What to do if you lose your job and are left without money. If you have lost your job

In our unpredictable world, people increasingly value stability, which provides confidence in the future. Work contributes to this stability, so many are terrified of losing it, even if it does not bring any pleasure.

Meanwhile, the number of unemployed increases every year, companies break up, firms close, and employees in demand suddenly acquire the status of “unemployed”. I lost my job, what should I do?

Keep yourself together

Getting fired is not the end of the world, but an opportunity to start over. Of course, finding a new job is not an easy task, but if it happens, you will have to try to find exactly what the soul lies in.

On the day of dismissal, you should not rush into the embrasure in search of a new job. Relax, collect your thoughts, do not listen to people who are sure that it is impossible to find a job now.

Rule: whoever seeks will always find, acts. Do not give up the support of loved ones if their words really help.

Remember, this is your life and you have the right to manage it the way you want. It is worth taking time to think, let it be a day or two when you just sit down and think in silence.

Often people who lose their jobs come to the conclusion that they never liked it. Fear prevents many people from turning around and believing in their own strength. Dismissing or closing a company is a chance to think about the correctness of your life.


Now that you don't have to jump out of bed and rush to work in the morning, there's time for introspection.

If mistakes were made on the last work, draw conclusions. If you were fired, for sure the problem lies not only in the terrible character of the director, but also in your wrong actions somewhere.

It is important to learn to find the positive in unpleasant situations, then it will be easier to adapt to various life changes. Self-analysis will help you understand yourself, realize your mistakes and change your own vision of a particular situation.

We set goals

Goals written on paper are realized much faster than those that are constantly scrolled in the head. It is necessary to paint the action plan in detail, phased implementation will allow you to concentrate on the important.

If you approach this issue with a positive attitude, then finding a job will be an exciting activity that provides new knowledge and useful contacts.

It often happens that people are content with what they have, because they are afraid to radically change their lives. Probably, for this reason, there are so many dissatisfied people who are not in their place and are forced to pull this strap until the end of their days.

For a purposeful person who wants to find his place in this life, there are no excuses that weak personalities often resort to.

Among the most common excuses that prevent a person from developing and achieving success, it is worth highlighting:

  • Lack of experience;
  • No vacancies;
  • Problems in the country;
  • Fear of the unknown;
  • Low salary.

If desired, each person can find a job, it is clear that you will have to work hard before the management will appreciate your efforts. But once you set a goal, you can't back away from it. Only perseverance can achieve positive results.

A new job involves learning, well, this is a great opportunity to gain knowledge and experience. Many people believe that you need to learn and develop in youth. But, the saying “live and learn” refutes such illogical arguments.

Human development takes place in constant knowledge of the world, the only way to expand the horizons that will help move on.

Lost my job what to do

Anyone can lose their home. Faced with this problem, some do not lose heart and open up new opportunities for themselves, while others fall into a deep depression, believing that the dismissal will be the beginning of the end.


So, what to do if overnight you have acquired the status of unemployed?

  • To get started, you should register with the Employment Center, unemployment benefits will help you stay afloat for a while;
  • Review your expenses, you may have to save on something;
  • Until you find your dream job, take care of an additional source of income. There are many opportunities that will help you get money, albeit small;
  • Write a good summary and plan your actions. After that, it's time to start sending resumes;
  • Set aside time each day to search for jobs online;
  • Get ready for interviews. Everything is important: appearance, correct speech, skills, experience from previous places, and so on;
  • Upgrade your skills. This means that suddenly appeared free time can be used wisely, courses, seminars, books will help you with this.

Feeling sorry for yourself and standing up for fate is not an option for strong and purposeful individuals. Waiting for the weather from the sea is also not an effective way, you need to tell your friends and acquaintances about the job search, the more people are involved in this, the faster the result will appear.

Search errors

It is worth highlighting the most common mistakes that prevent you from finding a job.

