Test whether you are a strong woman. Strong weak woman: who is she? How to preserve the equality won by great-grandmothers and at the same time be desired

I often hear women complain about men, saying that we forced you to be strong. And you would gladly continue to leave the cave, boil the mammoth and raise children.

But here's the problem: due to the fact that men cannot be relied upon, and there is no trust in us, you women are forced to be strong.

How did a woman become strong?

You have long and actively fought for your equality. They all put on trousers, learned to smoke and worked in heavy industries.

Just to prove to us men that you are the same. Looking back, we, modern European men, admit: we are ashamed of our predecessors.

Emancipation fee or “all men are goats”

We watch how you board the wheels on the road, open doors for yourself. And, even when we are nearby, call the waiters in the restaurant. Thus, as it were, you make it clear to everyone: he is not able to do even such an elementary thing.

And we ask ourselves: why do you need a man, if you are doing so well without us?

When you want to protect yourself from a woman

You demand care and protection from us. But we, hearing streams of accusations from you, they say, “all men are goats”, we want to defend ourselves from you ...

You sometimes deprive us of such an elementary right as courtship. Immediately go right off the bat - to sex.

You show a democratic modern approach to gender equality, which is already there. We are, of course, happy.

True, then we don’t understand why you demand relations of a different level from us. After all, according to the rules of the game, sex is just sex.

And again, “all men are goats, they only need one thing from us” ...

Why is it easier for you to say “I myself”, and for us- with phytons

“I myself” ... You are so actively demonstrating to us, men, your independence.

Then why do you feel lonely and complain?

Who can compete with successful women?

The Internet is full of articles by women flaunting their strength, with a bunch of enthusiastic responses from female fans. It is discussed how petty and primitive men are, how they do not reach the level of modern, worthy women.

And over a bottle of wine with the same strong-worthy-lonely you make fun of men with might and main. After all, those "out of weakness" choose home "lapdogs".

And these are not particularly educated, often not burdened with intelligence girls. Their only advantage, in your opinion, is their beautiful appearance.

“I bought and ride” - is this what thinking men are interested in?

Objectively, it must be admitted that due to low self-esteem, men really often choose phytonish.

Like an expensive car, expensive watches and other attributes of success - “I bought and ride”.

But normal, thinking men are not interested in such primitive girls. Like you - complex, strong, successful women. Why? Too difficult...

How to preserve the equality won by great-grandmothers and at the same time be desirable?

Listen, what do you say about us?

  • "The man is no longer the same."
  • "All men are goats and weaklings."
  • Or is it a humiliating "man" ...

Do you really think that, having felt this dismissive attitude, a man will rush to convince you: am I not like that? No, honey.

It is much more pleasant to communicate with the one who is naively waiting for the prince. It is better for her to prove that I am her prince. "What do you call the ship", you know

Selfishness that kills

Not only do you not know how to ask for help from a man, you do not even give him the opportunity to show initiative and care.

You yourself drag weights - sometimes you can’t even tear a heavy bag out of your hands!

  • You are desperately trying to earn on an equal footing, fighting with us in the tough conditions of a male business.
  • Don't believe in your man or do you think you can do it better?

And if our woman does not believe in us, our wings drop.

In addition, it is very convenient - why, if you are all on your own.

Look, you're just taking away our right to feel powerful.

Changed? Not scary- Let's

A strong woman forgives her husband's betrayal and, clenching her teeth, drags life and children on herself. Do you know that while you forgive us cheating, we shamelessly change?!

This is low and does not justify us. But impunity inspires!

Put out your husband's suitcases after the first betrayal, there would be no second time! Remember, you endure, we use ...

Will there be a strong man next to a strong woman?

You sting and itch. You insult people. You interrupt and prove your case in public.

This is disrespect and disrespect!

And you want SUCH a man to be strong, your protection and wall?!

You, like a flag, carry your strength, drink alcohol along with us. And then you gnaw out with your teeth the attitude towards yourself as a weak girl? ...

I'm sorry, but you do not cause a desire to protect you, rather - to protect FROM you.

When your choice is life behind barbed wire

From pain and loneliness, you convince everyone around you and begin to believe yourself: you are SO more comfortable - to be strong. And we believe you. And you fence yourself off with an even bigger fence with barbed wire.

  • You are self-sufficient in your strength.
  • You work like a man.

Remember, even if you are dressed feminine, your “strength” is betrayed by a prickly look and a man’s quick gait.

Women will be saved ... harmony

Harmony in a feminine way is not a search for compromises, where one gives in, and the other suffers or attacks.

It is a search for a balanced solution that benefits both.

This is how your female thinking differs from our male - linear. After all, it is so important when initially contradictory energies coexist harmoniously.

It's in your nature - find harmony and balance in everything!

Strength in your weakness!

When you purr like a cat, you control us more than any whip! And at your "women's" trainings you are told that this is primitive ...

