Project around the world (senior group) on the topic: Week of mini-tourism "We are tourists". Thematic week "journey through countries and continents"

Week "Travel around the world" ».

Target . To expand and deepen the knowledge of children about the animal world as the integrity of the system with the natural world for a normal existence, which needs all its links. To give children the concept of the geographical zones of the Earth.

To acquaint children with the various natural and climatic conditions of life on Earth, with the diversity of the animal world in nature.

To form an understanding of the relationship between the external influence of the animal world and the conditions of their existence, to give elementary ideas about the relationship and interaction of living organisms with the environment: to develop the ability to observe.Learn to highlight new qualities, similarities and differences in the animal world. Raise love for animals as our neighbors on the planet.

1 half day. Morning reception of children.

1. Labor in the corner of nature: Consideration of a houseplant (Lily).

C. Introduce children to a houseplant, offer to consider it, talk about its structure, shape and color of leaves. Tell the children about the features of this houseplant. Encourage children to take care of indoor plants.

2. Conversation on the topic "Travel Assistants: Globe and Map ». Work with the globe and on the map

What can you learn on the globe about our planet, on the map? Do you remember what green, yellow, brown color mean on the map? What is more on the globe? (showing illustrations of mountains, steppes, seas, oceans). What is shown in blue on the map?

    Game activity. "I know ..."

Purpose: To expand children's knowledge about the features of our planet, about the flora and fauna, to activate knowledge of the vocabulary of words, to exercise arbitrary memory.

D / game "Name the climatic zones of our planet."

C. To consolidate children's knowledge about the features of climatic zones.

Word games. “Name it in one word”, “Say it right”, for the development of phonemic hearing.

morning exercises

Preparing for breakfast. Breakfast.

GCD. Cognition. ( The world).

Region Integration: "Social and communicative development", "Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Occupation. Topic. "Journey around the world: North Pole - Arctic ». p.229

Target.To acquaint children with the peculiarities of the natural conditions of the Far North: to form in children elementary ideas about the relationships and interaction of living organisms with the environment: to develop curiosity, imagination, creativity, to cultivate love for nature, interest and desire to study nature.

Met/pr . geographical map, globe, illustrations: animals of the North, to the fairy tale of V Kataev "Flower-Semitsvetik"

NOD plan.

    Game moment. - Somewhere in the world, where it's always cold ...

    Viewing the North Pole on a globe and world map.

    Examination of illustrations of the North Pole - an icy desert ..

    Conversation on the topic - The Arctic - a zone of islands around the North Pole.

    Acquaintance with the animals of the North.

    Games "Find out by description", "Whom I told about"

    The game "Who eats what?".

    Game "Name the Cubs"

    Reading an excerpt from the fairy tale "Flower-Semitsvetik" Zhenya at the North Pole.

    Verse "Northern Lights"


Occupation. FIZO

Target. To cultivate organization, dexterity, dexterity, physical qualities.

Walk 1. . Birdwatching. Sparrow watching. In frosty weather, sparrows sit ruffled. Explain to the children that sparrows bask in this way.

Huffing up on the chimney,

The poor sparrow sits

Afflicted by a blizzard, smoky with smoke

2. Labor. We sweep the paths from the snow. Education of industriousness in Alyosha, Danila.

3. Himself. game activity. Games with a remote mother at will e. Instill a friendly attitude towards children in Nikita, Vlad during games, respect the interests of others.

4. Ind/r. With Vova, Nadia, to improve the technique of throwing at the target.

5.D/games: “Find out by description”, “Who flew to the feeder”

P/games : "Animals and birds" /to imitate/, « Snake", "Obstacle Track", "Change Subject"C.To develop coordination of movements, ingenuity, dexterity in motor activity.

2nd half of the day.

1. Gymnastics after sleep. Washing.

2. Preparing for an afternoon snack. afternoon tea.

Conversation with children "Secrets of the animal world"

Purpose: to expand and deepen knowledge about the animal world, as the integrity of the system with the natural world for a normal existence, which all its links are needed, to enrich children's knowledge about the life of wild animals on our planet.

Games “The fourth extra”, “One is a lot”, “What is in common”, “Pick a word”.

Purpose: to exercise in the selection of adjectives for words: the bear has a bear's head; deer have deer, etc., activate vocabulary.

Building material construction. "Zoo".

Target. To teach d. to make complicated floors, to build a structure, to form a skillanalyze the sample. To develop independence and initiative in the implementation of the construction plan, to carry out the construction in a coordinated manner.

Material : constructor, animals, attributes.

Met/pr. Conversation, showing a sample, examination, questions, crafts, playing.

NOD plan.

    Conversation with children.

    Examining illustrations of zoos.

    Consideration of blanks for the upcoming work. Discuss with children how they can be used at work.

    Children's work.

    Building play.

Circle "Basketball"

Walk 2. 1. Watching the wind.

What wind?C. To teach children to identify and name the main characteristics of the wind (weak, strong, gusty, cold).

2. Independent motor activity.

C. To teach children to independently organize their leisure time, choose games, negotiate interaction, select attributes.

3. Game exercise "Penguins".C. To exercise children in walking with side steps to the right and left, to teach them to move with a change in the pace of movement, to show creativity and imagination in motor activity. Form the correct posture.

4. An outdoor game for subgroups "Catch up with your couple."

C. To teach children to act in concert, quickly respond to the leader's signals, develop attention.

Evening. 1. Reading the Russian folk tale "Two frosts".

C. Continue to acquaint children with the works of Russian folk art, teach them to evaluate the actions of heroes, to express their attitude to what they heard.

2. Dramatization of the fairy tale "The Fox and the Hare".

C. To develop expressiveness of speech in children, the ability to act in accordance with the text of a fairy tale, to pronounce words correctly and clearly, to select means of expressiveness of movements in accordance with the transmitted image.

    Builds. Games"Tower". Target. To teach children to highlight the main parts / support, walls, windows /, their spatiallocation, establish the practical purpose of each of them. Use to play with toys.

    Free play activities for children in activity centers.

ATinteraction with parents

Offer to use the Internet to expand children's knowledge about the diversity of this topic.

Morning. Reception of children.

LIFE SAFETY FUNDAMENTALS. "Dangerous Situations"

Explain to the children that in winter, dangerous situations can lie in wait for children on a walk:

not strong ice, polynya powdered with snow, sharp objects on natural slides.

Target. To develop in children attention and observation, caution in unfamiliar places.

