reznik Henry Markovich, one of the most prominent lawyers in modern Russia.


On the eleventh day of May 1938, a boy named Henry was born in Leningrad. Upon reaching the age of ten, Henry Reznik, whose biography is not as well known to a wide range of people as his victories in the legal field, found out that he was a Jew. He did not resist this information at all, on the contrary, this fact suited him quite well (by his own admission). Until a certain age, the boy often participated in fights. They passed, of course, with varying success - once they beat him, once he beat him. Most often, however, the victory was on the side of Henry. Many years later, he recalled this with a slight smile.

His parents

His dad was from a poor Jewish family that lived in the town of Znamenka near Kremenchug. He had an amazingly beautiful, clear voice, but due to some defect he did not manage to complete his studies at the vocal department of the conservatory. Therefore, he moved to another faculty and received a diploma from the Moscow Conservatory. Just before the beginning of the blockade of Leningrad, the family was lucky to get to Saratov. There, Mark Reznik was put at the head of the local conservatory.

Henry's mother was a pianist. On her line there was a union of two genera: the Rafaloviches and the Schneersons. This is how Reznik Henry Markovich became a descendant of the Lubavitcher Rebbe Schneerson and the chief rabbi of the Kremenchug synagogue Rafalovich. It was this ancestor of little Henry who was listed in the old Jewish encyclopedia of the synagogue as one of the best ministers.

Life and sporting achievements

From childhood Reznik Henry Markovich took an active part in sports competitions. When he was 15 years old, he became the champion of Russia in the high jump (it was a junior team). A year later, he plays for the adult national teams of the city of Saratov in volleyball and basketball.

In the mid-fifties of the twentieth century, Henry Markovich Reznik, whose reviews of work many years later contained many sincere words of gratitude, was a member of the RSFSR volleyball and basketball team. Two years later, he was one of the founders of the volleyball team in the city of Tashkent and headed the volleyball team. Reznik, a lawyer in the not-too-distant future, also held the record for high jump in Kazakhstan.

From Uzbekistan to Kazakhstan

After young Henry was “visited” by jumping at the age of eleven, his fate was predetermined for several years to come. He was in the national teams of the RSFSR in three sports (as mentioned above). Then there was a team of masters in the capital and the creation of a team in Uzbekistan. Then several people, among whom was Henry Markovich Reznik, were invited to Kazakhstan in order to finish their studies and play for the local team.

At that time, there was another serious personnel purge in the republican Ministry of Internal Affairs, which was carried out by two chiefs from Moscow itself. One of them was simultaneously engaged in the creation of a song and dance ensemble, but the second was a devoted fan of volleyball. It was he who invited graduates to the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Kazakhstan.

Genes contrary

So easily, without spending much effort, Henry Reznik, whose services, according to him, today ranges from 0 to infinity, becomes an investigator for especially important cases. In his life it takes five years. Then there was graduate school in the capital and a decade and a half of science.

Reznik, a respected and well-known lawyer, is sure that his lawyer's abilities are not inherent in his genes in any way. Indeed, at the very beginning of his adult life, he wanted to enter the Faculty of Journalism, however, during the exams, he failed to get one point. But he already had a decision ready to write, which was realized, however, a little later.

“We all learned a little...”

Henry Reznik was a law student at the Central Asian State University. This happened in Tashkent from 1957 to 1959. A few years later, he received a diploma from the Kazakh State University (Faculty of Law). His thesis, which tells about legal presumptions, received a lot of positive feedback at the All-Union student competition.

In 1969, the future Honored Lawyer of the Russian Federation completed his postgraduate studies at the All-Union Institute for the Study of Causes and Development of the USSR Prosecutor's Office.

Emptiness and how to deal with it

Yes, Henry Markovich Reznik did not connect his life with journalism, but, contrary to his youthful dreams, he fully succeeded as a human rights activist and a well-known lawyer. He is also the head of the anti-defamation activity, which is carried out by the Russian Jewish Congress.

Reznik is convinced that anti-Semitism as a kind of social backdrop can be observed in many countries. Indeed, over the course of many tens and hundreds of years, the opinion has developed that the Jews are not just an ordinary nationality, like many others. It's like a label for something not always clear and acceptable. Even if this “other” does not exist in reality, there is still a strange need to separate “ours” and “not ours”. If we talk about Russia, then on its territory anti-Semitism manifested itself much brighter.

Henry Reznick does not for a moment believe in the pogroms of the Jews, which no one has ever, as always claimed, provoked. After all, according to historical digressions, all this happened under the tsarist regime, and during the reign of Joseph Stalin.

Today, if we start from Reznik's beliefs, there is no state anti-Semitism. Because it is a policy that is expressed in all known things - from limiting the opportunities and rights of citizens to their destruction. And the thoughts of the people on the topic: “What a bastard you are, and even a Jew!” - Reznik considers it just a component of the country's history.

