Armed forces: states, foreign, United Nations organizations. General characteristics of the armed forces of the USA and Germany Armament of the armies of the main foreign states

Population 6,200 thousand people. Military budget $7 billion (2000). Regular aircraft 172,500 people. Reserve 425,000 people, including SV - 400,000, Air Force - 20,000, Navy - 5,000. Paramilitary forces 8,050 people, including border guard - 8,000, military personnel - 50. Recruitment: on call. Duration of service: conscripts - 36 (men) and 21 (women) months. Mobile resources 1.5 million people, including 1.2 million fit for military service.

SV: 130,000 people, 3 territorial commands, border protection command, 3 corps headquarters, 3 armored divisions, 3 infantry divisions for state border protection, 2 division headquarters, 4 motorized infantry brigades, 3 self-propelled artillery divisions. Reserve: 8 armored and airmobile divisions, 10 infantry brigades. Armament: more than 20 OTR launchers, 3,900 tanks (1,200 Merkava, 900 M60A1/3, 800 Centurion, 300 M48A5, 200 T-55, 100 T-62, 400 Maga-7), approx. 5,500 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers, 400 infantry fighting vehicles, 520 towed artillery guns of 105, 122, 130 and 155 mm calibers, 1,030 self-propelled guns of 105, 155, 175 and 203 mm calibers, more than 396 MLRS, over 6,470 mortars (5,000 - 60 caliber mm, 700-81 mm, 530 - 120 mm, 240 - 160 mm), up to 1,000 ATGM launchers, 850 ZA guns and more than 1,250 MANPADS, 48 Chaparral air defense systems.

Air Force: 36,000 people (20,000 average soldiers, mainly in air defense), 444 b. With. (250 in res.), 137 b. V. Tactical units and units: 13 IBAE and IAE Air Defense, Ttakr, 28 Zrbat. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 98 F-15 (A, B, C, D and I), 237 F-16 (A, B, C and D), 70 F-4E, 10 RF-4E, 20 Kfir-S7 "(120 in res.), 6 Kfir S-2, 50 A-4N (another 130 in res.), 14 Boeing 707, 5 KS-130N, 12 S-47, 24 S-1 ZON, 3 1A1 -200, 6 RC-12D, 15 Do-28,6 King Air-2000, 3 1A1-1124 Sisken, 20 Cessna U-206, 2 Icelander, 12 Queen Air-80, 80 SM -170, 30 Super Cub, 36 AH-1F, 30 Hughes 500MD, 41 AN-64A, NN-65A, 8 AS-565, 40 CH-53D, 10 UH-60, 15 S-70A, 54 Bell 212, 39 Bell 206. UAVs: “Scout”, “Pioneer”, “Sbger”, “Firebee”, “Samson”, “Deline”, “Hunter Silva Arrow”. SAM: "Hawk", "Patriot", "Chaparral".

Navy: about 6,500 people (including 300 commandos and 2,500 medium forces), 3 submarines "Dolphin", 3 KORV "Saar-5", 11 RKA (7 "Saar-4.5" and 4 "Saar-4"), 31 PKA (including 13 “Super Dvora”, 15 “Dabur”, 3 “Coastguard”).


Population 1,016,242 thousand people. Military budget $15.9 billion (2000). Regular aircraft 1,303,000 people. Reserve 535,000 people, including ground forces - 300,000, air force - 140,000, navy - 55,000, territorial troops - 40,000. Paramilitary forces 1,066,000 people, including national security forces -7 400, Special Paramilitary Force - 3,000, Special Border Force - 9,000, Rashtriya Rifles - 36,000, Combat Security Force - 31,000, Indo-Tibetan Border Police - 30,000, Assam Rifles - 52,000, Railway Security Force - 70,000, Central Industrial Security Forces - 88,600, Central Res. Police. - 160,000, border security forces - 174,000, security forces - about 5,000, armed provincial police forces - 400,000. Recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Mobile resources 269.3 million people, including 158.1 million fit for military service.

SV: 1,100 thousand people, 5 military districts, 4 field armies, 12 army corps, 35 divisions (3 armored, 4 quick reaction, 18 infantry, 9 mountain infantry, artillery), missile regiment, 15 separate (7 armored, 5 infantry, 2 mountain infantry, airborne), 4 anti-aircraft artillery, 3 engineering brigades, missile regiment. Territorial Army: 25 infantry battalions, 29 separate units. Armament: 3-5 OTR "Prithvi" launchers, 3414 tanks (700 T-55, 1500 T-72, 1,200 "Vijayanta", 14 "Arjun"), 90 light tanks PT-76, 1,350 infantry fighting vehicles, 100 BRDM- 2,157 armored personnel carriers, 4,175 towed guns, 180 self-propelled guns, 150 MLRS, more than 1,200 mortars, 4,024 anti-aircraft guns, about 1,725 ​​air defense systems, 160 AA helicopters.

Air Force: 150,000 people, 772 b. p., 32 b. V. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 73 MiG-29,10 Su-ZOMK, 79 MiG-23 (BN, MF and UM), 147 MiG-27,317 MiG-21 (BIS, MF, PFMA, FL and U), 94 Jaguar , 8 MiG-25 (R and U), 35 Mirage-2000 (N and TN), 12 Canberra (B58, PR-57 and PR-67), 2 Boeing 707, 4 Boeing 737, 4 HS- 748, 105 An-32, 43 Do-228, 25 Il-76, 120 Kiran-1, 56 Kiran-2, 38 Hunter (F-56, T-66), 34 Mi-25 and Mi-35.80 Mi-8.37 Mi-17, 10 Mi-26, 20 Chitak, 2 Mi-24, more than 280 missiles.

Navy: 53,000 people (including 1,200 in MP, about 2,000 women). Operational commands: Western, Eastern, Southern, Far Eastern. FLEET: 18 submarines (4 Project 209/1500, 10 Project 877EM, 4 Project 641), 1 AVL "Hermes", 8 EM URO (3 "Delhi", 5 Project 61ME), 1 FR URO "Brahmaputra" , 7 FR (4 Linder, 3 project 159A), 23 KORV (2 project 1234E, 2 project 25A, 4 Khukri, 4 project 1241.2, 11 project 1241RE), 3 RKA project 205, 7 PC "Sukaniya", 8 PKA, 10 DK (2 TDK "Magar", 8 project 773), 10 DKA, 18 MTK (12 project 266M, 6 project 1258), 1 OIS, 12 GISU, 2 UK ( including "Linder"), 2 training sailing ships, 36 APU (including 1 PBPL, 3 TNZ, 8 TN), 2 BUK. AVIATION: 5,000 people. Squadrons: aircraft - 8 (2 ishae, 2 pae, 1 time, 1 tae, 2 utae); helicopters - 9 (6 ae PLV, 1 ae PSP, 2 utae). Aircraft - 90 (19 Sea Harrier FRS.51, Harrier T60/T.4.16 Tu-142.31 Do-228.5 Il-38.11 Defender, 8 Jaguar), helicopters - 84 (29 Sea King Mk42A/B/C, 5 Ka-28, 17 Ka-25, 4 Ka-31, 31 Chitak, 4 Hughes 300). BOHR: about 5,000 people, 12 PCs (3 Samar, 9 Vikram), 21 PKA, 16 boats. Aircraft - 17 Do-228, helicopters - 15 Chitak.

see additionally:


Population 206,213 thousand people. Military budget $2.271 billion (2000). Regular aircraft 297,000 people. Reserve 400,000 people. Paramilitary forces 207,000 people, including police - 195,000, marine police - 12,000 (46 PKA), customs. Recruiting: on call. Service life 24 months. Mobile resources 61.1 million people, including 35.8 million fit for military service.

SV: 230,000 people, 2 infantry division headquarters, 3 infantry and 3 airborne brigades, 2 PA regiments, anti-aircraft artillery regiment, 87 separate battalions (2 tank, 67 infantry, 8 armored cavalry, 10 engineering), 11 PA divisions, 10 anti-aircraft divisions, mixed air force, helicopter squadron, 5 special forces groups. Armament: 355 light tanks (AMX-13, PT-76, Scorpion, 70 of them have a 90 mm gun), 143 armored personnel carriers, 461 armored personnel carriers, 285 towed guns, 875 mortars of 81 and 120 mm calibers, 415 anti-aircraft artillery mounts , 51 Rapira missile launchers, 42 RBS-70 MANPADS, 10 aircraft and 90 AA helicopters.

Air Force: 27,000 people, 1,081 b. s., b. V. No. Tactical units: 5 ibae, air defense iae, rae, bpae, 4 tae, 3 utae, 3 vae. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 20 A-4, 10 F-l 6A and B, 14 Hawk Mk53, 39 Hawk Mkl09 and Mk209, 12 F-5E and F, 12 OV-10F, Boeing 707, 3 Boeing 737-200 , 19 S-130 (V, N and N-30), 2 KS-130V, 4 Cessna 207, 5 Cessna 401.2 S-402.6 F.27-400.3 F.28-1000 and 3000 , 10 NC-212, 23 CN-235, 39 AS 202, 2 Cessna 172, 22 T-34S, 6 T-41D, 10 S-58T, 10 Hughes 500, 11 NAS-330, 4 NBO-105CD, 2 Bell 204.

