Should we let go of what we have visualized. Technique for fulfilling desires with the power of thought

In order for wishes to come true, it is important to believe in the possibility of materializing the desired and in the method that you use. In our case, we will consider visualization as an effective method of mental magic. I hope you have already learned to stop the mess in your head, relax and enter alpha. If not, go back to read this article. Since the first key to the materialization of mental images lies in the ability to enter a trance.

What is Visualization?

Visualization is the creation of a mental image of the desired and filling it with energy to translate into reality. This is the work of your imagination. You draw bright, detailed pictures on your mental screen. At the same time, you know exactly what you want. And they are sure of the truth of their desires.

Practice example

To make it clear, I will describe a simple way to work with the imagination. Suppose you wish to attract love. You tune in to the emotions of love, such as listening to love songs, watching love pictures or movies, or remembering happy events from the past associated with happy relationships. Or by doing meditation on the sendings of love.

Having entered the state of love, you begin to visualize in an energy ball (it is better to do this, it protects the mental image from the influence of other people's energies).

You see how you and your loved one enter the forest. At the same time, you hold each other's hands, smile and playfully communicate. You are wearing certain clothes of a certain color. Entering the forest, you see a white snowy path in front of you, on which you can see twigs. Trees grow along the sides of the path.

Mostly coniferous trees. You walk and hear the songs of birds, the noise of your steps and your happy voices that radiate warm energies.

You visualize how you stop in a clearing and fool around there, there are a lot of trees around you ... and you stand in the middle of the clearing and look into each other's eyes. You notice his gaze. He is so gentle and loving. You can note the color of the eyes of a loved one or a loved one.

You hug each other... and in his or her arms it's so wonderful... You are happy. Your partner tells you that he loves you, and then your lips meet in a sensual kiss. You feel the taste of his or her lips and think you feel so good...

Then you energize the visualization ball. Mentally send light into it. And see how it glows like the sun... and then send it out into the universe.

The next time you visualize, you return this ball to yourself and again (pull the string and pull it towards you) and do work with the mental image again, then fill it with energy again and release it. So you need to do this every day several times a day for a week - a month, two ... it depends on the speed of your thought and on other factors, and then you let go of the desire.

That's the whole technique. To make it easier, before starting the visualization, draw it up on paper. Think everything over. Describe. You can then burn it to audio media. to listen regularly. If it makes you feel more comfortable.

To summarize, I will note the visualization steps:

  1. Set up for visualization
  2. Relaxation
  3. HP stop
  4. Trance entrance
  5. Visualization
  6. Exit from trance.

How to visualize

In order for the visualization to work correctly, there are a number of recommendations that are most likely already familiar to many. But I will briefly talk about them for those who do not know.

  1. You need to do practices in the alpha state.
  2. It is important to visualize desire regularly. 1-3 times a day.

In between practices, let go of desire. Live a happy life now. Be detached.

Otherwise, you are pushing your desire away. The point is to concentrate on the intention as much as possible during the practice, fill it with energy, and then let it go.

Ask yourself what of your dreams you can already do right now. And do it. Don't wait for the future. Enjoy the present moment.

For example, you attract travel. Dreaming of going to Spain. But right now you can't afford it. Start small. Don't wait for dream travel. Recover on the weekend in the nearest city or nature. Or explore the places of power in your area and travel through them.

Dream of love, start loving yourself. Pamper with gifts. Spend your leisure time the way you would like to spend it with your loved one.

You live with your parents and dream of your own separate apartment, rent it for a month or a week or even for a weekend. Feel the thrill of freedom. This will help you get your home faster...

  1. All senses must be involved.

When you visualize a desire, be sure to invest in the process:

  • Smells, like the smell of the sea, the scent of her perfume...
  • Visual images, for example: blue sea, beautiful features, tall tree...
  • Auditory sensations, such as the sound of a voice, footsteps...
  • Gustatory, for example, sweet lips taste during a kiss.
  • 5. Tactile. For example, a warm scarf, body-friendly, feel happy...

Also pay attention to what you do, how you behave, who is next to you, etc...

  1. Clear images.

As you already understood, visualization should be detailed. Most intense and specific.

For example, you attract a dog.

What color is she? What breed? What collar and leash does she have on? What character? What are you feeding her? Who walks with her and when? Where do you play with her? What is her nickname? How does she greet you from work? Where is her place? Etc...

Ask yourself these questions:

  • What do you see? For example, I see a black dog with beautiful brown eyes giving me a paw.
  • What do you hear? I hear her footsteps on the laminate. Her barking on command "voice"
  • What do you feel? Joy when she meets you from work.
  • What smells do you smell? The smell of freshness in the park while walking the dog.
  • What are the taste sensations? Feel the taste of sausage, which you share with your beloved pet...
  • Etc...

Work out your desire in detail. Write everything down. Then visualize.

  1. Ultimate Concentration and Faith

When you practice visualization, it is important not just to passively pronounce, for example, beliefs or visualize for show, it is important to work with extreme concentration. No extraneous thoughts, no excitement. Only your dream, on which you keep the focus during the practice, live it, live it, feel it.

Without concentration, the power of thought is small, and you will waste your time. Therefore, once again I remind you, friends, that before practice it is important to tune in, stop the internal dialogue, relax the body and calm the emotions. The black dot exercise works great for this purpose. We covered it in the first chapter.

If you have problems with concentration, develop it. Don't be lazy. For example, do regular meditations focusing on the in-breath and out-breath. Or concentrate on some subject, in which case nothing should exist except you and the subject you are looking at, study it, merge with it as if into a single whole.

Concentration will help you in everyday life as well. in your actions. You understand that visualization is not enough, in addition to mental work with images, emotions and energies, you need to act. And here it is important to keep the focus on your goal. Concentrate on her, go to her with love.

