By distance learning. What is Distance Learning? Forms and benefits of distance education

Today, for a person who wants to get an education and acquire a profession, there are no barriers. There are plenty of opportunities to learn, even if you can't attend classroom classes. The most flexible and convenient way is Remote education. This form of education is becoming more and more popular Charla Women's Site invites you to learn more about this way of getting education.

What is distance education? This is the education that you receive without attending an educational institution, using a set of specific tools. It is clear that without a computer and Internet access it is very problematic to do this. Although there are also such forms of education where communication between the student and the teacher takes place by telephone, fax or regular mail.

You can get knowledge remotely at various courses and educational programs, including both ordinary advanced training courses or retraining of personnel, and courses of higher educational institutions for obtaining special or higher education. Distance learning provides an opportunity to get an education for those who could not previously afford to attend educational institutions on a certain schedule due to employment or other objective reasons.

This way of learning has its pros and cons. The unequivocal disadvantage is that in this case practical classes are excluded, and the student does not learn to apply all the theoretical material in practice. Everything will have to be done on your own. There is no opportunity to communicate with other students to exchange experiences, and this is also an important aspect of the entire learning process in any university. Distance learning it is also not suitable for those who are not able to independently motivate themselves for classes without the control of the teacher.

Pros in distance learning there is also. Firstly, this form of education allows you to receive education not at the pace set by educational institutions, but at the pace that is convenient for you.

Secondly, you can study remotely even abroad, which few students can afford. And that's all - without leaving home, saving on travel, housing and food. By the way, about saving. Extramural distance education will cost you half as much as getting an education in institutions with a traditional system of education. And this opportunity is not missed by those students whose financial capabilities are limited. This is how about 100 million people are educated every year in the world!

Before you rush in search of a suitable educational institution, we recommend that you think carefully: can you study remotely? It is only at first glance that everything is convenient and easy, but if yours is not enough, you are often lazy or put off all important questions for the last moment, then most likely this form of training is not for you.

This education is ideal for people:

  • For those who have already received the first basic education and are striving for development, but do not have enough time to attend an educational institution;
  • For those who want to get an education abroad, but do not have enough funds to receive such an education;
  • For people with limited physical abilities;
  • For those who live in remote parts of our country and want to take advanced training courses or get higher education;

Such an education is ideal for those who have already received a basic education, and remotely want to take specialized courses that educational institutions offer or receive.

If you are definitely thinking about what to get Remote education in a new specialty, you must first check yourself. Do you really want to master this particular subject? Buy a textbook and try out a few topics on your own. If your excitement and interest in this topic has not disappeared and it is convenient for you to study on your own, then feel free to go in search of a worthy educational institution.

Choosing an educational institution for remote form is also very important. In Russia, this form has become popular relatively recently, so you can get on scammers online or a frankly weak training center. Find out all possible information on the Internet, read reviews, chat with those who have successfully received diplomas from such institutions. Analyze the cost of the course and the program, and only after such thorough preparation choose an educational institution.

It is very easy to believe educational institutions abroad, because distance learning has long been popular both in Europe and in America. There is a lot of information on the Internet. First of all, it is necessary to check the availability of accreditation from a particular educational institution, which is issued by the relevant authorities. In the United States, this body is Council for Higher Education Accreditation (Council for Accreditation of Educational Institutions). On the website of this organization, you can see if the selected institution has accreditation. Similar bodies exist in European countries.

If you are determined to get an education in this way, remember that only tight control, self-discipline and a great desire to learn and reach new heights will bring success. The ability to properly manage your time, to place the right accents in life - these are the qualities that are simply necessary for those who receive education remotely.

Zoya Samoilova

) is becoming very popular these days. Universities of our country also more and more often began to offer this form of education. However, not all high school students (potential applicants) understand what it is and how the training actually takes place. That is why they ignore him. We bring to your attention an article about distance learning, its pros and cons, as well as ... about common myths.

