Exercises for the development of thinking. Development of thinking, types of thinking, how to develop thinking

Henry Ford

When a person asks the question of how to develop thinking, it can be said with full confidence that he understands perfectly well what role it plays in our life. And this role, believe me, is huge. Thanks to developed thinking, each of us can achieve very high results in almost any business, even without having the necessary knowledge for this, since well-developed thinking will easily lead a person to any knowledge he needs and allow him to use it competently. Thinking is the most important tool for a person in this world. There are many kinds of thinking, as well as ways to develop them. And each type of thinking has its advantages and some, as a rule, not very significant, disadvantages. Thinking can be: logical, analytical, deductive, inductive, systemic, creative, and so on. At the same time, any thinking is reduced to one common action that allows it to function. And in order to develop thinking, it is necessary to learn how to perform this action effectively. In this article, I will tell you about what and how you can do to develop your thinking.

To begin with, let's, friends, find out what thinking is. As you probably know, there are quite a few definitions of thinking [as well as everything else in this world], each of which reflects different sides, or aspects of this rather complex class of mental processes. And without a doubt, each of the definitions has a greater or lesser right to exist, and each of them is useful in its own way. I will give my thinking, in my opinion, the most correct and precise definition, from which we will proceed in the future. It is different from the definitions you might find in books on the subject. But it suits me just fine, and I hope it suits you too.

Thinking is the process of searching for relevant and/or new information, or, if you prefer, searching for truth, through questions that a person poses to himself and then moves in many different directions to find several answers to each of his questions and choose from them most from his point of view the correct answer. This search should be carried out by a person both in the external and in his inner world. Or you can also say this: thinking is the process of switching a person’s attention with the help of questions posed to himself from one information to another and establishing a logical connection between these pieces of information. Moreover, information can be not only real, but also fictional, when a person himself comes up with something new, that is, comes up with a new answer to his question. The quality of thinking is precisely determined by a person’s ability to invent new information, or very skillfully manipulate the information he already has in order to find a solution to some issue, some problem, to find something that he does not yet know about. That is, new information, new knowledge - you can come up with the help of questions correctly posed to yourself.

Thus, everything that concerns thinking, for us, comes down to the ability of a person to pose the right questions and look for answers to them. Moreover, the more intense, intense and more complex this search, the better and more effective the person's thinking. And the easier it is to search for information, the fewer questions a person asks himself and the faster he finds the easiest answers to the questions that arise before him, the weaker his thinking. For example, if a person does not look for new information at all, when some questions arise before him, but is content with ready-made answers that he knows and which, from his point of view, are not just true, but the only true ones, but in fact often turn out to be superficial and outdated , then it is simply not necessary to talk about the presence of a well-developed thinking in him. And it's another matter when a person actively seeks or in some cases even comes up with answers to his questions, that is, creates new information based on existing information. In this case, we can say that his thinking is well developed. But putting the right question in front of you, so that with its help you come to another right question, and then to another question, and so on until you find the answer you need to solve a specific problem or task, is very difficult. Therefore, it is impossible to really develop your thinking well by solving puzzles and puzzles, guessing crossword puzzles, playing chess, logic puzzles, picking up a Rubik's cube and the like. These are all child's play for our thinking. In order to develop, it must work on more complex and at the same time competently set tasks, dealing with their solution with the help of correctly selected questions.

Let me briefly explain how our thinking works. Our thoughts, if we consider them as a process that we call thinking, are a kind of hooks that connect some images and concepts in our head with other images and concepts. We call this relationship a causal relationship, when another follows from one phenomenon, or another from one statement. And images and concepts are the types of information that we operate with. But when we consider our thoughts already as information that is stored in our head in the form of images and concepts, then with the help of questions and the search for answers to them, we establish causal relationships between these thoughts [between information cells] and with their help we collect a general picture of the vision of the world or a general picture of a single situation. That is, you see, friends, our thinking is a kind of instruction for working with information, which is based on correctly posed questions.

