Enlightened despot, god of rastamans. Interest of foreign powers

"To open to my descendant on the 100th day of my death." With these words, the letter of Emperor Paul I begins, which took exactly 100 years to reach its addressee.

This Message of Emperor Paul I was kept in a special casket in the Gatchina Palace. Emperor Nicholas II knew about him for a long time and was waiting for the moment to open it, because many said that there was a message from the famous elder and monk Abel, to the whole emperor on the Russian throne. To each his own, in his specific time of reign. It is possible that such a message was written not only to the Emperors, but also to all those "leaders of the people" of ours who came after the overthrow of the Tsar. Only these messages are hidden from us in the state. archive. Our authorities cannot recognize the presence of a higher Divine plan. But back to Emperor Nicholas II, who in 1901 was going to the Gatchina Palace:

“That morning, the Sovereign and Empress were very lively and cheerful, planning to go from the Tsarskoye Selo Alexander Palace to Gatchina to reveal the age-old secret. They were preparing for this trip as for a festive merry walk, which promised them uncommon entertainment. They set off merrily, but returned pensive and sad, and they said nothing to anyone, not even to me, with whom they had the habit of sharing their impressions, about what they found in that casket. After this trip, I noticed that the Sovereign began to recall the future year of 1918 as fatal for him personally and for the dynasty. (Memoirs of M.F. Goeringer, Chief Kamerfrau of Empress Alexandra).

Here is what was in that letter, although perhaps not in such a complete version or in a different presentation, in the words of Emperor Paul I, but its meaning was just that.
“The Emperor Pavel Petrovich asked the monk Abel, to whom the royal great-grandson, Alexander III, whom Abel called the Peacemaker and successor on the throne to Alexander II the Liberator, would transfer the legacy and rule.

Abel answered: “To Nicholas II - the holy king, like Job the long-suffering. He will have the mind of Christ, long-suffering and dove purity. Scripture testifies to him: psalms 90.10 and 20 revealed to me his whole fate. He will change the crown of thorns for a crown of thorns, betrayed He will be his people, as once the Son of God. There will be a Redeemer, he will redeem his people with himself - like a bloodless sacrifice. There will be a war, a great war, a world war. Through the air, people will fly like birds, under water, like fish, swim, a gray fetid friend. "They will start destroying each other. On the eve of victory, the royal throne will collapse. And treachery will grow and multiply. And your great-grandson will be betrayed, many of your descendants will whiten their clothes with the blood of the lamb, so the peasant with an ax will take power in madness, but he himself will mourn afterward. Truly the Egyptian execution will come." ".

“Blood and tears will water the damp earth. Bloody rivers will flow. Brother will rise against brother. Russians. This is God's permission, the wrath of the Lord for Russia's renunciation of her God-anointed One. And whether there will be more! The Angel of the Lord pours out new bowls of disasters so that people come to their senses. Two wars, one more bitter than the other, will be. The new Batu will raise his hand in the West. The people between fire and flame, but it will not be cut off from the face of the earth, as if the prayer of the martyred king satisfies him."

"Is this already the death of the Russian State and there is and will not be salvation?" asked Pavel Petrovich.
“What is impossible for man is possible for God,” Abel replied, “God is slow to help, but it is said that he will give it soon and raise up the horn of Russian salvation.”

“And a great prince will arise in exile from your house, standing up for the sons of his people. This will be the chosen one of God, and his blessing is on his head. It will be one and understandable to everyone, the very Russian heart will smell it. His appearance will be sovereign and bright, and no one will say: "The king is here or there," but "this is he." The will of the people will submit to the grace of God, and he himself will confirm his recognition ... His name is destined three times in Russian history (note: Mikhail).
(from the book “The Life of the Monk Abel the Soothsayer”, edition of the Holy Trinity Novo-Golutvin Monastery, 1995, pp. 42-45).

After reading this letter, there was a famous attempt on the life of Emperor Nicholas II, at the beginning of 1905, 3 days before the sad events from the manifestation of the revolutionary socialist priest Gapon. Pop Gapon himself, shortly before that, met with Lenin in Europe, received from him a personal autograph on his next "brilliant" work. Yes, judging by this, not only pop Gapon received an autograph from him there. He received more money, instructions and approval for all his provocative actions in St. Petersburg, in events that went down in history as Bloody Sunday. It is possible that the plans of the conspirators could also include an attempt on the life of the Emperor himself during a provocative religious procession to the Tsar, during which the deceived people began shooting at the detachment near the winter palace.

But now it's not about that. We return to the palace embankment three days before this provocation, where the Emperor, with his retinue, must, as usual, perform the rite of blessing Jordan with water, but we note that you should not bathe in it. Previously, this custom was not in Orthodox Russia.

This event was described by their direct eyewitness, General A. A. Mosolov, who served as head of the office of the Ministry of the Imperial Court.

“On the day of Epiphany, January 6, the Sovereign with a brilliant retinue, preceded by the clergy and the metropolitan, left the Winter Palace and went to the gazebo, arranged on the Neva, where the blessing of water took place. The solemn service began, and the usual salute was given from the Peter and Paul Fortress with cannon shots.

During the fireworks, unexpectedly for everyone, large canister bullets fell - both on the pavilion and on the facade of the Winter Palace. About 5 bullets were counted in the gazebo, of which one fell very close to the Sovereign.