  • An incorrectly written resume can be the reason that you will not be hired for a new job;
  • Passivity in this matter is not an ally. Be proactive, even if the employer said that he would call back when he made a choice. It is worth knowing the results of the interview and, for example, the reasons for the refusal;
  • Late for an interview. It is better to arrive a few minutes early and wait than to tell a potential employer about the reasons for being late. Studies have shown that about 80% of late applicants did not get the desired position;
  • Cheating during an interview. Talking about your many positive aspects, you should tell the truth and nothing but the truth. The deception will sooner or later be revealed and this will affect future relationships with colleagues and with the employer;
  • Unfinished self-presentation. You need to be sincere, original, but you should not talk about your personal life until you are asked about it.

Losing a job is not a reason for self-flagellation, because this is a real chance to improve your life, make it brighter, richer, while gaining invaluable experience. Some people go to work as a holiday, they do not wait for the weekend like manna from heaven, because such workers have found their place under the sun.

First you need to decide whether it really is depression, because now it is customary to call any psychologically difficult condition the term depression. If a person who has lost his job no longer needs anything: neither sleep, nor eat, nor communicate, let alone work - this is depression, with which you need to immediately go to the doctor and not for advice, but for a course of medication.

What to do if you lose your job?

And now we can talk about what to do with the depressing state caused by the loss of a job.

Speaker — Margarita Kashuba, Englishdom

First, you need to understand that everything that scares you so much is just your wild imagination, drawing terrible pictures of your hungry future. I think this is not the first time you have been left “aground”, and earlier you had “hungry” days during the working period. But somehow they got out? They did not die of hunger.

Therefore, the first thing you should do is to reassure yourself that this time you will somehow find a solution to the problem. There are friends, relatives from whom you can take, borrow money, at worst - come to dinner. You have a roof over your head, you are healthy. And given the fact that you are reading this article, you also have a computer or some kind of gadget with Internet access.

So breathe in and out, calm down and it's time to start drawing up an action plan for finding a job - this is, secondly. The plan should not be like “from Monday I will start changing and changing my living space.”

A clear sequence of specific actions that are mandatory for immediate implementation:

  • Tell all your friends and acquaintances about your job search, both in person and online - numerous social networks will help with this.
  • Refresh your resume or rewrite it. Use the advice of professionals to compile it (see).
  • Register in all profile groups in social networks and on job search sites.
  • Register with the employment center - they will help you find a job, retrain, and you can receive monetary compensation from the state, in the next six months you will definitely not face starvation.
  • If you have loans, we take a certificate from the employment center and go to the bank to write an application for a loan holiday (see).
  • Every day we buy all the newspapers with job advertisements - we call without delay, we go to interviews.
  • Contact a serious recruitment agency.

While you are looking for work, try to take care of household chores as much as possible so that your loved ones suffer less from a forced financial diet - this way you will relieve stress in the family.

Do not postpone the implementation of the plan for tomorrow, treat your job search as a job. And the result will not be long in coming. And if you get a good opportunity, take it. And there you will already decide whether to look for a job with the best conditions or you can get suitable conditions in this company. In any case, it is always easier to make decisions with confidence in the future.

Commentary by Ekaterina Kuznetsova, HR specialist at STS Group

Losing a job affects everyone differently. Someone is in a state of shock and uncertainty, while others feel, as psychologists say, subjective relief. In any case, a prolonged stay in one of these states negatively affects the moral and even physical condition of a person.

It should be noted that journalists, designers, consultants - people of "free" professions are less prone to depression. After all, as a rule, they have a flexible or generally free schedule. Workers who are accustomed to permanent employment may view the loss of a job as a personal disaster.
Of course, in a difficult situation, you can turn to a psychologist and get qualified support. But still, first of all, it is worth making every possible attempt to find a new job. Now there are enough resources, including for remote interviewing and employment, which significantly reduces the time to search for a suitable vacancy.

Temporary job or shift

If you still can't find a permanent job, you can consider temporary or shift employment. Shift work is especially popular among residents of regions with high unemployment (see). Due to the lack of vacancies at home, applicants are sent to the business centers of the country, where even without experience they can get a job, for example, as a packer, order picker, cashier, cook assistant.

We at STS Group believe that a person should have the freedom to earn money without being tied to a strict schedule and place of residence. This approach helps to be flexible and adapt to any changes. And this significantly reduces the risk of depression.