Above, I said that a person himself must put questions before himself in order to think, but in fact, thinking turns on, or better to say, starts, and when looking for answers to other people's questions. Because other people's questions, in turn, generate questions in your head. Well, let's say I ask you this question: “How can I light a fire?”, And you already need to start thinking, start looking for information in order to answer me something. How will you do it? You will also ask yourself the question - what and how you better answer me. You can tell me that you don't know how fires are made, or you can give me the necessary information on this subject, if you have it, or you can come up with something else, for example, ask a counter question: “Why do you need this?” . This choice that you will make, deciding what and how to answer me, is a thinking process that will consist of questions you pose to yourself and search for answers to them. If you think very carefully about your answer, giving it enough attention and sorting through all the possible options in order to find the best, then your thinking will be conscious, and if you answer automatically, then your thinking will be unconscious. It also consists of questions and answers, but they do not fall into your field of attention, so you cannot control them. So a question that comes to you from the outside will inevitably lead to several questions inside your head that will start the process of thinking. If this question is difficult, then you will have to tinker a lot with the information you have before finding a suitable answer, provided that your thinking is conscious. You may need to modify the information you have in some way to adapt it to your specific situation, or you may want to ask clarifying questions to the person asking the question or questions to you to better understand what question you need to seek an answer to. . In other words, all thinking is based on questions and answers. This is to put it simply. And we do not need to complicate this issue with you.

As you can see, friends, having defined thinking, we have already partly answered the question of how to develop this very thinking. You need to learn how to ask the right questions and be able to find answers to them, both right and wrong. And then to determine which of the answers found may be correct. And for this, again, you need to ask the right question, which will allow you to move even further and clarify even more information for yourself. In general, the process of thinking is not an easy process. Thinking has always been hard. But it needs to be done.

So, what have we found out. We found out that in order to develop thinking, it is necessary, firstly, to launch it, and secondly, to improve its work. How to start thinking? To do this, as we have learned, you need to ask yourself the right question. What is the correct question? The right question is first of all a question about a question. This is the very first question you need to ask yourself when thinking about this or that question. That is, you must understand - why do you need to puzzle over the question before you, why go deep into some topic at all, for what purpose will you do this? You see, anyone, even the smartest person, can be loaded with absolutely useless information for him, so that his brain starts working on it, to the detriment of more important matters. Thus, a person can simply be distracted from thoughts that are important to him. But thinking is what we are given to avoid such situations. Therefore, by asking why we should think about anything at all, we can control our thinking and use it for our own good. Therefore, I repeat, the question about the question is the very first question that you need to ask yourself in order to properly set up your thinking.

Next, you need to think about how many answers there can be to a particular question to which you decide to find an answer. In order not to think linearly and stereotyped, you need to take a broader look at the questions you are facing. Never allow yourself to be satisfied with just one answer to a particular question - look for as many answers as possible, asking yourself what they, these answers, can still be, in addition to those that you already know. The more options you find, the better. If you can't find new answers, think of them. And no matter how absurd they turn out, the main thing is that they will not allow you to slow down your thinking by stopping the process of finding answers with new questions. And this process must necessarily last as long as possible in order to give your brain the load necessary for its development, thanks to which you can, so to speak, pump your thinking. It's like with muscles - you can't do push-ups or pull-ups once to make them grow and make them more resilient. Muscles need to be loaded until they go beyond their limits in order to adapt to new loads, only then they will begin to grow and become more resilient. And only then will your thinking begin to develop, when it will go beyond its current capabilities with the help of the necessary load. Therefore, ask yourself questions and look for, construct, invent answers to them until you feel that the limit of your mental capabilities has been overcome. The brain must get used to building logical chains, creating cause-and-effect relationships, finding new information with their help, generating new information, connecting images and concepts with each other and constructing from them a complete picture of the world or some particular phenomenon. So try to make automatic decisions as little as possible, no matter how correct they are, so as not to wean your brain to think. You can train your thinking in this way constantly, in any situation - just by being curious about everything that surrounds you and asking yourself more and more questions about what you want to know.

And finally, the last thing I want to tell you about in this article, but not the last one on this issue, is the curiosity I already mentioned above, as well as such a thing as doubt, or better to say, a state of doubt. With the help of doubt and curiosity, you can generate an incredible number of questions, the search for answers to which will allow you to actively develop your thinking. Curiosity encourages a person to look beyond what he knows. With its help, a person can ask questions about a variety of things about which he would like to know as much as possible. And curiosity plus doubts encourage a person to doubt the truths that he already knows. And then he asks a very important question, both for any scientist and for each of us: “Why is something arranged the way it is, and why does something work the way it works?” So curiosity helps us think big and far, and doubt plus curiosity helps us think deep. The main thing is that you, friends, have questions, and you are not content with the answers to them known to you, but are looking for new answers to these questions for you and new answers in general. Then your thinking will work and develop.

I can't help but tell you that I have a very interesting training program that allows you to develop thinking. It comes down to just the two main actions I described above - the ability to ask yourself questions and the ability to find answers to them with the help of other questions. This program is very unusual, you probably have not come across anything like this in your life, because, as far as I know, few places teach the ability to ask questions, especially to yourself, basically everywhere people are taught something with the help of ready-made answers. So for those who are interested, you can try to pump your brain in an unusual, but very useful way for the development of thinking.