Neither the Emperor nor anyone else from the retinue flinched... Just before leaving, I and several other retinues picked up one bullet each from the floor of the pavilion.

The procession returned to the Winter Palace, and, passing by the Nicholas Hall, we saw several broken window panes. One of the officials of the St. Petersburg District approached the Sovereign and explained that in the muzzle of one of the guns there was a forgotten canister shell. The emperor silently walked on ... "

On that day, the Sovereign will once again say about 1918, that he has nothing to fear until this year, when he learns that as a result of an unsuccessful attempt on him, a soldier in the cordon, by the name of Romanov, accidentally died. After that, he will calmly go everywhere, even at the front under real enemy shelling. Sometimes even alone without his personal guard in deserted places, or vice versa, as was the case in 1903 at the Sarov Celebrations, when the crowd pushed the sovereign's retinue away. Tsar Nicholas calmly went to the very center of his Orthodox people, who surrounded him on all sides. Eyewitnesses at that time recalled that the Russian people sincerely love their Tsar, and if the Tsar had ordered them to die in battle for him at that moment, all this crowd of thousands in the Sarov field did it without hesitation.

The next message to the Royal family about their future and the future of Russia, they received during the days of the Sarov celebrations at the moment of glorification in the face of the saints of the Elder Seraphim of Sarov. There, Nicholas II was handed a letter from Elder Seraphim of Sarov.
It is known that Emperor Alexander I himself met with the elder. According to Orthodox tradition, after his death for the throne of Russia, the former Emperor Alexander I served for a long time as his cell-attendant under the name Fedor, then becoming Saint Fedor of Tomsk. So, Nicholas II already had an example from his reigning ancestors, who, for the sake of saving their country and their people, went to the monastery, accepting the holy feat.

There is also reason to believe that Pushkin met with the elder Seraphim of Sarov, thanks to this meeting Pushkin moved away from the Masonic affairs of the Decembrists, and at the time of their uprising on Senate Square, he refused to support them, allegedly because of some kind of rabbit who ran across his carriage on the way to St. Petersburg to Senate Square.

But let us return again to the Sarov celebrations, which was in that letter, we do not seem to know until now, but according to the words of the Elder himself, who often spoke about Russia and its future, we can assume the following content of this letter:

“There will be a Tsar who will glorify me, after which there will be great turmoil in Russia, a lot of blood will flow for rebelling against this Tsar and the Autocracy, but God will glorify the Tsar ... There will be great disasters on the Russian land. The Orthodox faith will be trampled on, the bishops of the Church of God and other clerics will depart from the purity of Orthodoxy, and for this the Lord will severely punish them. Any desire to change the rules and teachings of the Holy Church is heresy ... blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, which will never be forgiven. I, poor Seraphim, for three days and three nights prayed to the Lord that he would better deprive me of the Kingdom of Heaven, and have mercy on them. But the Lord answered, "I will not have mercy on them: for they teach the doctrines of men, and honor Me with their tongue, but their heart is far from Me."

“They will wait until such a time when it will be very difficult for the Russian Land without that, and on one day and at one hour, having agreed in advance, they will raise it in all places of the Russian Land, and on one day and at one hour, having agreed in advance , they will raise a general revolt in all places of the Russian Land, and, since many of the employees will then themselves participate in their evil intentions, there will be no one to appease them, and at first a lot of innocent blood will be shed, its rivers will flow across the Russian Land, many noblemen , and the clergy, and the merchants, disposed towards the Sovereign, will be killed ... "

“When the Russian Land is divided and one side will obviously remain with the rebels, while the other will obviously stand for the Sovereign and the integrity of Russia, then, your love of God, your zeal in God and in time - and the Lord will help the just cause - who have stood for the Sovereign and the Fatherland and the Holy Our Church - and the Sovereign and the entire Royal Family will be preserved by the Lord with His invisible right hand and will give complete victory to those who raised arms for Him (the future Sovereign), for the Church and for the good of the indivisibility of the Russian Land - but not so much blood will be shed here as when the right for The party that has become the sovereign will receive victory and catch all the traitors and deliver them into the hands of Justice, then no one will be sent to Siberia, but everyone will be executed, and here even more blood will be shed, but this blood will be the last cleansing blood, for after that the Lord will bless His people in peace and exalt the horn of His Anointed David, the servant of His Husband after His own heart, the Most Pious Sovereign Emperor. His holy right hand over the Russian Land has affirmed and more will affirm him.”

Another meeting of the Royal family was with Blessed Pasha of Sarov, to whom they came to the Diveevsky Monastery, for a prayer for the granting of an heir to the throne, after four daughters.
Blessed Pasha of Sarov
(Story by Hegumen Seraphim Putyatin, 1920)

“The modern great ascetic seer, Praskovya Ivanovna Sarovskaya, who lived last years life in Diveevo, and until now for several decades in the forest, who began her exploits during the life of the Monk Seraphim, the one who predicted the birth of a son to the Sovereign and Empress in a year, but "this royal chick will be born not for joy, but for sorrow," innocent and whose holy blood will cry out to heaven. In the last days of her earthly life, in her conditional but clear actions and words, she predicted a thunderstorm approaching Russia. She placed the portraits of the Tsar, the Tsaritsa and the Family in the front corner with the icons and prayed on them along with the icons, crying out: "Holy Royal Martyrs, pray to God for us."

