Full name n a kun. Nikolai Albertovich Kun - a prominent domestic historian, teacher, writer

Years of life:

From 01/01/1877 to 10/28/1940

He came from a Russified German family. The father of Nikolai Albertovich - Albert Frantsevich - was an educated man, was fond of science, knew Russian culture well.

Mother - Antonina Nikolaevna Ignatieva - from an old noble family, a capable pianist, a student of Rubinstein and Tchaikovsky.

Nikolai Albertovich graduated from Moscow University in 1903 with a first degree diploma. After graduating from the university, the scientist left for Tver, where he began work at the women's teacher's seminary. P.P. Maksimovich. In 1905 - 1906. Nikolai Albertovich worked at the University of Berlin with outstanding scientists in the study of classical antiquities and in the Museum of Ethnology. At the end of 1906 he returned to Tver, where he was elected chairman of the board of the Tver private real school. In January 1907, the People's University was opened in Tver, and Kun, who lectured on the history of culture, became its chairman.

In 1908 N.A. Kuhn is elected professor of world history at the Moscow Higher Pedagogical Courses. DI. Tikhomirov, where he taught until they were closed in 1918. At the same time, N.A. Kun taught history in educational institutions in Moscow, lectured at the Moscow Society of People's Universities. In 1911 - 1912. Nikolai Albertovich directed excursions of Russian teachers in Rome, lectured in Roman museums on the history of ancient art. The first edition of the most famous work of the scientist - a book with the original title "What the Greeks and Romans told about their gods and heroes" was published in 1914.

In 1915 N.A. Kuhn was elected a professor at the Moscow City University. A.L. Shanyavsky in the Department of the History of Religions. A year later - a professor in the Department of General History of the Nizhny Novgorod People's University. ON THE. Kuhn combined pedagogical work with education - lecturing in the cities of central Russia, the Urals, Ukraine. In 1920, Nikolai Albertovich was appointed professor at Moscow State University in the Department of History of Religion. Since 1933, N.A. Kuhn teaches at the Moscow State Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature (MIFLI). ON THE. Kun was directly involved in the creation of the Great and Small Soviet Encyclopedias, since 1933 he was the permanent editor of the Department of Ancient History, he wrote more than 300 articles.

On December 28, 1940, Nikolai Albertovich came to MIFLI to read the report "The emergence of the cult of Serapis and the religious policy of the first Ptolemies", but the reading did not take place, at the hour of the opening of the meeting, he suddenly died. He was buried in Cherkizovo (the Tarasovka station of the Yaroslavl railway), next to the eldest son and two daughters who died prematurely.

Interesting facts from life

Nikolai Albertovich knew the fine arts very well, he drew and photographed himself, so his books are distinguished by thoughtful and scientifically verified design, he himself selected illustrations and painted screensavers.

Nikolai Albertovich spoke twenty languages ​​- all European, "dead", classical.

Interview with the granddaughter of N. A. Kun

The granddaughter of N. A. Kun, Inna Ipolitovna Kun-Nemirovskaya, continues the work of her grandfather: scientific, pedagogical and humanitarian activities. She is the general director of the Moscow Center for Eurasian Humanitarian Cooperation, vice-president of the Movement of Humanitarian Forces, archivist, librarian. I. I. Kun-Nemirovskaya, who kindly agreed to tell about the life and work of her outstanding grandfather.

The name of my grandfather and guardian Nikolai Albertovich Kun is associated in our country and abroad "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece". The book has become truly popular, with more than a hundred editions in many languages ​​​​of the peoples of the former USSR and the main European languages. Often in millions of copies. In 2003 alone, a number of new editions came out. I do not know all of them, but I have five such publications. I feel great joy when I see the popularity of a book, I love unfamiliar fathers and mothers who read it to children, teachers, teachers, cultural figures, just people who are interested in the basis of humanitarian education - antiquity.

I also experience a great sense of bitterness. I will say in the words of S. S. Ilizarov, the first scientist who studied the work and biography of N. A. Kun. Simon Semenovich describes the fate of Nikolai Albertovich's book in the article "The Return of Nikolai Kun": "After Kuhn's death, his main book in an abbreviated, non-author's edition, with someone else's preface and someone else's title, was repeatedly reprinted in many cities of the USSR and abroad without mentioning the author. One of the last mass "waste" editions of N. A. Kuhn's work can be seen under the cover strange book "Legends and Tales of Ancient Greece and Ancient Rome".

