Which English language courses to choose. How to choose English courses: goals, objectives, requirements and methodology Lexical-translation, or traditional

Hints for those who find it difficult to decide :)

Thinking about which English courses to choose? Let's try to solve this problem together.

The advantage is that all the information is presented “on a silver platter”. A professional will help you master the material and correct your mistakes. During classes, you will immediately practice the acquired knowledge in practice. But here a problem may arise: there are many language schools, and each of them offers a wide variety of courses.

Let's look at the types of courses and what they teach.

Courses for language learning purposes

We have repeatedly said that setting the right goal is the most important thing before starting to learn a language. Before you start looking for a school and choosing a course, decide what exactly you need the language for. Based on your goal, begin to think about which course will be most effective in achieving it.

Classics of the genre (classical course)

Such classes allow you to improve your knowledge step by step. Attention is paid to the development of each skill. The teacher does not place much emphasis on improving students' vocabulary, grammatical structures or phonetics, but tries to give equal attention and time to each aspect. In this way, the student will confidently move towards his goal, gradually mastering various skills and improving his command of a foreign language.

Spoken English

This course is suitable for those who need to master spoken English in a short time. In such classes, the main emphasis is on learning colloquial phrases and expressions. Particular attention is paid, of course, to the practice of communication skills. Grammar is learned during direct communication. Also, in the classroom, after a brief explanation of the topic, students immediately move on to consolidating the learned structures in practice. Students are asked to practice communication skills using specific examples, artificially creating typical situations in which English skills could be useful. Also, since communication is not only the ability to speak, but also to understand the speech of the interlocutor, much attention is paid to listening. In good schools, such a course necessarily offers practice in speaking English with a native speaker.

Preparation courses for international exams


These courses are suitable for those who are planning to study abroad, move to another country, or for those who need a certificate for work. During the courses, you not only learn the language, but also learn how to perform various tasks from the test you have chosen. After all, most exams include specific tasks, which often require not only knowledge of the language at a certain level, but also the ability to think logically. The specifics of a particular test, the nuances of completing tasks are analyzed: for example, how to write a letter correctly in a formal style, and how to write an informal one, tips on how to correctly perform exercises from the sections “reading”, “writing”, “grammar”, etc. d. The teacher will give useful advice on passing the exam of your choice, while at the same time giving you the necessary knowledge of English.

Business English

In these courses you will learn the English you will need to be as successful as possible in your work life. You will learn the vocabulary necessary to communicate with colleagues and clients, and learn how to competently compose business letters and documents. Also during classes, the teacher will introduce you to the rules of business etiquette. The main thing is not to confuse it with the courses described in the paragraph below :)

Technical courses

These courses are aimed at people of one or another profession. These courses focus on learning highly specialized vocabulary in various fields: medicine, law, programming, journalism, etc.

Intensive courses

Such classes are conducted for people who need to complete a level or several levels in a short time. Lessons are usually held 4-6 times a week, and in most cases the lesson itself lasts longer.

Teaching methods

English by level

This technique, which is considered classic, involves dividing students into groups according to knowledge levels. In total, there are 6 levels as standard: from Beginner to Advanced. Sometimes the levels are designated by letters: A1-C2. It's also worth considering that a really good school will probably have sub-levels. For example, B1+, B1++. The advantages of dividing into sublevels are that more time is devoted to completing one level, and accordingly, more in-depth knowledge is given for each level. In addition, this way you are more likely to be placed in a group with other students whose level is closest to yours, and you will not have to re-learn much of what you have already covered. To fully complete the entire level, it takes from 4 to 9 months (depending on the duration/frequency of classes, as well as on how in-depth one level is covered in a particular school).

This technique is suitable for students who want to gain fundamental knowledge of the language, fully develop all skills and know the language in depth, and not gain only superficial knowledge for everyday communication.


  1. Since you study the language in more detail, you, as it were, put together a puzzle of small parts, this technique requires a lot of time and money. However, this disadvantage can be smoothed out if you also do independent work at home - then you will learn the language faster.
  2. You will be able to maintain a full-fledged conversation on everyday topics using simple vocabulary only at the third level (Pre-Intermediate). At the levels below, you will “fill” the base, learn simple constructions, learn how to build elementary sentences using basic vocabulary.