In 1915, in August, I came from the front to Moscow, and then to Sarov and Diveevo, where I was personally convinced of this. I remember how I served the Liturgy on the feast of the Assumption of the Mother of God in Diveevo, and then, straight from the church, I went to the old woman Praskovya Ivanovna, having stayed with her for more than an hour, carefully listening to her future terrible predictions, although expressed in parables, but all of us with her cell attendant understood well and decipher the obscure. She then revealed to me a lot, which I did not understand then as it was necessary, in the ongoing world events. She told me back then that our enemies started the war with the aim of overthrowing the Tsar and tearing Russia apart. Whom they fought for and whom they hoped for, they will betray us and will rejoice in our grief, but their joy will not be long, for they themselves will have the same grief.

The clairvoyant, in my presence, kissed the portraits of the Tsar and the family several times, placed them with icons, praying to them as to holy martyrs. Then she wept bitterly. These allegorical acts were understood by me then as the great sorrows of the Tsar and the Family, connected with the war, because although they were not torn to pieces by a grenade and wounded by a lead bullet, their loving hearts were tormented by unprecedented sorrows and were bleeding. They were truly bloodless martyrs. As the Mother of God was not ulcerated by the instruments of torture, but at the sight of the suffering of Her Divine Son, according to the words of the righteous Simeon, a weapon passed through her heart. Then the old woman took the icons of the Tenderness of the Mother of God, before whom the Monk Seraphim died, blessed the Sovereign and the Family in absentia, handed them over to me and asked to be sent. She blessed the icons to the Sovereign, Empress, Tsesarevich, Grand Duchesses Olga, Tatiana, Maria and Anastasia, Grand Duchess Elisaveta Feodorovna and A. A. Vyrubova.

Only now it seems to me more clear how God revealed to this righteous woman all the coming terrible test to the Russian people who deviated from the Truth. It was not clear to me then why everyone, except for Grand Duke Nikolai Nikolaevich, had the icon not of St. Seraphim, but of the Tenderness of the Mother of God, before whom St. Seraphim died. At present, this is clear to me: she knew that all of them would end their lives as righteous martyrs. Kissing the portraits of the Tsar and the Family, the seer said that they were her relatives, dear ones, with whom she would soon live together. And this prediction came true. She died a month later, passing into eternity, and now, together with the Royal Martyrs, she lives in a heavenly quiet haven.

She also predicted what would happen to the strange after the death of the royal family: on August 1, 1903, the holy prophetess Pasha Sarovskaya predicted a terrible fate for the Tsar and Tsarina: to be killed along with their children in 15 years. And so it happened.
Saint Pasha of Sarov said to the royal family in her room:

“Four of your servants will be martyred along with you. For each killed out of 11 people, the Lord lays down 10 years. For Your Family - seven people, take it out and put it - the devil will walk around Russia. (The red devils walked around Russia for exactly 70 years - the author) And for each of Your servants, the Lord will double-check every ten years: has the Russian people repented? And if it has not repented, I feel sorry for this Russian people: they must vomit (from liberalism and republicanism) until they cry out: We have the monarchy! And here - the worse, the better, soon repent. But I tell you, Tsar, by the end of these 110 years there will be a Tsar in Russia from your dynasty. "We are waiting for the year 2028, the appearance of our Orthodox Tsar.

This is the largest and most famous phenomenon of predictions to the Royal Family and Nicholas II of his fate, the fate of the Russian state.

All this came true, we can safely state this after 100 years of these events, not counting the fact that Emperor Nicholas II himself spoke about his birthday and his future holy feat.

In 1909, Nicholas II, in a conversation with P.A. Stolypin lamented the frequent failures of all his undertakings. In response to the protest of the minister, the tsar suddenly asked:

Have you read the lives of the Saints?

Yes, at least in part, because, if I am not mistaken, this work contains about twenty volumes.

Do you also know when my birthday is?

How could I not know him? May sixth.

What is the holy day on this day?

Excuse me, sir, I don't remember!

Job the Long-suffering.

Thank God! Your Majesty's reign will end in glory, since Job, having humbly endured the most terrible trials, was rewarded with God's blessing and prosperity.

No, believe me, Pyotr Arkadievich, I have more than a presentiment, I have deep confidence in this: I am doomed to terrible trials, but I will not receive my reward here on earth. How many times have I applied the words of Job to myself: “For the terrible thing that I was terrified of has befallen me. And what I feared came to me.” And then he said: “Perhaps a redemptive sacrifice is needed to save Russia: I will be this sacrifice - may the will of God be done!”.

On my own behalf, I will add that the Biblical story of Job the Long-suffering really fits very well with what happened to the Russian Empire at the peak of its rise, when it seemed that everything had already been done and all the sacrifices had been made on the altar of its historical victory. If we instead of the character of Job, we put all our Russian States and the Russian Orthodox people in particular. Then the words of our holy Sovereign about Job the Long-suffering (about the Russian long-suffering people) acquire a different meaning, no less significant for us today.

