What does it mean to determine the type of a verb. view category

Good afternoon, dear student! Today we will look at types of verbs. Very often my students wonder why there are so many different verbs in Russian, how to determine their tense and why some verbs are used with prefixes and some without. To understand all these issues, let's look at perfect and imperfective verbs.

You will find the form of imperfective verbs in the dictionary, the verb in this case denotes an action, and perfective verbs are formed from this form. It should be noted that there are a lot of these methods, here are some of them:

With help prefixes, compare:

Imperfect species Perfect view
To read Read Has Red
To write Has written
Prepare Has cooked
To buy Buy

Please note that we have an exception word that is formed in perfect form without a prefix - this is the verb "Buy". In its imperfect form, this verb is used with the prefix -po.

With the help of different suffixes:

So, if we want to say that the action happens regularly, we need an imperfective verb. If the action happened 1 time at some point or day / hour, etc. and we know about its result, then we are dealing with a perfective verb. These verbs answer the question what to do?"

If we are talking about repetitive actions, then we not only use imperfective verbs that answer the question " what to do?", but we also use various additional information in the form of adverbs, which just show this repetition. For example,

Anastasia can't cook what to do?), she's cooking rarely. Anastasia cannot cook, she cooks rare.

I bought (what did?) beautiful dress, it is for me goes very well! (result visible) I bought a new dress, it suits me much.

In order to correctly determine the aspect of a verb, you can remember some adverbs that will help you correctly decide whether this or that verb belongs to a particular aspect:

Imperfect species
What are they doing? When? How often?

  1. Nikita watches a movie Every morning/evening/day, regularly, often, rarely, sometimes, usually.
  2. Vitaly buys newspapers
  3. We play volleyball
Perfect view
What did they do? When?
  1. Nikita watched the film "Titanic" Yesterday, in the evening, in the morning, today, once, on Friday, 2 days ago, already, not yet.
  2. Vitaly bought the newspaper "Izvestia"
  3. We played volleyball very well
From these examples it can be seen that adverb words can greatly facilitate the definition of one or another type of verb, the main thing is to learn questions and remember these words. To practice, correct these sentences by giving the verbs the correct verbs. The sentences are misspelled:

I finished my porridge and went for a walk.
Students stayed at the university, but still mastered the material.
She redid the report for a very long time.
Tanya cried a lot and did not calm down.
The children laughed a lot and the teacher decided to play with them some more.

Remember Please, that imperfective verbs have 3 forms: past, present and future:

Perfective verbs have only 2 tense forms: past and future

Watched and will watch

The form of the past tense changes by numbers:

Ran (singular) and fled (plural) He ran and they ran.


All Verbs divided into two kind. To begin with, the term "view" should be given. View is a verbal category that shows how an action occurs in time, expresses the relation of an action to its result. Category kind in any form, have all Verbs Russian language. How , Verbs perfect and imperfect kind.

Definition of imperfective verbs kind Imperfect verbs kind called Verbs, answering the question "?" and denoting an action without indicating the result, as well as without limiting it in time, the action is long or repetitive (, look, talk, sit, stand).

Imperfect and perfect verbs kind form pairs by sight. The species pair is made up of an imperfect kind and perfect verb kind having the same lexical meaning and differing only in meaning kind: watch - view, write - write, build - build, run - run.


on interspecific relations of verbs

Useful advice

to consolidate the studied material, it is necessary to select a large number of examples


  • Definition of verb types
  • perfect form of the verb

The term "verb" came into our speech from Ancient Russia. In those distant times, the Slavs called their alphabet "Glagolitic". In modern language, this part of speech occupies an important place. Verb words are often found in sentences, together with the subject they form the grammatical basis. The verb has a number of grammatical features, it can be the main and secondary member of the sentence.


The action and state of an object are conveyed with the help of having invariable signs of a perfect or imperfect form, transitivity - intransitivity, recurrence - irreversibility and conjugation.

The imperfect is more common in our speech. Usually morphemes help to form a perfect one from it: “look - look”, “shout - shout”. But it also happens vice versa: “- to stitch”, “to decide - to decide”. Such verb variants represent aspect pairs.