And during visualization, it is also important to include the energy of love. To do it from the heart, easily and playfully, but at the same time with awareness and powerful focus. In addition, faith that the method works is important. Without faith, work has no power. Faith is a magic wand, it starts the work of your subconscious in a certain direction and tunes you to a channel with a higher power. Even the Bible says that to each according to faith. And so it is.

Here is an example:

2 people learned the same healing technique. One of them believed in her. He knew for sure that with the help of this practice he would be healed. He regularly went into a trance, did it with a hundred percent return. He strictly followed the instructions, entered the ISS, turned off the word mixer ... and recovered.

And the second did the practice for show, had a lot of doubts, he did not follow the recommendations, did not plunge into a trance, did not relax his body .... but he was in a hurry somewhere, and there was no miraculous healing.

Understand the difference. Catch her. It is very important. This is the key.

  1. Delay incarnation

Desires are not fulfilled immediately, but with a certain delay. Therefore, do not expect instant results, everything has its time.

  1. Final result

Visualize desire as if what you strongly desire has already materialized.

Emotions in visualization are fuel

As you already understood, for the effectiveness of visualization or any other technique, it is important to do it sincerely, from the heart, while putting emotions into your mental images.

Emotions are the energy that fills your desire.

For example, you attract love... And apply visualization in everyday life.

You are walking down the street and you see lovers. What emotions do they evoke in you?

If you look at a couple in love and at the same time have indifference or even disgust, this means some kind of block inside you, you will not attract love into your life. You don't really want her.

You will attract even more indifference or disgust if you visualize with such emotions.

If you look at lovers and at the same time say inside yourself: "Wow, they look great, she is so happy. It's great) ... Soon I will become happy and find my love! I feel it"... Then you really meet her.

That is, in order to attract desire, passion for this desire is important. It's beyond words, friends, but I think you understand what I mean. This passion will attract whatever you visualize. At the same time, passion should be calm, without fanaticism. Since it is also important to be able to let go of desire, not to become attached to it.

By the way, since we are talking about the visualization of love in everyday life, there is such a simple method in addition to the main practice.

Write your birth date. For example, number 10.

Add the number 10 to the number. It turns out 100. Right? Good.

You need to meet 100 happy couples holding hands. At the same time, imagine that you are walking with your beloved or beloved ...

Be sure to keep an eye on your feelings and thoughts as you visualize. They must be positive. Remember that the law of attraction always works and what is in your consciousness and subconsciousness is also around you.

Learn to recode thoughts and feelings, replace them with positive ones.

Do not visualize in a bad mood. First, blow off the steam, calm down, then practice mental magic.

What will give you desire?

Ask yourself: "What will give you your desire?" What emotions, feelings? Immerse yourself in these feelings. This is another key.

Expand this question further. Ask about the qualities that you will acquire, about what you will do, how to behave, what to say and how to feel ...

In addition, it is important to experience these sensations in the state of here and now. Not in the future when your dream comes true, but today.

For example, you want to raise money. What will it give you? Freedom, confidence, joy? Live these states, feelings and emotions now. Find methods that will allow you to feel it in the present.

For example, freedom can be felt while walking in the field or traveling.

Confidence - doing martial arts, attending training ...

Joy - communicating in a circle of close, positive friends ...

Everyone is different, of course. The main thing is to understand. And you yourself will find what is close and necessary for you now.

What will you do with a certain amount of money? Travel? Help homeless animals? Renovate your apartment? ... Do it now. Let not so extensive, but accept the small, it is also capable of giving the necessary emotions.

You can start small. Travel to the natural places of your region. Feed ducks or birds in the forest. Renovate one room...

By the way, since we are talking about money, it is worth noting that many esotericists believe that it is better to attract not money, but what you need it for. For example, an apartment, travel.

How to let go of desire

For visualization to work, you need to not be attached to the result. Let go. What does it mean?

You just know that your intention will come true. You don't have any doubts. You have a firm belief that you will achieve your goal.

You live in the present, experiencing joy right now. You act as if the dream has already become a reality.

Just trust your subconscious and divine source. And act, working on yourself and on the realization of your dreams.

You just know that your wish will come true just as you know that summer or spring will come soon. Just know, just trust the universe and yourself, just act.

A Powerful Exercise to Form OVER FAITH

It consists of 2 stages:

For 3 weeks, practice full breathing for 5 minutes:

Inhale - 3 seconds

Delay - 12 seconds

Exhale - 6 seconds

Delay - 12 seconds.

The breath should be full: first you inhale with your stomach, as if inflating it. Then fill the ribs and lungs.

When exhaling, also first exhale with your stomach, as if drawing it in, then release the air from the ribs and lungs.

After three weeks of yoga breathing practice, do the superfaith exercise:

At first, carry out a simple full breath for five minutes, then bringing it to automatism, mentally say:

“With every breath of cosmic energy, my body is filled with it, and connects with my faith in achieving my goal. I absolutely know exactly what (your desire). And nothing, either from within or from me, will prevent me from achieving what I want.

Do this exercise for 1 month.

Rituals to release desire.

With your eyes closed, visualize your desire in a glowing ball on a ribbon. Fill this ball with your energy and release it, watch it fly into space.

If you don't want to visualize the process of letting go of desire, you can try real actions.

For example, make a boat, write your desire on it and let it go into the river, watching how it moves away from you further and further. Or buy a helium balloon, write your intention with a marker and release it into the sky in windy weather.

Additional tips to let go of importance:

1. To let go of desire, you should always have a fallback.

2.Use the method of switching to another desire. For example, you visualize one desire for 1 month, and then you begin to attract another. Forgetting about the first. Letting him go. Then, after 30 days, you switch to a new desire again. And so constantly. Imagine how many wishes you can attract in a year?

You can switch to a simpler desire, but such that it captures you and you forget about the first one.

Let's say your main desire is on the topic Attract Money, you meditate according to all the rules for several days or a month, depending on individual characteristics and other factors, heavily invest energy, and then let go. And tune in to a less important desire. You can imagine how your ex is very sorry that he broke up with you, seeing you so happy, successful and financially independent.

