Semantic relationships between parts are examples. Features of the chain type connection

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Target: repeat and summarize information about the main groups of a compound sentence by meaning and conjunctions.


  • improve the ability to determine semantic relationships between parts of a compound sentence;
  • consolidate the skill of punctuation in the SSP;
  • expansion and deepening of students' knowledge about punctuation between parts of a compound sentence.

Educational: to promote the development of students' speech culture.


  • Continue building student competencies: reflexive- through the formulation of goals, analysis, self-assessment and self-control of their activities; the ability to independently determine the tasks of their activities; continue the development of skills to compare, analyze, systematize the data obtained and draw conclusions; communicative- through various types of speech activity: monologue, dialogue, discussion; information - information transformation: text-scheme.

Lesson type. Knowledge consolidation lesson.

The goals of using ICT: increasing the motivation of students, enhancing the cognitive activity of students, optimizing the teacher's work. ICT tools are used at every stage of the lesson.

Planned result:


  • know the basic concepts of the topic.
  • determine the types of sentences, semantic relationships between parts of a compound sentence.
  • transform information: sentence - scheme
  • formulate their own point of view on the problem posed during the study of the material, argue it.

Forms of organizing the work of children: frontal, individual: systematization of the acquired knowledge, assessment of one's own activities in the lesson, self-control, mutual control.

Lesson equipment: computer, multimedia projector, presentation for the lesson “Compound sentence”, handout

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Actualization of existing knowledge.

Goal setting. Formulating the objectives of the lesson together with the students.

Syntax workout. Working with slides

Presentation. Slides #2-12. (5 sentences of different types and answers to them)

Task for students: determine the type of sentence, comment on your answer.

(Checking speech skills - monologue)

Self control. The correctness of each answer is fixed in the margins of the notebook with the signs “+”, “-”.

slide number Offers Answer Answer slide number
3 The coming years lurk in the mist,
But I see your lot on a bright forehead.
4 I love your silent voice
And poetic tears.
PP 9
5 The transparent forest alone turns black,
And the spruce turns green through the frost,
And the river under the ice glitters
SSP 10
6 Again I visited
The corner of the earth where I spent
An exile for two years inconspicuous.
7 The moon was shining, the July night was quiet. BSP

Explanation of abbreviations:

PP - simple sentence

SSP - compound sentence

SPP - complex sentence

BSP - non-union complex sentence

3. Application of knowledge.

a) Read the wording of the topic of the lesson, find the key words in it and determine the content of the terms. (The key words of the topic of the lesson are a complex sentence, a compound sentence, punctuation). slide number 13

1. Define a complex sentence.

2. Define a compound sentence.

b) Slides #14–17 . Generalized scheme “Varieties of semantic relations between parts of a complex sentence”.

c) Test your knowledge with examples. Slides #18–21

Students work on a diagram. (Handout)

Task for slide number 18.

1. Divide the sentences into groups according to the types of semantic relationships between the parts of the compound sentence. (1 point for each suggestion)

2. Draw sentence patterns. (1 point for each suggestion)

slide number


Slides #23-24
19 1. It seemed to fall like a fog, then it suddenly allowed a slanting rain.

2. Neither the sun is visible to me, nor is there room for my roots.

Then [ = - ] , then [ = - ].

Neither [ - = ] nor [ = ].

20 3. Not only children love computer games, but also adults are often addicted to them.

4. Either I will arrange everything as before, or I will challenge him to a duel.

Not only [ - = ] , but also [ - = ].

Either [ - = ] or [ - = ].

21 5. In the corner behind the stove, a cricket was crackling, and from afar came the peculiar spring voice of a house owl.

6. The song over the house was silent, but over the pond the nightingale started his own.

[ = - ] , yes [ = -].

[ - = ] , but [ = ].

22 Examination. Answers.

Mutual control. The correctness of each answer is recorded in the margins of the notebook.

For each correct answer 1 point.

Conclusion. Different groups of coordinating conjunctions must contribute different meanings to the sentence.