DISTANCE LEARNING - it is a way of learning at a distance, when the teacher and the student or student are physically in different places. The bulk of the educational material is delivered using various technologies.

When a regular and accessible postal service was established in Europe at the end of the 18th century, such a phenomenon as “correspondent training” became possible. Students corresponded with teachers and received educational materials by mail. And they passed the exams either to a trusted person in their locality, or in the form of a scientific work they sent to their leader, again by mail. In Russia, this method appeared at the end of the 19th century.

In 1979, in China, for the first time in the history of distance education, one-way interaction between the university and students began to be carried out through radio and television broadcasts (audio cassettes became widespread later). Bilateral interaction was carried out with the help of face-to-face consultations, short-term courses and correspondence.

Today, along with the mailing of printed and media materials, modern computer technologies are increasingly being used: audio / video conferences, E-Learning (e-learning), online learning (online learning), Internet conferences, Internet broadcasts. These technologies allow students to consult with teachers in real time, wherever they are, take tests, take exams.

People of different ages and with different physical abilities can get education remotely. With a high degree of independence, students can contact the teacher almost at any time.

The advantage of this method of learning lies in the fact that it takes place in a psychologically comfortable, familiar environment, at an individual pace.

At the end of the course, students, depending on the program of study, are awarded diplomas or certificates.


There are many institutions of higher education that offer education using distance technologies. This is because, unlike the same colleges, universities have an information and technical base that is an order of magnitude better. However, the principle of organizing distance learning is no different.

Students also attend on-line lectures and participate in on-line seminars, use electronic libraries via the Internet, receive educational materials and assignments to their e-mail box, have the opportunity to consult with tutors and teachers using Internet telephony. If the university has such an opportunity (remote access to laboratory equipment, computer simulators), then students can remotely perform both laboratory and practical work. However, education in some specialties (for example, medical) cannot be carried out remotely.

As in the case of receiving secondary vocational education remotely, training in a virtual university is more often distance learning using distance learning technologies. That is, the intermediate and final tests the student must take directly at the university or its branch.



+ Ability to learn at any time

A student studying remotely can independently decide when and how much time during the semester he should devote to studying the material. He builds an individual training schedule for himself. Some educational institutions provide their students with the opportunity to postpone education for a long time and return to it without having to pay for educational services again.

+ Ability to learn at your own pace

Distance learners don't have to worry about falling behind their classmates. You can always return to the study of more complex issues, watch video lectures several times, re-read the correspondence with the teacher, and already known topics can be skipped. The main thing is to successfully pass the intermediate and final certifications.

+ Ability to study anywhere

Students can study from the comfort of their home or office, from anywhere in the world. To start learning, you must have a computer with Internet access. The absence of the need to visit an educational institution every day is a definite plus for people with disabilities, for those living in hard-to-reach areas, serving sentences in prisons, and parents with small children.

+ Study without interruption from the main activity

Remotely, you can study in several courses at the same time, receive the next higher education. To do this, it is not at all necessary to take a vacation at the main place of work, to go on business trips. There are educational organizations that organize corporate training (training) for company employees and civil servants. In this case, study does not interrupt the seniority, and the issues studied can be immediately applied in work.

+ High learning outcomes

As studies by American scientists show, the results of distance learning are not inferior or even superior to the results of traditional forms of education. A distance student studies most of the educational material on his own. This improves the memorization and understanding of the topics covered. And the ability to immediately apply knowledge in practice, at work helps to consolidate them. In addition, the use of the latest technologies in the learning process makes it more interesting and lively.

+ Mobility

Communication with teachers, tutors is carried out in different ways: both on-line and off-line. Consulting with a tutor via e-mail is sometimes more effective and faster than scheduling a face-to-face meeting during full-time or distance learning.

+ Availability of training materials

Distance learners are not familiar with such a problem as the lack of textbooks, problem books, manuals. Access to all the necessary literature is opened to the student after registering on the university website, or he receives educational materials by mail.