Practicing visualization development

If you do not see visual images on the mental screen, then develop the ability to imagine. Here are some good exercises:

1. After the emotion blocking and relaxation exercise, visualize a familiar object, such as a pear, on your mental screen.

Examine the pear from different angles.

When you can see a clear image of the pear, try zooming in on that image. Examine the skin, the color... pay attention to the details.

Then smell the pear, its taste. Eat it, feel that there is a lot of saliva in your mouth, then open your eyes.

2. Develop photographic memory. Place in front of you any object that pleases your eye, such as a stone or a mug. Contemplate it for 10 seconds. After closing your eyes, try to see it on the mental screen. Do the exercise against a neutral background. The object must be at eye level.

3. Visualize colors. For example, see a red ball and release it into the sky, then green, blue ... If it is difficult for you to see the color, then for a start you can make an inscription (mentally) on each ball: Red, green ... With regular training, you will learn to really see color shades.

4. See a geometric figure on your mental screen.

5. Learn to visualize your face, features. If it does not work out, then first observe yourself in the mirror, then close your eyes and visualize.

You can also imagine the image of a person.

6. Visualize the forest. See on your mental screen the animals, the vegetation, the path you are walking on. Then add sounds, smells to the imagination process.

You can also imagine other images related to nature, for example, a seashore, a lake in the mountains, whichever is closer to you.

7. Practice guided visualization. Imagine what you want to attract.

Visualization is almost the only true way to fulfill and realize desires, which I know and love very much. In fact, we never stop visualizing, we can just do it purposefully, attracting the desired reality into our lives, or we may not even be aware of it. Well, for example, when you want coffee or a chocolate bar, the corresponding picture always appears in your head at that moment or the taste and smell of what you want is remembered. But you don’t have to put in any effort, it happens naturally and easily. Looking back, I understand that I attracted a lot of events and things into my life precisely by unconscious visualization.

But not everything always happens naturally and, meeting various obstacles on our way, overcome by fear and self-doubt, in most cases we give up desire and decide not to think about it so as not to remember our failures. Sometimes a fleeting thought “Oh, if only…” will fly by and life goes on as usual. But here it’s just that you shouldn’t give up, but on the contrary: a dream can be materialized only if you think about it, imagine it and be on the same wavelength with it.

There are many nuances of correct and effective visualization. The main thing is not to give up at the very beginning, you need to get used to the process and disconnect from distracting thoughts, fears and doubts. Do not be afraid of the first failures and wrong steps, in this matter, perseverance is extremely important. When I started using visualization, my thoughts constantly slipped in the wrong direction, and I never managed to draw a clear picture in my imagination. Then I started visualizing after or during meditation. I just lay down, closed my eyes and let the thoughts flow freely in my head, and when the mind calmed down and the consciousness was cleared, then I imagined and dreamed with all my might.

“Desire is the name of the river, in which instead of water there are dreams, instead of will there is thirst, the crocodile of passion lurks in it, and the crows of worries circle above it, it washes away the roots of the tree of courage, is full of deep and difficult to avoid whirlpools of illusions, its banks are dotted with sharp rocks of anxiety; only those who have crossed it rejoice.” [Bhartrihari]

At that moment, I really wanted to have a dog and I decided that I would start with the fulfillment of this desire. After reading reviews and advice, I enthusiastically and enthusiastically began to draw in my head my future ideal pet. The first time I realized that visualization is a very difficult thing. To begin with, you need to very clearly define the object of desire. For example, I didn’t care about the breed of the dog, I just wanted someone fluffy. So each time I had different pictures and slides. It only confused and interfered, I often hesitated. Then I began to be overcome by doubts about the effectiveness of this method and the reality of what was happening. But pulling myself together, I decided to decide on a specific breed. I remember that at that time I devoted almost all my free time to websites and forums about different dogs. In order not to miss the opportunity, I decided that I would present not just a picture with a puppy, but myself and my feelings as a person who already has a dog. So during the next visualization, I thought about where he would sleep, where to put his bowl, where to store his toys. Then she imagined herself choosing a leash, collar, etc. And you know, the more I thought about it, the more actively reality answered me:
more often I met people walking puppies, although before that there were much fewer of them;
several times received a gift in the form of a plush dog, and just like that, for no particular reason;
the guy I was dating then started talking more about how we could get a puppy;
and the most important thing was that a friend advised me to watch the movie "Hachiko" with Richard Gere, it was with this film that I clearly understood what kind of dog I wanted.

And after that, everything became simpler and clearer. Now I not only imagined myself with a puppy, but also tried to feel the warmth of the wool when you touch it, its weight when you hold it in your arms, even the smell. Over time, my ideas became more realistic, and at the end I felt satisfied and smiled. For me, this was an indicator of the success of the visualization.
The whole process took me 7 months, at the end of which I had a chance to quickly and unexpectedly earn a decent amount, and no expenses were foreseen. And just the breeder, whom I looked after on the Internet, offered me to buy a wonderful puppy and even lost a little in price. That's how I became the proud owner of an equally proud Akita Inu.

Of course, a lot of time has passed since then and I have learned to bring my desires to life with the help of visualization much faster, but it was this experience that helped me learn important lessons for myself, understand where I made mistakes and how to avoid them in the future.

Rules for effective visualization for the fulfillment of desires:
1) You must be a direct participant in the visualized situation and dream in the first person. Everything should be like in real life, i.e. looking at yourself from the side is absolutely not worth it. If you watch what is happening as a spectator in a movie, and not be an actor, then in life this is exactly what will happen: you will see how your desire is fulfilled by others. Visualization is a preliminary version of reality, as you imagine it, so it will be embodied, maybe not with all the details, but the essence will be the same.