4. Workshop.

a) The key word of our lesson is also the concept of punctuation. Define the word: punctuation. How are parts of a compound sentence divided? slide number 25.

b) Put punctuation marks in the sentences. differentiated task. slide number 26.

  1. The sun was shining and it was raining. (1 point)
  2. On the mountain, either a forest of malachite hue spread, or curly thickets stretched, or grassy glades shone in the sun. (2 points)
  3. The conversation either fell silent or resumed with renewed vigor, and as if listening to the news, the river wave lazily touched the pebbles of the coast. (3 points)

Student self-control. The correctness of the answer is recorded in the margins of the notebook.

slide number 27.

c) problem situation. Explain why this sentence does not need a comma. slide number 28

In early April, starlings were already noisy and yellow butterflies were flying in the garden.

Good afternoon guys!

Each has everything special, its own,





Roosterslong ago they sang, and they play the horn.

Formulate the topic of the lesson:



    learn to

    learn to distinguish between types of compound sentences.

    2. Survey of students on the material given at home

    3. Learning a new curriculummaterial.

    4. Consolidation of educational material

    1. Let's write down the sentences, highlight the grammatical foundations in them, determine what semantic connection exists between simple sentences as part of compound sentences, with the help of what unions it is expressed. (let's try to rearrange the sentences)

    "5" - completed without errors;

    "4" - made 1 mistake;

    "3" - made 2 mistakes.

    2. Schematic dictation

    Autumn, but the weather is still warm.

    3. Test.



A. simultaneity of phenomena.

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition



Read the offers, complete the tasks.

2. Specify compound sentences.

3. The structure of which sentence corresponds to the scheme:

A B C D.


A. simultaneity of phenomena.

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition

5. Find a proposal with an alliance too.

"5" - completed without errors;

"4" - made 1-2 mistakes;

"3" - made 3 mistakes.

Test answers:

I option - 1-A; 2-A. B.; 3-B.; 4-B.; 5-A.

II option - 1-B., G.; 2-A., B.; 3-A.; 4-B.; 5-A.

    I earn my glory in battle.

    The bee is small and it works.

    5. Homework

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"Summary of the lesson on the topic "Semantic relationships between parts in a compound sentence""

Lesson summary

The topic of the lesson is "Semantic relations between parts in a compound sentence"

The purpose of the lesson:

create conditions for achieving educational results:

    personal (awareness of the aesthetic value of the Russian language, the ability to self-assessment based on observation of one's own speech);

    meta-subject (mastering the methods of selecting and systematizing material on a specific topic, the ability to transform information, the ability to determine the goals of the upcoming educational activity)

    subject (distinguish between semantic relationships in a compound sentence)

Lesson objectives:

    form the concept of a compound sentence,

    repeat coordinating conjunctions;

    contribute to the improvement of the ability to distinguish a complex sentence,

    to form the skill of constructing a scheme of a complex sentence;

The type of lesson is the lesson of mastering knowledge.

Means that ensure the educational process in the lesson: a computer, a multimedia projector, a presentation “Semantic relations in a compound sentence”, a textbook “Russian language. Grade 9. / M.M. Razumovskaya. - M .: Bustard, 2009 ”, notebook, handout.

    Organizing time

Good afternoon guys!

Today I would like to start our lesson with the words of E. Yevtushenko.

There are no uninteresting people in the world,

Their fates are like the history of the planets,

Each has everything special, its own,

And there are no planets like it.

What associations do these lines give you?

I pronounce these words and introduce each of you, interesting and unique. This is how I want to see you in every lesson.

Look at the sentence written on the board.

The roosters have long sung and are playing on the horn.

Reading this sentence, it's hard not to smile:

it turns out that the roosters first announced the beginning of the day with their crowing, and then they, and not the shepherd, played the horn.

What is our offer?


A simple sentence with homogeneous predicates connected by a union and.

What is missing in this sentence for us to understand everything correctly?


Missing comma between parts of a compound sentence before conjunction and, which will connect two simple sentences as part of a complex one.

Correctly. Now we have not a simple sentence with homogeneous predicates, but a complex sentence. And now everything is clear.

