Wrote a story about how to make money. Sell ​​a story for real money - is it possible in today's Internet

Many people have a talent for writing interesting articles, but they do not use it. Sometimes the writer wakes up in each of us and we want to express our thoughts on paper. Most often it remains only in the head, but if your texts start to generate income, you will definitely do this more often.

Internet writing is an online job that many have turned into a side job. With any knowledge or just a good imagination, you can make money selling articles for websites. This is an interesting work that does not require any contributions and serious knowledge, you can put up the first text for sale today.

How to make money as a writer on the Internet?

Copywriting exchanges were created especially for authors. They are visited by thousands of potential buyers who are looking for useful materials to fill their resources. With the help of exchanges, you can not only put up finished articles for sale, but also take orders.

Info business for a writer

Does it make sense to trade for little things and sell small texts when you can build a full-fledged business on e-books. To start such a business, you need a plan of action. There is a useful article on Next Invest with, use ready-made instructions.

It is not difficult to find special programs for creating e-books on the Internet. One of the most popular is Book Designer, even a beginner will understand how to use it, so you can concentrate on the content.

Nobody buys stupid junk, people need to be given something useful and interesting. Look at what is trending now, what problems people have and so on. Coming up with a good idea is not so easy, and you need to take into account the stock of your knowledge.

As for the implementation, it is not necessary to create your own website for this. There are special systems where you can put up an e-book for sale. On Glopart, they accept various kinds of information products for free, and partners are engaged in their sale (you will pay them a percentage of the sale):

This is the statistics of all added books on Plati.ru. A wide range for the buyer and a lot of competitors for the seller. With the help of these services, you can see what the authors write about, what sells better and what price to set for your product.

Making money as an Internet writer is a great option to turn your knowledge into money. The niche is open to everyone, some people have built successful careers in copywriting and infobusiness. Do not sit idle, start writing books or articles, money is not superfluous.

After learning that I write books, I often get asked the same question - they ask me about the fee. This question may sound differently: “Is it really possible to earn a living by writing?”, “And how much did you grab for the last book?”, “What fee should a novice writer (meaning - the questioner) count on?” etc. I'll try to answer.

Is the amount big?

I think, and a no brainer, that the size of the fee directly depends on the circulation. But how? And it’s very simple - the larger the circulation, the greater the fee 😉

Royalties are usually 6-12% of the total cost of circulation. In the contract, in the clause on the payment of royalties, this percentage can be specified directly, or a certain amount of money can be indicated there - if you recalculate it, you should again reach the same 6-12% of the cost of circulation.

The cost of circulation is calculated simply: you need to multiply the selling price of one book by the number of books (circulation). The selling price of the publishing house at the moment (2003) is approximately 30-35 rubles per book. (Yes, yes! Sellers do 100-300% cheat).

But this is the general case. There are also exceptions. There are small publishing houses that pay royalties in author's copies. Want to fill your kitchen with stacks of books? Would you like to give gifts to all relatives? Do you know any booksellers? - then this option may suit you.

There is one fairly well-known publishing house (I won’t name it 🙂), which doesn’t bother paying royalties at all. But maybe it doesn't matter to you? It also happens - many agree to be left without money, if only the book came out.

Well, now let's figure out how much science fiction writers of different ranks get 😉

Books by a certain Mikhail Klikin %) are printed in 8-10 thousand copies. How much is in money - consider yourself.

The circulation of each new book by Nick Perumov (excluding reprints) is approximately 100,000 copies. This should bring the author $10,000.

And Joan Rolling, Harry Potter's mother, having released her new book in Russia in a million copies, should receive $ 100,000 from Russian publishers alone (However, I can't vouch for the accuracy of this figure. How the fee is charged to her, I don't know.)

How is it paid

The fee is usually paid in two installments. At the time of signing the contract, an advance is paid - usually it is half or a third of the total amount. The author receives the rest of the fee after the book is published, usually in 1-3 months - this period should be specified in the contract.

But, again, this is the general case. There are enough exceptions. For example, the publishing house "Armada" ("Alpha-book"), as a rule, does not pay an advance. They release books quite quickly, in a few months. And the fee - all, entirely - is paid after the release of the book. By the way, they pay well.