+ Distance education is cheaper

If we compare full-time and distance learning in a particular specialty on a commercial basis, then the second one will be cheaper. The student does not have to pay for travel, accommodation, and in the case of foreign universities, there is no need to spend money on a visa and a passport.

+ Learning in a relaxed environment

Intermediate attestation of students of distance courses takes place in the form of on-line tests. Therefore, students have less reason to worry before meeting with teachers for tests and exams. The possibility of subjective assessment is excluded: the system that checks the correctness of answers to test questions will not be affected by the student's performance in other subjects, his social status and other factors.

+ Convenience for the teacher

Teachers, tutors, teachers engaged in teaching activities remotely can pay attention to more students and work while, for example, on maternity leave.

+ Individual approach

In traditional teaching, it is quite difficult for a teacher to give the necessary amount of attention to all the students in the group, to adjust to the pace of work of each. The use of remote technologies is suitable for organizing an individual approach. In addition to the fact that the student chooses the pace of learning for himself, he can quickly get answers from the tutor to questions that arise.


- Strong motivation required

Practically all educational material is studied by a distance student independently. This requires developed willpower, responsibility and self-control. Not everyone manages to maintain the desired pace of learning without outside control.

- Distance education is not suitable for the development of sociability

In distance learning, the personal contact of students with each other and with teachers is minimal, if not completely absent. Therefore, this form of training is not suitable for developing communication skills, confidence, teamwork skills.

- Lack of practical knowledge

Teaching specialties that involve a large number of practical exercises is difficult remotely. Even the most modern simulators will not replace future doctors or teachers of "live" practice.

- User identification problem

So far, the most effective way to monitor whether a student took exams or tests honestly and independently is video surveillance, which is not always possible. Therefore, students have to personally come to the university or its branches for the final certification.

- Insufficient computer literacy

In Russia, a special need for distance education arises in remote areas. However, in the outback, not everyone who wants to study has a computer with Internet access.


1. With distance learning, the quality of the knowledge gained is lower than with full-time.

In whatever form education is provided, its quality primarily depends on the student himself. Distance learning involves a greater degree of independence. If a student has a strong motivation, then he will certainly successfully cope with the curriculum. At the same time, the quality of education received on one's own is often even higher than the level of knowledge received traditionally at a desk.

Secondly, the status of the educational institution plays an important role. Agree, a Harvard diploma obtained even after distance learning is valued more than a document obtained in one of the Russian universities after full-time education.

Thirdly, using distance technologies, it is much easier for educational institutions to organize seminars with highly qualified teachers and scientists.

2. Distance learning differs little from distance learning.

Correspondence education involves periodic full-time studies of students in an educational institution: lectures, seminars, tests and exams.

Distance education involves remote study of the material. Students meet with teachers only during the final certification and defense of the thesis. However, some educational institutions organize training completely remotely, including sessions and defense of graduation theses.

The second significant difference is educational materials. Part-time students use traditional paper textbooks. In distance learning, mainly electronic teaching aids and virtual simulators are used.

3. Contact with teachers and fellow students is difficult.

Consulting with a teacher while studying remotely can sometimes be even easier than for full-time and part-time students. There are several ways to contact the tutor: e-mail, personal messaging system on the website of the educational institution, chat systems, Internet telephony. The same means are used to communicate with their fellow students. Thus, you can communicate almost daily with both teachers and classmates.

4. To successfully study remotely, you need to be an advanced PC user.

It is not at all necessary to be a computer genius in order to receive education remotely. It is often enough to be able to work with basic programs: text editors, email programs, an Internet browser, chat rooms and an Internet phone.

5. You can study whenever you want. Poor organization of the training schedule.

Accredited educational institutions offering paid distance education usually set a clear schedule of study sessions, practices and final assessments for their students. Following this schedule is just as necessary as with full-time education. Underachieving students may be expelled.