It turns out the following picture: Russia, thanks to its God-frank and inspired policy of its Emperors, Tsars, flourished from year to year. And then Satan came to our Russian land. We read the biblical book of Job:

“And there was a day when the sons of God came to present themselves before the Lord; Satan also came between them.
7 And the Lord said to Satan, Where did you come from? And Satan answered the Lord and said, I have walked on the earth and have gone round it.
8 And the Lord said to Satan, Have you taken notice of my servant Job? for there is no one like him on earth: a man blameless, just, God-fearing and moving away from evil.

There is no such country as the Russian Empire and there is no such people as the Russian Orthodox who love the Lord their God and favor Him.

“9 And Satan answered the Lord, and said, Is Job fearing God for nothing?
10 Didn't You fence him around, and his house, and all that he had? You blessed the work of his hands, and his flocks spread over the earth;

Didn’t the Lord God give everything to Russia and the Russian people, in the person of his chosen Tsars and Emperors, didn’t He keep her from her enemies.

11 But stretch out your hand and touch everything he has, will he bless you?

Satan offered to the Lord God at the peak of the heyday and power of the Russian Empire, the Russian world, at the turn of time, to test us for loyalty to the Lord God. Will We be able, also after all these bloody and atheistic events, to thank our Lord God and not turn away from his face.

“12 And the Lord said to Satan, Behold, all that he has is in your hand; only do not stretch out your hand on him.”

From that moment began our test, tough and bloody, this is a test of our Orthodox faith and loyalty to our God-given Tsars, Emperors. This is a test not of one person in the case of Job, but of the whole God-chosen people, the Russian people of the New Testament, the long-suffering people over these 100 years. The Lord God let the hand of the devil on us, but not forever, for a time that is coming to an end. Therefore, the scale in our case is different and the time is different, until we pass our test to the end. But the meaning of the trial is the same, before the abyss of one's own death, on the edge of one's own state, to recognize by all the Russian people and to ourselves that without the Lord Our God and his God-given Orthodox Tsar we can do nothing. Neither in everyday affairs, nor in state affairs. “The fate of the Tsar is the fate of Russia. The Tsar will rejoice, Russia will also rejoice. The Tsar will cry, and Russia will cry, and if there is no Tsar, there will be no Russia either. Just as a man with a severed head is no longer a man, but a stinking corpse, so Russia without a Tsar will be a stinking corpse ”(Reverend Anatoly of Optina).

What year do the events described in the historical source refer to?

“When this warrior and voivode, Prince Mikhail Vasilievich Skopin-Shuisky, obeyed the tsar and came to Moscow, the son Alexei was born to the boyar Ivan Mikhailovich Vorotynsky. And less than two months after his birth, Prince Mikhail became a godfather, and the wife of Prince Dmitry Ivanovich Shuisky, Princess Marya, daughter of Malyuta Skuratov, became the godfather. And on the advice of the nodal traitors, she conceived a malicious intent ... And after the merry feast, Princess Marya offered a cup of drink to her godfather and congratulated her godson.

And in that bowl - a fierce drink is prepared, a drink of death.

  1. 1591
  2. 1610
  3. 1646
  4. 1730

Task 2

What is the name of the document, an excerpt from which is presented below?

"St. 1. People are born and remain free and equal in rights. Social differences can only be based on common good. Art. 2. The goal of every political union is to secure the natural and inalienable rights of man. These are liberty, property, security, and resistance to oppression.”

  1. Table of ranks
  2. habeas corpus act
  3. Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen
  4. Cathedral code

Task 3

In what year was the document, an excerpt from which is presented below, compiled?

“... we must have care for the integrity of our entire state, which for the sake of it we have decided to do this charter, so that this will always be in the will-governing sovereign, to whom she wants, he will determine the inheritance, and to a certain one, seeing what indecency, he will cancel again ... For the sake of this, we command that all our faithful subjects approved this charter of ours on such a basis that anyone who is opposed to this, or otherwise interprets it, he ... will be subject to the death penalty and the church oath.

  1. 1584
  2. 1605
  3. 1682
  4. 1722


1 2 3
2 3 4

1 point for each correct answer.

A total of 3 points for the tasks.

In tasks 4-6, select several correct answers from the suggested ones.

Enter your answers in the table.

Task 4

Which of the concepts, phenomena appeared in Russian society in the 18th century?

  1. recruit
  2. tax
  3. penny
  4. Assembly
  5. collegium
  6. reiter

Task 5

Which of the historical figures was a participant in the war that led to the creation of the Republic of the United Provinces?

  1. Gilbert de Lafayette
  2. William of Orange
  3. Georges Danton
  4. Guillaume Kal
  5. Fernando Alba
  6. James Watt

Task 6

Which of the battles took place during the Russian-Turkish wars?

  1. battle near the village of Lesnoy
  2. capture of the fortress of Izmail
  3. battle of Klushino
  4. Battle of Larga
  5. battle of Rymnik
  6. Battle of Gross-Jägersdorf


4 5 6
145 25 245

2 points for a completely correct answer for each task; 1 point for an answer with one error (one of the correct answers is not indicated or one incorrect answer is given along with the indicated correct answers).

Total for tasks 6 points.

Task 7

Here is a list of events that took place in three cities. Indicate the names of these cities and correlate the corresponding events with them. Enter all the information in the table.

  1. adoption of the Council Code
  2. death of Paul I
  3. the beginning of the work of the Legislative Commission under Catherine II
  4. the final defeat of the troops of I. Bolotnikov
  5. construction of the Admiralty
  6. foundation of metallurgical manufactories by A. Vinius


Total for the task 9 points.

