What does not punctual person mean. A bore is also a punctual person

If you ask someone to list the qualities of a well-mannered person, then such a quality as punctuality will not always be named. Meanwhile, nothing is more annoying than the inability of a person to come somewhere on time and fulfill the promise. I don’t want to have any business with such a person - neither small nor even more important.


The word "punctuality" comes from the Latin punctum and is translated into Russian as a point, accuracy. It characterizes such a personality quality as the ability to plan and follow the points planned, adhering to the schedule with strict observance of time.

Like any other, this trait is developed and nurtured from childhood. But if this did not happen, then you should not look for the guilty. You just need to engage in self-education and, in spite of everything, become a model of diligence, responsibility and accuracy in the performance of numerous official and domestic duties (and in front of yourself too). It is not so difficult: if there is a goal, there will be opportunities.

Punctual means pedant?

Psychologists call constant lateness anywhere one of the bad habits of a person. Teachers are a sign of indiscipline and disorganization.

From delays caused by random reasons, no one, even the most well-mannered person, is insured. But if they have become a specific feature of behavior, then it is worth thinking about what punctuality is, what consequences its neglect entails.

Punctuality, as a characteristic feature, is inherent in a neat person, but you cannot call him a pedant. Pedantry is expressed in following once and for all established patterns of behavior, in pettiness, tediousness, pickiness towards those who do not adhere to these trifles.

Most often, punctuality is understood as the ability to arrive somewhere on time - to work, to the beginning of an event, to a date. But this concept is wider. It includes the obligatory nature of a person in relation to himself and to others.

Punctuality as a quality of a business person

Teachers and transport workers should be professionally punctual. This is understandable: for them, the concept of "Time is money" has a literal meaning.

If we select explanations for the concept of what a person’s punctuality is, then we get a rather long list. This is an indicator of his politeness, good breeding, efficiency, internal accuracy, responsibility for his own and others' affairs, etc.

Such valuable qualities should be distinguished by a business person who cares about his career. He will be trusted by work colleagues and superiors as a reliable employee who will do everything in his power for the success of the business in time.

A punctual worker is such in everyday life. Family affairs for him are also an area of ​​​​responsibility. Relatives see in him a reliable support and timely support in all life problems.

As a national trait of a German

The mutual surprise of Russians and Germans at the views on life and order of the opposite side stems from the difference in mentalities.

Throwing aside all their other "strangeness", it should be recognized that the Germans are far ahead of the Russians in their attitude to work, to work, to the organization of life and production. “Soaring in the clouds” is alien to them, if serious analytical work is not brought under the plan of a large-scale or small business, taking into account all the possibilities, implementation options, and foreseeing potential difficulties and difficulties. The ideal performance of one's duties is the goal of a true German.

Of course, among the Germans there are also people with their own point of view, with a different behavior, with a different attitude to reality than others, but in general, this nation has become a model of punctuality. From adolescence, its representatives already clearly understand what punctuality is, and they are already trusted to follow their own views, since it is not customary for them to patronize children for too long. The main thing that parents teach here is external accuracy, diligence, responsibility for one's life, for loved ones.

The Sad Consequences of Ignorance

Considering what punctuality is, it should be said that its absence is fraught with many troubles for a person. For example:

  • Constant trouble due to a person's lack of punctuality reduces the quality of his own life.
  • The authorities regard him as an unreliable worker and therefore are in no hurry to be promoted, with bonuses.
  • Serious material or image losses for the enterprise due to the employee's lack of punctuality may lead to his dismissal.
  • Such a feature can offend others, as a result of which warmth and trust in relationships will disappear.

It is good if he realizes that the reason for all his grief lies in himself, precisely in the lack of punctuality, that such a quality must be cultivated in oneself.

Why is she missing

There are people for whom punctuality is paramount. Others suffer from its absence and suffer material and moral losses, but do not try to change something in their lives.

The reason, as always, lies in the shortcomings of education and in the psychological characteristics of a person. Most likely, in childhood, the child was not taught that punctuality and responsibility are the calling card of a well-mannered and reliable person, they did not show and did not analyze its benefits and the consequences of its absence.

Weak will, inability to concentrate on the problem and allocate time between “I want” and “need”, disrespectful attitude towards partners are the traits of a person for whom punctuality and politeness do not correlate with each other.