Levelless techniques

This option is suitable for people who want to gain basic knowledge, including spoken English, in a short time. For those who do not have the time (or desire) to study various aspects of the language by going deeper into it. Maximum attention in such classes is paid to conversational speech and the study of simple, frequently used vocabulary. During classes, the teacher will teach you how to write sentences without errors and communicate with classmates. Students will also role-play various life situations.


  1. It is unrealistic to learn a language at a high level in a few months. You will only know basic vocabulary and grammar; you will not be able to describe your thoughts and emotions in more precise words. However, you can compensate for this shortcoming by continuing to study on your own.

We hope this information helped you figure out which English courses to choose.

It would seem that foreign language courses remain an effective way to imitate natural communication and immersion in the environment, and the help of a qualified teacher will always give the right direction. But is it always?
Today, in almost every city there are many schools and studios that invite everyone to study with them. Unfortunately, not every one of them meets high requirements. What to consider when choosing a language school? How to choose the right course? What do you need to know to avoid disappointment? Today we invite you to talk about the most important points in choosing an educational program.

1. Goals and deadlines. What exactly would you like to study and practice (grammar, speaking practice, specialized courses in preparation for international exams or Unified State Examinations, professional (technical) English, business English, intensive English courses, corporate English, English courses for preschool/children school age).

2. Time is money. Classic foreign language courses offer an average of 2-3 hours per week (academic hour for children and schoolchildren / double academic hour for adults). The course usually lasts 8 months. Here, as in sports, regularity and systematicity are important.
Due to the rhythm of modern life and the catastrophic lack of time for those wishing to study, some schools offer less frequent visits - once a week. In this case, you should take into account the peculiarities of your perception. A week is a long time and new information can simply be forgotten without practice and repetition.
There are intensive training courses where students attend classes 5 - 7 days a week. Of course, the duration of the course is also compressed to 2-3 months.

3. Trial lesson. After you have successfully set a goal, calculated the time you can allocate for learning the language, chosen a direction, we move on to action. Most modern studios offer their students a free trial lesson, during which everyone can get an idea of ​​the teacher’s style, get to know the group, and practically evaluate the advantages of the language school described on the website. Unfortunately, not all companies offer this class, but if they do, be sure to take it. It's important to consider the slight difference between trial lesson And open lesson. The first is usually held in a group of students already studying the course, and you are invited to join the conversation. Most often, in an open lesson, you will meet people who, like you, are coming to class for the first time.

4. Testing. All competent language courses will definitely ask you to take a test to determine your level of knowledge.
The fact is that most schools conduct diagnostics of their students in order to prevent the formation of a group where people with different levels of knowledge will study. In the future, such an omission can lead to misunderstanding of some and boredom of others, language conflicts and the disintegration of the group itself.

5. Choice of teacher. It is very important that the learning process gives you pleasure and joy. When choosing a teacher, pay attention not only to his certified qualifications (this is not discussed), but also to his friendly attitude and ability to present the material correctly.

Many teachers are highly qualified specialists in the theoretical field, have many articles, but are absolutely unable to explain the difference between, for example, Past Simple and Present Perfect in an accessible and logical manner.

6. Group size. The ideal group consists of 5 - 8 people, but if you want to undergo specific preparation (for example, for exams), we advise you to choose more intimate groups. In such conditions, the teacher will be able to pay more personal attention to each of the listeners.

7. What is the course about?
The first thing you must understand is the choice of methodology - classical or communicative.
Classical technique involves classes in accordance with the level of material (Beginner/Elementary - A1, Pre-Intermediate - A2, Intermediate - B1, Upper-Intermediate - B2, Advanced - C1, Proficiency - C2).

The advantage of this technique will be the step-by-step logical study of grammatical and lexical categories. You will be able to pay sufficient attention to both phonetics and the spelling of words, learn to express your thoughts, and enter into dialogue. One of the main disadvantages of this process is the lengthy period of basic training if you start learning English from the basics. After all, a student will be able to get a sufficient amount of practice only at the Pre-Intermediate/Intermediate stage.
The classical teaching method involves long-term training, since each course lasts several months.

Communication technique focused on communication and maintaining dialogue. A significant advantage of this organization of the educational process is the focus on developing communication skills. Classes are built on the principle of “minimum theory, maximum speaking practice.” Having mastered the basic tools for constructing sentences, students will be able to engage in dialogue and express their opinions from the very first lessons. This technique is ideal for those who cannot allocate enough time to study a foreign language. However, the disadvantage of such a course will be the insufficient concentration on the development of lexical and grammatical aspects. Having mastered elementary schemes, students will hardly budge in terms of vocabulary and more complex grammatical structures. This is where online resources and sites for self-studying English, for example, Begin English, will come in handy. In addition, the communicative technique is more interactive and interesting.

