Crafts on the theme of the characters of the fairy tales of Gabdulla Tukay. Project (senior group) on the topic: Creative project "Journey to the fabulous country of Tukay"

"Crafts from salt dough" - Crafts are very easy to perform and do not require special equipment and expensive materials. Cookie cutters work well for cutting shapes. The work surface should be smooth and easy to clean. Coloring. Salt dough products are made from separate simple elements. Panel.

"Competition Fairy Tale" - "Decipher it!". I.S. Turgenev. "The Most Reading Family" A.A. Fet. Competition. M.Yu.Lermontov. Game with the audience "guess the portrait". The nanny in the fairy tale "Moroz Ivanovich" was called Praskovya. Aibolit was brought to Africa by an eagle. The old man from the fairy tale A.S. Pushkin "The Tale of the Fisherman and the Fish" went to the sea only 6 times. Third competition.

"Salt Dough Crafts" - Crafts from salt dough for Valentine's Day. Squeeze the tip of the leaf with your index finger and thumb. Apply with a stack to the vein sheet. Flour - 2 cups Salt "Extra" 1 cup Water - 1 cup. Salt dough recipe. Craft samples. Manufacturing sequence. The edges of the dough are smoothed with a wet stick or stack.

"Crafts for fairy tales" - Baba Yaga. King. We glue the hands. Pierrot. Koschei the Deathless. Tasks for groups. Craft protection. The organ grinder who made Pinocchio. We make out the head. What should happen. Glue the body (cylinder, cone). Forms of project implementation. Paste the templates with colored paper or cloth. An artist from the flower city.

"Crafts from cotton" - Cotton stalks - animal feed. "White gold". Burning cotton. "Flower of the Sun" Mystery. Homeland of cotton. Nitrocellulose products. Production of "cotton fiber". Cotton clothing. Cotton seed oil. Cotton. Cotton in medicine. Sorting "cotton pressed fiber bales". White gold.

"Crafts from natural material" - Crafts from natural material. In the Summer Fairy Garden, the Swan swims in the pond. Our piglet is an eccentric, Lost a penny in the river. The nose is round and so! Our Matroskin is an important cat. He fluffed his wings, Hastened to meet us. Hedgehogs mince - Only the heels sparkle. They sat on a green leaf, Quietly they sang a song.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution "Kindergarten of a general developmental type No. 12 "Zemlyanichka" Zelenodolsk municipal

district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Prepared by: Yakovleva Nazia Adiyevna, tutor for teaching the Tatar language, MBDOU No. 12

Project relevance

It is the work of Gabdulla Tukay that will help solve this problem. Gabdulla Tukay is a great Tatar poet, and as Mintimer Shaimiev said: “Truly, Gabdulla Tukay is the sun of Tatar poetry, which, having once risen over our great land, will never set again” .

Tukay left a huge creative heritage, and poetry occupies the largest and most important place in it.

April 26, 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay. The inexhaustible interest in his poetic and fairy-tale creativity prompted me to create a project .

The project “Journey through Tukay's books” is aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with the work of G. Tukay, improving the reading culture of children, parents and educators. He considers access to the cultural heritage of the Tatar poet G. Tukay. In his works one can find answers to many questions of today.

It is valuable that Tukay's works are imbued with a deep love for his native land, its nature, his creative heritage from generation to generation instills in children love and respect for their home, native land, teaches them to value hard work, patience, lays the foundations for aesthetic perception of the world. It is impossible not to note the pedagogical and educational motivation in the poetry of G. Tukay, associated with children's literature. It is through the poems and fairy tales of G. Tukay that the child learns the world around him.

It is important that through his works, children learn the traditions of the Tatar people, their foundations: respect, respect for elders, kindness and responsiveness. They contribute to the formation in children of such valuable qualities of character as diligence, honesty, courage, modesty, responsibility, and interest in school and knowledge is instilled.

It is also important to promote the work of the poet, to cultivate a careful and reverent attitude towards the native language.