On the other hand, some organizations that provide both paid and free educational services remotely do not have a strict class schedule. Therefore, students can stretch their learning or postpone it for a long time.

6. No practical training.

Only those programs are implemented remotely, according to which practical classes are possible remotely. In this case, virtual simulators, computer simulators, as well as remote access to real equipment are used. If it is impossible to carry out practical classes in such ways, students leave for their passage directly to the university or its branch.


Hello. What other educational institutions in Belarus offer distance education?

Roman Vysogretz

Hello, and if this year I enter another university for a point or part-time study, and here I can go to distance learning ??? I'm waiting for an answer ...

I entered in a moment, in 2 years there will be a state diploma. sample quality of training standards, I like it, the main thing is not to drive anywhere, otherwise it’s too lazy :) yes, here is the link

Distance education Moscow today

Distance learning is a form of higher education that is gaining popularity. It implies remote interaction between the student and the university. On this page, we will consider in detail this form of obtaining knowledge, which is not new, but is gaining popularity only now.

1) Distance education is a second-class education that is not valued anywhere.

It is not a paper diploma that is valued, but knowledge in your head. If you entered in order to study, then there will be no problems with employment. A number of universities that teach remotely organize the employment of students.

2) You will not receive the knowledge that full-time students receive remotely.

The amount of information that full-time and distance students receive does not differ. The environment in which they receive it is different. Some sit in classrooms and wake up at 7 am, others put on bathrobes, take tea and sit down at the computer. You can also have a dialogue with teachers, you are also asked questions. However, there are also pitfalls here. About them below.

3) After training, a non-state diploma is issued.

The people who say this do not know what kind of diploma is issued after distance learning. After you receive distance education at a university that has the right to issue state diplomas. sample, you get a diploma of the State Educational Standard. SAMPLE. Distance - the same education, they issue the same diplomas as full-time.

To enroll in distance learning, you must submit a set of documents to the selection committee of the selected university. The set includes:

  • the passport
  • Photo
  • education documents
  • certificate of the results of the exam
  • application for admission
  • application form for distance learning
  • certificate of conclusion (dissolution) of marriage (if the surname in the identity and citizenship document does not match the surname in the education document)

All the necessary documents are usually available on the websites of universities. Then you will be sent a contract and a receipt for payment. After payment and signing the contract, data is sent to the mail to access the student's personal account and training begins.

1) After admission, you will be given a login / password from the student's personal account. There you will find the curriculum, class schedule, homework, tests.

2) Classes take place at a certain time. The teacher, using university software, creates a virtual class and, like in the classroom, stands next to the analogue of the board, tells the topic, asks, answers questions. This process may vary from university to university. Somewhere you study pre-recorded materials, books. Classes are taking place somewhere. You need to check with the institution you are interested in.

3) How are the sessions during distance learning? Usually, students are given control materials that they must solve. At the same time, Internet access is blocked and you have to rely only on yourself. In some universities, you have to come to sessions and a diploma. Please check upon admission.

4) Industrial practice in distance learning is present. It happens that the university itself finds an enterprise. It happens because of the remoteness of the student, he has to find himself. But universities usually help.

How important is it to receive higher education remotely at a state university?

In principle, this is not the first criterion. It is important that the university is reliable. The task of determining the level of reliability lies with you. Already wrote about it here.

Do they give a deferment from the army for distance learning?

What technologies of distance education are used today?

Technologies are developing. Today it is used: special software for advanced online lessons, programs for passing the session, intermediate tests and much more.

What is distance learning: 7 advantages and 4 disadvantages + 3 programs and 4 forms of this type of education + 5 secrets that will make the process of obtaining knowledge easy and enjoyable.

Many pupils and students perceive a school or a higher educational institution as a kind of prison, as a duty that needs to be worked out, as punishment for no reason.

