Crossword on the theme of the environment. Ready crossword on ecology - on the topic "general"

Ecology is the science of the interactions of living organisms in the environment, however, the very definition of this science has its own puzzles, so, for example, now, when they say "ecology", they most often mean environmental problems and the need to protect it, therefore ecology crossword puzzle can be solved not only by adults and high school students, but also by elementary school students. This shift in concepts occurred due to the increased influence of man on the environment than at the time when the concept of "ecology" was first used in 1866 by the German biologist Ernst Haeckel, later this concept was extended not only to biology, but also to other natural sciences. and the humanities.

Ecology crossword with answers should be based on the classical definition: ecology is a science that studies the relationship between animate and inanimate nature. Therefore, we will consider some questions and answers to them that may be contained in a crossword puzzle for high school students and university students, because ecology is necessarily included in the general education program, and crossword puzzles for schoolchildren will be an excellent additional educational material.

1. Depression and subsequent death of ecosystems of various organisms under the influence of sharp long-term anthropogenic disturbances of the normal ecological situation. (Ecocide)

2. An unsurpassed giant among all cereals. (Bamboo)

3. Abiotic environmental factor. (Light)

4. What American ecologist wrote the textbook "Fundamentals of Ecology"? (Odum)

6. A close relationship between the two species, which usually benefits both of them. (Symbiosis)

7. The plant is a predator. (Dewdrop) 8. Marsupial, which pretends to be dead in a moment of danger. (Opossum)

9. Combination of waterlogged soil and shallow water. (Swamp)

10. What is the name of a set of individuals of the same species? (Population) 11. Brown bird with a white chest, which can not only dive into the water, but even run along the bottom. (Dipper)

12. A chemical element, a necessary component for the life of animal and plant organisms. (Phosphorus)

13. What mammal eats only bamboo shoots? (Panda)

14. What does a bird build to protect eggs and chicks from overheating, as well as hypothermia. (Nest)

15. Reindeer moss. (Reindeer moss)

16. A vitreous substance that exists in nature in different shades of yellow. (Amber)

17. The process of destruction of the upper fertile soil layer. (Erosion).

18. Dead remains of living organisms. (Detritus)

19. A section of the earth's surface, which is characterized by the same type of environmental conditions and is occupied by a combination of animals and plants. (Biotope)

20. These plants are covered with tufts of thorns, they store water in the stems. (Cactus)

As you can see, ecology crossword puzzle contains many biological questions, so they can be included in the course of zoology, geography or botany at school. To solve such a crossword puzzle, you need to quickly operate on the material covered in the lessons of biology, geology, geography, ecology.

Ecology crossword. Grade 9

Conducted by: Kuzmina S.A.

Theme: ecology

Lesson objectives:

Developing: development of interest and curiosity, education of love for nature.

Educational: the formation of a holistic scientific picture of the world.

4. A systematized legislative act that establishes responsibility, including in the field of environmental protection and nature management (abbr.).

6. Emission of polluting waste.

8. Message, report on their actions.

9. Materials used in production, remnants of materials suitable for further use (plural).

10. Contribution of money, for example, for the negative impact on the environment.

12. The gaseous shell surrounding the Earth and the unit of pressure.

13. Ecology as a system of knowledge.

15. The smallest solid particles carried in the air or settled (singular).

16. Animal world.

18. Gas, the layer of which protects the Earth from solar radiation.

19. Neither the forest nor the sea can compare with this treeless plain.

20. Established mandatory payment levied on citizens and legal entities.

21. Prepayment of funds against future settlements, for example, payments for negative environmental impact.

24. Carefully neutralized present (Arkady and Boris Strugatsky).

25. Everything that exists on earth, not created by human activity.

27. A marshy place, usually with stagnant water and unsteady surface.

28. Animals and plants are classified by families, orders, classes and ... (singular).

1. A thick veil of smoke, soot and exhaust gases over the city.

2. Systematic observation, monitoring, for example, the state of the environment.

3. Failure to pay for the negative impact on the environment in essence.

5. Area of ​​distribution of any kind.

6. Surrounding ... - the natural and man-made material world.

7. This includes paying for the negative impact on the environment.

11. Income or value of assets on which taxes are calculated.

14. Regulatory act regulating the legal status of, for example, the Federal Service for Supervision of Natural Resources.

