A combination of luminaries and aspects in a horoscope. Planetary Aspects

From this article you will learn:

    How to combine the planets in the aspect of the natal chart

    What useful books about the natal chart and aspects are worth reading

The character and destiny of a person depend on the influence of the planets of his horoscope. About what this influence is, you can learn from a special type of study - the analysis of the natal cosmogram (person's birth chart). What matters is the position of the planets in a sign or house, regardless of how the house is calculated, as well as their relative position, that is, aspects. From the article you will learn how to correctly interpret aspects in the natal chart.

What are the aspects of the planets in the natal chart

Aspects of the planets in the natal chart is the relationship of two or more different factors. If it is tense, it will create problems in a person's life. If harmonious, then the person is rich in talents and strong skills.

For any aspect in the natal chart, two planets are needed, one of which is the main one, that is, performing the main function, and the second is a transformer that changes the factor.

If in the aspect of the natal chart there are personal planets (we are talking about the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars), as well as social planets (Jupiter, Saturn) or higher (Uranus, Neptune, Pluto), then it is the personal planets that will be the main ones, and in the higher or social planet will act as transformers.

For example, trine Venus - Saturn. Venus will be the basis, which, introducing its specific qualities, Saturn changes. Note that in this case Saturn plays the role of an adjective.

If in the aspect in the natal chart there are two personal planets, then they will play both roles: both the main and the transformer. In this case, you need to determine which one manifests itself more strongly, it will be the basis.

What can be aspects in the natal chart

Harmonious and disharmonious aspects

Harmonious aspects lead a person to good, they have a beneficial effect on his life. Due to the tense aspects in the natal chart, there is aggression, change, accidents in life. With harmonious relationships, a person’s spiritual attachments are well-established, stable, eternal.

Such aspects will indicate the talents and abilities that are acquired in this life and accumulated in previous incarnations. Thanks to them, a person feels inner confidence, has certain advantages, because in cases that are associated with such relationships, he knows himself, correctly assesses the situation and reacts to possible external stimuli.

If the natal chart shows harmonious aspects between the planets of the Radix, then this indicates a path already passed, and therefore a familiar path, natural in the present life. Many trigonal relationships provide a person with wisdom, balance, steadfastness and perseverance in overcoming emerging obstacles. The Star of David, which consists of two trigonal configurations, provides its owner with colossal cosmic power and protection.

With favorable aspects in the natal chart, a person achieves success in the areas of life indicated by the corresponding fields of the horoscope. However, these relationships can give rise to a certain pampering, effeminacy, inactivity, indifference and indifference, frequent bouts of laziness. At the same time, with strong favorable moments, luck often accompanies a person, such people have bright talents.

Previously, when analyzing the natal chart, aspects of the number eight - 45 ° were not used. Only those that are multiples of 30, or generated by natural numbers - one, two, three, four and six (360 ° or 0 °, 180 °, 120 °, 90 ° and 60 °) were studied.

You can meet people with good aspects in the natal chart, but at the same time they are gray personalities, without serious interests, special experiences. You can also encounter an arrogant, arrogant person who lives in a world of his own illusions.

If unfavorable aspects predominate in the natal chart, it is difficult for a person to coordinate his own energy and strength. Therefore, he has unstable behavior, irregularity in everything. Today he may be full of energy and desire to act, and tomorrow he becomes discouraged and depressed; he can rush forward without understanding why he needs it and where this path will lead, and then retreat back, still not realizing why he is doing it.

However, a reasonable disposal of the same aspects will help a person to wake up, and, keeping himself in control, act, despite the bad influence. Not succumbing to temptation and temptation, pacifying their strength and tempers, such people can achieve much more than they themselves expect.

Thanks to the negative aspects in the natal chart, a person has the strength to fight, overcome barriers and obstacles, the spirit is tempered and the will is strengthened. It is better to look at them through the prism of Taoism, when light is complemented by shadow, action - by peace, construction - by destruction.

The presence in the Radix of a large number of oppositions and quadratures speaks of numerous barriers and obstacles, inhibition, various difficulties and a busy working life. And at the same time they help to strengthen the will and character of a person, enrich him with knowledge and increase the level of spirituality.

Negative aspects in the natal chart speak of problems unresolved in past incarnations, of former debts and the need to repay them. Thanks to these moments, a person is given the opportunity to correct mistakes and misconceptions. They also testify to the misuse of energy by a person in a past life, blocking progress and advancing along the path of evolution.

Converging and diverging aspects

Aspects in the natal chart have an additional characteristic that indicates their strength.

There is a division of both negative and positive aspects into:



The qualities of the former are actively realized in life, the qualities of the latter are passive.

The former, regardless of whether they are positive or negative, are more active, that is, the realization of events in a person's life can occur before he realizes it. More converging sides lead to early awareness of events and psychological reactions. At the same time, a greater number of divergent aspects in the natal chart contributes to later awareness.

To calculate the convergent (divergent) aspects, it is necessary to know the speed of the planets, the faster and slower ones.