Finally, I would like to briefly tell you how you can benefit from a very developed mindset so that you do not lose motivation to work on its development. In our time, friends, knowledge is no longer the power it used to be. They are still very important and they need to be received, but it is thinking that comes to the fore in importance. Whoever has it more developed is stronger, or, if you like, more successful in life. And knowledge today quickly becomes obsolete, and it is available to many. Today, almost everyone can get the necessary knowledge, the necessary information - at any time and in any place. In the same cell phone, you can download as much information as you will not be able to master in your entire life. And search engines answer any questions faster and more accurately than any, even a very smart person. Therefore, it is not so important to know a lot, it is much more important to be able to correctly use the knowledge you have and find, or even better, invent new knowledge and create new information. And in order to work productively with different information and benefit from it, you need to have developed thinking. It will help you quickly solve any problems and tasks.

Logic tasks with answers. Development of thinking. Is free. Without SMS

Compliance tasks

Train your brain with matching tasks. It will help you in life in many situations


In psychology, thinking is defined as a mental activity aimed at generalized and mediated knowledge of objective reality by revealing the connections and relationships that exist between cognizable objects and phenomena.

Development of logical thinking- one of the main tasks of the comprehensive development of children, which should be given serious attention. Thinking is the highest form of human cognitive activity, the process of searching for and discovering something essentially new. Developed thinking enables the child to understand the patterns of the material world, cause-and-effect relationships in nature, social life and interpersonal relationships. Logical thinking is fundamental to success in life. With its help, a person is able to analyze any situation and choose the best course of action in the current conditions.

Logical thinking it is necessary to constantly train, best of all - from early childhood, in order to avoid stereotypical thinking, which is characteristic of the bulk of people. By using logical thinking you will be able to separate the essential from the secondary, find relationships between objects and phenomena, create conclusions, search and find confirmations and refutations.

Development of thinking possible with tasks for logical thinking that we offer you. They contribute:

  • increase the speed of thinking
  • meaningful thinking
  • increase the flexibility of thinking
  • increasing the depth of thinking
  • development of freedom and efficiency of thinking

Adults can also train thinking with games for the development of thinking and tasks for logical thinking. After all, age-related problems with memory and logic are the result of inaction and lack of mental exercises: a person either uses his brain or degrades.

To determine the level of development and qualitative characteristics of your thinking, we suggest passing logical thinking test. The quality of thinking is determined by the following characteristics:

  • quick thinking is the ability to find the right solutions in the face of time constraints
  • flexibility of thinking characterizes the ability to change the planned course of action when circumstances change
  • the depth of thinking is the degree of penetration into the essence of a situation or phenomenon and the ability to catch and identify logical connections between the objects of the problem.

These qualities are present to varying degrees in all people. Some of them are more significant for solving theoretical problems, others - for solving practical issues.

In the process of a person's growth, when he enters social life development of thinking occurs sequentially in several stages:

  • subject-effective thinking, characteristic of the age from 1 to 3 years, is thinking in the form of practical actions. Children at this age learn about the world around them by tasting and smelling objects, touching them with their hands, taking them apart and breaking them.
  • visual-figurative thinking is more developed at the age of 4 to 7 years, but it is also present in adults in the form of visual images and representations: visual, auditory, tactile. This type of thinking is most developed among people of creative professions (artists, musicians, etc.).
  • abstract-logical or abstract thinking is presented in the form of abstract concepts, symbols and numbers. For example, the mathematical terms "integral" and "derivative" are abstract concepts that cannot be perceived by the human senses.

The process of thinking is turned on, as a rule, when a problem or task arises, the solution of which can be carried out in various ways depending on the level of development of logical thinking. The most primitive technique is the trial and error method, during which there is not even an awareness of the problem, not to mention the construction of tactics for solving it and testing hypotheses. In adults logical thinking develops into the ability to explore the tasks and determine goals, create a plan and ways to achieve the goal. Advanced thinking is the ability to think creatively, not to use stereotyped knowledge, but to invent and invent something new. Solving logic problems and games for the development of thinking develop not only logic, but also intelligence, fantasy, imagination.

Process logical thinking when solving problems, it includes several operations:

  • Comparison - establishing the similarities and differences of objects.
  • Analysis - the division of the elements of the object into components.
  • Synthesis is the combination of individual elements into a whole.
  • Generalization - the selection of common features based on similarity.
  • Abstraction is the selection of any feature of an object or phenomenon that does not exist separately from it.
  • Concretization - emphasizing a particular feature of the subject.
  • Systematization is a mental classification of objects and phenomena into groups.