If the verbs can control the nouns that stand with them in the form of the accusative case, and the connection between them is expressed without the help of a preposition, then they will be considered: “show”, “cook”, “”. Intransitives are not characterized by such a subordinating connection: “absent”, “take a closer look”, “sit”.

The suffix -sya (-s) on the suffix indicates that the verb is reflexive. Irrevocables do not have such a suffix. It should be remembered that recurrence indicates intransitivity.

The conjugation is indicated by a set of endings when changing in persons and numbers. It is easy to recognize this feature if the personal ending of the verb is stressed. If the conjugation is not established, it is necessary to pay attention to the infinitive. All, except for "shave" and "lay", verbs ending in -it, and a few excluded from this list (on -et, -at) - make up the II conjugation. The rest represent the I conjugation. Among the verbs, several different conjugations stand out: “want”, “run”, “honor”.

The existing category of the mood of the verb helps to establish how the actions performed relate to reality. Verb words in each of the moods have a certain set of features. Verbs of the indicative mood convey actions that take place in reality. The concept of the category of time is applied to them. The present and future tenses tend to change by persons and numbers, and the past, instead of a person, by gender. The imperative contains a call to action. A similar form of the verb can be unity with the words “yes”, “come (those)”, “let”. The conditional mood indicates the possibility, certain conditions of action, in which the verb must be in the past tense and has the particle “by (b)” with it.

When there may be no person or thing performing the action. The purpose of such verb words is to convey various states of nature or man. They have a corresponding name - "impersonal". Examples of the use of such verbs in impersonal sentences: “It was getting dark outside the window”, “I am shivering”.

The usual purpose of a verb in sentences is to act as a predicate. Syntactic functions are expanded when it is used in : here it can be subject, perform the function of a sentence. Consider different options: “Whistle (sk.) everyone up!”, “Tourists began to carefully move (part of the predicate) forward”, “Learning (subject) is always useful”, “Guests asked to turn on (additional) music louder”, “ The boy expressed a desire to seriously engage in (def.) volleyball”, “I came to see (obst.) you.”


Linguistic scientists have two points of view about participles and gerunds formed from verbs: they are distinguished as independent parts of speech or verb forms.


  • General characteristics of the verb as a part of speech

The Slavic languages ​​are sharply opposed to other Indo-European languages ​​in terms of the forms of expression of the categories of time and aspect. The modern system of species took shape in linguistics only at the beginning of the 20th century. In order to correctly determine the form of the verb in Russian, it is necessary to take into account a number of reasons.

The aspect of a verb is a lexical and grammatical category of a verb that expresses the relation of an action to its internal limit. An internal limit is a point in the course of an action when the action becomes inactive.

History of the verb aspect category

Until the 20th century In linguistics, 3 types were distinguished:

1. Indefinite view, coinciding with the modern imperfect view.

2. Multiple view. Examples are: sat, walked.

3. Single view, coinciding with the modern perfect view.

In modern linguistics, it is customary to distinguish between grammatical types of a verb on the basis of semantics, i.e. values.

In Russian grammar, perfect and imperfect types are distinguished.

It can be determined based on the following criteria:

1) Based on semantics.

Perfective verbs denote an action that has reached an internal limit (for example:, did). Imperfective verbs denote an action that has not reached the internal limit (for example: looked, did).

2) For questions.

Perfective verbs answer the question “what to do?”, and imperfective verbs answer the question “?”. For example: (what did you do?) looked, (what did you do?) looked.

3) On the basis of word-formation.

The perfect form is formed with the help of prefixes, the imperfect form - with the help of suffixes. So, the perfective verbs "looked, did" have prefixes, and the imperfective verbs "looked, did" do not.

4) By compatibility.

Imperfective verbs are combined with adverbs "long", "slowly", with the words "every day" and others, and perfective verbs do not have such an opportunity. So, you can say “looked for a long time”, but you cannot use the expression “looked for a long time”.

5) By the difference in the set of word forms.

Perfective verbs cannot be in the present form, and imperfective verbs do not have 3 tense forms.

