Conflict at school between children. School conflicts

Why do conflicts arise between classmates? There may be several reasons:
struggle for authority,
deceit, gossip,
hostility towards the teacher's favorite students,
personal dislike for a person
sympathy without reciprocity,
fight for a girl (boy).
There are dozens and even hundreds of such reasons. It is necessary to correctly determine the causes of the confrontation at the very beginning of the conflict in order to find the necessary constructive solution.
It is also important to understand that not all children's conflicts require adult participation. The guys are quite capable of solving some of them themselves. In such cases, it is better for the teacher not to interfere in the course of events and not to exert pressure, but to take an observant position, only sometimes acting as an adviser. The experience of resolving conflicts on their own will help teenagers develop the social skills they need in adulthood.
If, however, the conflict has reached a stage where the teacher’s intervention is necessary, it is important to do this tactfully and carefully so as not to hurt the child’s pride or cause aggression. It is necessary to patiently and very carefully listen to both sides, along the way asking prompt questions that will enable the parties to the conflict to think and analyze the situation more carefully.
To resolve any school conflicts, there is a single algorithm:
1) It is necessary to maintain a calm environment. It will prevent it from reaching the level of insults and insults.
2) Try to assess the situation as objectively as possible.
3) It is necessary to create conditions in which the conflicting parties could conduct an open and constructive dialogue.
4) It is necessary to help students come to a common conclusion and identify a common goal.
5) It is necessary to summarize and draw conclusions that will help children interact better in the future.
In resolving any conflict, open dialogue between its participants is very important. Give the children the opportunity to calmly and without hysterics express to each other their views on the situation, talking through the most important points for them. The ability to listen is an important skill that will greatly help children in solving complex adult problems in the future. After listening to each other, the guys will be able to come to a common denominator much faster and find a solution that suits both sides.
After the conflict has been completely resolved, it is necessary to talk with each side. Do not demand a public apology; this may hurt the child's pride. It is important that the teenager trusts the adult, therefore, to create a friendly atmosphere, it is recommended to call the child by name and position him as an equal. It is necessary to explain that conflict is not a reason for worry, it is a certain life experience, of which there will be many more. And that it is much better to resolve all quarrels peacefully, without mutual reproaches and insults, and also to draw conclusions and work on mistakes.
Often a teenager shows aggression if he lacks communication and hobbies. The teacher can try to improve the situation by talking with the student's parents about their child's pastime. You can provide information about clubs or sections, about social work that is carried out at school, and advise to involve the child in such activities. With a new activity, he will receive a large amount of positive emotions and new acquaintances; he will have no time left for quarrels and gossip.
All students will also benefit from extra-curricular activities where they can interact more informally. They can be joint viewing and discussion of films, trainings for unity, outdoor recreation, etc.
Conflicts will always be present between students, and it is also always necessary to resolve them (and teach them to resolve them). After all, trusting relationships maintain a peaceful atmosphere in the classroom, while destructive relationships lead to resentment and irritation. Stopping and thinking at the moment when negative emotions surge is the most important thing in resolving conflict situations.

Lina MAKAROVA, psychology expert

Conflicts at school must be prevented and resolved in a timely manner. Modern methods of conflict prevention will allow you to solve the problem without consequences for the child’s psyche.

School conflict is an inevitable and multifaceted phenomenon. It can arise out of nothing: because of the slightest dispute, a difference in preferences, clothing, academic success.

This happens primarily because children tend to exaggerate, simplify everything, and prove their “maturity” and influence.

Types and features

Each conflict situation is unique. It has its own prerequisites, explicit and implicit, its participants and individual methods of resolution.

In any educational institution there are several main subjects: the teacher, the student, the student’s parent and the administration representative. They can also act as participants in a conflict situation.

Conventionally, we can distinguish several types of conflicts occurring in the school environment:

  1. Conflicts between students at school. Most often they are expressed in the struggle for leadership in the class. Sometimes an “anti-leader” is chosen - a person for aggressive bullying. In some cases, conflict arises by accident.
  2. Conflicts between students and teachers. Most often, there is a mismatch of interests and pedagogical errors. Such conflicts manifest themselves in poor performance or failure to complete the tasks assigned to the student. Often such situations arise during the “acclimatization” period, when a new student or teacher comes to the class.
  3. Conflicts between a teacher and a student’s parent.
  4. Conflict involving the director of the establishment. It occurs quite rarely; most often, controversial situations are resolved within a certain group.
  5. Problematic situation involving outsiders.