8. Signing the contract. In conclusion, we would like to give advice on the legal side of the issue. When signing the contract, pay attention to all points, especially the conditions for refunds if you miss classes (for a good reason). You should not agree to a course if the school forces you to pay the entire tuition fee at once. You always have the choice of splitting your payment monthly or in installments. Some schools offer promotions in the form of free lessons or discounts, which you can find out about if you ask about them yourself or look on the website!
An important point is the presence of state registration of a language school and permission for educational activities. Be sure to ask whether diplomas or certificates are issued upon completion of training.

Feel free to find out as much useful information as possible. Competent administrators will not get annoyed and will tell you with a smile about all the lucrative offers if they want to get you.
We wish you success and never question your abilities!

Victoria Tetkina

English courses- a great way to improve your knowledge. In order to get the highest possible results, you need to choose the right company that offers such services. Today we will try to figure out how to find a really worthwhile language school and professional teachers.

Purpose of study

First of all, you should decide why you want to learn English. Depending on this, the type of courses is selected. Let's look at the most popular options offered by most organizations:

  • Classic courses. This type of class allows you to gradually improve your knowledge and pay attention to every aspect of a foreign language. The teacher does not focus on vocabulary, grammar or phonetics, but tries to equally develop students' skills.
  • Conversation English courses. Suitable for people who want to learn how to communicate freely with an interlocutor live or over the phone. During the learning process, the teacher focuses on the development of communication skills. A lot of time is spent creating typical situations for students and listening to audio recordings. A good school will definitely offer you the opportunity to communicate with a native English speaker.
  • Specialized courses to prepare for international exams. If you want to continue your studies in another country or are thinking about moving, you will definitely have to take one of the tests: IELTS, TOEFL, CAE, GMAT, GRE, etc. Many language schools offer students courses aimed at preparing for a specific type of exam.
  • Business English courses. During the training process, the teacher will introduce you to the rules of business etiquette, help you expand your vocabulary with appropriate terms, and teach you how to write letters correctly. As a result of completing high-quality courses, you will be able to communicate freely with foreign partners and conduct your business as successfully as possible.
  • Intensive English courses. Designed for people who want to learn English in a short time. Classes are held 5-7 times a week. Schools also offer students longer lessons.
  • Technical courses for representatives of certain professions. Such classes allow you to study the terminology that is used in the field of medicine, journalism, law, etc.

English courses: teaching methods

The modern market for English language courses offers both traditional and alternative teaching methods. Let's look at the advantages and disadvantages of each of them.

1. Classic or level method. Training takes place according to the principle of dividing the material into six levels (from Beginner to Advanced). This approach is considered the most effective, because the student can devote a sufficient amount of time to all aspects of the language. He will learn to freely express his own thoughts, speak without a significant accent, write correctly and perceive the speech of his interlocutor. As a rule, it takes from 3 to 9 months of intensive work to complete one level. Consequently, you can learn English almost from scratch in 2-2.5 years.


  • Duration of training. Not suitable for people who want to learn a language in a short time.
  • Lack of a lot of language practice. As a rule, you can begin to communicate fluently in English only from the 3rd level (“Below Intermediate” - Pre-Untermediate), that is, after a few months.
  • Big costs. The longer the courses, the more you will have to pay for training.

2. Levelless technique. This option is worth choosing if you do not have time to comprehensively study English. Such techniques are often called communicative. During the learning process, the teacher will focus on developing communication skills. First, you will learn to formulate sentences accurately, conduct a conversation with other course participants, and then you will even be able to think in English. Another advantage of such classes is that they are much more interesting than traditional lessons.


  • It is simply impossible to thoroughly learn a language in a few months. You will only learn how to maintain oral communication with foreigners.
  • Poor knowledge of grammar. In such a short period of time, you can only become familiar with the basic rules of the English language. This is not enough to, for example, pass international exams.
  • Limited vocabulary. Much depends on what level of English you come to the language school with. Beginners will learn to communicate in English from the first lessons, but their vocabulary will differ significantly from more advanced students.

How to choose the right English language courses?

