Does a person need the ability to empathize? Why is it important to be compassionate to others?

Compassion is one of the best qualities of human nature. It allows you to see the pain of the people around you and not remain indifferent. From childhood, parents try to explain to us why it is important to have compassion for another person. Let's figure out what this quality means.


Compassion is an emotional feeling that we show to another living being. It doesn't have to be. We can have compassion for a stray cat or dog, wild animals, birds, and even insects. Thus, we try to understand the misfortune of the other and become closer to him.

Compassion is empathy, pity that a person experiences in relation to someone who finds himself in difficult living conditions. It can be expressed in the form of moral support or in the form of real help.

As expressed

Each person shows compassion in their own way. selectively and directly depends on our attitude towards certain people or animals. A person is touched by the pain of a creature that is not indifferent to him.

For our psyche, compassion is a heavy burden. Seeing someone's misfortune, we begin to worry and get upset. Sometimes the mood can deteriorate for a long time, which will bring a person out of his usual state. Particularly impressionable natures, experiencing compassion, fall into depression.

Emotions don't always have to be vented. Why? It is important to have compassion for another, but at the same time you should not forget about your peace of mind. There are many misfortunes in our world every day. However, it is worth remembering the joyful moments that help to live with hope for the best.

What are the benefits of compassion

People who know how to empathize are much richer spiritually than those who remain indifferent to the problems of others. A person who experiences such emotions gradually increases self-esteem, which affects his mood. That is why it is important to have compassion for the other.

The experiences that a person experiences at the sight of misfortune push him to think about the cause of the misfortune and find a way out of a difficult situation. Thus, compassion allows you to develop the instinct of self-preservation, which will protect a person. They try to do everything to prevent such misfortune in their lives.

Why is it important to be compassionate to others?

A person who suffers misfortune needs support. Very often people say that they are strong and can handle problems on their own. On the one hand, such a position helps to temper character. However, the participation of an outsider contributes to the emergence of the unfortunate forces necessary to overcome life's troubles. The mood rises when you realize that you are not alone, your problem touches others, which means that it will be easier to deal with it.

No wonder they say that if you cry in a vest, it will become easier on your soul. Why? It is important to sympathize with another so that the emotional burden that a person experiences when experiencing difficulties finds a way out. Talking with someone about your troubles and problems helps not only to relieve the burden from the soul, but also to analyze the situation yourself and try to find a way out.

How to be compassionate

Sympathy may not always go to the benefit of the person to whom it is directed. Excessive compassion too often can cause some to feel sorry for themselves when it seems that the world is unfair. And this can lead to humility with difficulties and unwillingness to overcome them. you will only hurt. That is why it is important to be able to sympathize with another in a way that has a positive outcome.

Showing a person your participation in his problems, you need to let him speak out and try to understand the cause of his misfortune. If it seems to you that the situation can be resolved, help with advice. It is worth remembering that a concrete action in many cases is stronger than words. It will be great if you can really help someone in need.

When you realize that you are powerless to change anything, try to cheer up the person. You need to set him up with the idea that he will succeed, and he will cope with everything.


The ability to empathize is highly valued by people. A person who is ready and able to help is respected in society. Caring citizens organize special charitable foundations. In them, people voluntarily and free of charge donate money, clothing, food, books, toys, medicines or other things that may be needed by those in need.

Celebrities have become more and more involved in philanthropy in recent years. With their own money, they help sick children, the elderly, people left homeless. Undoubtedly, such activity deserves the highest praise.

The modern world is filled with turmoil and lack of time. Indifference is becoming more and more common. That is why it is important to be able to empathize with others. Support in difficult times, which comes from a stranger, can greatly change a person's life for the better and make him more resilient.

Compassion is one of the best human skills. Everyone, having got into a difficult situation, expects compassion from others. The support of others makes it easier to cope with any grief. Most often we are supported by loved ones. Every child knows that in difficult times, relatives are always ready to help him. Compassion makes us more human. We are ready to listen to a person, we are ready to help him, to give a particle of ourselves and fill his formed emptiness in the soul of a suffering person.