Navy: 40,000 people (including 13,000 in MP, 1,000 in aviation). FLEET (Western and Eastern operational fleets, KMP): 2 submarines pr.209/1300, 10 FR URO (3 “Fatahilla”, 6 “Van Spyck”, 1 “Hajar Devantara”), 7 FR (4 “Claude Jones”, 3 “Tribal”), 16 KORV pr.1331M, 4 RKA “Dagger”, 4 TKA “Lurssen”, 16 PKA, 30 DK, including 14 TDK (7 LST-512, 6 “Takoma”, “Teluk” Amboyna") and 12 SDK pr. 108, 54 DKA, 13 MTK (2 "Tripartit", 2 pr.254, 9 "Condor-2"), 1 ShK, 9 GISU, PM, 1 TNZ, 2 TN, 3 TR , 1 sailing training ship, 2 BUK. AVIATION: aircraft - 60 (11 CN-235.35 Nomad, 5 Boeing 737.9 F-5E); helicopters - 16 (12 NBO-105C, 1 NAS-332F, 3 Wasp HAS.1). MP: 2 pbr (6 pb), 1 special forces battalion, 1 ap (PA, air defense). Armament - 100 PT-76 tanks, 14 BRDM, 10 AMX-10 RAS 90 infantry fighting vehicles, 84 armored personnel carriers (24 AMX-10R, 60 BTR-50P), 48 SG (20 105-mm LG-1 Mk.2, 28 122- mm M-38), 15 140-mm MLRS BM-14.


Population 5,173 thousand people. Military budget $488 million (1999). Regular aircraft 103,880 people. Reserve 35,000 people, including ground forces - 30,000. Paramilitary forces (civil defense forces) 10,000 people, recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Mobile resources 1.1 million people, including 793 thousand fit for military service.

SV: 90,000 people, 4 divisions (2 armored, 2 motorized infantry), 3 separate brigades (royal guard, special forces, PA). Southern Military District: 4 battalions (reconnaissance and 3 infantry). Armament: 1,246 tanks (M-48,354 M-60,270 "Chieftain", 280 "Centurion", 19 "Scorpion"), 32 BMP-2, 1,450 armored personnel carriers, 210 towed guns of 105, 155 and 203 mm calibers, 412 SG, 800 mortars (81, 107 and 120 mm), 640 ATGM launchers, 4,800 106-mm recoilless rifles, 416 ZA guns, 250 Red Eye MANPADS, 50 Osa air defense systems, 50 Strela-10 air defense systems, 540 MANPADS .

Air Force: 13,500 people, 93 b. p., 16 b. V. Tactical units: 3 IBAE, 3 IAE Air Defense, 2 TAE, 3 VAE, 4 UTAE, 14 Zrbat. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 50 F-5E and F, 16 F-16A and B, 16 F-16A and B, 27 Mirage-F.lCj, Ej, Bj and B, 8 C-130B and N, 4 C -212A, 2 Gulfstream-3, 16 Bulldog, 15 S-101, 12 RA-28-161, 6 RA-34-200 1 L-1011, 24 AN-IS, 9 AS-332M, 3 VO -105, 8 Hughes 500D, 8 UH-60, 3 S-70, SA-319. 80 PU SAM "Advanced Hawk".

Navy: 480 people, 10 PKA.


Population 22,300 thousand people. Military budget $1.4 billion (1999). Regular aircraft 429,000 people. Reserve 650,000 people. Paramilitary forces up to 50,000 people, including security units - 15,000, border troops - 20,000, Saddam's fedayeen (volunteer armed formation) - up to 15,000. Recruitment: by conscription. Service life 18 - 24 months. Mobile resources 5.5 million people, including 3 million fit for military service.

SV: 375,000 people, 7 corps headquarters, 23 divisions (3 armored, 3 mechanized, 11 infantry, 6 Republican Guard), 13 separate brigades (4 Republican Guard, 2 Special Forces, 7 commandos). Armament: up to 6 OTR launchers, about 2,200 tanks (T-55, T-59, T-62, 790 T-72), up to 1,000 infantry fighting vehicles, 2,400 armored personnel carriers, about 500 guns, up to 500 AA helicopters (120 combat), 500 MLRS, 150 SG.

Air Force: 52,000 people (including 17,000 in air defense). Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 20 MiG-25, MiG-29, MiG-23 and MiG-27, Su-22, Mirage-Fl, 5 An-12, Il-76, RS-7, RS-9, Mi -24, Mi-8, Mi-17, Mi-6, SA-32, SA-330, SA-342L, Alouette-3.

Navy: about 2,000 people, 1 RKA pr.205.


Population 72,664 thousand people. Military budget $5.7 billion (1999). Regular aircraft 513,000 people. Reserve (SV) 350,000 people. Paramilitary forces (gendarmerie) 40,000 people. Recruiting: on call. Service life 21 months. Mobile resources 17.2 million people, including 10.2 million fit for military service.

SV Army: more than 325,000 people, 4 corps headquarters, 12 divisions (6 infantry, 4 armored, special forces, commandos), several brigades (including: air, airborne, tank, infantry, commandos), 5 artillery groups. Armament: 40 TR launchers, 1,325 tanks (M47, M48, M60A1, Chieftain, T-55, T-59, T-62, T-72, Scorpion), 440 BMP-1/-2, 550 Armored personnel carriers, 35 infantry fighting vehicles, 1,550 towed guns (calibers 105, 122, 130, 152, 155 and 203.2 mm), 290 SG (122, 155, 170, 175 and 203.2 mm), 764 MLRS, about 6,500 mortars, over 800 anti-tank and 1,700 anti-aircraft weapons, including about 400 MANPADS, more than 633 helicopters (including 100 combat AN-1J) and 77 aircraft.

Ground forces of the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps: about 100,000 people, 17 - 20 divisions (including 10 infantry, 2 armored and 5 mechanized), 15 - 20 separate brigades (4 artillery, missile, anti-aircraft missile, parachute, special forces, communications, engineering, chemical defense, infantry, armored, border and indoctrination units). Armament: about 470 tanks, 366 PA guns and 40 MLRS, 140 anti-aircraft weapons, 620 infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers.

Air Force: 45,000 people (including 15,000 in air defense), 307 b. s., b. V. No. Tactical units: 9 ibae, 7 itae, rae, 6 tae 17 zrdn. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 60 F-4 (D and E), 60 F-5 (E and F), 30 Su-24, 60 F-14, 32 F-7, 35 MiG-29, 8 RF-4E, 5 P-3F, RC-130, 15 Boeing 707, Boeing 737, 9 Boeing 747F, 23 C-130 (E, N, MR), 15 F.27, 4 Falcon-20, 10 RS-6B, 26 Beach-R-ZZA, 10 EMB-312, 45 RS-7, 7 T-33, 20 F-5B, 8 TV-21, 4 TV-200, 2 AB-206A, 39 Bell 214S, 5 CH-47. 150 Hawk launchers, 30 Rapier, 15 Tigercat, 45 HQ-2J.

Navy: 43,000 people (including 25,000 in the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy). FLEET: 3 submarines pr.877EKM, 3 SMPL, 3 FR URO "Alvand", 2 KORV "Bayandor", 20 RKA (10 "Combatant-3", 10 "Hudong"), more than 40 PKA, 13 DK (including part 6 TDK), 6 KVP, 3 MTK, 38 APU (including 3 TN, 7 TR). AVIATION: About 2,000 people, 22 aircraft (6 P-3F, 5 Do-228, 5 F-27, 4 F-4); helicopters - 15 (6 AB-212, 6 ASH-3D, 3 RH-53D). MP: more than 2,600 people, 3 brigades. Rocket Forces: 4 brigades, more than ZOO PKRS-201 and S-801.


Population 3,723 thousand people. Military budget $725 million (2000). Regular aircraft 11,460 people. Reserve 14,800 people, including SV - 14,500 (1st stage - 500, 2nd - 14,000), Navy - 300. Recruitment: on a voluntary basis. Service life 36 months. Mobile resources 974.2 thousand people, including 790.2 thousand fit for military service

SV: 9,300 people, 3 infantry brigades (each with 3 infantry battalions, an artillery regiment, a reconnaissance battalion and a sapper company), an anti-aircraft artillery regiment, a company of rangers, a light tank battalion. Reserve: 4 army groups, 18 infantry battalions, 6 artillery regiments, 3 reconnaissance battalions, 3 engineering battalions, 3 anti-aircraft batteries. Armament: 14 Scorpion light tanks, 47 armored personnel carriers, 54 armored personnel carriers, 66 PA guns, 468 mortars, 21 Milan ATGM launchers, 26 ZAU, 7 RBS-70 MANPADS.

Air Force: 1,060 people, 7 b. s., b. V. No. Tactical units: 3 air units (2 combat training and communications), 4 air units. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 7 SF-260WE, 2 CN-235MP, 6 Cessna FR-172 modifications H and K, 8 SA-316B, 5 SA-365F1, 2 SA-342L.

Navy: 1,100 people, 7 PKA, 2 CN-235 aircraft, 5 SA-365F helicopters.


Population 283 thousand people. Military budget $19 million (2000). There are no regular aircraft. Paramilitary formations (POHR) 120 people. Mobile resources 71 thousand people, including 62.6 thousand fit for military service.

BOHR: 120 people, 3 PCs, 3 PKA, F-27 aircraft, 3 helicopters (SA-365N, SA-332, AS-350B).


Population 39,237 thousand people. Military budget $7 billion (2000). Regular aircraft 166,050 people. Reserve 447,900 people, including SV - 436,000, Air Force - 8,000, Navy - 3,900. Paramilitary forces 75,760 people, including Civil Guard - 75,000, maritime surveillance forces - 760. Recruitment: on call. Service life 9 months. Mobile resources 10.4 million people, including 8.3 million fit for military service.