Task 8

What, from a historical point of view, unites the elements listed in the series? Give the most accurate answer.

8.1. C. Montesquieu, D. Diderot, J. D'Alembert, F. Voltaire.

8.2. Makariev Monastery, Irbit, Astrakhan, Svensky Monastery.


8.1. French enlighteners.

8.2. Centers of fair trade in Russia in the 17th–18th centuries.

Total for the task 4 points.

Task 9

Give a brief justification for the series (what unites the listed elements from a historical point of view) and indicate which of the elements is superfluous on this basis.

9.1. E.R. Dashkova, B.I. Morozov, A.G. Orlov, G.A. Potemkin.

9.2. Semenovsky, Preobrazhensky, Pavlogradsky, Izmailovsky.


9.1. Statesmen of the era of Catherine II; extra element - B.I. Morozov.

9.2. Names of guards regiments in Russia; the extra element is Pavlogradsky.

2 points for each correct answer.

Total for the task 4 points.

Task 10

Arrange the following events in chronological order.

A) the first convocation of the Estates General in France

B) adoption of the Charter on cuts and purchases

B) Peace of Westphalia

D) the establishment of the patriarchate in Russia

D) Norman conquest of England

E) Grand Embassy to Europe


4 points - completely correct sequence. 2 points - a sequence with one error (i.e., the correct sequence is restored by rearranging any two characters). 0 points - more than one error was made.

Total for the task 4 points.

Task 12

Establish a correspondence between the events of domestic and foreign history that occurred in the same century. Write in the table the selected numbers under the corresponding letters.


4 6 3 1 2

4 points - completely correct match.

2 points - one mistake was made.

0 points - more than one error was made.

Total for the task 4 points.

Task 13

Determine the missing names in the text, names, dates, indicated by serial numbers. If necessary, with serial numbers, explanations are given about the nature of the required insertion. Enter the necessary inserts under the corresponding numbers in the table.

In the era of Peter I, new textbooks appeared, the most famous of them - "Arithmetic" (1 - author's surname), according to which they studied almost the entire XVIII century. Instead of the Church Slavonic, a civil type was introduced, similar to the modern one, and (2 - name) numbers. In 1702 the first printed newspaper began to be published. (3 - name), which reported on events abroad, on the construction of new enterprises. In 1700, the tsar ordered that the beginning of the year should not be 1 (4 - month), and on January 1 and at the same time introduced the reckoning from the Nativity of Christ, and not from (5 - biblical story event).

Under Peter I, the creation of the first museum in Russia began - (6 - name), which marked the beginning of the formation of historical and natural-science collections. Of great importance for the development of science in Russia was the creation of the St. Petersburg Academy of Sciences, opened in (7 - year).

Unique in its architectural appearance is St. Petersburg, which became the capital of the state in (8) year. The city was not only the favorite brainchild of the king, but also a symbol of his reign, an expression of the era of transformation. Peter I invited the famous Italian architect (9 - surname) who built the Tsar's Summer Palace in the new capital, building

twelve colleges and (10 - name) Cathedral.


1 point for each correct insert.

A total of 10 points for the task.

Task 14

Review the diagram and complete the tasks.

14.1. The fortress, marked on the diagram with the number _____, was taken by Russian troops in 1696.

14.2. With the unsuccessful assault by the Russian army of the fortress, indicated on the diagram by the number ______, the Northern War began.

14.3. The city, indicated on the map by the number ____, was founded in 1703.

14.4. The leader of the uprising, the area of ​​​​which is indicated on the diagram, was ____________________.

14.5. The territories indicated by hatching on the diagram were annexed to Russia under the terms of the ______________________ peace treaty.


2 points for each correct answer.

A total of 10 points for the task.

Task 15

Identify the historical figures to whom the following fragments of the text are dedicated. Match them with the corresponding fragments and associated images. Fill in the table: in the second column of the table write down the name of the figure, in the third column of the table write down the number of the corresponding fragment of text.

Fragments of texts

1) “There were not very many monks gathered, no more than twelve people ... When the cells were built and fenced with a fence, not very large, they put a gatekeeper at the gate, but he himself built three or four cells with his own hands. And in all the other monastic affairs that the brethren needed, he participated: sometimes he carried firewood on his shoulders from the forest and, breaking it and chopping it, cutting it into logs, carried it around the cells. Around the church there were many logs and stumps everywhere, but here various people sowed seeds and grew garden greens. But let us return again to the abandoned story about the feat of the monk ... how, without the laziness of the brethren, he served as a bought slave: he chopped firewood for everyone, as was said, and crushed grain, and grinded it with millstones, and baked bread, and cooked food, and the rest I prepared the food needed by the brethren; shoes and clothes he cut and sewed; and from the source that was there, he drew water in two buckets and carried it uphill on his shoulders and set it for each cell.

2) “Here I am entrusting my throne in Kyiv to my eldest son and your brother Izyaslav; obey him as you obeyed me; let him be yours instead of me; and I give Svyatoslav Chernigov, and Vsevolod Pereyaslavl, and Vyacheslav Smolensk. And so he divided the cities between them, bequeathing them not to cross the boundaries of the destinies of other brothers and not to expel them, and said to Izyaslav: "If anyone wants to offend his brother, you help the one who is offended." And so he instructed his sons to live in love.