Ladder of his career

In the early sixties, Henry Markovich worked in Alma-Ata as an investigator of the investigative department, and a little later he studied the causes and developed all kinds of preventive measures. In 1982, he was in charge of a laboratory at the Institute for the Improvement of Justice Workers.

Books by Henry Reznik, and he is the author of about two hundred publications on criminology, general theory of law, and criminal law, give certain clues to people who need them. Some of his articles, such as "Lawyer: the prestige of the profession" or what are the contradictions between crime and modern urbanization, were noted as the best articles of the year (1985 and 1987).

Sometimes he was accused of pressuring journalists and applying double standards. After all, Henry Markovich often expressed his conviction that freedom of speech is still necessary in a developed state.

Many to whom the hero of this article has the honor to belong speak only in superlatives about him, because he is not just a lawyer, but a person who helps people get out of difficult situations.

Lawyer - that sounds proud!

In 1985, Henry Markovich is a member of the Moscow City Bar Association (MGKA). His transition to this field of activity took place for one reason only: in that year, the “pogrom” of the Moscow Collegium was just being carried out. The lawyers were accused of inciting and fraudulently taking the client's money. Gradually, more and more new criminal cases were being prepared. The investigator who led the case and was at the head of the created investigation team was named Vladimir Karataev. And the whole massacre of lawyers was called by his last name - "Karataevshchina".

In November 2002, Reznik became chairman of the Chamber of Lawyers in Moscow. Then his name was already widely known. Headed the Department of Advocacy at the Law University. For professional skills and a huge contribution to the development of the Russian Bar, he was awarded the Plevako gold medal. And this is not the only award that recognizes Reznik's professional achievements.

Well-known lawyers, whose team includes Henry Markovich, recognize his skill, knowledge of legal laws and ability to win the most difficult cases. Reznik's clients included journalist Vadim Poegli, politician and publicist Valeria Novodvorskaya, and Boris Berezovsky, Robert Rozhdestvensky, Natalya Gevorkyan, Boris Yeltsin and many others.

And at home, Henry Reznik is an ordinary loving husband, a responsible father and a good-natured grandfather. His wife shares with him the scope of all his interests: Larisa Yulianovna is also a lawyer. Their son Andrey has been the rector of the church of St. Seraphim of Sarov for more than ten years. Reznik has one grandson and four granddaughters.

Former Moscow Mayor Yuri Luzhkov, who was summoned by the Investigation Department of the Russian Interior Ministry for questioning as a witness in a criminal case of embezzlement of funds from the Bank of Moscow, turned to Henry Reznik, president of the Moscow Bar Association, for legal assistance, the Kommersant newspaper reported on Tuesday.

Henry Reznik - President of the Moscow Chamber of Lawyers, has been advocating since 1985. Defended in criminal trials: Prime Minister of Uzbekistan Khudaiberdyev, journalists Vadim Poegli and Andrey Babitsky, publicist Valeria Novodvorskaya. Represented Russian President Boris Yeltsin in civil proceedings, prominent politicians and entrepreneurs: Anatoly Chubais, Yegor Gaidar, Vladimir Gusinsky and Boris Berezovsky, as well as musicians: Nikolai Petrov, Leonid Chizhik, Yuri Temirkanov and many others.

In 1997, Reznik represented the interests of Russian President Boris Yeltsin in a civil case. Yeltsin was sued by his former assistant, the head of the security service, Korzhakov. Korzhakov sought to cancel the president's order to dismiss him from the armed forces for "slanderous statements" about Boris Yeltsin's family and "disclosure of confidential information entrusted to him in his service."

On November 5, 1999, the charges against Berezovsky were dropped and the criminal case against him was dropped.

In the early 2000s, Henry Resnick. Vladimir Gusinsky was arrested on charges of fraud on June 13, 2000. The criminal case and the arrest of Gusinsky were connected with the activities of the Russian Video state enterprise, thanks to the leadership of which, according to the prosecutor's office, Gusinsky took possession of Channel 11 of St. Petersburg TV. On June 16, Gusinsky was released on bail. At the end of the same month, all charges against him were dropped, after which he flew with his family to Spain.

On April 22, 2001, a new charge was brought against Vladimir Gusinsky, and a warrant for his arrest was issued in connection with this. The head of the Media-Most holding was accused not only under the criminal article "fraud", but also under article 174 part 3 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation ("laundering" of illegally obtained funds on a large scale).

As part of the investigation, Gusinsky was arrested twice - in Spain and Greece, but the courts of these countries refused to extradite him to Russia.

According to Gusinsky's lawyer Henry Reznik, the investigation itself and the criminal prosecution "has nothing to do with law." He agreed with the main conclusion of the Spanish court that there is no crime in these actions, but there are civil law relations, and therefore "there is no very subject for accusation."

On June 23, 2004, the Supreme Court of the Russian Federation upheld the verdict in the case of the murder of State Duma deputy Sergei Yushenkov. Thus, the court rejected the cassation appeal of the lawyer.