The author's title of the book, which the author intended "mainly for pupils and students of the senior classes of secondary educational institutions, as well as for all those who are interested in the mythology of the Greeks and Romans," sounds different "What did the ancient Greeks and Romans tell about their gods and heroes". It is intended for students and students. This is truly significant: students are the main thing in the life of Nikolai Albertovich.

The author paid great attention to the design of his book. It reflects only the great creations of antiquity: Greek sculpture, drawings on a vase, images on temples, photographs of the originals. No liberties - everything is strictly scientific. Grandfather himself drew, he knew fine art very well. All illustrations were sacred to him. I know this for sure, since I myself grew up among the ancient gods and heroes that we had on all the walls, and in all our everyday life (I grew up in a museum).

There is a special feeling about the book. Nadia Rusheva - an outstanding young artist, who passed away at the age of 17, but left the world with 10,000 wonderful drawings. She was very fond of "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece." When she still couldn't read, she spent long evenings listening to her parents reread their favorite children's book aloud. As an eight-year-old girl, under the influence of the book by Nikolai Albertovich, Nadya created a cycle of one hundred small sketches "The Labors of Hercules". These are real masterpieces.

Knowing the fine arts of antiquity since childhood, I weep over many of Nikolai Albertovich's publications: their design would have driven him to despair. But I am powerless to change anything. Only some editions were especially pleasing: in 1992, the Greco-Latin cabinet of Yu. A. Shichalin published a book with the author's title and text of 1914. In 2000, the STD publishing house treated the illustrations with care, placed the author's introduction to the 1914 book and an excerpt from "Introduction" 1940. There remains great hope for the publication planned in the program "Heritage of N. A. Kuhn".

And yet, none of the more than a hundred editions of the book has a portrait of the author (he was a very handsome man!). Not a single book contains at least a brief biography of him. And only the name of the author. Sometimes with wrong initials.

In 2003, on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the beginning of the creative activity of the educator, historian and teacher Nikolai Albertovich Kun and the 90th anniversary of the first edition of his book "What the ancient Greeks and Romans told about their gods and heroes", the international charitable project "Kun's Heritage" was developed. An important role in the creation of the project was played by Moscow journalist Galina Nikolaevna Roganova. Her focused energy and love for the folk book made it possible to begin work. In the near future, a team of statesmen, scientists, publishers, patrons of the arts will eliminate the "white spots" in the life and work of Nikolai Albertovich Kun: all admirers of the talent of an outstanding educator and researcher will have the opportunity to get acquainted with the full anniversary edition of his works:

What the Ancient Greeks and Romans Said About Their Gods and Heroes was completed in May 1914. In the same year, it was published by the well-known Moscow publishing house I. N. Kushnarev and K. In the introduction, the author wrote:<Образы богов Греции не умерли, не умерли и образы великих героев. Они пережили века и живут вечно юные в наше время:. Мифы Греции не могут быть забыты, так как они являются одним из прекраснейших созданий гения греческого народа, вся культура которого оказала неизмеримое влияние на культуру Европы>.

During the life of the author, the book was published two more times: in 1922 and 1937. Before his death, Kuhn managed to sign an advance copy of the 1940 edition. As always, the illustrations were selected by Nikolai Albertovich himself. He also painted screensavers.

I was a child, but I remember well how much strength and health the 1937 edition cost him. "Romans" disappeared from the title of the book. I don’t know exactly why, but now we can assume: 1937, Europe, Italy, Rome, Mussolini:

There has been a lot of controversy around this edition. Officials did not want to publish the book: the gods in it are naked. And this is indecent. Therefore, photographs of world-famous monuments had to be published in a truncated "waist-length" form. The issue was not resolved for a long time, until the journalists, the Tour brothers, published in Izvestia a talented feuilleton "Olympus in shorts." The satire helped - the book came out with photographs of ancient masterpieces: without underwear. Thanks to the journalists. And now it is they who take an active part in the program dedicated to N. A. Kun: in Moscow - G. N. Roganova, in Alma-Ata - L. F. Eniseeva, in Pavlodar - Tamara Karandashova, in Cherkessk - Mikhail Nakokhov. I can't name all the journalists: I don't know many personally. These are people from Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Dagestan. In a word, from all the republics of the former USSR. And there are even more cities: from Vladivostok to Minsk, from Arkhangelsk to Tbilisi:

In 1907, Nikolai Albertovich published his translation of the book <Письма темных людей> - a pamphlet from the beginning of the 16th century by Ulrich von Hutten, a prominent figure in the Reformation in Germany. The book was considered untranslatable, as it was a satire on ignorance, an imaginary knowledge of Latin. For any translator - the most difficult task. It is necessary to be fluent not only in two languages, but also to preserve the sharpness of the satire of those ancient times. Kun did an excellent job with this task. The preface and comments are of independent scientific value: the history of the Reformation was one of the constant interests of Nikolai Albertovich. The second edition of the book with the author's preface was published (1935) by the Academia publishing house. Until now, experts insist on its re-release.

Interesting articles in the book for reading on ancient history: "In the palace of the Cretan kings", "At the Delphic oracle", "In the ancient Greek theater", Alexander the Great in Persia", "What do we know about Italian antiquity", "The Romans in the face of their gods .

A book was published in 1910 "African Tales"(with introductory articles) In 1915 - "Mohammed and Mohammedanism" In 1915 - "Italy in 1914"(in the series "War and Culture") In 1921 - 1922. - two editions of "Tales of the Gypsies", many articles. In 1922 - "The Predecessors of Christianity (Oriental Cultures in the Roman Empire)", "Primitive Religion", "Tales of the Peoples of the Islands of the Great Ocean". Prepared by Nikolay Albertovich for printing and "History of transport", "History of labor in essays". In the 1920s, many of Kuhn's works were published. He himself attached great importance to the book. "Greek colonies on the Black Sea".

Kuhn's great scientific merit was his work in the Great and Small Soviet encyclopedias, where since 1933 he was the permanent editor of the department of ancient history, writing over 300 articles and notes.

The core of my grandfather's life was the work aimed at educating young teachers.

In 1903, Nikolai Albertovich began work in Tver at the women's teacher's seminary. P.P. Maksimovich, which was founded in 1869 by Maksimovich, a member of the Tver provincial zemstvo council. The activity of the school was very successful: major teachers were involved in the work. The trainees of the teacher's school were future teachers of provincial urban and rural schools. Russia should always remember them with respect and warmth - they brought enlightenment to Russia. In Tver, Kun gave the first lecture on the history of ancient Greece at the women's teacher's seminary. From that moment began his work on the education of teachers.

In 1905 Nikolai Albertovich worked at the University of Ed. Meyer in Berlin. At the end of 1906 he returned to Tver, where he was elected chairman of the board of the Tver private real school. In January 1907, the People's University was opened in Tver. Kuhn, who gave his brilliant lectures on the history of culture, became its chairman.

In 1908, Kuhn was elected professor of world history at the Moscow Higher Women's Pedagogical Courses, founded at the Society of Educators and Teachers. D. I. Tikhomirova. He lectured there until the closing of the courses in 1918. It was the Higher Women's Courses that published the first major work of the grandfather<Письма темных людей>. At the same time, its author taught history in educational institutions in Moscow, lectured at the Moscow Society of People's Universities. When I came to school as a little girl in the 1930s and called my last name, the reaction of the teachers was very warm:<А кто тебе Николай Альбертович?>I answered:<Дедушка>. This is where the flow of memories of his teacher began.

In 1911 - 1912. Nikolai Albertovich led excursions for Russian teachers in Rome, lectured to them in Roman museums on the history of ancient art, the Roman Forum, and the Palatine. Even the Roman catacombs remember my grandfather's voice and his fascinating stories about the early Christians. Our family has a beautiful bronze instrument, presented to my grandfather by Roman cultural figures for promoting the history and art of the ancient world. This is our family heirloom.