In one of the first visualizations, I imagined myself in a dress and shoes in which I would go to a reunion and amaze everyone present with my excellent appearance. But due to inexperience, I saw everything through the eyes of an observer, I saw all the details on myself, but at the same time I was, as it were, outside my body. Needless to say, I went to that meeting not at all dressed like that, because at the last moment I had very large expenses and I just didn’t have enough money for what I dreamed of. On top of all my disappointment, there was no limit when first one of my former classmates came in the same dress, and then another in the same shoes. Realizing and accepting my mistake, I imagined myself admiring my reflection in the mirror and photographs in this outfit. A week later, I was already shining in this dress and shoes at a friend's birthday party, and the money came to me in the most unexpected way in the form of a return of a debt (long forgotten as deeply hopeless).

2) The presented picture should not be static, it is necessary to scroll through a fairly dynamic movie in your head. Relax, close your eyes and imagine yourself with your desire already fulfilled and watch what happens. What is happening now? Are you happy, are you smiling? Look around, what is the situation there, what is in front of you, behind, to the left and to the right? What color and shape are the surrounding objects? Do they exist at all? Think about who you will share your joy with, how you will talk to them or call them, or write on social networks. Just mentally walk through your imagination and fully enjoy the fulfilled desire, immerse yourself in this feeling. If, after visualization, a smile appeared from ear to ear and a feeling of warmth in the region of the heart, then everything went right and reality will soon materialize this dream.

When I visualized the successful passing of the state exam, I imagined everything in great detail: I thought over my appearance from hairstyle to shoes; wallpaper on the walls of the room and blinds on the windows, instructive inscription on the university board; a bouquet of flowers on the examiners' table, water bottles and plastic cups on all tables; the number of tickets and how they will lie; the examiners themselves and their appearance; myself taking a ticket and pronouncing its number, a feeling of joy from the fact that I got the easiest questions and I even know that I will definitely pass with excellent marks; how I write answer abstracts, click on the calculator and look at fellow students nearby; challenge me to answer and his brilliant performance, few additional questions and delight of teachers; how I leave the office and call my parents one by one to tell them everything in detail; as they announce to everyone the assessments and mine, of course, makes me very happy. In the end, I was always overwhelmed with joy and a sense of satisfaction. I started visualizing a couple of weeks before the exam and spent about four such visualizations. What a delight I was when the real bouquet of flowers was almost identical to the imaginary one, the brand of water was the same, one of the examiners was dressed exactly as in my imagination, and the ticket number corresponded to what I wanted. As soon as I saw him, I felt so easy and comfortable that I wrote an answer very quickly and volunteered to answer. My fear of speaking seemed to have vanished and was replaced by unshakable confidence. Of course, I passed with excellent marks and received a lot of praise.

3) It is not enough just to look at the imaginary reality, it must be felt by all the other senses. Thus, it will become much more realistic and cause much more faith in your own success. Stop and pay attention to the wafting aromas and sounds (the smell of flowers, gasoline, perfume, pastries, music, the noise of cars, the voices of people, the stomping of their feet, etc.). Touch the surrounding objects, explore their texture and content. Dreaming about a wedding, money or travel, one can imagine the roughness of the paper from which marriage certificates, banknotes, checks, vouchers and tickets are made. To turn on the sense of taste, you can remember your favorite drink or dish, or even better, tie them to the plot of the visualization. At the beginning it will be very difficult, but with practice it will even begin to bring pleasure.
I remember that when I visualized a trip with my fiancé through the major cities of Europe, I imagined not only the preparation process and the trip itself, but also touching the keyboard when searching for information on the Internet, eye fatigue from a lot of time spent at the computer, the texture of plane tickets , the sound of a suitcase being closed, the noise of an airplane and a train, the taste of food and drinks on an airplane, the sound of footsteps along the main streets of cities and the sound of stones flying out from under our feet, the cries of seagulls and the surf, the warmth of the sun's rays and raindrops on our skin, kisses and the touch of a loved one, a flash from a camera, etc. The trip was wonderful, there were no delays anywhere, the weather was amazing, and much of what was imagined was embodied like a blueprint, even the taste of favorite national treats.

4) To easily return to the plot of your visualization, you need to fix one slide. It could be a particularly memorable moment or something meaningful to you. You can describe this slide in a notebook, find a similar image or photo and carry it with you or hang it anywhere. It can also be a smell or a melody. All this will help not only to easily return to the visualization itself, but also during the day, when you will be overcome by fears, doubts and other negativity, it is enough to remember or look at your slide and your mood will instantly improve, faith will return, and very soon desire pull up. You can create a special board of desires in material form or electronic on a computer.

Personally, I always have different things as such a slide and, basically, they come to me during the visualization. At the very end, when I have already opened my eyes, there is always some vivid memory of the desire itself or the sound and aroma associated with it. For example, for a wedding wish, I put an image of the newlyweds' hands with wedding rings on the screen saver of the computer, and also created a folder with a selection of beautiful wedding dresses, bouquets and interiors. The favorite song of my then-future husband reminded me of the first dance of the bride and groom, it was under it that we danced in my visualization. I set it as an alarm clock on my phone to start the day with a joyful feeling. This wish came true very funny: I helped my friend's boyfriend prepare a marriage proposal for her, but it turned out that it was all planned by my fiancé, and at the end they called me to marry the melody mentioned above. Moreover, the husband does not know why he chose her, he simply says that this was the only point of the whole event that was not in doubt. Three months passed from the decision to start visualizing the wedding to the most cherished proposal, during which I never even gave a hint to my boyfriend about my desire.

5) Let go of desire. This means not to abandon it or forget about it completely, but to stop worrying about whether it will come true or not, and not to check every minute how things are going there. After all, if you break your arm or get badly injured, you won’t constantly tear off the bandage or remove the cast to make sure that everything is going as it should. You just know that everything is healing, and you patiently wait for healing. So here, there is no need to be afraid, to choke on yourself with your control, just visualize and have time to act when the desired begins to materialize in the surrounding reality. This means not weighing the pros and cons, or calculating the likelihood of implementation, but taking some steps towards the dream (learning about the possibilities and options, paying attention to life around, settling for something new and unknown, rejoicing and thanking your life and people in it).

