Interesting facts about Argentina. Luxurious landscapes of Patagonia and the Perito Moreno Glacier

  1. The name Argentina was officially adopted in 1860. It comes from the Latin word argentums, i.e. "silver" and is associated with a beautiful legend that this is the land of silver peaks.
  2. Argentina, like the United States, is considered a country of immigrants. In the late XIX - early XX century, more than 6.6 million Europeans arrived here. Most of them were Spaniards and Italians, but there were also many former French, German and British citizens. Today, the population of Argentina is about 40 million people.
  3. The official language in the country is Spanish, but Argentines speak 40 other languages ​​and dialects. Among the most common are English, Italian, Arabic, German and Yiddish.
  4. Three climatic zones pass through the territory of Argentina at once. In the far north of the country, the climate is tropical, in the central part - subtropical, and in the south - temperate.
  5. The population of Argentina is very urbanized: about 92% of citizens live in cities. Moreover, half of all the inhabitants of the country are concentrated in the 10 largest cities. About 13 million people live in Buenos Aires and its suburbs alone.
  6. Express info by country

    Argentina(Argentine Republic) is a country in South America.

    Capital– Buenos Aires

    Largest cities: Buenos Aires, Cordoba, Rosario

    Form of government- Presidential republic

    Territory- 2780400 km 2 (8th in the world)

    Population– 43.13 million people (31st in the world)

    Official language-Spanish

    Religion– Catholicism

    HDI– 0.836 (40th in the world)

    GDP– $537.66 billion (24th in the world)

    Currency– Argentine peso

    Borders with: Chile, Bolivia, Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay

  7. Argentines are very patriotic. There is a flag in every house to hang it on the day of a national holiday or an important football match.
  8. Football for Argentines is not just a game or a sport, but a real religion. In many ways, this is the merit of Diego Maradona, who is idolized here. Schoolchildren and students in Argentina are even allowed to skip classes if they are scheduled for the most significant football championships.
  9. Diego Maradona surrounded by fans

    8. In Argentina, like in Spain, there is a siesta. After lunch, offices, shops and schools close for a few hours so that their employees and students can take a nap and recuperate. There are even special hotels in the country where you can rent a room for a siesta.

    9. Buenos Aires Metro was the first in all of Latin America. It was opened back in 1913.

    10. Argentina is home to the largest mountain in South America, Aconcagua. Its height is 6962 m.

    11. Family for Argentines is one of the most important priorities in life. Perhaps this was influenced by the fact that until 1987 divorce was prohibited in the country. Today, the personal lives of citizens have become less controlled. The liberalization of views is also evidenced by the fact that in 2010 same-sex marriages were legalized in Argentina.

    12. Buenos Aires has the longest street in the world. There are as many as 20,000 house numbers on 9 July Prospekt.

    13. Among Argentines, the so-called top model syndrome is common. According to statistics, every 30th inhabitant of the country has had at least one plastic surgery in order to improve their appearance. In addition, Argentina ranks second in the world (after Japan) in terms of the number of people suffering from anorexia. A similar problem is familiar to 30% of the local population.

    14. Argentina is the birthplace of one of the most passionate dances in the world, the tango. It originated at the end of the 19th century and was originally performed by the workers of local brothels. But gradually, all segments of the population became interested in tango, and today in Argentina everyone, from young to old, dances it.

    15. Argentina, like Brazil, is famous for its noisy carnivals. They are held in mid-January - in February to have plenty of fun before Easter fast.

    16. The post of President of Argentina can only be held by a Catholic.

    17. Argentina has uranium reserves, so they are engaged in nuclear energy and the uranium industry.

    18. Do not rush to get upset if during a conversation, the Argentine will twist his finger at his temple. This does not mean that he thinks that you are crazy or are completely delusional. On the contrary, it is a sign that the interlocutor thought about what you said.

    19. In 2001, during a terrible crisis in the country and protest movements, Argentina changed 5 presidents in just 10 days.

    20. Argentina has the highest percentage of psychiatrists per capita in the world. There are 145 specialists per 100,000 inhabitants.

    1.At the turn of the 20th century, Argentina was the 10th richest country in the world.

    2. Argentina is a large and very diverse country, but geographically very distant from us. Here you can see anything, from the wild jungle in the north to the almost eternal winter in the south.