3) “The law of God ... teaches us to devote the seventh day to him; why on this day we were glorified by the triumph of the Christian faith, and on which we were honored to receive the sacred anointing of the world and the Royal wedding on our Ancestral Throne, we consider it our duty ... to confirm throughout our Empire about the exact and indispensable fulfillment of this law, commanding everyone to observe in order to no one, under any circumstances, dared to force the peasants to work on Sundays, especially since for rural products the six days remaining in the week, according to an equal number of them, are generally shared, both for the peasants themselves and for their work in favor of the next landowners, with good management, they will be sufficient to satisfy all economic needs.

4) “From the Great Don Army to the city of Kharkov to Colonel Gritsk and all the petty bourgeois petitions. This year, in the 179th year of October, on the 15th day, by decree of the great sovereign and according to his letter, the great sovereign, we, the great army of the Don, went out from the Don Donets to him, the great sovereign, to serve, because the sky, the great sovereign, the princes did not become even from them, the traitors of the boyars, and we, the great army of the Don, stood for the house of the Most Holy Theotokos and for Evo, the great sovereign and for all the mob. And you, ataman hammer, Colonel Gritsko, with all the city people and townspeople, would become with us, the great army of the Don, for the house of the Most Holy Theotokos and for Evo, the great sovereign, and for all the mob, so that we all from them, traitors boyars, do not perish in the end.

5) “He went on a campaign, taking with him many warriors: Varangians, Chuds, Slavs, I measure, all, Krivichi, and came to Smolensk with Krivichi, and took power in the city, and planted his husband in it. From there he went down, and took Lyubech, and also planted his husbands. And they came to the mountains of Kyiv, and he learned that Askold and Dir reign here. He hid some of the soldiers in the boats, and left the others behind, and he himself proceeded, carrying the baby Igor. And he swam to the Ugorskaya mountain, hiding his soldiers, and sent to Askold and Dir, telling them that “we are merchants, we are going to the Greeks from him and Prince Igor. Come to us, to your relatives." When Askold and Dir arrived, everyone else jumped out of the boats, and he said to Askold and Dir: “You are not princes and not of a princely family, but I am of a princely family,” and showed Igor: “And this is the son of Rurik.” And they killed Askold and Dir ... "


1 point for each correct answer item.

A total of 10 points for the task.

Task 16

Before you is a fragment of a historical source. Read it and complete the tasks below.

“At the same time, the impious Lithuanian king rose to the Orthodox Christian faith (1) and raised up great wrath and malice. He came to the limits of the Moscow state under the city of Smolensk and ruined many cities and villages, destroyed churches and monasteries. The pious people living in the city of Smolensk decided rather to die in martyrdom than to deviate from Lutheranism, and many died of starvation and accepted a violent death. (…)

And that follower of the Antichrist, who called himself Tsar Demetrius, on the sly advice of the accursed Lithuanian army, began to destroy many areas with omnivorous fire and create great violence to the reigning city. But people ... did not understand the hostile slyness of the royal, they wanted to accept the prince (2) tsar to the Muscovite state. And for the sake of its simplicity and because of the imperfection of the mind of the god-chosen king (3) deposed from the throne, and excommunicated from the kingdom, and forcibly clothed in the monastic rank, and sent to the king near Smolensk, and the Polish and Lithuanian hetman with his army was let into the reigning city of Moscow.

16.1. Write in what year the siege of Smolensk began.

16.2. Write the name of the settlement where the headquarters of "Tsar Demetrius" was located.

16.3. Write in what year they overthrew "God's chosen king."

16.4. Name the names of the participants in the events indicated in the text by serial numbers.

16.6. What is “Lutheranism” about which the author of the text writes, and is he using this term appropriately?

16.8. On the basis of the text, indicate three reasons that "people wanted to accept the Polish prince as king and overthrew the god-chosen king."


16.1. Write in what year the siege of Smolensk began. 1609 (1 point).
16.2. Write the name of the settlement where the headquarters of "Tsar Demetrius" was located. Tushino (1 point).
16.3. Write in what year they overthrew "God's chosen king." 1610 (1 point).
16.4. Name the names of the participants in the events indicated in the text by serial numbers. 1 ‒ Sigismund III; 2 ‒ Vladislav;

3 ‒ Vasily Shuisky.

1 point for each name mentioned.

Only 3 points.

16.5. Why does the author of the text call the Polish king "impious"? "Unholy", that is, offending something sacred, vicious, sinful, the author of the text calls the Polish king because he "rose up on the Orthodox Christian faith" and "raised up great rage and malice."

2 points

16.6. What is “Lutheranism” about which the author of the text writes, and is he using this term appropriately? Lutheranism is one of the oldest movements in Protestantism, which got its name from the name of the founder

Martin Luther - 2 points.

The answer can be given in other formulations.

Only 4 points.

16.7. Why does the author call "Tsar Demetrius" a follower of the Antichrist? The author of the text calls “Tsar Demetrius” a follower of the Antichrist, because he considers him a fake, self-proclaimed king (like the Antichrist, who pretends to be the Messiah, but in reality has an evil essence)

2 points.

The answer can be given in other formulations.