How to teach your child precision

Any instruction for parents begins with a proposal to show a pattern of behavior to their children. Teaching punctuality, accuracy begins with the same:

  • strict fulfillment of promises given to a child of any age;
  • an accessible explanation: why it is impossible to be late for kindergarten (children and a teacher, a nanny are waiting for him on time, being late offends people, and this is impolite), why and how one should prepare in advance for some event at school;
  • showing the preparation process, for example, clothes and shoes for the upcoming exit from the house, a festive table for the arrival of guests;
  • a proposal to check before going to bed whether the play corner is in order, whether things are prepared for tomorrow;
  • encouragement for punctuality and reprimand for inaccuracy;
  • drawing up a plan for tomorrow, analysis of its implementation;
  • watch training.

If, nevertheless, the delay happened, then the child must definitely be shown how to apologize to the person who was waiting. In an accessible form and on understandable samples, he should be explained that his punctuality and sociability are interconnected. With a person who lives according to "his own clock", communication is almost impossible.

Recipes for self-education

An adult who has realized what punctuality is and how detrimental its absence can set himself the task of developing the habit of accuracy and accuracy.

  1. Think over (or find out with the help of close people) the real reasons for your lack of punctuality - the inability to allocate time between important and secondary matters and concerns, irresponsibility, weak will, misunderstanding of people's dependence on each other, etc.
  2. Get used to planning things for the day ahead. In the plan, indicate the time for the completion of a specific task. It develops self-control skills.
  3. In accordance with the content of planned affairs, think about how to prepare for them, what needs to be done in advance: compose a text, do a haircut, order a taxi, etc.
  4. Find an effective way to remind yourself of important things. It can be notes, an alarm, a call from a friend.
  5. Put into practice to set the clock before an important matter 20-30 minutes ahead of time in order to start preparing for it earlier, leave the house in advance, etc.
  6. If, nevertheless, a delay is inevitable or the fulfillment of the promised is impossible, you should notify your partner in advance, do not hesitate to ask other people for help. Experienced feelings of embarrassment and shame are not forgotten for a long time and continue to stimulate careful preparation and adherence to the temporary regime.

Consultation with a professional psychologist is the fastest way to learn organization and responsibility. He will determine the reasons for her absence and give specific advice on self-education, conduct special effective trainings.

Accurate execution of orders, systematic, extreme accuracy, relentless adherence to certain rules and conditions. Such a definition is given in the explanatory dictionary of Ushakov. Most of us, however, punctuality is inextricably linked with time, or rather, with being late.

If you are constantly late, it speaks of you as a person undisciplined, frivolous, irresponsible and unreliable. To some, lack of punctuality may seem like a sign arrogant behavior.

Also, when a person is late, it seems that he is not able to correctly prioritize, that he does not know how to appreciate the importance of events and people in his life, and therefore himself.

If a person knowingly knows the place and time of the meeting and appears late, then we can assume that he is not serious and disrespectful towards you. What if it's a business meeting? What kind of business, what kind of business relationship can be built with such a person?! After all, what does punctual mean: punctuality is not only to arrive on time, but also the ability to perform certain work on time, fulfill one's obligations (submit a report on time, complete an order on time, provide services, etc.). Not punctuality leads to the loss of business reputation and negatively affects the image of a person. Lack of punctuality leads to loss of time, money and respect from people (partners, colleagues, friends and just acquaintances).

What does punctuality mean?

He values ​​his time and knows how to rationally distribute it, therefore he is the master of his life.

Shows that you respect any person, whether he enters into a business agreement with you, or just goes to have lunch with you. Some people, determined to demonstrate their importance and importance, deliberately arrive late for a meeting. But by doing so, they only show disrespect, and that the people who are forced to wait for them mean nothing to them.

Punctuality is an important step towards gaining human trust. You can always rely on a punctual person.

Punctuality is evidence of farsightedness, composure, adaptability to circumstances (sometimes important meetings and negotiations can be unforeseen, and having a reserve time for such circumstances speaks of experience and adaptability).

