Feelings of inferiority. Causes of inferiority

An inferiority complex is an irrational experience of one's own inferiority, when one feels oneself as a defective product, which, if one does not regret it, will simply write it off and throw it away. An inferiority complex is one of the main causes of all neuroses. This topic has already been covered on the site more than once from different angles: self-esteem, - all these are manifestations of fluctuating self-esteem, which rushes between pride and inferiority.

Surrogates of a "full life"

Alfred Adler argued that an inferiority complex is formed in early childhood, when the child begins to realize that his possibilities are not unlimited, and not all desires are realized.

Perhaps the two most obvious limiters of our capabilities are the physical body (at the material level) with all its needs, and moralizing education (at the psychological level). Children's fantasy-filled games are one way to compensate for these limitations. Using toys, the child, overcoming the limitations, plays various roles that are not possible to realize in real life - thus indirectly embodies his desires.

Over the years, a grown-up child continues to act out his limitations in the actual position. You can sublimate your energy and express it in creativity. You can win back your complexes by terrorizing others - not the most productive option. You can pretend to be special, or a great person, as they do. You can realize yourself, like children, being carried away by the world of imagination, immersing yourself in computer games, reading novels, watching TV shows, where, forgetting, they live someone else's life.

One of the most popular and socially approved options for compensating for an inferiority complex is the so-called "success". It doesn’t matter what, the main thing is that the person himself no longer doubts his usefulness.

That is, there are many options to calm doubts at your own expense. To practice tyranny, megalomania, to pluck the stars from the sky is not necessary for this.

Inconsistency of an inferiority complex

An inferiority complex is based on fear. On the surface, it is the fear of being inferior, and therefore unloved, rejected, humiliated, abandoned and lonely. At a deep level, these experiences come down to.

No matter how artificial and clumsy it may be, on the whole it (we must give it its due) in its own way encourages constructive change. Everyone knows the taste of satisfaction when the so-called "correct" way of life was offered to feed the conscience. We rejoice and rest with peace of mind after the work done. In this perspective, the inferiority complex works in conjunction with the survival instinct; nature thus protects us from life-threatening idleness. Therefore, both the feeling of guilt and the feeling of one's own insignificance cannot be unambiguously called some kind of harmful neuroses. They encourage us to develop.

But that's the whole point. This is how they are drawn into a vicious circle, when an inferiority complex causes both a thirst for self-realization and a fear of screwing up in the process of this “realization”, having experienced their own worthlessness and helplessness now in an aggravated form. As a result, the inferiority complex stimulates to move simultaneously in two opposite directions. A person longs for change and at the same time is terribly afraid of these changes, because they require real actions that clearly reveal all weaknesses.

In opposition to the thirst for change and the fear of them, as a rule, one or the other alternately wins. But if fear wins, depression can be added to all other negative feelings as an experience of the hopeless meaninglessness of one's own life. And in this position, the inferiority complex blooms and bears fruit, lowering the consciousness into the abyss of personal hell.

Self-deception of an inferiority complex

An inferiority complex is a rotten thorn in a person's soul. And so that the grimace of pain from this splinter does not distort the facade of the personality, they dress up with superficial masks to show themselves and those around them. Our social personality is in many ways a "collective image", a kind of mental showcase. According to Jung, this is the archetype "person", a mask behind which a person hides his objectionable features. .

An inferiority complex gives rise to doubts about your own truths, about who you are and what you can rely on as you go through life - all this leads to general self-doubt. A notorious, insecure person is afraid that his inflated image will not withstand contact with reality, and he will face his own insignificance face to face.

We create self-deception in order to hide from reality, in order to maintain false masks that protect us from the realization of our own helplessness in the face of life. In the most advanced cases, this mechanism manifests itself in serious clinical abnormalities.

Under the influence of an inferiority complex, the only thing they really want in the depths of their souls is not to be rejected, but to be accepted without any condemnation with all the giblets. We ourselves want to accept ourselves in our true form in order to get rid of self-flagellation and self-abasement. But on the surface, we expect approval, praise, good grades, medals and certificates, and in the neglected stage, bows and prostrations.

Dependence on someone else's opinion is the inability to rely on one's own opinion about oneself, doubt in one's knowledge about oneself - it is self-doubt.

It is not for nothing that in Hollywood films one of the most “hurtful” curses is “loser” - a person who ignores opportunities, focusing on the reasons for passive inaction, hiding from fear in. There is an opinion that the loser is every bus passenger over 30 years old. But in reality, absolutely everyone can feel like a loser under the influence of a personal inferiority complex. For example, when among the habitual images of the mind, unfulfilled dreams begin to shine.

Often we buy expensive, luxurious things solely for the sake of self-affirmation, simply because we are ashamed to ride public transport in cheap clothes. In this case, the car is not a means of transportation, but only a luxury - just another toy and a tribute to the insatiable complex. External decor is only a temporary way to maintain your status and drown out an insatiable inferiority complex. When they savor their unfulfillment, they become a loser in any scenario - with or without money, until they change their own harmful beliefs.

Product psychology

The inferiority complex is the psychology of the product. A person exposes himself to the showcase of life in order to derail the approval of potential "buyers". And if the "goods" are not taken, he himself includes himself in the list of unfit for consumption. An inferiority complex is a fictitious smell of rot, due to which the product independently enrolls itself as “spoiled” and therefore suitable for recycling. The "buyer" thinks quite differently in this market.

When a person has no inferiority complex, or is weakly expressed, he is not afraid to lose, he is not afraid of mistakes and failures, because they cease to symbolize the low quality of himself, but only give useful experience.