Roosters for a long timesang , andplay on the horn.

Can you tell what semantic relationships are expressed between the parts in this sentence?

- Then let's try to formulate the topic of today's lesson.

Formulate the topic of the lesson:

Compound sentence. Semantic relations between the parts of the BSC.

    Let's define the objectives of the lesson according to the key words:



learn to

    Repeat information about a compound sentence; coordinating conjunctions;

    Learn the features of a compound sentence; how is the BSC different from the PP with homogeneous members of the proposal;

    learn to distinguish between types of compound sentences.

Correctly! Today we will not only repeat the information already known to us, but also get acquainted with what semantic relationships can be between the parts of the BSC

Write the topic of today's lesson in your notebook

Semantic relations between parts in a compound sentence

2. Survey of students onhome-delivered material

Guys, let's remember what we know about SSP:

What proposal can be called SSP?

How are simple sentences related to each other as part of a compound?

Name the conjunctions.

3. Learning a new curriculummaterial.

Complete the table started in the last lesson by studying the textbook material on pages 42-43. Answer the question: "What semantic relationships can there be between parts of the BSC"

Check your notes against the notes on the board. Let's do a self-assessment.

4. Consolidation of educationalmaterial

1. Let's write down the sentences, highlight the grammatical foundations in them, determine what semantic connection exists between simple sentences as part of compound sentences, with the help of what unions it is expressed. (let's try to rearrange the sentences)

    It was already ten o'clock, and the full moon shone over the garden. (simultaneity)

    The knot cracked and the branch broke off. (subsequence)

    Blue silence hung in the trees, and weeping birches lowered their green braids down. (matching)

4) Either the gate quietly opens, or the door creaks. (alternating)

Do a self-assessment, put an assessment in a notebook.

"5" - completed without errors;

"4" - made 1 mistake;

"3" - made 2 mistakes.

2. Schematic dictation

Now you will not write sentences, but will make sentence schemes:

    The north breathes with the wind of the night and the sagebrush sways.

    The hollow water receded, and the river flowed in a narrow stream.

    It was getting dark and the room was getting dark.

    Autumn, but the weather is still warm.

    Lightning flashes, then thunder rolls.

3. Test.

I option

Read the offers, complete the tasks.

A. The snow rustles underfoot and it no longer turns white on the pavement.

B. They opened the door to the garden, and from there a thin and viscous smell wafted.

B. The winter forest breathes quietly, sensing the approach of spring, and gradually awakens from sleep.

D. It is quiet in the forest and smells of pine and grass.

1. Indicate the sentence in which a mistake was made in the punctuation mark.

2. Specify compound sentences.

3. The structure of which sentence corresponds to the scheme:

[indefinite-personal], and [impersonal]?

    What is the significance of the union in a compound sentence

Then suddenly a nightingale will trill, then a duck will quack?

A. simultaneity of phenomena.

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition

5. Find a proposal with an alliance but (no punctuation marks).

A. There was a rustle in the bushes, but it soon died down.

B. There was a rustle in the bushes, but soon it died down.

II option

Read the offers, complete the tasks.

A. Stand facing the waves and you will feel the freshness of the morning sea.

B. The end of winter and jackdaws scream incessantly in the trees.

V. In the forest, the air smells solemnly and quietly and spring-like.

D. I went to the seashore, sinking deeper and deeper into my thoughts and suddenly I saw a ship.

1. Find sentences with a punctuation error.

2. Specify compound sentences.

3. The structure of which sentence corresponds to the scheme:

[definitely personal], and [two-part]?

A B C D.

4. What is the meaning of the union in a compound sentence

The first steam locomotives shook my imagination, and I wanted to create these smart machines?

A. simultaneity of phenomena.

B. sequence

B. alternation

G. opposition

5. Find a proposal with an alliance too.

A. We hardly reached the forest, it took a long time to get to the forester's hut.

B. Ten days later, already finishing the campaign, we again ended up in the (same) village.

Make a peer review of the test, put marks

"5" - completed without errors;

"4" - made 1-2 mistakes;

"3" - made 3 mistakes.