Having decided on the purpose and teaching methods, you can begin to search for a suitable language school. After selecting several options, ask if the organization offers a free lesson. Note! Trial lesson is a lesson that takes place in a group of students who are already studying at the chosen school. Public lesson held exclusively for new students. It is worth giving preference to the first option, which will help you reliably assess the quality of teaching and learning methods.

Requirements for teachers

1. Availability of specialized higher education. Be sure to ask potential teachers to show you a certificate of graduation from a university with a degree in English teaching. Many schools offer teaching services to students who have not yet received their diploma. Try to avoid such courses.

2. Availability of own methodological developments. A good teacher devotes a sufficient amount of time to scientific activities. The interested teacher is probably the author of several books or manuals for learning English.

3. Use of various teaching methods. Find out which textbooks are used by a particular teacher. A competent specialist gives preference to books written by foreign authors. One-sidedness in teaching is not welcome: a wise teacher tries to take advantage of different methods and knows how to correctly combine classical and modern approaches.

4. Extensive experience. Find out how many years the teacher worked at the chosen school and what he did before. Parallel work at a good university is a big plus, which speaks volumes about the professional experience of the teacher.

5. Ability to present material correctly. By attending a free class, you will immediately understand whether this teacher is right for you. Pay attention to how he explains the rules and works on mistakes. It is important that he does all this competently and, at the same time, as simply and clearly as possible.

6. Friendly attitude towards students. Only a pleasant atmosphere is conducive to effective group classes. A wise teacher will make you feel as free as possible in a new team.

Number of people in the group

The optimal number of students present in classes is from 4 to 8 people. In a small group you can develop your communication skills very well. Also, many students note the appearance of additional motivation: they want to achieve results faster than others.

If you are going to take an international exam, give preference to mini-groups of up to 4 people. In this case, the teacher will be able to devote a sufficient amount of time to each student.

What English courses should not be like

How not to make a mistake in choosing a language school and not become a victim of scammers?

1. The first sign of a bad school is the lack of state registration of the organization.

2. Red flag agreement. When signing a contract, you must be as careful as possible. Find out if you are entitled to get your money back if you have to stop your classes unexpectedly.

3. After talking with people you know, you find out that they have never heard of this school. There is also no information about this organization on the Internet. Don't take risks: give preference to well-known schools that have existed for at least several years.

4. The teacher does not offer you to diagnose your level of knowledge. From the very beginning, the teacher should understand what gaps in your knowledge you have. It is unacceptable for people with completely different levels of language proficiency to study in the same group. This can lead to problems and misunderstandings in the future.

5. Fraudulent English courses will force you to pay immediately for the entire training period. Remember: good schools offer weekly or monthly fees. If you don't like something, you can finish your studies without financial loss.

6. If you decide to study at a language school for a long time, find out in advance whether you will be given an unpleasant surprise in the form of a change of teacher in the next semester. The entire course should be taught by one teacher, to whom you are already accustomed. After all, it is quite possible that after a qualified specialist, an illiterate person without a diploma will come to your lesson.

Find good ones English courses simple enough. The main thing is to trust only proven recommendations and exercise maximum caution when signing an agreement. We wish you success!

English language courses are a great way to improve your communication skills. You can sit for hours with a grammar reference book, listen to hundreds of discs and watch films without translation, but nothing will ever replace live communication, which, among other things, takes place under the strict guidance of a teacher. What requirements should be presented to the courses so that as a result you attend a highly qualified linguistic center, and not charlatans with a loud advertising slogan.

Different courses are needed, different courses are important

Your choice must be guided by the goal you are pursuing. For some, classical English will be enough, others are planning to get a language certificate and leave the borders of their homeland, and there are many who need a business course or a course in technical terminology.

Classic courses are a type of activity that can gradually improve your English level. You should not choose such activities if you are “lame” in terms of grammar, vocabulary or phonetics. An integrated approach is the main feature of classical courses.

English courses marked "conversational" designed for those who want to communicate fluently in a foreign language. The main emphasis in classes is on communicative practice. If organized correctly, at least half of the classes should be conducted with native speakers.

It's easy to find and specialized courses, which prepare their visitors to take TOEFL, IELTS, GMAT, CAE, GRE tests. Their activities are built around the programs of individual courses and involve their careful analysis.

What do business courses prepare for? First of all, these will be the rules of business etiquette, which are accepted in English-speaking countries. The course program also includes training in special vocabulary and rules for drawing up documentation.