Such a person does not feel the need to rise at the expense of others, he calmly perceives both criticism and compliments. In assessing the situation, it relies not on emotions, but on logic and reason.

To restore and strengthen your own psychological health, you need to study and know yourself. There are many methods. One of the most effective is working with a psychologist, or systematic introspection. Mindfulness and meditation, journaling, any conscious work with thinking and feelings help. Interaction with people works powerfully when we get to know ourselves deeper in a relationship. In general, it all comes down to revealing the deep truth about yourself and life.

When a person knows himself, he is not afraid to test his own convictions for strength. Even if we all follow the path of least resistance, the desire to simplify and make our lives easier is an excellent motivation for personal growth.

The content of the article:

An inferiority complex is a combination of a person's emotional and psychological perception of the world around him in a distorted form. It is expressed in a feeling of personal inferiority against the background of the irrational elevation above oneself of the majority of representatives of society. When comparing the inner "I" with other people, a person with a similar problem begins to consider himself a defective thing, which further leads to neurosis and even a suicide attempt.

Causes of an inferiority complex

To get rid of the feeling of inferiority, one should listen to the opinion of specialists who see low self-esteem in a child and an adult in the following provoking factors:

  • Problems in childhood. In this case, we will talk about two sides of the coin, which ultimately lead to a sad result. Parents can either organize hyper-custody over their children, or completely deprive them of care and attention. In the first case, the child develops an inability to become an independent person, in the second, the makings of a person who is unsure of her abilities are formed.
  • Physical handicaps. The causes of inferiority complexes often lie in the unwillingness to see your face and figure in the mirror. Sometimes it's just a far-fetched problem with a rather attractive appearance. However, one must take into account the factor that a person may actually have physical defects. Women usually worry about their appearance, and men are concerned about the size of the penis.
  • The negative influence of society. Some "well-wishers" do not skimp on a negative assessment of people with excessive impressionability. Having chosen a similar victim for themselves and creating an inferiority complex in her, they want to thus assert themselves at the expense of others.
  • Criticism of loved ones. If dissatisfaction from outsiders can be ignored, then impartial comments from relatives can hurt anyone. He begins to think that he is listening to only constructive criticism about his worthlessness.
  • Bad luck. If Fortune constantly deprives people of their attention, then they may consider this a sign of their own inferiority. Against the background of more successful acquaintances, a person with a regular black streak in life begins to complex and falls into despair.
  • Negative self-hypnosis. There is such a category of people who initially wind themselves up, looking for errors in their own personal and public life. Even if the immediate environment inspires them to the opposite, they are not able to soberly assess reality and their place in it.
  • Failures in intimacy. Some women after childbirth consider themselves not as attractive as before, and are afraid of losing sexual interest from a loved one. Men, after criticism of their merits from a partner, may acquire an inferiority complex if the size of their reproductive organ was ridiculed.
  • Family problems. Constant scandals and lack of mutual understanding often lead to the fact that one of the spouses begins to subconsciously blame himself for the events taking place. In the presence of the second half in the form of a tyrant, this factor is aggravated, because the injured party completely loses his own opinion.
  • Treason. This event of a negative plan can cause serious mental trauma to both a man and a woman. The very idea that a loved one has found a partner on the side with a spectacular appearance and a more solid sexual experience is capable of developing an inferiority complex even in an egocentric person.
  • Discrimination. It can occur both by gender and by nationality. In some cases, it comes to collective harassment, when the victim begins not only to panic, but makes attempts to commit suicide.
If we do not take into account the complexes about their appearance, then experts have noticed a certain pattern when the percentage of people with a similar problem increases. In this case, we will talk about unemployment and the decline of the economy, which do not give a person the opportunity for career growth and the acquisition of financial well-being.

Manifestations of an inferiority complex in humans

These symptoms can be both overt and covert. In most cases, the signs of an inferiority complex look like this:
  1. demonstrativeness. All the behavior of a person who considers himself a flawed person is a silent cry for help. By any means, he wants to attract attention to himself with obvious fear that his desire will be fulfilled.
  2. Alertness. If a person has any complexes, then he will see a catch in any word and deed of the people around him. Far-fetched sidelong glances, imaginary whispering behind their backs are real events in the minds of such persons.
  3. Excessive self-criticism. The principle of "attack yourself first" always characterizes people with inferiority complexes. Self-confident subjects rarely engage in such an occupation, because they consider themselves accomplished individuals in life.
  4. Lack of faith in the future. Favorite expressions of an insecure person look like the phrases “I can’t”, “it’s too difficult for me” and “professionals should deal with this issue.” At the same time, such people not only express their doubts aloud, but actually do nothing to improve the quality of their own lives.
  5. Defects in diction. It should immediately be voiced the fact that we are not talking about congenital anomalies of the speech apparatus. Stuttering and slurred speech are often manifested in a person who finds himself in an alarming situation for him when communicating with an emotionally stronger provocateur.
  6. superiority complex. Psychologists call this behavior the syndrome of insecure personalities. Either people with obvious problems in life, or persons with a sick psyche try to show their exclusivity. The exception is some children of super-rich parents or oligarchs, for whom it is considered the norm to feel like celestials of this world.
  7. neurotic behavior. Sigmund Freud insisted on the fact that guilt is difficult to distinguish from an inferiority complex. The famous psychoanalyst argued that such self-doubt has erotic roots in the development of the problem and subsequently leads to neurosis.
  8. Mirror dislike. This aspect is especially true for women who consider themselves ugly. Men have a much easier attitude to this issue, because they do not consider their appearance the main criterion for attractiveness for beautiful ladies.
  9. Compliment Intolerance. A person who is confident in himself adequately responds to the praise of his actions and appearance. A notorious person will not accept a single sign of encouragement towards her without a second thought. She will consider this either a manifestation of pity, or an outright mockery of her dignity.