Moreover, they have nothing against the very need to study and gain knowledge, they just don’t like to waste time every day sitting at a desk.

If you are one of these students or schoolchildren, figure it out.

This will help you get the right knowledge, a diploma at the end of the educational process, but not spend so much time attending an educational institution.

You can learn, but not get lost in learning, but live life to the fullest.

What is distance learning and what are its advantages and disadvantages?

Let's be honest: only boys and girls can afford to receive stationary knowledge in a higher educational institution without any special life problems: without children, financially secure, surrounded by parental attention and money.

Those who have to combine studies and something else most often choose a correspondence form or even refuse to receive a diploma.

Not so long ago, they had an alternative - distance learning, which allows you to get both knowledge and a diploma of higher education at the same time, regardless of the resulting life circumstances.

All about distance learning

Distance learning is one of the forms of interaction between a teacher and a student.

Its peculiarity lies in the fact that communication takes place at a distance (remotely) using various interactive methods.

You will have almost traditional classes with a teacher, only you will interact with him using a computer and phone, and not by being in the classroom. Comfortable?

Even very convenient.

For the first time, distance learning was discussed at the end of the 20th century (in the 80s).

Even then, it became necessary to train students or improve the skills of employees not in person, but at a distance, using modern means of communication.

Today, this type of interaction between a teacher and a student will not surprise anyone - many universities and other educational institutions practice it in order to give the student a full-fledged higher education, a working person - the right to improve their qualifications, to teach someone who is busy something useful.

Distance learning tools have expanded significantly over several decades, now they use:

  • special computer programs;
  • online conferences;
  • email;
  • groups in social networks;
  • messenger and more.

With the proliferation of computers, smartphones, and almost ubiquitous wi-fi coverage, it has become much easier to conduct classes remotely.

7 Benefits of Distance Learning

Distance learning has a number of advantages that encourage students to choose this way of getting higher education:

    You save time.

    You do not have to travel to the university and home every day, which is especially important for large settlements, where you can spend several hours on the road.

    You save money.

    For example, if you decide to study in another city, then you will have to pay for your housing, spend money on regular trips home, buy groceries, etc.

    And so you can learn without leaving home.

    You make your own schedule.

    Knowing exactly how much time you need for remote theory and practice every day, you can also find interesting work for yourself, for example.

    Innovative approach.

    You have the opportunity to use modern technologies for studying and get access to electronic libraries, which will certainly be useful to you in the future.

    Unlimited possibilities.

    Thanks to this form of study, distance is no longer an obstacle to obtaining a higher education diploma.

    Really create a unified educational environment.

    This is very relevant for the corporate course, when you need to educate a large number of employees, and at the same time.

    creative component.

    You get more freedom of action, do not have to adapt to the mood of the teacher, observe deathly silence in the classroom.

    A moderate portion of creativity is allowed when completing all tasks.

4 Disadvantages of Distance Learning

Naturally, it would be dishonest to lie that distance learning consists solely of pluses and is completely devoid of any negative.

No, this form of study, like any other educational process, has both positive and negative sides.

    Money question.

    If you can enter the full-time form without spending money, then the remote form is almost always paid.

    And you also need a good computer with fast internet, which can also be a serious financial problem for residents of remote villages.

    This form is not for everyone.

    Psychological and other characteristics of some people do not allow them to study remotely.

    For example, someone lacks discipline and organization, someone lacks a competitive moment with other students, someone lacks control from the teacher, etc.

    The inability to plunge headlong into student life.

    Student years are not only couples, tests, colloquia, exams, libraries and other not very fun things.

    This is also communication with peers, student parties, social life, skits and much more.

    Some kind of discrimination.

    Let's say it's much easier for you to express your thoughts orally than in writing, but after all, with remote lessons, all tasks have to be done in writing, which can be a problem for some people.

Distance learning: what is it and what are its features?