If some publishing house is interested in your text, it can pay the money immediately after signing the contract - the ideal option, in my opinion, is no worries and worries about “they will deceive, they won’t deceive, what if the dollar exchange rate collapses, or the publisher goes bankrupt ...” 🙂

So is it possible to make money writing?

Probably you can. However, it all depends on your needs. For example, I need a little for a normal life - 4-8 thousand rubles a month.

If you decide to become a professional writer, then you need to soberly assess some circumstances:

1. Few writers became famous for their first book. Most take years and years to get any sort of publicity.

2. Most authors write a book for several months. Then you need to find a publisher - this can also take a long time (my first book traveled through publishers for two years). Then for about half a year the book will be prepared for publication ... But all this time you have to live on something! Therefore, most beginners (and not only) writers are forced to earn extra money. Can you combine work and writing? I still get it.

3. A beginner (any little-known) author should not count on a large circulation. 6-8 thousand copies. — that's good. You will get a little money from this (reread item 2). And your second book, most likely, will be released in the same circulation. And the third ... Are you ready for this? ..

To sum up - if you want to make money - find another way to do it. Erwin Cobb said, "If writers were good businessmen, they would be smart enough not to be writers."

And for some reason I think he's right. 🙂

Mikhail Klikin

Earnings for a writer is a complex and opaque indicator. Earnings can vary from 30,000 rubles a year to tens of millions of dollars a month. The spread is quite large and it is far from being measured by the talent of the writer. It used to be easier in the USSR - I wrote a book, got access to the feeder and live the rest of my life. Now everything is much more complicated. Today we will find out how much modern writers earn.

For the third year in a row, in the list compiled by the influential Forbes magazine, the leader is James Patterson. The American pensioner earned $94 million in a year. He published 14 new books. Widely known are his bestsellers about psychologist Alex Cross, novels about detective Michael Bennett and a dozen books from the Women's Homicide Club series.

horror legend, Stephen King, of course, lagged behind his colleague, but also earned decently. Agree, 39 million green dollars a year is a very decent amount. On such an income, you can live long and well, even during periods of creative stagnation.

Another American Literary Star Janet Ivanovich earned $33 million last year. The working field for Janet is detective novels about a former lingerie saleswoman, Stephanie Plum, who changes her fortunes and becomes a bounty hunter.

You say this is abroad, what to compare? But let's admit that their expenses are not the same as ours, not to mention requests. True, ours are far behind their Western colleagues, but this does not prevent them from earning decent sums from their work.

Example, Daria Dontsova already tired of everyone, but I will repeat. In 2011 alone, Dontsova, according to the Russian Book Chamber, published books with a circulation of over two million copies. It is not known for certain how much she receives from the sale of each book, but even the minimum option of $ 1 is already more than $ 2 million a year. With the fertility of the author, the amount of earnings is decent.

Boris Akunin according to one data, he lags behind his colleagues in the shop. His circulation in 2011 was about 500,000 copies, but according to others he is the richest Russian writer. Even Forbes appreciated it. After all, do not forget that selling books is only the tip of the financial iceberg of a true professional writer.

But what about our fantasies? Now one of the most popular genres of literature brings decent money to its masters.

Sergey Lukyanenko launches circulations easily and naturally from 200 thousand pieces. By analogy, you can estimate how much it turns out in monetary terms. It is quite possible to live and even well.

I also want to point out that selling books is not everything. There are sales of film rights to books, script writing, advertising in the book and in life, passive income from publicity. Any professional writer will find a way to make money for their liking.

These are masters and professionals. How much do newbies get? If a novice author manages to persuade a publishing house to put his work into circulation, and it will be released in the amount of 3000 - 5000 books, then this will bring him an average of 30 thousand rubles. Agree, mere pennies compared to labor costs. Here the question arises, why all this? It is necessary to throw everything to hell and go to a hated job!

And then you have to think, why are you writing? If it's a hobby, then that's one thing. An income of 30 thousand rubles a year from a hobby is also not bad. Well, if you decide to do writing work, then to hell with everything! Take it and do it! Write every day, a lot and for a long time. Only in this way will you fill your hand and create a sufficient number of books to make yourself known.

It's good if you don't have family and obligations, then the whole world is at your feet. It would be a sin not to try to become a writer and make yourself known to the whole world, but what about a family office plankton with a set of decent devices, issued on credit? In this case, you should prepare for the transition.