Inferiority complex test

Before thinking about the need to get rid of such a problem (which may not exist), experts recommend answering the following statements and calculating points:
  1. People do not share my thoughts: most of the time (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  2. In a strange company, I feel very uncomfortable: constantly (5), depending on the company (3), never (0);
  3. I don't get discouraged: yes (5), sometimes (3), never (0);
  4. Being an optimist is: absurdity (0), important in a difficult period of life (3), a prerequisite (5);
  5. I want to be as successful as others: yes (0), sometimes (3), I'm just as good as others (5);
  6. I have more disadvantages than advantages: definitely (0), the opinion of envious people (3), exactly the opposite (5);
  7. Every moment in life is beautiful: yes (5), common words (3), no (0);
  8. I have a feeling of uselessness: often (0), sometimes (3), never (5);
  9. The motivation of my actions is not clear to people: always (0), sometimes (3), in exceptional cases (5);
  10. Close people criticize me: constantly (0); by situation (3); very rarely (5);
  11. I have many positive qualities: definitely (5); there are also negative traits (3), they are not (0);
  12. I realize all my life plans: yes (5); depending on the circumstances (3), too difficult (0);
  13. Everyone is dissatisfied with their appearance: yes (0), this does not apply to me (3), wrong conclusion (5);
  14. I do not meet the requirements of society: never (5); sometimes (3), always (0);
  15. I listen even to unfair criticism: yes (0), out of politeness (3), I stop talking (5).
  • 0-20 points - an indicator of an unequivocal complex with negative self-esteem and fixation on an existing problem;
  • 21-40 points - a coefficient that indicates complexes that you can get rid of on your own;
  • 41-65 points - there are problems with the perception of oneself, but a person with this indicator copes with them perfectly.
  • 66-75 points - in this case we are talking about a self-confident person, who still should not have an overestimated self-esteem.

Ways to deal with an inferiority complex

There are many techniques that allow you to gain self-confidence. Any person can live happily if he wants to change his attitude towards himself.

Independent actions with an inferiority complex

Psychologists have developed a number of effective ways in which it is really possible to become a self-respecting person:
  1. Correct perception of compliments. You should not look for a catch in every praise, which in fact may not be. If it is said by an insincere person, it is enough to politely thank him in response and close the topic of conversation.
  2. Self love. It is necessary not only to learn to accept compliments, but also to make them to your reflection in the mirror. In this case, you should not be afraid to turn into a Narcissus, because with an inferiority complex, people of such a plan are not threatened.
  3. Evaluation of your actions. In this situation, a notebook of achievements, which is recommended to be kept daily, will help. Even the smallest breakthrough in a positive direction must be voiced on paper with a detailed description of it.
  4. Refusal of retreat. Each person is an individuality that should not be hidden from the outside world. You should start attending entertainment events where you can give vent to your emotions.
  5. Conversation with loved ones. If the family supports a person who has an inferiority complex, then you can turn to her for help. The message to relatives should look like this: describe my positive qualities. Loving people will not say anything that can hurt the soul, so you should take note of their reasoning.
  6. Refusal to compare. The main mistake of a person with complexes is the desire to try on someone else's image. Becoming a shadow of other people, you should not hope for the emergence of self-respect for your own person. It is necessary to be yourself always and everywhere, if this remains within the framework of generally accepted morality.
  7. Opening new perspectives. The fear of being ridiculed in an interview must be forgotten once and for all. You should also not listen to the advice of friends who dissuade you from trying your hand at a promising profession.
  8. Sports. Some people with an inferiority complex are ashamed of their figure. Therefore, the moment has come when it is necessary to become a visitor to the gym, swimming pool, tennis court and stadium with a treadmill.
  9. Work on the image. In this case, you can trust both your taste and ask for help from a stylist. Nothing changes a person's self-esteem like a positive change in his image.
  10. Work on speech. It is better to say a sweet absurdity than to spit word by word in a conversation. It is quite easy to pass for a bore, so you do not need to add another complex to yourself. It is necessary to think about what you are talking about, but not to dwell on every phrase.
  11. positive character. People who openly demonstrate their complexes are unlikely to be friendly in any company or work team. It is necessary to learn to smile even if you want to become discouraged.
  12. The right choice of friends. Hypocrites and gossipers will only aggravate the oppressed state of a person who is not self-confident. You need to communicate with those people who energize and will not criticize acquaintances without a good reason.
  13. Orientation to everything new. You can set a goal to learn 5-10 words from a foreign language or get acquainted with the history and culture of some previously unknown countries. After a certain period of time, a person with this problem will understand that he has become a rather erudite person.
It should be remembered that in some people it was the inferiority complex that caused at one time the desire to achieve everything in life. Successfully overcame all difficulties after attacks from the public such celebrities as Lady Gaga (mocking her appearance), Christina Aguilera (mocking the eccentricity of the future singer), Roman Abramovich and Oprah Winfrey (peer rejection of future billionaires poverty).