When deciding tasks for logical thinking or in games for the development of thinking follow the steps:

  • Motivation is the desire to win.
  • Analysis of the conditions of a problem or a game situation.
  • Search for a solution to the problem based on logical reasoning, analogies, heuristic and empirical techniques. AT games for the development of thinking sometimes a simple insight contributes to victory.
  • Proof and justification of the correctness of the solution.
  • Verification of the solution; if necessary - its correction.

Thinking is the ability of a person to reason,

representing the process of reflection

objective reality

in ideas, judgments, concepts.

Ozhegov S.I. .

Thinking is a new creation of the world.

Albert Camus (1913-1960)

French writer and philosopher.

Thinking is an internal recreation of the world.

Viktor Krotov

Interested in how to develop logic? So you understand that without it you can not live. Tips, games and exercises are collected for you in the article.

The ability to think logically is indispensable, because thanks to it you can find a way out of difficult situations, calculate your actions a few steps ahead, anticipate enemy traps, and find a fast path to success.

If you are less fortunate, then you should deal with the fact how to develop logic because without it it is impossible to live in this world.

What is logic and how to develop it?

The word logic itself came to us from the ancient Greek language, in which λόγος is translated as reasoning or thought.

There are plenty of definitions for the term "logic", but I believe that the most correct of them is the ability to think intelligently.

If we consider logic as a science, then it should be understood that this is a branch of philosophy that studies the cognitive intellectual activity of a person.

A person who is able to think logically can, on the basis of the information he has (even if scattered and inaccurate), draw the right conclusion and thus get to the bottom of the truth.

Logic allows you to get acquainted with the nuances of the subject being studied, and not just to gain general knowledge.

Logical judgments were characteristic of different cultures, but the pioneers of logic, the cultures that created a real cult of logic, were Chinese, ancient Greek and Indian, where works on this science appeared as early as the 4th century BC.

Why are so many people today wondering how to develop logic?

Naturally, like most humanities scholars, I studied logic at the university.

This subject, which seemed incredibly boring and useless to many, was taught to us by a true fan of her craft.

The teacher was able to reach out to us and explain why her subject should be given attention and how the ability to think logically will be useful to us in the future.

For the rest of my life I remembered the words of my logic teacher:

It was the ability to think logically that helped our distant ancestors survive among the dangers that await them at every step. Primitive people, being in the wildest environment, analyzed the situation, made conclusions and learned from their own mistakes, which helped them not only survive, but also develop.
Today's scientific and technological progress is certainly pleasant and useful, and I would be lying if I said that I was dissatisfied with it and would like to return to the primitive system, but it is the abundance of computers and other technology in our lives that leads to the destruction of logical thinking.
A person is so accustomed to trusting a machine that is able to think for him that he does not want to strain his thinking once again.
Looking at all this, I think that American films about the subjugation of mankind by robots are not so fantastic.

Fortunately, not everyone is ready to give up logical thinking.

Many people prefer to develop logic, realizing what a serious trump card they will have in front of those who have forgotten how to think logically at all.

Why try to develop logic?

Logical thinking is useful to you in any kind of activity.

Even the cleaner must understand that she needs to mop the floors moving from the far wall to the exit, because if she starts mopping the floors in reverse, she will destroy her work with her own dirty feet.

And managers who are responsible not only for themselves, but also for their subordinates cannot do without logic, so they need to constantly work on its development.

If you are still not sure whether you need to think about how to develop logic, I am ready to give you a few more arguments.

Being able to think logically, we can:

  • find the easiest and safest way out of a problem situation;
  • avoid both professional and life mistakes;
  • to be one step ahead of our ill-wishers and competitors whom God has deprived of logic;
  • express your thoughts competently, so that everyone around them understands them;
  • quickly formulate a thought so as not to delay the answer to the question posed and not blurt out the first stupidity that came to mind;
  • not become a victim of self-deception and deceit by other people;
  • it is easy to find arguments in order to bring your own point of view to the interlocutors and persuade them to your side;
  • see the mistakes that you or the people around you make and quickly eliminate them.

Games to help develop logic

There are a number of games that both adults and children should play if they want to develop their logic and improve their logical thinking:

    It's simple: either you learn to think logically, or until the end of your days you will play chess disgustingly.

    This game is a little easier than chess, but it also helps a lot.

    Another game familiar to many from childhood that develops logic.

    Rebuses, crossword puzzles, puzzles.