In 1915, Kuhn was elected professor at the Moscow City University. A. L. Shanyavsky in the Department of the History of Religions. This university was opened in 1908 at the expense of the retired Major General Shanyavsky, whose goal was to<служить широкому распространению высшего научного образования и привлечению симпатий народа к науке и знанию>. Work at the university was for Nikolai Albertovich consonant with the goal of his whole life.

On January 17, 1916, the Nizhny Novgorod City People's University was opened, which is close in spirit to Shanyavsky University. The history of its creation is beautifully described in the book by A. F. Khokhlov<Университет, рожденный трижды. История создания и становления Нижегородского университета>. I am sincerely grateful to the author for the love for education with which this book was written, for his thoughtful, serious attitude to the questions of the history of the development of education in Russia. Nizhny Novgorod residents will be especially pleased to know that in 1916 Nikolai Albertovich was elected a professor at the Nizhny Novgorod People's University.

In 1920, grandfather became a professor at Moscow State University. At the same time he taught the history of culture at the 1st Moscow Pedagogical Institute (1918-1925). The love of music led Nikolai Albertovich to the Moscow Musical College. Rimsky-Korsakov.

From 1935 until his death, Nikolai Albertovich Kun was a professor at the Moscow State Institute of History, Philosophy and Literature, he lectured for teachers and female teachers.

The project, developed for the 100th anniversary of the publication of Kuhn's book, is primarily educational: its goal is to take care of teachers and educators in Russian schools and orphanages.

My grandfather was a passionate person. He knew the starry sky like his desk and talked about it with extraordinary passion. In the summer, all the family and guests, under the guidance of grandfather, looked at the starry sky: they were waiting for this or that star to rise. All this was romantic, arousing genuine interest among all the participants of the "open-air lecture". Nikolai Albertovich was a romantic nature, he was very fond of the theater, in his youth he played in amateur performances, wrote plays and stories, poems. He himself read his "Myths" perfectly - this was recognized by the actors of the Moscow Art Theater, among whom were many of his great friends.

I have already written about Kuhn's passion for drawing. This manifested itself in everything: the design of their stories, amateur performances, drawings for grandmother's embroideries, letters in pictures for children:

His hands were golden. Grandfather made his own office, except for the Voltaire chair: a desk, bookcases, an office chair, picture frames. I especially loved the lampshade for the table lamp. On it, of course, were depicted ancient gods and heroes.

The desk was large and I enjoyed playing on it. Grandpa made me bows, arrows, spears, helmets, everything was great! He even made me a "real" doll house and always made Christmas decorations and costumes with children with enthusiasm.

In Tarasovka, where we rented a dacha in the summer (we didn’t have our own), grandfather, with me and the neighbor boys, let out home-made kites - he made them perfectly. The pilots allowed them to do this right at the airfield, because Nikolai Albertovich told them a lot of interesting things, especially the myth of Daedalus and Icarus. Grandpa loved pilots. But the main requirement for the dacha, which was going to be rented, was free land, because grandfather had a wonderful flower garden and always had his own "scientific garden". Kun was also fond of photography: there are especially many photographic portraits of peasants and bright Russian people. He photographed rural teachers - this is a special place in his photo album. And mushroom picking:

Kun was inseparable from the forest, the river, the land in Tarasovka, as well as from his office, universities, books, and his native land - Russia.

The wife of Nikolai Albertovich (my grandmother) Elena Frantsevna Kun was also an amazing person. She came from a well-born Anglo-Scottish family, which also had German branches. By the 19th century, the family was firmly rooted in Russia. Grandmother was 12 children in the family. Her brothers and sisters became related to old noble families, with the offspring of representatives of the big bourgeoisie. Grandmother stayed alone with her elderly parents, kept an extensive correspondence with her father in English, German, French. I read a lot. According to religion, Elena Frantsevna belonged to the Anglican Church, becoming Orthodox only after marriage. Because I was brought up in Orthodoxy. The grandmother's family was categorically against her marriage to a novice scientist: because of this, you could lose your inheritance. The day after the secret wedding, Nikolai Albertovich and Elena Frantsevna together wrote a renunciation of the inheritance.

Nikolai Kun
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Name at birth:

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Full name

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Date of death:

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Place of death:

historian of antiquity

Years of creativity:

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Art language:

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"Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"


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Nikolai Albertovich Kun(May 21, 1877, Moscow - December 28, 1940, Moscow region) - Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular book "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" (), which has gone through many editions in the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR and the main European languages. Professor at Moscow State University.