So why is it important to be able to empathize with others? In Russian literature, there are often works devoted to the relationship between people. In the work of Rasputin "French Lessons" a picture of compassion is vividly presented. A young French teacher tries to help her student who lives all alone and suffers from hunger every day. Gambling for money helped him survive. The proud boy did not want to accept gifts from the teacher, so the teacher decided to deliberately lose to her student in the game for money. Upon learning of this, the director fires the teacher. And she has to go somewhere else. She sent him red apples as a keepsake for the boy. In the heart of the boy, the young teacher remained for life. The memory of her warmed his soul.

A person can sympathize with any other person, even if he is an enemy, as was the case in Kondratiev's work "Sasha". Sasha is a soldier of the Red Army, a guy with a pure soul and a big heart. Once he and his comrades had a chance to catch a German intelligence officer, who was then ordered to be delivered to the company commander. The German felt that he was being led to execution. Sashki tried to reassure the intelligence officer with a leaflet, where it was written about the good treatment of German prisoners of war. The German soldier did not believe, but Sashka promised the captured soldier to save his life. Having traveled a long way to the company commander, Sashka learned that grief had happened - the commander's girlfriend had died. But Sasha still leads the captured intelligence officer to the officer, from whom he receives an order to kill the enemy of the Fatherland. Making a promise to the German. Sashka does not follow the order and leads the prisoner to another commander. They do not have time to go a short distance, as they are overtaken by the company commander who ordered the execution. He expected Sasha to fulfill it, but then a feeling of compassion woke up in the commander and the officer canceled the order, giving the enemy hope for life.

Based on the literature examples, it can be concluded. That the ability to sympathize is one of the main qualities of a person. Compassion helps people to survive grief, to believe in themselves The ability to have compassion is really important, because helping others; we make ourselves useful to others.

Compassion means expressing empathy and concern for others, both in thought and action. It is an appeal to others in a spirit of love and respect. A person endowed with a developed spiritual Intelligence and compassion will simultaneously be characterized by a sense of duty to other people and a readiness to take responsibility for providing them with all kinds of help.

The good news (and for some, the most difficult task) is that the first person you should show compassion to is yourself! You need to respect yourself, take care of yourself, be committed to yourself, and help yourself to really become what you can be.

The central problem in unifying the dualistic energies of our relationship is the need to learn how to honor each other. Indeed, in fact, a lot of the ways and means in which we respond to various external challenges are determined by how we respond to ourselves. In addition to all the varied relationships we have with other people, we also need to constantly form healthy and loving relationships with ourselves...

(Caroline Myss)

Only if you have compassion for yourself, if you have nurtured and cultivated this feeling in yourself, can you expand the scope of your compassion in such a way that it includes and embraces other people.




willingness to forgive





The amazing discovery that I have made while doing this exercise all over the world for 30 years is that there is very little in common between people, but there is much more individuality than you might expect!

This means that you, as already established in Chapter 2, are a rare gem, a unique individual. In addition, it also follows from this that this fact - uniqueness - takes place for every other person. Finally, it also follows that the perception or, if you like, understanding of various phenomena and events from the point of view of other people is more complex, requires us to be more in-depth, generates more emotions and is a more rewarding experience than we previously thought. .

It is recommended to play a game called "Understanding" with various other terms or concepts of your choice. It is especially interesting when playing it with friends, relatives or colleagues to build said game around those concepts that are important to all of you, concepts about which you have disagreements, or those concepts that for several participants in the game represent their common goals. .

3. Have compassion for your fellow men

In all situations, try to analyze why the people around you act the way they do. Always try, especially in difficult situations, to put yourself in the other person's shoes, or as one old Native American saying goes, "Never judge a person until you've walked in his moccasins." Treat others the way you would like to be treated. This will help you see things and phenomena through the eyes of another person (who, from his point of view, is always right) and show more understanding and compassion towards each of your neighbors. In turn, this will make your life much easier, and your spiritual state more calm and happy.

And not to do to others what they do not want to do to themselves.