A woman, by virtue of the maternal instinct inherent in her, is tolerant of the inconsistency of her character. She knows how to harmonize the polar elements.

Listen, you, like a mother, always find an approach to "different" children.

Look at yourself through the eyes of a man

You are smart, educated and savvy with knowledge from diverse trainings (not always successful, believe me).

Your abs, brains and chakras are pumped.

You are young at any age, meditate, win tenders and buy cryptocurrency at the same time.

Well, tell me, how can we get to you?!

Amazons have no place here - along the path of least resistance

Of course, it's easier to take a girl without special mental abilities, who will look into our mouths. Next to this, we will feel like gods.

Look, it's all about the unwillingness of a man to see an Amazon next to him and withstand everyday sparring with her.

And, let's be honest, almost all of us are notorious little boys inside. We crave recognition and admiration.

Instead, next to such a strong and smart one should always be “on top”, while you want to relax and exhale at least at home.

And "on you, as in a war" ...

Don't be a mommy

But turning into a mommy is another extreme. They do not sleep with their mothers and do not take care of them ... Although it is very convenient for us.

We are happy to enter into such relationships. But, when you saw us like mothers, we avoid communication and turn our attention to "girls". After all, they make you feel like a man.

A strong woman is an insecure man

And one more important point, born from self-doubt.

We are tormented by the question next to such a self-sufficient “all by myself”: “Will I pull it? But will she look at another, more successful and stronger?

Avoiding loneliness is easy

So how can you be? To remain successful as well. otherwise you don’t want to, and weak, feminine. How to encourage a man nearby to be strong and take care? Being a little girl...

Remember, it is important to realize that by making your man weak, you run the risk of remaining in splendid isolation in the end.

A normal man is simply not interested in such a "woman" full of male energy.

Are you looking for reasons to be happy? Well, you have to be happy anyway, right? When you are alone. So what's stopping you from being joyful and happy NEXT to your beloved man?!

Woman, subdue your male fervor

Find within yourself harmony and balance of yin and yang energy.

  • Meditate.
  • Cultivate feminine habits.
  • Quit smoking (it's not sexy, we don't like it!), pamper your body with relaxing treatments.
  • And also stop swearing and gossiping - a real man does not respect this.

Just be grateful

Communicate with men - any - respectfully. Learn to see the virtues in any man.

This does not mean that you need to give up inner strength and acquired social, sometimes masculine, skills. But do it like a woman.

Don't forget your feminine nature.

When we let you go ahead, open the door for you and offer physical help, agree and thank! Sincerely.

Thank the men around and, especially, your man for the advice, help and care that they offer.

Gratitude for every little thing and female weakness “I can’t do it myself” you provoke men to want to be strong next to you and perform feats every day.

The male world wants to help you. Are you ready?

Forget your usual “but, anyway, I’ll do better”, “you’ll wait for figs from them.” You can not?

Train yourself with simple requests. Ask for help carrying a heavy bag from the store, a colleague - to take you to the car.

A man is arranged in such a way that, having received a “command” to do something, he must pass it through an internal analytical center. There he tries to understand, "what is happening - how to do it better - or maybe it will resolve itself - why strain."

And do not be mad that we do not immediately fulfill your requests. We often just do not have time to get involved in the task!

Do not immediately rush with a venomous, accusing look to do everything yourself.

Calmly ask, react without offense to non-inclusion, repeat your request.

Woman - this is trust in the World and your Man

Believe in a man, relax and trust him. He will break into a cake so as not to let you down in your expectations!

Do you want a strong and courageous man? Remember, then you have to look like a weak one.

Not helpless, not helpless! And how smart, mature, but one that you want to support and protect. Believe in him...

Saving "captivity" for a strong woman

Remember, for your love, we will move mountains!

To see your enthusiastic look, gratitude, recognition. This is your female power.

Look, it's from a lack of recognition that we commit adultery, not even from a lack of sex.

Carefully use the power that Nature has given you.

Be strong, brave, but gentle and feminine!

Surrender to the “captivity” of your man. So you will win the global battle with yourself for the happiness of being loved by a worthy man.