SV: 100,000 people, 8 regional operational commands, mechanized division, 9 combined arms brigades (2 armored cavalry, 3 light infantry, mountain infantry, airmobile, airborne, Spanish Legion brigade), 2 regiments of the Spanish Legion, 3 garrisons on the islands, artillery brigade, engineer brigade, AA brigade, 2 coastal artillery regiments, 3 special operations battalions, 6 anti-aircraft artillery regiments. Armament: 665 tanks (of which 108 Leopard-2 A4), 340 armored personnel carriers, 14 infantry fighting vehicles, 1,624 armored personnel carriers, 457 towed artillery guns and 202 self-propelled artillery, 14 MLRS, 409 120 mm mortars, 1,314 82 mm mortars , 442 Milan ATGM launchers, 28 KHOT, 200 TOU, more than 638 ZA guns, 24 Advanced Hawk missile launchers, 18 Roland, 13 Skygard Aspide, 108 Mistral MANPADS, 174 helicopters (of which 28 drums), 2 AN/TPQ-36 radars.

Air Force: 29,100 people (including 11,000 middle words), 211 b. s., b. V. No. Tactical units: 7 IBAE, 5 IAE Air Defense, RAZ, BPAE, Yutae, 6 AE support, 10 UTAE, VAE PSP. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 90 EF-18A and B, 35 F-5B, 66 Mirage-F.l (modifications CF, BE and EE), 14 RF-4C, 7 R-ZA and B, 4 Boeing 707, 7 C -130N, 5 KS-130N, 78 S-212, 2 Cessna 560, 74 S-101.15 CL-215, 5 Falcon-20S, Falcon-50, 2 Falcon-900, 3 F.27.37 E-26.20 CN-235.5 E-20.25 E-24.5 SA-330, 16 AS-332, 13 Hughes 300, 8 S-76C.

Navy: 36,950 people (including 10,700 middle class, 830 women) and 7,900 civilians. ate; fleet, 4 VSW. FLEET: flotillas: escort (3 squadrons), submarine and mine-sweeping forces; groups: aviation and amphibious forces; 8 submarines (4 "Agosta", 4 "Daphne"), 1 AVL "Prince of Asturias", 17 FR URO (6 "Santa Maria", 5 "Ba-leares", 6 "Descubierta"), 6 PCs (4 " Serviola", "Chilro", "Alboran"), 26 PKA (including 10 "Anaga", 6 "Barcelo"), 11 MTK (1 "Egressive", 6 "Adjutant", 4 "Segura"), 4 recreation centers (1 DVKD "Galicia", 2 TDK "Newport", 1 DVTR "Pole River"), 12 DKA, 1 RZK, 1 OIS, 6 GISU, 2 TNZ, 3 TN, 3 TR, 1 SS, 3 diving vessels , 4 training sailing ships, 5 BUK. AVIATION: 700 people. Aircraft - 17 EAV-8B/8B+ (shae), 3 “Station-2” (nuclear power plant); helicopters: 11 SH-3D/G/H (ae PLV), 6 SH-60B (ae PLV), 10 AV-212 and 4 AV-204 (ae PSP), 10 Hughes 500 (utae). MARINE CORPS: 6,900 people. Brigade (3,000 people, 2 infantry battalions, 1 support battalion, 3 PA batteries), 5 garrison groups. Armament: 33 tanks (16 M60AZ, 17 Scorpion), 51 armored personnel carriers (16 LVTP-7, 35 BLR), 12 BG M-56, 6 SG M-109A, 54 106-mm recoilless rifles, 30 ATGM launchers (12 TOU, 18 "Dragon"), 12 launchers for missile defense "Mistral".


Population 57,930 thousand people. Military budget $16 billion (2000). Regular aircraft 250,600 people. Reserve 65,200 people, including SV - 11,900, Air Force - 30,300, Navy - 23,000. Paramilitary forces 252,500 people, including Carabinieri troops - 110,000, Ministry of Internal Affairs - 79,000 , financial guard - 63,500. Recruitment: by conscription. Service life 10 months. Mobile resources 14.1 million people, including 12.2 million fit for military service.

SV: 153,000 people Operational command headquarters, 3 headquarters of military districts, RRF (mechanized, air assault and airborne brigades, amphibious and engineer regiments, AA regiment), Alpine troops (3 Alpine brigades, engineer regiment, AA regiment, Alpine parachute battalion) , 2 commands of defensive forces (2 tank, 4 mechanized and armored cavalry brigades, 2 engineer regiments, AA regiment), command of operational forces support (anti-aircraft artillery division: 3 regiments of the Hawk missile defense system, 2 anti-aircraft artillery regiments; artillery brigade: heavy artillery regiment , 3 artillery regiments, ZOMP regiment; AA division: 2 regiments and 2 AA battalions). Armament: 1,398 tanks (of which 868 are Leopard-1), 2,647 armored personnel carriers, 895 PA guns (including 231 self-propelled guns of 155 and 203 mm calibers), 22 MLRS MLRS, about 2,045 mortars, 434 80- mm recoilless rifles, 60 Hawk missile launchers, 112 Stinger MANPADS, 361 helicopters (of which 45 are A-129 attack guns), 432 TOU-2V ATGM launchers, 752 Milan ATGM launchers, 12 aircraft.

Air Force: 59,600 people (including 17,800 average units), 336 b. s., b. V. No. Tactical units: 8 IBAE, 5 IAE Air Defense, 2 AE BPA, AE EW, AE Aircraft Laboratory, 3 Tae, 3 Nuclear Power Plant, Utae Airborne PSP, 20 Zrdn. Airplane and helicopter fleet: 116 “Tornado-IDS, -ADV, -ESK”, 65 R-YU4A8A (35 more in the future), 6TR-104O (12 more in the future), 104 AMX, 73 MV-339.14 MB-339CD, 14 Atlantic (4 more in rez.), 4 Boeing 707-320, 15 C-130N, 39 G-222, 2 DC9-32, 2 Gulfstream-3, 3 Falcon-50 , 7 P-166, 5 P-180, 7 PD-808, 26 SF-260M, 29 SIAI-208, 21 HH-3F, 1 SH-3D, 27 AB-212, 51 NH-500D. Air defense 6 air defense systems "Nike-Hercules", 14 air defense systems "Spada".

Navy: 38,000 people (including 11,000 average units); Fleet, 5 territorial commands, MTR. FLEET: 3 squadrons, a flotilla of corvettes, commands of submarine and mine-sweeping forces, aviation. 8 submarines (4 “Sauro”, 4 “Improved Sauro”), 1 AVL “Garibaldi”, 1 CR “V. Veneto", 4 EM URO (2 "De la Penne", 2 "Audace"), 16 FR URO (8 "Maestrale", 4 "Lupo", 4 "Artillere"), 8 KORV "Minerva", 8 PK ( 2 “Bambu”, 4 “Cassiopeia”, 2 “Egressive”), 3 PKA “Esploratore”, 3 DVKD “San Giorgio”, 26 DKA, 1 ShK MTS, 12 MTK (4 “Leri-chi”, 8 “Gaeta” "), 45 Armed Forces (including 8 TR, 3 TNZ, 14 TN, 5 OS, 3 OIS, 2 SS, 3 PM, 2 diving vessels), 5 training ships (including 2 sailing vessels), 51 BUK (including 43 raid ones). MTR: groups: special purpose (3), combat swimmers (1). AVIATION: 2,500 people. Squadrons: aircraft - 1 squadron; helicopters - 5 ae PLV, 1 ae TDV. Aircraft -18 (16 AV-8B, 2 TAV-8B); helicopters - 81 (26 SH-3D/H, 51 AB-212,4 EH-101). MP: 1,000 people, weapons - 30 VCC-1 armored personnel carriers, 10 LVTP-7 armored personnel carriers, 16 81-mm mortars, 8 106-mm BZO, 6 Milan ATGM launchers.


Population 17,766 thousand people. Military budget $374 million (1999). Regular aircraft 66,300 people. Reserve (SV) 40,000 people. Paramilitary forces - 70,000 people, including the forces of the Ministry of National Security - 50,000, armed groups of tribes - 20,000. Recruitment: by conscription. Service life 36 months. Mobile resources 3.8 million people, including 2.1 million fit for military service.

SV: 61,000 people, 45 brigades (9 armored, special forces, 18 infantry, 7 mechanized, 3 missile, 2 airborne and 5 artillery), security forces, 3 anti-aircraft and 4 anti-aircraft missile divisions. Armament: 18 OTR launchers, 12 TR launchers, 990 tanks (T-34, T-55, T-62, M60), 200 armored personnel carriers, 200 infantry fighting vehicles, 440 armored personnel carriers, 412 towed guns, 36 100-mm coastal artillery guns, 185 MLRS, more than 71 ATGM launchers, 370 launchers of 20.23, 37, 57 and 85 mm calibers, 30 SU-100 self-propelled guns, 600 mortars.

Air Force: 3,500 people, 49 b. With. (another 40 in res.), 8 b. V. Aircraft and helicopter fleet: 12 F-5 E and B, 16 Su-20, 15 MiG-21, 5 MiG-29, 2 An-12, 4 An-26, 3 S-130N, 4 Il-14, 3 Il -76, 14 Yak-11, 2 AV-212, AV-47, AV-214, 14 Mi-8, 8 Mi-35.

Navy: 1,800 people (including 500 in MP), 5 RKA (3 Haunfen, 2 Project 1241), 3 large (Broadsward) and 5 small (Project 1400) PKA, 1 TDK Project 775, 2 MDK pr. I 76, 6 MTK (1 pr. 266ME, 5 pr. 1258), 2 TN, 2 TR.

ORGANIZATION, ARMAMENT, TACTICS OF ACTIONS OF THE ARMIES OF THE MAIN FOREIGN STATES AND IRREGULAR ARMED FORMATIONS (IRWF) Topic No. 1. Lesson No. 1. STRUCTURE OF THE ARMIES OF THE MAIN FOREIGN STATES, ORGANIZATION AND ARMAMENT OF UNITS DIVISIONS Learning objectives: 1. To familiarize students with the structure of the armed forces of the United States and Germany and classification of weapons and military equipment (WME). 2. Study the organization and armament of US and German Army units at the battalion-squad level (tank crew). 3. Study the characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment of units of the armies of foreign states.