    Yes, and banal crossword puzzles are suitable for developing intelligence and logic.


    Choose a word and try to come up with as many associations as possible for it.

    Reversi or otello.

    A board game with black and white pieces and a board that resembles a chess board.

    It teaches not only logical, but also strategic thinking.

    Erudite or Scrabble.

    Words must be made from letters.

Exercises that will help develop logic

If you decide to seriously improve your logical thinking, then games alone are indispensable.

You will have to perform at least one daily, or better, several exercises from this list:

    Solving anagrams.

    From letters mixed in random order, you need to make a normal word.

    Solving special logic puzzles.

    Both on the Internet and in bookstores, enough collections with such puzzles are sold.

    You can start with this simple one: a man shaves his beard every day, but continues to walk with a beard on his face. How is this possible?

    The choice of words that connect two phrases.

    For example, “opens doors”, “birds lined up” is the key.

    Making crosswords or puzzles.

    Come up with 5 ways to use any item

    Or find 5 ways out of some situation.

To develop logical thinking, we suggest you immediately go to practice

and solve the puzzle with matches in the following video:

If you are too lazy to do exercises every day and are not a hopeless person in terms of logical thinking, then you can develop logic in simple ways, imperceptibly even to yourself:

    Reading detectives.

    The more detective literature you read, the more you will understand the logic of the actions of specialists who are investigating a crime.

    Performing some action.

    At least sometimes explain to yourself: why are you doing this, what will happen if you don’t, what will be the result if you make a mistake, etc.

  1. Learn to write and perform other actions with your left hand if you are right-handed and with your right hand if you are left-handed.

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Good day, dear friends! Do you remember what grades you got in school? I remember. There are no triples in my certificate. But during any year of study there were triples, deuces, and even cola sometimes happened. So I think, who is Alexandra, my daughter, like? Excellent student, hangs on the honor roll! Apparently those additional exercises that we do with her are bearing fruit.

Lesson plan:

Exercise 1

A very interesting exercise! Useful not only for children, but also for adults. This exercise is used as a test at the casting of radio hosts. Imagine, you come to the casting, and they say to you: “Come on, my friend, connect us a chicken with a pole.” In all seriousness, they say so!

The meaning is precisely in this, it is necessary to combine two absolutely unrelated concepts. Radio presenters need this in order to quickly and beautifully compose lead lines to songs during live broadcasts, for easy transitions from one topic to another.

Well, the kids are suitable for the development of creative, creative, quick thinking.

So how do you connect a chicken with a pole? Lots of options:

  1. The chicken walks around the post.
  2. The chicken was blind, walked and crashed into a pole.
  3. The chicken was strong, hit the pole, and it fell.
  4. The pillar fell right on the chicken.

Do you want to work out? Good. Connect:

  • chamomile with milk;
  • headphones with a jellyfish;
  • moon boots.

Exercise 2. Word Breakers

If in the previous exercise we connected, then in this we will break one long word into many short ones, consisting of letters of a large word. According to the rules, if a letter occurs once in a long word, then it cannot be repeated twice in short words.

For example, the word "switch" breaks down into:

  • tulle;
  • key;
  • beak.

I don't see any more options, do you?

You can break any long words, for example, “holiday”, “picture”, “towel”, “polar explorer”.

Exercise 3. Puzzles

Solving puzzles helps to think outside the box, creatively. Teaches the child to analyze.

Rebuses may contain images, letters, numbers, commas, fractions, placed in a very different order. Let's try to solve some simple puzzles together.

  1. On the first we see the syllable "BA" and "barrel". Connect: BA + Barrel = Butterfly.
  2. On the second, the principle is the same: Baran + KA = Bagel.
  3. The third is more difficult. Cancer is drawn, and next to it is “a = y”. So in the word cancer, the letter "a" must be replaced with the letter "y", we get "hands". To this we add another "a": hand + a = hand.
  4. The fourth rebus with a comma. Since the letter “A” is the first, the guess word begins with it. Next, we see the “fist”, after the picture there is a comma, which means that the last letter must be subtracted from the word “fist”. Let's get "cool". Now we combine everything together: A + kula = shark.
  5. The fifth rebus is only at first glance difficult. You need to remove the letter “and” from the word “saw”, and read the word “cat” backwards. As a result, we get: pla + current = handkerchief.
  6. The sixth, fully alphabetic rebus. Everything is clear with the first and last letters, but what about the middle? We see the letter "o" drawn in the beech "t", so let's say "in t o". We connect: A + WTO + P \u003d AUTHOR.

Trained? Now try to solve the puzzle yourself.