I wish you love
Yaroslav Samoilov

There is a common concept - "strong woman", but we all remember the old wisdom - "the strength of a woman is in her weakness." Many women want to be strong, but by what criteria can we understand whether a woman is strong or not? You can often hear the opinion that a strong woman is a successful woman who knows how to stand up for herself, move up the career ladder, earn money, and achieve her goals. To become “strong”, women attend special trainings for women - “Stervology Course”, “Female Pickup Truck” or “How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You”, read books “Stervology: A Short Course for a Busy Bitch” and similar literary aids, where the general meaning comes down to the fact that the strength of a woman lies in her ability to professionally manipulate men in order to get married, manipulate at work in order to break through and make a career, while, preferably, without experiencing any feelings. There are special courses and schools where they teach simple female tricks and manipulation techniques. It is served, as a rule, under a “sweet sauce” - a woman should know her own worth, should love and respect herself and be able to defend her opinion, because it’s hard to disagree with this. And the main weapon of a woman is also actively promoted - her sexuality, which is proposed to be used in any cases in order to achieve what you want. Undoubtedly, by skillfully manipulating people and getting used to the role of a bitch, you can achieve some success: break through the career ladder, seduce and fall in love with yourself (in other words, “marry yourself”) the right man. But is this the success that a woman dreams of, mastering such simple techniques and techniques? When you make your way through life through manipulation, you choose a certain path, moving along which such concepts as “trust”, “sincerity”, “romance” and even “love” quietly disappear. When a woman seduces a man, using various tricks, when she makes the main bet on sexuality, then marrying a man, mutual disappointment inevitably comes. When luring a man into professionally placed nets, a woman must discard emotions and feelings and take care of the correct strategy and tactics for implementing the seduction plan. We are not talking about love here, everything is planned and the result is achieved. A man, on the other hand, falls in love and marries an image artificially created especially for him. But it is impossible to play any role all your life, and after a while it turns out that a man is not ready to accept and love a woman for who she really is. Then family life begins - loneliness together.

There is another aspect of female "strength". Strong, financially independent women usually want to find a man to match. But can two "strong" people get along together. As life experience and the experience of family psychologists show, such partners rarely live together for a long time. Between such partners there are often ongoing wars for supremacy, for the right to make decisions even in small things. Most stable alliances include both a strong and a weak partner. The layout is like this:

  • strong women attract weak men
  • weak women attract strong men

Of course, this is done unconsciously. In the life of strong women it turns out like this - those men who like her (strong) do not pay attention to her, and those (weak) who like her - she does not like. Now it's time to reveal the secret. What is the true strength of a woman? Again, the old wisdom comes to the rescue: "the strength of a woman is in her weakness." But what is this weakness? There is a huge difference between the weakness in which a woman is absolutely emotionally dependent on a man, has low self-esteem, cannot imagine life without a man, and much more like that, and another true weakness, behind which lies her greatest power.

Being a True Woman means, on the one hand, being so weak as to attract strong men, being feminine, soft, unique. And on the other hand, to be so strong that, being feminine, giving life on earth and warmth to her family, she does not turn into a “rag”.

How to become that very - True Woman? This is a whole art, perhaps the most important in a woman's life. Where can one comprehend this art, who will help to master it? People study this art all their lives, but someone still cannot comprehend its wisdom, and someone understands it too late. To reveal exactly the true power that gives a woman that very greatest power, even now, personal growth training can help - training in self-knowledge, self-disclosure. Personal psychological training for women will help to discover and realize new facets of personality. Of course, in one training one cannot completely change and master all the secrets of the art of being a Woman. However, the experience collected by psychologists around the world, the experience gained over the years of communication and psychological work with women, allows you to help in a short time to find out about yourself what was securely hidden in the subconscious, to determine personal values, set new life priorities, find internal personal resources, start the process of change and find the source of your "Light".

Test "Are you a strong woman": questions

When some trouble or problem happens, how do you react?

A strong woman is:

A. A man in a skirt! (Or just a silly thing that drags everything on itself.)

B. Me! A strong woman is a standard to strive for.

B. This is the one that, if necessary, can withstand any test with honor.

When was the last time you cried?

A. Today (or yesterday). In other words, this week.

B. When I was 15 years old! And now I'm a big girl. Big girls don't cry!

Q. I'm not a crybaby, I don't cry more than once a month. But I don't think there's anything wrong with crying.

Test "Are you a strong woman": results

You have more answers. You're just a greenhouse rose. However, there is nothing wrong with that! You are an emotional person and do not like to keep feelings and experiences in yourself. Indeed, it is better not to accumulate resentment and feelings, but to get rid of them in time.

But be careful: try not to overdramatize the situation. Otherwise, you risk turning from an emotional girl into an ordinary hysteric. Look at life easier, and everything will be fine!

Do you have more answers?. You are a real iron lady. Nothing seems to upset or break you. You are definitely a strong woman. But think about it, don't you often come into conflict with the outside world and people?

Many situations and problems could be resolved much faster and easier if you tried to solve them without gritting your teeth, but with a calm smile. Stop fighting with the whole world, and your life will immediately become easier. The more often you smile, enjoy life and believe in yourself, the less often you will have to use your legendary strength and fighting qualities.

Do you have more answers?. You are a smart woman! And you are so wise that you don't even have to use force. You manage to build your life in such a way that all problems are solved as if by themselves. Your optimism helps you move forward easily and effortlessly. If necessary, of course, you can show yourself as a strong woman, but if you continue to be the same positive person, then it is likely that you will no longer need to fight. Keep up the good work!