If you decide to seriously understand the issue of distance learning, then you definitely need to find out about the existing forms and programs of this way of getting higher education.

Also, I am sure you will find it useful to learn the secrets with which you can make your lessons successful and enjoyable.

3 forms and 4 distance learning programs

Modern applicants who want to study remotely have a good selection of programs and forms.

If you do not find what you want in your country, then you can always choose a foreign university to study.

Main distance learning programs:

    remote universities.

    In every developed country there are universities that offer students to get a bachelor's degree (less often a master's degree), studying outside the university walls.

    It is important to find out in advance whether the university you have chosen has the necessary accreditation and whether you will receive a real diploma at the end of the course.

    Online programs from universities.

    In this case, it is rather about upgrading qualifications, obtaining the necessary degree, expanding one's specialization, etc. on the basis of higher education institutions.

    distance courses.

    For example, you won’t be able to get a driver’s license remotely, because this requires real practice, but to learn English, master a computer program, take a personal growth training course, etc. - you can easily.

    Many private companies offer such programs.

Today there are 4 main forms of distance learning:

    Chat activity.

    At the same time, all students and the teacher are connected to the chat, so they get the opportunity not only to listen to the teacher, but also to ask clarifying questions. Chat can be both text and video.


    With the help of this form, it is good to conduct not only theoretical, but also practical classes.

    The most popular type of distance learning today at universities in the US and Europe.

    Web lesson.

    With its help, you can carry out not only theory, but also practice, however, this form is limited by the fact that students see and listen to the professor, but do not have the opportunity to ask again.

    A web lesson can be either synchronous (all students connect to it at the same time) or asynchronous (one or more students connect).


    An experimental form that has only recently begun to be practiced.

    Its goal is not just to conduct a video chat with a student, but to create a sense of the presence of a teacher nearby.

What needs to be done for distance learning to be successful?

There are several secrets, knowing which, you can make your distance learning easy and successful:

    Choose not only a university, but also a training course.

    The distance learning course should be different from full-time, but not inferior to it in terms of fullness.

    It is advisable to familiarize yourself with the course before signing the contract.

    Take your work seriously.

    Yes, you may not be required to attend lectures and seminars every day, but at home you should also study, and not beat the buckets.

    Your goal is not only a diploma, but also knowledge.

    Use different tools.

    Webcam, phone, email, snail mail, fax, video, teleconferencing and more.

    Get the process right.

    There is time for study, there is time for everything else.

    For example, from 9.00 - 12.00 you are engaged, and nothing should distract you.

    Availability of the teacher.

    When studying full-time, you can always come to the teacher for a consultation, you should have exactly the same opportunity when you study remotely - the professor should get in touch with you.

    If he doesn't, complain to the dean's office.

And it is also extremely important to choose the specialty that you like and the nuances of which you will easily understand.

Your favorite business will brighten up not only your years of study, but also your career take-off.

Distance learning is not so difficult

Americans have long been practicing distance learning, believing that a student is an independent enough unit to study autonomously, and not sit on a leash in the classroom.

Russian university leaders also gradually came to the conclusion that the distance form is great, because it provides additional opportunities for both students and teachers.

Here on these sites you can find a number of universities that encourage student independence: and
The list is large enough, so you will not experience great difficulties with choosing an alma mater.

How is distance learning going?

The algorithm of actions is quite simple: you fill out the necessary documents that confirm that you have chosen the remote form (each university has its own requirements, so you will have to find out at the place of study) and get advice on exactly how the process will go.

After all organizational procedures, you can proceed to lectures and seminars.

The remote form is more like a stationary one than a part-time one, because you study every day, just without the need to attend a university, complete the tasks of the teacher, study textbooks, etc.

At the end of the semester, you, like your “full-time” colleagues, take exams, but also online.

Do not rush to rejoice that you will be able to cheat on the exam - they are carried out with the help of tests and not much time is allotted for their implementation so that you have time to peep something in the textbooks.

