Korean historical series tae jo subtitled. From Asian Life: Historical Figure: Gwangjeong

1-55. What a blessing that there were kind people and took this gorgeous work of Korean filmmakers to work! This is a real SAGYK, it is impossible to tear yourself away, everything is set very close to the real story, and if something was lied to, then these are minor trifles! The era of change always gives birth to great commanders, heroes and traitors! Dynasties, rulers, names of states changed, but the people inhabiting these lands remained unchanged! The drama simply breathes pride in the country, its culture and the history of recalcitrant peoples! The three kingdoms of the Korean peninsula are falling one after another! Fate or coincidence, there may be weak rulers and corrupt officials, but it was just before their death that Baekje and Koguryo had very talented commanders (Kim Yusin is already very old in Silla), Tang is in his prime and is advancing on all fronts, but it was King Silla who realized in time that his state is next on the list, so in 676 the Silla people drove the dancers out of the lands of Baekje and Koguryo, from that moment the United Silla began to exist! But the heroes of this drama - in the north of the territories, the northern part of Koguryo, Primorsky Krai and part of Manchuria - this will be the state of Bohai! After 30 years of captivity and resistance, resettled in the northern regions of China, after the defeat of Koguryo, the Sumo Mohe people and the Kogure people (Yinzhou), after 30 years of captivity and resistance, took advantage of the Khitan uprising in 696 and went to the northeast to their ancestral lands, this part of the Mohe people and the Kogure people from Yinzhou became the core of the future state of Bohai! The history of the Khitan tribe is interesting! In the Slavic and Western traditions, it is to the ethnonym "Kitan" (Chinese) that today's name - China - goes back! But they will still realize their dream of their own state in 907 - the state of Liao! And it is the Khitan who will subsequently destroy the state of Bohai! Khitans - nomadic Mongols, though uneducated, but not stupid, their military art was almost brilliant! On horseback, lightly armed, with a supply of dried lamb, they anticipated the tactics of blitzkrieg for centuries! BUT, they used the war as a last resort, preferred small attacks on the main enemy forces, looked for weak areas to bypass from the rear, masters of subversive propaganda! Subsequently, they learned to take fortified cities, move on water, and even coped with Burmese elephants! Not for nothing that before the Second World War, the Germans actively studied the Mongolian tactics of warfare! The history of the Liaodong Peninsula is also very interesting. Until 1955, the Russians rented the peninsula and had bases in two non-freezing ports - Dalniy (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Luishun), transferred the peninsula to the government of the PRC! In general, the history of these places is very rich! I recommend the drama to everyone, even though it seems long, but the plot is very dynamic, the series fly by! Great find Babula use the book "Samguk Sagi" by Kim Busik to submit information for the movie Treasure of Korea, thank you so much!!! But two things in the film made me laugh - one common royal chair for three rulers - Tang, Kogure and Silla! And also the clumsy hieroglyphs that Empress Wu wrote, and she was a famous calligrapher of her time, apparently, the actress did not cope with such a difficult task! I'm going to keep watching and enjoy! Once again, many thanks to the translation team, if not for your enthusiasm, we would not see such great films!

So who is Gwangjong?|Being a true fan of Tung Hua's "Amazing Everywhere" and its Chinese adaptation, I decided to watch a South Korean drama. Although initially I did not plan to do this, as I was afraid to spoil the impression of the original. However, I was wrong. The series "Scarlet Heart" can hardly be called a remake: the only thing that connects it with the Chinese adaptation is the idea of ​​teleportation in time and the very fact that a girl from the future is involved in palace intrigues. Otherwise, the Korean version differs from its predecessor. In addition, I was pleasantly surprised by the acting, and not only Lee Jun Ki shines with talent. In my opinion, he even copes with the role perfectly, which, by the way, I did not count on. However, let's not talk about it for now, because the topic of our conversation is "Historical Figure".

So, from the very beginning of "Scarlet Hearts" the main character stubbornly repeats the name of Emperor Gwangjon - fratricide and murderer. And if you watch the series carefully, just like me, you already know that his role is played by Lee Jun Ki. So who is Gwangjong?

kwangjong- the fourth emperor of the Korean state of Korea, who ruled in 950-975. He is the fourth child of the founder of the Wang Dynasty and the Kingdom of Goryeo - Emperor Taejo. Was born Prince Wang So in December 925 on the territory now belonging to North Korea, to be more precise, in the province of Hwanghae-bukto. According to the surviving annals of that time, from childhood, the future emperor differed from his brothers not only in his inventive mindset, but also in his particular cruelty (it was rumored that he had a curse that could destroy the country). Your strong character Prince Wang So he showed later, after he ascended the throne: he did not spare political rivals, brutally cracking down on them, thereby forcing an atmosphere of general fear in the circles of power.