The fastest is the Moon, followed by Mercury, Venus, Sun, Mars, Selena, Lilith (Black Moon), Jupiter, Ascending and Setting lunar nodes, Saturn, Chiron, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto, Proserpina.

Because converging aspects require a lot of energy, a person needs a more active manifestation; at the same time, divergent ones, on the contrary, discourage, for such people, awareness comes after actions, perhaps with a significant delay.

How planetary aspects work in the natal chart

Through geometry, we know about squares, circles, and triangles. We can draw and measure them. But not everyone knows about the meaning of these concepts on a planetary scale. Complex inferences come from simple ideas. With the help of a geometric angle, you can paint a picture of the circumstances that underlie human destinies.

You can understand how the aspects of the planets in the natal chart work by the following analogy.

For example, you want to sleep, but the neighbors upstairs decided to have a party and you can’t fall asleep because of the noise.

    Compound- as soon as you lie down in bed, the neighbors turn on the music louder, but if you get out of bed, the sound will immediately turn down. That is, when you turn on one function, the second one immediately turns on.

    Trin- you are about to go to bed, immediately there is music behind the wall. However, once you get into bed, the noise stops. You don't have to put in any effort.

    Sextile- you are going to bed, the neighbors turn on the music. You go to them, ask them to be quiet, and then fall asleep in silence. Despite the fact that everything happens quite simply, in order to get the result, you need to put in some effort.

    Quadrature- Neighbors throw parties in the middle of the week, especially noisy on those days when you are tired and you have to get up early. You need to take action: swear with your neighbors, call the police, buy earplugs. One function adapts to another, otherwise conflicts and tension are inevitable.

    Opposition You can't fall asleep in silence. Neighbors behind the wall should make loud noise, or you need to have a TV or music in the room, only in this case you can fall asleep. You need to combine opposite functions, find a balance.

How to correctly combine planets in aspect in the natal chart

Let's return to the main thing - the combination of planets in aspects. If the aspect is harmonious, then no difficulties arise, the qualities of one are enhanced and complemented by the characteristics of the other. If in the natal chart the Sun and Mars are in a sextile, then the qualities of both planets will be enhanced. The Sun's needs will be supported by Mars. A person with such a horoscope easily realizes the needs of the Ego (Sun) with the help of his own actions (Mars). Thus, the aspects of the Sun and Mars in the natal chart contribute to self-expression.

The most favorable aspects in the natal chart are the great trines between the three major planets - the Sun, Moon and Mars. If these planets are located in the same element, then aspects of the trine arise between them. The most favorable are the earthly and fiery large trines, the air trine is slightly less favorable, the water trine is even less favorable, since the element of water is too sensitive, melancholic and prone to pessimism.

When joining a similar trine of Jupiter (it does not matter which of the planets he contacts), a person with a similar horoscope will be undeniably lucky. With a more accurate conjunction of trines and Jupiter, the harmonious effects of such a configuration are more clearly manifested, we can say that luck follows such a person literally on the heels.

However, in this case, one can sometimes say about excessive complacency or spiritual stagnation, since everything comes easily to a person, there is no need to change anything in oneself. Although, one should not lose sight of the other indicators of the natal chart, if, in addition to the big trine, there is a problematic ruler of the first house, then a person’s life may not seem so simple and pleasant.

In addition, in any case, when analyzing charts, the signs of the planets must be taken into account. For example, the natal chart contains aspects of Mars in trine with Jupiter. The quality of Jupiter in any interactions is to expand, increase, increase. The connection of air or fiery Mars with Jupiter makes its manifestation larger, that is, it adds activity, optimism, scope, but, possibly, dispersion to a person. When terrestrial or water Mars is combined with Jupiter, confidence in actions is added, energy increases, i.e. cautious terrestrial or water Mars becomes more decisive.

If the aspects of the planets, especially personal ones, are tense, then everything becomes somewhat more complicated. Difficulties are manifested directly in the character of a person, and when describing the interaction of the planets, it is important to catch this internal conflict. When representing the square and the opposition, it is important to always use the union “but”, which allows you to oppose the qualities of one planet to the characteristics of another. That is, when describing one planet in a sign, you need to write “but” and go on to describe the second planet.

Describing, for example, the square between the Moon in Aquarius and Mars in Taurus, one can write like this: there is a subconscious need for freedom, change, but at the same time caution is shown in actions. A clear conflict in this case will be the need of the Moon in Aquarius for everything new, for receiving unusual impressions, while at the same time the need for Mars in Taurus to remain in an unchanged position. A person's actions often contradict what he wants at the level of the soul, which ultimately manifests itself as dissatisfaction and irritability.

In this case, it is important to strive for a compromise with oneself; this conflict cannot be called insoluble. The existing need for novelty must be met, and in order not to forget the need for Mars, one must carefully prepare for change.

Self-analysis will enable the tense aspects in the natal chart between personal planets to be realized in more or less constructive ways. But despite this, full satisfaction in the presence of intense interaction between personal planets (except Mercury) is achieved with difficulty. One part of the personality must be constantly balanced by the second part of it.