Objective of the project

Increasing the efficiency of work to introduce children to the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

  1. To acquaint children with the life and work of Gabdulla Tukay.
  2. To cultivate love and respect for the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  3. To form honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness in children through the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  4. To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the ability to use it in one's own speech (proverbs, sayings, folk sayings).
  5. To learn to feel and understand the figurative language of Gabdulla Tukay's poems and fairy tales.
  6. To expand the ideas of parents about Tatar children's literature and introduce them to family reading of literary works.
  7. Expected results of the project:
  8. Creation of the necessary conditions in the kindergarten, group, family, library to familiarize preschoolers with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  9. Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills in children.
  10. Creation of a system of work to familiarize children with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  11. Active participation of parents in the implementation of the project.
  12. Parents' understanding of the importance of family reading.
  13. Implementation period is April.

Goal Achievement Strategy

  1. work with children
  2. work with educators
  3. work with parents

A long-term plan has been developed in these areas. The schedules of project activities define the activities, the objectives of the activities, the timing and responsible persons.

During the implementation of the project, various forms of work are used: book exhibitions, game quizzes, classes, search activities, excursions, theatrical activities, presentation of books, creation of bookmarks, booklets advertising G. Tukay's work.

The participants of the project are pupils of the senior and preparatory groups of the kindergarten, educators, parents.

Significance of the project "Journey Through the Books of Gabdulla Tukay" The fact is that thanks to the project, new directions have appeared in joint cooperation with the teachers of the preschool educational institution and the family to introduce children to the wonderful world of G. Tukay's poems and fairy tales.

Stages of project implementation

Gabdulla Tukay- the great Tatar poet, and as Mintimer Shaimiev said: "Truly, Gabdulla Tukay is the sun of Tatar poetry, which, once rising over our great land, will never set."


It is the work of Gabdulla Tukay that will help solve this problem. Tukay left a huge creative heritage, and poetry occupies the largest and most important place in it.
April 26, 2011 marks the 125th anniversary of the great Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay.

The inexhaustible interest of children, educators and me personally in his poetic and fairy-tale creativity prompted me to create the project “Journey through the books of Gabdulla Tukay”.
The project “Journey through Tukay's books” is aimed at familiarizing preschoolers with the work of G. Tukay, improving the reading culture of children, parents and educators. He considers access to the cultural heritage of the Tatar poet G. Tukay. In his works one can find answers to many questions of today.

It is valuable that Tukay's works are imbued with a deep love for his native land, its nature, his creative heritage from generation to generation instills in children love and respect for their home, native land, teaches them to value hard work, patience, lays the foundations for aesthetic perception of the world. It is impossible not to note the pedagogical and educational motivation in the poetry of G. Tukay, associated with children's literature. It is through the poems and fairy tales of G. Tukay that the child learns the world around him.

It is important that through his works, children learn the traditions of the Tatar people, their foundations: respect, respect for elders, kindness and responsiveness. They contribute to the formation in children of such valuable qualities of character as diligence, honesty, courage, modesty, responsibility, and interest in school and knowledge is instilled.

It is also important to promote the work of the poet, to cultivate a careful and reverent attitude towards the native language.

  • work with children
  • work with educators
  • work with parents

in collaboration with the library.

A long-term plan has been developed in these areas. The schedules of project activities define the activities, the objectives of the activities, the timing and responsible persons.

During the implementation of the project, various forms of work are used: book exhibitions, game quizzes, classes, search activities, excursions, theatrical activities, book presentations, creation of illustrated children's books based on G. Tukay's fairy tales.
The participants of the project are children of preschool age (from 5 to 7 years old), parents, educators and librarians.
Work on the project can be specially organized, as well as introduced into the usual planned forms of work.

Implementation period- the month of April.

Target: Increasing the efficiency of work to introduce children to the work of Gabdulla Tukay.


  • To acquaint children with the life and work of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • To cultivate love and respect for the works of Gabdulla Tukay.

  • To form honesty, truthfulness, kindness and responsiveness in children through the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • To cultivate the ability to enjoy the artistic word, the ability to use it in one's own speech (proverbs, sayings, folk sayings).
  • To learn to feel and understand the figurative language of Gabdulla Tukay's poems and fairy tales.