(Acts of the Apostles, 15:20)

4. Act simply for the sake of acting.

When giving someone high marks or showing compassion, do not expect any response or backlash. When giving, do not think about your own benefit or benefit. Be prepared for the fact that the person you are helping may respond positively to your actions, but may not respond at all - with other expectations, both of you may be disappointed. It is possible that you will never know what a strong effect your act can have or really had. It should be enough for you to know that you yourself have become a little happier by making some positive effort, and the same can happen on some level to those people for whom you have shown compassion. So smile, be happy and don't expect anything in return.

In fact, the ability to disengage from future results and their associated expectations is one of the most difficult aspects of compassion, but it is this that ultimately brings the greatest reward. In addition, this skill protects you from all the headaches and heartaches that often come with this kind of expectation.

5. Take part in "random acts of kindness"

Join the ever-growing ranks of people practicing "random acts of kindness" in a movement that started in America and is now spreading to Other Countries. These random acts are anonymous and can be something as simple as, say, slipping some money under the door of someone in need, or paying a toll to cross a bridge or a particular stretch of freeway for a car that looks beat-up behind you.

6. Collaborate with others! 7. Respect other people

Each of us is a real miracle. There is a general consensus that anyone's life story can serve as the basis for writing a bestseller, and your life is no exception in this sense! Think about it... Instead of making all sorts of assumptions about the backgrounds of those around you, try to act like a sympathetic journalist and ask your neighbors to tell you about the most interesting and significant events in their lives. Pay attention to everything - from the greatest trials they went through, to the most precious memories for them, etc. - and also find out their life goals and beliefs. Regardless of current circumstances, each person carries with him everything that he has ever done and who he once happened to be - like Linus, who always drags his blanket everywhere. Find out, admire, respect and enjoy!

8. Your "dark side"

Here is a difficult exercise and a kind of challenge - try to look at yourself from the side when you feel in order!

Imagine for a moment that one of those people with whom you find it especially difficult, unpleasant or even disgusting comes to help you in mastering the difficult skill of compassion! Now make another assumption that this person is a mirror that reflects your own dark side, hidden from your view, and try to learn from this thought experiment. Remember:

Humans tend to make mistakes. Forgiveness is divine.

(Alexander Pop)

9. Mixing game

Imagine that the people who are somehow close to you, with whom you struggle or love, are not really separate, independent individuals. They are part of you, and you are a combination of you and them. In other words, you are a larger self.

Now, as you look at the world from this new perspective, evaluate how it would change your perceptions, feelings, and actions. It is especially interesting to try out this game in relation to the relationships "love-hate", "student-teacher", "master-employee", etc.

10. Trust other people

Trusting people is much more pleasant than not trusting them. Many of those people who have been hurt or hurt, then emotionally shut down, so as not to again become the object of some kind of emotional trauma. Moving along this path, they actually stop living and feeling normally, and ultimately suffer much more. Make everyone who meets on your life path an initial mark of "excellent" and over time, either add points or subtract them. Also, decide if you want to spend more time with this person. In this regard, it is also interesting to note the following. If in your contacts with people you expect the best both from them and from your relations with them - and I mean a very wide range of people: from the saleswoman who serves you in the store to your best friend - then you are one hundred percent chances are you'll also get an "excellent" rating from them!

Trust people - and they will always be honest with you; treat them well - and they will prove themselves perfectly.

(Ralph Waldo Emerson)

If you begin to really apply the principles of compassion learned in this chapter, you can make a significant difference in the many different communities that you are a part of, especially the business community and the broader political class, who are in dire need of such help!

If you, as a businessman, learn to be genuinely compassionate to people, you can contribute to a long-awaited shift in the traditional orientation of the entire dynamic of business from profits made by serving other people to serving other people made possible by making a profit. In politics, exactly the same dynamic is needed, and it would be especially important to replace the concept of external power used to control other people with an approach that, growing from internal compassion, would extend to all other areas of life.

Spirit Boosters

Every day I gain more compassion and understanding.

I show compassion for myself by focusing on the development of my spiritual Intelligence.

As I understand other people better, I am more forgiving and tolerant.

A deepening understanding of what a miracle other people are and how complex they are allows my mind to become more open-minded and flexible.

I always strive to do to others what I would like to see from them in relation to myself.