By choosing a university licensed by the Ministry of Education for distance learning, you will receive a standard diploma, which will not even indicate that you studied remotely, and not at the hospital.

In addition to the diploma, as well as for students who prefer more traditional forms of study, there will be a list of disciplines that you have mastered and grades for them.

If you don’t want, you don’t even have to specify in your resume and interviews that you studied remotely.

The obvious advantages of distance learning are described in detail in the video of the European Distance University:

Why did I choose distance learning?

One day, in search of inspiration, I wandered into one site. There people shared their stories and boasted of their successes.

I was very interested in the story of one lady about combining studies and caring for a child without mothers and nannies. The lady's name was Inna.

She said that in her first year she became pregnant from a guy she had met since school.

The pregnancy was unplanned, but the question of abortion was not even raised. They merried.

Inna still managed to finish the first year of the institute, being pregnant, and during the summer holidays she gave birth to a charming daughter, Anya.

Inna adored the child, but she did not want to interrupt her studies and take maternity leave for 3 years.

The correspondence form was also not suitable: firstly, during the sessions, you would still have to look for a nanny (her parents, as well as her husband's parents lived far away), and secondly, Inna did not believe that the correspondence form would give her enough knowledge for further work.

And then, studying the options, she saw that there is a distance form of classes.

It turned out to be a trifling matter to draw up the documents, it was much more difficult to study efficiently and combine care for the baby, but the girls managed.

For the first three years, Inna studied remotely, thus completing 4 courses.

Having given the baby to the kindergarten, the young mother got the opportunity to enter the 5th year already at the hospital.

With a red diploma and real knowledge, Inna found a good job without any problems. She claims that she has not regretted a single day that she once chose the distance form.

Yes, it was difficult, yes, I wanted to quit everything, but she managed and eventually got everything at once: a happy family, beloved daughter and higher education.

It is young mothers and working students who first of all need to find out what is distance learning.

This will help you to combine several things at the same time without sacrificing your studies.

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A wide variety of educational institutions of different levels is complemented by various forms of the educational process: full-time, part-time, distance learning. The most democratic option is distance learning.

Distance learning is a form of the educational process in which the interaction between the teacher and students is carried out at a distance through various types of mediated communications. Mediated communication is a two-way exchange of information in the form of texts, audio or video recordings, tables, pictures, etc. Distance learning has all the components of the educational process: the goals of education and upbringing, curriculum and programs, methodology. Classes are taking place remotely. Currently, due to the rapid development of computer and Internet technologies, there are several of the most common forms of distance learning:
  • chat classes are conducted in real time with simultaneous access to it by all participants in the educational process, communication occurs simultaneously and in parallel;
  • web classes are carried out using a forum on the website, where each participant of the educational process leaves notes on a specific topic, information can be exchanged asynchronously, unlike chat classes;
  • teleconferences (audio conferences or video conferences) are based on the distribution of educational materials in digital form to the e-mail of each student or in various media using post offices or carriers.
The means of implementation in distance learning are information technologies:
  • ways of transmitting various kinds of information - television, mail and other communication networks;
  • the methods used depend on the technical environment used for the exchange of information.

Advantages of distance learning:
  • the possibility of online and offline learning through the use of audio or video recordings of lectures, which saves the teacher's time on conducting the same lesson in different groups and allows students to choose a convenient time for listening to lectures;
  • the possibility of simultaneous training of a larger number of applicants;
  • the cost-effectiveness of distance learning is expressed in reducing the cost of the educational process and the additional costs associated with it (rent of classrooms, dormitories, transportation to the place of study, etc.);
  • the possibility of creating a unified educational base, for example, in corporate training;
  • use of specialized electronic libraries;
  • the possibility of conducting final control at a distance.
Distance learning standards include not only educational norms and rules, but also requirements for the software used.

Distance learning is very popular among those who want to receive additional education or improve their skills in an already acquired profession.