15. The inspector in the field of environmental protection visits the objects of economic activity for this purpose.

16. Plant world in general.

17. An orderly system for collecting, registering and summarizing information about assets and liabilities.

20. Federal Service for Ecological, Technological and Nuclear ... (form of control).

22. Runoff of rain, melt and groundwater into reservoirs and relief depressions.

23. Exact calendar time, for example, payment for the negative impact on the environment.

26. All living organisms need this liquid "tasteless, colorless, odorless."

Answers to the crossword "Ecological"

4. Code of Administrative Offenses. 6. Reset. 8. Report. 9. Waste. 10. Pay. 12. Atmosphere. 13. Science. 15. Dust. 16. Fauna. 18. Ozone. 19. Field. 20. Tax. 21. Advance. 24. Future. 25. Nature. 27. Swamp. 28. View.

1. Smog. 2. Control. 3. Non-payment. 5. Range. 6. Wednesday. 7. Budget. 11. Base. 14. Position. 15. Verification. 16. Flora. 17. Accounting. 20. Supervision. 22. Stock. 23. Date. 26. Water.

Crossword on the subject of "ecology" on the topic "Environmental law"


1. The state of the environment, which is characterized by physical, chemical, biological and other indicators and (or) their combination

6. Document confirming the level of qualitative environmental characteristics of housing, land and water bodies

7. One of the fundamental principles of environmental expertise is ... the potential environmental hazard of any economic or other activity

14. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects

15. The formation of environmental legislation took place in ... period

18. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are .... environmental protection activities

20. The principle that obliges states to cooperate in order to develop additional international legal norms

25. The process of consistent implementation of the ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment. environment in the areas of legislation, management, technology development, economics, education, etc.


2. ... environmental law - persons authorized by law to implement certain behavior of an environmental nature

3. The principle according to which everyone living in the territory of the Russian Federation has the right to truthful information about the state of the environment

4. Law is built and operates on certain:

5. Assessment of the level of possible negative impacts of the planned economic and other activities on the environment and natural resources

8. A place where any activity that violates natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited

9. Environmental law becomes predominant…

10. The system of environmental law is understood as the structure of the main elements, parts of this industry:

11. The law "on environmental expertise" provides for state and ... expertise

12. ... law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is a system of legal norms governing relations on environmental protection, relations in the field of nature management, the implementation and protection of environmental rights

13. The function of nature in relation to man, thanks to which man uses his natural habitat as a place of life

16. Which EU treaty defines the organization's environmental objectives - to promote measures related to environmental protection issues

17. The collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye.

19. Human use of the environment to meet their economic, environmental, cultural and recreational needs

21. The totality of all forms and types of use of water resources in the general system of nature management

22. The state of protection of the natural environment and the vital interests of man

23. The upper boundary of the earth's shell at an altitude of 50-55 km

24. The totality of all water resources of the Earth


Completed by: student of the group KSh-41 Voevodina Lyubov Yurievna.


1. The state of protection of the natural environment and the vital interests of man

3. The upper boundary of the earth's shell at an altitude of 50-55 km

4. The process of consistent implementation of the ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment in the areas of legislation, management, technology development, economics, education, etc.

5. Bearer of rights and obligations for the rational use of natural resources and environmental protection

6. The collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye.

7. The procedure established by law for the use of forests, which ensures the fullest use of the beneficial properties of the forest in the interests of developing social production and people's needs

8. The process of negative modification of the environment - air, water, soil - through its intoxication with substances that threaten the life of living organisms

11. The totality of all forms and types of use of water resources in the general system of nature management

12. Assessment of the level of possible negative impacts of the planned economic and other activities on the environment and natural resources

13. Document confirming the level of qualitative environmental characteristics of housing, land and water bodies

14. An integrated system for observing the state of the environment, assessing and forecasting changes in the state of the environment under the influence of natural and anthropogenic factors


2. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects

5. The totality of all forms of human impact on the natural environment, including its development, transformation and protection

9. The totality of all water resources of the Earth

10. A document that is a statement about the use of forests in accordance with a forest development project


Horizontally: 1. Method for the study of relationships in ecosystems. 2. Abiotic factor. 3. The state of long rest in animals. 6. The reaction of organisms to the length of the day. 11. A complex of small organisms suspended in water. 12. Forest floor. 14. Fish. 15. Microorganism - destroyer of organic residues. 16. Physiological process stop development caused by low temperature. 17. Type of herons, listed in the Red Book.