Teilhard de Chardin Pierre (1881–1955) – French Catholic philosopher and paleontologist One of the discoverers of fossil man is Sinanthropus. Introduced the concept of the noosphere (1927) as a new state of the biosphere in the evolution, in which the rational activity of man becomes the decisive factor in its development. He developed the concept of "Christian evolutionism" approaching pantheism, according to which a person develops psychologically and socially, striving for final spiritual unity. - Note. transl.

In the Explanatory Dictionary of the Russian Language, the soul is defined as “the inner mental world of a person, his experiences, moods, feelings, etc.”, and also as “a set of characteristic properties, traits inherent in the personality; person's character". The Big Encyclopedic Dictionary rightly avoids a clear definition, limiting itself to indicating that in "new European philosophy the term" soul "began to be predominantly used to refer to the inner world of a person" Note. transl.

Translation by N. Volzhina and E. Kalashnikova. This is an epigraph to E. Hemingway's novel "For Whom the Bell Tolls" - Note. transl.

Donn John (1572–1631) – English poet His religious-mystical poems The Way of the Soul (1601) and Anatomy of the World (1611) marked the beginning of the metaphysical school. The quotation is taken from the collection Prayers for Unexpected Cases, Meditation 17 (1624). - Note. transl.

Dalai Lama (from Mont. dalai sea (wisdom) and lama - a Buddhist monk) - from the 16th century. the title of High Priest of the Lamaist Church in Tibet. - Note. transl.

Roosevelt (Anna) Eleanor (1884-1962) - from 1905 the wife of the future US President Fraiklin Delano Roosevelt (1882-1945; US President in 1933-1945). She played a significant role in her husband's political career, especially after 1921, when he fell ill with polio and no longer parted with a wheelchair. She was a liberal public figure, publicist, lecturer, and US representative to the UN (1945-1953). - Note. transl.

Tibet since 1914 by agreement between the British, Chinese and Tibetan representatives became an independent state. In 1950, Chinese communist troops captured Tibet and annexed it to China. The Dalai Lama, as the spiritual leader of Tibetan Buddhism, was initially allowed to play the role of internal authority, but in 1959 he was forced to flee to India after an uprising against the communist regime that broke out in Lhasa, the capital of Tibet, was crushed. Active protests against Chinese rule also took place in 1987 and 1993. - Note. transl.

Muhammad Ali (actually, Cassius Clay) (born in 1942) is an American boxer. Olympic champion (1960) light heavyweight. Three-time world champion among professionals (1964-1978) in the heavyweight division. He called himself "the greatest". At the height of his success, he converted to Islam and changed his name. Refused to fight in Vietnam. Now seriously ill. - Note. transl.

Mandela Nelson Rolihlahla (born 1918) - South African statesman, President of South Africa (1994-1999). Born in the family of a leader, in 1942 he graduated from college and university with a degree in law. In 1990, in the context of the crisis of the apartheid system, Mandela was released from prison (he was sentenced to life imprisonment), and in 1991 he headed the African National Congress. In 1993, Mandela and South African President F. de Klerk were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts to end apartheid. In 1994, South Africa held its first national elections with an African majority, as a result of which Mandela became the first black president of South Africa, and the country embarked on the path of democracy. In the next elections, he did not put forward his candidacy and has now moved away from big politics. - Note. transl.

Mother Teresa, in the world Agnes Gonja Boyadzhiu (1910-1997) - Albanian, founder (1950, India) and abbess of the Catholic Order of Mercy. In different countries, she founded schools, first-aid posts, shelters for the poor. Nobel Peace Prize (1979). The Church soon intends to rank her among the saints. - Note. transl.

Empathy - emotional identification with another person, the ability to see his situation, feelings and motives, as well as the ability to evoke the feelings that he is experiencing; in a simplified interpretation - sympathy, pity, compassion. - Note. transl.

Linus is a character in a series of comics (began to be published in 1950), and then in the animated series Peanuts (1952), which were invented and drawn by the American artist Charles Schultz (born in 1922). In addition to him, there are Charlie Brown, Sally, the overly curious dog Snoopy, Lucy, Peppermint Pie and others. - Note. transl.