Useful books about the natal chart and aspects: TOP-3

Despite the fact that these books are separate works, they can be combined into one essential block. If you already know the basic concepts of astrology, but you are striving for deeper knowledge, then pay attention to these books. They describe in detail the various positions of the planets in signs and houses, the aspects existing between them, etc. With their help, you can master natal astrology.

The book contains a lot of interesting information regarding the "promises" of the natal chart. We are talking about the possibilities inherent in the horoscope and realized by a person in life. You will learn what in the natal chart indicates wealth, celibacy, divorce, easy life, success, etc. Much attention is paid to prognostic methods in the book, we are talking about the progression of the moon, transits of higher planets, retrograde, new moons, full moons and eclipses. In addition, the book is written in simple and understandable language.

With the help of this book, many aspects of karmic astrology can be clarified. In addition, it contains valuable information regarding ways to correct the horoscope, that is, change your destiny.

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In this position, the angle between the two planets is 120˚. As we remember, all 12 zodiac signs are divided according to the elements into 4 equal groups. The elements of fire, symbolizing inspiration and determination, include the signs of Aries, Leo, Sagittarius. The earth element is represented by Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn. They symbolize orderliness and focus on results. The sphere of the element of air, personified by Gemini, Virgo and Aquarius, is communication. Experience and manifestation of emotions characterize the water signs: Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces.

- the most favorable of all possible aspects. It symbolizes the flow of energy, creativity and inspiration. The prevailing circumstances will be harmonious and easy. Although this state of affairs does not always favorably affect a person. After all, he has an innate need to overcome difficulties. Easily acquired goods are usually not highly valued.

Signs of the Zodiac have such qualities as fixedness and mutability. Constancy and conservatism are inherent in fixed signs - Aquarius and Scorpio. Pisces, Gemini, Sagittarius, Virgo are mutable signs that are flexible and adaptable. Signs with similar properties form natural quadratures.

Let's talk about aspects.

The concept of aspect is a key concept in astrology. In our time, in colloquial speech, the word Aspect is understood as an angle of view.

In astrology, “aspect” is also an angle, this is the distance between two horoscope indicators: planets, house cusps, etc.

Aspects we call only special distances at which the planets interact with each other, enter into resonance. Resonance is a special state when two interacting systems coincide in some way and the effect is much greater.

Aspects are globally divided into two groups: major and minor.

Major aspects are the main ones, there are 5 of them. They were postulated by the patriarch of astrology Clabdius Ptolemy.

Connection 0˚
Sextile 60˚
Trigon 120˚
Square 90˚
Opposition 180˚

In principle, only these aspects can be dispensed with in forecasting.

In certain sections of astrology, using only them is quite justified. But the rapid development of astropsychology, especially in the West, led to the fact that astrologers were carried away by minor aspects.

There are 18 aspects in total.

Where did minor aspects come from and why are they needed?

Most of the minor aspects were introduced by Johannes Kepler. He revived the Pythagorean doctrine of the harmony of the world. He, as a professional mathematician, was concerned about mathematical harmony, so he came up with many of these minor aspects himself, believing that the planets would interact even at such distances.

Some of these aspects arose even later..

The major aspect has a double manifestation in the horoscope:

1.) This is some very essential feature of our personality (just as the position of the planet in a sign gives us some quality, so the major aspect also gives us quite certain qualities);

2.) It manifests itself at the event level (that is, it is not only what is inside us, but also this is a certain circumstance of our life. This is an event expression, an event level. This is what major aspects are valuable. These are specific life events that have occurred, either happen or happen all the time.)

The most important issue, inextricably linked with the concept of aspect, is the orbis. Orbis - (lat. circle, circle) - this is the tolerance (+/-) within which the aspect operates.

Each aspect has its own meaning (we say sextile is 60˚). Cases when between the planets will be exactly 60˚ are rare. The planets won't line up to give us an accurate hit. Those. orbis is a tolerance of the exact +/- value that we can still accept.

For example, if between the planets there is not 60˚, but 63˚, then we need to know what is the orbis of this sextile.

All symbols in the table of aspects are divided into 5 sections, 5 headings. The connection occupies a whole rubric, because conjunction rightfully has a special place in astrology.

Compound also called conjunction. The aspect ratio is 0 degrees. Orbis connection from 7 to 10 degrees. The orbis of the connection is calculated as half the sum of the values ​​​​given in the table of aspects.

The planets in this table are divided into 4 levels and 3 rows. Each of these 4 levels is assigned certain scores. To determine the orb of the conjunction of two planets, we simply take their scores and divide by two (we get half the sum).

Sun Moon 10 points

Mars Mercury Venus 8 points

Jupiter Chiron Saturn 6 points

Pluto Uranus Neptune 4 points

The maximum orb is 10 degrees. The orb no longer exists. 10 degrees is the length of one decanate, i.e. this is the 36th part of the circle. It fits into the 60 system. Therefore, 10 degrees were assigned to the one who is always the strongest in the horoscope: the Sun and the Moon. Further, in progression, decreasing by two points, the next level was assigned 8 points and 6 points.

