Like a bath sheet phraseologism. Stuck like a bath leaf

Without beating around the bush, let's go straight to our sheep: i hate obsessive people. Fuck, how I hate obsessive people! If hell exists and if this is not Russia, in which we already live, then it certainly has, no, it simply MUST BE a separate circle for obsessive people, somewhere between a giant cauldron for pedophile priests and a torture chamber for musicians who do not post the lyrics of their songs on the Internet. I’ll even tell you more: unobtrusiveness can officially be considered the eleventh biblical commandment - having dictated the previous ten to Moses, the Lord God decided not to mention it just because fucking it would be too intrusive. No other virtue will save you from the slashing whip of a red-skinned punisher in latex if you were too intrusive in your good intentions in life. They say, by the way, it is with good intentions that the road to hell is paved. If this is actually the case, then by obsession you will build a fucking high-speed autobahn to hell, rest assured.

There is nothing in the whole world more unbearable than a person who is not accustomed to respect other people's time and personal space. It is about such people that they usually say “stuck like a bath leaf”, but if a bath leaf could have feelings, then such a comparison would undoubtedly offend him: in order to get rid of a blade of grass on your ass, you just need to run your hand over your ass - from an obsessive You can't get rid of a person so easily. It would be much more appropriate to compare it with a splinter in the same soft spot, and even better - with chewing gum in your hair. Have you ever tried to get rid of gum in your hair? If yes, then you know from your own experience that it is almost impossible. It is much easier to cut a whole strand of hair under the root, but when we mean by chewing gum a person who rings every day, without an invitation, fits into any company and get-together, imposes his friendship on you and does not accept refusal in any form, then you need to chop off your whole head right away, somewhere in the neck, and even better below, to the chest, just in case. Severed - burn and scatter to the wind.

I had one such friend, in each barrel a plug. Wherever you turn, his happy face is everywhere, no one asks anyone, no one calls him, and no one enjoys his company. Moreover, it almost always seems unthinkable to simply kick him out or send him to #uy: he is either a closet two by two meters, or vice versa, too thin and vulnerable nature, which - what a pity! - just the other day, my beloved second cousin died on the line of the wife of the only cat's half-brother, and in no case should he be upset. It's just p#zdets! In the best case, such an individual sits in the corner all evening, with his mouth open, running his eyes around and not bringing any benefit to the dialogue, only eating up your provisions, at worst, he constantly poisons stories, either unfunny, or simply disgusting and vulgar. Shutting him up without conflict is harder than pissing against the wind without splashing your own face, and if he, God forbid, also plays the guitar and is in your company - what a miracle, this is a coincidence, well, wow, oh, and I’ll sing to you now!- there was a working tool, then everything, write wasted. They usually don’t know how to play anyway, but they sing in such a way that after them, within a radius of a kilometer, even the grass does not grow for several more years. If you are going to get out into nature with a large group of friends and with tents, then this nit will certainly crawl out of the nearest bushes as soon as you set up camp, and you will be extremely lucky if you can say goodbye to the bastard at least the next day, when the time comes curl up. In some cases, scum can be so shameless that you will have to go back to the city with it, and when you finally get home, wearily throw things on the floor and collapse into a chair at the computer, then VKontakte will be hanging for several hours fresh friend request.

All this is familiar to you, right? Do you have such friends? If not, then accept my sincere congratulations: with a probability of 146%, you yourself are the main character of this material. In order to preserve the purity of the nation's gene pool, we strongly recommend that you stick your testicles in a red-hot toaster or auto-castrate in any other way possible. Suicide, by the way, is also an option in this case.

However, the problem of obsession is not limited to just friends of friends, acquaintances, buddies or casual companions, this shit is enough at all levels. For example, most often, characters with such inclinations get a job in second-hand shops, as if nature itself forcibly drives them into dark, damp basements, away from normal people. But for us, for those who don’t have enough money for new fashionable clothes in their lives, and who just like to look for cool vintage rarities without being limited in funds, second-hand stores are not enough frontier to isolate obsessive aunts (and most often they are namely aunts) from society, we are forced to visit here too often. Lock them even deeper, in the sewers, for example. Because WHAT IS YOUR DOG BUSINESS WHAT AM I LOOKING FOR??? Do I look like a degenerate? Do you think I’m not smart enough to figure out on my own where in your moldy bedbug four by four meters men’s things hang, and where women’s? In the end, if I need your help or advice, I CAN ASK MYSELF where you have what and how! Don't, don't f*cking crawl up to me with your f##g# blouses, with your killer jeans, you don't have a drop of taste, because if you had, at least someone would have taken you in due time as a wife, and you wouldn't be hanging around in this dirty basement, smelling of urine, in the company of rats and cockroaches!