Pop Alexander (1688–1744) – English poet His poetic treatise An Essay on Criticism (1711), from where this quote is taken, is a manifesto of English Enlightenment classicism. In 1732–1734 wrote a philosophical and didactic poem "Experience about Man". Translated the poems of Homer. - Note. transl.

Compassion is an evaluating factor that characterizes the ability to understand the grief of another. Compassion and sympathy is inherent only to earthly Souls. Not a single cosmic Soul possesses these qualities. This factor has a different scale of degrees of Compassion, which explains the dependence of the ability of understanding on a really formed condition, perceived as an individual's grief.

In Compassion there are always two individuals: the sufferer and the sympathizer. As far as the degree of Compassion in a sympathizer is revealed with a correct understanding of the current situation, he is able to assess the situation of the suffering person and, accordingly, understand all his feelings at the moment. The degree of disclosure of Compassion always depends on the Level of the sympathetic individual, on his own Level of development.

The true development of the Soul of an individual, in whom the energies of compassion begin to accumulate, 13 e.u. and higher. Sympathy - at 17 e.u. and higher. The energies of Compassion accumulate in the “physical manipura” chakra, sympathy – “etheric anahata”. The quality of Compassion is one of the first, which “bit by bit” begins to fill the cell directly of the Soul matrix. Compassion is a moral quality peculiar only to earthly people.

Correspondence of the Levels of consciousness of the individual, specifically taken separately zones with qualitative accumulations, with the Level of the situation of grief of the sufferer corresponds to the characteristics of full understanding by the sympathizers of the sufferer.

The situations of formation of undesirable events or grief are the same for all earthlings. The zones of the qualities received from this sensation are also the same for everyone. Variations here are introduced by the qualities obtained as a result of the freedom of choice in the passage of a given grief, as a result of which an individual feeling of grief and an understanding of the feelings of another in this situation is formed. Everyone judges by their own experience, and then by the experience of others.

Compassion is characterized by the condition for the appearance of signs of pity in a sympathetic individual, manifested in varying degrees. Compassion always keeps the tendency to progressive growth of its own base.

The fundamental basis of Compassion, as a self-developing substance, is the information base of the individual's qualitative accumulations, in relation to which the Soul performs certain processes of comparisons, comparing its own result of life experience with the situation of the sufferer.

The texture of Compassion has its own systematization, which distributes the existing forms of Compassion according to the Levels and purposeful factors of development of these forms. Each substance of Compassion develops independently, but its individuality is directly formed by the individual containing the form of this Compassion. Compassion, as a personal category, cannot develop without an individual who, while improving his foundation, simultaneously improves the sensations of Compassion.

All the characteristics inherent in any individual, having their own Hierarchies, always grow and develop with this individual, because without them he would not show that single whole that makes up his individuality. They are not adapted to exist separately from it. Such existence in symbiosis is inherent not only to individual personal foundations, but also to the entire universal Essence, since it is also the Soul of the highest Level and significance.


Compassion is one of the highest qualities of a person. And it appears in many Souls only through many incarnations (when the true development of the Soul reaches at least 13 e.u.). It is impossible to sympathize with another without experiencing pain and grief yourself. Man suffers in order to learn compassion for others.

The quality of Compassion carries the function of understanding the feelings and needs of another. But since it is difficult for a person to understand someone else and sympathize with him in something, if he himself does not have such qualities, then in order to develop them, the Higher Creators included situations with unfavorable factors and catastrophes in his life. A person would never have been humane, kind, humane and would have lost many beautiful qualities (mercy, love for one's neighbor), if he had not learned to sympathize with others. Suffering makes you think about life, about your own kind, teaches you to draw certain conclusions.

Compassion expresses not only a feeling, but also an understanding of the situation of the victim in detail, an understanding of his needs and requirements, a vision of the consequences of what happened and the ability to find a way out of the circumstances. Compassion is not just a sympathetic "groan and gasp", but participation in changing situations, rendering assistance.

Compassion carries a special type of energy that can revive, reunite, restore what was destroyed on Earth.

Compassion is a quality inherent only to earthly Souls. In other Worlds of God and in the Divine Hierarchy such quality is absent. Because in all the Worlds, except for the Earth, there is, speaking in earthly terms, a deep respect for any form of life located there and an understanding of it.