If you don't know how to stop being late, here are a few rules that will answer your question - “?”, And help you come always and everywhere on time:

  • The first thing to do is to understand how beneficial it is to be punctual, how inaccurate and lack of punctuality interferes with your personal or work life.
  • Learn to plan, streamline your life schedule (read " Working time planning"). Plan, it will take quite a bit of time, but it will save a lot more. Organization is the core of punctuality.
  • Lack of punctuality can lead to laziness. The article will help you understand the reasons for laziness - “ How to deal with laziness».
  • When moving, develop a route in advance, especially to places that are unfamiliar to you (applies to large cities). Don't forget about traffic jams.
  • Strive to arrive (at work, at a business meeting, at any event) a little earlier than the scheduled time. It's better than being late.
  • Keep track of time, this will help you become punctual. If you are late again, review your day. Think about where the time went, what activities distracted you from important matters (maybe you preening, spun in front of the mirror for a long time, decided to sit on the Internet for a couple of minutes, and stayed too long, or your favorite series is to blame ...) "Extraneous activities" are not contribute to the development of punctuality! Highlight the most important things and do them first. If there is not enough time for secondary things and you do not have time, this will be the least of the losses.
  • A fairly common piece of advice for people who don't know how to be punctual is a proposal to move the hands of the clock 10-15 minutes ahead. Like, this will solve all problems with delays. No, it won't! This is self-deception, you will still remember the translated minutes, and take them into account. Moreover, the reason for non-punctuality is much wider than the lack of these ten minutes.
  • Self-motivation is another way to meet deadlines, whether it's a meeting or some kind of responsibilities. think like punctuality may affect your reputation or affect your career growth. If your colleagues make fun of you because of your lack of punctuality, your management is dissatisfied with you, relatives and friends reproach you for this - how good would it be to become punctual ?!
  • Never make excuses (except in exceptional cases) to those who were made to wait (better apologize, admit that you are to blame). Stop complaining about traffic jams, blaming third parties, in this way, you only convince yourself that being late is inevitable. Nothing can justify your being late. By convincing yourself that being late is not acceptable, you will become a more punctual person.

Perhaps you think that accuracy and punctuality are unattainable. But no, following the rules described above will help you get rid of the habit of always and everywhere being late. And you will become the punctual employee, partner, friend and family member that you always wanted to be and that others want you to be.

Punctuality has always been valued in society and has become one of the important parameters by which a person's personality is judged: when hiring, holding important business meetings and negotiations, and can be regarded as a sign of a person's reliability and respect for others.

What is punctuality?

In an era of rapid daily change, when the day is filled with a variety of events and activities, it is often difficult to stick to a tight schedule and finish a meeting on time to make it to another one. Punctuality (from Latin punctum - dot) is a personality trait expressed in the ability to be everywhere on time, exactly on time. We can say that this is a kind of talent, and not everyone succeeds with all the desire and aspiration.

What is human punctuality?

A punctual person strives to follow instructions and rules. Punctuality must be in everything and always. When studying punctuality as , the following components of punctuality come to the fore:

  • accuracy;
  • discipline;
  • self-respect and respect for others;
  • the value of one's own and others' time.

Punctuality - good or bad?

A punctual person is a person who eventually becomes “you”. Such people inspire the trust and sympathy of others. If we imagine a situation where a meeting is planned, even if not with a business partner, but with a best friend, his being late causes mixed feelings of worry that “suddenly something happened” and an equally strong feeling of irritation with a forced wait. Punctuality is good within reason and is an indicator of caring for yourself and others, but there is another, opposite facet of punctuality:

  1. An overly punctual person falls into various extremes, becomes boring. Relatives and colleagues of such a person suffer greatly from the manifestation of tediousness, which over time aggravates into a kind of despotism: “Everyone should go to bed at 22.00 and not a minute later!”
  2. Punctuality freaks demand the same meticulous adherence to time and commitment from others. And if such a boss comes to work by 7.30, then the subordinates should be at work by this time. Insignificant delays are punishable by a fine or moral instructions in the presence of other employees.
  3. Hyper-responsibility of "too" punctual people can lead to neuroses.

Punctuality Rules

Accuracy and punctuality are intersecting concepts. A punctual person is a person who carefully and accurately relates to the categories of time: urgently, on time, at such and such, exactly in a month. The timer and organizer of such a person is dotted with notes, with which he checks several times a day. Punctual Personality Rules:

  1. View a list of important meetings and cases in the evening, setting yourself up to be everywhere at the appointed time.
  2. Drawing up a clear time rule for the day: certain periods of time to carry out any business (for example, exercises at 7.05 to 7.20) and try to strictly adhere to this schedule.
  3. Clothes for the next day are prepared in the evening, also with important documents necessary for work.
  4. When planning things, take into account the time with a small "margin".
  5. Always remember that someone else's time is no less valuable, and another person, going to a meeting, could do other important things, but he chose this meeting - it is important not to forget about this.