Literature used: Training of reserve officers of the Ground Forces: textbook / A. I. Kirilov, V. P. Kuznetsov, V. I. Agafonov, etc.; edited by Yu. A. Naumenko. – M.: Voenizdat, 1989. – 448 p. Armed forces of the main capitalist states / S. I. Anzhersky, S. I. Semenov and others / Ed. S. I. Besrkutova. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988. – 319 p. Motorized rifle (tank) battalion in battle: training manual / D. A. Dragunsky, Yu. I. Pivovar, S. I. Tkach and others; Ed. D. A. Dragunsky. – M.: Voenizdat, 1986. – 304 p. Combined arms training: textbook / A. A. Korenev, A. I. Kuznetsov, V. N. Razikov, etc. - Chelyabinsk: Publishing House ChVVAKIU, 2002. Armed forces of the main capitalist states / S. I. Anzhersky, S. I. Semenov and others / Ed. S. I. Besrkutova. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988.

1. STRUCTURE OF THE US Armed Forces, ORGANIZATION AND ARMAMENT OF UNITS The main tactical formation of the ground forces (ground forces) are divisions of the following types: light infantry (lpd), infantry (pd), motorized (mtd), mechanized (md), armored (brtd), air - airborne (airborne), air assault (vshd). Each division includes two main components: the divisional basis - consists of units and subunits permanently assigned to the division staff; combat battalions - the number may vary depending on the type of division.

US Motorized Infantry Company US Motorized Infantry Platoon Fig. 2. Combat composition of a US Army motorized infantry company: Fig. 3. Combat composition of a US Army motorized infantry platoon:

Motorized infantry squad on the Bradley infantry fighting vehicle; squad leader, armed with AB M 16 A 1; deputy squad commander - M 16 A 1; gunner-operator BMP - M 16 A 1; BMP mechanic-driver - M 16 A 1; ATGM operator - PU ATGM "Dragon" + M 16 A 1; grenade launcher - Lau grenade launcher + M 16 A 1; machine gunner - light machine gun M 249; radiotelephone operator - M 16 A 1 + VHF radio station. personnel 10 people. 5.56 mm automatic rifle M 16 A 1 6 units. 7, 62 mm machine gun M 60 1 unit. 5.56 mm light machine gun M 249 2 units. PU ATGM "Dragon" 1 unit. 66 mm grenade launcher M 72 A 2 “Lau” 3 units.

Motorized infantry squad on an M 113 A armored personnel carrier. The first group includes: a group commander (sergeant), armed with an M 16 A 1; grenade launcher (corporal) - “Colt” + grenade launcher “Lau”; two shooters - M 16 A 1; The second group includes: group commander (sergeant) - M 16 A 1; grenade launcher (corporal) - “Colt” and grenade launcher “Lau”; three shooters - M 16 A 1 personnel 5, 56 mm automatic rifle M 16 A 1 11, 13 mm pistol "Colt" 66 mm grenade launcher M 72 A 2 "Lau" 11 people. 9 units 2 units 6 units

Quantitative composition of the US motorized infantry battalion 24 headquarters company 345 motorized infantry 116 anti-tank company 65 company Total in the 898th battalion vehicles control machine gun personnel, people. Units of the battalion BMP BRM 106, 7 ATGM M-2 M-3 armored personnel carrier ATGM mine-Dra. RPG Toe Brad M 113 met con li 2 6 13 15 6 1 34 114 9 54 6 23 6 36 10 12 4 28 16 16 12 128 90 114

US tank company US tank platoon Fig. 5. Combat composition of a tank company (German army): Fig. 6. Combat composition of a tank platoon (German Army):

Quantitative composition of the US tank battalion Battalion units Personal Tank M 1 BRM M-3 BTR 106, 7 mm Vehicle composition, "Abrams" "Bradley" M 113 mortar mobiles people. control 22 2 - - headquarters company 257 - 6 11 6 85 tank company 61 14 - - - 1 Total in the battalion 523 58 6 11 6 89

2. STRUCTURE OF THE GERMAN AF, ORGANIZATION AND ARMAMENT OF UNITS Divisions are among the main tactical formations of the German ground forces. The division includes motorized infantry and tank brigades, divisional units and subunits. Brigades are the smallest tactical formations and can conduct combat operations either as part of a division or independently. The brigades include combat battalions (motorized infantry, tank, mixed), artillery and anti-aircraft units, as well as support units.

Motorized infantry company of Germany Motorized infantry platoon of Germany Fig. 8. Combat composition of a motorized infantry company (German Army): Fig. 9. Combat composition of a motorized infantry platoon (German Army):

Motorized infantry squad on the Marder infantry fighting vehicle; squad leader, armed with NK 33 E; assistant squad commander - NK 33 E; gunner-operator of the BMP gun - NK 33 E; mechanic-driver of BMP - NK 33 E; machine gunner - MG 3 machine gun; operator of PU ATGM "Milan" - pistol "Walter"; grenade launcher - grenade launcher + Walter pistol; assistant grenade launcher - NK 33 E; two shooters - NK 33 E. personnel 10 people. 5.56 mm automatic rifle NK 33 E 7 units. 7, 62 mm machine gun MG 3 1 unit. pistol R-1 "Walter" 2 units. 44 mm RPG "Panzerfaust" 1 unit. PU ATGM "Milan" 1 unit.

Motorized infantry squad on the Fuchs armored personnel carrier, squad leader (non-commissioned officer), armed with G-3; two machine gunners armed with MG 3 machine guns; eight riflemen, armed with G-3; an armored personnel carrier driver armed with a G-3. personnel 12 people. 7, 62 mm automatic rifle G-3 11 units. 7, 62 mm machine gun MG 3 2 units.

Quantitative composition of the German motorized infantry battalion PU Personal RPG BMP 1 A 3 120 mm ATGM Machine gun Auto. Unit composition, “Pance I of the battalion “Marder” mortar “Milan MG-3 mobiles people. rfaust" » Headquarters and supply company 233 1 26 11 56 supply Motorized infantry company 124 13 - 4 9 8 3 Mortar company 90 - 16 15 10 Reserve company 96 - - - Total in the battalion 915 53 10 16 78 58 78

Tank company of Germany Tank platoon of Germany Fig. 11. Combat composition of a tank company (German army): Fig. 12. Combat composition of a tank platoon (German Army):

Quantitative composition of the tank battalion of the Federal Republic of Germany Battalion units Personal RPG Tank Machine gun Vehicle composition, "Panzer "Leopard-2" MG-3 mobiles people. Faust" Headquarters and supply company 233 1 27 14 56 Tank company 60 13 1 1 3 Reserve company 60 - - 533 53 31 18 68 Total in the battalion

3. Characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment of units of the armies of foreign states Modern military equipment and weapons of the ground forces of the US and German armies are divided into the following types: small arms (SA); anti-tank weapons (PTS); field artillery and mortars (PA and M); military air defense systems (air defense); armored vehicles (BRTT), etc.

Small arms USA and Germany 9 mm Walter R 2 pistol (Germany) 11.43 mm Colt M 1911 pistol (USA) 5.56 mm automatic rifle NK 33 A 1 (Germany) 5.56 mm automatic rifle M 16 A 1 (USA )

Small arms USA and Germany 5.56 mm machine gun M 249/Minimi (USA/Belgium) 7.62 mm single machine gun M 60 (USA) 7.62 mm automatic rifle G 3 (Germany) 7.62 mm single machine gun MG 3 (Germany)

Tactical and technical characteristics of US small arms samples Main Pistol Machine gun characteristics M 1911 A 1 Colt M 60 Germany Auto. rifle M 16 A 1 Pistol R-1 Walter Machine gun MG-3 Auto. rifle HK 33 A 2 Caliber, mm 11, 13 7, 62 5, 56 9, 0 7, 62 5, 56 Rate of fire per minute 14 200 150 16 250 100 Sighting range, m 50 1100 50 1200 400 Magazine capacity, pcs. 7 100 20 8 50 20.40 1.25 13.5 3.64 0.96 12.62 4.99 Weight, kg

Anti-tank weapons of the USA and Germany 66 mm RPG M 72 A 2 "Lau" (USA) ATGM "Dragon" (USA) 44 mm RPG "Panzerfaust" (FRG) ATGM "Milan" (FRG)

Tactical and technical characteristics of US anti-tank weapons Main characteristics of RPG M 72 A 2 Germany RPG ATGM "Pance "Dragon" "Tou" "Milan" rfaust" ATGM "Hot" Caliber, mm 66 - - 44 - - Firing range, m 200 1000 3000 2000 4000 Armor penetration, mm 300 430 620 320 580 900

US and German artillery 203, 2 mm self-propelled howitzer M 110 A 2 (USA) 105 mm self-propelled howitzer M 108 (USA)

Artillery of the USA and Germany 155 mm self-propelled howitzer M 109 A 2 (USA) 155 mm howitzer FH 70 (Germany)

US and German artillery 106, 7 mm self-propelled mortar M 106 (USA) 120 mm self-propelled mortar based on the M 113 armored personnel carrier (FRG)

MLRS USA and Germany 240 mm 12-barrel MLRS MLRS (USA) 110 mm 36-barrel MLRS "Lars" (Germany)