This statement of the Higher Hierarchs also applies to the Determinators and Rulers of the people of the Earth. Our Heavenly Teachers never have us, Their wards, it's a pity. They do not know the feeling of compassion, sympathy for us. But They experience for us such a feeling of Love, which is not familiar to us. The energy of the feeling of compassion is 14 e.u., sympathy - 12 e.u. Energy of Love of Heavenly Teachers for us 26 e.u. The highest degree of earthly love is 19 e.u.

In negative individuals, the quality of Compassion is completely absent at all levels of development. In this they differ from positive and young Souls. The latter, starting their path in the earthly world, also do not have this quality at the initial stages of development, but later they develop it, and individuals who have chosen a negative path never acquire it. Therefore, it is necessary to distinguish those who have not yet acquired this quality from those who will never acquire it. Positive Souls teach compassion, empathy, sympathy, perceive the pain of others as their own.

The Earthly Hierarchy has several degrees of this quality, so it has to be developed not only by repeated repetitions of life's difficulties, but also by their refinement. This develops the ability of the individual to understand more deeply the situation that actually happened to another.

A person necessarily happens both in the role of a victim and in the role of an outside observer. This technique accelerates the set of necessary qualities by an individual. At first, the individual acts as a victim, getting into difficult or dangerous situations, from which he gains some experience and understanding. But what he learns from these circumstances is tested in other situations where he is an outside observer. Himself, not in contact with grief and tragedy, he necessarily somehow reacts to what he sees or hears. The degree of his understanding of someone else's tragedy allows us to find out how much he learned the necessary through his own experience, what he specifically learned from it. Instead of Compassion, one can accumulate hatred, anger, deceit and many other qualities that are opposite to empathy. Many undeveloped Souls use other people's suffering for their own entertainment. Tragic events surprise them, shake their consciousness, breaking the chain of monotonous days, but do not affect the Soul. When the degree of Compassion is analyzed, the degree of sympathy of an individual for someone else's grief is determined by his ability to evaluate someone's tragedy, understand it and feel it, as if imagining himself in the place of another.

If three individuals of different Levels see one tragedy, then the low one will not experience anything, except for fear for himself: as if he himself would not be in the same position, or, on the contrary, he will perceive it as entertainment for himself. The second can slightly sympathize in words and immediately forget about everything. This is a weak degree of sympathy. And the third person will be able to understand the pain and suffering of another in subtleties, see the consequences of what happened and try to provide all possible assistance. This will be a high degree of Compassion

with the desire to translate the victim's negative emotions into positive ones.

In a negative individual, what happened to another may cause laughter, gloating, or a sense of satisfaction. Observations of other people's tragedies will contribute to its improvement in negative qualities.

The more experience of suffering a positive individual has accumulated in past incarnations, the better and more subtle he understands the feelings and state of another person. As a result, it turns out that the degree of Compassion depends on the Level of the individual. Without personal experience of suffering, one cannot find a single person who could sympathize with another.

A complete understanding of the tragedy of the situation or some difficulties in the life of another occurs only if the qualitative basis of the observer corresponds to the Level of the situation that happens to the other. An observer has already gone through a similar situation and gained the necessary qualities that help to understand an outsider. If the individual does not make a proper assessment of what is happening, which means that the necessary indicator has not been formed in his Soul, then similar situations will be repeated for him.

For earthlings, Higher Developers have given 10 types of programs

with similar situations for each Level. Depending on their level of development, individuals go through similar events.

Since the range of energies at each Level They work through the same - this leads to similar accumulations inside the chakras of individuals, which contributes to the appearance of the same sensations in them and leads to the formation of the same qualities through suffering.

For the earth plane there is a certain number of positive qualities and a certain number of negative ones. A person, performing actions, including feelings and thinking, makes a choice between them. Each quality is associated with the elaboration of specific types of energies of the earthly plane by the subtle structures of a person. A person cannot develop in himself the highest quality that, for example, the Determinant or Ruler possesses, because in the earthly world there are no those higher energies and processes that are present in Their world. For higher energies, special processes are intended, which are also absent on Earth. Therefore, a person approaches the development of the highest qualities gradually, through the consistent development of earthly technologies.