He died in 943. According to the last will of the deceased ruler, his first son ascended the throne - Prince Wang Mu, aka emperor hyejong. The heir was supported by a clique of influential nobles, led by a landowner from Hyesong County. However, the opponents of the new emperor were much stronger. Hyejong's main opponent in the struggle for the throne was Wang Gyu, an aristocrat from the southern part of the Hangang Valley, whose two daughters were the spouses of Wang Gon, and the third was the wife of Wang Mu. The main goal of the nobleman was the overthrow of the current reigning emperor and the erection of one of his daughter's sons in his place. The insidious plan of Wang Gyu practically came true: in 945, Hyejong died, according to the official version, from a severe nervous breakdown. However, at that moment, the ruler of Pyongyang intervened in the game, who, through armed clashes, enthroned the third son of Wang Gon, Prince Yeo, known by his posthumous name jeongjong. Wang Gu and all his supporters, including one of the princes ( I confess honestly, I could not find his exact name) were executed.

Jeongjong surpassed his predecessor in terms of tenure on the throne by only a few years. In 949, he died under mysterious circumstances: according to the official version, he was mortally frightened by lightning that struck one of the palace pavilions ( quite strange, don't you think?). After that, power passed to the fourth son of Wang Gong - Prince Wang So, known by the posthumous name Gwangjong.

On one Chinese site, I read that some historians are of the opinion that it was Wang So who had a hand in the death of his own elder brother, Emperor Jeongjong. I cannot verify the validity of these arguments, so we can only guess. But as Prince Yeo said: "Was there an emperor in Goryeo who did not kill his brothers in the struggle for the throne?"

Gwangjong came to power during a period of political unrest: the numerous clans that Taejo united were constantly fighting for power, and the throne was constantly under threat. Recognizing the need to create a stable government, Gwangjong enacted a series of laws designed to centralize power and weaken the power of the feudal lords.

The famous Korean politician and poet of the Goryeo period, Choi Seungro (927–989), divided the period of Gwangjong's reign into three stages: 1) grouping of forces; 2) strengthening of power; 3) weakening of positions.

In the early stages of Gwangjong's reign, power was concentrated primarily in the hands of the powerful Goryeo clans. In order to get closer to the people, thereby enlisting their support, the emperor resorted to a little trick: he began to actively preach Buddhism. Religion was able to bring the Son of the Dragon closer to the subjects, and then Gwangjong began to take action.

Starting in 955, the emperor began to carry out reforms designed to strengthen his power. First, Gwangjong expelled the wealthy clans from the Goryeo court by establishing a national civil forensic service in 958. Secondly, he introduced a system of examinations for the civil service, which was used for a millennium. Thirdly, in 956, Gwangjong enacted a law on "checking the status of slaves": all peasants illegally enslaved in the troubled times of Late Silla and early Goryeo by the nobility were granted the status of "commoner", thereby freeing them from slave duties to the owner.

The turning point in Gwangjong's politics came in 960. Due to the emperor's aggressive attitude towards the nobility and the constant reforms that oppressed their power, the powerful Goryeo clans began to rebel. They realized that if Gwangjong was not overthrown, he would destroy them. However, the uprisings were crushed before the fire could flare up. The emperor did not spare anyone: the rebels were executed or repressed, including those who were killed Prince Heunghwa- Hyejong's first son and Prince Gyeongchonwan- Jeongjon's first son.

In order to prevent unrest from growing with greater force, Gwangjong begins to conduct regular "purges": all objectionable, whether they are high-ranking officials, military leaders or commoners, were repressed or killed. The chronicles of those years say: "children reported on their fathers, and slaves - on their masters."

Toward the end of his reign, Gwangjong began to pay more and more attention to Buddhism. New monasteries were built in the capital and ritual ceremonies were performed with unusual pomp. The main reason for this behavior of the emperor is considered to be his desire to strengthen the image of the ruler as the patron of the Buddhist faith, which was supposed to provide wide support for the reforms. However, there is an opinion that in this way Kwangjong tried to atone for his subjects, whose lives he crippled or took away. Some historians argue that he sought psychological compensation in a fanatical adherence to the tenets of the Buddhist religion.

In 975, Gwangjong fell ill and died a few days later. The exact cause of the death of the emperor has not yet been established. It is possible that he also suffered the fate of his older brothers: Hyejong and Jeongjon.

Kwangjong's successor was his first son - Gyeongjong who ruled from 975 to 981. The new ruler continued his father's policy, while heading for the "detente" of the tense situation. And the sixth ruler of Goryeo was sungjong- Son of the 8th Prince Wang Wook and husband of Gwangjong's third daughter.

It is worth noting that, unlike, who had more than 30 wives, Gwangjon had only two spouses: the half-sister became the first wife of the emperor - princess hwangbo (yes, she was played by actress Kang Hannah in the drama), also known as Queen Temok-wanhu, second wife was Princess Gyeonghwagyeong- Hyejong's daughter. Kwangjong also had surprisingly few children for the emperor: two sons and three daughters, and the youngest son died in infancy.

In general, despite the repression, the period of Gwangjong's reign is considered one of the most successful in the history of Goryeo. The followers of the fourth emperor developed additional rules that allowed Goryeo to become a strong centralized state in accordance with the Confucian model, with a unified system of power.