    3. Almost half (about 40%) of the population of Argentina is of Italian origin. Most of the rest have German roots.

    4. Covering a total area of ​​2.8 million km², Argentina is one of the largest countries in South America, the second largest in Latin America (after Brazil) and the largest among Hispanics.

    5. The name of the country comes from the Latin word "argentum", which means "silver". The first European settlers thought that Argentina was rich in silver, but this rumor was not confirmed.

    6. Argentina has the largest rail system in South America.

    7. Between 1974 and 1983, up to 30,000 people went missing in Argentina. Most of them were killed by the military junta that then came to power.

    8. Argentina is home to many species of animals that are not found anywhere else in the world.

    9.Argentina was one of the first countries in the world to introduce broadcasting. The first radio transmission was made on August 27, 1920. Her audience was 20 people.

    10. Cinema is very popular among the Argentinean population. This is confirmed by the record attendance of cinemas and the purchase of DVDs with films.

    Capital of Argentina - Buenos Aires

    11. At the beginning of the last century, the metro was opened in the Argentine capital of Buenos Aires, which became the first "subway" in the southern hemisphere of the Earth.

    12. Currency in Argentina is controlled by the government. If residents of Argentina want to buy dollars while traveling abroad, they need to write a statement to the government, explaining where, when and why they are going to this or that place.

    13.Argentina is among the countries with the highest average life expectancy. On average, men live 74 years and women 80 years, which is ~77 years on average.

    14. Argentina is one of the few Latin American countries with independent media. Currently, there are more than 200 newspapers and magazines in the country.

    15. Argentina is divided into 23 provinces and an autonomous city - Buenos Aires. Each has its own constitution, but subject to the federal system.

    16. Argentina is the birthplace of a huge number of outstanding scientists, including 3 Nobel laureates. Thanks to the Argentines, in particular, fingerprinting and ballpoint pens appeared.

    17. In 2001, 5 presidents were replaced in Argentina in 10 days.

    18. "July 9th Avenue" in Buenos Aires is the widest street in the world (width - 110 meters) with 14 lanes and 4 parallel streets.

    19. Since the beginning of 1970, Argentina has removed 13 zeros from its currency due to inflation.

    20. The local cuisine is famous all over the world, it is not for nothing that Argentina is called the world's breadbasket - this country produces so much food that would be enough for the whole world.

    21. Argentina is the first Latin American country to master jet flights.

    22. The favorite drink of the Argentines is mate, a tonic Paraguayan tea, and it is supposed to be drunk through a special tube with a sieve - a bombing. If an Argentine offers mate to someone, it means that he likes this person.

    23. Argentina is a famous South American country with a relatively short history, but a very rich and interesting culture. Its spectacular cosmopolitan capital is adorned with a central Plaza de Mayo and majestic buildings including the Casa Rosada, the famous presidential palace.

    24. Huge reserves of uranium allow Argentina to conduct serious scientific research related to nuclear power and the uranium industry.

    25. Since the 16th century, Argentina has been one of the world's leading wine producers. Today there are approximately 1,800 wineries and wineries in the country. Argentina is currently the fifth largest wine producer in the world.

    Buenos Aires at night

    26. The name of the Argentine capital, Buenos Aires, literally translated from Spanish means “good winds” or “clean air”.

    27. Buenos Aires had to be founded twice, so the first time it was burned to the ground by the Indians.

    28. At the beginning of the 20th century, the first skyscraper using concrete was built in the Argentine capital. The Italian architect designed Palacio Barolo, inspired by Dante's Divine Comedy - the basement depicts hell, the floors from the first to the 14th play the role of purgatory, and heaven is located on the upper floors. There is a lighthouse on the high-rise, the light of which can be seen even from Montevideo, the Uruguayan capital.

    Buenos Aires

    29. Buenos Aires is divided into squares measuring 100 by 100 meters. House numbering is based on the square footage of the block, not the number of buildings on the street. For example, the address "Corrientes, 350" refers to the location of a particular door of a particular house on a specified street. Such a system makes it easy to navigate in the city and avoid duplicate addresses.

    30. Argentines are devoted to football with all their hearts. Buenos Aires is officially recognized as the city with the highest concentration of football clubs in the world.

    Pope Francis, 266th pontiff

    31. Pope Francis, the 266th pontiff of the Roman Catholic Church, is from Argentina. He is the first New World pope in history to be elected to this position. Once he worked as a bouncer in one of the nightclubs in Buenos Aires.