This typology distributes conflicts according to their participants. In practice, most controversial situations fall into the first three groups.

Causes and ways to resolve conflicts at school

Conflict situations are inevitable. However, both negative and positive results can be drawn from each case. It all depends on how correctly the causes of the conflict are analyzed and what conclusions the parties came to.

In each case, a constructive and destructive way to resolve the conflict is possible:

  1. With constructive way the results of the conflict situation satisfied all interested participants.
  2. With destructive option, someone (perhaps everyone) remained unsatisfied.

Let us examine the main conflict situations in more detail.

Student - student

Conflicts between children, both intra- and inter-age, are commonplace. The teacher in this case acts as an observer, and he can also help in resolving a controversial situation.

Why do they arise?

  1. The first reason for conflict situations between students is age. Aggression in primary school is the result of insufficient socialization. Children do not yet understand how to act towards other people, they do not understand the difference between “you can” and “you cannot.”
  2. Conflicts in high school are more conscious. The student understands the difference between good and evil. Here a lot depends on upbringing, the authority of the teacher as an observing party. The immediate causes of disagreement are also becoming more complex. Along with the usual childhood grievances, there appears a struggle for leadership in the group, struggle between groups, and personal rivalry.
  3. One of the most dangerous types of conflicts is social. Children from intact families often conflict with children from single-parent families. The result can be either uncontrolled aggression on either side or an attempt to withdraw. It is very important to identify the problem in a timely manner and resolve it in the optimal way.
  4. Ethnic conflicts are also common when there are members of different ethnic groups in the classroom.


In some cases, a conflict situation is resolved within the group, without the intervention of outsiders. However, it is important to monitor, guide and control it:

  1. The role of the teacher. A competent teacher can resolve a conflict at the initial stage, eliminating its further development. One of the preventive measures is maximum cohesion of the children's team. Schools organize various events and competitions. It is important to ensure that inter-class conflict does not arise.
  2. Role of the parent. However, the teacher in a modern school does not always have sufficient authority among students. Parents also play a role in resolving conflict situations. The method of settlement in this case depends on the relationships in the family. For example, if the relationship between parents and children is strained, there is no need to have a heart-to-heart talk; the parents simply will not be able to force the child to be frank. In this case, it is better to select an appropriate story “from life” and present it at the “appropriate moment”.

Student - teacher

The conflict situation between student and teacher is one of the most common in the school environment. Conventionally, such situations can be divided as follows:

  1. Conflicts arising from poor performance or the student’s poor academic performance, as well as when performing various extracurricular tasks. Most often it occurs due to student fatigue, too difficult material, or lack of help from the teacher. Today, such situations arise, among other things, because the teacher makes excessive demands on students and uses grades in the subject as a means of punishment.
  2. Teacher's reaction to violation students of certain rules of behavior in the educational institution and outside it. Most often, the reason is the teacher’s inability to assess the current situation and correctly analyze the student’s behavior. As a result, incorrect conclusions about what happened. The student does not agree with such conclusions, and as a result, a conflict situation arises.
  3. Emotional and personality conflicts. Usually they are the result of insufficient qualifications of the teacher and incorrect resolution of previous pre-conflict situations. They are personal in nature and often last for years.

Why do they arise?

Common causes of conflict include:

  1. Lack of responsibility teacher for competent resolution of conflict situations.
  2. Different status and life experiences participants in a problem situation, which determines their behavior.
  3. Inability to look at the conflict “from the outside”. One problem is seen differently through the eyes of a teacher and a student.


Most often, a conflict with a teacher is the result of his being wrong. The student is just beginning to socialize, the teacher has already passed a certain path:

  1. Raising your voice at students is not allowed.. This can only lead to an aggravation of the problem situation. It is necessary to react calmly to any reaction on the part of the student, controlling emotions.
  2. Serious psychological conversations need to be carefully thought through with students. If you need to punish someone, it must be done as correctly as possible, without making it look like it. If the source of the conflict is a problem student, he can be further stimulated, for example, by giving an important task.

Teacher - student's parent

The conflict situation between parents and teachers is a relatively new phenomenon, but is gaining momentum. It arises due to mutual distrust and different attitudes towards the child.

Why do they arise?