Layoff is not the most pleasant stage of life that many of us face. Reductions, staff changes - there can be many reasons, but when you are left behind the walls of the office without the slightest idea where to go after dismissal, the reason worries you the most. The psychological pressure is colossal, the fear of the unknown and all-consuming depression overshadow the mind and do not allow to think soberly in order to find a way out of the situation. But the worst is over. In order not to make more problems, plan for the future and restore faith in your own strength, we have prepared some tips for you to help you take matters into your own hands.

First, calm down and put your thoughts in order.

Believe me, until you accept the situation and cope with your emotions, you will not be able to fix it. Confusion, apathy, fear of the future and lack of prospects - these feelings are common to everyone who is faced with this, but you can’t follow their lead. You can lock yourself in four walls and watch TV shows, eating the rest of the money. It may seem to you that nothing will happen from a couple of days of laziness, but believe me, this lifestyle can drag on. And when you find that there are no more than a thousand left in your pocket, expect a new wave of depression. And constant throwing from corner to corner will not solve the situation.

First, calm down, sit down and think about what you are good at and where your skills can come in handy. Today, there is a catastrophic shortage of valuable specialists in the labor market, so you will just be able to prove yourself. In addition, you are not yet old, so many roads are open before you. Browse through all the available vacancies to date and prepare a resume that highlights all the strengths and professional qualities. You have already begun to do something, so you will not lose heart. Remember: no nerves and as much action as possible, which will be aimed at the result.

Create a plan

Whatever one may say, until you find a job, you will have to tighten your belts and cut spending. First, make a plan for your purchases so as not to waste money in vain. After that, try to sign up for interviews at several companies at once. This will make it possible to choose the best conditions and insure: if they refuse in one organization, then they are more likely to be offered a job in another. First, try where you can apply your skills. If for the first time there is no work for you, then think about a temporary part-time job. It's not the best option, but it's better than going without food.

Use dating

Like it or not, but to get a good place is often possible only by acquaintance. Now you could shudder from what you read, because you are used to achieving everything on your own, and asking someone for help is too much for pride, already wounded after being fired. Think it's cool? But this time you were wrong. When there are some levers with which you can get a job in a decent company, it would be great foolishness not to use them. The world is built on the fact that we help each other, so if you get help from someone today, you will be able to thank that person by helping him out in the future. Reach out to friends who will gladly help or even contribute to this.

What to do if the profession is too specific

If it so happens that your skills are suitable only for a certain specific job, and in the labor market it is very difficult to find a place where you can realize yourself and earn a living. We won’t guess what kind of activity it is, but definitely submit your resume wherever possible (naturally, at the place of residence). If the position you hold in the region is no longer relevant, for example, you were a penguin trainer, but they have developed to such a level that they have changed their habitat, and now there is no such job to be found, then there is only one way out - to completely retrain.

In the 21st century, a person who is able to learn and relearn is considered smart. Although the process is not easy, in order not to be left on the sidelines of life, you will have to master a new skill. Think about what you are strong in and what you are inclined to, focus on related types of professions where you can find yourself a comfortable life.

In terms of intensity of passions, it is second only to divorce or the death of a loved one. Especially when it comes to layoffs.

Experts advise: try to leave with dignity, without insulting others and without destroying yourself. Your future life depends on how you behave during this difficult time.

Will in a fist!

There is a huge temptation to finally tell the authorities everything that you think about him. Or do something nasty: hide the necessary data, take with you the phone numbers of important customers, for some time paralyzing the work of the once native company.

Do not do that! Firstly, the professional circle is very narrow, and when your new boss calls the former, he is unlikely to find at least a couple of kind words addressed to you. Secondly, if you want your boss to really regret your dismissal, you need to act in exactly the opposite way.

Gather your will into a fist and on the last day say goodbye to him warmly, saying the kindest words. Maybe he will not call you back (which, by the way, is not excluded), but he will certainly give an excellent reference. It doesn't matter what kind of relationship you've had up to this minute. As you know, the first and last words are most remembered.