16.8. On the basis of the text, indicate three reasons that "people wanted to accept the Polish prince as king and overthrew the god-chosen king."
  • “They didn’t understand the hostile cunning of the king”, they didn’t realize the true intentions of the Polish king - 1 point;
  • “Simplicity for its own sake”, that is, short-sightedness, short-sightedness - 1 point;
  • “Because of the imperfection of the mind”, that is, stupidity - 1 point

Only 3 points.

The answer can be given in other formulations.

Total for the task 17 points.

Maximum for work 85 points.

Who could rule in such a devastated country as Russia was at that time? Only a brilliant commander. Tough, strong-willed, and besides having a powerful army capable of pacifying all enemies. Most of all, a Tsar like Ivan the Terrible would be suitable for occupying the throne. The Dutchman Isaac Maas, a witness of those events, wrote: “I hope that God will open the eyes of the young tsar, as it was with the former tsar Ivan Vasilyevich; for Russia needs such a tsar, otherwise it will perish.”

However, Russia chose a peace-loving, “Meek” Tsar, who has neither an army nor money, to hire an army. Not having even an elementary education (having taken the throne, Mikhail could not write and could hardly read in warehouses). Such a King could be chosen only by God's providence. According to the whole faith of people in God and in the fact that He Himself will appoint a King for them. And, of course, according to popular conciliar prayers, because before the decision to elect Michael to the kingdom, Russia fasted for three days and prayed from young to old. Even the cattle did not receive food to participate in the fasting of "every creature." And the Lord looked down on Russia. And he gave her a pious, meek, simren Tsar, who, being in exile, in the Ipatiev Monastery spent time in prayers for his captive parents. The lad sincerely hoped in God, he believed that if he prayed earnestly, then all the dangers that threatened his mother and father would pass. Michael had great respect for his parents. And he became Tsar for a year, immediately took care of his father, captured by the Poles, sending hegumen Ephraim to him, so that Filaret would not be so lonely in a foreign land. After some time, Mikhail specially sent a boyar, Zhelyabovsky, to him, who was to personally verify the good health of Filaret and take a blessing for his son-Tsar. Mikhail himself prayed earnestly in Moscow monasteries for the release of his father. For the same purpose, he undertook pilgrimages to distant holy monasteries.

So, having neither education nor the slightest idea of ​​state government, Mikhail Romanov had another, most important gift - the gift of communication with God, knowledge of His will and acceptance of this will. He put all his trust in the Lord and was not put to shame. When Mikhail went to Moscow to be married to the kingdom, he drove slowly, without haste, visiting holy places and praying to God. And the Lord managed to stop him in large and small cities, and conduct active correspondence with the boyars. Mikhail stayed in Nizhny Novgorod, Vladimir, Yaroslavl, Trinity Monastery, Rostov, Suzdal. Therefore, the journey from Kostroma to Moscow lasted a long time - a month and a half, but during this time Mikhail completely got used to his new position. Thanks to negotiations and correspondence, he gathered around him just such people who became his faithful assistants in ruling the country. As the Dutchman Max Isaac hoped, "God opened the eyes of the young king."

Haile Selassie I, one of the most famous monarchs XX century, autocratically ruled his country for 44 years and considered himself a descendant of the legendary King Solomon and the Queen of Sheba.

His full title was "King of Kings, Ruler of Lords, Lion of Judah, Chosen by God and the Light of the World", while the very name "Hail Selassie" meant "Power of the Trinity". Haile Selassie was the emperor of one of the oldest Christian states on the planet and practically the only country of "Black Africa", never, except for a short period before and during World War II (when Ethiopia was captured by fascist Italy for several years), not only was not a colony not a single European power, but also maintaining equal relations with Europe and the whole world. During his reign, he managed to personally get acquainted with almost all the prominent politicians of the era, with many scientists, writers and public and religious figures, whose names still form our ideas about the development of the world in the middle of the 20th century.

Until now, the late emperor of Ethiopia is revered throughout the world by Rastas - as the embodiment of their god Jah on earth. The very name of this religious movement, "Rastafarianism", comes from its title and name before the coronation, "Ras (that is, the supreme feudal lord, prince) Teferi Makonnyn."

Haile Selassie I, who several times personally led (although often unsuccessfully) his almost untrained soldiers into battle against the Italian fascists, who used not only aircraft and tanks, but also chemical weapons in this war, became a symbol of Ethiopia's struggle against the invaders. The independence of the country was restored with the help of British troops in 1941, and the emperor was awarded many of the highest orders of the victorious countries in World War II. In 1963, largely on his initiative, the Organization of African Unity (now the African Union) was created.

Portrait of Haile Selassie in the Rastafarian village of Port Bouet in Ivory Coast

At the same time, by the time of the overthrow, the emperor, both in the West and in the countries of the socialist world, was considered a completely odious and bloody despot, who suppressed any dissent by force: for example, official slavery in Ethiopia was abolished only in 1951. Haile Selassie bestowed the first constitution in the history of Ethiopia on his subjects in 1931 - and it was largely copied from the Japanese Meiji Constitution of 1890. Hundreds of thousands of people died of starvation during his reign (despite assistance from the United States, the USSR and the World Bank for a total amount of 600 million dollars from 1950 to 1970, a colossal amount by the standards of those years), which was carefully concealed by the authorities from the outside world, were executed or died in internal and external military conflicts, primarily in Eritrea, annexed to Ethiopia after World War II.