    32. In Argentina, every family will definitely find the Argentinean flag, which is hung on the balconies for any national holiday.

    33. In Argentina, schooling is at a very low level. One of the main subjects up to the graduation class is drawing.

    34. You can see dolphins and right whales in Puerto Madryn, where they sail annually for mating rituals.

    35. Argentina ranks first on the planet in terms of the amount of meat that the locals eat. Everyone eats meat here; the national cuisine is based on it.

    Iguazu Falls in Argentina

    36. Inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List in 1984, the Iguazu Falls are one of the most visited tourist attractions in Argentina.

    37. Newlyweds in Argentina must provide a wedding feast without the help of their parents.

    38. It is very difficult to get around all the museums in Argentina. There are more than 110 of them in Buenos Aires alone.

    39. The authorities of the city in which the famous football player Messi was born, forbade parents to call their children by this name.

    40. Argentine Spanish, called "lunfardo" (lunfardo), is a type of slang that appeared in Buenos Aires in the 1900s. It is more Italian than Mexican Spanish and may have developed as a form of criminal slang.

    Mount Aconcagua in Argentina

    41. Mount Aconcagua is not only the highest in Argentina, but also the highest mountain in North and South America, reaching 6962 meters at its highest point. In Quechua, its name means "stone guard".

    42. Contrary to popular belief, the most famous revolutionary of the 20th century and the symbol of the Cuban revolution, Ernesto Che Guevara, was an Argentine, not a Cuban, as many mistakenly think. Che Guevara was born on June 14, 1928 in the city of Rosario (yes, the hometown of Lionel Messi) and was a full citizen of Argentina.

    43. This southern country is not only widely known for its architecture, incendiary tango, steaks, wine and football, but also gave the world some of the most legendary personalities of the 20th century - Eva Peron, Che Guevara, Diego Armando Maradona and others.

    44. More psychoanalysts and psychiatrists practice in Buenos Aires than in any other city in the world. It even has its own "psychoanalytic" district called Freud City (Ville Freud). It is estimated that there are 145 psychologists for every 100,000 inhabitants of the city.

    45. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica to claim part of the continent. Her son, Emilio Palma, became the first person to be born in Antarctica. Argentina also became the first country whose citizens held their wedding on this snowy continent.

    Flag of Argentina

    46. ​​The current flag was officially recognized as the state flag on February 12, 1812. The blue stripes on a white field were proposed by Manuel Bergano, the leader of the revolution, and symbolize the sky above when the struggle for the country's independence began. The Golden Sun or "May Sun", symbolizing the May Revolution, was added to the flag in 1818.

    47. Many descendants of people who fled Russia before the revolution and immediately after it live in Argentina.

    48. The Argentine dialect of Spanish is called "Lunfardo". However, the dialect sounds more like Italian.

    49. The Malvinas Islands are considered the main cause of contention between Argentina and the UK. It is these islands that have a reserve of oil that British research groups intend to extract, which is completely contrary to the interests of Argentina.

    50. Russian tourists can enjoy the beauty of Argentina without a visa for up to 90 days. In neighboring Uruguay, by the way, too, and from the capital of Argentina to the capital of Uruguay can be reached in just a few hours by ferry.

    The current president, Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner, is the first female president of Argentina elected by popular will, an interesting fact.

    Fun fact: if you twist your finger at your temple while talking to someone, it will let the interlocutor know that you are thinking. In the rest of the world, this gesture on your part will indicate the stupidity of your interlocutor.

    Argentina is the 32nd largest country in the world by population, with a population of over 41 million.

    An interesting fact: at the moment, Argentina is one of the world's leading wine producers. The wine-making history of the country began in the 16th century and every year it entered new markets outside of Argentina.
    Argentina was one of the first countries in the world where radio broadcasting appeared. The first radio transmission was made on August 27, 1920. Her audience was 20 people - an interesting fact.

    Argentina has a very good literacy rate of ~97.9%, which makes it one of the leaders in its region, and also determines the 58th place in this indicator in the world.

    Cinematography is very popular among the Argentinean population. This is confirmed by the record attendance of cinemas and the purchase of DVDs with films - an interesting fact.

    The total area of ​​the country is 2,766,890 km2, which corresponds to the 8th place in the world!

    The official religion of Argentina is Catholicism (77% of the population). There is also a fairly large number of Protestants ~10%.

