Russian Polish and Polish Russian translator. Polish words with pronunciation and translation

Because it's fun and useful for Polish learners! It's a very good idea to share knowledge of Polish with Russian speakers in the Polish-Russian Dictionary. Any user can make a contribution to the Russian dictionary and all translations will be taken into account. Polish is a fairly complex language with many dialects and therefore requires a continuous stream of new entries to keep up to date. Once a Polish translation for a certain word has been suggested, it is displayed as "untested" in the Polish-Russian dictionary. After that, in order to be added to the dictionary permanently, this word requires ten votes of confirmation from other users. In doing so, we maintain the high quality of the Polish-Russian dictionary.
If you want to take part, you need to register to activate your account and contribute to the development of the Polish-Russian dictionary. This is how you get points which can be checked on the world rankings page. Suggestions of new Polish entries to the Polish-Russian dictionary or confirmations of already recorded Polish words are two ways to accumulate points. If you have questions about grammar, culture or anything else related to languages, you can check the Polish-Russian forum and ask all questions there, as well as answer those questions that were asked by Russian or Polish users. You can write answers in both Russian and Polish.

Text input and translation direction selection

Source text on Polish you need to print or copy to the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Polish-Russian translation, you need to enter the text in Polish in the upper window and select the item from the drop-down menu with Polish, on the Russian.
Next, press the key Translate, and you will receive the result of the translation under the form - Russian text.

Specialized Polish dictionaries

If the source text to be translated belongs to a specific industry, select the subject of a specialized Polish dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. By default, a dictionary of general Polish vocabulary is used.

Translation from Polish.

Due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the Poles, there may be serious problems with the Polish translation into Russian. In Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. A qualified translation from Polish is practically impossible without the translator's knowledge of English. This specificity largely determines the complexity of working with the Polish language.
Among the things that you need to pay special attention to when choosing a translation from Polish into Russian words are Polish geographical names and their case forms, many of which sound unusual in Polish.
As with any other language, when translating Polish text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text verbatim. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, and not pick up words from the dictionary.

Do you need a quick translation from Russian into Polish? You do not want to contact a qualified translator and pay money for translation? In this case, you should use one of the free Russian-Polish online translators.

Russian-Polish online translators will help you translate text of any complexity in just a few seconds. If you have never used online translators before, be sure to try it. Of course, the quality of the results of machine translation into Polish will be much worse than professional translation, but sufficient for its task - to convey the general meaning. Translators will be especially useful to you if you frequently use the Internet.

Russian-Polish online translator Google Translate

The system is ideal for translating medium to large texts into Polish. To avoid abuse of the service, its developers have introduced a limit on the maximum possible length of text that can be translated at one time. This limit is 500 characters. However, you can easily get around this limitation if you divide your text into parts.

Russian-Polish online translator ImTranslator

ImTranslator will help you translate almost any text from Russian into Polish. You cannot choose the subject of the translation, but after the translation you can correct the result using a dictionary. In addition, ImTranslator also allows you to type text using the virtual keyboard.

You can translate up to 1000 characters from Russian into Polish at a time. If your text to be translated into Polish is very large, you can get around the translator's limitation by splitting the text into parts. After translation into Polish, parts of the text can be reassembled.

[+] Expand translator ImTranslator [+]

For the Russian-Polish translator to work correctly, you need to enable frames in your browser.

For the correct operation of the Russian-Polish translator, you must enable support in your browser JavaScript.

Russian-Polish online translator

Translator of texts from Russian into Polish from the site Maximum 500 characters at a time.

Russian-Polish online translator InterTran

The translator is designed to be used for simple purposes: translation of words and phrases from Russian into Polish, translation of phrases and short sentences. You can also use it to translate news and blog posts. InterTran is not suitable for translating large texts from Russian into Polish.

How to translate into Polish for free

If you need a translation into Polish, then it is not at all necessary to seek help from a professional translator or run to a translation agency. Of course, if you need a high-quality result, you cannot do without the services of an interpreter. But if translation is needed for simple tasks: to understand or convey the general meaning of the text, write a letter to your foreign acquaintance, leave a message on a Polish blog or forum - in this case, a free Russian-Polish online translator will suffice.

The advantages of free online Polish translators are obvious: speed and availability. In any place, at any time of the day or night, you can use an online translator, the main thing is that there is Internet access. However, online translators also have disadvantages - this is the low quality of translation results. Today, no free online translator can give a 100% high-quality translation result from Russian to Polish.

Despite its shortcomings, the benefits of online translators cannot be underestimated - they are an incredibly useful language tool that expands your options. And the quality of translation results is constantly improving. So use all the achievements of modern technologies to translate from Russian into Polish - Russian-Polish online translators.

Text input and translation direction selection

Source text on in Russian you need to print or copy to the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Russian-Polish translation, you need to enter the text in Russian in the upper window and select the item from the drop-down menu with Russian, on the Polish.
Next, press the key Translate, and you will receive the result of the translation under the form - polish text.

Specialized dictionaries of the Russian language

If the source text to be translated belongs to a specific industry, select the topic of a specialized Russian lexicon from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Laws, Music, and others. By default, a dictionary of general Russian vocabulary is used.

Virtual keyboard for Russian layout

If a Russian layout not on your computer, use the virtual keyboard. The virtual keyboard allows you to enter letters of the Russian alphabet using the mouse.

Translation from Russian.

The main language problem when translating from Russian into Polish is the impossibility to achieve the economy of language means, since the Russian language is oversaturated with frequent abbreviations and polysemantic words. At the same time, many Russian long sentences are translated in one or two words in Polish dictionaries.
When translating text from Russian, the translator needs to use words not only from the active vocabulary, but also to use language constructs from the so-called passive vocabulary.
As with any other language, when translating Russian text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, and not to translate the text literally. It is important to find in the target language - Polish- semantic equivalents, and not pick up words from the dictionary.

Text input and translation direction selection

Source text on Polish you need to print or copy to the top window and select the translation direction from the drop-down menu.
For example, for Polish-Russian translation, you need to enter the text in Polish in the upper window and select the item from the drop-down menu with Polish, on the Russian.
Next, press the key Translate, and you will receive the result of the translation under the form - Russian text.

Specialized Polish dictionaries

If the source text to be translated belongs to a specific industry, select the subject of a specialized Polish dictionary from the drop-down list, for example, Business, Internet, Law, Music and others. By default, a dictionary of general Polish vocabulary is used.

Translation from Polish.

Due to the peculiarities of the pronunciation of the Poles, there may be serious problems with the Polish translation into Russian. In Polish, the stress is always on the penultimate syllable. A qualified translation from Polish is practically impossible without the translator's knowledge of English. This specificity largely determines the complexity of working with the Polish language.
Among the things that you need to pay special attention to when choosing a translation from Polish into Russian words are Polish geographical names and their case forms, many of which sound unusual in Polish.
As with any other language, when translating Polish text, remember that your task is to convey the meaning, not to translate the text verbatim. It is important to find in the target language - Russian- semantic equivalents, and not pick up words from the dictionary.