Tactical and technical characteristics of US artillery systems, mortars and MLRS Main characteristics of Germany Samokh. MLRS howitzer mortar MLRS M 110 A 2 M 109 A 2 M 106 Tug. Samokh. MLRS howitzer mortar Lars FN 70 M 113 Caliber, mm 203, 2 155 106, 7 240 155 120 110 Combat weight, t 28, 3 28, 2 12, 3 24, 56 9, 3 11, 3 17, 5 Firing range, km 29, 1 30 5, 63 30 -40 30 6, 5 14, 7 Rate of fire, rounds/min 1 3 12 -15 - 6 15 -

Air defense systems of the USA and Germany MANPADS "Stinger" (USA) Self-propelled air defense system "Chaparell" (USA) Air defense system "Advanced Hawk" (USA)

Air defense systems of the USA and Germany ZSU "York" (USA) ZSU "Gepard" (Germany) Self-propelled air defense system "Roland-2" (Germany)

Tactical and technical characteristics of air defense systems (air defense) Main characteristics Caliber, mm Missile (projectile) mass, kg Flight speed, m/s Interception range (height), km Firing range, km Rate of fire, rds. /min USA Germany MANPADS SZRK ZSU Stinger "Chaparell" "U-Hawk" "York" "Roland-2" "Cheetah" - - - 40 - 35 10 84 625 0. 95 65 0. 55 700 850 800 - 560 - 4 , 8 / 3 5, 0 / 3 40 /18 - 6, 2 /3 - - 3, 0 - 4, 0 - - - 120 - 680

Armored vehicles of the USA and Germany Combat vehicle M 2 "Bradley" (USA) Armored personnel carrier M 113 A 1 (USA) Combat vehicle 1 A 3 "Marder" (Germany) Armored personnel carrier 1 A 8 "Fuchs" (Germany)

Tactical and technical characteristics of armored vehicles Main Tank M 1 characteristics Abrams USA Germany BMP M 2 Bradley BTR M 113 A 1 Tank Leopard-2 BMP 1 A 3 BTR 1 A 8 Madrer Fuchs Combat weight, t 53, 4 22, 6 11 55, 2 30, 0 16 Crew (landing force), people. 4 3 (6) 1 (12) 4 3 (7) 2 (12) - Type ATGM Cannon caliber, mm Machine gun caliber, mm Max. speed, km/h - PU Tou - - PU Milan 105 25 - 120 20 20 2 pcs. / 7, 62 1 pc. / 12, 7 2 pcs. / 7, 62 1 pc. / 7, 62 70 66 65 72 75 90

Self-study assignment: Study: Training of reserve officers of the Ground Forces: training manual / A. I. Kirilov, V. P. Kuznetsov, V. I. Agafonov, etc.; edited by Yu. A. Naumenko. – M.: Military Publishing House, 1989. – Pp. 399 -448. Armed forces of the main capitalist states / S. I. Anzhersky, S. I. Semenov and others / Ed. S. I. Besrkutova. – M.: Voenizdat, 1988. – 319 p. Page 26 -80; 121 -140; 148187. Topic of the next lesson: Topic No. 1. Lesson No. 2 Tactics of actions of units of armies of foreign states in the main types of combat operations. Irregular armed groups

The fundamental changes in the world that took place in the 90s led to a revision by leading Western countries and the bloc NATO in general, military-strategic concepts, plans for the construction of the Armed Forces and their technical equipment. In this regard, the military-political leadership of the North Atlantic Alliance has taken a course towards reducing the size of the Armed Forces.

Simultaneously with the reduction, the issue of increasing their combat effectiveness is being resolved by improving the quality of weapons and improving the tactics of operations of units, units, formations and associations. Based on the rearmament and reorganization of the Ground Forces of NATO member countries, the methods of combat operations of formations, units and subunits are also being revised.

That is why the orders and directives of the Minister of Defense and the Commander-in-Chief of the Ground Forces of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation emphasize the need for all military personnel to deeply study the organizational structure, weapons, military equipment and combat tactics of units and units of the armies of the main NATO countries (USA, Germany, France, Great Britain , Turkey), as well as the armies of the main countries of the Asia-Pacific region (Republic of Korea, Democratic People's Republic of Korea, Japan, China).

Organization, weapons and tactics actions of infantry (motorized infantry, reconnaissance) squads, platoons, companies of the armies of the main foreign states.

In modern armed conflicts, an important role is assigned to the Ground Forces. In NATO countries, the Ground Forces are the largest branch of the Armed Forces and account for more than 50% of their total strength.

Ground forces are one of the branches of the Armed Forces NATO and are designed to conduct combat operations together with the Air Force and Navy, as well as with the troops of the alliance’s allies in the event of armed conflicts of any intensity in different parts of the world.

Currently, the most trained and equipped with modern weapons in NATO countries are the troops of the armies of the United States, Germany and Turkey.

All divisions existing in the US Ground Forces have a fundamentally identical organizational structure.

Each includes two main elements:

Divisional basis;

Combat battalions of various types ( mpb, tb, pb, pdb and etc.).

The ratio and type of combat battalions determine the type of division.

In addition, according to their purpose and combat use, US divisions are divided into "heavy"(equipped with heavy tracked armored vehicles) and "lungs"(not armed with heavy armored vehicles).

"Heavy Divisions"(md, brtd) are mainly used in the European Theater of Operations (TVD), in conditions of high and medium intensity combat operations, with well-developed infrastructure, on terrain that allows the creation of deeply echeloned mechanized (armored) groups.

"Light Divisions"(LPD, PD, MTD, VDD, VSHD). Given their high mobility, they are used for the rapid transfer and conduct of combat operations, mainly low-level activities, mainly in poorly equipped theaters of military operations and for operations in special conditions (forests, mountains, large populated areas, etc.).

Mechanized (motorized infantry) and armored (tank) divisions are the main combined arms tactical formations of the Ground Forces, conducting combat operations both as part of an army corps and independently.

They carry out tasks in all types of combat, both with and without the use of nuclear weapons.

Motorized infantry (tank) battalions are the main combined arms tactical units of mechanized (tank) divisions (brigades) of the US Army Ground Forces.

Brigade commander taking into account the available forces and funds allocated to him by the division commander, for the period of performing combat missions on the basis of motorized infantry and tank battalions, he usually creates battalion tactical groups, which, depending on the composition, can be of three types:

Motorized infantry;



The optimal combination of diverse forces and assets under unified control as part of battalion tactical groups, according to the American command, makes it possible to increase the efficiency of the use of new weapons systems and military equipment, and, therefore, to most fully implement the basic principles of the concept of “Air-ground operation (battle)” .

The mixed battalion of the "heavy" motorized infantry brigade, numbering about 749 people, has the following composition:

Battalion Headquarters and Headquarters Company;

2 motorized infantry companies;

2 tank companies;

Transport department.

The mixed battalion is armed with:

28 units M1 Abrams tanks;

About 40 M240G machine guns.

According to military experts, this organizational structure and the weapons of the mixed battalion will allow it to carry out its assigned tasks in any situation.

Lieutenant Colonel S. Pechorov, Candidate of Military Sciences

In recent years, thanks to the dynamic foreign policy of the Soviet Union and other countries of the socialist community, it has become possible to transfer from the realm of theory to the practical plane the task of creating a security system on the European continent. In accordance with the mandate of the Vienna meeting, negotiations are taking place on conventional armed forces, as well as on confidence- and security-building measures in Europe. In an effort to create favorable conditions for their conduct, the Warsaw Pact states decided to significantly reduce their armed forces unilaterally and reorganize them in accordance with the defensive nature of military doctrines. These steps are of exceptional importance for the formation of a new model of relations between the two largest military-political coalitions - the Warsaw Warfare and NATO - through the reduction of weapons on a mutual basis to the limits of reasonable sufficiency. However, as emphasized by candidate member of the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee, Minister of Defense of the USSR, General of the Army D.T. Yazov, “one cannot discount the obvious fact that at present the construction and training of the armed forces of the USA and NATO, whose leadership calls the USSR and The Warsaw Pact by its main potential adversary is still being implemented in accordance with the tenets of the doctrines of “direct confrontation” and “flexible response.” And they, as we know, are not at all harmless in nature.”

A special place and role in the ambitious plans of the United States and NATO, still aimed at achieving military superiority over the Warsaw Pact countries, is given to the southern European region, which, in accordance with NATO, is included in the South European Theater of Operations (SE Theater of Operations) of the European Theater of War.

In military-geographical terms, the South European Theater of Operations covers the territories of Italy, Greece, Turkey, as well as the waters of the Mediterranean and Marmara Seas, the Black Sea Straits zone and the southern part of the Black Sea. The area of ​​the land part of the theater of operations is over 1200 thousand km2, about 120 million people live here.

The strategic position of this theater of war provides an opportunity for NATO armed forces groups to take active offensive actions in the event of a war breaking out on the European continent, to contribute to the development of the success of the bloc's Allied Forces in the Central Theater of Operations, creating a threat to the southern flank of the Warsaw Pact troops deployed in Central Europe. The Southern European region, being a convenient springboard for striking the USSR and its allies, figured in almost all coalition war scenarios developed within NATO, and then played out in maneuvers and military exercises. In addition, from the same bridgehead, the United States and other NATO countries can threaten the states of the Near and Middle East, North and Central Africa. This threat has already been repeatedly realized during numerous cases of interference by bloc countries in the internal affairs of Arab and African states.

Currently, the second most powerful, combat-ready, high-readiness group of armed forces, based on Italian, Greek and Turkish troops, is deployed in the South European Theater of Operations. Under the guise of strengthening the southern flank of the bloc and maintaining so-called stability in the Mediterranean region, combat formations of the United States and Great Britain are constantly located within the theater of operations. The most important role in the region belongs to the US 6th Fleet, the most combat-ready operational unit of the Navy. The warships, aircraft, and marine units that are part of it are equipped with modern types of weapons and military equipment, which allows them to solve a wide range of tasks. For exercises or in the event of an escalation of the situation, military formations from other member countries of the North Atlantic Alliance are usually transferred to Italy, the Black Sea Straits and Eastern Anatolia (Turkey).