Empathy and understanding of other people's tragedies and mistakes is necessary for understanding situations, the causes of tragedies and misfortunes, as well as for the ability to foresee the consequences for the victim.

Watching a person, being in his environment, you see human callousness, selfishness, spiritual blindness, the inability to distinguish white from black, the ability to pervert everything and the thirst for pleasure. In order to develop opposite qualities in a human Soul, the Highest Creators have to work painstakingly and for a very long time on the human Soul. In order to instill the crumbs of Compassion into an underdeveloped Soul, a person has to be repeatedly forced to suffer, suffer, be tormented by remorse and so on.

The quality of Compassion is not characteristic of negative indie species. If they help someone in difficult times, it is only out of selfish motives.

Young Souls, participating in difficult situations, learn different lessons from them. In some, elements of Compassion appear, in others - of hatred and vindictiveness. Some embark on the path leading to God and continue to develop positive qualities, while others, in pursuit of revenge and, as it seems to them, just retribution, embark on the path leading to a negative System. Each action of a person contributes to the production of positive or negative energy, so he needs to think more often about what he is doing and what it can eventually lead to.

Compassion is a complex feeling. It is difficult for an inexperienced Soul to determine to what extent it is developed in it and whether it exists at all. If a person gives a penny to a beggar, this does not mean that he has a feeling of Compassion. This may be done simply out of a desire to imitate others, or for the sake of appearing virtuous in the eyes of others, or out of a selfish urge to earn an honorable mention in the eyes of God. The soul of such a person does not feel or realize anything. True Compassion involves many feelings and thoughts in the work.

A person can judge the presence of Compassion in the Soul by the feeling of pity, which at the lowest stage of development helps him to feel the state of another. Pity is the lowest form of Compassion. It also has several degrees of development, and each helps a person to feel the situation in which the unfortunate person finds himself, to a different extent.

As it develops, pity turns into a more subtle feeling.

- Empathy. The quality of Compassion is constantly being improved in a positive individual from stage to stage of development, changing and acquiring new features characteristic of him. The higher the Level of the Soul's development, the higher its understanding of the feelings of another and the circumstances in which he finds himself becomes. Suffering and torment are given to a person not so that he simply suffers and suffers, but in order to learn to understand another, sympathize with him and help in the direction of perfecting the Soul; I learned to understand myself and my family, not to cause them physical and mental pain. Suffering teaches a lot.

An individual at each stage of development makes some constructions in his quality of Compassion. If this is required by a positive development trend, then the individual's program must include situations that contribute to the progress of this quality in him. With a high degree of development of an individual (the true development of the Soul is 50 e.u. and above), in order to continue developing the quality of Compassion, he no longer has to suffer and suffer himself, he is able to learn and develop from someone else's experience, other people's situations. His subconscious has already accumulated such a base that allows him to move to a new Level of Compassion without the direct participation of himself in difficult low situations. For example, while watching performances, films, reading books, an individual is able to sympathize with their characters, remaining himself in the role of an observer. By acquiring personal experience in this direction, more and more he can rise above situations of suffering, cease to act in tragic events as the main character. He is able to learn from the mistakes of others. In order to stop suffering and torment yourself, you need to develop an appropriate base of concepts in yourself.

The way out of personal suffering for a person lies through the development of Compassion for others and understanding the subtleties of the circumstances in which they find themselves, the ability to see the goals of the Higher Creators, who are trying to lead a person to a certain result through given situations. The path lies through one's own perfection, raising the personal Level.

Having learned to sympathize with others and understand what is happening, a person stops suffering himself and moves on to a new round of development without suffering and torment. Then he learns to develop this quality with the help of comparisons and comparisons, replenishing himself with new information.


The manifestation of emotions for another person is an important component of the psychological state of the individual. Empathy and empathy help build relationships with people, relieve negative emotions. The skill is formed in childhood and is necessary for analyzing situations that occur with other people. Thus, the instinct of self-preservation kicks in. What is empathy and why is it important to be able to empathize?

What is empathy?