The transition to a writing career must begin early. You have to write your first book first. Tips can be found on our website. Next, close all debts. The transition must take place on a sound financial footing. After that, we find an additional, preferably the most passive source of income, you can read about it here. Then, when your passive income begins to bear the first fruits, and you learn how to cover the minimum needs, quit. Now is your time to become a professional writer. Take care of it. Write every day and sell. Sell ​​yourself, creativity, experience is what will help you get the real life of a writer.

Today we learned that a writer's earnings are directly dependent on desire and experience. Mind your own business, and your business will always make you RICH.

What do you think about the income of the writer? Please leave comments below.

There is one very serious misconception about what a writer should work as "in the world." By the way, the fact that a writer has to work somewhere, go to work is not discussed at all. This is understandable a priori. So: what should a writer work for?

Only in any case not a translator, not a journalist and not a literary editor in a magazine. The point is that in his free time from writing, the writer DOES NOT WRITE. Otherwise he will go crazy. And if he doesn’t go crazy, then he definitely won’t be a writer. Maybe that's better?

More precisely, here's how. In his service, the writer should be engaged in such work, in which one does not need to think a lot and hard, otherwise, God forbid, even deduce letters. Anything - work as a loader in the port, work at a construction site, crowd unicorns, catch butterflies - just do not engage in intellectual work associated with sedentary work and mental stress.

Then the writer has a hunger, a real hunger for the culture and creation of the Word. And then, coming home from work, he rushes to write. A lot of people, even those who are not related to creativity, live like this: they work for six months, and for the next six months, eating the money they earn, they do what their soul asks for. So worked, for example, a novice poet - Joseph Brodsky. For the whole summer, starting from May, he left for the geological party, and then all winter he was engaged in self-education and creativity.

Another thing is the established poets and writers. They can teach (a little), write columns for a newspaper, broadcast on TV. All, mind you, in the singular. But to start even with this young talent is contraindicated.

Literary Institute, awards and parties

May I have a short answer? Don't act, don't strive, don't walk. It's unfashionable. It doesn't do any good. It doesn't bring in any money.

What is a "selfish"?

Gravity - this is the name of the flow of author's manuscripts coming to publishing houses. As a rule, the fate of such manuscripts is sad - they are not printed, they are not reviewed and they are not returned. It makes sense to contact the publishing house only when the director of the publishing house is your friend. And that, it does not guarantee you the income from circulation and solid fees.

Writers on the Internet

Everyone is now talking about how the Internet has saved aspiring writers. And indeed it is. Blogging and LiveJournal is a way to express yourself not only for fools, but also for those who really have something to say to the world in good Russian. Especially if you know how to work in a small genre - an essay, a short story, a short story. And also if you write poetry. In the ocean of graphomania, your talented voice will definitely be heard. And the fashion for bloggers, who are perceived today as the most relevant newsmakers, will force journalists to pay attention to you and invite you for an interview. And there the publishers will conclude a contract with you.

The Chukchi is not a reader - the Chukchi is a writer.

If you don't read anything, then you have nothing to do in the craft of writing. I’ll make a reservation right away, this is not about reading your contemporaries. They just might as well not be read. With regard to contemporaries, the above proverb is true. You need to read the classics. Firstly, because it contains strategic reserves of literate and rich Russian speech. Secondly, because the writer must be able to distance himself from his time, otherwise he will turn into a journalist of the district small circulation. Well, in general, writing is a craft, and here, as in any other craft, the guild apprentice must be trained by the Master - whether he likes it or not.

When Vanka Zhukov was sent from the village to the city to study with a shoemaker, he also did not like to rock the mistress's baby and get herring in the face. On the other hand, who would entrust a village savage with undeveloped fine motor skills to cut pieces of expensive leather? Discipleship must be taken with humility - so read the classics, even if it's hard for you. And start with Bunin - Bunin is a mathematical analysis for those who want to write in Russian: difficult and unbearable, but necessary.

If you have already signed a contract with a publisher.

I am contributing to the optimism. Publishers know one tricky rule: it is impossible to feed the reader with the same surnames. Therefore, publishers are always on the lookout. In addition, if you are not a graphomaniac, and the editor who reads it will like your text, then you will definitely be invited to a conversation. And here is the print run. Immediately upset - you will be thrown. The circulation will be larger than indicated on the cover of the book. You won't see the difference. And this is only one way not to pay extra to the author. But you still get paid to pay. How?