Help of psychologists with an inferiority complex

Not in all cases, a person is able to independently cope with self-doubt. When looking for an answer to the question of how to deal with an inferiority complex, experts can suggest the following methods to fix the problem:
  • Family Therapy. If the reason for the impossibility of self-realization lies in childhood trauma, then its elimination should be carried out together with the parents. Conversation and family training are quite effective in this case.
  • Shield method. Not all people are friendly to each other. The treatment of inferiority complexes is primarily based on the correct reaction towards envious people. Psychologists teach us to perceive ill-wishers in this way and consider their caustic remarks as bad manners and outright stupidity.
  • Method of reification (impersonation). Specialists during communication with their patient give him a setting for a dialogue with an inanimate object. You can then hone your oratory skills by "discussing" with any household appliance or flower. An excellent solution for self-doubt would be a conversation with a pet.
  • Psychological training. The patient is asked to divide a sheet of paper into two equal parts. Then he will need to voice his negative and positive character traits on both halves. The psychologist during the session voices the problem that he analyzed. After that, a sheet of paper is cut in half to burn or tear into small pieces the entire written negative. Positive feedback about yourself must be placed in the most prominent place in the apartment.

Consequences of an inferiority complex

Some people think it's better to underestimate themselves than to believe in their own prospects. With this attitude to the problem, some complications may arise in life:
  1. Family breakdown. If the signs of an inferiority complex are pronounced, then this can jeopardize the existence of a couple in marriage. A person who considers himself a useless person will never become a happy family man in the future.
  2. Destruction of personality. If the subject does not love his own "I", then you should not expect respect from other people. Self-flagellation and the search for shortcomings in oneself ultimately leads to the fact that a person begins to consider the current situation (in the absence of a desire to analyze it) as a normal phenomenon.
  3. Loneliness. Anyone who doubts his abilities often or violently manifests it or completely withdraws into himself. However, the result is always unambiguous - the loss of friends and acquaintances. If such behavior is additionally accompanied by a superiority complex, then even relatives can lose the trust.
  4. suicide. With a significant mental trauma that created an inferiority complex, the victim of circumstances can solve his problem in a similar way. If there are no close people nearby, then she will fulfill her plan, because people with such a problem are rarely manipulators.
How to deal with an inferiority complex - look at the video:

To figure out how to get rid of an inferiority complex, you first need to believe in yourself. Without this solution, no psychotherapist who can only coordinate his patient will help. In some cases, you can do without a visit to a specialist if the problem that has arisen can be solved on your own.

Which lies in a person's persistent confidence in his own inferiority as a person. K. n. was discovered by A. Adler, who studied the forms of compensation that develop in children with defects in organic development. Adler first considered their feeling of inferiority as a consequence of a defect, then as a universal driving force in the development of personality, and even later as a consequence of the frustration of the need to overcome adverse circumstances. The inability to compensate for a defect or cope with a life situation and thereby overcome the feeling of one's own inferiority entails the development of the latter into a K. n.

Brief psychological dictionary. - Rostov-on-Don: PHOENIX. L.A. Karpenko, A.V. Petrovsky, M. G. Yaroshevsky. 1998 .

Inferiority complex

(complex of low value)

A psychopathological syndrome leading to neurotic deviations, which consists in a person's persistent confidence in his own inferiority as a person. It was discovered by A. Adler, who studied the forms of compensation that develop in children with defects in organic development. He first considered their feeling of inferiority as a consequence of a defect, then as a universal driving force for the development of the personality, and even later as a consequence of the frustration of the need to overcome adverse circumstances. The inability to compensate for a defect or cope with a life situation and thus overcome the feeling of one's own inferiority entails the development of the latter into an inferiority complex. The “feeling of inferiority” formed in early childhood is caused by the natural experience of a feeling of own insufficiency for each child, arising from various unfavorable external conditions, and has an exceptional impact on the formation and entire life activity of the personality. Later, this feeling is forced out into the unconscious, due to which it is given the character of constant insatiability. The desire for a positive experience of a sense of competence - for self-affirmation (socialization) among other people - stimulates different kinds activities in which real or imaginary success is possible. The individual tries to overcome - "compensate" - inferiority by simulating creative possibilities and thus sometimes achieves exceptional results (overcompensation). Z. Freud sometimes also used this concept, but did not recognize such an exclusive role for him. According to the French writer Jean Dutour, the worst thing about an inferiority complex is that it is by no means those who should have it.

Dictionary of practical psychologist. - M.: AST, Harvest. S. Yu. Golovin. 1998 .

Inferiority complex Etymology.

Comes from lat. complexus - combination.

Author. Category.

The theoretical construct of individual psychology, designed to explain human activity.


Denotes the energy potential of mental activity, caused by the experience of each person in early childhood, a sense of their own insufficiency. In this case, this feeling is forced out into the unconscious and, due to this character, it is given a constant insatiability. The desire for a positive experience of a sense of competence stimulates various activities in which real or imaginary success is possible.


Feelings of inferiority.

Psychological Dictionary. THEM. Kondakov. 2000 .

Inferiority complex

   INFERIORITY COMPLEX (With. 311) - a heightened, exaggerated experience of one's own weakness and imperfection. One of the key concepts of individual psychology by Alfred Adler, to whom this term belongs. The concept is widely used in everyday speech in a not entirely adequate sense. In this case, as a rule, it means that a person does not value himself highly and suffers from self-doubt. This phenomenon, which in fact occurs quite often, would be more correctly defined in terms of low self-esteem. However, in Adler's view, the content of the inferiority complex is not identical to low self-esteem, or at least is not limited to it.

