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How much does caramel syrup cost (average price per 1 liter)?

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Sweet, thick and incredibly delicious, caramel syrup can be used in many different ways. Some people like to add it to cocktails (both non-alcoholic and with alcohol), many people love to use caramel syrup as a topping, that is, a flavoring additive to ice cream, sorbet, mousse, soufflé or fruit salad. In addition, caramel syrup seems to be specifically designed to be added to many sweet dishes, including pastries, cakes, pastries and other delicious desserts.

Homemade caramel syrup tastes a bit like boiled condensed milk. And its taste directly depends on what color the caramel was brought to. For example, if you stop heating the caramel mass to a yellowish tint, then the finished product will be sweet with a creamy aroma. When the caramel is brought to a red-brown color, the syrup will differ in bitterness with a slight aroma of burnt sugar.

It is noteworthy that caramel syrup can be made in many ways, but there are still three main ones. The first involves the use of sugar, water and heavy cream, which is why it is often called creamy caramel syrup. Milk produces caramel syrup with a delicate milky taste, and if you need a lean version of caramel syrup, then it includes sugar, water and a small amount of wheat flour to thicken.

But the easiest way to enjoy sweet caramel syrup is to purchase a ready-made industrial product. Fortunately, the modern food industry provides just a huge selection of such products - various brands and brands, in bottles of different sizes and colors. Such caramel syrup, as a rule, is made on the basis of sugar and water, as well as food colors, stabilizers, flavors (mostly identical to natural) and thickeners.

Therefore, if you consider yourself a fan of this sweet treat, think carefully before purchasing it in the store. Always carefully read the composition that is indicated on the label, so that when you come home, you will not find a whole set of harmful additives, the use of which will hardly improve your health.

Calorie caramel syrup 255 kcal

Energy value of caramel syrup (Proportion of proteins, fats, carbohydrates - bju):

: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 0 g. (~0 kcal)
: 70 g. (~280 kcal)

Energy ratio (b|g|y): 0%|0%|110%

Sugar-based syrup has become very popular in the culinary world. The composition is used for baking, preparation of alcoholic beverages. It is also included in the basis of fruit jams. It is not difficult to prepare sugar syrup if you have basic knowledge.

Methods for obtaining sugar syrup

First of all, decide what sugar syrup is for. After that, start preparing the filling. Consider popular recipes.

Sugar syrup: a classic of the genre

  • granulated sugar - 150 gr.
  • pure water - 150 ml.
  1. Pour water into a small container, bring the composition to a boil. Next, pour the sand into a heat-resistant container, fill it with hot liquid.
  2. Stir the ingredients until a homogeneous sweet mass. After that, cool the syrup naturally, strain. Use fill as directed.

viscous sugar syrup

  • purified water - 200 ml.
  • sugar - 400 gr.
  1. Place a bowl of liquid in a water bath, pour in granulated sugar, stir the composition until the crystals are completely dissolved.
  2. Cool the resulting mass at room temperature. A similar syrup is often used for confectionery purposes.

caramel syrup

  • sugar sand - 950 gr.
  • drinking water - 1.5 liters.
  • vanillin - 4 gr.
  1. Pour in 350 gr. sand in a separate enamel pan. Send the container to a slow fire, simmer the composition until the granules are completely dissolved and a golden color appears.
  2. Then add the remaining ingredients to the total mass, mix thoroughly. Simmer syrup at minimum power for 12-15 minutes. Next, the mass is filtered through gauze.

Inverted Sugar Syrup

  • sugar - 2 kg.
  • drinking water - 1.2 liters.
  • citric acid - 20 gr.
  1. Combine sand and water in an enamel pan. Bring the mixture to a boil over low heat. If a characteristic plaque appears, it should be removed.
  2. After that, add citric acid, mix thoroughly and simmer under the lid for about 25-30 minutes. Check the syrup for viscosity with a wooden spatula. If a “thick thread” forms, the composition is ready.

  1. To get the desired consistency, you need to have an idea of ​​​​what the fill will be used for. Most often liquid non-sticky syrup is used as an additive for soft drinks.
  2. Sugar syrup, which has a "thin thread", is determined by dipping two fingers into the cooled composition. If the mixture flows in a thin stream and breaks off, be sure that the mass is of high quality.
  3. More often, such a syrup is used for alcoholic tinctures and liqueurs. High-quality filling may not work the first time. Therefore, you will have to work hard to achieve the desired result.
  4. If sugar syrup has a "medium thread", it is more often added to the base of fruit jams. The jet has a slightly larger size and some durability. A thicker and thicker syrup thread tends to solidify quickly.