NATO armed forces in the theater of operations are deployed primarily in areas adjacent to the borders of socialist states. Their deployment for combat operations is planned in accordance with the operational plans of the bloc command.

Ground forces are the main type of armed forces in the South European theater of operations, accounting for about 75 percent. the total number of forces deployed here. At the beginning of 1989 they numbered almost 1 million people. Taking into account the reserve components - the Carabinieri troops, the National and Financial Guards (in wartime they are involved in border protection), irregular troops - the number of ground forces of NATO countries in the theater of operations as a whole exceeds 1200 thousand people. Data on the number of ground forces of NATO countries in the Southern Theater of Operations are given below.

According to foreign military press data, the grouping of ground forces in the theater includes 30 divisions and 54 separate brigades. Almost all divisions and most of the individual brigades are consolidated into army corps (Table 1). There are 17 ak in the South European theater of operations (Italian - three, Greek - four, Turkish - ten). They are different in their composition and organizational structure. Depending on their purpose, army corps in peacetime usually include from several brigades to three or four divisions, as well as artillery, reconnaissance, engineering units and subunits. Their strengthening in wartime is planned to be carried out mainly through newly formed structures. In addition, the ground forces of Greece and Turkey have army command and control units (one and four armies, respectively, uniting from two to four army corps in each). Field armies also include support, combat and logistics units.

The role and place of the region in NATO plans, that is, its significance, can be judged by the presence of a significant number of divisions and separate brigades in the theater of operations, amounting to about 45 percent. the total composition of the bloc's ground forces deployed in the European theater of war. However, in terms of mobility, firepower and striking power, only 10 percent. of the 30 divisions and just over half of the 54 separate brigades are mechanized and armored (Table 2). The majority of ground forces in the theater of operations are represented by infantry, motorized infantry and alpine formations, which (primarily in Greece and Turkey), along with modern weapons and military equipment, contain a significant number of outdated models.

Formations and units of NATO countries in the South European theater of operations are divided into those included (allocated) to the united armed forces (JAF) of the bloc and those remaining under national subordination, the JAF, in turn, into troops transferred and intended for transfer to NATO. In fact, all ground forces of the participating countries located in the theater of operations can be allocated to the bloc.

A major command has been created to lead NATO's combined armed forces in the Southern European Theater of Operations (Fig. 1, headquarters in Naples, Italy). The theater is divided into two parts by the seas of the Mediterranean basin: southern and southeastern. The first includes the territory of Italy and the western part of the Mediterranean Sea, the second - the rest of it and the sea area. Accordingly, two commands of the combined ground forces were formed in the southern (headquarters in Verona, Italy) and southeastern (headquarters in Izmir, Turkey) parts of the theater of operations.

The grouping of NATO ground forces in the southern part of the South European theater of operations includes Italian formations and units, as well as American troops located in Italy (Fig. 2).

The main task of the combined ground forces in this area is to conduct offensive and defensive operations in the northern Italian direction. Its northern border runs along the main ridge of the Eastern Alps, and its southern border runs along the northern coast of the Adriatic Sea. From the territory of Italy, through mountain passes in the Alps, this direction leads to the borders of Austria (Brenersky and Filachsky passes) and Yugoslavia (Ljubljana-Gorizia pass). The Northern Italian direction is characterized by the diversity and complexity of the relief. The Lombardy Lowland is considered the most accessible for military operations.

Combat composition and main weapons of NATO Ground Forces in the South European Theater of Operations

Combat strength and weapons

Total on theater

In the southern part of the theater of operations

In the south-eastern part of the theater of operations

Field army headquarters

Army Corps Headquarters

Separate brigades

OTR launchers

PA guns, MLRS and mortars

Anti-tank weapons

SAM launchers

Anti-aircraft artillery guns

Airplanes and helicopters of army aviation

The Italian troops allocated for transfer to the operational subordination of the command of the joint NATO ground forces in the southern part of the South European Theater of Operations include the 3rd and 5th Army and 4th Alpine Army Corps, 24 separate brigades (one parachute, four tank and four motorized infantry, five alpine and ten mechanized), four regiments of army aviation, units and units of combat and logistics support. They form the so-called field troops.

Total number of NATO Land Forces units in the Southern Theater of Operations

Separate brigades



In accordance with the reorganization of the ground forces that began in the first half of 1987, as a result of which the divisional structure was abolished, almost all brigades, battalions and other units that were previously part of the divisions were transferred as separate units to the operational subordination of the commands of the army corps. The separate brigades remained subordinate to the main headquarters of the ground forces - "Friuli" (motorized infantry) and "Folgore" (parachute, both, in addition, allocated to the Italian "rapid deployment forces"), as well as a separate mechanized brigade "Sardinian Grenadiers". In accordance with the reorganization, the structure of the reserve components of the ground forces is undergoing changes. Thus, in 1988, three new separate personnel (reserve) brigades were formed - the alpine "Piedmonte", the mechanized "Lazio" and the tank "Puglia".

The territorial defense troops, which are also taken into account when calculating the overall balance of forces in the region, but are intended mainly for conducting combat operations on their own territory, not included in the area of ​​​​responsibility of the field troops, include separate motorized infantry ("Aosta" and "Akkui") and mechanized ("Pinerolo") brigade.

All of these formations and units are equipped mainly with weapons and military equipment supplied by other states or produced in the country under license, as well as nationally developed weapons. Currently, according to the foreign press, the troops have six OTR "Lance" launchers, 1,720 tanks (500 M47, 300 M60A1, 920 "Leopard-1"), about 4.5 thousand armored personnel carriers, 1,110 field artillery guns (105 -mm and above), up to 30 MLRS and Firos MLRS (national production), 500 120 mm mortars, about 1300 ATGM launchers, 230 anti-aircraft guns (20- and 25-mm, see color insert, and 40-mm ), almost 130 Advanced Hawk missile launchers, 150 Stinger MANPADS, about 100 aircraft and 330 army aviation helicopters and other military equipment.

Along with taking measures to improve the organizational structure of formations, units and subunits, plans for the construction of the Italian ground forces provide for continuing to equip them with modern weapons. In particular, judging by the foreign press, additional deliveries of Abrams, Leopard (see color plate), M60A1 tanks, as well as other military equipment are expected: YCC-1 and -2** infantry fighting vehicles, fire support helicopters A. 129 "Mongoose", ATGM, 80-mm rocket-propelled grenade launchers of own production "Folgore" (Fig. 3), anti-aircraft missile and artillery systems "Skygard-Aspide", etc. The implementation of these measures, according to foreign military experts, will contribute to the further increase in the combat power of the Italian troops, increasing the degree of their readiness to operate in the conditions of this theater of operations.

American ground forces in the Southern Theater of Operations are represented by units and divisions of the South European tactical group (total strength of more than 5 thousand people, headquarters in Viceitsa, Italy). They are intended for combat and logistical support for a group of US ground forces, which is planned to be deployed in the South European Theater of Operations in the event of an escalation of the situation, as well as for the period of exercises. The Western press reported that the American troops in the southern part of the theater of war, and in particular the 559th Artillery Nuclear Munitions Support Group, are armed with various systems capable of hitting enemy targets and facilities with nuclear weapons. In addition, the contingent of US troops stationed in Italy includes a separate parachute battalion and a number of support units.

Possible combat use of troops in the region. It is envisaged that NATO ground forces will conduct combat operations in the southern part of the theater of operations in the form of offensive and defensive operations. The main way to defeat the opposing enemy, both offensively and defensively, is considered to be the simultaneous defeat of his group to the entire depth of the operational formation. This should be ensured by the integrated use of military branches, coordinated maneuvering actions of formations and units of the first echelon and reserves, tactical and army aviation, the widespread involvement of air and naval landings, reconnaissance and sabotage formations and the massive use of electronic warfare equipment.

The operational deployment options tested at NATO Allied Forces exercises provide for the creation in Northern Italy of a group that would be ready to conduct operations with decisive objectives. The experience of NATO military and command post exercises in the region in recent years indicates that military operations in the southern part of the theater of operations can begin with the conduct of defensive operations by joint NATO ground forces, followed by a transition to the offensive. When planning and conducting a defensive operation in this part of the theater of operations, commands and staffs will pay the main attention to the formation of a strong first operational echelon. In this case, the main efforts can be concentrated on holding the forward defensive line along the Italian-Yugoslav border. According to the leadership of the bloc, the combined NATO ground forces in the southern part of the South European Theater of Operations, during the conduct of a defensive operation on engineering-prepared lines, are capable of repelling the offensive of the enemy’s first operational echelon troops without resorting to the use of nuclear weapons. In the future, by carrying out counterattacks with operational reserves and using air and sea landings, it is planned to defeat the intervening enemy groups. At the same time, the core of the counterstrike groups, according to the experience of the exercises, may consist of American reinforcement troops and NATO mobile forces.

In addition, the first offensive operation is planned in the northern Italian direction. This seems possible, for example, if events develop favorably in the Central Theater of Operations - the main combat zone in Europe, according to the NATO command. The purpose of such an operation could be the defeat of a group of enemy troops deployed in neighboring Eastern European countries, the seizure of the territory of these states and their withdrawal from the war. In the event that the goals set by the NATO leadership cannot be achieved with the help of conventional weapons, as well as when there is a threat of defeat by the enemy of the main group of its troops or the danger of losing a significant part of the territory of Italy and other countries of the North Atlantic Alliance, the military strategy of the bloc provides for the use of nuclear weapons.