Intensive courses- these are classes at least 5–7 times a week. The result of passing will be the same knowledge that can be obtained in the classical terms, but much less time will be spent.

Selection criterion - teaching method

At the moment, in the segment of learning foreign languages, new methods are appearing like mushrooms after the rain, promising high results in the shortest possible time. Should you believe the promises or give preference to classic, time-tested methods.

The classic method is based on a system of levels from Beginner to Advanced. There are six such levels in total and it will take you from 3 to 9 months to complete each one. A simple mathematical calculation allows you to get the following result: it takes from 2 to 2.5 years to learn a language.

Significant disadvantages include its excessive duration, which does not allow it to be used by people who need knowledge in the shortest possible time. No less distressing are the realities that some attempts at spoken language are introduced no earlier than the third level - Pre-Unintermediate. Of course, their cost depends on the duration of the courses; the more you study, the more of your hard earned money will be given away.
Along with the leveled method, they also practice the levelless method, which is known in teaching circles as communicative. In classes, teachers focus on developing communication skills. In the first stages, you will be taught how to compose sentences, communicate, and only then will it be your turn to write. What are the advantages of such courses? This technique is much more interesting and effective than the traditional one.

A comprehensive analysis of effectiveness allows us to highlight negative aspects. These include the impossibility of thoroughly studying a foreign language in a few months; all you can do is maintain a conversation with a foreigner.

Subtleties of choosing English courses

Having made a choice in favor of one method or another, having determined your ultimate goal, you can safely begin searching for a suitable organization. Large educational companies offer a free trial lesson, which takes place in a group of course students. Don't pass up this opportunity. Often open lessons are held specifically for beginners; they are of an advertising nature, so they will not allow you to fully appreciate the benefits and level of teaching.

Teacher, what is he like?

Firstly, the person who will teach you must be able to do it, and not just be fluent in the language. Do not hesitate to ask about a diploma confirming the qualifications of a potential teacher. Often, courses serve as a place for part-time work for students of philological universities; such organizations should be avoided.

Secondly, a practicing teacher never stops in his self-development, therefore he has an extensive collection of his own methodological developments. If your teacher is the author of methods, books or journal publications in specialized publications, then this person is a true professional.

Find out what textbooks will become your companions in the learning process. As practice shows, if you use one textbook, at the finish line you will end up with a one-sided learning of the English language. Therefore, give preference to courses that skillfully use textbooks from various authors.

Large and small group: pros and cons

The optimal number of people in a group varies from 4 to 8 people. This is the number of students that will help to perfectly develop communication skills. In addition, no one has canceled the competitive principle.

If your ultimate goal is to pass international exams, choose a group of no more than 4 people, otherwise the teacher will not have enough time to review the material with each student.

How to recognize scammers

The following rules will help you spot scammers in no time and not fall for their tricks.

  1. Lack of state registration is the first thing that reveals dishonest companies.
  2. Read the contract carefully when signing it. It must have a clause allowing you to withdraw the remaining payment in the event of termination of classes.
  3. The biggest reference book is the Internet. He knows everything and certainly contains several reviews about the chosen organization. Don’t be lazy to look for them, but if the all-knowing web is silent, think about whether you would like to be among the first guinea pigs.
  4. Where does training begin? Of course, with diagnostics of your level. If the teacher ignores this point, and the group contains people with completely different levels, refuse such classes.
  5. For scammers, the main thing is getting money, so they will insist at all costs on full payment for the entire course. Those who are committed to the long term and attracting students in the future offer monthly or even weekly payment. This approach will allow you to gain knowledge without financial losses and disappointments.
  6. Be sure to check if they change teachers. The course must be taught by one teacher.

The development of global partnerships in various industries, business, science and technology has become a powerful impetus for strengthening the linguistic potential of the population in many countries. Today, knowledge of English is not an advantage - the conditions of the modern market place it at the “default” level. If ten years ago English was studied in depth by those directly related to philology (translators, journalists, TV presenters), today you can easily meet a chemist discussing the theory of chemical reactions with his foreign colleagues in fluent English, or a businessman arguing without the help of a translator with your foreign partner regarding the terms of an important contract. Fluency in English is a common requirement when applying for a job in any large company, where you will discuss work matters with foreign colleagues on a daily basis.