    Buenos Aires is the capital and largest city of Argentina. The population of the city is 2.9 million people, and the area is 202 km2. Until the 17th century, the city bore the long name "Ciudad de la Santísima Trinidad y Puerto de Nuestra Señora de Santa María de los Buenos Aires".

    An interesting fact about Argentina: the name of the capital is translated as “good wind” or “clean air”, but the last option will still be correct.

    It is interesting to know that Argentina is among the countries with the highest average life expectancy. On average, men live 74 years and women 80 years, for a total of ~77 years.

    Mount Aconcagua is not only the highest point in the country, but also the highest mountain in South America. Its height is 6960 m - an interesting fact.

    The Argentine dialect of Spanish is called "Lunfardo". However, the dialect sounds more like Italian.

    Argentina is one of the three largest beef producers in the world.

    In Argentina, women rank first in the world in terms of the number of plastic surgeries.

    An interesting fact for all cartoon lovers: the world's first animated films were created by a man named Chirino Cristiani in 1917. His cartoon "El Apostle" consisted of 58 thousand frames and lasted as much as 70 minutes! It ridiculed the corruption and immorality of Buenos Aires at the time.

    Ushuaia is the southernmost city in the world, located in Tierra del Fuego. Its population is over 57 thousand people. Despite its unique geographic location, Ushuaia is not exposed to extreme weather conditions. The climate is mild and great for a normal life - an interesting fact.

    There are more than 750,000 illegal migrants in Argentina.

    Pato is the national sport in Argentina. It is a combination of polo and basketball.

    An interesting fact about Argentina: according to the constitution, the president and vice president must be Catholic.

    The energetic dance "tango" appeared in the middle of the 19th century in Argentina.

    Argentina is one of the founding members of the UNPO, as well as such international organizations as the World Trade Organization and the World Bank.

    Argentina boasts the highest number of psychiatrists per capita in the world! In Buenos Aires there is even a psychoanalytic district "Ville Freud". On average, there are 150 psychologists per 100,000 inhabitants. Denmark is far behind with 85 psychologists - an interesting fact.

    The most popular sport in Argentina is football. The country is famous for its talented and legendary players. At the moment, the best football player in the world, the owner of dozens of awards and titles, the record holder for goals scored and the master of the technical game, Lionel Messi plays in the composition of FC Barcelona and the Argentina national team. This amazing football player is often called the "second Maradona" and the new legend of world football.

    Interesting fact: Argentina is one of the few Latin American countries with independent media. Currently, there are more than 200 newspapers and magazines in the country.

    Here are some interesting facts about Argentina:

    1) Argentina has twenty-three regions and the capital Buenos Aires, it is the eighth largest country in the world, judging by the area it occupies. The land of silver - you can say so about the state, because that is how the word "Argentina" is translated.

    2) Argentina's business card was the Iguazu Falls, whose height is 82 meters.

    3) Argentina also has the highest mountain in South America - Aconcagua. Its height is 6962 meters.

    4) The capital of Argentina has the longest street in the world and has twenty thousand house numbers. The street itself is called "Prospect 9 July"

    5) Argentines are proud of their history and culture, so there are many museums in the country, about one hundred and twenty are in the capital.

    6) The post of President of Argentina can only be held by a Catholic.

    7) Argentines achieved the legalization of same-sex marriage in 2010, because, according to their authorities, this is the first step towards full gender equality.

    8) Argentina is the birthplace of tango.

    9) Argentinean children have extra holidays when the national football team plays important matches or championships, because football is sacred here. They also love to play pato, a game that mixes the rules of basketball and polo.

    10) Argentina has uranium reserves, so they are engaged in nuclear energy and the uranium industry.

    11) Argentines love meat, the country ranks sixth in the world in raising livestock. Argentina is also one of the leaders in the production of wine.

    12) In Argentina, free medicine. And there are also many psychiatrists among physicians: one hundred and fifty psychoanalysts and psychologists for one hundred thousand people.
    13) Argentines respect the institution of the family and communicate closely even with the most distant relatives.

    14) Argentina is a country of carnivals. To see the biggest carnival festival with your own eyes, you need to come here in February

    15) Argentine women don't bother with housekeeping, they order food in restaurants, do laundry in laundries, and mend clothes in ateliers.

    16) But the pride of Argentine women is their long hair, which they cut very rarely. And local representatives of the weaker half of humanity, probably more than anyone else, lie down on the operating table to correct their appearance. Plastic surgeons make good money here.