Conversations "On nature and its inhabitants." Target. To form in children an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthe inextricable connection of nature with its inhabitants

    Game activity: D / games "Sea, forest, tundra, jungle", "Who lives where?", to fix animals of different climatic zones.Clarify what animals live in our forests?Games "Who is depicted on the cube", "Forest animals" Learn to make sentences with homogeneous members. Activate dictionary:in the forest you can meet a squirrel, a hare, a fox.

    The game "How to behave in nature?". C. to promote the formation of the skills of reasonable behavior in nature in children.

    Inventiveness. Ind/work. With Vladik, Roma. Offer stencils, coloring books, pencils. Learn to color pictures without going beyond the contours, holding a pencil correctly.

    C / r game "Zoo", the formation in children of the ability to organize a familiar game, changing the plot.

Morning gymnastics.


GCD Occupation. FEMP.

Region integration. "Cognitive development", "Speech development", "Social and communicative".

Topic. "Volume. Comparison by volume.

Target. To form an idea of ​​the volume (capacity), comparison of vessels by volume using transfusion.

To consolidate counting skills within 8, the relationship of the whole and parts.

Plan GCD

    Brainstorming: "The composition of the number 8"

    Game "Holiday in Prostokvashino"

    Practical work: pouring liquid into mugs, equal in volume, but different in shape.

    "Which vessel is larger in volume?"

    Fizminutka "On a bicycle"

    Exercise. What parts can the number 6 (7, 8) be divided into?

    Work in a notebook.


MUZO occupation . (According to the specialist's plan)


Excursion to the ecological room. Watching fish in an aquarium.

Target. Learn to watch fish. Develop a cognitive interest in the world of animals.

Reading. F. Uspensky "Uncle Fedor, the Cat and the Dog"

Target. To develop in children an interest in fiction, to cultivate the ability to emotionally perceive the figurative content of a fairy tale.

theatrical activity. Invite the children to act out the episodes of the fairy tale.

Target. Raise in children a steady interest in theatrical play activities.

S/r game "Puppet Concert"C. To form in children the ability to create an environment for the game, select attributes, distribute roles, take into account interests

Independent play activity.

Board games: "Checkers", "Lotto", "Puzzles"

C. Teach children to choose a game according to their interests, select partners, a place to play, act according to the rules of the game.

Preparing for dinner . Dinner.


2nd half of the day.

Reading fairy tales by V. Kataev "Flower-seven-flower". Target. Introduction to fiction. To teach children to emotionally perceive the content of a fairy tale, to understand its moral meaning.

Region integration. "Cognitive development", "Speech development".

Target. To acquaint children with a fairy tale, to teach them to distinguish between the genre features of a fairy tale, to form an evaluative attitude towards the characters, to comprehend the content of what they have read, to convey the content in a coherent way by means of the game.

NOD Artistic creativity.

Region integration. "Social and communicative", "Artistic and aesthetic", "Speech development".

Topic. "Animals of the North". Page 260

Target. To teach to convey in the drawing the coherent content of an episode from the life of animals through the compositional arrangement of characters in compliance with the proportions between objects; reinforce the ability to draw with strokes.

NOD plan.

    Consideration of illustrations of animals of the North: polar bears, walruses, seals.

    Topic conversation.


    Show sample work.

    Children's work.

    Exhibition of children's works.

Walk 2. 1. Observation "Footprints on the tracks."To teach children to distinguish between traces of animals and people, to name their characteristic features, to tell in the footsteps about how they appeared in the snow (“The child walked towards the kindergarten”, “Children ran to the swing”, “A little bird jumped along the path”, “ A dog walked along the site towards the gate, ”etc.), develop observation, logical thinking.

2. Didactic game "Be careful!"

3. Mobile game "Shooter".

C. Continue to acquaint children with the rules of the game, teach children to throw the ball at a moving target. To develop dexterity, accuracy, to promote the formation of skills for the correct execution of the main types of movements.

4. Labor assignments. Bird feeding on site.

C. To teach children to pour pre-prepared food into the feeders (rowan berries, slices of bread), to instill a love for birds, to encourage the desire to take care of them.

Evening. 1. Math Games : “Find mistakes”, “Day - night”, / to fix numbers up to 5 /. "Mirror", /for imagination/,

Indus/r. with Roma, Cyril, fix geometric shapes

Theatrical games. "The Chanterelle and the Gray Wolf" Game creativity based on Russian folk tales. Offer children a puppet theater and beat familiar fairy tales in a new way. Develop the features of thinking, imagination, the ability to improvise.

Introduction of illustrations on the theme "Animals of the North".Examination of illustrations, albums, reproductions, literature, discussion of the material.

Interaction with families

Conversation with parents: "You ask, we answer"

1 half day.

Morning. 1. Breathing exercises. 1. Stroke the wings of the nose from the tip to the bridge of the nose (inhale). As you exhale, knock 5-6 times on the wings of the nose with your index finger.

2. Take 8-10 inhalations and exhalations through the right nostril, then through the left, in turn closing the resting one with the index finger

3. Breathe in through your nose. As you exhale, draw out the sound [m], while tapping your fingers on the wings of the nose.

2. Conversation on the topic "Wonders in the Natural World"


    Game activity. (Integral area: physical development, socio-communicative, speech development)

    Games for attention, communication,“Animals of the North”, “Why the animal”, “Whom did I tell about?”, “Name the cubs”, “To whom, what?”Target. To consolidate the idea of ​​​​children about the world of animals in nature.Show the connection of animals with nature. What effect does light, heat, water have on the life of animals. Give the concept of wild animals of the taiga, desert, North and warm countries.

4. Plastic studies: "Kangaroo", "Fox and Hare", "Jump-jump, I'm jumping." Exercise to perform movements in a certain rhythm in accordance with the words.

Games with the designer "Robots". Target. To consolidate the ability of children to carry out a spatial analysis of a familiar design, to independently find ways to implement it from the constructor, to justify their decisions.

GCD. Occupation. The development of speech.

Drawing up a story according to the picture according to the scheme

Purpose: To teach children to compose a story according to the scheme based on picture modules: who is this? Size, color, parts of the body, what is the body covered with, what does it eat? How does it move, where does it meet - dwelling (North Pole, taiga, tundra, jungle)? Cubs?

To teach children to retell the story, conveying their attitude to the content with intonation; understand figurative expressions.

GCD plan

    Riddles about animals.

    Examination of illustrations, paintings.

    D / games: “Name the animal”, “Find out by description”, “Pick up the signs” “What animal can you say about ...” / Long-eared, long-necked, prickly, cunning, angry, oblique, clumsy, fluffy ... /.