For example, in such cases I prepare my space for the appearance of a visualized desire in my life: I make room in the closet for new things; I buy a car key ring and a cover for a driver's license, sign up for driving courses, go to salons and sit behind the wheel of different cars to feel everything to the smallest detail; wanting to lose weight, I specifically pay attention to smaller clothes and try them on (and even buy them); thinking about a new home, I buy new trinkets for him or do something with my own hands; wishing to learn how to swim, I free up my swimming schedule in advance and immediately buy everything necessary for this; dreaming about new furniture, I go to furniture stores and shops, get acquainted with the assortment, materials, color schemes and other options. And this helps: we bought an apartment on very favorable terms for us, in an excellent area and with good neighbors; the car was given to me by my husband and our parents, and exactly the same cherished one; recently updated most of the furniture; I learned to swim literally in two lessons, and this is with my childhood trauma; my wardrobes are simply bursting with things, and the most interesting thing is that I bought a lot at the most attractive prices or received as a gift; the problem of excess weight has not bothered me for nine years now, and I eat like two hungry men.

6) Visualization should become a regular habit, preferably daily. To make the feelings and emotions arising from this each time as sharp and fresh, you can add new details or continue the development of the plot for an arbitrarily long time. You can visualize at any time and it has no time frame, the main thing is the final feeling of satisfaction and warmth in the chest or solar plexus.

Wish Visualization Map
Instead of text, I post a video. In it, Diana briefly and concisely outlines the essence of visualization.

Before going to bed, I always visualize my beautiful next day, set my energy for success and positive. I try not to plan, because I don’t like schedules, but if there are mandatory events, then I imagine their successful outcome. But for the visualization of desires, I leave the morning or afternoon to be cheerful and pay enough attention to all the details of my dreams.

If you follow all the rules and take into account all the nuances, then any desire can really be realized with the help of visualization. The main thing is to believe in yourself and your abilities, not to be afraid of obstacles, but to know for sure that it is impossible not to overcome them. I sincerely hope that my advice and my experience will help you fulfill all your desires and bring joy and harmony into your life. Visualize, do not stop improving this process, develop your imagination, and then everything will definitely work out.

Dreams Come True. Many will agree with this statement. And for those who will protest, this article will be very useful. After all, visualization of desires is the first way to achieve your goals.

What it is?

At the very beginning, you need to understand what exactly will be discussed in this article. So, what is visualization of desires? Simply put, this is a representation of your goals in your own imagination, i.e. it is an ordinary dreaming process, but with a clear goal, around which thoughts are in a constant cycle. It may seem that everything is quite simple, and it does not need to be learned. However, this is absolutely not the case. Visualization of desires will be effective only if special rules and technical requirements are observed. This will be discussed further.

Types of visualizations

Be sure to say that there are two main types of visualization:

  1. Partial rendering. In this case, a person imagines only one aspect of his own life. For example, someone who wants untold wealth can imagine a lot of money on his table. However, this is not true. After all, such a picture may mean that they were received from the sale of a single apartment or simply that a person contacted a bad company. A picture torn from life may not turn out to be the side that a person dreamed of.
  2. Full visualization. For example, if you want to be a rich person, you need to imagine not only a mountain of money. In addition, smart people keep their savings in reliable banks or safes. You need to imagine yourself surrounded by beautiful things, in a good house, sitting on expensive furniture, etc., as long as your imagination is enough. However, the picture should be as clear as possible and cover most of life.

Rule 1. Clear wording

If you are going to master the technique of visualization, you need to understand that all your desires and goals must be clearly formulated. The statement “I want to be a successful person” is fundamentally wrong. The various details need to be more clearly defined. So, it is important to remember that you need to follow the formula for setting a wish:

I + present tense verb + additional information

All your goals must be in the present tense. So the universe (higher powers, God, etc. - as you like) will clearly understand what a person wants, and will help him in this. Offers should be as short as possible, but as informative as possible. Only then can effective visualization of desires be possible. Examples: “I easily get the position of deputy director at the Kot company with a salary of 20 thousand rubles. I work with great pleasure and interest”; “I drive every day in a white Audi (of a certain model) on the streets of my city.” The simple definition of "I want a car" or "I want to get married" are not specific goals. Therefore, their implementation is called into question. After all, you can marry an alcoholic. The wish will come true, but will you like the result?

Secret: the visualization of desires will be effective only if the goal itself is correctly formulated. At the same time, it must be remembered that particles of “not” cannot be used to formulate a thought. The phrase "I don't want to be fat" is fundamentally wrong. The word “thick” already sounds here, it is spoken, thought out. All the same, a person will present himself in an unpleasant form at least for a second. After that, the unwanted process starts. The correct phrase should sound like this: "I am a slender beautiful girl."

Rule 2. Desires only for yourself

Visualization of desires will be effective only if a person desires something only for himself. You need to remember that you can only manage your own life. To materialize something for others, unfortunately, will not work. Therefore, you need to concentrate solely on your own thoughts and desires. In this case, the desires “My husband is a successful person, and my son is an oligarch” will not be effective. You can transform several of them. For example, the phrase “I inspire my husband to do good deeds, and I always find a common language with my son” will be as working as possible.

Rule 3. Emotions to help

When will visualization of desires be effective? How to visualize correctly so that everything you want comes true? So, for this you need to feed your thoughts with positive emotions. This works great. After all, it is worth thinking about something bad in moments of anger or anxiety, as it immediately comes true. Good emotions work the same way. For example, when a person sings, dances or does what he loves, he is at the peak of positive. It is at this time that you can begin to visualize your goals and desires. This will significantly speed up the process of their implementation.