Adler formulated his concept of inferiority, initially based on the results of a study of children suffering from various physical defects. He believed that a bodily defect gives rise to a natural feeling of one's own imperfection, inferiority; in parallel, the child has a desire to overcome, compensate for the defect, and it is the desire for compensation that is the driving force of development. This idea was creatively rethought and developed by LSVypotsky (although Vygotsky has few references to Adler, his influence can be traced quite clearly), who laid the foundations of domestic defectology - one of the central principles in Vygotsky's defectological concept is the principle of defect compensation.

Subsequently, Adler extended his ideas to all children, including those not burdened with physical defects. He believed that a child, who is still small, weak and inept in comparison with adults, is thereby already doomed to a feeling of inferiority. A person, unlike animals, is born weak, defenseless and helpless, that is, from the moment of birth, he constantly experiences a lack of his strength and limited opportunities.

It is extremely important, however, that for Adler the idea of ​​inferiority is not identical with pathology. He wrote: “Feelings of inferiority are not in themselves something painful or abnormal. They are the cause of all improvements in the condition of mankind."

In individual psychology, the feeling of inferiority is considered as a general condition for human existence. It is inherent in all people from birth without exception. Not being a mental disorder, it, on the contrary, contributes to the healthy development of a person, the achievement of success in life.

Feeling dissatisfaction with his weakness, a person activates his activity - he seeks to compensate for the shortcomings he has from birth, to overcome his inferiority, to assert himself in life. Burdened by his imperfection, he does everything to become more perfect. In this regard, the feeling of inferiority is a stimulus for the development of his life activity, becomes the driving force behind the socially useful activity of a person.

There are examples from history when the desire to overcome one's inferiority led to outstanding results. So, Demosthenes, who from birth suffered from speech defects, thanks to his desire to cope with the disease, became the greatest orator. Or, for example, the legendary commander Suvorov - in childhood he was extremely weak and sickly, but at the cost of selfless exercises he managed to achieve exceptional physical stamina and endurance.

At the same time, it is quite obvious that the painful experience of one's own inferiority can give rise to a person's lack of self-confidence, which by no means contributes to his social adaptation, creates numerous problems. And at any age. On this occasion, Adler aptly remarked: “In their dreams, children express their ambitions. Most of their fantasies begin with the words "when I grow up" ... There are quite a few adults who also live as if they have not yet grown up.

Exacerbation of feelings of inferiority can lead to a pathological manifestation of this feeling. That is, according to Adler, it is not inferiority itself that is decisive, but the strength and nature of its perception by a person. If experiences of inferiority begin to dominate a person's mental life, coloring it in negative emotional tones, a person loses the ability to positively develop his creative powers and talents. Feeling no strength in himself to truly compensate for insufficiency, he chooses perverted compensatory paths. This is the pathological nature of the inferiority complex.

In the ordinary view, a person suffering from an inferiority complex appears as a timid, shy creature, prone to despondency and self-flagellation. According to Adler's observations, the manifestations of this disorder are quite different. The reverse side of the inferiority complex is often the so-called superiority complex - a person by all means seeks to rise above other people, in order to thereby compensate for his inferiority; arrogance, arrogance and complacency take the upper hand in it. The means of achieving superiority are usually all sorts of social symbols - material and status. To compensate for his complex, a person can strive for enrichment, in every possible way emphasizing the importance of money as a measure of success in life, or for acquiring all kinds of titles and high positions that allow him, despite his modest abilities, to assert his superiority over others. So unbridled careerism, the pursuit of tools and symbols of power (one of which, quite obviously, in human society is money) in many cases is not so much a manifestation of strength as a symptom of weakness. Characteristically, all kinds of guides to enrichment and success in life, instructions for manipulating people are the favorite reading of losers. So the arrogant nouveau riche, who considers beggars everyone who is not as rich as he, and the tyrant boss, and the titled narcissist, whose business card is neatly dotted with his loud titles, and the domestic tyrant, harassing loved ones with his nit-picking - all of them most often victims of the notorious complex.

Another manifestation of an inferiority complex may be the desire for one's own exclusivity by opposing oneself to others, leaving a full-fledged social life - "into oneself" or into a closed caste of the same notorious persons. For a psychologist, it is obvious that the majority of adherents of all kinds of exotic teachings and delusional theories are weak, helpless people who do not know how to assert themselves in the ways accepted in society. Contrasting themselves with the “uninitiated” helps them to feel an illusory sense of their superiority and thereby overcome the oppressive feeling of their worthlessness.

An inferiority complex can also be expressed in exaggeration, emphasizing one's weakness, up to "flight into the disease." Desperate to achieve recognition from others, not being able to back up his self-esteem with real successes and achievements, a person sometimes begins, paradoxically, to revel in his failures, defeats and even illnesses. Moreover, he can unconsciously provoke the occurrence of various painful symptoms in order to at least in this way attract attention to himself and arouse the compassion of loved ones.

According to Adler, neurosis develops on the basis of an inferiority complex. Faced with intractable problems, the neurotic does not even try to solve them, he evades constructive activity. He finds or creates his own field of activity in the imaginary world. Through various tricks, the neurotic achieves "success" in this imaginary world, which makes him feel like an outstanding person. He surrenders to the power of megalomania, forces others to reckon with their whims, focusing only on their own - for the most part perverted - ideas and ignoring others.

Alfred Adler

Adler believed that the origins of the inferiority complex should be sought in childhood. In his opinion, they provoke the emergence of the complex, firstly, of course, natural organic imperfection and weakness (children with all kinds of disorders here, in fact, are the most vulnerable), and secondly, educational defects, moreover, of two kinds. Both hypo-custody, lack of attention and educational influence on the part of parents, and hyper-custody - excessive attention and care can lead to an aggravation of feelings of inferiority. And since a rare family manages to reach the golden mean between these two extremes, the emergence of an inferiority complex in an emerging personality is a very likely prospect.