The slowest planets - 4 points.

Aspects with luminaries can be pulled.

The distance between the planets, which we consider when calculating the aspect, must always be less than 180˚. Because if the aspect turns out to be more than 180˚, this means that events unfold in the second half of the circle. And in order to find out the magnitude of such an aspect, it is necessary to subtract the resulting difference from 360˚.
With the lunar nodes, the orbis of conjunction and opposition is 4 degrees. Similarly, the orb of conjunction with the angles of the horoscope is 4 degrees.

The next section of the table of aspects is a section called harmonious aspects.

It was theory. Now let's move on to practice.

We proceed to determine the aspects between the planets in our horoscope. How are aspects calculated?

Aspects are the distances between planets. To calculate the aspect, you need to take the longitudes of the planets and subtract them from each other. So we can see how far apart they are.
But when calculating the planets, they are all indicated in different signs. To calculate aspects, they need to be brought into a single system. This system is called absolute longitudes".

Absolute longitudes are the longitudes of the planets in the 360˚ system. In order to translate the longitudes we calculated into this system, we must remember the peaks, i.e. What degree does each zodiac sign start from?
The first stage is to convert the longitudes of the planets into absolute values ​​by rounding. The principle of rounding in astronomy is that if we have zero degrees and at least one minute, then this is already equal to 1 degree, because this is one minute of the next degree.

For example:
Longitude 0 degrees 01 minutes = 1 degree

If there is at least one minute, then this is the next degree, but ONLY if it is a direct planet. If the planet is retrograde, then the value is rounded down. This is an important note, because computer programs do not take this moment into account and increase the longitude of the planet, despite the fact that it is moving in the opposite direction.

To do this, in order, we subtract the longitude of the other from the longitude of one planet and, if there is an aspect, draw it in the corresponding column. In the lower tabular part of our horoscope we put down the absolute values ​​of the longitudes of the planets. They are easy to determine using the Table of Absolute Longitudes:

For example.

If we need to determine the absolute longitude of the planet, located at 15 degrees Sagittarius. We are looking for the Sagittarius zodiac sign in the column and the value corresponding to it in the column. We get 240 - 270 degrees. We add to the smaller value "240", the required 15 degrees there.

We get 255 degrees. So, the absolute longitude of a planet at 15 degrees Sagittarius is 255 degrees.

Thus, we calculate the absolute longitudes of all planets. Thanks to this table, it will be convenient for us to calculate aspects.

Each aspect has its own designation. Aspect table:

The orbis of conjunction and opposition with the Nodes is 4 degrees. Also 4˚ is the orb of connection with the angles of the horoscope.

Having calculated the aspects, we put them on our map. We use different colors: red, blue, black and green.

Harmonious aspects- Red color. Of these, two are minor and two are major.

They are multiples of 30 degrees.

Semi-sextile (minor) -30˚.

Sextile (major, i.e. main) - 60˚; Orbis 5˚.
Trine (major, i.e. main) -120˚ Orbis 5˚ (for the Sun and Moon 7˚)
Quickons (minor) - 150˚ (drawn as an inverted semi-sextile).

Signs separated by 150˚, Ptolemy called separated. Because there is no such major aspect as 150˚, i.e. there is no connection between these characters.
Minor aspects have small orbs. And the major aspects, the sextile and the trine have 5˚, regardless of the planets.

Tense Aspects(also two major and two minor) - drawn in blue (45˚)
Semi-square 45˚ Orbis 1.5˚
Square 90˚ Orbis 5˚
One and a half square 135˚ Orbis 1.5˚
Opposition 180˚ (orbis - see connection)

Creative and phobic aspects are always minor.

Creative aspects are drawn in green. These are aspects of the positive plan. A person whose horoscope has many green aspects cannot but be a creative person.

Creative(green, multiples of 18 degrees):
Vigintil 18˚
Decile 36˚ (decile-10, its value is 36˚, 36˚ is the 10th part of the circle).
Quintile 72˚
Tridecyl 108˚
Biquintile 144˚

phobic aspects (show fears, complexes) - Black color.
One of the moons of Mars is called Phobos. Phobos is Greek for fear. Phobic aspects are aspects of irrational fears. These are our incomprehensible fears, complexes. If a person has a lot of black aspects in the horoscope, then he has a lot of subconscious fears, phobias, some kind of complexes. Black aspects speak about it. But you don't have to be afraid of them. This is only what is inside us, what is not confirmed by real circumstances.

phobic(multiples of 20 degrees):

Half run 20˚
Nonagon 40˚
Binonagon 80˚
Centagon 100˚

When drawing in a horoscope, major aspects are drawn with a solid line, and minor ones with a dotted line.

We get a ready horoscope.

This concludes the topic "Constructing a horoscope manually." You got acquainted with the rules for building the foundation on which stands a huge castle called "Astrology". This is the simplest and most accessible to absolutely everyone (even a computer) part of astrology.