    17) Argentines are a cultured people, polite and very fond of animals, especially cats and dogs. They also love cinema, so they often visit the cinema and shops where they sell and rent cassettes and discs with films.

    18) The Argentine media are completely independent of the authorities. This is rare in South America.

    19) Argentines have one very interesting sign: if during a conversation with you a resident of Argentina twists his finger at his temple, this will not mean that you are crazy or are talking complete nonsense. On the contrary, it is a sign that the interlocutor thought about what you said.

    20) Argentina is home to patriots who truly love their country. Is it possible to think differently about a nation where every family has a national flag at home, which they hang from windows and balconies on public holidays?

    Argentina has been inhabited since the Paleolithic era, and for a long time this territory was a Spanish colony. Although it gained independence only at the beginning of the 19th century, there was a civil war here for a long time, which continued until the second half of the century. Since the late 19th and early 20th century, Argentina has been a peaceful and stable country.

    However, waves of immigration have changed the face of the country. At the turn of the 20th century, Argentina was considered the 7th richest country in the world, which attracted many immigrants here.

    However, in the 1930s, the stability of this country was shaken, but still Argentina, along with Chile, remained one of the most developed countries in South America.

    Argentina boasts a lot of beautiful places, from mountain peaks to subtropical beaches.

    Argentina: flag, capital, language, map

    Population: 43,417,000 people

    Capital: Buenos Aires

    Language: official - Spanish (and also English, Italian, German, French)

    Religion: catholicism

    Currency: Argentine peso

    Flag of Argentina: The current flag was officially recognized as the state flag on February 12, 1812.

    The blue stripes on a white field were proposed by Manuel Bergano, the leader of the revolution, and symbolize the sky above when the struggle for the country's independence began. The Golden Sun or "May Sun", symbolizing the May Revolution, was added to the flag in 1818.

    Here are a few more interesting facts that you may not know.

    1. Argentina is 8th largest country in the world. The area of ​​Argentina is 2,780,400 sq. km.

    2. Argentina is divided into 23 provinces and autonomous city- Buenos Aires. Each has its own constitution, but subject to the federal system.

    History of Argentina

    3. At the turn of the 20th century, Argentina was 10th richest country in the world. Now she ranked 54th in the ranking of the richest countries in the world. This is due to instability over the past century.

    4. During the years of political instability in Argentina, they practiced " flights of death", when people were thrown into the ocean from aircraft, hanging a load from their feet. Thus, they tried to complicate the search for victims.

    Briefly about Argentina

    5. Political parties in Argentina have their own beers.

    6. Colgate toothpaste company is having trouble in Argentina because "colgate" is Spanish for "go hang yourself".

    7. Pope Francis once worked bouncer at the bar in Buenos Aires.

    8. 9th of July Avenue in Buenos Aires is the widest street in the world(width - 110 meters) with 14 lanes and 4 parallel streets.

    9. Argentina is located ranked 2nd in the world for such a disorder as anorexia after Japan.

    10. In Argentina largest number of psychiatrists per capita than in any other country in the world.

    11. In 1977, Argentina sent a pregnant woman to Antarctica, and her son became the first person born on this continent. Thus, Argentina declared that it claims this land.

    12. Che Guevara was a medical student in Argentina.

    13. Almost half (about 40%) of the population of Argentina Italian descent. Most of the rest - german roots.

    14. The name "Argentina" is borrowed from the Latin word Argentum meaning "silver". The first settlers believed that there was a lot of silver in this country.

    15. Since the beginning of 1970, Argentina has removed 13 zeros from its currency due to inflation.

    16. Between 1974 and 1983 in Argentina over 30,000 people missing because of the military dictatorship.

    17. In 2001 in Argentina 5 presidents changed in 10 days.

    18. Argentina has welsh region, which has its own dialect.

    19. Currency in Argentina is controlled by the government. If residents of Argentina want to buy dollars while traveling abroad, they need to write a statement to the government, explaining where, when and why they are going to this or that place.

    20. Polls have shown that Argentines more people in other countries listen to the radio- an average of 20 hours per week.

    21. Over the past 180 years Earth's magnetic field is constantly weakening, mainly over Brazil and Argentina.

    The highest mountain in Argentina and other facts

    22. Aconcagua is the highest mountain in the world outside of Asia.