There are two views on the problem: teachers and parents. From a parent's point of view, the problem is this:

  1. Lack of teacher competence: teaches incorrectly, does not communicate with parents.
  2. The teacher does not know how to find an approach.
  3. Unreasonable underestimation of grades, excessive demands on the student.

The teacher makes his claims:

  1. Parents do not pay attention to the proper upbringing of their child.
  2. Unreasonable demands of parents on the teacher, often exceeding his official duties.

The immediate cause of the conflict can be anything: a careless remark, a bad grade, aggression, nagging.


In any case, the child will remain the injured party, so the conflict situation should be resolved quickly. If necessary, an informal leader is involved - every parent team has one.

First of all, it is necessary to recognize the existence of a conflict and the need to resolve it. Both sides must commit their views on the issue, completely consciously and voluntarily. Negotiations involve only the direct participants in the conflict plus a “judge,” a maximally detached person who develops resolution options.

There can be many immediate ways to resolve a conflict. Radical options are the teacher or student leaving school. Less radical ways involve finding compromises.

The teacher and parent should see each other not as competitors, but as comrades-in-arms and use the basic principle of family and school - “do no harm.”

Ways to prevent school disputes

In many cases, correct diagnosis of the situation will help prevent conflict. Each exacerbation of the problem is preceded by a pre-conflict situation, by working through which you can avoid aggression.

  1. One of the ways to prevent conflicts is to monitor students, search for common interests and goals. If students are united by some goal, many problems are simply removed.
  2. Other problems (jealousy, personal motives) are resolved individually. In some cases, just talking is enough, in others, the help of a professional child psychologist is necessary.

In any case, it is very important not to miss the moment. If the conflict has entered an active stage, there is no point in taking measures to prevent it.

Video: Conflicts at school

What is conflict? Definitions of this concept can be divided into two groups. In the public consciousness, conflict is most often synonymous with hostile, negative confrontation between people due to incompatibility of interests, norms of behavior, and goals.

But there is another understanding of conflict as an absolutely natural phenomenon in the life of society, which does not necessarily lead to negative consequences. On the contrary, when choosing the right channel for its flow, it is an important component of the development of society.

Depending on the results of resolving conflict situations, they can be designated as destructive or constructive. The result destructive collision is dissatisfaction of one or both parties with the outcome of the collision, destruction of relationships, resentment, misunderstanding.

Constructive is a conflict, the solution of which became useful for the parties taking part in it, if they built, acquired something valuable for themselves in it, and were satisfied with its result.

Variety of school conflicts. Causes and solutions

Conflict in school is a multifaceted phenomenon. When communicating with participants in school life, the teacher also has to be a psychologist. The following “debriefing” of clashes with each group of participants can become a “cheat sheet” for a teacher on exams in the subject “School Conflict”.

Conflict "Student - student"

Disagreements between children are a common occurrence, including in school life. In this case, the teacher is not a conflicting party, but sometimes it is necessary to take part in a dispute between students.

Causes of conflicts between students


    deception, gossip


    hostility towards the teacher's favorite students

    personal dislike for a person

    sympathy without reciprocity

    fight for a girl (boy)

Ways to resolve conflicts between students

How can such disagreements be resolved constructively? Very often, children can resolve a conflict situation on their own, without the help of an adult. If teacher intervention is still necessary, it is important to do so in a calm manner. It is better to do without putting pressure on the child, without public apologies, and limit yourself to a hint. It is better if the student himself finds an algorithm for solving this problem. Constructive conflict will add social skills to the child’s experience, which will help him communicate with peers and teach him how to solve problems, which will be useful to him in adult life.

After resolving a conflict situation, dialogue between the teacher and the child is important. It is good to call the student by name; it is important that he feels an atmosphere of trust and goodwill. You can say something like: “Dima, conflict is not a reason to worry. There will be many more disagreements like this in your life, and that's not a bad thing. It is important to solve it correctly, without mutual reproaches and insults, to draw conclusions, to work on mistakes. Such a conflict will be useful."

A child often quarrels and shows aggression if he has no friends and hobbies. In this case, the teacher can try to correct the situation by talking with the student’s parents, recommending that the child enroll in a club or sports section, according to his interests. A new activity will not leave time for intrigue and gossip, but will give you an interesting and useful pastime and new acquaintances.

Conflict “Teacher - student’s parent”

Such conflicting actions can be provoked by both the teacher and the parent. Dissatisfaction can be mutual.