Type (differ in the value of limiting / non-limiting action):

Imperfect (what to do?) - the meaning of the incompleteness of the action, it did not reach the result, the limit - in the form of n., pr., bud. complex.

Perfect (what to do?) - the value of the completion of the action, it has reached the result, the limit - in the form of pr., bud. simple.

Ways of forming perfective / imperfective verbs

Perfectification - education ch. owls. in. from the non-derivative stem of the verb by attaching prefixes(fly - at + fly);

And also education. owls. in. with suf. - WELL with a one time value ( prick - prick, butt - butt).

Ness verbs. species with prefixes are borrowed from st / sl .: to foresee, to belong, to sympathize.

Imperfectivation - education ch. nesov. kind from ch. owls. species using suffixes - yva, -iva, -va, -eva, -a, -ya(give - give, decide - decide, read - read).

1. Determine the form of the verb, the method of formation of the form (from which verb it was formed) and the indicator of the form.

to sign



be born









species pair

Ch. if possible, form a species pair are divided into:

Correlative in appearance - single-species - two-species

comparable in appearance verbs can form an aspect pair.

species pair form verbs of opposing types with identical lexical meaning, differing only in the seme "ultimateness / infinity of action"

Usually the meaning does not change when perfecting

When perfecting, the prefix often adds an additional shade

Most scientists distinguish purely species prefixes ( to-write, u-drown, s-do). If the verb is formed with the help of a purely specific prefix, then in the dictionary, when interpreting its meaning, there will be a reference to the verb nes. kind.

Many verbs are incompatible in appearance those. single-species.

Single species. ch. nesov. of the form express the absolute infinity of the action, it cannot be completed:

Verbs indicating a connection, relationship (to be numbered, to resemble)

Modal ch. (want, hope, aspire)

Intellectual state (know, believe)

Possession verbs

Ch., denoting position in space

Ch. movements

two-species verbs are those verbs that, with the help of the same stem, can express the meaning of owls. and nesov. kind ( marry, run away, order, marry, bestow, use ..., ch. on –irovat / isova).

2. Underline the pairs in which the verbs are related by aspect, determine the way the aspect is formed and highlight the indicator of the aspect.

a) remake - remake, tie - tie, quit - throw, smash - smash, get - mine, wash off - wash off, sit - sit, sow - sow, freeze - freeze, decide - decide, take - take, say - say, catch - catch, chop - chop.

b) go blind - go blind, look - view, lose weight - lose weight, write - write, build - build, love - love, sit down - sit down, design - design, write - rewrite, swim - swim.

Before you learn how to determine the perfect and imperfect form of a verb, you need to get to know this part of speech in more detail. To begin with, let's figure out what it is.

In Russian, the term verbs is usually understood as an independent part of speech, which denotes the action of an object. In order to determine that a word is a verb, it is necessary to ask a question to it. The verb is characterized by the following questions: what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do, what to do. It is worth noting that the infinitive is characteristic of all verbs. Simply put, this is the indefinite form of the verb. In order to put any word in an indefinite form, it is necessary to ask the question what to do or what to do? Here are examples of such verbs: read, run, jump, cook, stock up, and so on. This part of speech has its own specific morphological features.

Morphological features of verbs

  • Time. The verb has only three tenses. These include the present tense, the past tense and the future.
  • View. It is customary to include perfective and imperfective verbs here.
  • Transitivity is also one of the important characteristics. That is, it is necessary to determine the verb is transitive or intransitive.
  • Recurrence. Returnable or non-refundable.
  • Conjugation. Everyone knows that in Russian there are two conjugations - the first and second, which are quite easy to determine, for this you need to put the verb in an indefinite form and looking at the ending, determine the conjugation. However, do not forget that there are also exclusion verbs.
  • Number. We determine whether the given verb is in the singular or plural.
  • Face. The person can be first, second and third.

In order to determine the verb of the perfect or imperfect form is a certain word, it is enough just to ask a question. Imperfective verbs answer the questions what to do, what he did, what he does, for example: runs, plays, draws. Perfective verbs answer questions about what he will do, what to do, what he did, for example: smiled, washed himself, wrote, and so on.