It feels like once upon a time I offended all these unfortunate businessmen or did something bad to them, because every time, every single time I go into their hellholes, they offer me some completely wild T-shirt with rhinestones or acid print, necessarily accompanying it with a standard comment: “But this one doesn’t interest you? It’s very fashionable now among young people, and the size is just yours, try it on, it should suit you.”. WHAT DID I DO TO YOU, DOG? I'm standing in front of you in torn denim shorts, all in some kind of criminal partaks, and on my T-shirt I have a huge print with bulldogs gnawing someone's hand! Do I really look like Sergei Zhukov or a fan of the Laskovy May group? If not, then stop being so enterprising - you second-hand sellers are the worst thing you can think of for business, and in that very circle of hell for obsessive people, you will have your own mini hell-in-hell where you have to to walk around in all those eye-catching rags that you kindly offer us.

What is "LIKE A BAN SHEET"? What is the correct spelling of this word. Concept and interpretation.

LIKE A BATH SHEET to stick, stick Obsessively, importunately. This means that a person or a group of persons (X) constantly and annoyingly makes requests, demands, nit-picking, mockery to another person, to another group of persons (Y), and also relentlessly pursues them and continuously tries to capture their attention. Mostly about men. Speaks with disapproval. informal ? X stuck to Y-y like a bath leaf. unchangeable Usually with owl verbs. in. In the role of obst. The order of component words is not fixed. - Well, Mitka stuck like a bath leaf. "Let's go," he says, "to the barracks, let's go, see how I live." Well, the joke is with you, I think, let's go. A. Chakovsky, Year of life. - And there a man stuck to me. Everyone called him Beaten. He stuck like a bath leaf - come on, he says, here is the money, otherwise I’ll shoot you right here. He threatened me with a gun. A. Tamantsev, The law of meanness. I got involved in a closed viewing of a final copy, saw you, was stupefied and stuck like a bath sheet - introduce me and introduce you. Here I'll introduce you. D. Veresov, Flight of the Raven. At noon, Karasev, orderly in the company, bothers us: - Rise! Sleep for dinner! His voice is resonant and loud. “Like a bath leaf stuck,” Lykov mutters displeasedly. N. Pustyntsev, Through the Lead Blizzard. - Sweat, tell me, dove, how you respected her! - What stuck like a bath sheet to one place? M. Alekseev, Cherry pool. Vlad took a breath. "Some kind of maniacs. They stuck like a bath leaf. And it's not without reason. Only criminals, for whose heads a large reward is promised, or especially dangerous witnesses are so tightly surrounded ... But witnesses of what?" D. Cherkasov, Night over Serbia. From the very beginning, Klava did not have to pay attention to him, but he stuck like a bath leaf. V. Chivilikhin, About Klava Ivanova. What are you, Holy? - asked Vitaly, the youngest of the programmers. - Your eyes brightened with anger! - Come on, what are you? Svyatoslav answered nervously, sitting down. - She got me. It stuck like a leaf. D. Kazakov, Become a man. The foreman again went to the commandant. - Comrade Colonel, this American stuck like a bath sheet, he says he has an important, urgent business. - No time for me to mess with him! - answered the commandant. (Speech) cultural commentary: phraseol. goes back to the most ancient mythological form of understanding the world - animistic, i.e. personifying the inanimate: the creation of the image is based on the analogy "plant - man". At the heart of the image phraseology. also lie the most ancient archetypal oppositions "friend - foe", "man - woman". Phraseol component. bathhouse (from banya "room where people wash and bathe") corresponds to the architectural and house-building code of the culture, and the leaf component corresponds to the plant code. phraseological image. is created by a comparison construction based on a comparison of a leaf, which, breaking away from a bath broom, sticks tightly to a wet body, and an annoying, obsessive person. In the form of phraseology. ideas about the traditions of the Russian bath, rooted in ancient times, have come down to us. Bath in Russia was of particular importance. The Byzantine historian Procopius of Caesarea (VI century) wrote that the bath accompanied the ancient Slavs all their lives: they were washed here on their birthday, before the wedding and after death; Russian warriors, known for their courage, always went to the bathhouse before the decisive battle. The purification ritual was available to everyone - from young to old, regardless of class and other differences. The Russian bath is, first of all, a steam bath, an integral attribute and symbol of which is a birch or oak broom. According to a popular proverb, a broom in the bath is the master of all. In the annals of the X-XIII centuries. the Russian bath was also mentioned that in ancient Russia, the defeated tribes even paid tribute with birch brooms. One of the important stages of the bath ritual is whipping, beating the body with steamed brooms, after which leaves remain on it, which stick so tightly, stick to the body that it is difficult and not immediately possible to get rid of them. Hence, in the form of phraseology. the idea of ​​intrusiveness and obsession is formed. phraseological image. displays a stereotypical idea of ​​a violation of behavioral etiquette: too persistent and relentless treatment, pestering someone. causes irritation and unwillingness to deal with and communicate with those who pester, and is also condemned and perceived as arrogant, impudent behavior. phraseological image. is also associated with the idea of ​​the importunate behavior of a man who seeks to win the favor of a woman he likes, bothering her with his incessant attention, as a result of which he becomes unpleasant, disgusting and unbearable for her. phraseol. in general, acts as a standard for too intrusive, annoying behavior.