Causes of conflict between teacher and parents

    different ideas of the parties about the means of education

    parent's dissatisfaction with teacher's teaching methods

    personal animosity

    parent's opinion about the unreasonable underestimation of the child's grades

Ways to resolve conflicts with student parents

How can such discontent be constructively resolved and stumbling blocks broken? When a conflict situation arises at school, it is important to sort it out calmly, realistically, and without distortion, look at things. Usually, everything happens in a different way: the conflicting person turns a blind eye to his own mistakes, while simultaneously looking for them in the opponent’s behavior.

When the situation is soberly assessed and the problem is outlined, it is easier for the teacher to find the true cause conflict with a “difficult” parent, evaluate the correctness of the actions of both parties, and outline the path to a constructive resolution of the unpleasant moment.

The next step on the path to agreement will be an open dialogue between the teacher and the parent, where the parties are equal. The analysis of the situation will help the teacher express his thoughts and ideas about the problem to the parent, show understanding, clarify the common goal, and together find a way out of the current situation.

After resolving the conflict, drawing conclusions about what was done wrong and what should have been done to prevent a tense moment from occurring will help prevent similar situations in the future.


Anton is a self-confident high school student who does not have extraordinary abilities. Relations with the guys in the class are cool, there are no school friends. At home, the boy characterizes the children in a negative way, pointing out their shortcomings, fictitious or exaggerated, shows dissatisfaction with the teachers, and notes that many teachers lower his grades. The mother unconditionally believes her son and assents to him, which further spoils the boy’s relationship with his classmates and causes negativity towards the teachers. The volcano of conflict explodes when a parent comes to school in anger with complaints against the teachers and school administration. No amount of persuasion or persuasion has a cooling effect on her. The conflict does not stop until the child graduates from school. It is obvious that this situation is destructive.

What could be a constructive approach to solving a pressing problem? Using the above recommendations, we can assume that Anton’s class teacher could analyze the current situation something like this: “The mother’s conflict with the school teachers was provoked by Anton. This indicates the boy’s internal dissatisfaction with his relationships with the guys in the class. The mother added fuel to the fire without understanding the situation, increasing her son’s hostility and mistrust of the people around him at school. Which caused a response, which was expressed by the cool attitude of the guys towards Anton.”

The common goal of parent and teacher could be desire to unite Anton’s relationship with the class.

A good result can be obtained from a dialogue between the teacher and Anton and his mother, which would show The class teacher's desire to help the boy. It is important that Anton himself wants to change. It’s good to talk with the kids in the class so that they reconsider their attitude towards the boy, entrust them with joint responsible work, and organize extracurricular activities that help unite the kids.

Conflict "Teacher - student"

Such conflicts are perhaps the most frequent, because students and teachers spend hardly less time together than parents and children. Causes of conflicts between teacher and students

    lack of unity in teachers' demands

    excessive demands on the student

    inconstancy of teacher's demands

    failure to comply with requirements by the teacher himself

    the student feels underestimated

    the teacher cannot come to terms with the student's shortcomings

    personal qualities of a teacher or student (irritability, helplessness, rudeness)

Resolving teacher-student conflict

It is better to defuse a tense situation without leading it to conflict. To do this, you can use some psychological techniques.

The natural reaction to irritability and raising your voice is similar actions. The consequence of a conversation in a raised voice will be an aggravation of the conflict. Therefore, the correct action on the part of the teacher would be a calm, friendly, confident tone in response to the student’s violent reaction. Soon the child will also be “infected” by the calmness of the teacher.

Dissatisfaction and irritability most often come from lagging students who do not conscientiously perform school duties. You can inspire a student to succeed in their studies and help them forget about their dissatisfaction by entrusting them with a responsible task and expressing confidence that they will complete it well.

A friendly and fair attitude towards students will be the key to a healthy atmosphere in the classroom and will make it easy to follow the proposed recommendations.

It is worth noting that during the dialogue between teacher and student, it is important to take certain things into account. It is worth preparing for it in advance so that you know what to tell your child. How to say - the component is no less important. A calm tone and absence of negative emotions is what you need to get a good result. And it’s better to forget the commanding tone that teachers often use, reproaches and threats. You need to be able to listen and hear the child. If punishment is necessary, it is worth thinking through it in such a way as to prevent humiliation of the student and a change in attitude towards him. Example

A sixth grade student, Oksana, does poorly in her studies, is irritable and rude when communicating with the teacher. During one of the lessons, the girl interfered with other children’s assignments, threw pieces of paper at the children, and did not react to the teacher even after several comments addressed to her. Oksana did not react to the teacher’s request to leave the class either, remaining seated. The teacher's irritation led him to decide to stop teaching the lesson and leave the entire class after school after the bell rang. This, naturally, led to dissatisfaction with the guys.