You can share your answers in the comments. You will find many puzzles in children's magazines and.

Exercise 4. Anagrams

Can an orange be turned into a spaniel and vice versa? "Easily!" anagram lovers will answer. You don't even need a magic wand.

An anagram is a literary device that consists in rearranging the letters or sounds of a certain word (or phrase), which results in another word or phrase.

Just as easily, a dream turns into a nose, a cat into a current, and a linden into a saw.

Well, shall we try? Let's make it so:

  • the "carriage" flew to the stars;
  • "word" grew on the head;
  • "lace" learned to fly;
  • "atlas" became edible;
  • "pump" settled in the forest;
  • "mote" became transparent;
  • the “roller” was placed on the table before dinner;
  • "bun" learned to swim;
  • "chamomile" was spinning by the lantern on summer evenings;
  • "Park" could not live without water.

Exercise 5. Logic problems

The more logic puzzles you solve, the stronger your thinking becomes. After all, it is not for nothing that they say that mathematics is gymnastics for the mind. Indeed, when solving some of them, you directly feel how the brain moves.

Let's start with the simpler ones:

  1. Kolya and Vasya solved problems. One boy decided at the blackboard, and the other at the desk. Where did Vasya solve problems if Kolya did not solve them at the blackboard?
  2. Three old grandmothers live in the same entrance, on the third, fifth and seventh floors. Who lives on what floor, if grandmother Nina lives above Valya's grandmother, and Galya's grandmother lives below Valya's grandmother?
  3. Yura, Igor, Pasha and Artem finished in the top four in the running competition. Who took what place? It is known that Yura did not run first or fourth, Igor ran after the winner, and Pasha was not the last.

And the next three problems Sashulya brought from the Mathematical Olympiad. These are tasks for the third grade.

“The gardener planted 8 seedlings. Of all but four, pear trees have grown. All but two pear trees grow pears. Pears from all fruit-bearing pear trees except one are not tasty. How many pear trees have tasty pears?”

“Vasya, Petya, Vanya wear ties of only one color: green, yellow and blue. Vasya said: "Petya does not like yellow." Petya said: "Vanya wears a blue tie." Vanya said: "You are both deceiving." Who prefers what color if Vanya never lies?

And now attention! A task of increased difficulty! "On the backfill," as they say. I couldn't solve it. I suffered for a long time, and then I looked at the answers. She is also from the Olympics.

“The traveler needs to cross the desert. The transition lasts six days. The traveler and the porter who will accompany him may take with him a supply of water and food for one person for four days each. How many porters will the traveler need to realize his plan? Enter the smallest number."

If you still fall asleep on any task, then contact me, I will help)

Exercise 6. Match puzzles

Matches are not toys for children! A tool for training thinking. For safety reasons, I suggest replacing matches with counting sticks.

These simple little sticks make very complex puzzles.

First, let's warm up:

  • fold two identical triangles from five sticks;
  • of seven sticks, two identical squares;
  • remove three sticks to make three identical squares (see picture below).

Now more difficult:

Move three sticks so that the arrow flies in the opposite direction.

The fish also needs to be turned in the other direction, while shifting only three sticks.

After shifting only three sticks, remove the strawberry from the glass.

Remove two sticks to make two equilateral triangles.

The answers can be found at the end of the article.

Exercise 7

And now let's work as Sherlock Holmes! Let us seek the truth and discover lies.

Show the child two pictures, on one of which depict a square and a triangle, and on the other a circle and a polygon.

And now offer cards with the following statements:

  • some figures on the card are triangles;
  • there are no triangles on the card;
  • there are circles on the card;
  • some of the figures on the card are squares;
  • all shapes on the card are triangles;
  • there are no polygons on the card;
  • There are no rectangles on the card.

The task is to determine whether these statements are false or true for each picture with figures.

A similar exercise can be carried out not only with geometric shapes, but also with images of animals. For example, put a cat, a fox and a squirrel on the picture.

Statements can be as follows:

  • all these animals are predators;
  • there are pets in the picture;
  • all the animals in the picture can climb trees;
  • all animals have fur.

Pictures and statements to them can be selected independently.

Exercise 8. Instruction

We are surrounded by a variety of things. We use them. Sometimes we do not pay any attention to the instructions that are attached to these items. And it also happens that there are simply no instructions for some very necessary items. Let's fix this misunderstanding! We will write the instructions ourselves.

Take, for example, a comb. Yes, yes, the usual comb! That's what we got with Alexandra.

So, instructions for using the comb.