    Drawing up a story about an animal according to the scheme.

    Children's stories


NOD Artistic creativity.

Drawing. Topic. "Fox with cubs"

Target: Target. Talk to children about the wild animals of our forests.Learn to convey the characteristic features of an animal in a drawing,respecting the ratio of body parts. Learncreate a plot composition, draw objects roundforms, work with a brush, (hold the brush correctly, dip it into the paint with all the pile, remove excess paint on the edge of the jar);Strengthen knowledge of colors; make you want to draw.

Materials and equipment : fox pictures.Paints of different colors, albums.

GCD plan

    Reading Ushinsky K. "Lisa Patrikeevna",

    Examining the illustrations

    Related conversation

    Show sample work

    Children's work

    Analysis of children's work.

Walk 1. Snow watching. What snowflakes fall: light, white,fluffy. How snow falls: in flakes, needles or lumps. invertchildren's attention that the structure of snowflakes depends on the weather. Target. To fix the properties of water and snow from one state to another when exposed to temperature.

2. Work. Site improvement. We clear the area of ​​snow. Target. Cultivate hard work and integrity.

3. S/r games. "Score". Target. Contribute to the establishment in the game of role-playinginteraction and assimilation of role-playing relationships between Sasha, Tanya.

4. D / exercise "Right - left" / orientation in space / Purpose.Develop spatial representations

5. Suspended games "King peas", / development of imagination, running /.

6. Ind/r. Exercise Tanya, Maxim in jumping jumps, develop jumping technique.

7. Suspension games "The most accurate", / throwing /, "The fastest" / running /, for the development of the fantasy "Where we were, we will not say ..."

Preparing for dinner. Dinner.

2 half a day.

Conversation About nature and its inhabitants

Target : Show children the diversity of the animal world. Learn to observe the life of nature. Encourage independent "discoveries", expand ideas about the significance of animals in nature.

H shade:Charushin E. "Volchishko",

Staged. “Picture an animal”, “Hunter”.Target. Increase children's knowledge about the lifestyle of animals.

We draw animals according to the scheme. Target. Learn to convey the image of animals, exercise in the use of different techniques in drawing.

Walk 2 . Observation of the evening city. How the city lights up. The houses are high, multi-storey, why the light comes on in the windows, from where it comes to the houses. Develop thinking skills.

2. Hood. the word “The radiant sun sparingly warms you ...”, exercise children to repeat verses, develop memory, attention.

3. Ind. Job. Exercise Maxim, Danila in jumping on two legs in different directions, develop coordination of movement, a stable position of the body when jumping.

4. Labor on site. Clearing paths.C. Invite the children to inspect the site, determine which paths need to be cleared, tell what and how to do this, what equipment will be needed. To teach children to work with a shovel, to act together, to bring the work begun to the end, to be proud of the results obtained ..

Evening. Games "Typewriter", "Four Elements", "Artist", "Shadow" To develop attention associated with the coordination of auditory and motor analyzers.

Indus/r. With Cyril, Roma, to consolidate the skills of drawing the Gorodets painting: “rosans, cups and foliage”, to highlight the characteristic features, techniques and methods of painting with a brush.

Working with parents .

    Advice for parents "How and what to play with children at home"

    Presentation of certificates to the parents of Angelina L., Nikita D., Vanya V. for participation in the regional competition "Seal - 2016"

1 half day.

Morning. 1. Canteen duty "Learning to work together."C.Discuss with the children how you can rationally organize your work, how to make sure that the attendants do not interfere with each other in the process of work, act together.

2. Independent activity of children.C.To teach children, united in small groups, independently examine illustrations in books, discuss their content.

3. Consider with children the pictures "Walruses", "Polar bears with a bear cub", "Polar owl"

What do you see in each of these pictures? How do animals live at the North Pole?

Target: To give children an idea about the diversity of the animal world. Show the connection of animals with nature.

Riddles about animals of the North.

= Though fluffy and white,

But don't say it's cute!

Bright yellow eyes

At night they are looking for prey! (snowy owl)

=This beast is a skyscraper!

Large, white as a snowdrift.!

Hidden nose, waddle

Went out fishing! (polar bear)

= I met an animal in the tundra,

He looks like a hamster.

The little animal was scared

And he took off running! (lemming)

= Look, it is rushing through the snow

Either a wolf or a fox...

Where did he manage to get

Fur coat white, like chalk? (Arctic fox)

= Having sharpened his fangs,

Fat men sleep by the sea.

Only a mustachioed sentry

Turns important head! (walrus)

Target. To expand children's knowledge about wild animals - and their role in nature.

    Game activity. D / game "The fourth extra". C. To consolidate the ability of children to distinguish an extra object by signs.

“Say a word”, “Confusion”, “Who is gone”, “What? Which?" C. to exercise children in describing animals, choosing definitions.

Morning gymnastics.

Preparing for breakfast, breakfast .

GCD Occupation. The development of speech.

Topic. "Australian Wildlife"

Target . Expand children's understanding of the continents; to acquaint with the climatic conditions of Australia, with the animals of the mainland (kangaroo, kala, echidna, etc.) to develop the ability to name and distinguish representatives of the animal world according to the structure and living conditions on the planet; reinforce the concept of "man - part of nature."Develop curiosity. Build respect for nature.

GCD plan

1.Limited moment. Proverbs: "Who knows how to be a friend, will be able to protect and love nature",

"He who destroys nature does not love his people"

    Work with the globe and map.

    An illustration of the nature and animals of Australia.

    A story about Australia.

    Riddles about the animals of Australia.

    Games: “Name it affectionately”, “The fourth extra” (ostrich, platypus, arctic fox, kangaroo), “Describe the animal”

    Outcome. What did you like?

GCD. Artistic creativity.

Application. "Kingdom of Wild Beasts"

Target. Continue to acquaint children with application techniques - gluing the silhouette with finely chopped threads, conveying the effect of “fluffy fur”. Learn to apply glue to the base evenly, in a thin layer. Develop aesthetic perception.

NOD plan.

    Conversation on the topic "The kingdom of animals"

    Riddles about wild animals

    Select an animal shape from the set.

    Translation of the picture on cardboard.

    Cut out the silhouette of the animal.

    We cut the threads, apply glue to the silhouette, glue the cut threads.

    Doing work by children.

    Exhibition of children's works.

Prog street 1. Observation behind the wind. Continue to acquaint children with a natural phenomenon - the wind, the causes of its occurrence, the role in the life of living organisms, including humans.

I'll shake the birches, I'll push you.

I’ll fly, I’ll whistle, I’ll even drag off my hat.