Risk group

Losing a job often undermines a person's self-esteem. He has a feeling of resentment and a feeling of loss of control over life: “Why did they fire me?”, “Am I the worst employee?”, “I don’t decide anything in this life.” If you have such thoughts, you need to say to yourself: “Stop! Life is not only work. In such a difficult situation, it is much more constructive to ask another question - why did fate throw you such a test, what lessons can be learned from this?

Practice shows that most often people who have two opposite psychological attitudes lose their jobs. First of all, these are those who, imperceptibly for themselves, began to live by inertia, for whom work has not brought either moral or material satisfaction for a long time. But the poor fellow does not have the courage to put the application on the table himself. And every morning he goes to work, like hard labor. So fate throws him an unexpected solution to the problem - in the form of staff reductions or rotations leading to dismissal.

Oddly enough, people with a different attitude are at risk of losing their jobs - workaholics who identify their life with work, putting it in first place in the scale of life values. Often fate punishes for such one-sidedness. In addition, a too zealous employee often irritates the authorities: what if he turns out to be more professional than his management?

Vicious circle

Having lost a job, a person gets at his disposal a huge amount of free time. Perhaps at first it even pleases: finally, you will be able to relax! But to relax for real, as a rule, does not work. And an unemployed person begins to experience the emptiness that has suddenly formed in his life. According to the observations of psychologists, such a situation is a breeding ground for the emergence of neurosis.

There is a kind of vicious circle: due to the fact that there is no work, you experience depression, and this, in turn, does not make it possible to find a job. If this condition lasts long enough, it can come not only to depression, but also to severe physical ailments. Psychiatrists often observe such an effect of “psychophysical wear and tear” not only among those who have lost their jobs, but also among those who have retired: a person who works intensively suddenly begins to age rapidly, all sorts of sores begin to stick to him.

In order not to bring yourself to this, experts advise: the search for a new place should begin on the same day that you were informed of the dismissal. The more time passes after losing a job, the more difficult it will be to find it. Treat the dismissal as a test of strength, like an exam, passing which you will come to success.

The more action, the stronger the return.

And in order not to destroy yourself during the time “from work to work”, but at the same time relationships with friends and relatives, try to develop a clear strategy:

● Keep the old rhythm and routine of life. Get up, have breakfast, lunch and dinner at the same time as before. If you are a man, be sure to shave every morning. If you are a woman, comb your hair and wear light makeup.

● Do something daily to find a job: surf the web, send out resumes, read job magazines, go to job interviews. A pattern has been noticed: if today you called not five, but ten companies, then tomorrow you will receive calls twice as many as in previous days.

● Use your free time to take care of your health. Do not watch TV until late, get enough sleep, do not drink coffee and strong tea, be sure to go outside every day. Visit a dentist, other doctors, take a course of treatment, if necessary. Do all the boring but necessary household chores that you never got around to doing before.

Don't shut yourself up

Unfortunately, often during a period of forced inactivity, a person’s relationships with loved ones deteriorate. At first, they sympathize with him, but as he closes, goes into depression, it begins to annoy others.

● Try not to switch off from family life: take on some duties that were previously performed by others, share your thoughts, discuss household problems.

● If friends invite you to visit, do not refuse, referring to a bad mood. Maybe just there you will meet someone who will help you find a job. Despite the progress in the field of employment (the Internet, recruiting agencies), they prefer to hire us, as before, “by acquaintance”.

● Do not neglect the offer of temporary work, continuing to look for a permanent one. If you perform well, it can become permanent.

● No one is immune from dramatic twists of fate. Even geniuses. The example of one of the players of the Madrid football club "Real" is widely known. A ridiculous car accident confined him to a wheelchair for a whole year. In the end, he managed to get on his feet, but had to say goodbye to a brilliant football career. “What to do? After all, apart from football, I can’t do anything!” - the former footballer was tormented. Friends advised him to try his hand at ... the singing genre. And they didn't fail. So the brilliant Julio Iglesias appeared to the world.

● No less significant is the story of another famous person. Before becoming famous in the literary field, he was ... an accountant. Everything changed when an unknown Mr. Porter was accused of embezzlement and landed in jail. From melancholy and hopelessness, he began to write stories. He came out of prison as a popular novelist, known under the pseudonym O "Henry.