At the same time, Haile Selassie has always remained one of the richest people on the planet, who owned gold mines, corporations, enterprises and real estate in countries from India to Brazil.

Shortly after the coup, the emperor died, according to the most common version - he was strangled in custody, and his body was hidden in the lavatory under the floor in the soldiers' barracks.

After the death of Haile Selassie I, Ethiopia embarked on the "socialist path of development" and became the closest ally of the USSR in Africa, which for many years received colossal financial, material and military assistance from Moscow, and the "red terror" began in the country and a mass of Soviet and Cuban military and civilian professionals. Since 1974, the plight of Ethiopia, for decades under the rule of ruthless left-wing radical revolutionaries led by Mengistu Haile Mariam and his followers, has only worsened, and it has plunged even deeper into the abyss of hunger, continuous external and internal military conflicts and total poverty.

In 2000, the found remains of the last emperor of Ethiopia were solemnly reburied in the main cathedral of Addis Ababa.

The late Haile Selassie I is remembered by a former Soviet petroleum engineer Grigory Lipkin, who worked in Ethiopia in the second half of the 60s of the XX century on debugging the equipment of an oil refinery. He had a chance to personally, albeit very briefly, communicate with the emperor:

- It was in 1967 in the city of Assab on the Red Sea. Then it was Ethiopia, today it is Eritrea. When the plant was completed, the emperor of Ethiopia, Haile Selassie I, came to its grand opening. When he came to one of the facilities that I started, I met him there. We greeted him - and Haile Selassie greeted us as if everyone else was interfering with us: "Now, they say, they will leave and, finally, we will sit and talk with you!" We walked with him 100-150 meters around the object. He spoke in Amharic with my Ethiopian partner. After that there was a royal reception-dinner. But this was no longer communication with the monarch, it was communication with the elite. His granddaughter was with him, then she was probably 10-11 years old, a sweet girl. He also had a grandson - an admiral of the Ethiopian fleet, who was probably 25 years old, no more, but I think less. He somehow unexpectedly appeared on my object. I even approached him and asked: what are you doing here? We talked to him for a bit afterwards. Communication was in English.

– Haile Selassie behaved like a monarch of the European type? Or did you feel that the people deified him, that there was some kind of very special relationship to him?

He was "our" monarch. But his entourage is rascals. Approximately the same as in Russia it happened. I could also observe this, because I saw his entourage - these were members of parliament, whom, in my opinion, he himself appointed. Aristocrats who owned large plots of land, who did not come across as the smartest people in the world. They reminded me more then of the Soviet Supreme Soviet! Well, blunt, frankly, people ... They could be annoying. There was a scene when during lunch (it was in a semi-open area) a man tried to break through to the emperor, apparently with a petition. But the guards quickly dealt with him and, I remember, drove him somewhere with rifle butts ... But I think that there was a deification of his personality among the people. Perhaps this is the right word. It was very difficult to get to him. Above all else, he's a hero! He also "defeated" the Italians in the confrontation. Eritrea was an Italian colony before World War II. Then, from there, the Italians captured all of Ethiopia, tried, in any case, to do this, and he led the resistance to Italian aggression. Thus, he became a hero of the nation, and not just an emperor.

– Did he continue to rely on his comrades-in-arms, those with whom he fought?

“I can't say for sure. I remember some people were next to him, for example, the "president's policeman". Haile Selassie always had some favorite little dog. So she hung all the time on the trousers of this "police-president"! I don’t know how much it was the person on whom he “relied” ... A funny moment that I remember.

- For you, as a foreigner, were any special conditions created when you lived in Ethiopia?

- It depends on what is considered special conditions. We were Soviet people, and any "condition abroad" was already "special" for us. The city of Assab was then very small. The streets were not paved. They were asphalted only after we built the refinery, and that was a few years later. I don't even know how many people there were, but very few. True, this is a port city. Quite large ships came there - Chinese, American, Soviet. Especially for the Soviet specialists (and there were quite a lot of people there, because the Soviet forces carried out the installation, construction of this plant, then we came to start it up) a hotel was built there. But the hotel is not in such a direct American-European sense of the word, but a kind of light building, with many open areas. It was comfortable enough.

– You were in Ethiopia in 1967. 7 years have passed, and the regime of Emperor Haile SelassieI was overthrown. When you were there, did you think that the regime was unstable?

- There were no such thoughts directly, but I could partly observe the fermentation of minds. For example, the operators who worked for me were trained, in my opinion, in Kapotnya in Moscow, they spoke a little Russian and English. It must be said that the operator of an oil refinery, according to Soviet concepts, was a working aristocracy, but in Ethiopia it is already just part of the intellectual elite ... So, these young guys read magazines and sometimes suddenly asked me questions: what system would be better for Ethiopia? Because something is not right here ... Is it like in America, or like in the USSR? I, as a Soviet person, tried to get away from these questions.

Russian, hospital, named after Dejazmach Balch, an Ethiopian hero. There were many all sorts of Soviet "institutions". I don't think it was all in vain, of course.

- Do you think that the Soviet Union aimed to overthrow this regime?

– I have no doubts about it. But this is, of course, a subsequent analysis. Then, when I worked there at the refinery, I was more interested in valves and valves, - says a former Soviet oil engineer Grigory Lipkin.