Such a solution to the conflict led to destructive changes in the mutual understanding of the student and the teacher.

A constructive solution to the problem could look like this. After Oksana ignored the teacher’s request to stop disturbing the children, the teacher could get out of the situation by laughing it off, saying something with an ironic smile to the girl, for example: “Oksana ate a little porridge today, the range and accuracy of her throw is suffering, the last piece of paper never reached the addressee.” After this, calmly continue teaching the lesson further. After the lesson, you could try to talk with the girl, show her your friendly attitude, understanding, desire to help. It’s a good idea to talk to the girl’s parents to find out the possible reason for this behavior. Paying more attention to the girl, entrusting her with important tasks, providing assistance in completing tasks, encouraging her actions with praise - all this would be useful in the process of bringing the conflict to a constructive outcome.

The world of children's relationships is complex and contradictory, and it is very sad if parents look at their child's life at school through rose-colored glasses. We have to admit that in addition to friendship, common interests and hobbies, there are grievances, hostility, disputes and conflicts. Let's try to figure out why unpleasant situations arise, what serves as a trigger, what adult help can be and, importantly, when exactly parents should intervene in the conflict. So, first things first.

What is conflict

Conflicts at school, types and solutions

We are accustomed to the negative meaning of the concept of “conflict” and use this word to denote enmity and confrontation between people due to the dissimilarity and discrepancy of their interests, goals and standards of behavior. It is this destructive type of conflict that we will talk about today. However, in fairness, it should be noted that there is another definition, according to which conflict appears to be an important component of the development of society and does not lead to negative results. This is a constructive conflict, the result of which is that all interested parties gain valuable positive experience, which is very important for further development.

The school community is a certain society, the normal life of which is impossible without conflicts and clashes of interests. Most often, conflicts arise between students, as well as between teacher and student. Conflicts between the student’s parents and the teacher are less common. Let's figure out what their features are.

Student-student conflict

Conflicts at school

The reasons for the development of such a situation may be grievances, deception, insults, competition for authority, personal hostility or, on the contrary, sympathy, but unrequited. And children often don’t like “teacher’s favorites.”

Fortunately, most often children resolve conflicts among themselves, thereby gradually gaining experience in communicating in a team. But still, the help of adults is sometimes very necessary. However, if possible, you should give your child independence lessons, therefore, you should not intervene in the conflict until it is completely resolved. The only exceptions may be completely extraordinary cases when, without the intervention of elders, the situation literally comes to a dead end.

Usually it is enough to calmly talk with the child, explaining to him that in life there are plenty of such conflicts of interests, and one must learn to find optimal ways to solve the problem. It is very important, in a confidential environment, to give the student the opportunity to understand the motives of his opponent’s behavior; it is great if he is able to put himself in his place and understand what motivated the opponent. Then in the future the student will be able to draw conclusions and learn to resolve conflicts without mutual insults and insults.

Student-teacher conflict

Conflicts at school

In conflicts of this kind, the main role is played by the established relationship between the teacher and schoolboy, besides, they see each other almost every day and there is no escape from this type of communication. The cause of conflict situations can be a student’s feeling of inferiority and undervaluation or, on the contrary, his rudeness and disobedience. On the other hand, the student may not be satisfied with the teacher’s excessive demands, his inconstancy in these very requirements, as well as the teacher’s failure to fulfill his own promises.

In such situations, solving the problem falls on the shoulders of adults. In any case, the wisdom of elders should ensure that the conflict does not develop into a serious problem; parents and teachers should be able to grasp the moment when the conflict is brewing and do everything possible to extinguish it at the very beginning.

Even if the child is wrong, even if he neglects his student responsibilities, bad student and does not complete tasks, under no circumstances should you raise your voice at him, because this will cause a negative response. It’s better to forget about the command tone. The whole point is that a disobedient and uncontrollable child, as well as one who is insecure and timid, can be inspired to do well in his studies solely by faith in his abilities and constant readiness to help. And the most important thing is that adults must be able to listen and hear the child, because not a single conflict develops without a reason; everything has its own, sometimes deeply hidden, reasons.