Test answers:

I option - 1-A; 2-A. B.; 3-B.; 4-B.; 5-A.

II option - 1-B., G.; 2-A., B.; 3-A.; 4-B.; 5-A.

Let's summarize our work in the lesson. Let's remember the goals that we set for ourselves.

Which of the proverbs do you think can reflect the result of our work?

Try a proverb to describe your impressions of the lesson.

    I earn my glory in battle.

    God is God, don't be bad yourself.

    Holy God will not help to plow.

    Eyes with a veil, and a mouth with a yawn.

    Treat a doctor, learn from a smart one.

    Whoever hopes for heaven sits without bread.

    One eye on the mill, the other on the forge.

    You won't gain a good mind right away.

    Rely on your own mind, but hold on to someone else's.

    The bee is small and it works.

5. Homework

Repeat material on p. 39-40 (the concept of BSC);

study material on p. 42-43 (categories of coordinating unions, types of SSP);

complete exercise 64 (write off, emphasizing the basics of sentences and placing punctuation marks, determine the semantic relationships between parts of the BSC);

complete exercise 67 (tasks in the text of exercise 64-parse 3 sentences according to the scheme)

  • educational: repeat the main features of the text; semantic relations, means and types of connection between sentences of the text;
  • developing: develop students' logical thinking, analytical skills; skills of information processing of the text; compare linguistic phenomena; draw conclusions;
  • educational: to bring up attention to the word; interest in studying the structure of the text in order to better master the skills of composing a text, writing an essay.


I. Linguistic warm-up.

1. Lexico-spelling dictation.

Parallel connection, intonation, explanatory, work, grammatical, explanatory, tense, language norm .

  • What norm should be remembered when pronouncing the word "linguistic (norm)".

(in case of difficulty, use the spelling dictionary)

2. Assignment from part 1 (handout)

  • Read the sentences carefully.

A. Every language develops (albeit very slowly) and its norms change with it.
B. As you know, the language norm is the regulator of the correctness of the literary language and the condition for its stability, stability.
B. No, there are no unshakable norms.
D. But does this mean that the linguistic norm is constant, unchangeable, unshakable?

  • Is it text? Why? Is it possible to create text? Take action.

Conclusion: the text is ... (the students make the conclusion, the teacher corrects the answer)

  • Which sentence best expresses the main idea of ​​the text?

1) B
2) A
3) B

(answer: A)

  • What is the theme of the linguistic warm-up? Formulate the topic of the lesson, goals and objectives (recording the topic).

II. Semantic relations between sentences of the text.

1. The sentences in the text are interconnected by various semantic relationships. What, for example? How to define them?

2. What are the semantic relationships between sentences A. and B.?

  1. adversative
  2. concessions
  3. causal
  4. explanatory

III. Means and types of communication between sentences of the text.

  1. To link sentences in the text, the following types of links are distinguished: lexical, ... (students continue the chain, then I work with the table)

Table "Means of communication between sentences of the text"

Lexical repetition of a word, synonymous replacement, use of antonyms, polysemantic words, words with the same root, words of the same thematic group, keywords
Morphological replacement of nouns and other parts of speech with pronouns, aspectual-temporal unity of verbs, adverbs of place and time, introductory words and sentences, conjunctions, particles, etc.
Syntactic the presence of a question-answer form, syntactic parallelism, a certain word order in a sentence, incomplete sentences, sentences of the same structure, etc.
Stylistic the use of words belonging to the same style, tropes and stylistic figures, etc.
Intonation phrase length, speech rate, intonation, etc.
Graphic punctuation marks, red line, fonts and font highlights, writing words in a sentence with a ladder.

2. Among sentences A, B, C, D, find one that is connected to the previous one with the help of a union and repetition of a word.

(answer: D)

3. Between sentences in the text there can be the following main types of communication: ...

Using the table, determine the type of relationship between the sentences of the text. Justify your answer.

(answer: chain)

Table "Types of connection between sentences in the text."

4. Work in pairs.

Indicate the number of the offer that is related to the previous one

A) using pronominal adverbs.