So, from all of the above, the conclusion suggests itself: Gwangjong, like most great rulers, was an ambiguous personality. With his reforms, he was able to raise the state of Goryeo to a new level, but the repression carried out during his reign significantly reduced the positive effect of innovations.

Finally, I would like to add that Lee Jun Ki is not the first actor who had to play the role of Kwangjong. For the first time, this character appeared on the small screen in 2000 in the series "Emperor Wang Gong", in which he was played by Chi Woo. In 2002, the drama "Rise of an Empire" began to air on KBS1, where Kim Sang-jun played the role of Kwang-jong. The next appearance of the emperor on television was in 2009 in the TV series Iron Empress, in which he was played by Jung Seung Woo. And in 2015, in the drama "" ", he played the role of the cruel Prince Wang So.

P.S. I am not strong in the history of the Korean state and all the information presented in the article was found by me on the Internet. So if you notice any flaw in the above facts or you have something to add, write in the comments. We will be happy to help you.

What a blessing that there were kind people and took this gorgeous work of Korean filmmakers to work! This is a real SAGYK, it is impossible to tear yourself away, everything is set very close to the real story, and if something was lied to, then these are minor trifles! The era of change always gives birth to great commanders, heroes and traitors! Dynasties, rulers, names of states changed, but the people inhabiting these lands remained unchanged! The drama simply breathes pride in the country, its culture and the history of recalcitrant peoples! The three kingdoms of the Korean peninsula are falling one after another! Fate or coincidence, there may be weak rulers and corrupt officials, but it was just before their death that Baekje and Koguryo had very talented commanders (Kim Yusin is already very old in Silla), Tang is in his prime and is advancing on all fronts, but it was King Silla who realized in time that his state is next on the list, so in 676 the Silla people drove the dancers out of the lands of Baekje and Koguryo, from that moment the United Silla began to exist! But the heroes of this drama - in the north of the territories, the northern part of Koguryo, Primorsky Krai and part of Manchuria - this will be the state of Bohai! After 30 years of captivity and resistance, resettled in the northern regions of China, after the defeat of Koguryo, the Sumo Mohe people and the Kogure people (Yinzhou), after 30 years of captivity and resistance, took advantage of the Khitan uprising in 696 and went to the northeast to their ancestral lands, this part of the Mohe people and the Kogure people from Yinzhou became the core of the future state of Bohai! The history of the Khitan tribe is interesting! In the Slavic and Western traditions, it is to the ethnonym "Kitan" (Chinese) that today's name - China - goes back! But they will still realize their dream of their own state in 907 - the state of Liao! And it is the Khitan who will subsequently destroy the state of Bohai! Khitans - nomadic Mongols, though uneducated, but not stupid, their military art was almost brilliant! On horseback, lightly armed, with a supply of dried lamb, they anticipated the tactics of blitzkrieg for centuries! BUT, they used the war as a last resort, preferred small attacks on the main enemy forces, looked for weak areas to bypass from the rear, masters of subversive propaganda! Subsequently, they learned to take fortified cities, move on water, and even coped with Burmese elephants! Not for nothing that before the Second World War, the Germans actively studied the Mongolian tactics of warfare! The history of the Liaodong Peninsula is also very interesting. Until 1955, the Russians rented the peninsula and had bases in two non-freezing ports - Dalniy (Dalian) and Port Arthur (Luishun), transferred the peninsula to the government of the PRC! In general, the history of these places is very rich! I recommend the drama to everyone, even though it seems long, but the plot is very dynamic, the series fly by! Great find Babula to use to submit information for the movie Treasure of Korea, Kim Busik's book "Samguk Sagi", thank you so much!!! But two things in the film made me laugh - one common royal chair for three rulers - Tang, Kogure and Silla! And also the clumsy hieroglyphs that Empress Wu wrote, and she was a famous calligrapher of her time, apparently, the actress did not cope with such a difficult task! I'm going to keep watching and enjoy! Once again, many thanks to the translation team, if not for your enthusiasm, we would not see such great films!

"Every man is the creator of his own destiny." Gaius Sallust Crispus (ancient Roman historian) In 668, Goguryeo fell under the onslaught of the Silla kingdom and the Chinese Tang dynasty. The lands of Goguryeo went to the invaders, and its population fell under their yoke. Not wanting to endure the oppression of the enemy, in 698 the former Goguryeo people, together with the Malgal tribe, raised an uprising led by Tae Joyong. It is not known for sure whether Joyeon was a Koguryo. Chinese historiographers claim that he came from the Malgal tribe, while in the Korean chronicles "Rhymed Records of Kings and Emperors" ("Chewan Ungi"), it is mentioned that his father Te Zhongsan was the commander of Goguryeo, who gave his life for the fatherland. Whatever it is It was, Tae Joyeon showed himself as an excellent strategist and a brave warrior. Thanks to him, the rebels managed to defeat the 200,000-strong Tang army. After that, they settled near Mount Dongmosag and announced the creation of a new state, which went down in history under the name Parhae (Bohai). On the way to the formation of the kingdom, Tae Joyong had to face many difficulties, to know love, friendship and betrayal. The series "Tae Joyeon" offers us its own version of the biography of this great ruler.