  1. A comb is a device for making hair smooth and silky, made of plastic.
  2. Use a comb should be with increased shaggy and curly.
  3. In order to start combing, approach the comb, gently take it in your hand.
  4. Stand in front of a mirror, smile, bring the comb to the roots of your hair.
  5. Now slowly move the comb down to the ends of your hair.
  6. If there are obstacles in the form of knots on the way of the comb, then run the comb over them several times with weak pressure, while you can scream a little.
  7. Each strand of hair is subject to processing by a comb.
  8. Combing can be considered finished when the comb does not meet a single knot on the way.
  9. After combing, it is necessary to rinse the comb with water, put it in a place specially designated for it.
  10. If a tooth has broken off a comb, you need to throw it in the trash.
  11. If all the teeth of the comb have broken off, send it after the tooth.

Try writing instructions for a pot, or slippers, or a glasses case. It will be interesting!

Exercise 9. Making up a story

Stories can be composed in different ways, for example, based on a picture or on a given topic. By the way, this will help. And I suggest you try to compose a story based on the words that must be present in this story.

As always, an example.

Words are given: Olga Nikolaevna, poodle, sequins, turnip, salary, gray hair, castle, flood, maple, song.

Here's what happened to Sasha.

Olga Nikolaevna walked down the street. On a leash, she led her poodle Artemon, the poodle was all shiny. Yesterday he broke the lock on the locker, got to the box of glitter, and poured it all over himself. And Artemon gnawed through the pipe in the bathroom and made a real flood. When Olga Nikolaevna came home from work and saw all this, gray hair appeared in her hair. And now they were going for turnips, as turnips calm the nerves. And the turnip was expensive, worth half the salary. Before entering the store, Olga Nikolaevna tied the poodle to a maple tree and, singing a song, went inside.

Now try it yourself! Here are three sets of words:

  1. Doctor, traffic light, headphones, lamp, mouse, magazine, frame, exam, janitor, paper clip.
  2. First grader, summer, hare, button, gap, bonfire, Velcro, shore, plane, hand.
  3. Konstantin, jump, samovar, mirror, speed, sadness, trip, ball, list, theater.

Exercise 10

We have already worked as detectives. Now I propose to work as a police officer. The fact is that the words in well-known proverbs and sayings violated the order. We will deal with violators of the order. Try to arrange the words the way they are supposed to stand.

  1. Food, comes, time, in, appetite.
  2. You will pull out, not, labor, from, a fish, a pond, without.
  3. Measure, one, a, one, seven, cut, one.
  4. And, ride, sled, love, carry, love.
  5. Waiting, no, seven, one.
  6. Word, cat, and, nice, kind.
  7. One hundred, a, rubles, have, don't, have, friends, a hundred.
  8. Falls, not, apple trees, far, apple, from.
  9. Flowing, stone, not, water, recumbent, under.
  10. Autumn, consider, by, chickens.

I want to clarify. We don't do this on purpose. That is, it doesn’t happen that I say: “Come on, Alexandra, sit down at the table, let’s develop thinking!” No. All this in between times, if we go somewhere, we go, before going to bed instead of books. It is very interesting to do it, so you don’t have to force anyone.

Well, now the promised answers to matchstick puzzles!

Puzzle Answers

About two triangles of five matches.

About two squares out of seven.

We get three squares.

Expand the arrow (watch the color of the sticks).

We turn the fish.

And about two equilateral triangles.

I recently found this video on the Internet. It has completely different exercises. We tried, until it turns out with difficulty. Well, let's practice. See if you can use it too.

Dare! Get busy! Develop with your children. Try these "golden" exercises. Show off your results in the comments!

Thank you for your attention!

And I look forward to visiting again! Here you are always welcome!

So, Wikipedia tells us that the concept of "logic" comes from ancient Greek and means "the science of correct thinking." It can easily be called the cognitive activity of the mind, and it is a quality that many would like to cultivate in themselves. And according to psychologists, this quality is formed, because it is acquired, not innate! But how to develop logical thinking on your own? What tasks to pay attention to and how to overcome yourself? The answers are simple and obvious, you just have to think logically!

The basics of the path: permanent work and not only

The Beginning of Beginnings is a tribute to interesting logic tasks that will interest both adults and teenagers. They will become part of self-development and an excellent training for the mind. Next - examples!

Who can own, lift and move an elephant and a horse to another place?

Chess player.

How is it that a friend cuts his beard 100 times a day, and in the evening - bearded?

Friend is a barber.

Which hand should you stir the tea with?

Mix tea with a spoon.

What is easy to lift from the ground, but is it difficult to drop even 1 cm?