9 steps sugar syrup

Sugar based liquid syrup

  1. The liquid composition is determined by the initial stage of the syrup, the cooking method implies that the temperature should not exceed 20 degrees.
  2. Sugar dissolves in warm water, has a liquid and non-sticky consistency. Such viscosity is achieved due to equal proportions of the constituent ingredients.

Thin thread of syrup

  1. To get the desired result in the form of a thin thread of sugar syrup, the mass must be brought to 100 degrees. In this case, the composition begins to boil, while the water begins to evaporate.
  2. The ratio of components is 3 parts sugar to 1 part water. To determine the consistency, drop a small amount of the syrup onto a plate.
  3. After that, press the composition with the convex part of a metal spoon. As a result, the mass should reach for the household appliance with a thin thread. The syrup in this case is thick and sticky.

A medium strand of sugar syrup

  1. To get a more viscous consistency, the syrup must be brought to a boil at a temperature of more than 102 degrees. The mass is mainly used as the main component for jam.
  2. Consider all possible factors for the preparation of such a sugar syrup. The thickness of the thread is checked in the same way as with a thin stream. The only difference is that the medium-sized thread has a more viscous and durable consistency.

A thick thread of sugar syrup

  1. A thick mass is obtained if it is tormented at a temperature of about 110-112 degrees.
  2. As part of the syrup, only 12-15% of the liquid remains. If you check the syrup with a spoon, then a dense and thick thread will stretch behind the latter.

Biscuit fondant

  1. To get impregnation for a biscuit, you need to place the syrup, which has reached 113 degrees, in cool water in time.
  2. As a result, you should get a loose dense mixture. After preparation, use the fondant for its intended purpose.

thick fudge

  1. To prepare a denser mass, the mixture should be brought to 115 degrees.
  2. Dip the bowl of fondant into a container of cool water. At the exit you will get a viscous thick mass.

Ball of sugar syrup

  1. Sugar balls are mainly used to decorate confectionery or fillings. The mass is boiled down to a state where 90% of the sand remains in the composition.
  2. The mixture is boiled to a temperature of 118 degrees. If you cool it after cooking with cold water, you can eventually roll the ball. The composition remains soft even when completely cooled.

Hard ball of sugar syrup

  1. The method of preparation is phased, the mixture is heated over 119 degrees.
  2. After cooling, the ball becomes more solid. If you try to crack it, you can lose the filling on your teeth.

Sugar syrup caramel

  1. To prepare a full-fledged caramel, the standard composition must be boiled down until 2-3% of the liquid remains in it.
  2. If you roll a ball from the resulting caramel, after cooling it can only be crushed like a lollipop. If you overexpose the mass, you simply run the risk of burning sugar.

  1. As soon as you start to boil the syrup, do not forget to monitor its condition. Stir occasionally until the mixture is fully cooked.
  2. When the mixture acquires a homogeneous consistency, and all the granules dissolve, it is worth stopping frequent stirring. Otherwise, air particles will get into the syrup, the sugar will crystallize.
  3. To prepare the syrup, you need to choose a thick-bottomed container. Such an addition will help to avoid burning sugar.
  4. You can also replace sand with powder. Keep in mind that dust will need as much as sugar. Pay no attention to volume.

When the mixture reaches the appearance of the first bubbles, it must be simmered over low, constant heat. Consider the fact that when the composition boils, it is forbidden to change the power of the burner until the syrup is completely cooked. It is also worth considering that after removing the container from the stove, the mass will continue to cook for some time. Boil the composition for the specified period, so you get the desired consistency.

Video: how to make invert syrup

caramel syrup is a very sweet mixture of water and sugar that is used to make smoothies, soak cakes, or create delicious toppings for a cake or pie. It is made both at home and on an industrial scale.

Often, caramel syrup has the same consistency, but some hostesses can change it at their discretion. According to the consistency, several varieties of syrup are distinguished:

  • sticky drop;
  • thread;
  • ball;
  • caramel;
  • zhzhenka.

Determine the consistency of the syrup either by adding a drop to cold water or by rolling the product with your fingers if it is thick enough. In cooking, caramel and burnt syrup are usually used. In this case, the second option can be used as food paint.

The calorie content of the finished caramel syrup is usually about 255 kilocalories per hundred grams of product. This suggests that it is not recommended to use it for people who are watching their figure.