The author receives 10% of the total profit from the sale of the circulation. In real money, this is five rubles from the sold copy of the book - this is the average temperature in the hospital. Moreover, the calculations are based on the selling price of the publisher - and not on the price at which the book is sold in the store. And the selling price of the publisher, of course, is lower.
As a result, for a written book as a novice author, you will receive from 500 to 600 dollars maximum. And that's it.

In addition, the publisher will ask you to write a sequel to make a brand out of your name, to accustom the reader to it. That's why if you are a typical author of one book, then they won't even want to talk to you. Write two or even three parts at once. Write a book in three parts. And feed the tiger bit by bit.

There are very few well-written and even simply literate people. And every year it gets smaller. Therefore, you have a chance.

Is it possible to become a writer?

Let's start with a small portion of pure writing motivation. This paragraph will be short, these words are written just to somehow take your time, and at the same time to make it clear how words can be disposed of. Arrange words in a sentence, make a creative departure from the main topic, and finally give your brain food for thought.

And most importantly, every generation has its own classics, and who knows, maybe you are one of them.

How to become a good writer.

1. Ask a question to those around you: how to become a good writer? What is required for this? Most people will immediately answer, literary talent. But what is literary talent? Maybe some data given to us at birth? Partly, yes. At the same time, let's take the musicians. The presence of only one absolute pitch does not make a person a musician. What does he do? That's right, practice, the ability to reach out to people, to the right place at the right time, at times, and in the end to sell your talent.

2. Besides, writing is not the only skill a writer should have. As a rule, each reader has his favorite author. And as a rule, he is loved for a reason. The reader likes to read and re-read the works they like. But you don't just like reading certain people. I like how your eyes run over the lines, how the words are arranged in the sentence, and the text is presented, I like the point of view the author looks at the situation from. And all these things can be summed up in one word - experience.

3. Perhaps each of the great writers at least once in his life, like you, wondered how to write a good book. And like you, he also looked for suitable literature. It is known that many writers loved the works of their colleagues so much that they sometimes rewrote them completely. It is believed that in this way you will not learn to write like the great classics, but in the process of copying words and writing other people's thoughts with your own hand, you will acquire your own writing style.

Why you can become the most popular writer of our time.

One of the modern classics said that only losers write articles for magazines, and those who really love to write write books. There is truth in these words. And despite the development of the Internet, despite the fact that millions of sites require writing articles and materials, no one has yet canceled good books. There is always a demand for them.

How to publish a book online and make money with Lulu.

You don't really need much to write books. Ask yourself the question: "How to become a writer?" That's right - write a story first! Enough in electronic form. But to become a successful writer, perseverance alone is not enough, you need a good, catchy plot - and there is the most important thing in a writer, his trademark zest.

How to publish a book online is free? Today on the Internet, many online publishers offer to create a book for free and start selling it. The most popular and offering similar services are the Amazon online store, as well as the online publishing house lulu.com.

Lulu Publication Terms.

Lulu will require only a couple of things from you: the presence of a story in electronic form (in a Microsoft Word document) and only in English, and also edit it in a form that can be downloaded from the Lulu website. If you don't want to edit, they can do it for you.

After choosing book templates: black and white or color pages, book up to 75 or more than 200 pages, and the like. The publisher prepares your work for publication. Subsequently, for each book sold, you can get from 8-20 dollars. Not bad, right?

What is the benefit for the publisher?

It is only domestic publishing houses that offer to make big money for publication. Only for the publication and we are not talking about distribution of further sales. Lulu will help you earn money by writing and immediately shows how much money the book itself will cost, how much money it will take to create a book (in electronic and paper forms), what percentage the publishing house will keep for each copy sold, and what fee the author will receive in the end.

This fee is called royalty. Publishers work in the following way:
1) The author writes a book and sends it to a publisher.
2) If the publisher likes the text, they agree on the terms of the contract with the author. In it, the publisher offers the conditions under which both parties will work.
3) Next comes the editing of the text and the layout of the book (in the event that it will be in paper form).
4) When the book arrives on the shelves of stores (this also applies to online stores), the editors and the author can only share the profit according to the contract.

In conclusion…

In our today's material, we touched on topics: how to become a writer, and considered one of the ways of modern publishing. If you have any questions - write in the comments.