    Stuck (stuck) like a bath leaf to the ass- Disapproving of an annoying, annoying person ... Dictionary of folk phraseology

    stuck like a bath leaf- Stuck (stuck) like a bath leaf., disapproved. About an annoying, annoying person... Dictionary of many expressions

    BUT; pl. leaves, tiev and sheets, ov; m. 1. pl.: leaves and sheets. The organ of air nutrition and gas exchange in plants, which usually has the form of a thin green plate of some kind. form, determined for each plant, on a handle attached to its stem or ... encyclopedic Dictionary

    Exist., m., use. very often Morphology: (no) what? sheet for what? sheet, (see) what? sheet of what? leaf about what? about sheet; pl. what? sheets, (no) what? sheets for what? sheets, (see) what? sheets of what? sheets, about what? about sheets 1. A sheet is a thin piece,… … Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Verb, nsv., use. comp. often Morphology: I stick, you stick, he/she/it sticks, we stick, you stick, they stick, stick, stick, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck, stuck; St. ... ... Dictionary of Dmitriev

    Well, eat; stuck, la, lo; St. 1. (sv. also sticky). Stick firmly, join tightly (about something sticky, sticky, viscous, wet or something sticky, sticky, viscous, wet). The shirt stuck to the body. The wasp stuck to the jam. Patch… … encyclopedic Dictionary

    stick- well, eat; ad / n, la, lo; St. see also stick 1) (n.s., also, whether/kick) Stick firmly, join tightly (about what l. sticky, sticky, viscous, wet or something l. sticky, sticky, viscous, wet) The shirt stuck to the body. Wasp stuck ... ... Dictionary of many expressions

    Adj., number of synonyms: 93 disturbed (51) bluesed (1) bombed (19) ... Synonym dictionary

Stuck like a bath leaf

adj., number of synonyms: 3

Interfered (77)

Annoyed (93)

tangled under one's feet (34)

  • - intractable Wed. Well, right, I would! I beg you God! - repeated the wife ... - "That's how the bath leaf stuck ... well, where can I take it?" Gr. L.N. Tolstoy. Owner and employee...

    Explanatory-phraseological dictionary of Michelson

  • - stick, stick Obsessively, importunately ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - stick, stick Obsessively, importunately ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language

  • - HOW THE BATH LEAF has stuck. Razg. Unapproved Intrusive, annoying. - Well, right, I would take it. I beg you God! - repeated the wife, wrapping the handkerchief on the other side. - That's how the bath leaf stuck ... Well, where can I take it ...
  • - Disapproving of an annoying, annoying person ...

    Dictionary of folk phraseology

  • - original...

    Live speech. Dictionary of colloquial expressions

  • - Stuck like a leaf. Wed Well, right, I would take it! God I beg you! repeated the wife... "That's how the bath leaf stuck... well, where shall I take it?" Gr. L. N. Tolstoy. Owner and worker...

    Michelson Explanatory Phraseological Dictionary (original orph.)

  • - Razg. Contempt. To pester, intrusively, bother someone. - Get lost! Daria swore angrily, straightening her back and straightening up. - You stick like a bath leaf ...

    Phraseological dictionary of the Russian literary language

  • - see. Stuck like an elbow to ...
  • - Stuck like a bath leaf to the back ...

    IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

  • - stick like a bath leaf to ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - ...

    Dictionary of Russian Argo

  • - adverb, number of synonyms: 6 got gored tortured tired stuck stuck clung...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - adj., number of synonyms: 21 who volunteered like a wasp, climbs into the eyes, stuffed, imposed, obsessive, bored, bored to hell, bored like a bitter radish, bored ...

    Synonym dictionary

  • - Cm....