20. An organism that synthesizes organic substances from inorganic compounds. 22. Biogeocenosis. 23. A set of measures aimed at the conservation of a particular species. 26. Selection based on any signs. 27. The set of plants and animals that has developed in the process of evolutionary development, inhabiting the same territory and mutually influencing each other. 28. Destruction of the surface layer. 29. The environmental factor that forms the atmosphere. 30. Mineral nutrition for plants. 31. Factors causing changes in the genotype.

Vertically: 1. The science of the patterns of relationships between organisms and with the environment. 3. Abiotic factor. 4. Annual cycle of growth and development. 5. The ability of organisms to endure the deviation of environmental factors from optimal conditions. 7. One of the measures for population control. eight.


Horizontally: 1. Experiment. 2. Water. 3. Hibernation. 6. Photoperiodism. 11. Plankton. 12. Tier. 14. Ide. 15. Reducer. 16. Peace. 17. Ibis. 20. Autotroph. 22. Oak forest. 23. Security. 26. Selection. 27. Biocenosis. 28. Erosion. 29. Air. 30. Nitrogen. 31. Mutagens.

Vertically: 1. Ecology. 3. Light. 4. Rhythm. 5. Tolerance. 7. Catching. 8. Reserve. 9. Saprophage. 10. Humus. 13. Phenologist. 18. Biomass. 19. Shooting. 21. Cycle. 23. Cleaning. 24. Anabiosis. 25. Area.

1. The totality of all forms of human impact on the natural environment, including its development, transformation and protection
2. The collective name for a group of living organisms that are too small to be visible to the naked eye.
3. an area of ​​the seabed adjacent to the territorial waters, including its subsoil, of a certain width, in which the coastal state exercises certain sovereign rights
4. “basic unit” of water use in accordance with the Water Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan - ... plot
6. use of water bodies to meet the needs of the population, industry, agriculture
8. What type of environmental control is not mentioned in the Law on Environmental Protection, but this does not deny its existence
9. Protection of individual natural objects, rational use of natural resources, etc. are ... . environmental protection
11. This activity is a sum of various activities aimed at improving the natural environment and reducing the negative impact of human activities on nature.
14. The structure of the crime under Art. 247 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation
16. The function of nature in relation to man, thanks to which man uses his natural habitat as a place of life
18. A place where any activity that violates natural complexes or threatens their safety is prohibited
19. Ecological ... - a way of influencing people's feelings, their consciousness, views and ideas
21. Multilateral international treaties to which the states of a certain geographical area are parties
22. Environmental law is .... legal norms governing public environmental relations in the field of interaction between society and nature in the field of environmental protection, the use of natural resources.
23. A document that is a statement about the use of forests in accordance with a forest development project
24. Author of the concept of the neosphere
1. The protection of individual natural objects, the rational use of natural resources, etc. are directions .... activities
5. The principle that obliges states to cooperate in order to develop additional international legal norms
7. The ability of a citizen to acquire and exercise environmental rights by his actions, to create environmental obligations for himself and fulfill them is an environmental…
10. In which city at the UN Conference in 1992 was a declaration adopted, which proclaimed the goal of establishing a fair partnership by creating new levels of cooperation between states
12. What object is created by man to meet his social needs and does not have the properties of natural objects
13. ... law is an independent branch of Russian law, which is a system of legal norms governing relations on environmental protection, relations in the field of nature management, the implementation and protection of environmental rights
15. Citizens have the right to create public ... and other non-profit organizations that carry out activities in the field of environmental protection
17. Any community of living beings and their habitats, united into a single functional whole, arising on the basis of interdependence and cause-and-effect relationships that exist between individual ecological components
20. Consistent implementation of the ideas of nature conservation and sustainable environment.