Aspects of the planets- are the individual components of the horoscope, their readings are the most accurate and specific of all that is in the horoscope. Of course, this affects the characteristics of a person's character and his astropsychology, and, as you know, it is the character that is the creator of fate. But it should be remembered that aspects - the "ray" still describe not the person himself, but his life, the dynamics of the inner world and behavior, but they cannot influence the main social events in the fate of a person, which are created exclusively through the houses of the horoscope.


An aspect is a stream of vibrations exchanged between planets full of cosmic energy. This energy comes from all celestial bodies, mixes and merges with a harmonious aspect or interferes with each other with a disharmonious aspect.


The five main major aspects are used by all astrologers, these aspects are multiples of 30 degrees, obtained by dividing the circle (360 °) into 1, 2, 3, 4 and 6 parts of the Radix: conjunction, sextile, square, trine, opposition. Auxiliary aspects will be semi-sextile and quincunx (quincunx). Aspects also work well for House cusps, as a rule they manifest their properties in a slow progression (any major aspect). Including Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto or any stationary planet in transit creates a long-term impact on the house cusp (conjunction). The orb of the influence of the connection is 1 degree descending and exact aspect, the diverging transit aspect has little effect on the cusp of the house, and has nothing to do with the events of the subject, as a rule, only with the consequences of events that have already occurred!

Major aspects:

  • Conjunction (neutral) from 0 to 9 degrees - depends on the nature of the planets;
  • Good aspects (harmonious) - semi-sextile 30, sectile 60, trine 120;
  • Evil aspects (disharmonious) - square 90, opposition 180, quincunx 150;

The error of the aspects of the planets in a few hours, or in a day is minimal, the only exception is the Moon (The speed of the movement of the Moon along the Zodiac is approximately 0.5 degrees of arc in one hour.). Therefore, those aspects that you received in the Personal Horoscope are the most accurate.

Astrological aspects indicate a resonant relationship that exists between one or another planets and sensitive points of the horoscope. Aspects show whether the planets affect each other harmoniously or destructively, strongly or weakly, overtly or covertly. By aspects, it is possible to accurately determine possible changes and turns in fate.

MUTUAL ASPECTATION OF THE PLANETS. The reference book on astropsychology provides information on the characteristics of "planet - aspect - planet", without taking into account the planets in the signs of the zodiac and the houses of the horoscope.


PLANETARY ASPECTS. The actions of the planets on each other through aspects.

Qualities of undamaged planets.

SUN through harmonious aspects, it strengthens, harmonizes, improves, heals, warms another planet, increases ambition.
Through bad aspects, it strains, gives an excess of energy or weakens, disharmonizes, worsens, overheats, dries up.
MOON through harmonious aspects, it soothes, animates, nourishes, satisfies, pleasantly moisturizes, brings maternal manifestations.
Through tense aspects, it introduces inconstancy, changeability, dissatisfaction, emotional instability, indecision, passivity.
MERCURY through harmonious aspects organizes, brings the mind, interest, makes mobile, dexterous, contact.
Through tense aspects, it makes restless, chaotic, chaotic, nervous, disorganizes, makes it unstable, changeable, agitated.
VENUS through good aspects softens, calms, pacifies, improves, brings beauty and harmony, creativity, skill, romance, poeticizes.
Through tense aspects, it introduces emotional instability, noise, loudness, passivity, emptiness, vanity, sensuality, bad taste.
MARS in harmonious aspects it gives energy, enthusiasm, courage, enterprise, activity, activity, healthy ambition, directness.
In disharmonious aspects, it inclines towards militancy, aggressiveness, recklessness, imprudence, thoughtlessness, passion, vehemence, irascibility, irritability, impatience, cruelty.
JUPITER through harmonious aspects, it enriches, compensates, heals, ennobles, gives power, energy, aspiration, healthy ambition, empowers, brings good luck.
Through tense aspects makes excessive, redundant, explosive, wasteful.
SATURN through harmonious aspects, it concentrates, streamlines, directs, gives perseverance, diligence, forms a goal, plans, makes persistent, deep, punctual and precise.
In bad aspects, it hinders, alienates, limits, deprives, slows down, delays, introduces indecision, makes selfish, calculating, gloomy and dreary; symbolizes adverse chronic influence.
URANUS through harmonious aspects, it brings intuition, originality, ingenuity, progressiveness, foresight, friendliness, democracy, freedom, endows with magnetism.
Through tense aspects, it brings surprise, radicalness, intolerance, unpredictability, eccentricity, extraordinaryness, sharpens, stimulates, destroys any boundaries and frames.
NEPTUNE through harmonious aspects it gives inspiration, connection with the higher principle, spirituality, sensitivity, receptivity, depth, enriches.
Through bad aspects, it deceives, confuses, indulges, sharpens the senses, makes it ambiguous, indefinite, inadequate, introduces lies and delusions, makes it detached from reality.
PLUTO through harmonious aspects gives popularity, success, abundance.
Through tense aspects, it gives egocentrism, dictate, violence, haste, recklessness, fatal circumstances (death, destruction, annihilation).