Father, Albert Frantsevich, was an educated man, was fond of science, knew Russian culture well; had deep German and Anglo-Scottish roots. Mother, Antonina Nikolaevna, from the old noble family Ignatiev, was a very capable pianist, a student of Rubinstein and Tchaikovsky.

After graduating in 1903 with a diploma of the first degree and the prestigious prize. Sazikova for the essay, Faculty of History and Philology of Moscow University, he was left at the university, but due to his participation in the student movement, the presentation was not approved by the trustee of the Moscow educational district and he began working at the Tver Women's Teacher's Seminary. P. P. Maksimovich. In 1905 he worked at the University of Berlin with Professor Meyer and at the Museum of Ethnology. At the end of 1906 he returned to Tver; was elected chairman of the board of the Tver private real school. With the opening in Tver People's University in January 1907 he lectured there on the history of culture.

In 1908, he was elected professor of general history at the Moscow Higher Women's Pedagogical Courses of D. I. Tikhomirov, where he lectured until the courses were closed in 1918. At the same time, he lectured at the Moscow Society of People's Universities, taught history at educational institutions in Moscow (in 1915, according to the All Moscow yearbook, he taught at the G. Shelaputin Gymnasium).

In 1911-1912, he led excursions of Russian teachers in Rome, lectured in Roman museums on the history of ancient art, the Roman Forum, the Palatine. Since 1915 - Professor of the Moscow City University. A. L. Shanyavsky in the Department of the History of Religions. Since 1916 he has been a professor at the Nizhny Novgorod City People's University.

Since 1920, N. A. Kun has been a professor at the Faculty of Social Sciences at Moscow State University. At the same time he taught the history of culture at the 1st Moscow Pedagogical Institute (1918-1925). In the 1920s, N. A. Kun also taught at the Moscow State Musical College. Rimsky-Korsakov, the so-called "People's Conservatory", in the village of Cherkizovo.

From 1935 until the end of his life he was a professor.

From 1933 he was the editor of the department of ancient history of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, wrote several hundred articles and notes.

N. A. Kuhn was married to Elena Frantsevna Roper (1871-1961). She came from an old Anglo-Scottish family. Being the twelfth child in the family, Elena Frantsevna lived with her elderly parents; conducted extensive business correspondence with her father in English, French and German. Marriage with a novice scientist was not to the liking of Elena Frantsevna's parents, and they threatened her with deprivation of her inheritance. Before the wedding, Elena Frantsevna converted from the Anglican Church to Orthodoxy, and the next day after the secret wedding, the young spouses together wrote a renunciation of the inheritance.

N. A. Kun spent his last years at his dacha in Cherkizovsky park. He died before reading his report "The Rise of the Cult of Serapis and the Religious Policy of the First Ptolemies", which became his last work.

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  • (unavailable link since 24-04-2014 (1779 days))- available
  • Kun-Nemirovskaya I. I.
  • // Literary Russia. - No. 24. - June 15, 2007.

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An excerpt characterizing Kuhn, Nikolai Albertovich

May 18, 1927 An excerpt from a letter from Princess Elena to Alexandra (Alix) Obolenskaya:
“The same nice doctor came again. I can’t prove to him that I simply don’t have more strength. He says that I must live for the sake of little Vasilka ... Is it so? .. What will he find on this terrible land, my poor baby? .................................. Cough resumed, sometimes it becomes impossible to breathe. The doctor always leaves some drops, but I am ashamed that I cannot thank him in any way. .................................. Sometimes I dream about our favorite room. And my piano... God, how far away it all is! And was it all? ............................... and cherries in the garden, and our nanny, so affectionate and kind. Where is all this now? ................................ (out the window?) I don’t want to look, it’s all covered in soot and only dirty boots are visible … I hate damp.”