Secondary school in 70% of cases provides only the basic foundations for learning English. If the students are lucky and their mentor is an experienced teacher, with whom learning the language is easy and with interest, the graduate will leave the walls of their home school with a conversational level of English sufficient for everyday communication with foreigners. While studying at a university whose profile is not philology, foreign language classes are not a priority and often fade into the background. Exceptions are those institutions whose policy is aimed at international programs, including student exchange. Those who set higher goals for themselves add hours with a private tutor or attendance at specialized courses to the basic foreign language lessons at school or university. But how to choose exactly those courses that will provide a powerful boost in mastering English? What frequency of training will give an effective result? And which teachers should you trust? Today we will think together about how to choose the right English language courses and, based on the results of the classes, get as close as possible to the desired level of language proficiency.

The purpose of training

First of all, you need to understand why you need knowledge of English:

Communication with native speakers at the everyday level
- moving to another country
- preparation for the main exam at school or university
- passing the TOEFL or IELTS test (or other international tests)
- use in professional activities.

If your goal is to learn English for traveling, communicating with foreign friends, reading foreign fiction, you need to focus on interactive classes in groups and visiting speaking clubs. Active live communication, constant dialogues, arguments, games, listening to audio recordings and their further discussion are an important aspect when learning a language. When obtaining a residence permit, some countries require passing the international TOEFL or IELTS exam, so if you are aiming to move abroad, the study methods will be radically different. In this case, you need to enroll in a preparation course for passing such exams - the entire emphasis will be on specific aspects that will help you successfully pass the international level test.

If English is necessary for your professional activity, we advise you to choose a course with a certain focus. It is worth noting that in this case, basic knowledge of the language is necessary as a basis for the competent construction of phrases and sentences, declensions and changes in tense forms, i.e. First of all, you need to learn the rules of the language. After this, you can shift the focus to specific professional vocabulary that you will encounter during your work.

If you are not an employee of a narrowly professional field, you can pay attention to business English courses, which teach the basics of business communication that will be relevant for any industry. Once you have decided what you need English for, you can move on and start looking for a good company offering “language” services.

Company reputation

Organizations that offer foreign language training services are not uncommon. On almost every fifth billboard, tempting inscriptions promise you to become a linguistic guru in the shortest possible time. How to choose a reliable partner in this important matter? First of all, we pay attention to how many years this company has been on the market. We go to the site and look for a “portfolio” or reviews. Many language courses post reviews from real people who can confirm how much this partner helped them in learning a foreign language.

Proof may be obtaining a successful position, career advancement, being sent on a business trip abroad, or a high score when passing an exam to obtain an international certificate. It is also worth paying attention to whether the company provides services to corporate clients, who can also be a useful source of recommendations - often large companies that organize corporate language learning for their employees choose reliable partners. Language centers at specialized universities and international language schools are quite stable and reliable - in such an organization you have a better chance of working with experienced teachers and, as a result, gaining the necessary knowledge.

Be sure to read the licenses that give an organization the right to provide foreign language teaching services, and pay attention to its validity period - the company must undergo regular relicensing.

Training methods and materials

When obtaining information about a company that interests you, you need to make sure that the courses have a clear training program and lesson plans. It is also necessary to find out what methods this institution uses. The answer to this question should be clear and unambiguous - you must understand that you will be taught using proven and proven methods, and not come up with them “on the fly.” A positive factor is the presence of a unified methodology - this means that the entire teaching staff is based on an already proven and balanced methodological base. Today it is customary to distinguish between traditional and non-traditional language methods.

The traditional method implies an emphasis on grammar, listening, writing tasks, including essays, retellings, etc. This method of learning is good if you plan to use English in your professional activities.

Non-traditional can be considered a communication method that is so popular today, in which the main task is the development of speaking skills. Often in this case, oral communication and replenishment of vocabulary replaces the study of grammatical rules - this method will be advantageous if you plan to communicate at an everyday level (travel, correspondence with foreigners, etc.).

You should not trust courses where, instead of familiarizing yourself with specific techniques, they will tell you about the textbooks they work with in these courses. This most likely means that teachers do not have a clear plan of action and work in a too simple and boring “by the book” method. As for manuals, there is no need to place serious emphasis on them - a good teacher always uses 50% of additional materials and focuses on their diversity. The courses must have a good material and technical base that will be at your disposal - you will be able to use audio and video materials, literature and printed publications in English.