Qualities of damaged planets.

SUN. Predisposition to disease, selfishness, self-confidence, pride, tension, disharmony, stress, recklessness, haste, arrogance, contempt, arrogance, imperiousness, authoritarianism.
MOON. Experiences, grief, disappointment, envy, whims, infantilism, vanity, hypersensitivity, tantrums, changeable mood, inconstancy, volatility, indecision, passivity, ill health, psychological stress, mental pain, pettiness.
MERCURY. Anxiety, troublesomeness, fussiness, randomness, disorder, disorganization, talkativeness, verbosity, deceit, cunning, resourcefulness, absent-mindedness, lack of concentration, nervousness, forgetfulness.
VENUS. Noisiness, scandalousness, noisiness, bad taste, extravagance, sensuality, idleness, laziness, jealousy, extravagance, vanity, passivity, frivolity, shamelessness, untidiness, carelessness, folly.
MARS. Militancy, irascibility, aggressiveness, fury, destructiveness, haste, impatience, recklessness, accidents, injuries, recklessness, impudence, rudeness, insolence, harshness, cruelty, unjustified use of force, pugnacity, rabies, sensuality, passion, acute infectious diseases with high temperature.
JUPITER. Excessiveness, extravagance, hindsight, explosive character, excessive independence and love of freedom, adventurism, contempt for social conventions, injustice, major miscalculations.
SATURN. Selfishness, callousness, prudence, rationality, insensitivity, coldness, indifference, skepticism, stinginess, greed, hard-heartedness, cunning, suspicion, stubbornness, quarrelsomeness, hostility, alienation, hatred, envy, slowness, indecision, obstacles, difficulties, sorrows, disappointments, melancholy, pessimism, melancholy, money-grubbing, chronic diseases.
URANUS. Unpredictability, excessive independence and love of freedom, self-will, swiftness, radicalism, harshness, eccentricity, recklessness, extraordinariness, haste, intolerance, states of acute intolerance to something, heightened susceptibility, accidents, suicide.
NEPTUNE. Deception, duplicity, ambiguity, uncertainty, indecision, lies, delusions, idealism with detachment from reality, daydreaming, fantasizing, manilovism, absent-mindedness, ignoring real circumstances, subjectivism, fanaticism, pedantry, pettiness, nightmares, hallucinations, indulgence in bad inclinations, bad habits , depravity, intrigue, masochism.
PLUTO. Self-affirmation at any cost, the desire to conquer, seize, impose by force, claims to "world domination", diktat, violence, self-centeredness, irascibility, recklessness, cruelty, sadism.

Harmonious and disharmonious aspects

Harmonious aspects direct a person to good and favor in business., bad ones - give tension, aggression, changes, accidents. Harmonious aspects indicate well-established, stable, eternal spiritual attachments. They show the talents and abilities acquired and accumulated from life to life. It is they who give us inner confidence and give us advantages, since in matters related to such aspects, a person knows himself, is able to correctly assess the situation and respond to possible irritation from the outside.

Harmonious aspects between the planets of the Radix show the passed, and therefore familiar path, which in the present life becomes natural. Multiple trigonal aspects give a person wisdom, balance, steadfastness and steadfastness in overcoming various obstacles. The Star of David, consisting of two trigonal configurations, gives its owner colossal cosmic power and protection.

Favorable configuration promotes success in those areas of life indicated by the corresponding fields of the horoscope. But often these aspects tend to a certain pampering, effeminacy, inactivity, indifference and indifference, to frequent bouts of laziness. Undoubtedly, strong favorable aspects can bring good luck and often bright talent.

Our distant predecessors did not use the aspects of the number eight - 45° (degrees). They relied only on aspects that are multiples of 30 and generated by natural numbers - one, two, three, four and six (360 ° or 0 °, 180 °, 120 °, 90 ° and 60 °).

It also happens that people who have only good aspects in the Radix, in fact, turn out to be very gray personalities without any deep and serious interests, without any special experiences. Arrogant, arrogant characters living in a world of illusions and their own imagination can also come across among them.

With unfavorable aspects the person has difficulty coordinating his strength and energy. Hence the unstable behavior, and irregularity in everything. Either he is overflowing with energy, burning with the desire to act, then he is in complete decline or falls into depression; then, like a madman, it rushes forward, not knowing where and why, then steps back, also not knowing or not understanding why. But if you know how to reasonably manage these same aspects, then they help to shake up, wake up, pull yourself together and act in spite of bad influences. If a person does not succumb to temptations and temptations, knows how to curb his strength and temper, he is able to achieve much, even more than he expects.

It is the negative aspects that give strength to fight, to overcome barriers and obstacles, temper the spirit and strengthen the will. These aspects should be viewed through the prism of Taoism, as the complementarity of light and shadow, action and rest, construction and destruction. If there are many oppositions and quadratures in the Radix, this indicates a set

barriers and obstacles, as well as braking, various difficulties and a busy working life. But on the other hand, they greatly strengthen the will and character of a person, enriching him with knowledge and raising the level of spirituality.