The goal of psychotherapy according to Adler is to rid a person of the destructive consequences of an exaggerated sense of inferiority. Through treatment aimed at correcting the mistakes of education, the awakening of a person's sense of community with other people (“public interest”) is carried out. The rejection of perverted ways of compensating for inferiority, the emergence of a desire for self-affirmation due to the well-deserved encouragement by others of a person's real virtues and achievements means movement in the direction of mental health.

In our day, when the cult of individualism, unreasonably borrowed from outside, is obsessively implanted, the very concept of “public interest” introduced by Adler is met with a wary attitude among many. And it would be quite useful to listen to his words, which have not lost their relevance to this day: “A person who is not interested in his fellows experiences the greatest difficulties in life and causes the greatest harm to others. It is in the midst of such people that losers appear.

Popular psychological encyclopedia. - M.: Eksmo. S.S. Stepanov. 2005 .

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    INFERIORITY COMPLEX- a term of individual psychology by Alfred Adler, which has gone out of its purely terminological use and has become an everyday concept in the speech of modern citizens. Adler was one of the closest students and associates of Freud (along with C. G. Jung ... ... Encyclopedia of cultural studies

    Inferiority complex- A medical term that came into wide circulation after the publication of the book “On the Inferiority of Organs” (1907) by the Austrian psychiatrist, psychologist, student of Freud and founder of “individual psychology” Alfred Adler (1870 1937). Author… … Dictionary of winged words and expressions

    INFERIORITY COMPLEX- in psychology and psychoanalysis, a sense of one's own inferiority, failure, due to real or imaginary physical or mental shortcomings ... Modern Encyclopedia

    Inferiority complex- in psychology and psychoanalysis, a sense of one's own inferiority, failure, due to real or imaginary physical or mental deficiencies. … Illustrated Encyclopedic Dictionary

    INFERIORITY COMPLEX- see Complex, in psychology ... Big Encyclopedic Dictionary

    Inferiority complex- a theoretical concept in the individual psychology of A. Adler, denoting the energy potential of mental activity, caused by the experience of each person in early childhood, a sense of his own insufficiency. This is being pushed out.... Psychological Dictionary

The concept of an inferiority complex stems from psychology. It is often used in everyday speech in relation to clamped people with low self-esteem. Everyday and scientific concepts are intertwined, so they are somewhat similar, but there are some differences between them. The first to describe this psychological phenomenon was

What is a "complex" in psychology?

Despite the fact that in everyday life the word "complex" in relation to a person has a very negative connotation, in psychology everything is somewhat different. This term denotes a set of attitudes, mechanisms and sensations that are formed around one specific affect. They affect the life and development of the individual.

Basically, these processes take place on a subconscious level, even if they were formed on a conscious level. When an object (thought) is in the zone of consciousness, we can control it and use it. If this something goes into the zone of the subconscious, then it begins to control us. Therefore, complexes affect our lives without our consent. Affect in this case is called emotion or emotional process.

"Gift" from childhood

Unlike talents and abilities that are given to us from birth, an inferiority complex is an acquired thing. As a rule, society is the cause or medium of its acquisition. Do not forget that the family is also a society.

Most often, the whole bunch of negative self-destructive attitudes is born after the rash words of parents or peers. It is worth adding that for a normally developing thinking child, the words of an adult are a constitution. Until the age of 10-11, children are guided by their elders, then by their peers.

One word of a mother - "sloppy", "ugly" or "stupid" - said to her child, is equated to the exclamation of the crowd.

A word tied to a person is a grain that may not germinate for several years, but sit firmly in the subconscious. At the slightest favorable condition, it will make itself felt. And that's just one word.

What to say about those cases when such statements are part of everyday communication. If a person is called a pig a hundred times, he grunts a hundred and first. The inferiority complex in men, as in women, is formed from childhood.

Denying your desires

Our entire existence is driven by our desires. In newborns, they are more simple, primitive. The older the child becomes, the more complex his desires and needs.

Desires provoke certain emotions that activate our body and give strength for their fulfillment. Initially, for any creature, personal desires are priority. And while they move a person, he is under their control more than anything else.

A child who has clearly articulated needs is more likely to listen to them than to the advice of adults. At this point, parents lose control over their child. In order not to bother thinking about why this happened, they simply knock the ground out from under their feet with one phrase: "Oh, what a bad boy (girl) you are."

Sometimes this is formulated through a hint that your desires are worthless, they are irrelevant, too expensive, stupid, wrong.

Think about what the phrases can then lead to: “you have hands from one place”, “you are worth nothing”, “I wish I hadn’t given birth to you”, “only a dumbass can do this”, etc.

What does the devaluation of desires lead to?

It cannot be said that all children's whims should be meekly performed by parents, adults or peers. It also provokes personality. But if every “I want” is answered with a sharp refusal, complete with reproaches, screams, condemnation or classic ignoring, this will lead to the fact that a person will grow up, but the personality in him will not, because the core that feeds on the desires and ambitions of the personality, originally broken.

This is not to say that such a person has no future or hope for "healing". We will talk about what exactly can change the mechanisms and installations below.

Depreciation of the desires and needs of the individual leads to low self-esteem and an inferiority complex. If a person's desires are equated to zero, then he feels like a nobody.

How does it manifest

Signs of an inferiority complex can be both pronounced and latent (hidden).