The appearance of a similarity of caramel dates back to the 15th century. The inhabitants of ancient India loved to fry sugar cane over an open fire, and sugar itself, as we are used to seeing it, appeared later. It was considered a rather valuable product, so only the highest classes could afford to enjoy it. In the 16th century, the first caramel lollipops appeared, the invention of which was attributed to Great Britain, America and France, and later they began to use syrup.

At first, the technology for the production of caramel syrup looked like this: water with sugar was heated in large copper boilers, stirring constantly, and then a thermometer was lowered into the liquid. We waited for the mixture to reach a suitable temperature, and began to pour the caramel syrup into pre-prepared containers. Nowadays, it is much easier to prepare such a delicacy in production, as well as at home. If you want to make delicious sweet syrup with your own hands, we suggest taking note of our recommendations.

How to make caramel syrup?

Any hostess can make caramel syrup at home. Be sure to prepare all the necessary ingredients, as well as set aside some free time. Our recommendations will help you in the preparation of syrup.

  1. Take a deep saucepan and combine water with sugar in it, then put it on medium heat. It is not necessary to cover the container.
  2. Wait for the mixture to boil. At the same time, remember that you should not interfere with it under any circumstances!
  3. Once the syrup begins to boil, turn up the heat and watch the liquid. In the process of cooking, it must necessarily become amber in color. But here it is important not to overexpose the caramel, because the darker its color, the more likely it will be bitter.
  4. Now remove the container from the heat and add the warmed cream to it. Please note that when adding cream, the mixture may shoot, so take care of your eyes and skin!
  5. Stir caramel and add butter. Wait for it to melt.
  6. Ready caramel syrup can be poured into a pre-prepared container and stored in the refrigerator for up to two weeks or used immediately after cooking.

In the process of preparing the syrup according to this recipe, you can adjust its composition at your discretion. You can also adjust the consistency of the treat yourself by adding more cream to make the syrup thinner.


In cooking, caramel syrup is used for various purposes. For example, coffee lovers can add it to their flavored drink to get a cappuccino or latte. It can also be used for baking. So, caramel syrup is often impregnated with biscuit cakes or added to the cake cream.

Delicious desserts can be made with this syrup. The most popular of them are apples and pears in caramel, as well as popcorn and cakes.

Alcoholic cocktails are another product that includes caramel syrup. Many even make a delicious drink out of moonshine by adding syrup to it, as well as other aromatic mixtures. But vodka is best suited for cocktails, since moonshine has a rather specific smell.

You can use the caramel syrup however you like, adding it to any food or drink you like.

Rinse a heavy-bottomed saucepan with cold water, add sugar and water. Put the saucepan on a small fire and heat almost to a boil, stirring constantly with a silicone spatula or a wooden spoon. Stir gently, without splashing the sides of the saucepan. Once the sugar has melted, stop stirring and bring the mixture to a boil.

Boil the boiled syrup until large bubbles form and acquire an amber color. The resulting sugar crystals on the walls of the saucepan must be carefully removed with a cooking brush dipped in cold water so that they do not fall into the syrup. Check the temperature of the syrup from time to time with a food thermometer. Don't interfere! The temperature of the syrup for hard caramel and fruit glazing is more than 145 °C.

If you don't have a thermometer, you can determine readiness by taking a little syrup (a little less than 1 teaspoon) and dropping it into a glass of cold water. Wait a couple of seconds, then dip your fingers into the water, take the caramel and make a ball out of it. If the ball does not work out (spreads), the syrup is not ready. If you get a very soft ball, then this is a syrup for making glaze and soft meringue (temperature about 118 ° C). If the ball is already hard, but still plastic, it is marzipan syrup (125 ° C). Well, if the ball is hard and brittle, it's crispy caramel. It can be light (155 ° C) and dark (170 ° C), the taste depends on it. Too dark caramel is very bitter (remember burnt sugar for cough?).

Remove the syrup, which has reached the desired state, from the heat and let it stand for 5 minutes. If it seems to you that the syrup has been digested, but has not yet died, put the saucepan in a pot of cold water so that the syrup quickly stops “cooking itself”. Carefully! Syrup can cause severe burns. Then you need to work with caramel very quickly: dip fruits into it, make sugar threads, figurines or candies. Cooled caramel, when reheated, will almost certainly not give a qualitative result. But there is no point in throwing away the remaining caramel. Dilute it with boiling water - you will get an excellent liquid caramel, on the basis of which you can make many sauces and desserts.