(1) Artaxez got up at six in the morning, started working at half past seven, and returned home at eight. (2) So it was from day to day. (3) In five years, he has never been on vacation and has never been ill. (4) He also worked on Sundays. (5) in the two weeks that I lived in Artashez's house, I spoke to him only twice. (6) He always went to bed early. (Yu. Trifonov)


B) only with the help of a possessive pronoun.

(1) Emerald, a seven-month-old shearer, rushes aimlessly across the field, bending his head down and kicking with his hind legs. (2) He is entirely made of thin air and does not feel the weight of his body at all. (3) White fragrant chamomile flowers run under his feet back, back. He runs straight into the sun. (4) Wet grass whips on the sides, on the knees and cools and darkens them. (5) Blue sky, green grass, golden sun, wonderful air, drunken delight of youth, strength and fast running! (A. Kuprin)


C) with the help of a connecting union.

(1) you read a quarter, half an hour - and you notice that the students begin to glance at the ceiling, at Pyotr Ignatievich, one will climb for a scarf, the other will sit comfortably, the third will smile at his thoughts ... (2) This means that attention is tired. (3) Action must be taken. (4) Taking the first opportunity, I say some kind of pun. (5) All one and a half hundred faces are smiling broadly, their eyes are shining merrily, the rumble of the sea is heard for a short time ... (6) I also laugh. (7) Attention has been refreshed and I can continue. (A. Chekhov)


IV. Practical work in pairs. (Performing the task from part 2)

Read the text and complete tasks A1 - A5, B1 - B6.

(1) The defeated winter is gone, exhausted by the end of April. (2) Here, in the disturbing darkness, the universal, no longer layered, but tight, dense heat was born and moved, turning itself into a powerful and even wind. (3) The trees ready to bloom trembled, the clouds darkening in the sky collided with their broad foreheads. (4) dim spring lightning fell into the warm darkness of the forest, and the first crackling thunder boldly swept.

(5) A strange silence languishes in the forest after this roar. (6) The wind does not blow, but presses all at once, everything freezes.

(7) The rain hissed in the night profusely and briefly. (8) Everywhere in the scurrying, disappearing crown of the head, the earth smelling of roots is snuffling: grass sprouts are stirring in myriad numbers, raising and plowing open last year's leaves, needles and rotting twigs.

(9) In the morning, golden pillars of vapor rise in the clearings of the forest; like good ghosts, they silently and quickly change their gigantic contours. (10) On the birches, the branches come to life barely audibly; from bursting buds, they also change. (11) The sun comes out very quickly. (12) Furiously new, with indefinite outlines, it warms the still pale, but thickening with every minute green birch forest. (13) The birds sing excitedly, the earth continues to sniff and squeak, everything changes its image every minute. (14) Everywhere in the world there is life and freedom, and the heart empathizes with the feeling of liberation. (15) May there be no end to freedom and joy! ..

(V. Belov)

A1. In which sentence(s) of the text is the author's attitude to the described picture most clearly expressed?

1) 1,2
2) 9
3) 11,12
4) 14, 15

A2. Indicate the means of communication of sentences 11 and 12.

1) synonym
2) pronoun
3) lexical repetition
4) union

A3. What means of expression does the author NOT use?

1) epithet
2) rhetorical question
3) impersonation
4) rows of homogeneous members

A4. Which sentence uses the single participle?

1) 3
2) 1
3) 10
4) 12

A5. How to explain the use of a colon in sentence 8?

1) the generalizing word stands before the homogeneous members of the sentence
2) the second part of the non-union complex sentence explains the first
3) the generalizing word comes after the homogeneous members of the sentence
4) the second part of the non-union complex sentence indicates a consequence

IN 1. From sentence 3, write out the word in which the letter C stands for the sound sh.

IN 2. From the sentence (write out the word with a zero ending.

AT 3. From the offer; write out the phrase with the relation adjunction.

AT 4. Find in the first paragraph the sentence(s) where there is a gerund. Write down the number(s) of the offer(s).