Rule 4. Affirmations

The visualization of desires alone will not be enough. The reviews of those who practiced it indicate that affirmations are also very important, i.e. special formulations, some magic spells that speed up the realization of the goal. The most striking example is the psycho-training of the main character of the film "The Most Charming and Attractive". Looking in the mirror, the girl uttered the words “I am the most charming and attractive, all men look at me, admire me ...”, etc. This phrase became for her a kind of prayer, a mantra, which she periodically repeated, thus assuring herself of what was said. The result was not long in coming: the girl changed, her life improved. The same can happen to anyone who wants to achieve something.

Rule 5

What is the correct visualization of desires? So, it is worth remembering: you need to wish for what can really come true. If you think “I am a dollar millionaire” will be a 45-year-old man from the outback, then this is unlikely to become a reality someday. Goals must be realistic, i.e. first you need to want to get out of the village, then change your residence in a small town to life in a metropolis. And only there the dream can come true. Indeed, in big cities there are many opportunities for a person who wants to change his life. Of course, you can visualize something significant, but then you have to wait a long time for the desire to come true.

Rule 6

So, we continue to talk about how the visualization of desires is carried out. How to visualize correctly so that everything works out? The next rule follows from the previous one. Goals need to be raised step by step. The statement “I drive the latest Audi” can be broken down into several smaller desires. The following order of statements will be more efficient. First - "I drive an Opel." When this goal is reached - "I drive a good Mercedes." Further already - "I'm a hedgehog on the Audi of the latest model." It must be remembered that you should increase your well-being gradually. You can immediately get wealth only by inheriting untold wealth from the rich uncle Skruzhd. And few people are so lucky.


Few people know, but there is a special school called "Simoron". Fulfillment of desires, visualization of goals - all this can be learned here. Experts say that this is a game psychotechnics, which also turns out to be the most effective. Funny examples of wish fulfillment at the Simoron school (by the way, this word does not mean anything at all, it is just made up, as kids like to do during the game):

  1. Money laundering technique. Bathing in a bath, a person can imagine that he is not in the water, but in a pile of hundred dollar bills. At the same time, you can hang a sign on the front door with the inscription "Money Laundering Point".
  2. Technique to attract love. The inscription "Love" is hung on the teapot. And when it is hot, you need to visualize that the relationship of a couple in love is as hot as this kettle.
  3. Tying technique. If you want to radically change your life, you need to “tie” with it. So, on the tape with a marker, you need to describe your past, tie everything into a strong knot. A day later, this “past” must be thrown into the garbage chute. That's all - life can be started anew.

What else can the cheerful school "Simoron" suggest? Fulfillment of desires, visualization will also be very effective if you support your goals with simple one-liners. These are some spells that help dreams come true. For example: "I'm rich like Scrooge McDuck, like that!"

Auxiliary tools

Very well helps to achieve the desired board visualization of desires. By the way, it is called differently: a treasure map, a dream board, etc. However, the essence is the same: to help represent your dreams, goals, desires. How does it all look? It doesn't have to be a board. You will need a rectangular or square object - it can be canvas, whatman paper, cardboard. It will be attached to various photographs or pictures that represent the desired future. This board will make a person think again about what they want, making the process of approaching the goal more efficient.

Rules for creating a board

How to make a desire visualization board the right way so that it really works, and not just decorates the wall? To do this, you need to follow simple rules:

  1. Clearly state your goals and desires. The whole essence should fit in one picture or photograph. No vague wording.
  2. Under each photo or picture, make a short caption relating to what exactly you want. So the visualization of desires will be most effective. Feedback from people is the best confirmation of this.
  3. Arrange photos correctly on the board. The person must be at the center. Definitely beautiful, healthy, smiling. This is the so-called master of the card. Desires should be placed around it. As close as possible to the photo, you need to attach the most popular goals. A little further - those who are still waiting.

When will visualization of desires be effective? How to make a board so that it brings results? It must be remembered that this is not just an object or wall decoration. A wish board is a plan of action for which you need to make an effort. That is why, if possible, you need to process the photos so that in the center of each desired picture is the owner of the target: a person on the seashore, in a beautiful new house or at work as a boss.

What should be remembered?

When will the visualization of the fulfillment of desires be effective? First of all, when a person thinks about it in a positive way. In the same mood, you need to create a board. However, there are a few more important points:

  1. It is better to do it with the growing moon. So everything that is connected with a person will grow and develop.
  2. The time of the full moon is also effective: all energy is enhanced at times.
  3. It is very good if the board will be made on the first day of the new year or on the birthday of its owner.
  4. The weather is important: it is better if the bright sun shines. Then the process of achieving the goal will be bright and not overshadowed by anything.

Feng Shui help

There is also a visualization of desires in Feng Shui. Here, too, the creation of a wish board is recommended. However, slightly different rules for posting photos will be important here. Both in life and on the board (according to the Feng Shui theory), each place has its own energy and is responsible for a certain area of ​​human life.

  1. The center is an area of ​​the earth. Responsible for human welfare.
  2. North is the area of ​​water. This is a career.
  3. The south is the area of ​​fire. This is fame, success, universal attention.
  4. The West is the area of ​​small metal. Responsible for children and creativity.
  5. The east is the area of ​​the big tree. Everything related to health should be placed here.
  6. The northwest is an area of ​​large metal. These are various helpers.
  7. The southwest is an area of ​​the mainland. She is responsible for the well-being of the family, relationships in marriage.
  8. The southeast is the small tree area. Responsible for wealth.
  9. The northeast is a small land. Responsible for knowledge, mental abilities, human development.

When will the visualization of desires be effective with this approach? Photos posted on the board should be as informative as possible, of good quality. You also need to place a high-quality and most beautiful picture of the owner of the board in the center. This should never be forgotten.

How to get closer to fulfilling your dreams and achieve more in life? A special technique at the intersection of psychology and magic will help you realize your most daring ideas - a wish board, how to arrange it correctly is described below.