Sometimes one glance at a person is enough to understand whether he is satisfied with life or not. may be: a person stoops, tilts his head all the time, speaks indistinctly, stutters when talking, crosses his arms all the time, etc.

But sometimes an inferiority complex is hidden behind a bright mask of emancipation, brilliance and gloss.

This problem can manifest itself in two ways. On the one hand - the fear of people, especially strangers, and on the other - the constant search for new acquaintances.

Since people with an inferiority complex feel inferior to others, they need regular approval of their actions from others. It is easier to achieve this from people you don't know well.

Feelings of worthlessness can be accompanied by constant talking about your imperfections or obsessive boasting. It depends on which compensation mechanism the person chooses.

An example of an inferiority complex can be a whole wardrobe of world fashion brands, expensive cars or other deliberate status symbols, or a retreat into marginality. The latter is manifested by integration into the subculture, actions contrary to society.

People with this complex regularly run a program of self-condemnation. Withdrawal into marginality provides an opportunity to cling to a less successful society in which one can begin to condemn everyone else and thus assert oneself.

Departure into various deviations (both positive and negative) can also be considered a sign of an inferiority complex. Drug addiction, alcoholism and smoking is a desire to join society and not be a black sheep.


How to get rid of an inferiority complex? Unfortunately, it is impossible to recover completely from this psychological illness, since there is always a risk that the mechanisms of self-flagellation are activated when meeting with an irritant. But you can muffle it, compensate or get rid of the cause.

Compensation brings only temporary satisfaction or does not bring it at all. All actions are performed for the public, not for themselves. The person still considers himself inferior to others. At the same time, he does everything so that others do not suspect about it, spends energy and receives only momentary joy.


The inferiority complex in women, like men, is accompanied by self-flagellation and inability to listen to their personal desires. It can be compared to a tasteless salad that you buy because its photo looks beautiful on Instagram.

"I want to lose weight so that I can feel better" and "I want to lose weight so that I am not considered fat" are completely different things. In the first case, you fulfill your desires, and in the other, society. Similarly, "I want to drive fast and comfortably" and "I want a Mercedes" are two different topics. The first is self-satisfaction, the second is work for status.

Compensation can be considered and humiliation of others. Often people with an inferiority complex, in order to feel normal, do their best to look for flaws in others. Usually the range of searches is limited to those features and characteristics that these people themselves possess. So, a stupid person will look for narrow-mindedness, an absent-minded one - absent-mindedness, a bow-legged one - bow-legged, a slovenly one - slovenliness, etc. And whoever seeks always finds. By emphasizing this shortcoming in another, a person temporarily feels his worth.

Work on the shortcomings

You can get rid of an inferiority complex by coping with a personal (internal) cause or by changing your attitude towards it.

If the feeling of your own worthlessness arose after you did not talk about the Pythagorean theorem, it is enough to learn it. If this is due to a long nose, then correcting the situation is much more difficult.

All the external flaws that people seek out in themselves are amenable to correction. In extreme cases, plastic surgery can help. Therefore, you do not need to torment yourself, savoring the mistakes made by nature when creating your image.

Lifestyle change

Sometimes, to get rid of an inferiority complex, it is enough to change the environment or society. If it arose in a circle of certain people (whether it be family, classmates, friends or colleagues), then in this environment it will either doze, or seethe, but will not disappear.

You need to make great efforts to change yourself and change the attitude towards yourself at the same time. That is why many get rid of the inferiority complex by leaving the family, changing their place of residence.

It is necessary for some time to remove yourself from the field of view of those people who provoke the development of complexes in you, and at the same time change yourself. This disrupts the usual mechanisms that work in response to a stimulus.

However, returning to often re-starts the hated mechanisms.

Cultivating self-esteem

Such a strategy is chosen by strong-willed people. If at school I didn’t know mathematics well, I’ll go to study as a mathematics teacher (“I’ll prove to everyone that I know this subject”). You can give many examples of compensation: "I moved badly - I will be a dancer", "I was afraid to leave my mother - I will become a traveler." Not life, but continuous compensation for such people, but excitement helps to get rid of the cause of the inferiority complex. Such people often become highly qualified specialists.

Without lies!

As a rule, people with an inferiority complex are used to lying or fantasizing. These can be trifles that do not bring any benefit, but are aimed at hiding their low self-esteem. There are a lot of examples of such petty lies: a girl correcting her appearance in Photoshop, a guy telling how he was driving "his" car.

At the same time, in global matters, these people are very honest. If you are experiencing these symptoms, then getting rid of them can be the key to solving the problem.

Inferiority complex An inferiority complex is a set of behavioral reactions that affect the self-perception of a person, make her feel incapable of anything.

An inferiority complex is a set of behavioral reactions that affect the self-awareness of a person, make her feel incapable of anything. An inferiority complex often makes people seek help and support from others. They want someone to accept their condition, to help overcome difficulties. The complex itself does not allow you to fully develop, realize your dreams and goals. A person simply gets stuck at a certain stage and is afraid to move. It sometimes seems to him that any attempts to find peace of mind are completely meaningless. What is a complex and is it possible to somehow get rid of it?

Signs of an inferiority complex

An inferiority complex usually has severe symptoms, which in itself should alert. Such a person lives very carefully, afraid to make a mistake or behave somehow wrong. He is constantly trying to live up to other people's expectations. For this reason, it becomes difficult to realize one's own desires, since there is not enough mental and physical strength. Consider the main manifestations of the inferiority complex. What should you pay close attention to?