AT 5. Indicate the number(s) of compound sentences.

AT 6. Indicate the number of the non-union complex sentence consisting of three parts.

Answer table

V . Summing up the work.

VI . Homework.

  1. do the work with the text, similar to the classroom.
  2. repeat the topic "Styles and types of speech."

Zbrodko Victoria Georgievna

MAOU "Secondary school No. 110"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Russian language

Grade 9

The Russian language lesson is designed for distance learning

Basic Tutorial:1. Russian language. Grade 9 [Text]: textbook. for 9 cells. educational institutions / L. A. Trostentsova [and others] -5th ed. - M. : Education, 2013.


Create conditions for familiarization with the concept of a compound sentence as an independent integral syntactic unit;its types; to promote the formation of skills to determine semantic relationships between parts of a compound sentence and students' knowledge about punctuation marks between parts of a compound sentence.


To get acquainted with the concept of a compound sentence as an independent integral syntactic unit; with its views; learn to determine the semantic relationships between the parts of the BSC, know about the correct punctuation marks and apply this knowledge in practice.

Lesson type

O discovery of new knowledge


Subject: know the basic concepts of the topic; be able to determine the types of sentences, semantic relationships between parts of a compound sentence, transform information: sentence - scheme;

to formulate their own point of view on the problem posed during the study of the material, to argue it.


regulatory UUD - to determine the purpose of educational activity and look for means of its implementation;

cognitive UUD - find answers using the information received;

communicative UUD - to be able to formulate their thoughts in oral speech, the ability to cooperate.

Personal: be motivated to learn and learn.

M Methods and forms

practical; individual

resources ,


Macbook white 2.4, DIALOG M-781HV Headphones, Logitech USB Desktop Microphone, Canyon CNR-WCAM820 Webcam, Team Viewer Compound Sentence Material


Compound sentences, semantic relations.

O organizational structure of the lesson

Didactic lesson structure

Teacher activity


Tasks that will lead to the achievement of the planned results

Planned results


I. Organizational stage

Greeting, checking readiness for a training session, organizing attention.


demonstrates readiness for the lesson.

L .: the formation of an emotional mood for the lesson

R: self-control

К.: readiness for educational cooperation

P: self-determination

II. Setting goals and objectives for the lesson. Motivation for learning activities

1. The teacher offers a task

"Third extra" Team Viewer

and questions.

2. What questions caused difficulty, why?

3. Offers to formulate the topic and objectives of the lesson.

1.Performs the task.

2. Fixes the difficulties that have arisen.

3. Together with the teacher formulates the topic and objectives of the lesson, writes down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.


"Third wheel"

1. Along the way, in the wilderness, there is a lily of the valley.

2. He still retained his shape, but no longer smells.

3. The dews are cold, and the fresh wind during the day dies the summer heat.


Name the difference between a simple sentence and a complex one.

What are the main types of compound sentences?

What is a compound sentence?

What semantic relationships can be between the parts of the BSC

R.: Setting the goal of educational activity, choosing the method and means of its implementation

III. Knowledge update

Proposes to make an analysis of proposals. TeamViewer

Proposes to make a BSC scheme

Comments on the production

punctuation marks.

Performs proposal analysis.

Makes a BSC chart

The conversation seemed interesting to him (Pierre), and he stopped to express his thoughts. L. Tolstoy.

Dunya sat down in a wagon beside the hussar, the servant jumped on the box, the coachman whistled, the horses galloped. A. Pushkin.

In the silence, a man groaned distinctly.

P.: performs universal logical actions (analysis)

systematizes own knowledge;

R .: controls learning activities, notices mistakes and corrects them;

K .: expresses his opinion, knows how to listen to the teacher.

IV. Primary assimilation of new knowledge

Offers to listen to a fragment (03.25 min.) of a video lesson by Mikhailova E.V., then perform work according to the scheme “Varieties of semantic relations between parts of the BSC” (p. 37) and further comparison of the work performed with the theoretical material of the textbook.

Listens, performs work according to the scheme “Varieties of semantic relations between parts of the BSC”, compares.