Teaching Staff

An important criterion that is worth paying attention to is the availability of qualified teachers. Please note that the presence of diplomas and certificates does not always guarantee a high level of qualification of a specialist; however, in any case, a diploma of a linguist specializing in English is required. The level of a specialist can be confirmed by international certificates, for example IHC, CELTA, DELTA, CEELT. It is important that teachers regularly take advanced training courses, attend specialized seminars, colloquiums, and practice abroad.

Foreign language courses are often taught by native speakers and in most cases students strive to attend them. There is no need to rush things and urgently sign up with a foreign teacher. If we remember the methods we talked about earlier, then in most cases a native speaker will work in groups aimed at the communicative method of teaching. In this case, learning with such a teacher is very effective, because you will regularly listen to the competent speech of a native speaker. However, traditional methods, which involve a deep study of the rules of the language, are not always easy for foreign specialists. After all, being a native speaker of a language and correctly expounding the basics and rules of learning it are two different things.

A very important factor is the teacher’s interest in your success - you should see that the specialist carefully prepares for each lesson and is always ready to give additional explanations or comments on incomprehensible material. The skillful use of material and technical resources by the teacher in the classroom significantly increases your chances of successfully mastering the program.

Customer Focus

In our case, orientation means the company’s interest in determining your level of knowledge and making efforts to improve it. At the first meeting, you should definitely be offered a test that will show which language group you should enroll in. It is false to recommend that you start by “repeating” the level you are already at. In this case, the course employee simply wants you to use their services for a longer period of time. It is often recommended to join a stronger group in which you will actively “reach out” to more advanced fellow students.

During training, specialists should monitor your achievements and progress, which is verified by appropriate periodic tests. Your absence should not go unnoticed - just like at school, your attendance, your activity in class and your readiness for creative and extraordinary tasks are taken into account. It’s good if the company assigns you a personal manager who gives recommendations and advice while you attend English courses and supervises your achievements. If you are faced with the fact that the teacher does not pay attention to your failures or failures, most likely he is not interested in your success. In this case, it is better for you to change the group, and possibly the language courses.

Training program and groups

Depending on the results of the initial testing, you should be offered several training options, that is, programs. You can choose a course of two years, a year, six months or two months - everything will depend on your goal and your existing knowledge. If you are ready to continue training for a year or more, you can choose a comfortable option with 2-3 classes per week, 45-60 minute classes. These data are approximate - a specific number of hours and classes will be offered to you directly during the courses.

We would like to pay special attention to intensive courses, which are especially in demand. Of course, who isn’t excited about the prospect of “learning English in 2 months”?! At first glance, it is a very convenient option if you want to quickly “get up to speed” or gain basic knowledge. However, the name “intensive” speaks for itself - you will have to go pretty deep into your studies and devote the maximum amount of time to studying. The intensive program can consist of 5 lessons per week, each 3 hours long. You need to be prepared for the fact that most of your time will be spent not only on courses, but also on homework. We also note that such programs are not always effective, because due to the high load, the material may simply stop being absorbed.

Another option for an in-depth program is individual lessons with a teacher. This method is one of the most effective, since during a one-on-one lesson the chances of learning the material are highest. During an individual lesson, the student receives maximum information from the teacher. But no matter how good such lessons are, it is imperative to improve speaking skills in a group, so combining individual lessons with group ones is the most effective option for learning English.

Cost and bonus programs

In most cases, payment for courses is made for a certain period, for example three months, six months or a year. The company is interested in the client staying on the course for at least a couple of months. Prepayment for six months or a year in advance may imply a discount or individual bonuses for the client - this could be a free visit to a conversation club, individual lessons as a gift, attendance at specialized conferences or meetings with native speakers, etc. Individual discounts may be provided during the daytime and during the summer (it is usually difficult to recruit a sufficient number of students at this time), and there may also be promotions dedicated to holidays.

If you have already decided on the above requirements, finally we would like to give you a few more recommendations. When choosing English courses, take into account their location, because if the road takes up a lot of your time, you may not have any energy left for classes, especially if you spend most of the day at work. The atmosphere in the group and communication with the teacher should be comfortable and not cause constraint or embarrassment. Also, various administrative issues should not distract from training - such points are discussed at the beginning of training, and in the future the client concentrates only on studying.

Considerable emphasis should also be placed on diligently completing homework - without independent work, not a single teacher will provide you with 100% results. The important point is your personal sense of progress - you should notice your progress and the results of attending courses. If you move up a notch every month, then you are on the right path to your goal!

We wish you a good choice!