7 surefire ways to lose your job

1. Have no plans.

2. Do not maintain at the proper level and do not update your skills and abilities.

3. Provide no results.

5. Surround yourself with sycophants.

6. Forget to give credit to others.

By the way

Layoff stress is more pronounced in men. Women are more resistant to the blows of fate and respond flexibly to a stressful situation. The loss of a job is very painful for people of retirement age, as well as those who step over “dangerous” age limits: the so-called age of first growing up (33-35 / 35-37 years) and mature age - 46-48 / 52-54.

The level of stress experienced also depends on the psychological type to which the person belongs. Temperamental, sociable people, although they perceive the news of dismissal hard, overcome a stressful situation relatively quickly. As a rule, two weeks are enough for them to get rid of stress. Another thing - people are phlegmatic, closed. Stress develops in them on the rise and stretches for a long period.

Losing a job is stressful and annoying, but it's not a problem. Everything is recoverable if you do not get depressed and draw up a clear plan of action. Make sure that your rights are not violated when you leave, and start looking for a new job. The world is much wider than your former place of work.

Perhaps the most important things for a person are health, home and work. The loss of one of them can disrupt the happy course of life. Yet these components of our well-being are not equivalent. The hardest thing is when health is lost. After all, you can’t buy it, and even if you can buy it, the price is exorbitantly high and not everyone can afford it.

The loss of a home is a catastrophe that is very difficult to recover from. So you understand that in comparison with this, the loss of a job is just a nuisance, although, of course, a considerable one.

What to do if you lose your job? Say to yourself: thank God that I have health and have a place to live. Do not get depressed, do not be afraid of the future. Make an action plan. And remember the folk wisdom that says: there is no evil without good.

My history

I have been outside twice. Once she got laid off, paying for her friendship with the deputy editor-in-chief, which did not work well with the new boss. He believed that the deputy editor-in-chief (my friend) and I were plotting against him, and hurried to get rid of us. True, the formalities were observed: we were warned two months in advance. Of course, I was offended after several years of impeccable service to be fired. But I did not shed tears, but immediately started looking for work. Thanks to this, she got a job in a new place a week after the official dismissal. And I must say that it was a step forward in my career. The prestige of the new newspaper turned out to be higher, the conditions for growth - better.

The second time I became unemployed was during the crisis, when businesses collapsed, enterprises closed, and those that kept afloat optimized their activities, that is, reduced costs, including for personnel. Surprisingly, my former boss helped me find a new job (for which many thanks to him). And again, I was a winner: I was given more responsible tasks and offered a much higher salary.

What conclusion can be drawn from my story? Just one: don't be afraid to get fired. Perhaps, thanks to him, you will find a better job than before, with a higher salary and good career prospects. Or maybe decide to change your profession, get a second education and radically change your life. As one of my friends did.

Alien story

Alexandra worked for a newspaper. An experienced proofreader, she knew and loved her job very well. In difficult times, I searched and found extra work. When the newspaper was closed, Alexandra decided not to register with the employment service, but ... to go abroad. So she ended up in. For two years she courted the old signora. , saw Rome and the mountainous part of Italy. Having earned a decent amount of money, she returned home. By this time, her former boss opened a new newspaper, where he gladly accepted Alexandra.

Fifteen years passed, and everything happened again. The newspaper went bankrupt. Alexandra was back on the street. I had to decide whether to go to work in Italy, or try to find a job in my native country. Health no longer allowed to engage in physical labor, there were no vacancies in other publications ... What to do? Alexandra decided to try herself in another area. And then the case turned up: a friend said that a company engaged in telephone sales is recruiting staff. I went to the interview, brought the documents, officially took shape ... And things went well.

It turned out that she has all the necessary qualities for this job: a pleasant timbre of voice, competent speech, the ability to convince, evoke sympathy, and stress resistance. Alexandra felt herself in her place. She is impressed by what she does, she likes the team, she cheerfully hurries to the office in the morning, earns good money and looks to the future with confidence.

I told these stories in order to convince you that losing a job is by no means a fatal event after which life stops. On the contrary, it continues, and sometimes it gets better, because new opportunities open up, turns in fate take place.