1. Now it seemed like fog fell, then suddenly it allowed oblique rain.

2. Neither the sun is visible to me, nor is there room for my roots.

3. Not only children love computer games, but also adults are often addicted to them.

4. Either I will arrange everything as before, or I will challenge him to a duel.

5. In the corner behind the stove, a cricket was crackling, and from afar came the peculiar spring voice of a house owl.

6. The song over the house was silent, but over the pond the nightingale started his own.

P .: the ability to convert information from one form to another;

TO.: ask questions in order to obtain the information necessary to solve the problem.

L.: is aware of his abilities in teaching;

V. Primary test of understanding

1. Offers independent work with the textbook p. 37 ex. 62(proposition 1, 4, 5)

Performs, evaluates with the help of a teacher.

Page 37 exercise 62

(proposition 1,4,5)

P .: modeling actions that display educational material, the formation of generalization of knowledge;

R.: orientated in the textbook; when doing practical work.

V. Primary fastening

Offers to insert unions, note what semantic relationships they express.

Performs, marks.

1. For a long time it was no longer heard ... the ringing of a bell, ... the sound of wheels on a flinty road, ... the pale old man was still standing in the same place in deep thought.

A. Pushkin.

P .: processes information to obtain the desired result.

L .: explains to herself "what I can do."

VI. information about homework, instructions for its implementation.

Informs about homework: textbook, p.37 (theoretical information), work with a practical task.

Asks clarifying questions.

Practical task (see appendix).

V. Results



Offers to answer questions.

to questions.

- What was the goal?

- Did you manage to solve it?

Where can new knowledge be applied?

- What type of work did you like?

P .: orients in his system of knowledge - distinguishes the new from the already known.

R.: control and evaluation of the process and results of activities

L.: an adequate understanding of success or failure in UD

K .: the ability to express one's thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy.

Attachment 1.

Exercise: put punctuation marks, analyze sentences.

  1. The conversation seemed interesting to him (Pierre) and he stopped to express his thoughts. (L. Tolstoy.)
  2. Dunya sat down in a wagon beside the hussar; the servant jumped onto the box; the coachman whistled; the horses galloped. (A. Pushkin.)
  3. In the silence, a man groaned distinctly.

Appendix 2

Exercise: put punctuation marks, determine semantic relationships according to the scheme in the textbook.

1. Now it was as if fog fell, then suddenly it allowed slanting rain.

2. Neither the sun can see the light for me, nor for my roots there is no space.

3. Not only children love computer games, but also adults are often addicted to them.

4. Either I will arrange everything as before, or I will challenge him to a duel.

5. In the corner behind the stove, a cricket was crackling and from afar came the peculiar spring voice of a house owl.

6. The song over the house was silent, but over the pond the nightingale started his own.

Appendix 3

Exercise : insert conjunctions, note what semantic relationships they express

1. For a long time it was no longer heard ... the ringing of a bell, ... the sound of wheels on a flinty road, ... the pale old man was still standing on the same

place in deep thought.

2. But here a sleepy silence descends on the nomadic camp, ... only the barking of dogs is heard in the silence of the night, ... the neighing of horses.

A. Pushkin.

Appendix 4. ( homework)

Exercise: Write sentences with punctuation marks. Determine which compound sentences by value are here

Represented. Make diagrams.

1) He never cried, but at times a wild stubbornness came over him.

2) The sun shone and the steppe smoked and shone.

3) I felt terribly sad at that moment, but something resembling laughter stirred in my soul.

4) Now the thought came to her to jump on the ramp and sing an aria, then she wanted to hook the old man who was sitting not far from her with a fan.

5) I liked her more and more, apparently, I also liked her.

6) The comrades treated him hostilely, the soldiers truly loved him.

7) And the air becomes sweeter and given more friendly and people are nicer and life is easier.

8) Only the heart beats and the song sounds and the string quietly rumbles.

9) The sun set and the night followed the day without a gap.

10) There were still ten versts to the nearest village, and a large dark purple cloud, which had come from God knows where, was quickly moving towards us.