    To expand the ideas of parents about Tatar children's literature and introduce them to family reading of literary works.

Expected results of the project:

  • Creation of the necessary conditions in the kindergarten, group, family, library to familiarize preschoolers with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • The attitude of 80% of children to the works of Gabdulla Tukay is not only as entertainment, but as a source of cognitive interests.
  • Development of curiosity, creativity, cognitive activity, communication skills in children.
  • The ability of 25% of children to express ideas and suggestions.
  • Creation of a system of work to familiarize children with the works of Gabdulla Tukay.
  • Active participation of supposedly 80% of parents in the implementation of the project.
  • Parents' understanding of the importance of family reading.

Significance of the project "Journey through the books of Gabdulla Tukay" the fact that thanks to the project the interaction of the preschool educational institution has expanded, new directions have appeared in joint cooperation with the family, the library to introduce children to the wonderful world of poems and fairy tales by G. Tukay.

Stages of project implementation




Stage I - preparatory

– Discussion of the goals and objectives of the project with the participants.
- "Bank of ideas" (search, study of effective technologies and methods in the field of introducing children to the work of G. Tukay
– Creation of conditions necessary for the implementation of the project.
– Development of educational routes for project participants.
– Approaches to interaction with library staff, parents.
- Substantiation, prediction of the ways of project implementation.

1st week

1st week

1st week
2nd week

Project Manager

Educators Educators Educators Project Manager

Stage II - main (practical)

– Introduction into the educational process of effective methods and techniques for introducing children to the work of G. Tukay.
- Improving the subject-developing environment in the preschool educational institution (book corners, creating a library, information stands).
– Conducting classes with children to get acquainted with the life and work of G. Tukay.

– Parental general education (education of parents on the issues of familiarization with the work of G. Tukay).
– Creation of the necessary conditions in the kindergarten, group, family to introduce children to the work of G. Tukay.
– Development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations on the problem.

– Literary kaleidoscope with the presentation of the certificate “The best friend of the books of Gabdulla Tukay”

– Control over project implementation

During project implementation
During project implementation
During project implementation
During project implementation
During project implementation
During project implementation
4th week
During project implementation

Educators, librarians

Project leader, parents

Educators, parents.

Project Manager


Project manager Project manager

Stage III - final

– Development of project results. - Photo exhibition.
– Presentation of the project.
- Preparing and viewing a video clip.
4th week
4th week

Project Manager

Schedule of project events for children





Organize a mobile library "All about Tukay" in the group

Create conditions for the implementation of the project. To develop interest in the books of Gabdulla Tukay.

1st week


Evening loud readings "Journey to the world of books full of wonders of G. Tukay"

Introduce children to the books of Gabdulla Tukay.

1-4 weeks


Book exhibition for children in the library "Tukay for children"

To acquaint preschoolers with the books of G. Tukay and about him, to encourage them to read.

2nd week


Target visit to the library:
“He created for everyone, but more for children” (together with the children of the preparatory group and parents)

Continue to acquaint children with the work of G. Tukay, with the rules of conduct in public places. Clarify children's ideas about the library. Develop an interest in the written word. Cultivate respect for the book.

2nd week


Compilation of cards (proverbs, sayings, folk signs based on the works of G. Tukay)

To form search activity when working with literature. To help expand the horizons of children,
development of cognitive interest.

2nd week

Project Manager

Reading the works of Gabdulla Tukay: “Mother tongue”, “Baby and moth”, “Naughty kitten”, “Poor hare”, “Funny student”

Awaken and maintain children's interest in fiction. Learn to understand the idea of ​​the work. Develop the ability to evaluate the actions of heroes.

2nd week


Morning 5-minutes "The story of the read book by Gabdulla Tukay"

To develop the interest of preschoolers in Tukay's books; learn to write stories about what you read.

1-4 weeks


Musical activities: learning the songs "Tukai aby", "Tugan tel", listening to "March of Tukay"

Develop songwriting, listen to each other; learn to listen carefully to the work and determine which genre it belongs to.