Lack of self-esteem

A person cannot make plans, strive to achieve a significant result, because she lacks vital resources. First of all, the emotional sphere suffers. This results in problems such as: inability to make a decision on their own, fear of action, constant tension. A person is not just afraid to act. He does not know in which area his efforts should be directed so that they give the expected result. Often such a person has a dream as such, but he constantly postpones its realization until later, believing that he is not smart enough and talented enough for this. There is a lack of faith in one's own resources, there is.

Constant pressure

Due to persistent self-doubt, strong emotional stress is created, which prevents you from living fully and enjoying life. It turns out that a person drives himself into a certain framework, does not allow him to be happy. The inferiority complex provokes additional experiences associated with the inability to cope with the situation on their own. Gradually, despondency becomes the norm of life, since there is no opportunity to change anything on your own. The complex often creates muscle tension in the body, leading to emotional devastation.

Heightened self-criticism

An inferiority complex forces a person to constantly look for their own shortcomings. It seems to him that for some reason he is worse than others. Gradually, a habit is formed to compare their achievements with the victories of friends and acquaintances. A person is so fixated on his experiences that he does not notice the good that is happening around. Increased self-criticism prevents a happy attitude, prevents learning to understand individual needs and desires. In most cases, people withdraw into themselves and do not want to take any decisive steps. This is sad, especially considering the fact that a person can exist for so many years.

Belittling your dignity

An inferiority complex causes a person to constantly find himself in a losing situation. The fact is that people set themselves up for the bad in advance. They feel like they can't do anything. Belittling one's own merits makes it difficult to feel like a truly whole and self-sufficient person. Such a person does not know his strengths, he sees in everything only manifestations of shortcomings. He wants to get the support and approval of others, so he is ready to justify their expectations, not paying attention to his own needs. Belittling one's own merits is a deliberately false path that leads to wasting mental strength in vain. The personality is constantly in disturbing experiences and therefore does not understand what it should direct its efforts to.

Inferiority complex in men

The inferiority complex in the representatives of the stronger sex is almost always associated with a sense of their own insignificance. It seems to such a man that nothing depends on him, that circumstances are stronger than his own preferences. The complex of self-doubt in this case greatly interferes with self-realization. A person for a long time cannot understand that he limits himself. Since it is very important for a man to realize himself in society, he begins to feel unnecessary and lost. He no longer wants to strive for anything truly significant. The inferiority complex in men contributes to self-immersion, obsession with their problems. If self-doubt prevails for a long time, then most likely the person will need psychotherapeutic help to solve the problem.

Inferiority complex in women

The inferiority complex of the fair sex is often combined with uncertainty about their irresistibility. Such a woman often cannot start a family, she is afraid to act, to meet men. Over time, she begins to feel more and more that no one needs her. The inferiority complex in women is due to doubts about their own attractiveness. It is this feeling that makes her hide from life, feel a sense of uselessness.

Causes of an inferiority complex

Extreme self-doubt does not form on its own. It appears as a result of a wrong attitude to life. What are the reasons for the development of an inferiority complex?

Wrong upbringing

When parents give little time and attention to their child, he has to spend a lot of time alone with his thoughts. As a result, the kid begins to regard any of his actions from the point of view of how adults will look at him. Gradually, a need is formed to justify the desires of others and not to listen to their own. An inferiority complex is a problem that a person has to face alone. Most often, no one from the immediate environment even suspects how serious obstacles a person has to face. Daily fruitless struggle can undermine the strength of everyone, make a person vulnerable and subject to various fears.

Negative experience

Faced with ridicule, condemnation or any other negative impression always leaves its mark. When a person has to go through some disturbing situation again and again, then there is a high probability that they will stop believing in themselves. We are so arranged that our thoughts always rely on the events that took place in the past. There is no way to enjoy life when there is no feeling of happiness. If you do not work with negative impressions, then they will constantly dominate the personality, not giving it the opportunity to fully work on itself.

Frequent criticism

Criticism from others can permanently deprive self-confidence. Everyone wants to feel that their ideas and thoughts are really appreciated and accepted by society. The approval of the social environment is extremely important for the formation of an adequate attitude towards oneself. The presence of such a complex greatly overshadows a person’s life, prevents him from fully moving forward.

How to get rid of an inferiority complex?

The problem of extreme self-doubt must be dealt with. You need to work on yourself constantly, and not from time to time. The complex will not disappear by itself. How to get rid of such a complex? Is it possible to do it yourself?

Taking responsibility

Each person creates his own future. In order to get rid of the overwhelming problem, you need to take responsibility for what happens to you personally. Realize that it makes no sense to start blaming other people for things that only you can change. Acceptance of responsibility implies that it is necessary to give up the idea of ​​controlling everything, because this, by definition, is impossible. The sooner a person realizes this, the better. The complex itself is the result of a wrong attitude towards oneself. If you work on the problem correctly, it will soon cease to disturb.

clear goal

Self-realization is of great value. It helps us to remain interesting to ourselves for a long time. The complex will cease to assert itself so strongly if you have a clear goal. It implies a very specific idea of ​​what you want to achieve. You can’t set vague goals for yourself or rely on someone to help you achieve it. It is imperative to understand what you are moving towards, what you are directing your efforts towards.

Thus, an inferiority complex is always associated with the fact that a person feels that he is not good enough to accept some benefits. She does not realize her own unique value, does not understand how to realize herself in this or that business. To get rid of the complex itself, you need to learn to think differently. If you can't solve the problem yourself, contact the center of psychology of Irakli Pozharisky for help. Working with a specialist will help you understand yourself, find ways of individual self-realization.

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