Punctuality at work

Punctuality and business that unites these concepts can be seen in how very busy business people, managers constantly look at their watches. Time is money. In the shortest or shortest possible time, it is important to meet, evaluate a partner, talk and conclude or not conclude a deal, a contract. Punctuality is one of the most important components of a successful business or enterprise. Being late is bad form among business people and the reputation of an optional person as being always late is guaranteed.

How to develop punctuality in yourself?

Punctuality is a useful social tool and a skill that can be developed if you set yourself such a goal. General tips on how to be punctual:

  1. Take control of your time. Buy a beautiful, stylish watch. Wearing a watch itself already disciplines a person and makes you look at the dial more often.
  2. At first, move the clock hands 10-15 minutes ahead, but focus on this time as real.
  3. A non-punctual person is a lazy person without meaning and interest, the task here is to show interest in business, activities.
  4. Daily practice for "feeling" time. Take a certain interval of 5 minutes - 1 hour and internally feel the border of the end. The exercise over time helps to determine the exact time without relying on the clock.

Punctuality in the Bible

A punctual person is pleasing to God, believers believe. Many rituals and holidays take place at certain times. The reading of some prayers should be done strictly on time, as well as the observance of the sacraments, fasts. God is punctual and keeps his word when he announces to Noah that in seven days he will pour crushing downpours on the earth for a period of forty days. And Noah's punctuality helps him complete the construction of the ark in time, in which he and his family were saved, animals and plants were preserved. This Bible lesson teaches an important thing - punctuality can save a life.

In the concept of "punctuality" we usually put accuracy and accuracy. As a rule, this means that a punctual person is never late and does everything exactly as it was predetermined. Punctuality is one of the necessary qualities of a business person.

How important it is to be punctual... When we characterize someone as punctual, we usually mean that he is not late for anything. Although the concept of "punctuality" is somewhat broader. A punctual person not only does not make others wait, he is also responsible, always keeps his word and keeps his promises.

Organization and responsibility are inherent in some people from birth, while others themselves try to develop these qualities in themselves, having suffered from their absence: people who are not punctual cannot be trusted, it is impossible to rely on them, which is completely excluded in serious business relationships. Therefore, punctuality is one of the primary professional requirements for applicants for almost any, and especially managerial, position. Non-punctuality is considered a sign of disrespect for others, inability to organize one's time - unprofessionalism.

And in the personal life of irresponsible people, whose promises mean nothing, in the end they cease to be taken seriously. After all, it is not for nothing that they say: the most valuable thing that we can give to another person is our time. Our life is too fleeting for us to allow others and ourselves not to appreciate it.

The French king Louis XVIII expressed this idea as follows: "Accuracy is the courtesy of kings and the duty of all good people." It is believed that it was with this phrase in Europe that the rapid development of etiquette began - the rules of behavior in society. Of course, these rules are unwritten, and in each country they are supplemented or corrected depending on folk traditions and customs.

This is about being late: in some countries it is considered acceptable to be late for a business meeting by 15 minutes, in others (like Japan, for example), being late is not allowed at all.

Psychologists believe that being late without a good reason is one of the methods of manipulation. A person who is deliberately late for a meeting is trying to impose his own rules of the game, as if lowering the waiting person in status and demonstrating his neglect.

How to learn punctuality

Some unassembled people do not think about how much they let others down by constantly making themselves wait. Being late, they come up with more and more "good" reasons to justify themselves, and their imagination is limitless. Having earned a reputation for being disorganized and unreliable, not getting the desired position, they are surprised at the negative attitude towards themselves, which they consider unfair.

So, first you need to recognize the existence of a problem that interferes with life, because otherwise there will be no need to work on yourself in order to get rid of it.

You can ask your friends if they consider us a punctual person. We may just ignore our tardiness and apologize every time and sincerely regret it, but others may think that we value our time more than theirs by keeping them waiting.

Every time we are late, it is worth putting ourselves in the place of the person whose patience we test. Of course, our mood would be spoiled. There is a category of people who like to live in a hurry. They experience excitement, as if playing a game of chance with time and trying to deceive it by arriving on time. Being late and catching up with time, they release adrenaline.

If we notice that we belong to such a category of people for whom the pursuit of time is such a kind of sport, then it is better to try to find an alternative to a kind of game of “catch-up”, replacing it, for example, with morning or evening runs, during which there is also burst of adrenaline.