And you can't see me

Who am I? Can you guess?

What can the wind do?

Can it harm a person?

What benefits does the wind bring to man and nature?

2. Mobile game "Zhmurki".C. To teach children to act as players, drivers, leaders, referees and captains of playing teams.

3. Game exercise "Conquering high mountains."

C. To teach children to climb a snow hill, develop the muscles of the arms and legs, dexterity, strength, cultivate self-confidence, courage. Give children the joy of walking.

4 . Myself. game activity. Games with portable material at the request of children. Strengthen children's behavioral skills during games, respect the interests of others.

5. Ind/r. With Maxim, Nadya, to improve the technique of throwing at the target.

6. Labor. We clear the path, the hill from the snow. Target. To teach children to consistently clear the path, not to scatter snow over the site, but to rake it in a pile.

2nd half of the day.

Conversation on the topic "Plants and life on earth"

Examination of illustrations, pictures, books using models and diagrams.

Target. To bring children to the understanding that the diverse flora and fauna are a necessary link in the chain of the ecosystem on Earth.

Riddles about plants, fruits, medicinal plants. Target. To teach children to see the connection between plants and animal food.

Games. “A chain of words”, “One is a lot”, “Name the fruits”, “Plant reproduction”. Purpose Consolidation of acquired knowledge and expansion of vocabulary.

Walk 2. Coniferous tree observation. How are they similar and how are they different from deciduous trees. Consider the trunk, branches, needles, trees. To teach children to notice the beauty of winter nature, its uniqueness.

2. Labor. Improvement of the site: we clean the snow, sweep buildings, a hill, play areas. To carry out the work to the end, to arouse interest in the work, the desire to participate in labor activity.

3. Ind/r. "Obstacle Track" Strengthen Olesya, Vova's long jump skills.

4. S/r. game "Builders" Invite children to build a labyrinth from a snowdrift, develop design skills in working with snow.

5. Suspension games "Who is next", "Train", to develop strong-willed qualities, courage, dexterity. Rolling children down the hill.

Evening. X / labor. Cleaning at the Art Center. D / game "Everything has its place." We sort colored pencils into cups, remove broken pencils, used paper, coloring books. Teach children to clean up activity centers.

Consider the fairy tales of G-Kh in the book corner. Andersen. Read out excerpts from the fairy tales “Thumbelina at the Maybugs”, “The Ugly Duckling” invite the children to beat the characters they like. To instill a love for literature, for the poetry of the great storyteller.

- Visual activity. Coloring pages. Stencils. Target. To consolidate the ability to draw figures of Australian animals, paint over, transfer drawings to cardboard. Target. To consolidate the ability to independently draw the silhouettes of animals.

The content of the developing environment for independent activities of children

Introduction of illustrations on the theme "Wild animals of different climatic zones".Examination of illustrations, art. literature, reading and discussion of the material.

Interaction with families

Conduct a survey of parents who wish to take part in the "Check Yourself" mathematics olympiad from children.

January 26th. Friday.

At tro. Morning reception of children.

    Work in the corner of nature. Conversation "Plants also like to wash."

C. Update the experience of children in caring for plants - discuss how you can “wash” indoor plants, find out if, according to the guys, plants like to “wash”, why it is important that the leaves of plants are clean.

2. Dining room duty. Work planning. C. To teach children to plan their actions and check themselves based on signal drawings-tips for those on duty.

Attendant uniform. C. Discuss with the children the purpose of the elements of the duty uniform (apron, hat), the need to use them, keep them in order, teach the children to check cleanliness and put on the uniform to include in the duty plan.

3. Conversation with children on the topic "Musical Instruments"

Target. To consolidate in children the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent types of musical instruments. Pay attention to the sound of different types of musical instrument, its features.

Etudes: “Playing” (violin, cello, trumpet, pipe, etc.), “Musical hands”

Listening to the music of N. Rimsky-Korsakov "Scheherazade", "Melody" by S. Rachmaninov.

morning exercises

4 . Preparing for breakfast, breakfast. KGNThe culture of behavior at the table: do not put your elbows on the table, do not move the plate far away from you, serve bread at the request of a friend.

GCD Occupation. FEMP.

Topic. "Number 8. Number 8." (consolidation of the lesson)

Target. Repeat the method of comparing groups of objects by quantity using pairing.

To consolidate ideas about the composition of the number 8, the relationship of the whole and parts, their schematic representation using a segment.

    Brainstorming: “Temporal concepts” (name the winter months, what month is it, past, next. Name the days of the week, what day of the week it is today, what it was yesterday, the day before yesterday, it will be tomorrow, the day after tomorrow)

    The composition of the number 8 from two smaller ones and write down an example (what they did: 1 square and 7 circles; 2 squares and 6 circles; 3 squares and 5 circles; 4 and 4)

    Task "Draw to 8"

    Fizminutka "The hare rushes with all his might, the hare wants to bury himself ...".

    Task "Divide the objects into groups and write down the equalities"

    The task "Numerical segment"

    Game "Define the pattern"

    Work in a notebook.


MUZO occupation . (According to the specialist's plan)

Target. to consolidate the ability to listen to instrumental music, to understand its content.

Excursion to the library. Subject Acquaintance with the work of A. Milne.

"The Adventures of Winnie the Pooh and Friends"

Target. Expand the horizons of children, consolidate the knowledge gained in a playful way. Develop creativity in children.

Walk. 1. Observation of the shape of snowflakes.

C. To teach children, based on the results of observation, to talk about the variety of shapes of snowflakes, to develop observation skills, to form the ability to admire the beauty of winter nature.

2. Sports exercises. Ice skating.

C. To teach children to perform descent from the mountain and braking, to develop self-confidence, independence, to encourage perseverance in achieving the goal.

3. Mobile game "Frost".

C. Exercise children in running, teach them to move easily, rhythmically, all over the site, maintain their posture, teach them to take various postures in accordance with the task of the leader. Develop agility and speed. To attach to the values ​​of the culture of the peoples of the world.

4. Labor. Continue to clear the snow on the site,shovel snow off buildings. Cultivate industriousness.

5. С/р game "Builders". Contribute to the strengthening of sustainable children's, gaming associations.

6. Ind work. "Snow shooting range" /throwing/. Target. Practice throwing technique.

2nd half of the day.

Conversation on the topic "Journey through the theater." Purpose: To acquaint with the theater as an art form, the features of the structure of the theater, scenery. Encourage children's interest in visiting theaters and creative theatrical activities. Expand the vocabulary and horizons of children.