1-4 weeks

Music director, educators

Sculpting based on the work "The Funny Student"

Fix the work of Gabdulla Tukay in modeling. The ability to create human and dog figures in children.

2nd week


Application based on the work "The Baby and the Moth" (senior group)

Fix the work in the application. To evoke a feeling of joy and desire to make the composition a colorful, colorful work; develop the ability to work collaboratively.

2nd week


Ecological lesson on the topic: "Visiting Shurale."

To acquaint children with such a natural phenomenon as the "water cycle in nature."
  1. To consolidate in children the previously acquired knowledge about the properties of water. Clarify knowledge about the benefits of dandelion, chamomile, oregano, St. John's wort and rose hips.
  2. To cultivate a careful and caring attitude towards nature and its riches.

3rd week


Game-auction dedicated to the work of G. Tukay "(senior and preparatory groups)

  • to systematize children's knowledge about the work of G. Tukay,
  • improve the skills of expressive reading of poems,
  • to inspire children to enjoy participating in entertainment,
  • to cultivate love for the Tatar folklore.

3rd week


Competition of children's drawings based on the works of Tukay "What I read, what I saw - I drew on paper"

Convey episodes of your favorite works in drawings. Develop imagination, creativity.

3rd week

Educators, parents

Reading competition "We read the poems of Gabdulla Tukay"

To improve the artistic and speech performing skills of children when reading poems.

3rd week


Exhibition of children's crafts based on the works of Tukay "My favorite hero" (together with parents)

To promote the development of skills in children of creative and manual labor, the development of imagination. Activate the joint creativity of children and parents.

3rd week

Educators, parents

Presentation of children's stories "My favorite book by Gabdulla Tukay"

To develop the creative activity of children in the process of compiling short stories based on the books they read.

3rd week

Educators, parents

Drawing "Let's play, Shurale!" (collective work based on the work of G. Tukay) (preparatory group)

To teach artistic perception, to distinguish between the real and the fabulous in illustrations; to teach to highlight the characteristic features of images, their relationships; choose an episode; develop imagination, cultivate interest and respect for Tatar folk art.

4th week


Theatrical performance "Theater of one poem by Tukay"

Develop theatrical and artistic activities. activities of children, to teach children to choose a role at will, to convey the characteristics of heroes, to evoke a joyful, emotional mood, to stimulate the desire to participate.

4th week

Educators, music director
Literary kaleidoscope with the presentation of the certificate "Best friend of Gabdulla Tukay's books."

To summarize the knowledge of children on the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

4th week

Project leader, teachers, parents.

Schedule of project activities for educators





"Round table" with the participation of educators and parents.

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. Generate interest in creating conditions for project implementation

1st week

Educators, parents

Methodical piggy bank

Development and accumulation of methodological materials, developments, recommendations for introducing children to the work of Gabdulla Tukay.

1-4 weeks


Consultation "How to introduce preschoolers to the life and work of G. Tukay"

Introducing children to the work of the Tatar poet Gabdulla Tukay.

1st week

Project Manager

Making a parent corner: posting articles, consultations, recommendations on the topic of the project

Education of parents on familiarization with the work of Gabdulla Tukay

1-2 weeks


Selection of books by G. Tukay in the group's libraries

To develop in children an interest in the works of Gabdulla Tukay.

1st week

Educators, librarians

Draw attention to the books of Gabdulla Tukay and to reading.

2nd week


Exhibition "All about Gabdulla Tukay"

Summarize and demonstrate the material accumulated in the work on the project.

4th week


Schedule of project activities for parents:





Questioning of parents on the study of reading books by Gabdulla Tukay

Find out whether parents read books to children that children prefer to listen to.

1st week


"Round table" with the participation of educators, parents and children

Discuss the goals and objectives of the project. To generate interest among parents in creating conditions for the implementation of the project

1st week

Educators, parents

Campaign "Give Gabdulla Tukay's book to kindergarten"

To replenish libraries in groups with books by G. Tukay. To continue to form in parents and children the desire to take part in the project

1st week


- "How to captivate a child by reading Tukay's books";
– “We recommend reading the books of Gabdulla Tukay”

Education of parents on the issues of familiarizing children with creativity with G. Tukay.