Wish visualization board: how it works

Your thoughts can become reality: the more you think about something, the more intensively your brain works on ways to realize it. If you focus on specific positive changes in your life, you will return to them and imagine their implementation in detail, then you will involuntarily look for ways to achieve what you want and generate new ideas. This process is called visualization of desires. Unlike negative thinking, which can set you up for failure, it attracts success, prosperity, and happiness to you.

The main tool in the visualization technique is a map or board of visualization of desires. Making it is simple: you will need not so much accuracy and artistic skills as strong and sincere intentions.

How to make a wish board with your own hands

Let's take a closer look at the stages of creating a visualization board.

Preparation and necessary materials

A desire visualization board cannot be created in a hurry. Take the time to think carefully about what you want to achieve, prepare inspirational pictures, and arrange them correctly.

1. Choose important and unrealized

Make a list of your dreams and goals without thinking about how feasible they are. Then choose the most important points of it, guided by the following principles:

  • It makes no sense to add something to the map that is easily feasible. If you want to make a small purchase, like a chocolate bar, go and indulge yourself right away, rather than wasting precious space on a momentary whim.
  • What is already there is also not necessary to visualize. Example: If you're already in a harmonious relationship, don't limit yourself to adding a group photo of you and your partner happy. Think about what could make you even happier and write about your plans.
  • Even if you feel like you want the impossible, don't give up on that goal. It is difficult to imagine an insurmountable obstacle that will not allow you to go on a long-awaited trip or earn millions if you are already ready to take decisive action for this.

2. Decide on the material and collect the original images

First decide on the base:

  • Whatman paper or cardboard. A clean, dense sheet, which you will completely decorate with your own hands, will carry a special energy and “absorb” strong spiritual impulses.
  • Corkboard or magnetic board. A practical option that is easy to update as your dreams become reality.
  • Digital image. This format is convenient if you spend a lot of time at the computer or often use the phone. Create a wish card in a graphic editor or using an online service and set it as wallpaper to regularly remember your dreams.

For the first two options, you will also need:

  • your personal and family photos, photos and pictures that reflect your dreams as accurately as possible (cut out from magazines and newspapers or printed out);
  • everything for drawing and writing: colored pencils, pens, markers or felt-tip pens;
  • optionally - colored paper and separate landscape sheets (for background or mini-collages);
  • glue and scissors.

3. Time and mood matter

Do not get down to business in periods of mental decline, trouble, or when you have a lot of worries. Outsiders should not distract you or interfere with the process with comments. You have to be relaxed, free and positive, otherwise you will not be able to express your thoughts correctly, and the card simply will not work.

Feng Shui wish board - the best design option

Chinese feng shui technique is designed to harmonize the flow of energy in the surrounding space. Its methods will also be useful when creating a visualization map. When you place images in sectors that symbolically correspond to the selected areas of life, the harmony of the arrangement will enhance the attraction of the desired.

The division of space into symbolic regions and their filling are performed as follows:

  • Two methods can be used to mark sectors: divide a square or rectangular field into nine equal parts (in the form of a 3 × 3 table) or impose a Bagua grid on it, highlighting the central area and eight sectors extending from it. Choose the method that seems more attractive to you.
  • Decoration is best done during periods with the energy of new beginnings: on your birthday and the first days after it, on the growing moon, and even better - on the New Year according to the eastern calendar.
  • Each of the sectors has a specific color, number in numerology and life sphere, so it is better to work on them in a certain order. Filling one area, do not get distracted by others. Take care of the background for the images: paint over it or stick on colored paper. When using cork and magnetic boards, you can arrange pictures into small collages on separate sheets of paper - this will make it easier to set a single background for the area.
  • Write in the affirmative form, without negatives and particles "not". The selected pictures should not contain negative phenomena.
  • You can not ignore any sector, be sure to fill in all.
  • Detailed information about the placement of pictures is given in the table:
    Number Cardinal direction and sector location Sphere of life Background color Recommendations for selecting pictures and compiling descriptions
    1 North (under center) Career Blue A photo or logo of a successful firm or successful business, a leader in the workplace, a recognized professional. You can draw a “career ladder” by hand, indicating the desired positions and the dates of entry into them. How much do you want to earn, job responsibilities, type of activity, add in the form of inscriptions.
    2 Southwest (upper right corner) Love and relationships Pink Symbols of romantic relationships: kisses, hearts, flowers. Avoid photos of celebrities (they often play for the public) and unfamiliar real people if the right person is not in your life yet (do not attract the unknown - you may be disappointed in the result, and they may dream about what does not suit you). Rather, add a specific verbal description of the qualities of the desired partner and how your interaction will go.
    3 East (left of center) A family Green Joint and individual family photos taken at a joyful moment. Pictures of your ideal family. Descriptions of a calm and conflict-free life, qualities that your family lacks.
    4 Southeast (upper left corner) Wealth Violet Money (banknotes, coins, precious metals and stones) all kinds of profits - from treasures to bank deposits. Attributes of wealth - cars, luxurious buildings, prestigious accessories. You can describe dreams in words and numbers, and do not forget to indicate the timing of gaining these benefits.
    5 Center Health Orange A photo where you like yourself and are in a good mood. If you are planning to lose weight or get rid of a chronic illness, it does not hurt to edit it in Photoshop or make a collage so that the desired changes are clearly visible.
    6 Northwest (lower right corner) Helpers and travel Grey Cities and countries where you want to go, sights, hotels and hotels, planes or cruise ships. It does not hurt to add to this sector symbols related to those areas of life where you need support: photos of religious figures and religious symbols, people whose wisdom deserves your respect, and those who can provide you with patronage or other help.
    7 West (right of center) Children and creativity White If you dream of having offspring - images of happy babies or older babies. If you are already a parent - a photo of your child, complemented by wishes for good health and good mood. For creative people, inspiring examples and any images related to the sphere of self-realization are suitable.
    8 Northeast (lower left corner) Wisdom and knowledge Yellow Everything related to learning new things: textbooks, diplomas and certificates (write your name there), places where you would like to study. A popular western symbol, an academic cap, will also do. You can draw it along with the mantle on your photo.
    9 South (above center) Glory Red Diplomas, cups, other awards, individuals or their groups, known and recognized in the desired field. A more effective way is to add yourself in a photo where someone is being honored.