    Improvisation - etude "Journey through the theater", "Prince and Princess".

C. To consolidate the ability of children to communicate in a team, fulfill game requirements, and respond emotionally to the game.

    Circle. "Teaching children to read and write"

Walk 2. Observation of the properties of air in winter.

C. Invite the children, based on the results of observations, to answer the question of which of the properties of air changes in winter (transparency, lack of smell or temperature), tell how they guessed how (using which device) to check the assumption e.

2. The outdoor game "Catching on deer."

C. Help children, based on the questions of the teacher, remember and tell the rules of the game, learn to coordinate their movements with a partner, changing the direction and pace of movement. To develop creativity in motor activity, to promote the formation of friendly relationships.

3. Game exercise "Fight of the cubs." C. Teach children to move forward, imitate the movements of animals. Develop strength, agility, coordination of movements.

Evening 1. Didactic game "Who am I?"

C. To teach children to make riddles-descriptions in which the hidden object needs to be recognized by appearance, clothes, to activate in the speech of children concepts related to the name, details and properties of clothing items.

2. Cotton labor. Book repair work.

C. Invite the children to choose books in need of repair, guess what happened to these books, based on signal drawings, repeat the rules for handling a book. Organize the work of repairing books, learn to use the words “glue”, “repair”, “make”, “good deed”, “binding”.

3. Construction games. "We're building a bridge."

C. To teach children to carry out a bridge, a descent for cars, to teach how to make a building commensurate with the cars chosen for the game.

Thematic week: "Journey through countries and continents".

Purpose: to introduce children to the inhabitants of the steppes and deserts, the Far North and the tundra, the seas and oceans, the tropics and subtropics, some features, adaptations of animals and plants to life in different climatic conditions; create conditions for understanding that the features of appearance, way of existence and habits of living beings depend on the conditions of their habitat; to cultivate moral feelings, expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world.

Day 1 - Monday.

Conversation on the questions: What is a trip? Who are travelers? What are they doing? How is a tourist different from a traveller?

Summary: A journey is a trip or movement on foot, usually far from one's place of residence. What is the difference between a tourist and a traveller? The fact that the tourist comes and goes, and the traveler never knows how long his journey will last. A tourist simply contemplates the world around him, and travelers explore it, experiment on it, using themselves as an instrument, that is, they follow the path of exploring the world. And it does not matter that this exploration consists of a trip to the sights of a neighboring city or a trip of children to an abandoned house. All these are steps on the path of knowledge.

Reading the story of M. Zoshchenko "Change of places".

Theme "Children of the North".

Story based on the painting "Children of the North"

Tasks. Connected speech: to teach children to compose a story based on a picture, using previously acquired knowledge and ideas;

to cultivate the ability to independently invent events that preceded the depicted and subsequent ones;

dictionary: clarify children's knowledge about the peoples of our country; exercise in the selection of definitions, synonyms;

sound culture of speech: exercise in a clear pronunciation of tongue twisters; develop speech breathing.

Material. Painting "Children of the North".

The teacher puts the picture "Children of the North" on the stand. Asking questions:

What is shown in this picture? What edge did the artist draw? Why do you think it's the North?

What is the driver's name? (musher.) What is the name of the sleigh? (Sled.)

What are the benefits of deer? What do they eat?

What is the mood of the children sitting on the sled? Why do you think it's funny? What are the other children in the picture doing?

What do you know about the life of children in the North?

What is the name of this painting?

You said that the children sitting on the sledges are cheerful. How else can you tell what they are? Pick up the word funny words that are close in meaning (joyful, cheerful, contented, lively).

Olga Paveleva
Thematic week: "Journey through countries and continents".

Theme week: « Travel across countries and continents» .

Target: to introduce children to the inhabitants of the steppes and deserts, the Far North and the tundra, the seas and oceans, the tropics and subtropics, some features, adaptations of animals and plants to life in different climatic conditions; create conditions for understanding that the features of appearance, way of existence and habits of living beings depend on the conditions of their habitat; to cultivate moral feelings, expressed in empathy with nature, and aesthetic feelings associated with the beauty of the natural world.

Day 1- Monday.

Conversation on questions: What travel? Who are they travelers? What are they doing? How is a tourist different from traveler?

Summary: travel is a trip or movement on foot, usually far from one's place of residence. What is the difference between a tourist and traveler? The fact that the tourist comes and goes, and the traveler never knows how long will it last wandering. The tourist simply contemplates the world around him, and travelers explore it, they put experiments on it, using themselves as a tool, that is, they walk along the path of exploring the world. And it does not matter that this exploration consists of a trip to the sights of a neighboring city or a trip of children to an abandoned house. All these are steps on the path of knowledge.

Reading the story of M. Zoshchenko "Change of Places".

Topic"Children of the North".

Storytelling in a picture "Children of the North"

Tasks. Connected speech: to teach children to compose a story based on a picture, using previously acquired knowledge and ideas;

to cultivate the ability to independently invent events that preceded the depicted and subsequent ones;

dictionary: to clarify the knowledge of children about the peoples of our countries; exercise in the selection of definitions, synonyms;

sound culture of speech: exercise in a clear pronunciation of tongue twisters; develop speech breathing.

Material. Painting "Children of the North".

OOD move.

The teacher puts a picture on the stand "Children of the North". Sets questions:

What is shown in this picture? What edge did the artist draw? Why do you think it's the North?

What is the driver's name? (musher.) What is the name of the sled? (Sled.)

What are the benefits of deer? What do they eat?

What is the mood of the children sitting on the sled? Why do you think it's funny? What are the other children in the picture doing?

What do you know about the life of children in the North?

What is the name of this painting?

You said that the children sitting on the sledges are cheerful. How else can you tell what they are? Choose funny words that are close in meaning to the word (joyful, cheerful, contented, lively).

Look at the deer, they run fast. How else can you say it? Deer. rush, rush, fly.

What are deer antlers? (Branched, smooth, curved.)

What ethnic groups live in the North? (Nenets, Eskimos, Yakuts, Chukchi.)

The teacher offers:

Now make up stories about the children in the picture. Tell us how they ended up on the sled, how they rode and how it all ended.

In conclusion, the children draw their own picture, trace the deer according to the template, and finish the rest themselves.

Solving riddles about the animals of the North is accompanied by viewing the presentation.

Has two powerful fangs,

Two fins and two fins

But don't touch this uncle,

Lie down to rest fat. (walrus)

An excellent fisherman swims in cold water,

Resting on an ice floe, having made a big catch,

And he is not too lazy to rest,

Fished late. (seal)

He rakes deep snow

And delicious moss extracts,

He digs sometimes all day

Polar North. (deer)

Walks slowly into the wreck,

Great angler.