Let's start in the morning. Or, rather, in the evening, because it is in the evening that it is best to think about plans for the next day and prepare for the events that await us. Probably, everyone had to observe or be in a situation where morning preparations make even balanced people insane.

We will avoid unpleasant surprises in the form of a stain, a hole or a button threatening to come off if we prepare the clothes we are going to wear in the evening. And in the bag (and wallet) we will put everything that we will need for the next day. It does not hurt to think over the "tomorrow's" menu in advance, so as not to think about it in the morning.

It is not easy to get rid of the habit of lying in bed for another 5, 10, 15 minutes, assuring yourself that the lost time will be made up. However, the entire future schedule will also be shifted by this time. Conclusion: you need to get up “running” after the alarm goes off. And for this, of course, and go to bed not after midnight. By the way, you can quickly get rid of sleep if you immediately wash your face and brush your teeth.

Well, knowing such a habit behind us, it would be useful to set not only the alarm clock, but also all the clocks in the house 15 minutes ahead (even knowing this, subconsciously we will still strive to “catch up” with time).

All items that tend to “get lost” at the last moment (phone, charging for it, keys, etc.) are best placed together in the same place, for example, on a table near the front door. (True, many people often know where to look for the right thing, but for some reason forget that they need to put it there first.)

Some people, who seem to have gathered on time, are distracted in the last minutes before leaving the house or on the way to work for various small things: look at email, social network, store, talk to the wife-husband or neighbor, etc. After all, time many more in stock! And these five minutes most often stretch for 15-20 and are the cause of non-punctuality.

Of course, on the way to work or a meeting, we can get into the same traffic jam, and this may well be a good reason - if the delays for this reason do not become chronic. This means that we just need to leave the house with a margin of time, choose a different route, or set ourselves up to come, for example, to a meeting half an hour ahead of schedule.

Often people who have planned too much for themselves are late, so they simply do not have time to do everything on time. In this case, it is worth identifying higher priority tasks, and discard the rest.

Perhaps, looking at us, our loved ones will “catch up”. After all, sometimes we are late because of their disorganization. An English proverb says: “Do not raise children, they will still look like you. Educate yourself…”

  • Punctuality frees - from lack of assembly and frivolity.
  • Punctuality gives respect - from business partners, friends, relatives.
  • Punctuality gives peace of mind - due to the advance planning of all cases.
  • Punctuality makes it possible to get more done in less time.

Manifestations of punctuality in everyday life

  • Labor activity. An employee who is never late for important meetings, conferences, and simply for the beginning of the working day demonstrates punctuality.
  • Education. A schoolboy or student who does not linger at breaks, who does not miss classes without a good reason - shows punctuality.
  • Public transport. Compliance with the reality of the train schedule; the schedule of departures and arrivals of aircraft is a manifestation of punctuality.
  • Interpersonal communication. A person who does not allow himself to be late for a meeting with friends shows punctuality.

How to develop punctuality

  • Self control. Controlling your actions, consciously learning not to be late, planning important things and meetings in advance - a person cultivates punctuality in himself.
  • Mode. Compliance with the regime helps a person learn to organize his time in the most rational way; a person who adheres to a certain daily regimen brings up punctuality in himself.
  • Psychological trainings. Participation in psychological trainings can help a person feel the time better and learn how to calculate and distribute it correctly; this is a serious step towards the education of punctuality.
  • Family education. Parents who show an example of restraint in words and commitment in actions bring up punctuality in themselves and in their children.

Golden mean




Popular expressions about punctuality

Accuracy - the politeness of kings. - Louis XVIII - The one who is in no hurry anywhere succeeds everywhere. - Mikhail Bulgakov - Announce that the meeting will start at 14.00, and it will not start until 14.10. Schedule a meeting for 10.13 and the employees will take you literally. - Cyril Parkinson - I am used to being punctual, although this often condemns me to loneliness. - Benjamin Disraeli - Vsevolod Ovchinnikov / Sakura and oak Punctuality is a foreign virtue that came to modern Moscow from Europe. The book contains the impressions of the famous journalist Vsevolod Ovchinnikov about his stay in England ("Oak Roots") - about the temper of the English, their national character traits, one of which is punctuality. Gleb Arkhangelsky / Corporate time management. Encyclopedia of solutions Time management is a modern science of time management that allows you to live according to a set schedule, do everything in time and not be late for anything. History and practice.