1-2 weeks


Target excursion to the library "I created for everyone, but more for children" (together with children and parents)

Continue to acquaint children with the work of Gabdulla Tukay. Clarify children's ideas about the library. Develop an interest in the written word. Cultivate respect for the book.

2nd week

Educators, parents

Campaign "Reading the books of Gabdulla Tukay"

To draw the attention of parents to the books of G. Tukay and to reading.

2nd week

Educators, parents

Parents' club "We are friends with Tukay's books with the whole family"

Provide parents with the opportunity to communicate with each other, share family experience in introducing children to the work of G. Tukay.

4th week

Project leader, educators


Cognitive game-competition "Gabdulla Tukay in our hearts" (together with children)

To consolidate knowledge on the work of G. Tukay.

4th weekProject manager, educators, music worker.

(The story of a country boy)

The work of Khairutdinova Zukhra based on the tale of Tukay, a pupil of the MDOU "Khasanshaikhsky kindergarten" of the Arsky district of the Republic of Tatarstan

Summer. Hot weather. Jump into the river - grace!
I like to dive and swim, gore the water with my head!

So I play, so I dive for an hour, or even an hour and a half.
Well, now I'm freshened up, it's time for me to get dressed.

Went ashore and got dressed. Everywhere is quiet, not a soul.
Involuntary fear creeps in this sunny wilderness.

On the bridges, why - I don’t know, I looked around in anguish ...
Witch, water witch appeared on the board!

Tousled braids are scratched by a witch over the water,
And in her hand sparkles a bright golden comb.

I stand, trembling with fear, hiding in the willows,
And I watch the wonderful comb that burns in her hand,

The water woman combed her wet braids,
She jumped into the river, dived, disappeared in the depths of the jet.

Quietly, I ascend the bridges, emerging from the dense foliage.
What's this? The witch forgot her wonderful golden comb!

He looked around: empty, deaf on the river, on the shore.
Comb - grab and straight to the house I run headlong.

Well, I'm flying, not feeling my legs, well, I'm racing like a fast horse.
I'm covered in cold sweat, I'm on fire.

I looked over my shoulder ... Oh, trouble, there is no salvation:
The witch, the water witch is chasing after me!

Don't run! - the demon screams. - Wait, thief!

Why did you steal my comb, wonderful golden comb?
I run, and the witch follows. The witch follows, I run.

A man to help! .. Quiet, muffled all around.
Through the pits, gullies, we reached the village.

Then all the dogs rose to the witch and poured themselves.
Woof! Woof! Woof! - not tired, dogs bark, puppies squeal,

The merman was frightened, quickly runs back.
I caught my breath, thought: “So the trouble has passed!

Water witch, you lost your comb forever!”
I entered the house: - Mother, I found a wonderful golden comb.

Give me a drink, I ran quickly, I was in a hurry to get home.
The golden magic comb silently accepts the mother,

But she herself is trembling, afraid, but what - you can’t understand.
The sun has set. Okay, I'm going to bed.

The day is gone.
And the cool and hay evening spirit entered the hut.

I lie under the covers, I am pleased, I am warm.
Knock on knock. Someone is knocking on our window glass.

Too lazy to throw off my blanket, too lazy to get to the window.
Mother, hearing, trembled, woke up from sleep.

Who knocks in such darkness! Get out, come on!
What happened to you at night? You are lost!

Who am I? Water Witch! Where is my golden comb?
Just now, your son, your thief, stole my comb!

I opened the blanket. The moonbeam shines in the window.
Oh, what will become of me! Ah, where should I go!

Knock on knock. Go away, demon, so that the devil takes you away!
And water - I hear - pours from long and gray hair.

It can be seen that I am not destined to own glorious prey:
The mother tossed the comb to the witch and slammed the window shut.

We got rid of the witch, but we couldn't sleep.
Oh, scolded, scolded, oh, my mother scolded me!

Remembering the ominous knock, I burn with shame.
And I stopped touching other people's things forever.