    Synonym dictionary

"stuck like a bath leaf" in books

bath day

From the book Truth of a front-line intelligence officer [Dropped out - live!] author Alekseeva-Beskina Tatiana

Bath day The authorities were nervous: some were already near Berlin, but here they got stuck, rested in the Baltic states, so you can miss your fortune. Nothing has changed in the division over these few days, except that from day to day it sounded more and more harshly: “Language!” "Language!" "Language!" Chess

bath floor

From the book Bath, sauna [We build with our own hands] author Nikitko Ivan

Bath floor Sometimes it is surprising how dirty water remains after we take a bath, although we do it regularly. A strange gray-white coating remains on the walls, which we don’t even want to think about, that half an hour ago it was on our skin. Something like this settles and

Bath idiocy

From the book Encyclopedia of Russian Life. My chronicle: 1999-2007 author Moskvina Tatyana Vladimirovna

Bath idiocy In Orthodox speeches that America is our enemy, the Taliban bell is heard Kabul is liberated - and the whole nightmare of Afghan life in the era of the Taliban appeared to the surprised world. Of course, it is not so easy to surprise us Russians, but the Taliban succeeded. We


From the book Traveling with Houseplants author Verzilin Nikolai Mikhailovich

BATH DAY Plants also need hygiene. When the leaves of plants are covered with a layer of dust and even cobwebs, they cannot grow well. Plants need to be washed. To do this, heat the water, prepare a green (liquid) or simple soap, a sponge or a soft cloth, a soft brush

From the author's book

4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the falsifier prepared a place for the second, which was soon “happily found” Chronological sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle A curious note was glued to one of the tattered corners of the “Norman” sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle. She was written

4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the forger prepared a place for the second, which was soon “happily found” Chronological sheet of the Radzivilov list

From the book Book 1. New Chronology of Russia [Russian Chronicles. "Mongol-Tatar" conquest. Kulikovo battle. Ivan the Terrible. Razin. Pugachev. Defeat of Tobolsk and author Nosovsky Gleb Vladimirovich

4.7. Having pasted one sheet, the forger prepared a place for the second one, which was soon "happily found" Chronological sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle A curious note was pasted to one of the tattered corners of the "Norman" sheet of the Radzivilov Chronicle. She is written as

bath bridge

From the book Bridges of St. Petersburg author Antonov Boris Ivanovich

Banny Bridge The bridge is located opposite Dekabristov Street. The length of the bridge is 35 m, the width is 15 m.

Bath bread

From the book Encyclopedia of Slavic Culture, Writing and Mythology author Kononenko Alexey Anatolievich

Bath bread The original bread in the wedding ceremony, which is baked by the mother of the bride (known in Russia). Bread is sprinkled with salt, the mother blesses the young with it to the crown. Then she sews the bread, along with fried chicken, other food and two cutlery, into a tablecloth and gives it to

Bath Dictionary

From the book Construction of a bath and sauna author Shukhman Yuri Ilyich

Sauna Dictionary Accumulating capacity of the stove - the ability of the stove to absorb and accumulate heat during the fire and give it away to the surrounding space. Beam - a solid or composite rod used to cover the premises. Baluster - figured columns,

Tongue stuck to throat

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Tongue stuck to larynx From the Bible. It occurs in many places in the Old Testament, for example, in the Psalms (ps. 21, v. 16). Sometimes quoted in Church Slavonic: My tongue is attached to my larynx. Allegorically: to lose the power of speech, to become numb from some strong

Bath massage

From the book Cleansing the Body. Most Effective Methods author Malakhov Gennady Petrovich

Bath massage After any warm, and especially bath procedures, the body becomes soft and supple. In this regard, it is good to knead it with various massage movements. Using massages, you further increase the usefulness of the procedure, work out deep-lying tissues,

bath king

From the book Generous Heat. Essays on the Russian bathhouse and its close and distant relatives (4th edition) author Galitsky Alexey Vasilievich

The bathing king Boris Bedny described the ritual of our bathhouse in his story "The Master" with certainty. The old turner Semyon Grigoryevich is going to the bathhouse. The wife is skeptical about this. “- And do you want to go to the bathhouse every weekend? - Ekaterina Zakharovna protested. - There is,


From the book We Throw Out Old Shoes! [Give life a new direction] by Bets Robert

OLD SHOE: THE "BATH SHEET" OF THE PAST Many people perceive their past as a burden without realizing it. They regret and mourn, they complain or rage, they feel sorry for themselves and hate what they have experienced. No matter how hard your childhood was

4. And all the heavenly host will perish; and the heavens will roll up like a scroll of a book; and all their host will fall as a leaf falls from a vine, and like a withered leaf from a fig tree.

From the book Explanatory Bible. Volume 5 author Lopukhin Alexander

4. And all the heavenly host will perish; and the heavens will roll up like a scroll of a book; and all their host will fall as a leaf falls from a vine, and like a withered leaf from a fig tree. The heavenly host, the yoke of the star, will decay as paper or matter smolders from the heat of fire. The heavens will curl up. Sky

Bath leaf

From the book Kama Sutra in French. Only for women by Gato Michel

Bath sheet It is easy to recognize. He always goes through a period between one failed love and another. He cannot live alone, but he cannot get along with anyone. He has a rather “feminine” sensitivity. He is great as a confidant. He is easily seduced.