Action plan

1. Find out what you are entitled to under the Labor Code. Dismissal must take place in accordance with the law, with all due payments.

2. Register with the employment service. Here we will be assigned unemployment benefits and will be offered employment. If none of the proposed places is suitable, they will be advised to enroll in vocational retraining courses.

3. Review your expenses. Give up expensive entertainment, products and goods. Eating cheap very often means eating healthy.

4. Discuss your situation at the family council. The support of loved ones is more important than ever. In addition, perhaps your dismissal will allow your husband to feel increased responsibility for the family and encourage him to look for additional sources of income.

5. Tell your lender about your situation and ask for a deferment and review of payments.

6. Search the Internet for popular articles on how to properly look for a job, interview and write a resume.

7. Tell your friends about your dismissal and ask them to help you get a job if possible.

8. Review your resume, if necessary, rewrite in accordance with the recommendations of recruiters, which can be found on the Internet.

9. Submit your resume to every recruiting agency you find online.

10. Read job advertisements in the local press.

11. Post your resume on a job site.

12. Every day, look at the vacancies posted on job sites and recruiting companies.

13. Prepare carefully for every interview. Compose and rehearse a story about your professional path, experiences and achievements. Find out what interview questions are commonly asked and prepare your answers. Consider what questions you can ask.

14. Improve professionally. Now, when you have a relatively large amount of time, engage in advanced training: sign up for courses, seminars, read specialized books.

If you intend to stay in the profession

If you do not want to change the field of activity, you will probably be interested in the following tips from psychologists on how to quickly return to your professional niche.

1. Call a competitor

You must know the main competitor of your former employer. So give him a call! Only not to the personnel department, but immediately to the head of the department in which you would like to get a job. Tell us about what you know and can do, about your professional achievements. And the fact that you were fired, a competitor may consider ... good luck for himself. And, by the way, according to research, a person who often changes jobs is more likely to make a career than someone who has been working in one place all his life.

2. Look for a job in your area and nearby

If you like your profession and you do not intend to change it, but want to expand its boundaries for yourself, try to get a job in a company that works, so to speak, in an adjacent field. The experience you have accumulated will be met with approval in a new place, because you do not have to be taught everything and brought up to date from scratch.

3. Get into a smaller organization

You have experience, you love your profession and are able to make a career, but you are tired of constant overstrain, heavy workloads and crazy pace. In this case, it makes sense to look for work in a smaller firm than the one in which you worked until recently, but, of course, in the same field. The fact is that in small companies, work is more diverse and more organized, and the leader is less demanding. If at the same place you occupied a decent position, then for a small company you will be like a godsend.

If the financial situation is pressing

Not everyone has the opportunity to wait a long time for a decent offer. Sometimes the financial situation of the dismissed person is so deplorable that one has to think not about a prestigious new position, but about how to earn a piece of bread until something worthwhile turns up. For this, psychologists offer several options for action.

1. Freelance work or contract work

Many companies are happy to hire employees on a contract to perform a specific project or part of the work. At the same time, they save significant funds and at the same time get a professional at their disposal. Of course, this form of cooperation does not guarantee you any sick leave or vacation pay, but it will allow you to earn money, pay rent, etc. Through freelance or contract work, you will also retain professional skills, make new business connections, and have time to find a suitable permanent job.

2. Part-time work

To improve your financial affairs, you can get a part-time job. And it doesn't matter if you're in your specialty or not. You have to pay bills, feed your family, so do not shun any work. You can get a job near the house in a restaurant to wash dishes or clean apartments, or you can walk with other people's children or look after the elderly - there are many options. The point is, it's not forever. You will have time to look for a suitable job in your specialty. You should not write about temporary work on your resume, but if you are asked directly at the interview what you do, answer without hesitation. There are no shameful jobs.

Why do we feel so bad about being fired? Because work feeds us, helps us assert ourselves, gain self-confidence and the respect of others, and just have fun. There is work - and we calmly look into the future, have confidence in the world, think positively, there is no work - and joy is replaced by anxiety and anxiety. This is a normal reaction. It is only important not to get hung up on it, but, using the advice of experienced psychologists, to return to duty.