My poor grandmother, because of the dampness in the room, which was not heated even in summer, soon fell ill with tuberculosis. And, apparently weakened from the shocks, starvation and illness, she died during childbirth, never seeing her baby, and not finding (at least!) The grave of his father. Literally before her death, she took the word from the Seryogins that, no matter how difficult it was for them, they would take the newborn (if he, of course, survives) to France, to his grandfather's sister. Which, at that wild time, to promise, of course, was almost “wrong”, since the Seryogins, unfortunately, had no real opportunity to do this ... But they, nevertheless, promised her that at least somehow to ease the last moments of her, so brutally ruined, still very young life, and so that her soul, tormented by pain, could, at least with little hope, leave this cruel world ... And even knowing that they will do everything possible to keep their word to Elena , The Seryogins still didn’t really believe in their hearts that they would ever be able to bring this whole crazy idea to life ...

So, in 1927, in the city of Kurgan, in a damp, unheated basement, a little boy was born, and his name was Prince Vasily Nikolaevich de Rohan-Hesse-Obolensky, Lord Sanbursky (de Rohan-Hesse-Obolensky, Lord of Sanbury) ... He was the only son of Duke de'Rogan-Hesse-Obolensky and Princess Elena Larina.
Then he still could not understand that he was completely alone in this world and that his fragile life now completely depended on the goodwill of a man named Vasily Seregin ...
And this kid also didn’t know that on the paternal side, he was presented with a stunningly “colorful” Family Tree, which his distant ancestors wove for him, as if preparing the boy in advance to accomplish some special, “great” deeds ... and, thus, laying on his, then still quite fragile shoulders, a huge responsibility to those who once so diligently weaved his “genetic thread”, uniting their lives into one strong and proud tree ...
He was a direct descendant of the great Merovingians, born in pain and poverty, surrounded by the death of his relatives and the ruthless cruelty of the people who destroyed them ... But this did not change who this little man who had just been born really was.
And his amazing family began from the 300th (!) Year, from the Merovingian king Conon the First (Sonan I). (This is confirmed in the handwritten four-volume book-manuscript of the famous French genealogist Norigres, which is in our family library in France). His Family Tree grew and expanded, weaving into its branches such names as the Dukes of Rohan in France, the Marquises of Farnese in Italy, the Lords of Strafford in England, the Russian princes Dolgoruky, Odoevsky ... and many, many others , some of which could not be traced even by the world's most highly qualified genealogists in the UK (Royal College of Arms), who jokingly said that this is the most "international" family tree that they have ever had to compose.
And it seems to me that this “mixture” also did not happen so accidentally ... After all, all the so-called noble families had very high-quality genetics, and its correct mixing could positively affect the creation of a very high-quality genetic foundation of the essence of their descendants, which, according to happy circumstances, and my father appeared.
Apparently, “international” mixing gave a much better genetic result than purely “family” mixing, which for a long time was almost an “unwritten law” of all European noble families, and very often ended in hereditary hemophilia ...
But no matter how “international” my father’s physical foundation was, his SOUL (and I can say this with full responsibility) until the end of his life was truly Russian, despite all, even the most amazing, genetic combinations ...
But let’s return to Siberia, where this “little prince”, born in the basement, in order to simply survive, with the consent of the broad and kind soul of Vasily Nikandrovich Seregin, one fine day became just Seregin Vasily Vasilyevich, a citizen of the Soviet Union ... By whom he lived his entire conscious life, died, and was buried under a tombstone: “The Seryogin Family”, in the small Lithuanian town of Alytus, far from his family castles, which he had never heard of ...

I learned all this, unfortunately, only in 1997, when dad was no longer alive. I was invited to the island of Malta by my cousin, Prince Pierre de Rohan-Brissac, who was looking for me for a very long time, and he also told me who I and my family really are. But I will talk about this much later.
In the meantime, let's go back to where in 1927, the kindest souls of people - Anna and Vasily Seregins, had only one concern - to keep the word given to dead friends, and, by all means, take little Vasilka out of this "cursed God and people" of the earth to at least some safe place, and later, try to fulfill their promise and deliver it to a distant and completely unfamiliar France ... So they began their difficult journey, and, with the help of local connections and friends, they took my little dad to Perm, where, as far as I know, they lived for several years.
The further “wanderings” of the Seregins seem to me now absolutely incomprehensible and seemingly illogical, since it seemed that the Seregins circled Russia in some kind of “zigzags”, instead of going straight to their destination. But for sure, everything was not as simple as it seems to me now, and I am quite sure that there were thousands of very serious reasons for their strange movement ...