Your family uses it every day, even though it belongs only to you. What's this?

Relatives use your name.

Alternatively, a trick question. This is an exercise that will easily and simply help everyone improve their logical thinking and develop ingenuity. The main thing here is training!

Usually adults, seeing a schematic image, instantly forget about the details. The picture is missing a door. So they are located on the right side, the bus goes to the left.

What else can you do to develop logic? Study different sciences that you had a craving for in school. The task is simple: create successive chains of events, delve into the problem, look for a motive or starting point and understand where it all can lead. This will help history, mathematics, computer science.

Bright "trick" - keeping a diary, where you will systematize new knowledge in the form of notes, sketches and even drawings, learn to sort them and "create" a single picture from disparate pieces. Agree that visual perception, that is, presented on paper, helps to capture the situation.

Mathematics is almost the "sister" of logic

Even the initial development of logical thinking requires training. They are those hobbies that have been loved by you and your family members up to this point, but have not been elevated to a kind of cult of Her Majesty Logic. Do it now:
  • solving logic tests, . They will help not only "on the move" to identify your level, but also point to the "weak links". Maybe just them and it is worth replenishing?!;
  • playing board games in which logic is the main weapon against an opponent. Such as "Activity", "Erudite" are just right;
  • solving multiple math logic puzzles with a trick a day. Sometimes it seems that the solution is here, but it is difficult to get;
  • playing backgammon, checkers and chess. They will make it possible not only to “see” the probable moves of the enemy, but also to calculate in advance the situation that he wants to create;
  • calculating mathematical puzzles and even... watching films that are unique in their genre. An example is the "Fatal number 23", "Pi number" and the like. Why not?

Interesting! It is a proven fact that children will quickly give a logical answer to a riddle (if, of course, it is not very difficult). The thing is that kids see events, people, therefore, the relationship between them, cleanly, brightly and uncomplicatedly, without a “plaque” of dogmas, rules, traditions, all that “garbage” that makes it difficult for an adult to perceive.

Riddle letters: how to develop intelligence with their help

If you are not friends with numbers, but want to see the situation many steps ahead, it is enough to make friends with letters in their different manifestations. Give exercise for 15-20 minutes a day and become smart like Sherlock Holmes.

Consonant words, reading detective stories

Perfectly help to train logical thinking tasks that can be attributed to conditionally philological, of course. But we know their essence. You:
  • retell the sentence, fitting it into one concept or stretching it onto a page.

    Example: The leaves turned yellow quickly, fall off and the rain drizzles.
    The answer in one word is “autumn”, but everyone can develop the idea of ​​the onset of autumn into a story using the words: umbrella, fog, blues, hot tea;

  • read detectives. They train not only logical thinking, but also memory (usually in the novels of A. Christie or B. Akunin there are many characters). Try to initially understand who the villain is!;
  • play analogy. The essence is simple: a certain subject should be translated into a conceived system and described.

    Example: describe the main character traits of your friends as chemical elements.
    It will turn out something like this: hardworking - "mercury", kind - "gold", malicious - "sulfur";

  • look at the cards from which you need to remove the excess.

    Example: pouffe, sofa, wardrobe, sofa. What is superfluous?
    That's right, a wardrobe, because it is not a piece of seating furniture;

  • pay attention to explanatory dictionaries, inventing your own interpretations;
  • write rhymes.

    For a "powerful" example, you can take funny ones:
    From vinegar - they bite,
    from mustard - upset,
    from the bow - they are cunning,
    from wine - blame,
    from muffin - kinder.

    For simple ones like this: husband - already, class - in the eye, car - routine;

  • engage in coding proverbs, sentences to establish cause-and-effect relationships.

    An example given by players from one team to another: The head of the church had a living creature. He loved this living creature very much and indulged in every possible way. But one day the attendant killed him for the reason that the creature ate a piece of something of animal origin...
    Answer of the opposite team: The priest had a dog;

  • association of individual words into classes with certain features.

    Example: you need to take several different words, for example, pillow, fish, triangle and consider the elements of which they consist and with what they can be associated. So, a pillow is tenderness, rest, peace, fish is food, well-being, a triangle is sharp corners, segments.

Pay attention to these puzzles in the video and you will understand that everything is logical and interconnected!

Separately - about the important, or learning to listen to intuition

Intuition is our subconscious, based on conclusions from knowledge accumulated over centuries. They need to be listened to, they are that unconscious part of ourselves that remembers and knows a lot. Is the stranger behaving strangely, spinning and losing his speech? He must be up to something, and you are already receiving a signal of attention!

Practice and you'll be fine!