It flies in the water like an arrow,

Chasing babies.

He loves walking among the ice floes,

Dress coat, my name is. (penguin)

The fur is silver. Mice catcher.

It looks like a fox, it's called. (Arctic fox)

Sharp claws, thick fur.

The character is very difficult.

And overtake the enemy fear

In a serious fight. (wolverine)

Of the seagulls, the polar robber is known,

The nest will be destroyed by the bloodthirsty. (skua)

Graphic dictation "Elephant".

Day 2 - Tuesday.

Conversation on questions: What do you need to know and be able to travelers? What travelers do you need to take it on the road? What for? What safety rules must be followed travelers

The game "Crossing the Abyss".

Summary: « travelers» cross the abyss (river, pit, etc.) on a log (on a plank, etc.)

"Russia on the globe".

Goals: to expand ideas about our Motherland, about its place on planet Earth; to give concepts: North and South Pole, Arctic and Antarctica, clarify the concepts of desert, steppe, ocean, sea, lake; to cultivate interest in the Earth on which we live; awaken in the child's soul anxiety for the future of the planet; desire to prevent environmental hazards.

Summary: looking at the globe; talk about planet Earth, locating Russia; the teacher's story about the concepts of desert, steppe, ocean, sea, lake; acquaintance with the North Pole - the Arctic and the South - Antarctica; a conversation about the underground riches of Antarctica, about the underground riches of Russia, about the ecological danger of the Earth; summing up.

Construction from the floor and desktop transport constructor for travel.

Day 3, Wednesday

The game “Listening and thinking.


Guessing a riddle:

A log floats on the river,

Oh, and it's wicked!

For those who fell into the river

Nose bit off... (crocodile).

Telling fairy tales by children in which one of the characters is a crocodile.

Reading an excerpt from R. Kipling's book "Why does an elephant have a long nose".

Learning tongue twisters: Elephants are calm and strong.

Design on a theme "Funny Toys".

Target: Make origami figurines using step-by-step cards.

Graphic dictation "Hippopotamus".

The game "Finish the sentences":

snowstorm in winter (sweeps).

At night the wind in the pipes (howls, howls).

Snowflakes from a snow cloud (falling, flying, spinning).

A hungry wolf in the forest in winter (howl).

For the winter, a bear in a den (falls asleep).

Frost cheeks and noses (pinches).

river water in winter (freezes).

In winter, snow is all around (covers).

Grass under the snow in winter (warming up).

Riddles about animals cold and hot countries.

Day 4 - Thursday.

Compilation of a comparison story "Polar Bear and Giraffe".

Summary: The polar bear is a northern animal, and the giraffe is a southern one. The bear is a predatory animal, and the giraffe is a herbivore. The bear eats fish and seals, while the giraffe eats grass and leaves. The bear is white, and the giraffe is red with dark spots. The bear has a thick skin, while the giraffe has a thin one. The bear has a short neck, while the giraffe has a long one. The bear has claws on its feet, and the giraffe has hooves.

The conversation is followed by viewing the presentation.

Route map modeling travelers across the seas and lands(from geometric shapes and Cuizener sticks).

Relaxation "Cold-hot".

Developmental educational situation "Secrets of the Russian Forest".

Goals: clarify children's ideas about what nature is, expand knowledge about forest: birch grove, oak forest, pine forest, spruce forest, mixed forest. To consolidate the concepts of deciduous-coniferous; to cultivate curiosity, to construct a winter forest with the help of cotton wool.

OOD progress:

Conversation about winter, winter months, signs of winter.

Living and non-living in winter.

Forest types.

Tree construction.

Day 5 - Friday.

Final. « Journey to the desert» .

Target: deepen children's ideas about the diversity of living creatures that inhabit our planet, introduce them to the inhabitants of the desert. Develop children's cognitive activity, imagination.

Examining the painting "Camel", reading a poem by S. Baruzdin "Camel".

The teacher's story about the camel.

Then the children "write" camel letter.

Hello, dear Camel!

Many call you the ship of the desert. Like a ship, you sail on sandy waves, overcoming a strong wind. No animal can survive such a long time without water and food. Proud and strong animal! We really want to be your friends.

Kindergarten preparatory group children

The teacher asks each child to draw "treat" to my friend. After a while, when the teacher considers that the letter is already "reached" to the addressee, he puts the camel's answer in an envelope and reads it to the children, or the children read it on their own.

Letter from a humped camel

Hello dear friend!

A one-humped camel named Dromedary is writing to you from a desert land. Glad for your letter. I also really want to be your friend. Consider that I have already become him.

I am a home camel. But this does not mean that all people are my friends. It happens that you go, go, lie down, and the owner is already right there - with a stick in his hands. I don't like this. After all, I'm not angry at the owner when he suddenly stops to rest. But now I have a good owner, don't worry.

A few words about myself. I am a strong animal. Since I chew something all the time, they call me a ruminant. Do you like to chew? If yes, then you are probably a distant relative of ours. Write, do you have enough gum? Maybe send you a camel? She's incredibly tasty.

I'm quite tall - as much as two meters in height! Yes, and in length I am not small: three meters from the beginning of the muzzle (that's what my face is called) to the tail. The most interesting thing is that there is the same amount from the end of the tail to the beginning of the muzzle! This surprises me. I have a very long neck, a short head, and a special nose and mouth. They are so arranged that the dust never interferes with my breathing.

As you know, I have one hump, but I have enough. In it, I store fat for a rainy day, when there will be absolutely nothing to eat. The more I eat, the bigger the hump, and vice versa. It is very comfortable. I wonder why people don't do this. Having a hump is much more convenient than carrying huge supplies of food around in bags or trunks, as my master does. After all, I, for example, thanks to my hump, can live without food for ten whole days.

I'm proud of my hair too. But how - it is so thick, wavy, soft. The longest hair I have is under the neck, on the hump, shoulders and back of the head. Maybe someone does not like the color of my coat - not too expressive. And for me, such a sandy color is very important - it helps to hide in the desert. Calluses formed on my chest, knees and front legs. But it's not because I'm so hardworking. These calluses protect me from the hot sand on which I am forced to rest.

To survive in the desert, I have to eat dry and tough plants, even if they have a lot of thorns and thorns. I even find them delicious. 'Cause some people love too "sharp" dishes. If there are any among your friends, I can send a couple of thorns.