The grouping of NATO ground forces in the southeastern part of the South European theater of operations includes ground forces from Greece and Turkey allocated for transfer to NATO, as well as American and British troops stationed here.

According to foreign press reports, the main group of ground forces of the bloc in the theater of operations is deployed in the southeastern part of the theater of operations. The area of ​​responsibility of the unified command covers two areas - the Balkan Peninsula and the Asian part of Turkey (Eastern Anatolia), within which the troops will carry out independent tasks.

The main group of NATO ground forces in the Balkans is located in Northern Greece and Eastern Thrace (European part of Turkey) in close proximity to the state borders of these countries with Yugoslavia and Bulgaria. NATO military experts identify two directions of possible military operations with the ATS countries within this area: Greek and Bosphorus-Dardanelles.

The Greek direction, limited from the west by the Adriatic Sea, and from the east by the Greek-Turkish border and the Aegean Sea, will ensure the exit of the bloc’s troops through mountain passes in the Serbo-Croatian and Rila-Rhodope Mountains. The terrain within the Greek direction is mainly mountainous. Only the coastal areas of the Aegean Sea and the valleys of the Vardar, Struma and Mesta rivers are considered suitable for conducting combat operations by all types of troops.

The Bosphorus-Dardanelles direction is the most important in the southeastern part of the theater of operations, since foreign military experts believe that the outcome of not only joint offensive actions of all types of armed forces, but also operations to blockade the Black Sea Straits will depend on the course of military operations in this area. This direction is limited to the Greek-Turkish border, the western coast of Turkey and the Black Sea coast. The terrain within its boundaries allows the use of almost all types of troops.

In Eastern Anatolia, the NATO command distinguishes two directions: Kars-Erzurum and Karakos-Diyarbakir. From the Turkish side, these directions lead to the Soviet Transcaucasus. The natural conditions of both directions are characterized by complex terrain, which is a combination of mountain ranges with valleys, basins and plateaus.

The most accessible for military operations, according to the NATO command, are the Chorokh, Kelkit, Kars-Erzincan-Sivas and Karakos-Mush-Elazig passes.

The Greek ground forces, which are part of the NATO ground forces group in the south-eastern part of the South European Theater of Operations, are represented by the 1st Field Army (headquarters in Larisa) consisting of four army corps, formations, units and subunits! central subordination. In total, the group includes one armored tank, one motorized infantry and 11 infantry divisions (including one training division), four separate armored and two separate mechanized brigades, four tank battalions, 15 field artillery battalions, eight anti-aircraft artillery battalions, two "Advanced" missile defense divisions Hawk", three battalions and one independent company of Army Aviation. This should also include units and units that are part of the so-called command of the interior and islands (ASDEN), which in turn reports to the chief of the main staff of the ground forces (as an army corps). It is intended for the defense of the central part of Greece and the island zone.

According to foreign sources of information, the formations and units of the Greek ground forces are armed with weapons and military equipment mainly of American, French and West German origin. There are: about 1900 medium tanks (M26, M47, M48 of various modifications, AMX-30, Leopard-1A3), more than 200 light tanks M24 and M41AZ, 335 armored vehicles M8, M20 and M3A1, 200 infantry fighting vehicles AMX-10R, 2245 armored personnel carriers "Leonidas" (our own design), MZ, M59 and M113, about 1,400 field artillery guns, almost 1,500 mortars of various calibers, about 1,200 anti-tank artillery guns. There are SS-11, "Cobra", "Milan" ATGM launchers, 36 "Advanced Hawk" missile launchers, the same number of "Chaparral" self-propelled guns, 130 anti-aircraft artillery guns, about 100 army aircraft and helicopters and other military equipment.

In accordance with national plans for the development of ground forces, as well as the long-term NATO military program designed until the mid-90s, the command of the Greek Armed Forces intends to direct further efforts to qualitatively improve troop control through the introduction of automated systems that make it possible to combine all control elements. It is planned to increase the number of modern types of weapons and military equipment through the supply of tanks and infantry fighting vehicles from France and Germany, artillery pieces and ATGMs from the USA, army aviation helicopters from Italy, to expand the production of modern weapons of our own design, to be removed from service or modernized at enterprises of the national military industry outdated models, carry out a number of measures to increase the combat readiness of units and formations. As a result of the implementation of the planned plans, the Greek ground forces, according to foreign military experts, will have higher strike and fire power, maneuverability on the battlefield and ample capabilities to cover troops from the air and fight tanks.

Turkish ground forces allocated for transfer to the NATO ground forces group in the south-eastern part of the theater of operations include four field armies (a total of 17 divisions, including one training), 24 separate brigades (six armored, four mechanized, 11 infantry, including two training, two “commando”, one airborne), units and units of combat and logistics support of central subordination. The main groups are concentrated in Eastern Thrace (near the border with Bulgaria) and Eastern Anatolia (with the Soviet Union). In particular, formations and units of the 1st Field Army with headquarters in Istanbul are stationed in Eastern Thrace (2, 3, 5, 15 ak, a total of ten divisions, of which eight are infantry and two mechanized, as well as four separate brigades). According to NATO experts, the 1st Field Army is the most equipped and combat-ready. It is intended to conduct combat operations together with the allies (allied forces) in the Bosphorus-Dardanelles direction. On the western coast of Turkey in Narlider (near Izmir) the headquarters of the 4th (Aegean) Field Army is located, which includes one training infantry division and two separate infantry brigades.

The 3rd Field Army (headquarters in Erzincan), which includes the 8th and 9th Army Corps (a total of four infantry divisions and nine separate brigades), provides the Erzurum and Karakos-Diyarbakir directions. The 2nd Field Army (headquarters in Malatya), designed to cover the southeastern flank, includes the 6th and 7th Army Corps (a total of six separate brigades).

4 ak (headquarters in Ankara) is located in Central Anatolia. It consists of three separate brigades, combat and logistics support units and is the reserve of the ground forces command.

The 11th Army Corps has been stationed on the island since 1974. Cyprus (headquarters in Kyrenia) under the pretext of ensuring the security of the Turkish Cypriot community. It consists of two infantry divisions with a total strength of over 23 thousand people. Both army corps are supposed to be used as a reserve in the Balkans in the event of a military conflict with the Warsaw Pact countries.

According to foreign military press, formations and units of the Turkish ground forces, along with a small amount of modern weapons, are equipped with a significant number of outdated weapons and military equipment, mainly American-made. They have (including those in warehouses) over 3,700 tanks (77 Leopard-1A3, 1,615 M48A5, 1,085 M48A1, 900 M47, 100 M41), 3,750 armored personnel carriers M113, M59, M2 and M3, more than 2,000 field artillery guns ( 105 mm and above, Fig. 4), six MLRS MLRS launchers, 1800 mortars of various calibers (81-, 106.7- and 120-mm), up to 2500 recoilless rifles (75- and 106-mm), 500 ATGM launchers SS-11, Cobra, and Milan, about 1,500 anti-aircraft guns of various calibers, over 150 aircraft and almost 250 army aviation helicopters of various types, as well as other military equipment.

In accordance with national and bloc plans for the development of the armed forces, the Turkish command is making efforts to further improve the organizational structure of formations and units, equipping them with modern weapons in order to increase maneuverability, fire and strike power, as well as control and communications equipment. It is planned to supply armored vehicles from Germany (Leopard-1A3 and -1A4), the USA (M60 latest modifications, and then, possibly, M1 Abrams), and further modernization of obsolete models at our own enterprises. It is planned to organize in the country the production of a number of modern military equipment systems, including ATGMs, MANPADS, MLRS, as well as cars, engineering vehicles and communications equipment.

American ground forces in the southeastern theater of operations are represented by the 558th and 528th Artillery Nuclear Munitions Support Groups (headquarters in Elefsis, Greece, and Chakmakli, Turkey, respectively), part of the US Southern European Task Force, whose headquarters are stationed in Italy .

The British ground forces in the region are represented by two motorized infantry battalions (see color plate) and a helicopter squadron located on the island. Cyprus.

Possible combat use of troops in the region. Military operations in the southeastern part of the South European Theater of Operations are planned to be conducted in accordance with the operational-strategic concepts of “deep strikes” in the form of both offensive and defensive operations carried out under the leadership of the NATO Allied Command in the theater of military operations according to a single concept and plan. The large length and difficult physical and geographical conditions of this part of the theater of operations make it difficult for ground forces to maneuver. Their joint actions during the first operations can therefore be carried out in separate directions (Balkans, Eastern Anatolia).

The NATO command is considering the tasks and methods of combat use of the combined ground forces in the south-eastern part of the theater in the first operations in direct dependence on the possibility of timely deployment directly near the borders of the Warsaw Pact countries (USSR and Bulgaria), force groups, including the first operational echelon, which must be able not only to prevent the loss of territory, but also to create favorable conditions for conducting operations with decisive goals.

According to the experience of NATO exercises, the possible nature of military operations in the region will largely be influenced by the course of events in the Central Theater of Operations. Thus, in the event of a favorable development of the situation in Central Europe for the North Atlantic Alliance, the first offensive operation in the Balkans is envisaged. At the same time, NATO ground forces in the southeastern part of the Southern Theater of Operations can interact with the bloc’s troops advancing from Northern Italy. The goal of an offensive operation in the Balkans could be the defeat of a group deployed in socialist countries, the seizure of their territories and withdrawal from the war, creating conditions for the transfer of hostilities to the territory of the USSR. In this case, the idea of ​​the operation, according to Western military experts, will probably be to dismember the enemy troops and destroy them piece by piece with counter strikes from groups of troops from Greek and Turkish Thrace, as well as Northern Italy. At the same time, in order to save forces and resources for carrying out an offensive operation on the Balkan Peninsula, a group of NATO ground forces in Eastern Anatolia may receive the task of preparing for a defensive operation, which will consist of actions to cover mountain passes leading to the central and southeastern regions of Turkey.