Negative Aspects Point to Problems unresolved in a past life. They show what a person owes, and how and to whom he should repay the debt. These aspects are given so that people can correct their previous mistakes and delusions. They also show that in the past the owner of this horoscope misused his energy, squandered it, which greatly blocked progress and progress on the path of evolution.

Adjustment of descending and diverging aspects in the astrological program ORION-online according to the SPbAA method.

Solar Orba:

Saturn - 9, Pluto -6.5, Rahu -3, Lilith - 5 degrees.

Lunar Orbs:

Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Neptune, Uranus - 8.5 degrees

Saturn - 9, Pluto -6.5, Rahu -3, Lilith - 5 degrees

Orba transits:

Moon - 6, Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus - 3 degrees

Saturn, Jupiter - 3 degrees

Pluto, Neptune, Uranus, Lilith - 2.5 degrees

Rahu - 1 degree.

In Progressions- slow, fast, directions, reverse progression of the Orb: All planets - 1 degree.

Cycles measure change. Age cycles do not indicate external events, but only stages of personal growth (in accordance with the nature of transit planets). The years of crises that people complain about the most are the least controllable, since even with the highest precaution, a person has no means to avoid them:

At 7 years old. Growing square of Saturn to its natal position, semi-sextile of Uranus.

12 years. Jupiter's first return.

14 years old. Saturn opposition, Uranus sextile.

19 years. Return of the Lunar Nodes.

21 years old The falling square of Saturn, the first square of Uranus. 24 years. Second return of Jupiter.

27 years. Return of the progressed Moon.

28 years. Growing trine Uranus. Lunar Node Inversion.

29.5 years old. Return of Saturn.

30 years. Repetition of the natal Sun-Moon aspect in progressions. Opposition Jupiter.

36 years. The second waxing square of Saturn, the third return of Jupiter.

36-60 in this interval for different generations, a square of Pluto is possible.

38 years. The second return of the Knots.

42 years. Uranus opposition, Neptune waxing square, Jupiter opposition.

44 years old. The second opposition of Saturn.

47 years old. Inversion of the Lunar Nodes.

48 years old. Fourth return of Jupiter.

51 years old The second falling square of Saturn.

55 years. Second return of the progressed Moon.

56 years old. Falling trine Uranus. The fourth cycle of Nodes.

59-60 years old. The second return of Saturn, the fifth return of Jupiter, the second progressive repetition of the natal Sun-Moon aspect.

63 years old. Falling square of Uranus.

65 years old. Inversion of the Lunar Nodes.

66 years old. The third growing square of Saturn.

70 years old. Falling sextile Uranus.

72 years old. Sixth return of Jupiter.

75 years old. Return of the Nodes, the third opposition of Saturn.

77 years Uranus falling semi-sextile.

80 years old. The third falling square of Saturn.

82-83 years old. Third return of the progressed Moon.

84 years old. The return of Uranus, the seventh return of Jupiter. Node Inversion.

Each person, in different years of his life, falls under the inevitable influence of various aspects, the return of the planets to their original position, progressive influence. These are significant periods in which a person learns the lessons of growth or fall, the birth of something new or the destruction of the old one in his life.

The reference book on astropsychology provides information, aspects between the planets, excluding planets in the signs and houses of the horoscope, works in ORION-online.


Answers to the workshop on the Lunar Nodes.

1. VLU Sagittarius, NLU Gemini. 2. VLU Libra, NLU Aries. 3. VLU Gemini, NLU Sagittarius. 4. VLU Pisces, NLU Virgo. 5. VLU Leo, NLU Aquarius. 6. VLU Scorpio, NLU Taurus. 7. VLU Virgo, NLU Pisces. 8. VLU Capricorn, NLU Cancer. 9. VLU Cancer, NLU Capricorn. 10. VLU Aquarius, NLU Leo. 11. VLU Taurus, NLU Scorpio. 12. VLU Aries, NLU Libra.

In previous lessons, we got acquainted with the Signs of the Zodiac and the planets. I want to remind you that these are only symbols denoting certain energies. For example, speaking about the Sun in Aries, astrology does not mean the direct influence of our luminary when it runs through the sector of a given constellation, but implies a field structure with certain qualities, which periodically, once a year, paints all Earth objects in its own color. Refreshed in memory? Move on.

Imagine the Earth in the form of a hanging ball, on which ten multi-colored light bulbs-planets shine from different sides. Their rays are superimposed on each other, mixed, and it is impossible to single out a pure monocolor in this palette. The rays of light bulbs-planets interact in different ways, some harmoniously add up, some collide hard, some freeze in opposition. Aspects help astrologers to understand a complex energy picture. What it is?

An aspect on a chart is the angular distance between two planets; since the horoscope is a circle, everything is measured in degrees of an arc, and not in linear centimeters. We will get acquainted with the five most significant astrological aspects that manifest themselves in life clearly, unambiguously and in relief.