Good bye, my friend. I will soon set off on a long journey with a caravan. I won't be back soon. The path is not going to be easy. But I do not complain, because I am a hardy camel. Wish me luck and more thorns on the way.

Your Camel is the ship of the desert.

The teacher invites the children to breathe on the mirror. Children find out that the mirror fogs up, as the smallest droplets of water settle on it. caregiver explains: the air exhaled by a person, as well as other living beings, contains water vapor. Some of this water comes out, and some is retained in the nose. But the human nasal canal is short and straight. In a camel, this canal is long and winding. Due to this, a significant part of the water vapor lingers in the camel's nose, and does not go outside. This helps him go longer without drinking, as he loses less water through his breath.

Graphic dictation "Camel".

Didactic game "Round the World travel» .

Goals: to introduce children to the fauna of the seas and oceans; consolidate knowledge about the continents and countries; to activate the development of a speech dictionary, the ability to build logically complete complex and complex sentences; improve communication skills, the ability to jointly solve environmental problems, build action algorithms and jointly apply routes travels.

Drawing with wax crayons on the topic “What do I remember most about travels» .

Goals: improve the skill of obtaining a drawing with the help of wax crayons; consolidate the ability to compose; cultivate love for the native land.


1. Gladysheva N. N., Serzhantova Yu. B. Work program educator: daily planning according to the program "Childhood". Preparatory group. - Volgograd: Teacher: IP Grinin L. E., 2014.-445s.

2. Pavlova, L. Yu. A collection of didactic games to get acquainted with the environment the world: for working with children 4-7 years old / M .: Mosaic-Sintez, 2011.-80s.

3. Bondarenko T. M. Practical material for the development of educational areas in the preparatory group of the kindergarten. Educational area "Knowledge": A practical guide for senior educators and teachers of preschool educational institutions, parents, tutors. - Voronezh: OOO "Method", 2013. -288s.

tatiana kolodkina


Group: medium Topic: « « Little explorers»

Program content:

1. systematize knowledge about ways to behave safely for yourself and the natural world

2. To develop in children the ability to observe natural phenomena and establish the simplest patterns.

3. Education in children of a sensitive attitude to nature.

Final event: « "Properties of Water"

Tuesday - 09.01.

Morning gymnastics.

D/ game "find and name" "show me the same" goal: the development of mindfulness.

finger game « Little explorers» :

First finger in clay (the big one knocks with the index)

The second in plasticine (large with medium)

third in chocolate (big with nameless)

Fourth in marmalade (large with little finger)

Sticky fingers! (fold all fingers into a pinch)

Unglued! (open palm wide) P/I "Hares" the game "Wonderful bag"- to activate the use in speech of the names of objects, their parts, materials from which they are made.

Vova, Lisa, Taya, Zakhar, Elya. Conversation "Save the Water" Target: Replenish and activate the dictionary based on the deepening of children's knowledge of the immediate environment. Make picture diagrams "Right wrong"- rules of safe behavior in the forest, in a group, on a site when getting acquainted with the outside world.

Directly educational activity 1. Modeling "Bird". Software content. To teach children to sculpt a bird from clay, conveying the oval shape of the body; pull and pinch small parts: beak, tail, wings. Learn to note the diversity of the resulting images, enjoy them.

2. Music. (according to the plan of the musical worker)

Walk Walk 5.1 Birdwatching.

Outdoor games: "Horses", "Cat and Mice".Target: learn to run in all directions, maintain balance.

Work before bed

Experiment: "Make colored ice cubes".

Target: Show the children that the water is clear, colorless, objects can be seen through it, that water can be multi-colored, beautiful, if you add paint to it, that you can make decorations on the Christmas tree from water, that water is easily spilled, but also easily absorbed.

(p. 81. S. N. Nikolaev YuE).

M/p/i "Sea Figure". di "WHO WILL SEE AND NAME MORE"

Target: Highlight and designate with a word parts of an object, its external signs.

Dema, Dima, Tima B., Zhenya dinner: Eat not talk, chew food to the end. Hood. prod.

Relax before bed: Listen to music. compositions

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep.

Read and discuss Chukovsky "Doctor Aibolit"; B. Zhitkov "What I saw", reading S. Mikhalkov "What do you have?" Expand and enrich the child's world with ideas about near and far, realistic events, ask questions for reading comprehension.

Didactic game "What's extra?" goal: learn to identify objects by shape. Matvey, Mark, Vika, Christina, Ksyusha. Didactic exercises "Masha's doll room". Fix the orientation away from you when arranging furniture in the "room". Create conditions for viewing sand, earth, tree bark through a magnifying glass

Walk Walk 4.19. How are passers-by dressed?

P / s "Who quickly?", m/p/i "Catch - don't catch".

Wednesday - 10.01.

Morning gymnastics.

D / control "We're going to visit the doll Masha" Consolidation of parts of the day, rules of conduct at a party.

Conversation "Canteen Service" Target: teach children to set tables correctly and safely for themselves and others;

Didactic game: "Collect a picture"

Target: learn to compose a picture from small details.

Elya, Ksyusha, TimaB, TimaP, Mark. - use in proverbs and sayings, signs about snow Bring in the necessary equipment for experimental activities with water (create a situation in which children are convinced that snow is water, and at the end of winter it is dirty snow).

Directly educational activities 1. Physical education. (according to the plan of a physical instructor)

2. Development of speech. Sound culture speeches: sound J.

Exercise children in the correct and clear pronunciation of the sounds Zh (isolated, in onomatopoeic words); in the ability to identify words with the sound Zh.

Walk Observation "Colored ice cubes".(p82. Yue) p/i "Hares", "Birds and Cats". Goals: learn to play by following the rules; develop dexterity, speed of reaction, attention.

Labor activity

Snow removal on site.

Goals: collect snow in a bucket and bring it to the group for watering plants with water; instruct to clear the paths.

Create conditions for skiing. Target: evoke an emotional response in children.

Games with remote material Target: to develop independence in children.

Work before bed

Experimenting with sound Why does everything sound?

Target: to bring children to an understanding of the causes of occurrence sound: object wobble. materials: tambourine, glass cup, newspaper, wooden ruler, metallophone. di "WHO CAN DO WHAT"

Target: Choose verbs denoting the characteristic actions of animals.

Pasha, Vova, Matvey, Dima.

Repetition of the rules of conduct for table: sit straight, move the chair to the table, take cutlery in your right hand, and a piece of bread in your left. Eat calmly, carefully, chewing food well. Hood. work.

The game Lego, independent activity of children in activity centers.