The goal of an offensive operation by a group of NATO ground forces in Eastern Anatolia could be the defeat of the opposing enemy and the seizure of the territory and resources of Soviet Transcaucasia.

In a defensive operation, a group of NATO ground forces in the Balkans may be tasked with holding the Black Sea Straits zone and covering mountain passes in Northern Greece in order to prevent the enemy from breaking through into the central regions of the country.

NATO military strategists, based on the experience of the exercises of recent years, believe that the advanced groupings of the bloc's Allied Forces, including in the south-eastern part of the Southern European theater of operations, are able to repel the offensive of the enemy's first echelon troops and restore the lost position along the state border, without resorting to the use nuclear weapons and strategic reserves. The transition to the use of nuclear weapons in the south-eastern part of the theater of operations is envisaged if there is a threat of a breakthrough of the forward defensive lines, as well as the capture of the Black Sea Straits zone. Direction of operational and combat training of headquarters and troops. During numerous command-staff and military exercises in the South European Theater of Operations, conducted according to block-wide, national and joint plans of the participating countries, issues of transferring formations and units of ground forces from a peaceful situation to a military one, organizing and conducting offensive and defensive actions in various terrain conditions are worked out. and the situation (Fig. 5, 6) with the use of both nuclear and conventional weapons, improving the forms and methods of joint use of armed forces and combat arms in accordance with the concepts of "air-ground operation (battle)" and " fight against the second echelons (reserves) of the enemy. Recently, especially after the entry into force of the INF Treaty, increasing attention at block exercises in the region has been paid to the search for “compensatory options” and the solution of tasks posed during the exercises, taking into account the high-precision and long-range weapons being supplied to equip the ground forces of NATO states.

From year to year, issues related to the transfer to Northern Italy, the Black Sea Straits region and Eastern Anatolia of formations from other countries of the bloc, intended to strengthen the group of troops stationed here, in particular NATO mobile forces, and their joint actions with Italian, Greek and Turkish units and formations.

Despite the announced slight reduction in the scale of individual exercises, as well as the number of troops and assets involved in them, the intensity of operational and combat training of the combined NATO ground forces in the Southern Theater of Operations still significantly exceeds the reasonable limits of combat training activities. In fact, they represent large-scale military rehearsals, and the volume of activities carried out under their cover to deploy troops in the theater of operations allows

This lesson is theoretical and is for informational purposes only. It is advisable to conduct it using the method of story, conversation, in the base of a military unit using the existing classroom educational material base.

The teacher sets the goal of the lesson;

study the tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment of the armed forces of foreign states (USA, Germany, UK, France);

discuss the comparative characteristics of equipment and weapons of foreign countries with the characteristics of domestic models of weapons and military equipment;

to instill in students pride and confidence in the reliability of domestic weapons.

During the lesson, it is advisable to widely use the display of stands and slides. films on the topic of this lesson. Educational material must be given on record for self-study.

At the end of the lesson, it is advisable to conduct a short survey to monitor the assimilation of the educational material.

1. tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of US weapons and military equipment.


Automatic rifle М16А1

Weight, kg – 2.9

Caliber, mm – 5.56

Rate of fire, rpm – 750

Sighting range, m – 500

Meals: store-bought, patron – 20/30

Heavy machine gun M2NV

Weight, kg – 38

On the machine 58

Caliber, mm – 12.7

Rate of fire, rpm – 600

Sighting range, m – 1800 Power supply: belt, cartridge. - 100

Light machine gun M249

Weight, kg – 6.5

Caliber, mm – 5.56

Rate of fire, rpm – 1000

Sighting range, m – 1500

Food: tape, cartridge. – 200

store - 20/30

Single machine gun M60

The MAG universal machine gun was developed by the Belgian company FN in the 1950s. The barrels are quick-change, the kit includes 2 barrels. It is in service with many countries: including the USA (under the designation M240), Great Britain (L7).

Anti-tank missile system M47 "Dragon"

Weight, kg – 14

Calculation, pers. - 2

Rocket launch weight, kg – 7

Warhead mass, kg - 3.3

Warhead type - cumulative

Firing range, m – 75-1000

Armor penetration, mm – 500

Control system – semi-automatic, by wire

M2 “Bradley”

Weight 21.3 t.

Crew and troops 3+6 people.

Armament: 25 mm cannon, 7.62 mm machine gun, Tou ATGM.

Diesel engine 500 l. With.

Maximum speed 66 km/h. afloat - 7 km/h.

Mk1 Abrams

Weight 57.3 tons. Engine GTD "Lycoming". Power 750 hp. Maximum speed 72 km/h. Highway range 1500 km. Obstacles to overcome: - height of the embankment 1.2 m - depth of the water obstacle 5 m - width of the ditch 2.6 m. Armor: front of the hull / side / anti-ballistic turret. Armament 105 mm M68E1 cannon, 12.7 mm machine gun, 7.62 mm machine gun. Ammunition reserve 40 shells, 1000 rounds of caliber 12.7 and 1000 - 7.62. Crew 4 people Manufacturer Chrysler. Year of adoption: 1980.

2. tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment in Germany.


5.56 mm automatic rifle G36

Weight, kg 3.6

Caliber, mm 5.56

Rate of fire, rpm 750

Sighting range, m 600

Store food, Patr 25/30

Single 7.62 mm machine gun MG3

Weight, kg 7.8

Caliber, mm 7.62

Rate of fire, rpm 1200

Sighting range, m 1500

Feeding tape, pat. 50/250

RPG “Panzerfaust-3”


Weight: 28.2 t.

Crew and troops 3+7 people

Armament: 20 mm cannon, 2 machine guns, 7.62 mm caliber

Diesel engine, 600 l.

Maximum speed75 km/

“Leopard 1”

Weight 42.4 tons. Diesel engine MTU MV 838. Power 830 hp. Maximum speed 65 km/h. Highway range 560 km. Obstacles to be overcome: - height of the embankment - depth of the water obstacle 4 m - width of the ditch. Armor: hull front/side/turret 100/35/200. Armament: 105 mm L7A1 cannon, two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition supply 60 shells, 5500 rounds of 7.62 caliber. Crew 4 people. Manufacturer Krause-Maffei. Year of adoption 1974.

“Leopard 2”

Weight 55.2 t. Diesel engine MTU MB 873. Power 1500 hp. Maximum speed 68 km/h. Cruising range on the highway 500 km Obstacles to be overcome: - height of the embankment - depth of the water obstacle 5 m - width of the ditch. Armor: front of the hull / side / multi-layer anti-ballistic turret. Armament 120 mm Rheinmetall Rh120 cannon, two 7.62 mm machine guns. Reserve ammunition 42 shells, 10,000 rounds of 7.62 caliber Crew 4 people. Manufacturer Krause-Maffei. Year of adoption 1980.

3. tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment of France.

"AMX 10P"

Weight 13.8 t.

Crew and troops 2+9 people.

Armament: 20 mm cannon, 7.62 mm machine gun.

Diesel engine 276 l. With.

Maximum speed 65 km/h. afloat - 8 km/h

Weight 36 tons. Diesel engine HS-110. Power 720 hp. Maximum speed 65 km/h. Highway range 600 km. Armor: hull front/side/turret 70/40/150 mm. Armament: 105 mm CN-105-F1 cannon, 12.7 mm machine gun, 7.62 mm machine gun. Ammunition reserve: 47 shells, 3550 rounds of 12.7 and 1200 caliber - 7.62. Crew 4 people. Manufacturer. ARE Plant Year of adoption: 1966.


7.62 Crew 3 people. Weight 54.5 tons. Diesel engine V-8X. Power 1500 hp. Maximum speed 71 km/h. Highway range 550 km. Armor: hull front/side/anti-shell turret. Armament: 120 mm CN-120-26 cannon, two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition supply: 40 shells, 2800 caliber rounds. Manufacturer: GIAT plant. Year of adoption: 1992.

4. tactical and technical characteristics of the main types of weapons and military equipment of Great Britain


Automatic rifle L85A1

Weight, kg – 3.5

Caliber, mm – 5.56

Rate of fire, rpm – 650

Sighting range, m – 600

Food: Store-bought, pat. - thirty

Single machine gun L6A1

Weight, kg – 9.45

Caliber, mm – 7.62

Rate of fire, rpm – 950

Sighting range, m – 2000

Feeding tape, pat. – 120

MCV-80 “Warrior”

Weight 23.5t.

Crew and troops 3+7 people

Armament30 mm cannon, 7.62 mm machine gun

Diesel engine 550 l. With.

Maximum speed 75 km/h.

Tanks: Mk 5 “Chieftain”

Weight 55 tons. Diesel engine "Leyland" L60. Power 810 hp. Maximum speed 48 km/h. Highway range 500 km. Armor: hull front/side/turret 120/51/150 mm. Armament: 120 mm M-68 cannon, two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition supply: 64 shells, 6600 rounds of 7.62 caliber. Crew 4 people. Manufacturer: Vickers. Year of adoption: 1963.

Mk1 Challenger

Length 11.6 m. Height 2.5 m. Width 3.5 m. Weight 62 tons. Diesel engine "Rolls-Royce" CVT12TCA. Power 1200 hp. Maximum speed 56 km/h. Highway range 400 km. Armor: hull front/side/anti-shell turret. Armament: 120 mm A7/L11A5 cannon, two 7.62 mm machine guns. Ammunition supply: 64 shells, 4000 rounds of 7.62 caliber.. Crew of 4 people. Manufacturer: Leeds plant. Year of adoption: 1981.