Empathy is the ability to sympathize with any living being, not necessarily a person. Empathy is manifested at the sight of a sick animal, to strangers who have experienced severe shocks. A person sympathizes with the heroes of books or films, imbued with the storyline. It is important to understand that empathy means reading facial signals and movements. After receiving the signs, a person who is able to empathize will talk to the sufferer and provide support.

What is empathy? Is it a skill similar to empathy or a common one? Empathy differs from sympathy in that a person not only feels sorry for people who are in trouble, but is also completely imbued with the problem. This skill helps to understand others and get closer to them.

Empathy is not necessarily action. A compassionate person is not obligated to solve the problems of another. Although the level of assistance is not measured, here it already depends on the specific situation. Empathy can be called the reverse side of selfishness. A compassionate person is distinguished by a good disposition, the ability to love, to see good qualities in people. Such a person is driven by spiritual strength, which is connected at the sight of people in trouble.

Why is it important to be empathetic?

Compassion manifests itself in different ways. The level of empathy is affected by who is in front of us - a close person or a stranger. The compassionate person accepts the pain and carries it through. Remember how you react to touching moments in films. Many are not capable. Such experiences relieve stress, help.

This state is called emotional empathy. Such people react sharply to positive and sad events. A terrorist attack in another country causes tears, a victory at the Olympic Games brings joy and laughter. Reacting to the troubles that are happening all over the world, a person does not control emotions, he is left with peace of mind.

In any matter, a golden mean is required. Why is it important to be empathetic?

How to develop empathy?

The first step is to bring the feelings out. A person who suppresses emotions, does not understand when he feels joy or sadness, is not able to empathize with other people. Compassion is based on understanding feelings, observation, communication, sympathetic attitude towards others.

How to develop empathy?

After completing these exercises, move on to complex methods. Show empathy for strangers or people you don't like or respect. When communicating with a person, participate in a discussion, ask counter questions, and not just talk about your life.

empathy in children

To test whether your child is ready to empathize with others, observe the behavior of the child. How does he react if a peer breaks a toy. There are three scenarios for the development of events: the baby will cry or stroke the “sufferer”, will not pay attention, or will laugh in response. The last two reactions indicate that your child does not have a sense of empathy. Take note and after the child reaches 3 years old, start acting.

Empathy in children manifests itself in different ways. A sympathetic child will notice the tears, become upset, or cry as well. Children who are able to sympathize react to the intonation of their parents, facial expressions. Empathy contributes to the development of useful skills of the child: an adequate emotional assessment of what is happening, caring for nature, loved ones. These qualities are necessary for the formation of a mature and

The development of empathy in preschoolers

There is no universal method that will make an empathetic child out of an indifferent baby. The foundations are laid by parents and loved ones who are in the environment. It will take years for preschoolers to develop empathy, so don't delay learning the skill. To create responsiveness, follow these rules:

Keep track of the emotional situation in the family. The child copies the actions of the parents, reads information from them, repeats words, habits. Show by example how close people communicate. Show empathy, ask how your day went, offer help, take care when you are sick.
Become a role model. As a rule, people withdraw into their families, remaining indifferent to the troubles of others. Show that you are actively involved in the life of grandparents, visiting friends. Help strangers in trouble. It is enough to start small, invite the child to give way to an elderly person and explain that it is difficult for him to stand.
Reward your child for showing feelings. Thank the baby if he helped or showed participation. Support if the child has a desire to help others. Even if the actions you take seem like a trifle to you. For example, saving an ant from the rain.
and don't punish. If the child behaved inappropriately, then do not rush to scold. Figure out if the baby understood the situation correctly, whether he knows how to react. Misunderstanding of emotions or actions leads to incorrect behavior of the child.
Let's get emotional. Do not skimp on praise, hugs, kisses. Tell your child how the day went, ask about his experiences. The main thing at the same time is not to complain and not to condemn the actions of others, but simply to explain whether they cried or were sad. Do not dismiss the problems of the child, show sympathy.

Empathy is amenable to development, but not using the skill leads to a decrease in empathy. Studies among students have shown that the level of responsiveness has decreased by 40% over the past 30 years. Therefore, understanding empathy is not enough. Be involved every day by taking care of your loved ones.

March 25, 2014, 17:36