Compound. Aspect 0 degrees. When two planets are side by side, astrologers say they are in conjunction. At the same time, the qualities of the planets do not add up arithmetically, but are soldered, giving birth to something new. For a better understanding, draw an analogy with two drops of water of different colors, which merge into one, which is no longer similar in color to the original ones. It turns out 1 + 1 = 1, while the resulting unit has become a special entity, integral and independent. This is how the conjunction aspect forms an alchemical alloy, in which none of the planets any longer shows its inherent properties in its pure form. The astrological centaur has unique qualities arising from the characteristics of the planets themselves, their affinity or antagonism, behavior in the sign where the aspect was formed and interaction with other objects of the chart.


Conjunction of the Sun and Mars. A ripened intention or external order is immediately realized, without hesitation and reflection, preparation and planning. This is a tank that pushes through the will of a personal or authoritative person without regard to others. I want and I do!

Conjunction of Mercury and the Moon. Words and feelings fused. Speech is full of emotion. Information enters the soul immediately, therefore, it is possible to inspire and upset through the ears. Deep intuitive connection with loved ones, with brothers. Conversations lighten the soul.

Opposition. Aspect 180 degrees. The planets are located opposite each other and argue which of them is more important. At different moments, one or the other is emphasized. They would be happy to act in isolation, but they cannot because of the rigid ligament. And it is difficult for them to live in unison, because each of this couple is trying to pull the blanket over themselves. The seesaw of the opposition creates situations of choice, presenting two poles and offering not to emphasize any one, but to balance them, to find a balance, a reasonable combination.


Opposition of Sun and Moon. When consciousness is active, the soul falls asleep; and the reveled feelings overshadow the mind. Internal conflict between head and heart, causing the need to choose one, infringing on the second. Father and mother are not a single whole, but two poles of the universe.

Opposition of Saturn and Uranus. Either a dictator and a retrograde, or a revolutionary and a fighter for freedom. Planned abrupt upheavals fail because of obstacles and restrictions. The stability achieved is shattered by sudden circumstances.


Trine Venus and Mars. A person knows how to love, knows how to please. Owns the secret of a love magnet. Active in relationships, easily cooperates and builds partnerships.

Trine Mercury and Neptune. Innate abilities of a poet, writer. Developed imagination, ability to express figuratively, allegorically. He sees no sin in embellishing, distorting, obscuring, confusing.

Square. Aspect 90 degrees. The square in astrology symbolizes sharpness, sharpness and fieryness. If the planets were at such an arc distance, then there is no need to wait for peace between them. Their energies beat against each other, carving sparks and flames of explosions, storms. The square is charged with impulsiveness and spontaneity; its powerful spring allows you to jump far and high, do difficult work, break through barriers.


Square of the Moon and Mars. Human feelings are sharp, sharp, explosive; appear aggressively, defiantly. Constantly feels rudeness and militancy directed at him. Slight excitability.

The square of the Sun and Saturn. It is difficult to express one's will, one cannot freely realize oneself. Personal initiatives must break through walls, obstacles and restrictions. There is always someone or something that makes you work beyond measure, with tremendous effort and dedication.

Sextile. Aspect 60 degrees. This aspect provides opportunities. The planets forming it point to doors to be opened; potential to work on. A sextile is not a saucer with a blue border on which the keys to the apartment lie. But he gives chances to find such a wonderful dish.


Mercury sextile Jupiter. Congenital curiosity and quickness of mind make it possible to study and teach well, to expand the boundaries of the worldview. There is an opportunity to travel and travel a lot, to dive into the treasuries of wisdom.

Sextile of the Moon and Venus. Rich potential in love; the ability to feel deeply, caring for the real needs of a loved one. It is important to become not a passive admirer, admirer and consumer, but an enterprising creator in relationships, in your home or doing art.

One more question remains to be clarified. At what distance from the exact value of the aspect must the planets be in order for their interaction to begin? The problem is complex, there is no consensus here. Each astrologer, in different schools, has developed his own rules for calculating the orbis - this is the name of the number of degrees that falls within the area of ​​​​the aspect. At the initial stage, you can proceed as follows. Let the Sun and Moon have an orb of 10 gr; Mercury, Werner, Mars - 8 gr; Saturn, Jupiter - 5 gr; Uranus, Neptune, Pluto -3 gr. With the advent of sufficient astrological experience, you will come to your orbis values.


What aspects work in these situations?

  1. The girl rushed between departments of the shopping center, trying to choose a dress or shoes.
  2. The driver lost control on a slippery road and was rammed into a van in front.
  3. On the day of departure, everything went well; and the weather was fine, and check-in was quick, and a very nice young man took the seat next to us.
  4. Entering a prestigious university opened up broad career prospects for him.
  5. An alloy of iron will and stormy initiative allowed him to achieve goals quickly and efficiently.
  6. An attack of acute appendicitis thwarted all her plans.
  7. It was impossible to build a relationship with a loved one; when reason spoke, the soul was silent, and a surge of feelings immediately drowned out the head.
  8. The growing storm tore the sails and broke the masts of the sailboat.
  9. The Nobel Laureate was born into a family of professors who were well known on campus.