Gradual rise, gymnastics after sleep. Making up stories - develop the ability of children tell: describe the subject, promote the development of curiosity.

V. Oseeva "Magic Needle" reading.

m/p/i "What's gone".

Didactic game "Name three things".

Purpose To exercise children in grouping objects according to a given attribute, to teach them to come up with tasks according to the model. Develop imagination, coherent speech.

Matvey, Carolina, Liza, Dema

game exercise "Everything has its place". Learn to put things in order in the play corners after the game, in your locker for clothes. Create conditions for drawing: "what happens round?" goal: the formation of the ability to transfer in the figure the image of what was conceived.

Create conditions for viewing illustrations in books. Target: the formation of interest in thin. lit.

Walk Walk 4.17. Animal watching

p/i "Sparrows and a cat", m/p/i "Catch - don't catch".

Thursday – 11.01.

morning exercises (file cabinet)

Conversation: "Snow - what is it?" goal: Encourage the desire to ask questions.

game exercise: "treats for guests" goal: learn to find the properties and differences between fruits.

The game "Let's clean up the house" Continue to educate children in the desire to keep order in the group room, to involve them in doing feasible tasks during cleaning.

e/game "Make a Shape".

Target: Exercise children in drawing up new geometric shapes from existing ones according to the model.

TimaP, TimaB, Ksyusha, Zakhar. situational conversations about the correct use of the towel.

Target: to consolidate the skill of using a towel, educating KGN. Enter attributes for role-playing games "Family", "Shop".

Directly educational activity 1. Music. (according to the plan of the musical worker)


Exercise in counting and counting objects within 5 according to the model and the named number.

Introduce the meaning of the words far - close.

Develop the ability to compose a holistic image of an object from parts.

Walk Walk 5.4. Weather observation. P/ games "Aircraft", "Sparrows and a cat". Goals: - learn to quickly perform movements at the signal of the teacher and run in the indicated direction; cultivate friendliness.

Work before bed

Experiment: How does ice turn into water?.Target: Show the children that in the heat the ice melts and turns into water, colored ice becomes colored water. (p. 83. SE)


Target: Determine the sequence of actions, form verbal semantic row: Christina, Vova, Carolina, Violetta. Game - fun with water

"Circles on the water".

Target: To evoke a positive emotional response in children. Develop the ability to blow out a stream of air, folding lips with a tube. Cultivate the desire to play with water. Equipment: basin with water.

Wellness exercises after sleep, walking along massage paths

Experimenting with paints Multi-colored balls. Target: get new by mixing primary colors shades: orange, green, purple, blue.

Reading thin. Literature Mayakovsky "What is good, what is bad" Target:: To teach children to listen carefully to a poem, to choose and realize what is good and what is bad.

Board-printed games Domino, loto

Target: Teach children to follow the rules of the game.

Mark, Matvey, Elya, Zhenya.

The game: Help

toys find their home"

goal: Raising a positive attitude towards the work of adults, the desire to provide them with all possible assistance. Create conditions for a role-playing game at the request of children. Target: to encourage the use of personal experience in games.

Create conditions for design by design. Target: development of the ability to create buildings according to plan.

Walk Walk 5.5. Wind observation. p/i "Whose column will gather faster?" "Aircraft.". m/p/i "Who is gone"

Friday - 12.01.

Admission of children to the group. Morning gymnastics.

Conversation Why do we need sand?.

How can we play with sand? the children answer, the teacher helps them in the answers and shows the actions with the sand. Experience with sand

"Wet - dry".

P / and "Get in the gate"

di "Who lives in the house?"

Target: Reinforce the correct pronunciation of sounds. Develop children's speech breathing.

Pasha, Mark, Matvey, Dima.

Game is fun "Drawing in the Sand".

Target: Continue to teach children to draw individual parts. Develop motor skills in children. Cultivate the desire to draw in the sand.

Experience equipment.

to teach the child to the correct handling of pets, safe for the child and for the animal;

2. SDA "What is a traffic light?" "What are the transitions?".

1. Conversation about transitions, viewing illustrations.

2. A conversation about a traffic light. 3. Guessing riddles. 4. Game "Traffic light". 5. Drawing "Traffic light"

Walk Walk 5.8. Compare live and toy spruce. p/i "Needle and thread", "Two Frosts", m/p/i "Who is gone".

Work before bed

Expert-e "Water, snow"

How to warm your hands?

Reveal the conditions for changing the aggregate states of the liquid (ice -> water, water -> ice).

Finger / and "Snowflakes"

promote understanding recognize objects depicted on object pictures: Vova, Sasha, Christina. To form the ability to pay attention to a friend playing nearby, to understand his condition, to sympathize with the crying. To teach not to interfere with a peer, not to take away toys, share them, be able to wait. Hood. products, illustrations, paintings (subject, plot)

Gradual lifting of children, invigorating gymnastics,. Plot-role-playing the game: offer children play tasks: the doll is going for a walk, makes tea, cooks vegetable soup, casserole. P / and "Whirl - do not fall!" "Describe the picture".

Target: Exercise in the ability to determine a group of objects united by a common feature, a foreign object.

: Zakhar, Ksyusha, Dema, Elya, Zhenya. An experience

"Colourful Water".

Target: water can be made colored by adding paint to it. Such water becomes opaque, nothing can be seen through it.

Equipment: water container, paint, pebble

Walk Walk 5.9. Sun watching. p/i "Paints", "Aircraft". m/n/i "Who is gone"

In MBDOU "Kindergarten No. 57 "Alyonushka" from March 24 to April 1, an exciting vacation was held on the topic:" Week of Young Travelers ". Every day the pupils traveled in different directions: to the world of the book; into a world of security; in hot countries, islands (they got acquainted with the peoples, plants, animals of hot continents and islands). We stopped in more detail on the island where the Papuan tribe lives. We got acquainted with the ritual of this tribe, customs through watching cartoons and films. In encyclopedias, the outfits of the Papuans were considered, and then the children created creative works “The Country of Papuas”.
The group's travel report was reflected in their maps, atlases and globes "Our Discoveries".
And the final day of the vacation "Young Travelers" on April 1 was the grandiose holiday "Papuan Holiday".
Children, together with teachers and parents, came up with Papuan costumes. Ritual invocations and greetings were memorized. At the holiday they were met by funny characters: "Jack Sparrow", "Papuans", "Chunga-changa", "Monkey". The hall was decorated with palm trees made by the group, creepers and parrots. The music of the Papuans sounded, the children drove out evil spirits, collected coconuts and found a treasure trove (a sweet prize and bananas). It was very cool and interesting!