Kun, Nikolai Albertovich

Nikolai Kun

Historian Nikolai Albertovich Kun
Name at birth:

Kun Nikolai Albertovich

Date of Birth:
Date of death:

historian of antiquity


"Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"

Works on the site Lib.ru
in Wikisource.

Nikolai Albertovich Kun(May 21, 1877 - October 28, 1940) - Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular book "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" (), which has gone through many editions in the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR and the main European languages.


From 1933 he was the editor of the department of ancient history of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, wrote several hundred articles and notes.

He spent his last years at a dacha in Cherkizovsky Park. He was buried at the Cherkizovsky cemetery.

Scientific legacy


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers alphabetically
  • May 21
  • Born in 1877
  • Born in Moscow
  • Deceased October 28
  • Deceased in 1940
  • Deceased in the Moscow region
  • Historians of the Russian Empire
  • Historians of the USSR
  • Historians of Russia
  • Graduates of Moscow State University
  • Moscow State University teachers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Kun, Nikolai Albertovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Kun is a surname. The etymology may vary, depending on the original spelling. In Russian, the Irish surname Coon, Couhan, German Kuhn or other origins are pronounced and spelled the same. There are two Chinese surnames ... Wikipedia

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Phoenix (meanings). Briseis and Phoenix. Kilik ... Wikipedia

    Briseis and Phoenix. Kilik, approx. 490 BC, Louvre (G 152) Phoenix or Foynix (other Greek Φοῖνιξ) character of ancient Greek mythology, son of Amyntor, true friend of Peleus. Member of the Calydonian Hunt. With ... Wikipedia

Kun, Nikolai Albertovich

Nikolai Kun

Historian Nikolai Albertovich Kun
Name at birth:

Kun Nikolai Albertovich

Date of Birth:
Date of death:

historian of antiquity


"Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece"

Works on the site Lib.ru
in Wikisource.

Nikolai Albertovich Kun(May 21, 1877 - October 28, 1940) - Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular book "Legends and Myths of Ancient Greece" (), which has gone through many editions in the languages ​​of the peoples of the former USSR and the main European languages.


From 1933 he was the editor of the department of ancient history of the Great Soviet Encyclopedia and the Small Soviet Encyclopedia, wrote several hundred articles and notes.

He spent his last years at a dacha in Cherkizovsky Park. He was buried at the Cherkizovsky cemetery.

Scientific legacy


  • Personalities in alphabetical order
  • Writers alphabetically
  • May 21
  • Born in 1877
  • Born in Moscow
  • Deceased October 28
  • Deceased in 1940
  • Deceased in the Moscow region
  • Historians of the Russian Empire
  • Historians of the USSR
  • Historians of Russia
  • Graduates of Moscow State University
  • Moscow State University teachers

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

  • Control system
  • Anti-de Sitter space

See what "Kun, Nikolai Albertovich" is in other dictionaries:

    Kun Nikolai Albertovich

    Nikolai Albertovich Kun- Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Kuhn, Nicholas- Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    kun- Kun surname. The etymology may vary, depending on the original spelling. In Russian, the Irish surname Coon, Couhan, German Kuhn or other origins are pronounced and spelled the same. There are two Chinese surnames ... Wikipedia

    Nikolai Kun- Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Kuhn N.- Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Kun N.A.- Legends and myths of Ancient Greece. Third edition. Moscow: State Educational and Pedagogical Publishing House of the Ministry of Education of the RSFSP, 1955 Nikolai Albertovich Kun (1877 October 28, 1940) Russian historian, writer, teacher; author of the popular ... ... Wikipedia

    Phoenix (son of Amyntor)- This term has other meanings, see Phoenix (meanings). Briseis and Phoenix. Kilik ... Wikipedia

    Phoenix (hero of the Iliad)- Briseis and Phoenix. Kilik, approx. 490 BC, Louvre (G 152) Phoenix or Foynix (other Greek Φοῖνιξ) character of ancient Greek mythology, son of Amyntor, true friend of Peleus. Member of the Calydonian Hunt. With ... Wikipedia

Truly a legendary book. Of course, you need to remember that it is addressed to schoolchildren, while it is not a textbook and does not pretend to be a serious level. In essence, Kuhn's work is the shortest history of the mythology of Ancient Greece. The key word is "shortest". The creamiest. But with what interest it is read!