Of course, you can ignore some of these requirements: do not highlight the background of the sectors, arrange materials for visualization in an arbitrary order, or pay no attention to irrelevant areas of life. But do this only when you clearly understand your priorities, and in general, follow the full instructions.

Wish board: location instructions

To work properly, the visualization map should be hung where you can see it often, and not lying on the far shelf. If you do part of the work at home, or have a hobby that requires perseverance, it is good to place it above your desk to set yourself up for your chosen goals. Another good option is near the bed, so you can "program" yourself in the right way every morning.

The board should be hidden from prying eyes. If possible, remove it during the visit of guests or the arrival of relatives.

Wish visualization board: reviews

Let's take a closer look at a few reviews about the use of the wish board and analyze the events described.

1. After the movie "The Secret" I decided to test the law of attraction. He works! Everything is like on the map of desires: she got married successfully, a daughter was born, over the past three years they have bought a car and an apartment. It remains to wait for the holidays, and we will go to rest where we wanted. Anna.

Clear and achievable goals were set, reasonable deadlines were set, and everything was achieved.

2. I made a wish card and, returning from vacation, found in my room a brand new laptop of the same model that I so wanted to receive. Parents unexpectedly decided to please, although the old computer is in order, and I didn’t tell them what kind of laptop I want. Nastya.

Another example of how a thought, with its due strength, materializes and even infects others.

3. Did it and regretted the time spent. Nothing came true, no money, no new job. Apparently, it works for those who are already lucky in life. Tatiana.

Of course, you should not expect that your life will immediately change for the better as soon as you paste the last picture. But also focusing on work, leaving no room for a dream, is not the best strategy. Set realistic goals and deadlines for their implementation, think over your actions, and everything will work out.

Now that you know what a wish board is, how to properly design it and use it, you just have to keep up and wait for your dreams to come true.

Visualization is one of the most effective techniques for fulfilling desires. However, this method has special rules, the observance of which will increase its effectiveness and help you realize your cherished dream in the shortest possible time.

It is not for nothing that both psychologists and bioenergy specialists so often mention the power of thought. Constant thinking about any situation really contributes to the embodiment of this event, and precisely because the "obsessive" thought settles in our subconscious. And if you learn how to manage this process, you can get what you want as quickly as possible. This will help knowing the five basic principles of visualization.

Principle one: formulate desire correctly

Thoughts need a verbal shell. Before presenting a desire, it must be formulated, and this must be done correctly - otherwise the chances of fulfilling a dream will seriously decrease. There are three important rules regarding the formulation of desire:

  • you should not use negative particles;
  • when formulating a thought, use the present tense;
  • avoid abstract language.

A desire like “I don’t want money problems” is unlikely to be heard by the Universe: particles “no”, “no” create a corresponding impulse that reduces your chances of success. The same applies to vague wording. Remember: the more specific the picture that your imagination draws in the process of visualization, the faster you will get what you want. And how can you imagine something specific if the desire is formulated in general?

So, let's say you want to find a better paying and promising job. It is better to formulate the desire as follows: “I get a new job, and with it a high income and career prospects.”

Principle two: present the end result

The path to any goal is most often thorny and difficult, and absolutely every person comes across obstacles. But it is not necessary to visualize it: our goal is to present our dream as if it has already come true. If you want to become richer, imagine yourself with a large sum in your hands or making a long-awaited purchase. The surge of positive emotions that will happen at the same time will fulfill two good goals at once: it will set up your subconscious mind so that it directs you towards this goal, and will give you an energy impulse for action. Surely you yourself have noticed that work is much more productive if you are in a good mood?

Principle three: total immersion

When visualizing a dream, do not put yourself in the position of an outside observer: you must be a direct participant in the events presented. In other words, looking from the outside is not acceptable: you must be inside the situation, and the imagined world must surround you, like the real one. Only in this case visualization will be effective.

Try to imagine the picture of your success as detailed as possible. Visualize even the smallest details. If there are other people in the situation that you have imagined, draw in detail the elements of their clothing - up to the bracelet on the arm of some woman. The situation should look real - and then it will really come true.

Try to connect all the senses: try to imagine not only the “picture”, but even smells, taste, weather conditions. This will allow you to immerse yourself in the situation as much as possible, and visualization will be much more effective.

Principle Four: Add Dynamics

Another important point is that the more dynamic what you imagine, the better. A static picture will not evoke the same vivid emotions as the situation being played. Suppose your desire is related to love relationships. Make two visualizations: first imagine a static situation, like a photograph - you are in the arms of a loved one. Now imagine something more dynamic - for example, how the alleged soulmate confesses his love to you. Surely the latter will cause a greater emotional outburst. So, it will give a greater effect.

Principle Five: Visualize at the Right Time

Many practitioners claim that the most productive time for visualization is the moment before going to bed and after waking up. Before falling asleep and in the process of transition from sleep to alertness, the line between consciousness and subconsciousness becomes thinner, so it is easiest to “program” yourself to get what you want at this time. In addition, at night you will provide yourself with wonderful dreams, and starting with visualization in the morning, give yourself a charge of beneficial positive energy for the whole day.

Once rendered visualization will not give any effect. For a wish to come true, it is necessary to visualize systematically, approaching the goal over and over again. For some, the desire is fulfilled already 21 days after the start of the cycle of such exercises - that is how long it takes to develop a habit or set your body on a wave of changes. We wish you the realization of all hopes, and do not forget to press the buttons and