The book is divided into three parts - the gods of Olympus, the heroes on Earth, and, plus, Odysseus is taken out separately. Moreover, I believe that Kuhn's retelling of the Homeric epic turned out to be excellent and I would recommend reading it first, and then immersing yourself in the original source. Here is such a paradox.

So, what would I learn from this book if I read it yesterday for the first time:

1. About religion. The fact that for the ancients myths were actually a set of religious beliefs, I think, is not a secret for anyone. But here is something else. Comparison of Greek polytheism with modern monotheism. Look: those who believe in one God actually have him, a bunch of angels and every other retinue. The Greeks have the main Zeus and a bunch of smaller and simpler gods. Now for an easy comparison. If Zeus is God the Father, then the patron gods of all sailors, farmers, pregnant women, lovers and so on are the same modern saints Nicholas, Proskovia, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Anastasia the Patterner and again and so on. Well, the gods on errands like the rainbow-Iris or Hermes are all sorts of angels and archangels. And attention to the question - so what's the difference???
I have not yet begun to compare Tartarus with hell, but the groaning souls and donkey-legged devils are generally the same there.

2. About politics. Power - it is power in ancient Greece. The son overthrows his father, sets up a friend, walks over heads and corpses. Showdowns on Olympus do not stop, as in any Rada, Duma and the White House. Constant persecution of one another and all sorts of thefts - as an example, Hermes stole cows from Apollo, I generally keep quiet about Prometheus and the fire of Gefes.
Moreover, often the fights between these gods reminded me of the showdowns of the new Russians in the 90s, with the difference that the Olympians, in fact, are immortal.

3. About marriage and infidelity. Oh, this is my favorite theme in mythology. Sometimes they say that God is love, but the Greeks, apparently, believed that the gods should deal with it non-stop. Not Olympus, but some kind of brothel. And the most activist of the sexual front, of course, is Father Zeus. And his wife Hera was only engaged in pursuing his next lover. He will drive that one up the mountain, that one to the island, that one to the sea, or even send it to people. That's what it would be like not to pour diamond chips into ambrosia once and that's it? Okay, he's in charge. And again, immortal. I just wanted to stick a detective into mythology, so I said.
By the way, in order for a nymph or goddess to marry, in 90% of cases they must be kidnapped and forced to go to the Olympic registry office. A normal lady in her right mind doesn't do that there, because the remaining 10% are sisters who married brothers. Well, 9%, let's leave the percentage to chance ... Yes, and they didn’t put rings on their wives there, but fed them with pomegranate seeds - and that’s it, already a spouse. So, girls, do not buy pomegranates from married sellers!

4. About a headache. Yes, about this too. The well-known goddess Athena was born when Zeus had a headache, they cut it to pieces with a sword, and this beautiful militarist and weaver got out from there. And so, dear male colleagues, if Zeus himself can have a pregnant head because of a militant woman, then what can we say about us mere mortals!

5. About word formation. This is so, passing by - wow, how many international words are someone's mythological names! Echo, Yamb, Ocean, Arachne... But this is so - a moment of information.

6. About innocence. Finally. Virginity in mythology is a very unusual thing. Is there anyone who has not heard of the beautiful goddess of beauty Aphrodite? Here.
Gorgeous. Sportswoman. Not a Komsomol member, of course, well, it was just born at the wrong time. And a virgin - forever, which is typical. At the same time, she has several children and a shit cloud of lovers.
Do you know why? Everything is simple with the gods - if not married, then a virgin! Very convenient, in my opinion! Do you remember why not married? Because they couldn't steal...

In general, here is such a chic book that can be read like a fairy tale, or you can find food for thought on almost any topic.

Separately, I cannot but thank my twin Lenochka @bonita_senorita, who gave me this book as part of Secret Santa. And in a stunning design! Thanks to you, I not only re-read the myths and stories from Vladimir Kun with interest, but also enjoyed reproductions of the famous world masterpieces by Vrubel, Botticelli, Rubens, Goya and many others. Thank you so much! ☺